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    这是一份高一英语开学摸底考(全国卷专用)01(考试版),共10页。试卷主要包含了 15,B.At 9等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.
    答案是 C。
    1.When will the flwers be n shw?
    A.On Sunday.B.On Saturday.C.On Friday.
    2.Where are the speakers ging?
    A.T a shp.B.T the railway statin.C.T a restaurant.
    3.What might the man think f the speech?
    4.Wh is the girl talking t?
    A.Her dentist.B.The plice.C.A guide.
    5.Where des the wman wrk nw?
    A.In a cllege.B.In a cmpanyC.In the City Bank.
    6.When des the meeting end?
    A.At 8:30.B.At 9:00.C.At 10:30.
    7.Wh makes cffee fr everyne?
    A.The man.B.Mia.C.The wman.
    8.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.In the cmpany.B.At the man’s hme.C.Over the phne.
    9.Why is Judy mentined?
    A.She may need a new jb.B.She just lst her cellphne.C.She was prmted t manager.
    10.What is the prbable relatinship between the man and Judy?
    A.Brther and sister.B.Bss and emplyee.C.Father and daughter.
    11.Why wn’t the speakers g t Ocean Beach?
    A.It’s t crwded.B.It’s t far.C.It’s t cld there.
    12.When did the speakers last g t the lake?
    A.Last weekend.
    B.Befre they were married.
    C.When they were first married.
    13.What will the wman prbably d next?
    A.Finish sme paperwrk.B.Pack fr the trip.C.D sme washing.
    14.What kind f peple is the festival fr?
    A.Old peple.B.Yung children.C.All the peple.
    15.What kind f flwers des the man like best?
    A.Cherry blssms.B.Ltus flwers.C.Jasmine flwers.
    16.Why will the man help ut?
    A.He hpes t enter the bat race.
    B.He likes t see the magic shw.
    C.He wants t get a free meal.
    17.What can we say abut the reading club?
    A.It was set up in 2008.B.It has 19 members.C.It’s the ldest club.
    18.When d the members f music club meet?
    A.On Thursday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Saturday.
    19.What’s the benefit frm jining a bicycle club?
    A.Reading free bks.B.Building up their bdies.C.Perfrming n stage.
    20.Where can we get mre infrmatin abut the clubs?
    A.In the lcal newspapers.B.Frm the student unin.C.On the schl website.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    China is a clrful cuntry with amazing places and cultures. In this blg, we will intrduce five mst attractive places that yu can’t miss if yu are planning t g fr a travel in China!
    Beijing, the capital f China fr ver 850 years, is the first chice fr many travellers. A perfect cmbinatin f classic elegance and mdernity, it is the best Chinese destinatin t give yu a better understanding f the cuntry. Yu can wander arund the Frbidden City t feel the dignity f the city; r yu can walk alng the criss-crssing hutngs and enjy yurself in everyday lcal life.
    If yu want t feel the histry f China ver the past 1,000 years, yu can g t Beijing; hwever, if yu want t experience the 5,000 years’ histry f this ancient, riental land, Xi’an is the best travel destinatin in China. As ne f the fur majr capitals f ancient civilisatin (tgether with Athens, Cair, and Rme), Xi’an is the hme f Chinese civilisatin. The Silk Rad starts frm here, stretching thrugh West China t the Mediterranean.
    Guilin, a peaceful city lying in the hilly suth-western area f the cuntry, is amng the tp Chinese destinatins fr its extrardinary natural scenery. The unique karst landscape with its fur features, namely green hills, clear water, fantastic caves, and ddly-shaped rcks, makes it a famus turist attractin.
    Visiting the lvely giant pandas must be n everyne’s t-d list when planning a tur f the best Chinese destinatins. Many cities have zs with space fr pandas, but the best place t get clse t them is Chengdu fr sure! Visiting Chengdu is als a treat fr fd lvers. Jin li Street is a great place t have a taste f well-knwn Sichuan fd. Besides, yu can als enjy the cmfrtable atmsphere.
    21.What can yu d in Beijing?
    A.Enjy the ddly-shaped rcks.B.Have a taste f Sichuan fd.
    C.Walk arund the Frbidden City.D.Learn the histry f the Silk Rad.
    22.If yu are interested in natural landscapes, which destinatin is suitable fr yu?
    23.What will be written in the fllwing paragraph?
    A.Anther attractive place in China.B.The intrductin t karst landscape.
    C.Tips fr travelling arund the wrld.D.The cntact infrmatin f a museum.
