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    这是一份2024年高考第二次模拟考试英语(九省新高考卷02)试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含英语九省新高考卷022024年高考第二次模拟考试全解全析docx、英语九省新高考卷022024年高考第二次模拟考试考试版A4docx、英语九省新高考022024年高考第二次模拟考试考试版A3docx、英语九省新高考022024年高考第二次模拟考试参考答案docx、英语九省新高考022024年高考第二次模拟考试答题卡docx、英语九省新高考022024年高考第二次模拟考试听力音频mp3等6份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1.What will the weather be like n Sunday?
    2.Wh is the man prbably?
    A.A hairdresser.B.A dressmaker.C.A dctr.
    3.When did the wman want t be a writer?
    A.When she was a kid.
    B.When she wrked at a bkstre.
    C.When she had sme bks published.
    4.Hw d the speakers feel nw?
    5.What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A.Pack sme bxes.B.G hme and rest.C.Cntinue wrking.
    6.What is the wman ding?
    A.Chatting nlineB.Reading sme news.C.Watching a game n TV.
    7.What des the wman think f Hilda Magaya’s perfrmance?
    A.Very bad.B.A bit dissatisfying.C.Surprisingly great.
    8.What was wrng with the wman’s car?
    A.Its battery was flat.B.Its petrl was used up.C.It was t ld t drive.
    9.What is the wman ging t d?
    A.Buy a new car.
    B.Recharge the battery at hme.
    C.Return the battery t the shp.
    10.What did Betty want t be when she was a child?
    A.A writer.B.A directr.C.A business wman.
    11.What is Betty’s mther interested in nw?
    A.Making desserts.B.Grwing plants.C.Writing stries.
    12.What des Betty think f her jb?
    13.Hw des the wman knw that the center has sme gd things?
    A.She saw its ad n TV.
    B.She heard its ad n the radi.
    C.She read its ad in the newspaper.
    14.Wh des the wman buy it fr?
    A.Her friend.B.Her husband.C.Her father.
    15.What size will the wman want?
    A.Size 38.B.Size 40.C.Size 42.
    16.Hw much is the tie?
    17.What prbably happened in Funtain Hills during the winter?
    A.It didn’t rain much.B.All animals died ff.C.Many chemicals were used.
    18.Which was a result f the envirnmental damage?
    A.Peple gt sick easily.
    B.Black birds were missing.
    C.The farmland culdn’t prduce fd.
    19.Why did a lt f bees disappear?
    A.They were eaten by birds.
    B.They were dying ff themselves.
    C.They were killed by the gvernment.
    20.What d the scientists ffer t d?
    A.Tell peple the imprtance f bees.
    B.Teach farmers hw t grw fd.
    C.Bring bees frm the twn.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Tp Pian Players in the Wrld
    Martha Argerich
    Martha Argerich culd be cnsidered the next Beethven, as she is ne f the mst utstanding pianists ever t play. Argerich preferred being n stage with thers instead f perfrming sl; therefre, she has been perfrming in a cncert frmat since the 1980s. Argerich was nt ne fr the sptlight, as she ften avided public appearances such as interviews; hwever, her great talent was all the publicity she needed, standing ut during cncerts and snatas.
    Leif Ove Andsnes
    Knwn fr his appealing perfrmances f Edvard Grieg’s wrks, Andsnes has wn praise fr his perfrmances at sme f the wrld’s mst famus cncert halls. Andsnes has certainly made his mark in Nrway, as he is the funding directr f Nrway’s Rsendal Chamber Music Festival. Because f his unique vice and interesting apprach, he was praised by The New Yrk Times as a “pianist f authritative elegance, pwer, and insight.”
    Alfred Brendel
    Knwn fr his beautiful interpretatins f Beethven, Haydn, Schubert and Mzart, Alfred Brendel was cnsidered ne f the greats. He played in varius cncerts thrughut his career and became knwn fr his interpretive cldness in recreating these wrks. Brendel was cnsidered ne f the greatest musicians f the 20th century, as he made his mark in the classical music industry. Brendel was self-taught and learned his lve f pian at an early age.
    Arthur Rubinstein
    Arthur Rubinstein was certainly ne f the greats. His career began in the early 20th century when he began t cme int cntact with sme f the wrld’s mst imprtant cmpsers, such as Maurice Ravel, Paul Dukas, and Jacques Thibaud. He made varius trips wrldwide and visited nearly every cntinent, where crwds met him with great praise and encuragement.
    21.What des the female pianist fcus n in her career?
    A.Skills in hsting cncerts and snatas.B.Cperatin with ther musicians.
    C.Clse relatinships with the media.D.Unique ways t interpret music.
    22.Wh learned music by himself r herself?
    A.Martha Argerich.B.Leif Ove Andsnes.
    C.Alfred Brendel.D.Arthur Rubinstein.
