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    专题06 阅读表达10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(天津专用)
    专题06 阅读表达10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(天津专用)01
    专题06 阅读表达10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(天津专用)02
    专题06 阅读表达10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(天津专用)03
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    专题06 阅读表达10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(天津专用)

    这是一份专题06 阅读表达10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(天津专用),共25页。

    When Pppy Jhnsn, a 23-year-ld Lndn-based cllege student, was nly five, she accidentally saw Michael Jacksn’s Thriller music vide. Ever since then, she has been suffering frm a fear f pp legend Michael Jacksn.
    Every time she sees r hears anything abut Michael Jacksn — a sng, an interview r even a pster, she will experience a mment f fear. Her fear even grws strnger at hme, as Pppy’s parents are big fans f Michael Jacksn and have a cllectin f suvenirs arund their huse. But she never tells them this wuld add t her fear at hme. Pppy explained, “I never really spke abut it r tld it t ther peple, as I wrried they’d think I was silly.”
    Managing her fear f Michael Jacksn hasn’t been easy fr Pppy, wh wuld ften excuse herself whenever she was ut with her friends and a Michael Jacksn sng started playing. She wuld then spend a few minutes smewhere else trying t take her mind ff it.
    Earlier this year, when the dcumentary Finding Neverland came ut, news and phts f Michael Jacksn were everywhere nline. At that time, Pppy’s life was quite tugh and she always felt that her heart was in her muth.
    Pppy recently started pening up abut her unusual fear and even started taking steps t handle it. She started seeing a hypntherapist (催眠师). After fur weeks, she nw says things are getting better. In additin, she tld her parents that the things related t Michael Jacksn at hme made her feel fearful and finally her parents understd her and cmpletely remved all the things abut Michael Jacksn.
    Nw Pppy’s situatin is getting better and better. She reminds anyne else wh experiences similar things that it is imprtant t seek help as early as pssible.
    1.What made Pppy feel fearful at hme? (n mre than 10 wrds)

    2.Hw did Pppy usually avid things related t Michael Jacksn in public?(n mre than 10 wrds)

    3.What des the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean? (n mre than 5 wrds)

    4.What did Pppy d t deal with her fear? (n mre than 15 wrds)

    5.What d yu think f Pppy’s situatin and what is yur suggestin? (n mre than 20 wrds)

    After Mm died, I began visiting Dad every mrning befre I went t wrk. He was weak and mved slwly, but he always had a glass f freshly squeezed range juice n the kitchen table fr me, alng with an unsigned nte reading, “Drink yur juice.” Such a gesture, I knew, was as far as Dad had ever been able t g in expressing his lve. In fact, I remember, as a kid I had questined Mm “Why desn’t Dad lve me?” Mm frwned (皱眉). “Wh said he desn’t lve yu?!” “Well, he never tells me.” I cmplained. “He never tells me either,” she said, smiling. “But lk hw hard he wrks t take care f us, t buy us fd and clthes, and t pay fr this huse. That’s hw yur father tells us he lves us.”
    I ndded slwly. I understd in my head, but nt in my heart. I still wanted my father t put his arms arund me and tell me he lved me. Dad wned and perated a small scrap metal (收破烂金属) business, and after schl I ften hung arund while he wrked. The machine that he used lked like a giant pair f scissrs with blades (刃) thicker than my father’s bdy. If he didn’t feel thse terrifying blades just right, he risked serius injury. “Why dn’t yu hire smene t d that fr yu?” Mm asked Dad ne night as she bent ver him and rubbed his aching shulders with a strng smelling liniment (搽剂). “Why dn’t yu hire a ck?” Dad asked, giving her ne f his rare smiles.
    Many years later, during my first daily visit, after drinking the juice my father had squeezed fr me, I walked ver, hugged him and said, “I lve yu, Dad.” Frm then n I did this every mrning. My father never tld me hw he felt abut my hugs, and there was never any expressin n his face when I gave hugs t him.
    6.What did the nte say every mrning the authr’s father put it n the kitchen table?(n mre than 5 wrds)

    7.Why did the authr cmplain t his mther abut his father?(n mre than 10 wrds)

    8.Hw did the authr’s father shw his lve fr his family?(n mre than 10 wrds)

    9.What cnclusin can we draw abut the authr’s father frm the underlined sentence in the secnd but last paragraph?(n mre than 10 wrds)

    10.Are yu mved by this stry? Tell us hw yu will shw yur lve fr yur parents.(n mre than 20 wrds)

    (2024上·天津河北·高三统考期末)阅读短文, 按照题目要求用英语回答问题。
    Many peple, sme even at a very yung age, set the gal f graduating frm cllege. One American wman in Texas waited a lng time fr her chance t reach that gal.
    The wman is 84-year-ld Janet Fein. Last week, she received her bachelr’s degree frm the University f Texas at Dallas.
    Fein has had a full life. She has raised five children and then had a career as a secretary until she retired at age 77. But even then, she was nt ready t take it easy and rest during a well-earned retirement.
    “I didn’t have anything t d in retirement and I didn’t think that playing bing was up t my speed, ”Fein said. She said she decided t majr in scilgy.
    Fein spent her childhd in the Brnx, New Yrk City, where her family lived in pverty. After graduating early frm high schl, she started wrking as a secretary at a dress manufacturer at the age f 16. Fllwing her marriage, she spent 18 years raising her children at hme. Thrughut her life, Fein held varius jbs, including 20 years as a secretary in a Dallas hspital, which she retired frm in 2012. She als devted 20 years t earning an assciate degree, which she received in 1995.
    Fein, despite her life experiences, had a strng desire t earn a bachelr’s degree. She fund jy in reading, writing papers, and learning new things. Taking advantage f a state prgram, she jined arund 2, 000 thers aged 65 and lder in Texas wh attend public university classes fr free. Althugh less than 1% f U. S. cllege students are in this age grup, health experts believe cntinuing educatin later in life can help maintain fitness. Despite wrsening health cnditins, Fein persevered, using a walker and xygen, and even cmpleting the remaining degree requirements thrugh nline classes.
    Her cllege advisr was Sheila Rllersn. She said that Fein never shwed signs f giving up even with all f her difficulties. “She was plugging away at her studies and in return she received her bachelr’s degree and respect, ” Rllersn said.
    Renee Brwn, ne f Fein’s caregivers, fund inspiratin frm her. At 53, Brwn plans t begin nursing schl, encuraged by Fein’s wrds f cnfidence and the fulfillment that cmes with achievement.
    11.Why did Fein want t study after retiring? (n mre than 15 wrds)

