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    1.Wh gt the ty car at last?
    2.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.At an airprt.B.In a htel.C.In a library.
    3.Why des the wman want t return the trusers?
    A.They are uncmfrtable.
    B.Their pckets are t big.
    C.They are t expensive.
    4.Hw des the man feel abut the prblem?
    A.He is angry.B.He is understanding.C.He is cnfused.
    5.What's the man ding nw?
    A.Having a swim.
    B.Ging shpping.
    C.Eating sme ice cream.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    6.What shuld the man d when he gets ut f the train statin?
    A.G right.B.G left.C.Walk straight.
    7.Where des the man want t g?
    A.T a bank.B.T a pst ffice.C.T a museum.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    8.What will Antn d fr the fashin shw?
    A.Sell the tickets.B.Place lights.C.Prepare CDs.
    9.Wh will help with the cstumes?
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    10.On which day will the speakers g camping?
    A.The 23rd.B.The 24th.C.The 26th.
    11.What des the man like best abut Shepsite?
    A.The basketball hall.
    B.The ftball field.
    C.The swimming pl.
    12.Hw much will the wman need t pay fr the trip every night?
    A. £4.B. £5.C. £6.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    13.What will Ben d this mrning?
    A.G t the dentist.B.Have his hair cut.C.Buy sme new shes.
    14.Wh is ging t the cncert this evening?
    15.When will Jhn g t the driving schl?
    A.In the mrning.B.At lunchtime.C.In the afternn.
    16.What has the wman's father started ding recently?
    A.Playing glf.
    B.Teaching evening classes.
    C.Learning a language.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    17.Why des the speaker give the talk?
    A.T aruse the awareness f prtecting wildlife.
    B.T encurage schlchildren t enter a cmpetitin.
    C.T make mre peple interested in butterflies.
    18.What can third-prize winners get?
    A.A ticket t a wildlife center.
    B.A printed T-shirt.
    C.A cap.
    19.What des Jhn Smith prbably d?
    A.A yung actr.B.A scientist.C.A phtgrapher.
    20.When will the cmpetitin results be shwn?
    A.Befre March 7.B.On March 10.C.On March 12.
    With ver 600 castles, unique cultural traditins and dramatic castline, it's shcking that nly a small percentage f visitrs t the United Kingdm set ft in Wales. Here's what t knw fr planning yur trip t Wales.
    Planning Yur Trip
    Best Time t Visit: Wales is at its best frm the late spring thrugh early summer. Yu can expect a fair bit f rain, but als beautiful flwers then. Wales's mild, damp climate means that there's nly a small variatin amng temperatures thrughut the year.
    Language: English and Welsh, the latter f which has seen a resurgence (in recent years. Accrding t a survey cnducted by the Welsh gvernment in early 2023, less than 30 percent f the ppulatin can speak Welsh. The gvernment aims t have 1 millin Welsh speakers by 2050.
    Getting Arund: Wales is a tiny cuntry-yu can drive frm Cardiff, alng the Suthern cast, t Angelsey, an island in the nrth, in abut 4.5 hurs. Wales is als supprted by an excellent netwrk f cycling and rail cnnectins.
    Things t D
    Activities can include everything frm visiting the many famus televisin and film sites t simply lying n ne f Wales's sandy beaches.
    ●Spend at least a day r tw in Cardiff, Wales's largest city. This university twn has excellent nightlife and restaurants and is als hme t the Natinal Museum f Wales, which huses ne f Eurpe's best cllectins f Impressinist art.
    ●Wales is a surfing ht spt, with surfers taking t the sea in Whitesands and Freshwater West in Pembrkeshire, Oxwich Bay, and Llangennith in Gwer, amng thers. Want t get yur feet wet in a milder envirnment? Adventure Parc Snwdnia has an artificial wave pnd, perfect fr beginners.
    21.What's an effect f Wales's climate?
    A.Late summer is the best time t visit Wales.
    B.There is always unexpected rain in Wales.
    C.Beautiful flwers can be seen in Wales thrughut the year.
    D.The temperature in Wales stays relatively stable (稳定的) all year rund.
    22.Adventure Parc Snwdnia is a gd chice fr thse wh
    A.want t start learning t surf
    B.enjy challenging themselves
    C.like surfing in a natural envirnment
    D.desire t becme prfessinal surfers
    23.What can be knwn frm the text?
    A.Angelsey is a dzen hurs' drive away frm Cardiff.
    B.The majrity f Welsh peple are unable t speak Welsh.
    C.Wales enjys a great ppularity amng visitrs t the UK.
    D.Eurpe's largest cllectin f Impressinist art is in Wales.
    A nine-year-ld by has set a new 5km parkrun wrld recrd fr his age grup. Luis Rbinett, a member f the Ple Runners junir athletics club, shaved (消减) 13 secnds ff the previus wrld recrd, which was set in Califrnia in 2017, after he crssed the line in 17 minutes and 40 secnds.