    23.Hw is Arthur Rubinstein different frm the ther pianists?
    A.He was the directr f a Nrwegian festival.
    B.He made a difference in classical music.
    C.He was the best musician f the 20th century.
    D.He gt in tuch with sme famus cmpsers.
    When I graduated frm cllege and mved t Washingtn, D.C. in 2017, I left all f my friends behind. Making and ffering hme-cked meals was my best attempt at making new friends and curing my lneliness. My fd was pretty gd. Sn enugh, everyne was asking me fr the recipes, which is hw Bun B Bae, my cking blg, came t be in 2019.
    As a matter f fact, I spent mst f my childhd in the kitchen with my mm. As a tddler, I'd sit and watch her ck. My duties started with just passing her the ingredients. Sn, I was measuring, steaming and stir- frying my way tward kitchen mastery. I left fr cllege befre I culd learn my mm's best dishes.
    In 2015, I went abrad t study in France. I was living alne—truly alne—fr the first time in my life. There were n rmmates, drms r dining halls. I was n my wn and I was desperately hmesick. S, I started calling my mm and asking fr the recipes fr my favrite dishes.
    It turns ut that my mm desn't have any recipes and my grandma passed n her knwledge rally. Nw it was my turn. Bun B Bae was initially a space fr me t put what I learned int writing. I didn't want all f the secret knwledge behind dishes t disappear ne day if the ral traditin ended. I wanted t write dwn every piece f advice I was given in detail, t make sure peple culd keep creating these dishes as authentically as pssible.
    My blg has given me a space t write abut what I lve n days when I feel t depressed. It's cnnected me t cuntless new Internet friends. Mst imprtantly, writing fr Bun B Bae has taught me that I shuld ck up smething entirely new with my wn experience instead f perfectly recreating my parents’ traditins.
    24.Why did the authr establish Bun B Bae?
    A.T remve the feeling f lneliness.B.T satisfy new friends' requirements.
    C.T try t imprve her cking skills.D.T share pinins n cking meals.
    25.What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The authr is a great helper in the kitchen.B.The authr has a memrable childhd.
    C.The authr makes prgress in cking.D.The authr fails t enjy the best dishes.
    26.Which f the fllwing can best describe the authr?
    A.Prfessinal and utging.B.Ambitius and caring.
    C.Independent and hnest.D.Generus and respnsible.
    27.Hw des Bun B Bae help the authr?
    A.By giving a chance t enrich her experience.B.By inspiring her t develp her creativity.
    C.By ffering a platfrm t express herself.D.By reminding her t spread her parents' traditins.
    Sme ants have figured ut hw t avid getting lst: build taller anthills, accrding t a recent study.
    Desert ants living in the ht, flat salt pans f Tunisia spend their days lking fr fd and reach as far as 1.1 kilmeters frm their nests. T find their way hme, desert ants use a navigatin system, relying n the sun’s psitin and cunting their steps t track their lcatin relative t their nest.
    But this system becmes increasingly unreliable as the distance frm the nest increases. “We realized that, whenever the ants in salt pans came clser t their nest, they suddenly pinpinted the nest hill frm several meters distance,” says Markus Knaden, a researcher at Max Planck Institute fr Chemical Eclgy. “This made us think that the hill serves as a nest-defining landmark.”
    S Knaden and clleagues captured ants frm nests in the middle f salt pans and frm alng their shrelines. Only salt-pan nests had distinct hills, up t 40 centimeters tall, whereas the hills n shreline nests were lwer r barely nticeable. Next, the team remved any hills and placed the captured insects sme distance away frm their nests. Salt-pan ants struggled mre than shre ants t find hmes. Shre ants relied n the shreline fr guidance and weren’t affected by the hill remval, the researchers cncluded.
    The team further cnducted anther study t see if desert ants were deliberately building a taller hill when their surrundings lacked any visible landmarks. S, the researchers remved the hills f 16 salt-pan nests and installed (安装) tw 50-centimeter-tall blcks near eight f them. The ther eight nests were left withut any artificial visual aid. After three days, the researchers fund that seven ants frm the unaided nests had rebuilt their hills. But nly tw ants frm the nests with man-made blcks nearby had bthered t rebuild.
    “It implies that ants regularly assess the cmplexity f their envirnment and change their decisins based n their cnclusin,” says eclgist Judith Brnstein f the University f Arizna.
    28.What aspect f ants is the recent study mainly abut?
    A.Challenges f survival.B.Landmarks f habitats.
    C.Intelligence f navigatin.D.Cmparisn f varieties.
    29.What des the underlined wrd “pinpinted” in paragraph 2 mean?
    30.Why did researchers set shreline ants in the experiment?
    A.T bserve different ants’ reactins.B.T prve impacts f varius habitats.