    12.What des Paragraph 5 mainly talk abut? (n mre than 5 wrds)

    13.Why did Fein take nline classes t finish the last part f her degree requirements? (n mre than 5 wrds)

    14.Hw d yu understand the underlined part in Paragraph 7? (n mre than 10 wrds)

    15.What can yu learn frm the stry? Please explain. (n mre than 20 wrds)

    (2024上·天津和平·高三统考期末)阅读短文, 按照题目要求用英语回答问题。
    I remember the day I sat dwn and cnsidered my future quite clearly. I had been widwed recently, and I had an elderly mther t supprt but n incme f my wn. I n lnger had the luxury f a husband supprting me, s it was time t get a jb. With my backgrund and qualificatins, the easiest way fr me t earn mney was t becme a teacher.
    A friend tld me his schl was lking fr an English teacher, s I arranged an interview with the principal. Fifteen minutes after stepping int her ffice, I was given the jb and asked if I was able t begin teaching that same day. The current English teacher appeared very keen t leave!
    I wndered why she had made such an abrupt decisin, but I was secretly pleased that her lss had becme my gain. I walked twards the classrm n that first day, wndering abut the wisdm f my decisin t accept the principal’s ffer. The thught f standing in frnt f a grup f teenagers made me scared and I started t panic.
    The classrm was empty when I entered it. Slwly, the teenagers I was expecting arrived in grups f fur and five. Finally every seat was taken and I stared ut at the blank faces in frnt f me. They had been shwn little respect and s they had given up n educatin and n themselves. N ne was listening r seemed t care what I was ding. I knew I wasn’t a gifted teacher and it was nly my first day, but nthing I did mtivated these students. They were bred and restless.
    I knew why their previus teacher had left. That night I sat at hme. The same questin kept repeating itself in my head, even when I tried t distract myself by watching late-night mvies: “Hw culd I make a huge difference t their lives?”. I decided I wuld take up the challenge. It was a slw prcess, but it was als the mst rewarding experience f my life. It tk time, but my patience was rewarded. They had discvered the jy f learning and I had discvered what it really means t be a teacher.
    16.What made the writer have t get-a jb herself? (n mre than 15 wrds)

    17.Why was the writer able t begin teaching that same day? (n mre than 10 wrds)

    18.Hw des the writer feel n that first day? And why? (n mre than 20 wrds)

    19.What des the writer intend t tell us in paragraph 4? (n mre than 15 wrds)

    20.Hw d yu understand “rewarding” accrding t the stry? (n mre than 20 wrds)

    Shrt and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked fr any sprts team. “Ftball, Tennis, Cricket — anything with a rund ball, I was useless.” he says nw with a laugh. But back then he was the bject f jkes in schl gym classes in England’s rural Devnshire.
    It was a muntain bike he received fr his 15th birthday that changed him. At first the teen went biking alne in a nearby frest. Then he began t cycle alng with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind n building up his bdy, increasing his speed, strength and endurance. At age 18, he ran his first marathn.
    The fllwing year, he met Jhn Ridgway, wh became famus in the 1960s fr rwing an pen bat acrss the Atlantic Ocean. Saunders was hired as an instructr at Ridgway’s schl f Adventure in Sctland, where he learned abut the lder man’s cld-water explits (成就): Intrigued, Saunders read all he culd abut Arctic explrers and Nrth Ple expeditins, then decided that this wuld be his future.
    Jurney s t the Ple aren’t the usual hlidays fr British cuntry bys, and many peple dismissed his dream as fantasy. “Jhn Ridgway was ne f the few wh didn’t say, ‘Yu are cmpletely crazy,’” Saunders says.
    In 2001, after becming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first lng-distance expeditin t ward the Nrth Ple. He suffered frstbite (冻疮), had a clser encunter with a plar bear and pushed his bdy t the limit.
    Saunders has since becme the yungest persn t ski alne t the Nrth Ple, and he’s skied mre in the Arctic by himself than any ther Britn. His ld playmates wuld nt believe the transfrmatin.
    This Octber, Saunders, 27, heads suth t explre frm the cast f Antarctica t the Suth Ple and back, an 1800-mile jurney that has never been cmpleted n skis.
    21.What was the turning pint at which Saunders tk t sprts?(N mre than 15 wrds)

    22.What des the underlined wrd “intrigued” in Para 3 mean?(N mre than 1 wrd)

    23.Hw did bks abut the Arctic explrers and expeditins influence Saunders?(N mre than 15 wrds)

    24.Why is Saunders’ jurney t the Nrth Ple special?(N mre than 15 wrds)

    25.Hw are yu inspired by Saunders? Please explain in yur wn wrds.(N mre than 25 wrds)

    “Smene nce asked me, ‘What’s the tl yu wuld want t give any student’? And I said, ‘A mask and snrkel (潜水通气管) set,’’’ the cean bilgist Thys says in a vide. And Thys explains, “Ninety-eight percent f the living space n this planet is the cean. It’s wrth a view.”
    Thys has devted her career t seeing the cean, and t helping thers watch the great diversity f the underwater wrld. A big part f what mtivates her wrk is the chance t let peple develp a sense f respect fr the grandness f the cean, and t get peple t participate in effrts t prtect endangered cean ecsystems.
    Since studying cean bilgy, Thys has fcused her research n hw sea animals live. One animal she particularly studies is the cean sunfish. “It’s s different frm any ther fish,” says Thys. “It lks like a mistake. Where des the tail g?” Thys adds. “The sunfish prvides an entry pint t understanding mre abut the behavir f creatures in the cean, and abut hw envirnmental changes impact underwater ecsystems.”
    Thys’s wrk als takes her abve grund, where she’s lking at ways t create new cnnectins between human ppulatins and natural envirnments t help address scial and envirnmental challenges. Fr instance, she’s wrking n nature’s effects n mental well-being.
    Thys’s passin fr her wrk is evident in every lecture, vide, and public appearance she makes. Using the media, Thys encurages peple t learn abut the cean and lve it. Due t many cean research prjects and activities frm the media, Thys is up t her neck in wrk every day. She culd hardly spare plenty f time fr a gd rest. Thys’s devtin t her wrk as an cean scientist and eclgical warrir is infectius. She’s a rle mdel and an inspiring guide t cean life.
    26.Why wuld Thys like t send students a mask and snrkel set? (n mre than 8 wrds)