    Luis, wh brke the recrd at the Ple parkrun in Drset n Saturday, said, "I'm ver the mn right nw. It's a huge deal t break a wrld recrd. I culdn't have dne it withut the supprt f my family and the team at Ple Runners."
    Luis was accmpanied n the parkrun by Din Garner, a member f his athletics club, as all under-11s in the 5km event must run within arm's length f an adult. Garner said f Luis's achievement, "His natural talent, cmbined with his dedicatin and spirit, is mind blwing (令人振奋的) . He lves the sprts and has really practiced a lt." A spkesman fr Ple Runners said, "With his new wrld recrd, Luis has raised the bar fr yung athletes everywhere. This isn't just a win fr Luis, it's a new benchmark (标准) fr yuth sprts, inspiring children all ver the wrld t aim higher."
    Parkrun was started by 13 friends as a weekly event in Bushy Park, suthwest Lndn, in 2004. By 2015 mre than 80,000 peple were gathering in parks arund the wrld each Saturday t participate in a parkrun. Only three years later abut a quarter f a millin peple were taking p art in park runs each week, in 1,500 events spread acrss 20 cuntries. In cmparisn, 48,000 runners tk part in the Lndn Marathn this year.
    24.What is the previus 5km parkrun wrld recrd?
    A.17 minutes and 27 secnds.B.17 minutes and 23 secnds.
    C.17 minutes and 40 secnds.D.17 minutes and 53 secnds.
    25.Hw was Luis after breaking the wrld recrd?
    A.Amazed and relieved.B.mdest and satisfied.
    C.Prud and grateful.D.Thrilled and shcked.
    26.What des the underlined wrd "dedicatin" in Paragraph 3 mean?
    27.What can we knw frm Paragraph 4?
    A.Parkrun is ancient but increasingly ppular.
    B.Standards are needed t make parkrun frmal.
    C.Parkrun riginates frm friends' run during the week.
    D.Over 20 cuntries are cmpeting t hst a parkrun.
    Animal lvers visiting the China Cnservatin and Research Center fr the Giant Panda in Ya'an f Sichuan prvince earlier this week were in fr a pleasant surprise. They gt t see cuddly (讨人喜爱的) pandas and watched animal-themed films as part f the 9th Ya'an Panda and Nature Film Week that cncluded n Friday.
    Spnsred by the China Film Archive and the Ya'an gvernment, the event, which began n Mnday, held a series f activities, including a children's film develpment sympsium (研讨会) , film screenings and displays shwing paintings f giant pandas.
    One f the highlights f the event was that 1,735 films frm 109 cuntries and regins were submitted, f which 104 were selected fr the film week, accrding t its rganizing cmmittee.
    These selected films featured themes such as animal prtectin, the envirnment, rainfrest eclgy, wildlife and caring fr endangered species. Thanks t the recmmendatin f experts frm varius fields and representatives frm the film industry, 42 f the films were shwn t the public at 48 sites in Ya'an frm Mnday t Friday, with 57 free screenings, the cmmittee had said.
    Jiang Duan, a lcal resident f Yucheng district f Ya'an, said that he had been deeply mved after watching a film abut hw lcal fficials in charge f envirnmental prtectin and lcal villagers in a Chinese city wrk tgether, vercming multiple difficulties t imprve the quality f water in the village. "Thanks t the hard wrk f peple in charge f envirnmental prtectin natinwide, the envirnment is imprving", Jiang said.
    The event aimed t prmte the cncepts f green technlgy, eclgy, lw-carbn emissins and envirnmental prtectin. The inherent (固有的) green status f Ya'an is quite in line with the green, lw-carbn and envirnmentally friendly status advcated by the film week, said Lin Siwei, deputy directr f the China Film Archive.
    Ya'an will take this film week as an pprtunity t make psitive cntributins t cexistence between humans and nature and accelerate the cnstructin f an imprtant destinatin fr giant panda cultural turism, Mayr Peng Yingmei said.
    28.What is the purpse f Paragraph 1?
    A.T present a fact.B.T raise a questin.
    C.T intrduce a tpic.D.T make a cmparisn.
    29.What's the typical theme f the selected films?
    A.Endangered animals' prtectin.B.Caring fr children.
    C.Turism eclgical envirnment.D.Cperatin f 109 cuntries.
    30.What can we learn abut Jiang Duan accrding t Paragraph 5?
    A.He advcates envirnmental prtectin natinwide.
    B.He deeply impresses the lcal residents in Ya'an.
    C.He takes charge f the envirnmental prtectin department.
    D.He appreciates the cperative wrk f lcal fficials and villagers.
    31.What is the best title fr the passage?