    C.T disturb desert ants’ navigatin system.D.T test anthills’ functins and significance.
    31.What cnclusin abut desert ants can be drawn frm the fllw-up study?
    A.Evaluate and make changes.B.Visual aid is a must.
    C.Cperatin brings victry.D.N man-made blcks are used.
    Peple slve sme new prblems readily withut any special training r practice by cmparing them t familiar prblems and extending the slutins t the new prblems. That prcess, knwn as analgical reasning (类比推理), has lng been thught t be an ability nly humans have. But nw peple might have t make rm fr a new kid n the blck.
    Psychlgists frm the University f Califrnia, Ls Angeles (UCLA) claim that, astnishingly, the artificial intelligence (AI) language mdel GPT-3 perfrms abut as well as cllege undergraduates when asked t slve the srt f reasning prblems that typically appear n intelligence tests and standardized tests.
    But the psychlgists raise the questin: Is GPT-3 cpying human reasning as a by-prduct f its massive language training data set r using a fundamentally new kind f cgnitive (认知的) prcess? They als say that althugh GPT-3 perfrms far better than they expected at sme reasning tasks, the ppular AI tl still fails cmpletely at thers. “It can d analgical reasning, but it can’t d things that are very easy fr peple, such as using tls t slve a physical task,” says Taylr Webb, a UCLA pstdctral researcher in psychlgy.
    Webb and his clleagues tested GPT-3’s ability t slve a set f prblems inspired by a test knwn as Raven’s Prgressive Matrices, which ask the subject t predict the next image in a cmplicated arrangement f shapes. T enable GPT-3 t “see” the shapes, and make sure that the AI tl had never met the questins befre, Webb transfrmed the images int a text frmat that GPT-3 culd prcess.
    The psychlgists asked 40 UCLA undergraduate students t slve the same prblems. Surprisingly, nt nly did GPT-3 d abut as well as humans but it made similar mistakes as well. GPT-3 slved 80% f the prblems crrectly — well abve the human subjects’ average scre f just belw 60%, but within the range f the highest human scres.
    32.What is analgical reasning usually cnsidered?
    A.A simple learning skill.B.A unique human ability.
    C.A vital thinking prcess.D.A slutin t any prblem.
    33.What did Webb want t stress abut GPT-3’s perfrmance at ther tasks?
    A.Its system has sme limitatins.B.Its applicatin hasn’t been ppular.
    C.It needs t be trained fr these tasks.D.It is gd at cpying human reasning.
    34.Why were the shapes changed t a text frmat?
    A.T add difficulty t the questins.B.T enable GPT-3 t see the results.
    C.T guarantee the freignness f the tasks.D.T test GPT-3’s ability t identify text.
    35.What might the psychlgists cnclude abut GPT-3 frm their tests?
    A.It will replace humans in sme cases.B.It rarely makes mistakes like humans.
    C.It is able t d things very easy fr peple.D.It runs undergraduates clse in reasning.
    第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    We’re lucky t live in an age when the sum ttal f human knwledge is pretty available at the click f a buttn. We’ ve never had access t s much infrmatin. 36 . S here are a few strategies t sharpen yur critical thinking.
    Watch ut fr cnfirmatin prejudice(偏见). 37 . In repeated experiments, psychlgists have shwn we’re much mre likely t accept smething as evidence if it cnfirms what we already think we knw. And we’re much mre likely t ignre infrmatin if it is nt in line with ur views, which will affect ur ability t prcess infrmatin.
    Acknwledge small differences. In life, mst situatins are varying and cmplicated. Admitting that can enrich the way that we view the wrld. Fr example, what clur is the sky? Well, the bvius answer is blue. But at sunrise r sunset, it can be red. On a cld misty mrning, white r gray. 38 .
    Practise intellectual humility (谦逊). One apprach t, well, arguing, is t let g f the idea f being “right”. Or at least seriusly cnsider that yu might actually be wrng. 39 . Really try t understand where the ther persn is cming frm. Arguing is just t waste smebdy’s time.
    40 . It’s mre imprtant than ever t knw where yur infrmatin is cming frm. That science-lking paragraphs might lk very cnvincing until yu dig a little deeper and find it was just psted by smene having n qualificatins. That is the case we shuld nt verlk.
    Engaging in critical thinking isn’t as fun as picking up a pitchfrk, r feeling like yu’re fundamentally right. But in the lng run, it leads t a mre curius, educated and harmnius sciety, which is the biggest win f all.
    A.Avid mistakes
    B.Check yur surces
    C.We all enjy feeling like we’re right
    D.But nt all f what’s ut there is quite what it seems
    E.S pay attentin t differences in many situatins
    F.S dn’t rush t decide, and be actively prepared t change yur mind
    G.Putting yurself int the ther persn’s shes can have mre fruitful utcmes
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Helen had been an accuntant in a small cmpany and was nw lking fr the same jb. As luck wuld have it, she gt 41 ne after anther. She became very wrried and fell int 42 , feeling hpeless. Fr the first time, she refused t see any friends and celebrated her birthday alne. She thught abut what gift she culd make fr herself, and then remembered her 43 hbby — drawing.