    27.What greatly mtivates Thys’s wrk accrding t Paragraph 2? (n mre than 10 wrds)

    28.What des Thys think f the cean sunfish? (n mre than 10 wrds)

    29.What des the underlined part in the last paragraph mean? (n mre than 5 wrds)

    30.What’s yur attitude twards Thys and her wrk? (n mre than 20 wrds)

    My name is Jack. I started helping ut at the Carver Center in Nrwalk at the beginning f February, 2019. On my first day, I had n idea what t expect, but after a few hurs’ vlunteering, I came hme feeling like a cmpletely different persn. My mther even tld me that I had changed smehw. It’s true. I felt better, and almst renewed, like I was breathing fresh new air.
    I was assigned t a class f first graders. My jb was t help them with their hmewrk. I can hnestly say that I’ve never met such eager and friendly kids. They welcmed me almst instantly, and I felt right at hme. I think there were at least fur different kids wh came right up t me within tw minutes f my arrival, asking me t help them with their hmewrk.
    Yu culd tell that they were smart, ready t learn and excited. I lved reading with the kids and playing “Srry!” with them. They made me laugh, they made me smile, but mst imprtantly, they made me want t cme back. I felt like I already had a place there. That’s just my impressin f the Carver Center: warm and inviting.
    Befre I started vlunteering, I had always heard peple say it was rewarding. But I never truly knew what they meant until I stepped int the Carver Center. I never knew I wuld feel s much emtinally, and that I wuld change s much mentally.
    Fr me, vlunteering isn’t just abut the hme-wrk tutring. It became smething special t me, and smething that I culd call my wn, almst like a guilty pleasure, but withut the guilt. Vlunteering truly has becme a life-changing experience that’s nw part f wh I am and hw I chse t live my life.
    31.What did the authr’s mther think f his first day at the Carver Center?(n mre than 5 wrds)

    32.What did the authr d at the Carver Center? (n mre than 10 wrds)

    33.What is the Carver Center like accrding t the authr? (n mre than 5 wrds)

    34.What des the underlined part in the last paragraph mean? (n mre than 10 wrds)

    35.Will yu participate in vlunteering if yu are free? Please explain. (n mre than 20 wrds)

    On 8th August, 1914, 27 men wh had replied t an advertisement in The Times barded a ship leaving fr the Antarctic (南极洲). The name f the ship was the Endurance and the captain was an Irishman called Ernest Shackletn.
    The aim f the jurney was t crss the frzen cntinent via the Suth Ple — a jurney f 1, 800 miles. Shackletn thught the jurney wuld last six mnths.
    But when land came int sight, the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began t break up. Shackletn and his men watched the Endurance sink int the icy sea. They then headed nrth, pulling three lifebats behind them.
    After six days, bad weather frced them t give up and the men set up camp n a sheet f ice which began slwly mving acrss the Antarctic Circle.
    They survived n the ice fr five mnths. Then, n 16th April, 1915, Shackletn saw land. It was Elephant Island — a large rck with nthing grwing n it, but much better than a flating piece f ice. When they reached the island, Shackletn came up with an idea — it was a risk but he wuld have t take it. He and five men wuld take ne f the lifebats, and sail 800 miles t Suth Gergia, where there was a permanent camp. They culd then return t rescue the rest f the men.
    It tk Shackletn 17 days t reach Suth Gergia. Unfrtunately he landed n the wrng side f the island, and had t walk 36 hurs ver muntains t reach the camp. The whale hunters at the camp culdn’t believe their eyes when they saw the six men walking dwn frm the muntains. Shackletn kept his prmise. Mre than three mnths later, be returned t Elephant Island t rescue the crew he had been frced t abandn. He had failed t reach the ple — but he had saved the lives f all his men.
    36.What was the gal f the adventure? (n mre than 8 wrds)

    37.Why did they leave the Endurance? (n mre than 6 wrds)

    38.What des the underlined wrd mean in Paragraph 5? (1 wrd)

    39.Hw did Shackletn save the lives f all his crew? (n mre than 15 wrds)

    40.What d yu think f Shackletn? Please explain. (n mre than 20 wrds)

    I had always been ne f thse quiet bys wh preferred dreams t the real wrld. I was, in additin, absurdly shy, and therefre ften mistaken fr a fl, which upset me deeply. Fr nthing terrified me mre than the prspect f crrecting a false impressin. Thugh I was ften blamed by mistakes made by my classmates, I never dare t say a wrd in self-defense. I wuld simply g hme t hide in a crner and cry. My greatest pleasure was t sit alne, reading, and let my thughts drift away in the stries.
    My daydreams were in sharp cntrast t real life; they were full f adventures and heric deeds. They left marks n me. There was, fr instance, a bk abut the histry f the Rman Empire, in which an ambassadr, while negtiating a treaty, was tld that he was t accept the terms ffered, n pain f death: his respnse was t plunge his arm int a fire and cntinue with his deliberatins, in abslute calm. Inspired by his curage, I prceeded t test my wn pwers f resilience by plunging my wn hand int the fire, nly t burn my fingers badly. I can still see that ambassadr, smiling calmly thrugh his pain. Father hated my reading all the time, and smetimes he threw away my bks. Sme nights he refused t let me turn n the light in my bedrm. But I culd always find a way, and after he caught me reading by the light f a string-wick lamp, he gave up and left me t it.
    There was a time when I tried my hand at writing indeed, I even made a few little pems, but I quickly abandned my effrts. N matter what I had bttled up inside me, I was extremely anxius abut letting it ut, and s my adventures in writing ended. I did, hwever, carry n painting. There was, I thught, n risk f revealing anything persnal. I just tk smething frm the utside wrld and brught it t life n paper. Smetimes I did hide sme persnal expressin in it, but I made sure that it was visible enugh t be seen and trivial enugh t be ignred. The first time I shwed my painting t my father, he was caught in silence fr a while and then he breathed deeply, and said: “My sn finally made smething.” Then here I am, as a teacher at the Academy f Fine Arts, wndering hw everything happened, frm my daydreams t painting.
    41.Hw did the authr respnd t the wrngs he suffered? (N mre than 15 wrds)

    42.Why did the authr give up writing?(N mre than 10 wrds)

    43.What was the authr’s father’s attitude twards his painting?(N mre than 10 wrds)

    44.What des the underlined sentence mean?(N mre than 10 wrds) .