    A.Pandas Need t Be Prtected
    B.Ya'an Is a Place Wrth Visiting
    C.A Wnderful Envirnmental Prtectin Activity
    D.Animals and Nature in Fcus at Ya'an Film Week
    Brainstrming usually means getting a grup f peple tgether t generate new ideas. I have fund a unique way f brainstrming by getting the artificial intelligence prgram ChatGPT t generate interesting questins and answers.
    I am nw wrking n a chapter n musical cnsciusness and ChatGPT has generated great questins like "What are gd questins abut the rle f cnsciusness in music? "Typically, ChatGPT prduces 10-20 new questins including nes that prbably wuld nt have ccurred t me even with quite a lt f research. The questins generated by ChatGPT are distinct. Many f them are surprising, and sme f them are highly valuable. Therefre, ChatGPT's questin generatin seems t me t qualify as creative.
    After ChatGPT generates a list f questins, yu can get it t answer ne questin at a time. This prcess f getting ChatGPT t prvide questins and answers culd g n and n and n, althugh sme repetitin will turn up. The questins are always interesting, but I dn't trust the answers until I can check them ut in reliable surces because ChatGPT has a bad reputatin fr making stuff up.
    I call this new methd "ChatStrming", but it raises sme difficult questins: the first is whether it is plagiarism (剽窃) t use answers prvided by ChatGPT. ChatGPT has n t its materials. Hwever, it wuld still be intellectually dishnest t claim the writing prduced by ChatGPT as yur wn. The secnd: Is ChatGPT truly capable f generating new ideas? ChatGPT is skillful at prducing creative questins, but hw abut cncepts, hyptheses (假设) , and methds? T my astnishment, the results are definitely nvel and surprising, but I dn't yet knw whether they can als be valuable. It will take much testing and evaluatin t determine whether ChatGPT and even better mdels like GPT-4 can be creative with new ideas as well as questins.
    A third questin is what it wuld take fr a large language mdel t dminate humans. Large language mdels are majr advances in AI that can further imprve human creativity, but they are t be cnfirmed.
    32.Fr what purpse did the authr use ChatGPT?
    A.T seek sme musical help.B.T imprve his music taste.
    C.T questin its safety.D.T study its limitatins.
    33.What can we learn abut ChatGPT's answers frm the third paragraph?
    A.The authr refuses t accept them.B.The authr can easily understand them.
    C.The authr thinks highly f them.D.The authr is cautius f accepting them.
    34.Hw des the authr view ChatGPT accrding t the last tw paragraphs?
    A.It can be used as freely as pssible.B.It can prvide mre valuable methds.
    C.Its creativity requires t be tested.D.It can benefit humans a lt.
    35.Where is the text mst prbably frm?
    A.A technlgy reprt.B.A prduct intrductin.
    C.A natural science magazine.D.A persnal blg.
    36.Music can relax the mind, energize the bdy, and even help peple better manage pain. ①______ Music therapy (疗法) is an interventin smetimes used t prmte emtinal health, help patients cpe with stress, and bst psychlgical well-being.
    Research suggests that backgrund music imprves mental perfrmance. Playing mre psitive music leads t imprvements in prcessing speed. S next time yu are wrking n a task, turn n a little music in the backgrund fr a bst in yur mental perfrmance.
    Music can help yu eat less.
    Music can be a helpful weight-lss tl. T lse weight, listen t sft music and dim the lights. Accrding t ne study, peple eating at lw-lit restaurants where sft music was played cnsumed less fd. ③______ where participants may cnsume their fd mre slwly and feel full sner.
    Music can help yu sleep better
    ④______ While there are many appraches t treating this prblem, research has demnstrated that listening t relaxing classical music can be a safe, effective, and affrdable therapy.
    Music can help yu manage pain
    Research has shwn that music can be very helpful in the management f pain. One study f fibrmyalgia (纤维性肌痛) patients fund that thse wh listened t music fr ne hur a day experienced a significant reductin in pain. ⑤______
    A. Music can reduce stress
    B. Music can imprve mental perfrmance
    C. The psychlgical effects f music can be pwerful
    D. Music and lighting help create a mre relaxing setting
    E. Sme peple enjy listening t music befre they g t sleep
    F. Such a result suggests music therapy can help treat sme diseases
    Jhn and David were clse friends. But their views n many things 1 . Besides, when it came t their 2 , Jhn was ht tempered (脾气暴躁的) but David was a cl headed persn. Despite these, they maintained a brtherhd relatinship. And they 3 an apartment in Lndn.
    One day, they ate ut fr dinner and David lcked the dr. After returning hme, they were 4 t see their lck brken and find ut the lss f valuables. 5 , theft had taken place in their apartment. In n time, Jhn said David shuld accept full 6 and that David shuldn’t shw a(n) 7 attitude twards their safety. David 8 that the prblem lay in the lck itself nt himself. But Jhn cmpletely 9 his explanatin and tld David t part frm him. David fund this a bit 10 and stepped ut f the apartment with his luggage.