    Helen went t the park and decided t paint a tree t 44 herself, giving herself a lift. She relaxed thrugh the 45 . When the picture was almst finished, she heard a vice, “Interesting style! And what are yu willing t 46 fr this wrk?”
    Helen was surprised by this 47 and culdn’t name her price. The stranger gave her $500 and made tw mre 48 . Thugh Helen culdn’t believe this happiness, she gt t wrk 49 . Her drawing style turned ut t be s 50 and ppular that new buyers were 51 in frm everywhere.
    Frm that day n she has 52 herself drawing, becming a fairly well-knwn artist. One day, Helen 53 her mailbx fr a friend’s email. T her surprise, there was an 54 t wrk as an accuntant in a large cmpany. Then Helen thught, “If I saw this letter back then, I wuld 55 take it. But nw, I just want t be here ding what I really lve.”
    41.A.recmmendatinsB.rejectins C.interviewsD.appintments
    49.A.in surpriseB.n guardC.withut hesitatinD.beynd dubt
    53.A.lked thrughB.gt thrughC.srted utD.made ut
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    With such a lng histry, China has develped a lt f unique and traditinal sprts and activities, many f 56 reflect the cultures f the minrity grups, but sme are practiced widely by the Han minrity as well. As the varius minrities are separated by vast distances, it is nt surprising that they have their wn special ways t express their 57 (enthusiastic).
    Almst all the traditinal sprts riginated frm prductive activities at the very beginning. 58 the Mnglians, Tibetans and Kazaks live in vast natural grasslands, hrsemanship is vital t their existence. 59 (cnsequent), their gift fr riding and shting has given rise t their frms f sprt. The peple wh live in 60 (agriculture) cmmunities r wh rely n hunting fr their livelihd 61 (be) gd at climbing, wrestling, jumping, shting and s n.
    Typical activities, Lin Dance, Hrse Race and Nadam Fair 62 (include), are accmpanied by singing, dancing, and instrumental perfrmances that are art frms in their wn right. They are mstly held 63 part f the festivals like Chinese New Year and ther days f significance. The Bamb Ple Dance f the Li ethnic grup (黎族) is an example. Dancers perfrming between the mving ples are suppsed 64 (ensure) that they maintain a rhythm that is in time with the ples s as t avid 65 (trap) between them. This is a very skillful and entertaining sight.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    66.假定你是校英语俱乐部负责人李华,你邀请到了英国环保专家 Smith 教授作主题为“Living in Harmny with Nature”的讲座。请你在讲座前简要发言,内容包括:
    1. 相关介绍;
    2. 注意事项。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Dear fellw students,
    When I was 15, I fell in lve with the sngs when they were first released — Bring Him Hme, I Dreamed A Dream and On My Own. Even thugh I hadn’t read Les Miserables and knew very little abut the musical, the sngs captured my attentin and I happily sang alng with enthusiasm and energy whenever I heard them n the radi.
    At the age f 17, I watched Les Miserables in a theatre f Vancuver. After getting hme, I was really thrilled and annunced that I wanted t perfrm in the musical. Hearing what I said, my parents did nthing but supprt me, althugh they cnsidered the thught ridiculus, given that we lived 50 kilmetres frm the nearest large twn, Twmba. There was little likelihd f ever having a chance t perfrm.
    But sme things are just meant t be. The Twmba Chral Sciety bught the perfrmance rights with the view t perfrm it. Althugh I was nt a member f the chir, they called fr auditins (试镜) and I went alng. I had had n experience singing and had never perfrmed in any musicals but I believed in miracles and hped that there was a place fr me smewhere in the chrus.
    I tried ut fr the part f Javert but did nt have the range. Little did I knw there were a hst f parts that needed filling. Frtunately, I was chsen t be in the chrus as well as playing seven rles — ten cstume changes in all. It was s exciting t play all the different parts. Rehearsals (排练) started immediately and I gt a crash curse in singing, acting and dancing. There was s much t learn and as I drve t rehearsals three times a week a little vice wuld say, “Yu are in ver yur head, get ut nw.”
    I really had a hard time rehearsing — first with written texts and sheet music and then withut. Persnally, I struggled. S much t learn really made me s crazy that I had a strng desire t quit. And the little vice “Yu are in ver yur head, get ut nw.” rang in my ears again.
    (1) 续写词数应为150左右;
    (2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    At that time, my parents’ determined lk appeared in my mind.
    On the pening night, nervus as I was, I gathered my curage and stepped n the stage.

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