    45.If yu are afraid f saying smething face t face, what ther means wuld yu try? Why?(N mre than 25 wrds)

    I am Linda frm the USA.Abut six years ag, I decided that I needed t imprve my fitness. After mnths f circuit training at the gym, I thught it might be fun t g t wrk by bicycle. I lived abut 12 miles frm wrk, s this was a reasnable and serius try.
    After thinking it ver, I finally reinfrced my determinatin and rde t wrk. It was hard, but I enjyed it. At lunchtime, I thught it might be cl t cycle int the city t eat. Hwever, I discvered my bike had a puncture (轮胎穿孔). This upset me a bit as I was nt fully prepared t be dealing with such prblems n day ne. Eventually, I gt the puncture repaired and set ff. But in a hurry, I ignred t tighten the frnt wheel nuts! Abut 2km dwn the rad, the inevitable happened. While jumping a gutter (排水沟), the frnt wheel separated frm the frks and I crashed hard nt the pavement.
    I dn’t really knw hw lng I just std there, bleeding and wndering what t d next. Suddenly, a white truck stpped and a ne-armed man appeared. Withut even asking, he placed my bike int the back and guided me t the passenger seat. He asked me where I wanted t be taken. Cnfused, I asked him t take me t my wrkplace, which he did. He unladed my bike and lcked it up fr me in ne f the bike lckers. Then he drve ff withut a wrd.
    Sn Carrie, a c-wrker wh returned frm lunch, discvered me and tk me t the hspital. I turned ut that I had brken a bne in my left hand. A few days later, I was able t thank Carri in persn. Hwever, I never saw that my mysterius ne-armed man again.
    Nw I am always carrying a full repair kit and trying t g ut f my way t assist ther cyclists, and even mtrists, wh are in truble. It’s my way t give a little back and shw kindness that was shwn t me.
    46.Why did the authr decide t g t wrk by bike?(n mre than 10 wrds)

    47.What des the underlined part in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?(n mre than 5 wrds)

    48.What mainly caused the authr’s accident?(n mre than 10 wrds)

    49.Why did the ne-armed man take the authr t the wrkplace?(n mre than 10 wrds)

    50.What d yu think f the authr’s behaviur in the last paragraph? Why? (n mre than 20wrds)