    Later, David carefully reprted the incident t the plice. They finally discvered sme fingerprints n the drawers after fully 11 the apartment. With this 12 , they caught the criminal sn. It turned ut that the screws (螺丝) f the lck had lsened. S the criminal culd break int the apartment withut 13 . After Jhn knew he had 14 David, he regretted what he had dne and aplgized t David. They are friends again. The event let Jhn understand that cming t a(n) 15 withut thinking f the situatin can lead t a shame.
    37.A. differedB. mixedC. changedD. frmed
    38.A. persnalitiesB. advantagesC. emtinsD. beliefs
    39.A. sldB. repairedC. sharedD. designed
    40.A. tiredB. shckedC. mvedD. excited
    41.A. SuddenlyB. SecretlyC. ClearlyD. Naturally
    42.A. riskB. respnsibilityC. pprtunityD. hnr
    43.A. psitiveB. seriusC. uncertainD. uncncerned
    44.A. arguedB. acceptedC. regrettedD. wrried
    45.A. frgtB. adptedC. cpiedD. ignred
    46.A. creativeB. bringC. imprtantD. unbearable
    47.A. lking upB. lking utC. lking intD. lking thrugh
    48.A. suggestinB. requirementC. imaginatinD. evidence
    49.A. hpeB. prtectinC. guidanceD. difficulty
    50.A. frightenedB. mistakenC. challengedD. annyed
    51.A. agreementB. cnclusinC. cntributinD. arrangement
    52.Huazha Festival has remained silent fr centuries. Hwever, the traditinal festival ①______ is clsely related t spring is cming back t life, thanks t increasing enthusiasm fr traditinal Chinese culture ②______ a rising demand fr seasnal sightseeing turs.
    Huazha Festival is said t be celebrated as the birthday f the flwer gddess in every secnd mnth n the Chinese lunar calendar. Its rigin can date back ③______ the perid befre the Qin Dynasty and was ④______ (fficial) set as a festival during the Sui and Tang dynasties. During the Tang Dynasty, the festival ⑤______ (fall) n the 15th day f the secnd lunar mnth. It was ne f the three natinwide celebratins back then. The ther tw were Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
    Hwever, the timing f the festival varies between regins, because f the difference in when flwering begins. As ⑥______ result, many parts f the cuntry tk turns ⑦______ (launch) their celebratins as if presenting a feast fr the eyes in relay.
    Despite ⑧______ (variety) highlights, the festive celebratins acrss different regins shared the features f hanfu-a traditinal Chinese style f clthing-and flwer appreciatin. Its renaissance reflects the change in yung peple's aesthetic rientatin (审美取向) , emtinal needs and cnsumptin preferences, and indicates their ⑨______ (recgnize) f excellent traditinal Chinese culture. Behind that is the ⑩______ (grw) cultural cnfidence amng yung peple.
    Dear Peter,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Jenny was the nly child in her hme. She had a quarrel with her mther that afternn and she ran ut f the huse angrily. She culdn't help weeping srrwfully when she thught f the sclding frm her mther. Having wandered aimlessly in the street fr hurs, she felt a little hungry and wished fr smething t eat, but it was nt even pssible fr her, since she had nthing with her. She std beside a stand(货摊) fr a while, watching the middle-aged seller busy ding his business. Hwever, with n mney in hand, she sighed and had t leave.
    The seller behind the stand nticed the yung girl and asked, "Hey, girl, yu want t have the ndles?"
    "Oh, yes... but I dn't have mney n me..." she replied.
    "That's nthing. I'll treat yu tday," said the man, "cme in."
    The seller brught her a bwl f ndles, whse smell was s attractive. As she was eating, Jenny cried silently.
    "What is it?" asked the man kindly.
    "Nthing, actually I was just tuched by yur kindness!" said Jenny as she wiped her tears, "Even a stranger n the street will give me a bwl f ndles, while my mther, drve me ut f the huse. She shwed n care fr me. She is s merciless cmpared t a stranger!"
    Hearing the wrds, the seller smiled, "Girl, d yu really think s? I nly gave yu a bwl f ndles and yu thanked me a lt. But it is yur mther wh has raised yu since yu were a baby. Can yu number the times she cked fr yu? Have yu expressed yur gratitude t her?"
    Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shck; she remembered mther's familiar face and weathered hands. "Why did I nt think f that? A bwl f ndles frm a stranger made me feel indebted, but I have never thanked my mum fr what she has dne fr me."
    On the way hme, Jenny made up her mind t make an aplgy t her mther fr her rudeness as sn as she arrived hme.
    Nearing the drway, Jenny tk a deep breath.
    A gentle tuch n her hair called her mind back.
    解析:M: Yesterday Aunt Helen gave Lily a nice ty car. But Lily gave it t Frank.
    W: I knw. Eddie tld me abut it.