    Linel Messi, wh shne at the Qarta Wrld Cup, is a well-knwn name even t thse with n interest in sprts. Even thugh he is shrter than mst f his teammates, he rises abve his ppnents with adept skills and a legendary ability t scre gals fr his team.
    Linel Andres Messi was brn n June 24, 1987, in the warm city f Rsari, Argentina. He was the third child in a tight-knit (亲密的) hard-wrking family wh lved ftball. Naturally, yung Le develped a passin (热爱) fr ftball himself.
    At fur years ld, Le jined the Grandli lcal club, where he was cached by his father. When he was eight, Le jined the talented Newell Old Bys. Ftball sn became as imprtant as the air he breathed. Messi practiced day in and day ut, skipping utings with his friends t train at hme befre a game. The sprt made him quite happy and mtivated and he began t dream f becming a prfessinal ftballer.
    But as he grew lder, his height remained the same. His cncerned parents eventually tk their 11-year-ld sn t a dctr, wh brke the news that the by suffered frm a grwth hrmne deficiency (生长激素缺乏). This meant he was physically unable t grw unless he received special treatment, which wuld last three years and cst $1, 500 per mnth.
    Stries f a 13-year-ld by wh had similar talents t legendary Argentinian ftballer Dieg Maradna had reached the ears f FC Barcelna’s technical directr, Carles Rexach. Intrigued, he sent an ffer t the Messi family. If he passed, the club wuld cver his medical bills, but n the cnditin that Messi mved t Spain. S, in September 2000, Le and his family uprted their lives and flew acrss the Atlantic t Barcelna.
    Cach Carles was s impressed that he ffered Le a cntract n the nly thing he had at hand-a paper napkin. Le signed it, pening the dr t the life he had always dreamed f.
    24.What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A.T intrduce the tpic.B.T attract readers.
    C.T advertise the Wrld Cup.D.T share an experience.
    25.Why did Messi want t becme a prfessinal ftballer?
    A.He wanted t satisfy his father. B.He had a great lve fr ftball.
    C.He was gd at playing ftball. D.He wanted t prve his ability.
    26.Which f the fllwing can best describe Messi accrding t the text?
    A.Generus and cnfident.B.Friendly and energetic.
    C.Kind and respnsible.D.Hardwrking and talented.
    27.What can we infer abut Messi frm the text?
    A.He was shrter than thers when he was brn.
    B.He gt supprt frm his family t g after his dream.
    C.Maradna nce lent a helping hand t Messi.
    D.Cach Charles believed Messi culd be the next superstar.
    Dctrs in Balti re have carried ut the first successful transplant (移植) f a pig’s heart int a 57-year-ld man. It’s hped that the peratin culd make transplants accessible fr many mre peple in need.
    The pig was bred by a US medical cmpany called Revivicr, whse experts made changes t its heart s it wuld suit a human bdy. Pigs are particularly suitable fr transplants t humans because their rgans are f a similar size and shape t human nes. Individual heart valves (瓣膜) frm pigs and cws have been used in surgery since the 1970s.
    In rder t prduce a cmplete heart suitable fr a human bdy, Revivicr raised a dnr animal with 10 mdified pig genes and six human nes. Genes are cmplex chemicals carrying instructins that tell living things hw t grw and develp. In this case the genes ensured that the pig’s heart wuld adapt t its new bdy―t stp the bdy’s natural defences frm rejecting it—and that the heart wuld keep repairing itself. On the mrning f 7 January, the pig’s heart was taken t the hspital fr a seven-hur peratin led by surgen Bartley Griffith. The patient is said t be recvering well.
    Over 100, 000 peple in the wrld need an rgan transplant, but there aren’t enugh human dnr rgans. Scientists hpe that pig rgans culd make up the numbers. Dr. Christine Lau frm Revivicr said, “If we culd use genetically engineered pig rgans, they’d never have t wait. They culd basically get an rgan as they needed it.”
    Others, hwever, aren’t happy abut the surgery. PETA (Peple fr the Ethical Treatment f Animals) is a grup that campaigns fr the rights f animals. In a tweet they said, “Pigs aren’t tl sheds t be rbbed. Harvesting their bdy parts and transplanting their rgans int humans is extremely risky and WRONG.”
    28.What des the underlined wrd “bred” in Paragraph 2mean?
    29.What is the main idea f Paragraph 3?
    A.Hw the patient recvered frm the heart transplant.
    B.Hw genes helped the prductin f the suitable heart.