    1.The suvenirs abut Michael Jacksn cllected by her parents. 2.By trying t g smewhere t fcus n smething else. 3.She felt very frightened. 4.She turned t a hypntherapist fr help and pened her heart t her parents. 5.I think that her situatin is fearful. It’s unwise t keep prblems t urselves and we shuld bravely face prblems and ask fr help.
    1.考查细节理解。根据第二段前两句“Every time she sees r hears anything abut Michael Jacksn—a sng, an interview r even a pster, she will experience a mment f fear. Her fear even grws strnger at hme, as Pppy’s parents are big fans f Michael Jacksn and have a cllectin f suvenirs arund their huse.”(每当她看到或听到任何关于迈克尔·杰克逊的东西——一首歌、一次采访甚至一张海报,她都会感到恐惧。波比的父母是迈克尔·杰克逊的忠实粉丝,家里到处都是纪念品,所以她的恐惧在家里变得更加强烈。)可知,在家里波比父母收集的关于迈克尔·杰克逊的纪念品使她害怕。故答案为The suvenirs abut Michael Jacksn cllected by her parents.
    2.考查细节理解。根据第三段“Managing her fear f Michael Jacksn hasn’t been easy fr Pppy, wh wuld ften excuse herself whenever she was ut with her friends and a Michael Jacksn sng started playing. She wuld then spend a few minutes smewhere else trying t take her mind ff it.”(对波比来说,克服对迈克尔·杰克逊的恐惧并不容易,每当她和朋友出去玩,听到迈克尔·杰克逊的歌时,她就会找借口走开。然后她会在别的地方呆上几分钟,试图转移她的注意力。)可知,在公开场合,当听到迈克尔·杰克逊的歌时,她通过试着去其他地方专注于其他事情来转移自己的注意力。故答案为By trying t g smewhere t fcus n smething else.
    3.考查短语猜测。根据第四段第一句“Earlier this year, when the dcumentary Finding Neverland came ut, news and phts f Michael Jacksn were everywhere nline.”(今年早些时候,当纪录片《寻找梦幻岛》上映时,迈克尔·杰克逊的新闻和照片在网上到处都是。)并结合上文描述的波比对迈克尔·杰克逊的恐惧可知,当迈克尔·杰克逊的新闻和照片随处可见时,她会感到非常害怕恐惧。故推知her heart was in her muth意为“感到害怕的”。故答案为She felt very frightened.
    4.考查细节理解。根据第五段“Pppy recently started pening up abut her unusual fear and even started taking steps t handle it. She started seeing a hypntherapist. After fur weeks, she nw says things are getting better. In additin, she tld her parents that the things related t Michael Jacksn at hme made her feel fearful and finally her parents understd her and cmpletely remved all the things abut Michael Jacksn.”(波比最近开始公开她不寻常的恐惧,甚至开始采取措施来处理它。她开始看催眠治疗师。四周后,她说现在情况有所好转。此外,她告诉她的父母,家里有关迈克尔·杰克逊的事情让她感到害怕,最后她的父母理解了她,彻底删除了所有关于迈克尔·杰克逊的事情。)可知,她通过向催眠治疗师寻求帮助,并向父母敞开心扉来解决她的恐惧。故答案为She turned t a hypntherapist fr help and pened her heart t her parents.
    5.开放性题目。要求描述自己对波比的处境的看法并提出建议。言之有理即可,比如认为她的处境很可怕,把问题藏在心里是不明智的,我们应该勇敢地面对问题,寻求帮助。故答案为I think that her situatin is fearful . It’s unwise t keep prblems t urselves and we shuld bravely face prblems and ask fr help.或I think her situatin gives us a gd warning lessn. It is imprtant t seek help as early as pssible, whever experiences similar things.
    6.Drink yur juice. 7.Because his father never expressed lve t him verbally. 8.By wrking hard and taking care f his family. 9.The authr’s father is hardwrking and kind f humurus. 10.Yes, I’m mved. And I will express lve thrugh regular visits, thughtful gestures, and heartfelt cnversatins with my parents.
    6.考查细节理解。根据第一段中“He was weak and mved slwly, but he always had a glass f freshly squeezed range juice n the kitchen table fr me, alng with an unsigned nte reading, “Drink yur juice.”(他身体虚弱,行动缓慢,但他总是在厨房的桌子上为我准备一杯鲜榨的橙汁,还有一张没有签名的纸条,上面写着:“喝果汁。”)”可知,纸条上面写着“喝果汁”。故答案为Drink yur juice.
    7.考查推理判断。根据第一段中“In fact, I remember, as a kid I had questined Mm “Why desn’t Dad lve me?” Mm frwned (皱眉). “Wh said he desn’t lve yu?!” “Well, he never tells me.” I cmplained.(事实上,我记得,当我还是个孩子的时候,我问过妈妈:“为什么爸爸不爱我?”妈妈皱起眉头。“谁说他不爱你了?”“嗯,他从来没告诉过我。”我抱怨道)”可推知,作者向母亲抱怨父亲是因为父亲从未用语言表达对作者的爱。故答案为Because his father never expressed lve t him verbally.
    8.考查细节理解。根据第一段中作者妈妈的话“But lk hw hard he wrks t take care f us, t buy us fd and clthes, and t pay fr this huse. That’s hw yur father tells us he lves us.(但看看他是多么努力地工作来照顾我们,给我们买吃的和穿的,付这所房子的钱。你父亲就是这样告诉我们他爱我们的)”可知,父亲通过努力工作和照顾家庭来表达他的爱。故答案为By wrking hard and taking care f his family.
    9.考查推理判断。根据第二段中““Why dn’t yu hire smene t d that fr yu?” Mm asked Dad ne night as she bent ver him and rubbed his aching shulders with a strng smelling liniment (搽剂). “Why dn’t yu hire a ck?” Dad asked, giving her ne f his rare smiles.(一天晚上,妈妈一边她弯下腰,用一种气味强烈的搽剂擦爸爸疼痛的肩膀,一边问:“你为什么不雇个人来帮你呢?”。“你为什么不雇一个厨师呢?”爸爸问,给了她一个难得的微笑)”可推知,爸爸宁愿自己辛苦也不愿意雇人帮忙,说明他很勤劳,同时他用同样的问题反问妈妈,巧妙地给出了自己的答案,说明他也有幽默感。故答案为The authr’s father is hardwrking and kind f humurus.
    10.开放性试题。言之有理,注意词数限制。如通读全文可知,文章讲述了作者的父亲不善于用语言来表达爱,但他的行动说明了一起。作者最终理解了父亲深沉的父爱并决定用行动给予回报。所以这个故事打动了我。而我也会通过经常拜访父母、体贴的行动和真诚的话语来表达我对父母的爱。故答案为Yes, I’m mved. And I will express lve thrugh regular visits, thughtful gestures, and heartfelt cnversatins with my parents.
    11.Fein wanted intellectual engagement and t achieve her lng-standing gal f earning a bachelr’s degree./ Fein wanted t keep her mind active/have a fuller life and achieve her dream f getting her degree. 12.Fein’s life experience. 13.Because f her bad health. 14.She kept wrking hard at her studies. 15.Fein’s stry tells us that we shuld vercme difficulties and persist in learning, and establish the cnsciusness f lifelng learning.