    解析:W: Excuse me,I'm bked n Flight 645 t Lndn which leaves at 8:45. And the check in time isn't until 7:35. Wuld it be pssible t check my bags in a little earlier?
    M: Srry, madam. I'm afraid yu have t wait until 7:35.
    解析:W: Can yu and yur dad take the trusers back t the shp, Oliver?
    M: But I lve these. Lk at the big pckets. They are great fr schl. And they are cmfrtable.
    W: I knw, but they cst t much.
    解析:W: This bill lists the cttn shirts as 25 dllars, but they shuld have been listed as 30 dllars. Nw we have t send anther nte t the stre.
    M: Dn't wrry. Anyne can make a mistake.
    W: Thanks fr yur understanding.
    解析:W: We have t leave nw. Mm and Dad want us t g shpping with them.
    M: D I have t g with yu? It's s relaxing here in the sun.
    W: Yeah. But Dad says we're ging t g t a fast-fd shp and get sme ice cream.
    M: OK, then. I'm just ging t have ne last swim thugh.
    解析:M: Culd yu tell me hw t get there? We're cming by train.
    W: Certainly. When yu get ut f the train statin, yu'll see the library right acrss the street. Just walk dwn t the crner.
    M: D I g right r left ut f the train statin?
    W: G right and walk dwn t the crner. Right there n the crner yu'll see a bank and acrss the street n the ppsite crner is the pst ffice. There are sme ffice buildings acrss the street, t. Anyhw, yu just g right at the crner, pass the car park and yu'll see the museum right there in the middle f the blck.
    解析:W: We're having a fashin shw at schl again.
    M: Great. What are yu helping with, Julia?
    W: I'm ging t sell the tickets. Antn wanted t have special lights but the teacher says we dn't need them. S he's finding CDs t play in the shw.
    M: Karl's gd at art, isn't he?
    W: Yes, he's drawing sme paintings.
    M: Is Sarah helping?
    W: She's deciding what everyne will wear.
    解析:M: I've been thinking abut next mnth's camping trip.
    W: We've gt it planned fr the 23rd t the 26th if I'm nt mistaken.
    M: Yes, yu're right. I wasn't happy with the camp we used last year. It was rather small. This year I did sme searching and I’ve fund a perfect place. It's called Shepsite. It's a huge site and it's near a lvely lake. There's a basketball hall and a ftball field. But what interests me is its large swimming pl.
    W: Hw abut the cst?
    M: They said they wuld give me a gd price.
    W: If I remember crrectly, we paid £5 a head last year.
    M: Well, at this campsite it's nly £4 a head every night.
    W: Great!
    解析:M: Hi, Mary. What abut a game f tennis sme time?
    W: I'd like t, Jack, but nt tday. I'm really busy.
    M: Oh, I'm srry t hear that. Anything I can help with?
    W: Well, Ben has gt a tthache, s I'm ging t take him t the dentist this mrning.
    M: Oh dear!
    W: And then my mther's ging t the barbershp this afternn and I said I wuld drive her hme afterwards. Then
    Judy wants me t help her buy sme new shes. She desn't like shpping alne.
    M: My daughter desn't like shpping alne either. Yu're ging t the cncert this evening, aren't yu?
    W: I'm afraid nt, but Billy lves classical music, s he'll g.
    M: Oh gd. By the way, has Jhn started driving yet?
    W: He's having his first lessn tday. He's ging t the driving schl at lunchtime. He's really excited abut it.
    M: I'm sure he is. Hw's yur father? Des he still play glf?
    W: N, nt any mre, but he's started learning Spanish. Actually, he's gt a class this evening!
    M: Gd fr him. Well, perhaps we can g t the tennis club tmrrw?
    W: OK!