    C.Hw the suitable pig heart was prduced and transplanted.
    D.Hw Revivicr prduced the cmpletely suitable heart t humans.
    30.Which f the fllwing will PETA agree with?
    A.Peple can’t rb pigs f their tls.
    B.Peple shuld treat animals in a nice way.
    C.Peple shuld make the mst f animal rgans.
    D.Peple ften transplant animal rgans in a wrng way.
    31.Where is this article mst prbably frm?
    A.A turist brchure.B.A science fictin.
    C.A gvernment reprt.D.A science magazine.
    The Panda Ambassadr Prgram is fr thse wh are devted t saving wildlife and the envirnment. Yur passin, ideas, and unique pints f view, plus ur wrldwide reach, becme an unstppable pwer fr gd. Tgether we can make a real, lasting influence n the future f ur planet.
    Like yu, we’re big fans f the amazing diversity f life n Earth. Our Panda Ambassadrs help t prtect pandas n the lcal level, champining members t prtect at-risk r extinct species, and reduce demand fr illegal prducts n the internatinal market. The gd news is that as a Panda Ambassadr, yu’re nt alne. Acrss the cuntry ur ambassadrs are cnnected t share resurces, ideas, experiences, and supprt. Yu’ll als be part f the WWF family—a netwrk f experienced scientists and experts wrking n behalf f the planet.
    Panda Ambassadrs are n the frnt-lines f envirnmental prtectin, leading their cmmunities t attract the public attentin and make a real difference. Panda Ambassadrs hst fun and educatinal events and activities thrughut the wrld.
    Be the her nature needs—raise funds t prtect ur planet as yu run wild at the G Panda Marathn n Octber 8, 2023. When yu run with WWF’s Panda Natin, yu’ll slve the biggest, tughest challenges facing the planet—things like illegal wildlife trade, defrestatin, climate change and water scarcity. While thse challenges are huge, when we wrk tgether, we can take n anything. That’s why every day, WWF wrks in unifying with many peple, partners, and leaders t achieve lasting cnservatin slutins.
    As a Panda Ambassadr, yu decide which issues matter mst t yu and we’ll make sure yu have everything yu need t start making a difference. Yu’ll get access t presentatins, ideas and pprtunities, and directins frm WWF scientists and experts. Yu’ll als jin ur natinwide netwrk f Ambassadrs t share ideas, experiences, and supprt fr yur cnservatin effrts.
    We’re always lking fr peple wh are ready t lead an envirnmental mvement tday, and wh might just be leading the cuntry tmrrw. If yu think yu’ve gt what it takes, apply tday.
    32.Wh f the fllwing is nt the Panda Ambassadr Prgram intended fr?
    A.Thse wh like t make effrts t save wildlife animals.
    B.Thse wh has cntributed t prtecting the envirnment.
    C.Thse wh are big fans f cllecting suvenir and fur f wildlife.
    D.Thse wh will share pinins and supprt t help extinct species.
    33.Which f the fllwing can best replace the underlined wrd scarcity in Paragraph 4?
    34.What will yu get if yu becme a Panda Ambassadr?
    A.Presentatins and ideas f wildlife prtectin.
    B.Directins and guidance frm scientists and experts.
    C.Opprtunities f leading the envirnmental prtectin.
    D.All f the abve.
    35.What is the purpse f this passage?
    A.T help save endangered species by making laws and regulatins internatinally.
    B.T invite reader t sign up fr the prgram and d ne’s part t make cntributin.
    C.T attract attentin f prtecting wildlife by running marathn in certain cuntries.
    D.T create real her in cmmunities by stpping illegal trade in internatinal market.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    If yu have a hard time getting alng with yur teachers, ging t class can be a nightmare (噩梦). Talk t yur teachers. In many cases, a shrt discussin can clear up the entire cnflict (冲突). Ask yur teachers if it is cnvenient fr yu t talk in private. 36 If yu appear angry r unhappy in frnt f them, the cnflict is unlikely t be slved.
    Learn t understand their teaching methds. 37 If yu are used t a very relaxing class, learning t be successful in a strict envirnment is difficult and vice versa (反之亦然). In mst cases, it is necessary t give yurself sme time t get used t a new teaching methd.
    38 Teachers have many years f teaching experience in the subjects they teach. S discussing the best ways t succeed in the classrm may give yu the pprtunity t see the best instructrs.
    Learn why yur teachers chse t teach. Apprach the teachers at an apprpriate (适当的) time befre r after class, nt during class. Cnsider saying smething like, “I’ve always wndered why peple becme teachers. 39 Why did yu decide t teach?”