    11.考查细节理解。根据第四段““I didn’t have anything t d in retirement and I didn’t think that playing bing was up t my speed, ”Fein said. She said she decided t majr in scilgy.(费恩说:“我退休后没什么事可做,我觉得玩宾果游戏跟不上我的速度。”她说她决定主修社会学)”可知,费恩想在退休后继续学习是因为费恩想要智力上的参与,并实现她长期以来的目标——获得学士学位。或回答费恩想让自己的思维保持活跃,过上更充实的生活,实现获得学位的梦想。故答案为Fein wanted intellectual engagement and t achieve her lng-standing gal f earning a bachelr’s degree./ Fein wanted t keep her mind active/have a fuller life and achieve her dream f getting her degree.
    12.考查主旨大意。根据第五段“Fein spent her childhd in the Brnx, New Yrk City, where her family lived in pverty. After graduating early frm high schl, she started wrking as a secretary at a dress manufacturer at the age f 16. Fllwing her marriage, she spent 18 years raising her children at hme. Thrughut her life, Fein held varius jbs, including 20 years as a secretary in a Dallas hspital, which she retired frm in 2012. She als devted 20 years t earning an assciate degree, which she received in 1995.(费恩的童年是在纽约市布朗克斯度过的,她的家庭生活贫困。高中提前毕业后,她在16岁时开始在一家服装制造商担任秘书。婚后,她花了18年的时间在家抚养孩子。在她的一生中,费恩做过各种各样的工作,包括在达拉斯一家医院做了20年的秘书,她于2012年退休。她还花了20年时间获得了副学士学位,并于1995年获得了学位)”可知,第5段主要讲了费恩的人生经历。故答案为Fein’s life experience.
    13.考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段“Despite wrsening health cnditins, Fein persevered, using a walker and xygen, and even cmpleting the remaining degree requirements thrugh nline classes.(尽管健康状况不断恶化,费恩还是坚持了下来,使用助行器和氧气,甚至通过在线课程完成了剩余的学位要求)”可知,费恩参加网络课程来完成她学位要求的最后一部分是因为她身体不好。故答案为Because f her bad health.
    14.考查词句猜测。根据划线词上文“She said that Fein never shwed signs f giving up even with all f her difficulties.(她说,费恩即使遇到种种困难,也从未表现出放弃的迹象)”以及后文“in return she received her bachelr’s degree and respect(作为回报,她获得了学士学位和尊重)”可知,费恩遇到困难也没有放弃,继续努力学习,所以她获得了学士学位和尊重。故划线词意思是“她继续努力学习”。故答案为She kept wrking hard at her studies.
    15.考查开放题。根据“你能从这个故事中学到什么?请解释一下”可回答“费恩的故事告诉我们,应该克服困难坚持学习的故事,树立终身学习的意识”,故答案为Fein’s stry tells us that we shuld vercme difficulties and persist in learning, and establish the cnsciusness f lifelng learning.
    16.She has t supprt her mther but n incme f her wn withut her husband. 17.Because the current teacher appeared very keen t leave./Because the current teacher had made such an abrupt dicisin. 18.She felt happy fr getting the jb but panic at the thught f being a teacher f teenagers. 19.Hw challenging her jb is./Hw difficult it is t teach such students. 20.“Rewarding” in the stry suggests that the slw prcess f making a difference in the students’ lives was fulfilling and brught a sense f accmplishment.
    16.考查细节理解。根据第一段中“I had been widwed recently, and I had an elderly mther t supprt but n incme f my wn. I n lnger had the luxury f a husband supprting me, s it was time t get a jb. (我最近丧偶,要赡养年迈的母亲,但自己没有收入。我不再有丈夫支持我,所以是时候找份工作了。)”可知,作者必须要赡养母亲,但她没有丈夫,自己又没有收入,所以她决定找一份工作,故填She has t supprt her mther but n incme f her wn withut her husband.
    17.考查细节理解。根据第二段中“I was given the jb and asked if I was able t begin teaching that same day. The current English teacher appeared very keen t leave!(我得到了这份工作,并询问我是否能够在同一天开始教学。现任英语老师似乎很想离开!)”和第三段中“I wndered why she had made such an abrupt decisin(我想知道她为什么做出这么突然的决定)”可知,作者能够在面试那天就开始上课,这是因为现任英语老师似乎很想离开,也或者是现在的老师作了一个很突然的决定,故填Because the current teacher appeared very keen t leave./Because the current teacher had made such an abrupt dicisin.
    18.考查细节理解。根据第三段中“but I was secretly pleased that her lss had becme my gain. (但我暗自高兴的是,她的损失变成了我的收获。)”和“The thught f standing in frnt f a grup f teenagers made me scared and I started t panic.(一想到要站在一群青少年面前,我就感到害怕,开始惊慌。)”可知,作者第一天感到很高兴,因为她得到了一份工作,但是一想到要成为一名青少年教师就感到恐慌。故填She felt happy fr getting the jb but panic at the thught f being a teacher f teenagers.
    19.考查推理判断。根据第四段中“The classrm was empty when I entered it. Slwly, the teenagers I was expecting arrived in grups f fur and five. Finally every seat was taken and I stared ut at the blank faces in frnt f me. They had been shwn little respect and s they had given up n educatin and n themselves. N ne was listening r seemed t care what I was ding. I knew I wasn’t a gifted teacher and it was nly my first day, but nthing I did mtivated these students. They were bred and restless.(当我走进教室时,教室里空无一人。慢慢地,我期待的青少年四五人一组地到来了。最后,每个座位都坐满了,我凝视着面前一张张茫然的脸。他们没有受到多少尊重,因此他们放弃了教育和自己。没有人在听或似乎关心我在做什么。我知道我不是一个有天赋的老师,这只是我的第一天,但我所做的一切都没有激励这些学生。他们感到无聊和不安)”和最后一段中“I decided I wuld take up the challenge.(我决定接受挑战。)”可知,作者的学生放弃了教育和自己,没有学习的动力,不爱学习,也不听作者讲课,由此可推知,作者在第四段是想告诉我们她的这份工作很有挑战性,教这群学生很困难,故填Hw challenging her jb is./Hw difficult it is t teach such students.
    20.开放试题,言之有理即可。根据最后一段中“I decided I wuld take up the challenge. It was a slw prcess, but it was als the mst rewarding experience f my life. It tk time, but my patience was rewarded. They had discvered the jy f learning and I had discvered what it really means t be a teacher.(我决定接受挑战。这是一个缓慢的过程,但也是我一生中最有价值的经历。这需要时间,但我的耐心得到了回报。他们发现了学习的乐趣,而我发现了成为一名教师的真正意义)”可知,故事中的“rewarding”表明,改变学生生活的缓慢过程是充实的,会带来成就感。故填“Rewarding” in the stry suggests that the slw prcess f making a difference in the students’ lives was fulfilling and brught a sense f accmplishment.