    解析:Are yu interested in art and wildlife? Why nt enter ur special cmpetitin fr schls? I’m sure yu knw hw valuable many wild animals are t us- frm birds t fish. Well, we want t create mre interest in butterflies, and that's why we want pstcard designs f them fr the cmpetitin. They must be hand-drawn and any schlchild can enter. Prizes this year are great. First-prize winners take a trip t ur wildlife center in Lndn. Secnd-prize winners receive a printed T-shirt with the winning design n it and third-place artists will receive a cap. There are tw great judges. We've gt the yung actr Tby Shre and Jhn Smith, the scientist wh's been wrking with ur phtgraphers and the rest f the team n ur prjects. Yu’ve gt ver a mnth t wrk n yur ideas and create yur artwrk. Judges will make their final decisin n March 10th, s yur wrk must be in befre the 7th. If yu want t check the results, see ur website n March 12th.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Planning Yur Trip部分的"Wales's mild, damp climate means that there's nly a small variatin amng temperatures thrughut the year.(威尔士温和潮湿的气候意味着全年气温变化很小。) "可知,威尔士的气候的影响是威尔士的气 温全年相对稳定。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段"Adventure Parce Snwdnia has an artificial wave pnd, perfect fr beginners.(Adventure Parc Snwdnia有一个人工波浪池,非常适合初学者。)"可知,对于那些想开始学习冲浪的人来说,Adventure Parc Snwdnia是一个 不错的选择。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Planning Yur Trip部分的"Accrding t a survey cnducted by the Welsh gvernment in early 2023, less than 30 percent f the ppulatin can speak Welsh.(根据威尔士政府在2023年初进行的一项调查,只有不到30%的人口会说威尔士 语。)"可知,大多数威尔士人不会说威尔士语。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段"Luis Rbinett, a member f the Ple Runners junir athletics club, shaved 13 secnds ff the previus wrld recrd, which was set in Califrmia in 2017, after he crssed the line in 17 minutes and 40 secnds.(普尔跑者青少年田径 俱乐部的成员路易斯罗比内特以17分40秒的成绩冲过终点线,将2017年在加州创下的世界纪录缩短了13秒)"可知,之前的松公 里公园跑世界纪录是17分40秒+13秒=17分53秒。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段"Luis, wh brke the recrd at the Ple parkrun in Drset n Saturday, said, "I'm n tp f the wrld right nw. It's a huge deal t break a wrld recrd. I culdn't have dne it withut the supprt f my family and the team at Ple Runners"(周六,路易斯在多塞特郡的普尔公园赛跑中打破了纪录,他说: "我现在站在世界之巅。打破世界纪录是件大事。如 果没有我的家人和普尔跑步队的支持,我不可能做到这一点。")"可推知,路易斯打破世界纪录后感觉感激和自豪。故选C。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线词后文"He lves the sprts and has really practiced a lt.(他热爱这项运动,并且练习了很多) "可 知,路易斯为这项运动付出了很多努力,练习了很多。故划线词意思是“努力”。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段"Parkrun was started by 13 friends as a weekly event in Bushy Park, suthwest Lndn, in 2004. (2004年,13个朋友在伦敦西南部的布什公园发起了每周一次的Parkrun活动)"可知,Parkrun来源于朋友们在一周内的跑步。故 选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Animal lvers visiting the China Cnservatin and Research Center fr the Giant Panda in Ya'an f Sichuan prvince earlier this week were in fr a pleasant surprise. They gt t see cuddly pandas and watched animal-themed films as part f the 9th Ya’an Panda and Nature Film Week that cncluded n Friday.(本周早些时候,参观四川雅安中国大熊猫保护研究中心 的动物爱好者们将会有一个惊喜。作为周五结束的第九届雅安熊猫与自然电影周的一部分,他们看到了可爱的熊猫,观看了动 物主题电影)”可推知,第段的目的是引入文章话题。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“These selected films featured themes such as animal prtectin, the envirnment, rainfrest eclgy, wildlife and caring fr endangered species.(这些精选影片的主题包括动物保护、环境、热带雨林生态、野生动物和保护濒 危物种)”可知,入选影片的典型主题是濒危动物保护。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段" "Thanks t the hard wrk f peple in charge f envirnmental prtectin natinwide, the envirnment is imprving", Jiang said.(江说: "由于全国环境保护负责人的辛勤工作,环境正在改善。")"可知,江段赞赏当地官 员和村民的合作工作。故选D。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段"Animal lvers visiting the China Cnservatin and Research Center fr the Giant Panda in Ya'an f Sichuan prvince earlier this week were in fr a pleasant surprise. They gt t see cuddly pandas and watched animal-themed films as part f the 9th Ya'an Panda and Nature Film Week that cncluded n Friday(本周早些时候,参观四川雅安中国大熊猫保护研究中心 的动物爱好者们将会有一个惊喜。作为周五结束的第九届雅安熊猫与自然电影周的一部分,他们看到了可爱的熊猫,观看了动物主题电影) "结合文章主要说明了四川雅安中国大熊猫保护研究中心的动物爱好者在第九届雅安熊猫与自然电影周结束的时 候,观看了动物主题电影。文章介绍了此次活动的情况。可知,D选项“雅安电影周聚焦动物与自然”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    解析:根据第二段中的“I am nw wrking n a chapter n musical cnsciusness and ChatGPT has generated great questins...”可知,作者使用ChatGPT 是为了得到有关音乐方面的帮助。故选A。