    Ask abut yur teachers’ hbbies. If yu knw abut ne f their hbbies, yu can talk abut it with them. And yu can try t find if yu have smething in cmmn. 40
    A.It seems t be a difficult jb.
    B.Ask yur teachers hw yu can d well in class
    C.Jin in activities with yur teachers after schl.
    D.Always be plite and shw respect in a cnversatin.
    E.A way t discver the psitive side f things is t keep diaries.
    F.A shared interest may help yu see yur teachers frm a different viewpint.
    G.Smetimes, yu may nt like sme teachers because f their ways f teaching.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
    One day I tk a bus with my girlfriend. It was s 41 that we std fr several stps until a vacant seat was 42 fr her.
    Then a pretty girl rushed tward me, saying, “Hi, where are yu ging?” I was s struck by the stranger that I had a hard time trying t 43 her. Clearly she had mistaken me 44 smebdy else. I returned her greeting with pliteness, 45 t give explanatin t my girlfriend later.
    Nticing my dialgue with smebdy else, my girlfriend 46 her eyes and fund she was pretty. She asked jealusly, “Wh’s she?” The pretty girl, quite 47 f the situatin, spke ut first, “Hi, let me 48 myself. I’ m Nancy; we used t be 49 . Very glad t meet yu.” She behaved very 50 .
    But I was 51 t search in my memry fr smene called Nancy amng my neighbrs. I was wrrying abut hw t explain this t my girlfriend 52 the pretty girl again turned t me, “Will yu give me yur cell phne number 53 we can keep cntacts later?” I had t submit (服从) t her 54 . Then the girl gt ff the bus at the next stp.
    A minute later I gt a shrt 55 n my phne—frm a stranger. My girlfriend 56 my phne and read the nte. It was frm the girl, wh said, “Just nw, tw thieves tried t 57 yur pcket. I had t act as an acquaintance t draw yur attentin. I shuld have left at the 58 stp but gave up as I nticed these tw thieves als 59 t leave at the same stp. Because f the 60 I delayed my departure. Nw yu’ ll understand all I have dne t yu. Wish yu luck.”
    51.A.in a hurryB.at easeC.at a lssD.in time
    53.A.s thatB.in thatC.fr fear thatD.in case
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The Internet is an 61 (amaze) infrmatin resurce. Students, teachers 62 researchers use it as 63 imprtant tl. Jurnalists use it t find infrmatin fr stries. Dctrs use it t learn mre abut unfamiliar diseases and the 64 (late) medical develpment. Ordinary peple use it fr shpping, banking, bill-paying, and cmmunicating with family and friends. Peple all ver the wrld use it 65 (cnnect) with individuals frm ther cuntries and cultures. Hwever, while there are many psitive develpments assciated with the Internet, there are als certain fears and 66 (cncern). One cncern is a lack f cntrl ver what 67 (appear) n the Internet. With televisin and radi the editrs will check the accuracy f the cntents f prgrams, and with televisin there are limits n what kinds f prgrams can 68 (bradcast) and at what time f the day. Hwever, 69 the help f the Internet, parents can check a published guide t determine what 70 (suit) fr their children t see.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    It was a warm autumn day when my father and I walk int my new high schl. After registered in the classrm, we were led t my drmitry by vlunteer. Altgether I had five rmmate, tw f whm arrived later. I gt t knw my new rmmates immediate. Althugh I was quite unwilling t say “Gdbye” t my father, but he had t leave fr my hmetwn in the evening. I suddenly realized he had grwn up and that I had t lking after myself r live independently. Then I knew my senir high schl life had real begun.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    某英文报要举办以“The Internet Has Changed Our Lives”为题目的征文比赛,请你写一篇短文参赛。内容包括:
    The Internet Has Changed Our Lives
    It seems that the Internet has cmpletely changed ur lives.________________________________________

    高一英语开学摸底考(新高考专用)01(考试版): 这是一份高一英语开学摸底考(新高考专用)01(考试版),共9页。试卷主要包含了 15,B.Abut 100等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高一英语开学摸底考(全国卷)01(答题卡): 这是一份高一英语开学摸底考(全国卷)01(答题卡),共2页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分15分),只允许修改10处,多者不计分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高一英语开学摸底考(全国卷专用)02(解析版): 这是一份高一英语开学摸底考(全国卷专用)02(解析版),共20页。试卷主要包含了 15,考查介词等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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