    21.He received a muntain bike fr his 15th birthday.
    OR: He gt a muntain bike at the age f fifteen.
    OR: He gt a muntain bike when he was fifteen. 22.Fascinated. / Interested./ Inspired. / Mtivated. 23.He decided that t be an explrer wuld be his future.
    OR: It made him decide t g n lng-distanced expeditins in the future.
    OR: He decided t start the jurney t (explre) the Nrth Ple. 24.(Because) It sets/set a recrd in the Nrth Ple expeditin.
    OR:(Because)He is/was the yungest persn t ski alne and explre mre f the Arctic. 25.I am inspired by his curage and determinatin. Because his willingness t push the bundaries f human explratin / endure the harshest cnditins n Earth is a testament t their extrardinary curage.
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了著名探险家Ben Saunders的人生故事,详细介绍了他走上探险之路的过程。
    21.考查细节理解。根据第二段中“It was a muntain bike he received fr his 15th birthday that changed him.(15岁生日收到的一辆山地车改变了他)”可知,Saunders投身体育运动的转折点是他15岁生日时收到一辆山地车,故答案为He received a muntain bike fr his 15th birthday./ He gt a muntain bike at the age f fifteen./ He gt a muntain bike when he was fifteen.
    22.考查词义猜测。根据划线词下文“Saunders read all he culd abut Arctic explrers and Nrth Ple expeditins, then decided that this wuld be his future.(他读了所有关于北极探险家和北极探险的书,然后决定这将是他的未来)”可知,Saunders读了所有关于北极探险家和北极探险的书,说明他对此感兴趣,intrigued意为“感兴趣的”,故答案为Fascinated./Interested./Inspired./Mtivated.
    23.考查细节理解。根据第三段最后一句“Intrigued, Saunders read all he culd abut Arctic explrers and Nrth Ple expeditins, then decided that this wuld be his future.(Saunders很感兴趣,他读了所有关于北极探险家和北极探险的书,然后决定这将是他的未来)”和第五段中“In 2001, after becming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first lng-distance expeditin t ward the Nrth Ple.(2001年,在成为一名熟练的滑雪者之后,Saunders开始了他第一次前往北极的长途探险)”可知,关于北极探险家和探险的书籍促使他决定在未来成为一名探险家,后来开始了北极探险之旅。故答案为He decided that t be an explrer wuld be his future./It made him decide t g n lng-distanced expeditins in the future./He decided t start the jurney t (explre) the Nrth Ple.
    24.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中“Saunders has since becme the yungest persn t ski alne t the Nrth Ple, and he’s skied mre in the Arctic by himself than any ther Britn.(从那以后,Saunders成为了独自滑雪到北极的最年轻的人,他在北极独自滑雪的次数比其他任何英国人都多)”可知,Saunders北极之旅的特殊之处在于他成为独自滑雪到北极的最年轻的人,在北极独自滑雪的次数比其他任何英国人都多,创造了新纪录,故答案为(Because) It sets/set a recrd in the Nrth Ple expeditin./ (Because)He is/was the yungest persn t ski alne and explre mre f the Arctic.
    25.考查开放题型。根据第五段中“He suffered frstbite(冻疮), had a clser encunter with a plar bear and pushed his bdy t the limit.(他生了冻疮,与北极熊近距离接触,将自己的身体推向了极限)”、第六段中“Saunders has since becme the yungest persn t ski alne t the Nrth Ple, and he’s skied mre in the Arctic by himself than any ther Britn.(从那以后,Saunders成为了独自滑雪到北极的最年轻的人,他在北极独自滑雪的次数比其他任何英国人都多)”和最后一段“This Octber, Saunders, 27, heads suth t explre frm the cast f Antarctica t the Suth Ple and back, an 1800-mile jurney that has never been cmpleted n skis.(今年10月,27岁的Saunders向南出发,从南极洲海岸到南极点再返回,这是一段1800英里的旅程,从来没有人用滑雪板完成过)”可知,我被他的勇气和决心所鼓舞。因为他愿意突破人类探索的界限,忍受地球上最恶劣的条件,这证明了他们非凡的勇气,故答案为I am inspired by his curage and determinatin. Because his willingness t push the bundaries f human explratin / endure the harshest cnditins n Earth is a testament t their extrardinary curage.
    26.T encurage them t explre the cean. 27.The chance t let peple respect and prtect the cean. 28.It is unique and has great scientific value. 29.is busy with her wrk. 30.She’s a respectable scientist and her wrk is quite meaningful which can make a big difference t the earth.
    26.考查推理判断。根据首段““Smene nce asked me, ‘What’s the tl yu wuld want t give any student’? And I said, ‘A mask and snrkel (潜水通气管) set,’’’ the cean bilgist Thys says in a vide. And Thys explains, “Ninety-eight percent f the living space n this planet is the cean. It’s wrth a view.”(“有人曾经问我,‘你想给学生什么工具?’”海洋生物学家Thys在一段视频中说:“我说,‘一套面罩和通气管。’”Thys解释说:“这个星球上98%的生存空间是海洋。值得一看。”)”可知,Thys认为这个星球上98%的生存空间是海洋,值得一看,由此可知,Thys送给学生面罩和通气管是为了鼓励他们探索海洋。故答案为T encurage them t explre the cean.
    27.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“A big part f what mtivates her wrk is the chance t let peple develp a sense f respect fr the grandness f the cean, and t get peple t participate in effrts t prtect endangered cean ecsystems.(她工作的动力很大一部分是有机会让人们对海洋的壮丽产生尊重,并让人们参与保护濒危海洋生态系统的努力。)”可知,她工作的动力是让人们对海洋的壮丽产生尊重,并让人们努力地参与到保护濒危的海洋生态系统,由此可知,让人们尊重和保护海洋的机会是她工作的动力。故答案为The chance t let peple respect and prtect the cean.
    28.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的““It’s s different frm any ther fish,” says Thys. “It lks like a mistake. Where des the tail g?” Thys adds. “The sunfish prvides an entry pint t understanding mre abut the behavir f creatures in the cean, and abut hw envirnmental changes impact underwater ecsystems.”(“它和其他任何鱼都不一样,”Thys说。“这看起来像是一个错误。尾巴去哪儿了?”Thys补充道。“太阳鱼为更多地了解海洋生物的行为以及环境变化如何影响水下生态系统提供了一个切入点。”)”可知,sunfish与其它的鱼不同,它为了更多了解海洋生物的行为以及环境变化如何影响水下生态系统,由此可知,Thys认为太阳鱼是独一无二的,具有很大的科学价值。故答案为It is unique and has great scientific value.