    解析:根据第三段中的“The questins are always interesting, but I dn't trust the answers until I can check them ut in reliable surces because ChatGPT has a bad reputatin fr making stuff up.”可知,作者对ChatGPT 给出的答案持谨慎态度。故选D。
    解析:根据倒数第二段中的“It will take much testing and evaluatin t determine whether ChatGPT and even better mdels like GPT-4 can be creative with new ideas as well as questins.”和最后一段中的“Large language mdels are majr advances in AI that can further imprve human creativity, but they are t be cnfirmed.”可知,ChatGPT的创造力还有待检验。故 选C。
    解析:由文章内容可知,文中作者分享了自己的 ChatGPT使用体验以及一些相关的观点,所以本文最 有可能出自个人博客。故选D。
    解析:①由上文"Music can relax the mind, energize the bdy, and even help peple better manage pain.(音乐可以放松心灵,给身体 注入活力,甚至可以帮助人们更好地控制疼痛)"可知,音乐很强大,由下文"Music therapy is an interventin smetimes used t prmte emtinal health, help patients cpe with stress, and bst psychlgical well-being.(音乐疗法是一种有时用来促进情绪健 康、帮助患者应对压力和提高心理健康的干预措施) "可知,下文再次印证了音乐对心理影响强大,故C项"The psychlgical effects f music can be pwerful (音乐的心理影响是强大的) "能承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
    ②由下文"Research suggests that backgrund music imprves mental perfrmance. Playing mre psitive music leads t imprvements in prcessing speed. S next time yu are wrking n a task, turn n a little music in the backgrund fr a bst in yur mental perfrmance.(研究表明,背景音乐可以提高心理表现。播放更积极的音乐可以提高处理速度。所以,下次你在做一项任务时,在背景中攝放一些音乐,以提高你的心理表现)"可知,本段主要叙述音乐可以提高心理表现,故B项"Music can imprve mental perfrmance(音乐可以改善心理表现) "与空格处后的内容相呼应,可以作为本段小标题。故选B。
    ③由上文"Music can be a helpful weight-lss tl. T lse weight, listen t sft music and dim the lights. Accrding t ne study, peple eating at lw-lit restaurants where sft music was played cnsumed less fd.(音乐是一种有益的减肥工具。为了减肥, 听轻柔的音乐,调暗灯光。根据一项研究,在灯光昏暗、播放柔和音乐的餐厅用餐的人消耗的食物更少)"可知,下面要说跟“音 乐和灯光”有关的话题,故D项"Music and lighting help create a mre relaxing setting(音乐和灯光有助于创造一个更轻松的环 境) "能承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
    ④由上文"Music can help yu sleep better (音乐可以帮助你睡得更好) "和下文"While there are many appraches t treating this prblem research has demnstrated that listening t relaxing classical music can be a safe, effective, and affrdable therapy.(虽然有 很多方法可以治疗这个问题,但研究表明,听一些轻松的古典音乐是一种安全、有效、经济的疗法) "可知,空处应陈述失眠问题,一次引出下文解提出决该问题的方法。故G项"Sleeplessness is a prblem that affects peple f different age grups (失眠是一个影响不同年龄组的人的问题)能承上启下,符合题意。空后的)"his prblem"指代G描述的问题。故选G。
    ⑤空处位于段末,应承接上文。由上文"Research has shwn that music can be very helpful in the management f pain. One study f fibrmyalgia(纤维性肌痛)patients fund that thse wh listened t music fr ne hur a day experienced a significant reductin in pain.(研究表明,音乐对治疗疼痛有很大帮助。一项针对纤维肌痛患者的研究发现,那些每天听一小时音乐的人疼 痛明显减轻) "可知,音乐可以帮助病人减轻疼痛,F项"Such a result suggests music therapy can help treat sme diseases (这样的结 果表明音乐疗法可以帮助治疗一些疾病) "符合语境。故选F。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是他们在很多事情上的观点都不同。A. differed不同;B. mixed混合;C. changed改变;D. frmed形成。根据下文可知,他们在很多事情上观点不同。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,当涉及他们的个性时,Jhn 是脾气暴躁的,但 David 是一个冷静的人。A. persnalities个性;B. advantages优点;C. emtins情感;D. beliefs信仰。根据“Jhn was ht tempered (脾气暴躁的) but David was a cl headed persn.”可知,此处是说他们的个性。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们在伦敦合住了一套公寓。A. sld出售;B. repaired修理;C. shared分享;合用;D. designed设计。 根据上文“Jhn and David were clse friends.”和“Despite these, they maintained a brtherhd relatinship.”可知,他们是朋友,所以应该是合住公寓。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回家后,他们震惊地发现门锁被打破了,发现值钱的东西都丢了。A. tired疲倦的;B. shcked震惊的;C. mved感动的;D. excited兴奋的。根据“t see their lck brken and find ut the lss f valuables.”可知,他们看到家里被盗应该是震惊的。故选 B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:显然,他们的公寓被盗了。A. Suddenly突然;B. Secretly秘密地;C. Clearly清楚地;明显地;D. Naturally自然地。结合上文可知,门锁被打破以及发现值钱的东西都丢了,可推断出是被盗了,这是很明显的事情。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,Jhn说David应该承担全部责任,David不应该对他们的安全表现出漠不关心的态度。A. risk风险;B. respnsibility责任;C. pprtunity机会;D. hnr荣誉。根据可知,Jhn认为David应该承担物品被盗的责任。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很快,Jhn说David应该承担全部责任,David不应该对他们的安全表现出漠不关心的态度。David 对此提出异议,认为问题出在锁上,而不是他自己。A. psitive积极的;B. serius严肃的;C. uncertain不确定的;D. uncncerned不关心的。根据“that the prblem lay in the lck itself nt himself.”可知,David 不认为自己有责任,他认为David不应该对安全表现出不关心的态度。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:David 争辩说问题出在锁本身而不是他自己。A. argued争论;B. accepted接受;C. regretted后悔;D. wrried担心。根据“that the prblem lay in the lck itself nt himself.”可知,David不认同 Jhn 的看法,所以争辩表示不是自己的问题。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:但Jhn 完全不理会他的解释,并叫David 离开他。A. frgt忘记;B. adpted采纳;C. cpied复制;D. ignred忽视。根据“and tld David t part frm him.”可知,Jhn没有听David 的解释,忽视了他的辩解。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:David觉得这有点难以忍受,于是带着行李走出了公寓。A. creative有创造力的;B. bring无聊的;C. imprtant重要的;D. unbearable难以忍受的。根据“and stepped ut f the apartment with his luggage.”可知,David忍受不了Jhn的指责,所以搬了出去。故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他们仔细检查了公寓之后,终于在抽屉上发现了一些指纹。A. lking up查找;B. lking ut注意;C. lking int调查;D. lking thrugh浏览,检查。 根据“Later, David carefully reprted the incident t the plice.”可知,警察仔细调查了公寓被盗情况。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:有了这些证据,他们很快就抓住了罪犯。A. suggestin建议;B. requirement要求;C. imaginatin想象;D. evidence证据。他们找到了指纹,所以有了证据,很快就抓住了罪犯。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以罪犯可以毫不费力地闯入公寓。A. hpe希望;B. prtectin保护;C. guidance指导;D. difficulty困难。根据“It turned ut that the screws (螺丝) f the lck had lsened.”可知,锁的螺丝松了,所以罪犯进入房间没有困难,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Jhn知道他错怪了David之后,他对自己的所作所为感到后悔,并向大卫道歉。A. frightened使害怕;B. mistaken弄错;C. challenged挑战;D. annyed使恼怒。根据“he regretted what he had dne and aplgized t David.”可知,Jhn 知道自己错怪了David。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个事件让 Jhn明白,在没有考虑情况之前就妄下结论会导致尴尬。A. agreement协议;B. cnclusin结论;C. cntributin贡献;D. arrangement安排。根据“withut thinking f the situatin can lead t a shame.”可知,此处表示在没有考虑情况之前就妄下结论。cme t a cnclusin得出结论。故选B。
    52.答案:which/that;and;t;fficially;fell;a;t launch;varius/varied;recgnitin;grwing
    Dear Peter,
    I’m Li Hua, ne f yur students. I’m writing t render what I’ve fund abut students’ interest in ur English Crner.
    Aimed at cultivating students’ interest in English leaning, yur English Crner undubtedly ffers us students a great platfrm t enhance ur English prficiency. Hwever, I’ve fund students lacking enthusiasm t get invlved lately. I think it wuld be a gd idea t shwcase the unique charm f English Cmer by adding mre interactive activities like English Drama Perfrmance. Additinally, why nt undertake a survey t knw abut what really interests students?
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd make a bit change, in which case, the English Crner will surely becme ne f the fndest memries rted in ur hearts.
    Yurs truly,
    Li Hua
    1. 词汇积累
    2. 句式拓展
    原句: Hwever, I’ve fund students lacking enthusiasm t get invlved lately.
    拓展句:Hwever, I’ve fund students wh lack enthusiasm t get invlved lately.
    Nearing the drway, Jenny tk a deep breath. When she kncked at the dr, she fund the dr was lcked and her mther was nt in. Tired and sad, she sat dwn in frnt f the huse. “Where culd my mther be?” she wndered, “Was she still angry with me?” Again, the scene f the quarrel appeared in her mind. She remembered her rudeness t her mther. Realizing that all the sclding frm her mther was due t the fact that her mther really cared a lt abut her, she felt rather ashamed, and tears began t rll dwn her cheeks.
    A gentle tuch n her hair called her mind back. She raised her head and saw the familiar face f her mther. “Here yu cme! I've been lking fr yu,” she said, tired and relieved. Jenny culdn't help thrwing herself int her mther's arms. “Mum, I'm s srry and thank yu fr all yu have dne fr me.” She expressed her sincere aplgy and great gratitude. Hearing this, her mther smiled, patting her back gently.
    高分句型一:Tired and sad,she sat dwn in frnt f the huse.
    高分句型二:Hearing this,her mther smiled patting her back gently.

    上海市育才中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷: 这是一份上海市育才中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷,共11页。试卷主要包含了5分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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