    29.考查词义猜测。根据划线句子后的“She culd hardly spare plenty f time fr a gd rest.(她几乎抽不出足够的时间好好休息。)”可知,Thys几乎抽不出时间好好休息,结合划线句子前的“Due t many cean research prjects and activities frm the media(由于媒体的海洋研究项目和活动很多)”可知,Thys有很多的海洋研究项目和活动,由此可知,划线部分的意思应与“她忙于工作”意义相近。故答案为is busy with her wrk.
    30.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Thys has devted her career t seeing the cean, and t helping thers watch the great diversity f the underwater wrld.(Thys将她的职业生涯奉献给了观察海洋,并帮助其他人观察海底世界的巨大多样性。)”可知,Thys把职业生涯献给了海洋观察,并帮助其他人观察海底世界的巨大多样性,由此可知,她是一个值得尊敬的人,结合倒数第二段中的“Thys’s wrk als takes her abve grund, where she’s lking at ways t create new cnnectins between human ppulatins and natural envirnments t help address scial and envirnmental challenges.(Thys的工作也将她带到地面上,在那里她正在寻找在人口和自然环境之间建立新联系的方法,以帮助解决社会和环境挑战。)”可知,她在寻找人类与自然环境之间的新联系,已帮助解决社会和环境的挑战,由此可知,她的工作是有意义的,对社会有很大的影响。故答案为She’s a respectable scientist and her wrk is quite meaningful which can make a big difference t the earth.
    31.It made the authr different. 32.He helped sme first graders with their hmewrk there. 33.It is warm and attractive. 34.Vlunteering became an essential part f the authr’s life. 35.Yes, I will. It’s because vlunteering can ffer assistance t peple in need and make ur sciety better and better.
    31.考查细节理解题,根据第一段中的“On my first day, I had n idea what t expect, but after a few hurs’ vlunteering, I came hme feeling like a cmpletely different persn. My mther even tld me that I had changed smehw.(第一天,我不知道会发生什么,但在几个小时的志愿服务后,我回到家,感觉自己完全变了一个人。我妈妈甚至告诉我,不知怎么的,我变了。)”可知,作者从事志愿者活动第一天回来后,作者的妈妈告诉作者发生了改变,由此可知,作者的母亲认为作者在卡弗中心的第一天使得作者不同了。故答案为It made the authr different.。
    32.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“I was assigned t a class f first graders. My jb was t help them with their hmewrk.(我被分到一个一年级班。我的工作是帮助他们做作业。)”可知,作者被分到了一年级班,帮助他们做作业,由此可知,作者在卡弗中心帮助一些一年级的孩子做作业。故答案为He helped sme first graders with their hmewrk there.
    33.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“They made me laugh, they made me smile, but mst imprtantly, they made me want t cme back. I felt like I already had a place there. That’s just my impressin f the Carver Center: warm and inviting.(他们让我开怀大笑,他们让我微笑,但最重要的是,他们让我想回来。我觉得我在那里已经有了一席之地。这就是我对卡佛中心的印象:热情好客。)”可知,作者在卡佛中心的时候,孩子们然他开怀大笑,让作者还想回来,且作者对卡佛中心的印象是热情好客,由此可知,卡佛中心是热情而有吸引力的。故答案为It is warm and attractive.
    34.考查词义猜测。根据划线部分后的“Vlunteering truly has becme a life-changing experience that’s nw part f wh I am and hw I chse t live my life. (志愿服务已经真正成为改变人生的经历,现在它是我的一部分,也是我选择如何生活的一部分。)”可知,志愿服务成为作者的一部分,也是选择如何生活的一部分,结合划线句子前的“It became smething special t me(它对我来说变得很特别)”可知,作者认为志愿服务对他来说变得很特别,综合以上信息可知,划线部分的意思应为“志愿服务成为作者生活中必不可少的一部分”。故答案为Vlunteering became an essential part f the authr’s life.
    35.开放型题目。根据尾段中的“Vlunteering truly has becme a life-changing experience that’s nw part f wh I am and hw I chse t live my life.(志愿服务已经真正成为改变人生的经历,现在它是我的一部分,也是我选择如何生活的一部分。)”可知,志愿服务能改变一个人的人生经历,使其成为生活中的一部分,结合现实生活可知,志愿服务工作能够帮到更多需要处于困境中的人,会使得整个社会变得越来越好,所以,如果我有时间会参加志愿服务工作,因为志愿服务可以为有需要的人提供帮助,使我们的社会变得越来越好。故答案为Yes, I will. It’s because vlunteering can ffer assistance t peple in need and make ur sciety better and better.
    36.T crss the Antarctic via the Suth Ple. 37.Because it sank int the sea. 38.Mving. 39.He led five men t Suth Gede’s permanent camp t seek assistance. 40.Open.
    He is brave and supprtive/a surce f strength. Because he culd d anything t save his crew.
    36.考查细节理解。根据第二段“The aim f the jurney was t crss the frzen cntinent via the Suth Ple — a jurney f 1, 800 miles.(这次旅行的目的是通过南极点穿越冰封的大陆 —— 全程1800英里)”可知,这次冒险的目的是经由南极点穿越南极。故答案为T crss the Antarctic via the Suth Ple.
    37.考查细节理解。根据第三段“Shackletn and his men watched the Endurance sink int the icy sea. They then headed nrth, pulling three lifebats behind them.( Shackletn和他的船员们看着“耐力号”沉入冰冷的大海。然后他们拉着三艘救生艇向北驶去)”可知,他们离开耐力号是因为它沉入大海了。故答案为Because it sank int the sea.
    38.考查词句猜测。根据第四段“After six days, bad weather frced them t give up and the men set up camp n a sheet f ice which began slwly mving acrss the Antarctic Circle.(六天后,恶劣的天气迫使他们放弃,他们在一片开始慢慢横跨南极圈的冰层上扎营)”;划线词上文“Then, n 16th April, 1915, Shackletn saw land.(1915年4月16日,沙克尔顿终于看到了陆地)”以及“It was Elephant Island — a large rck with nthing grwing n it, but much better than a(那是大象岛——一块大岩石,上面什么也没有长,但比……好得多)”可知,他们看到的陆地是象岛——一块没有长什么东西的大岩石,但是比一块移动的冰要好得多了。故划线词意思是“移动的”。故答案为Mving.
    39.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段“He and five men wuld take ne f the lifebats, and sail 800 miles t Suth Gergia, where there was a permanent camp. They culd then return t rescue the rest f the men.(他和五个人将乘坐一艘救生艇,航行800英里到达南乔治亚岛,那里有一个永久的营地。然后他们可以回来营救其余的人)”可知,沙克尔顿带领五个人到南高德的永久营地寻求帮助,拯救了所有船员的生命的。故答案为He led five men t Suth Gede’s permanent camp t seek assistance.
    40.考查开放题。根据最后一段“It tk Shackletn 17 days t reach Suth Gergia. Unfrtunately he landed n the wrng side f the island, and had t walk 36 hurs ver muntains t reach the camp. The whale hunters at the camp culdn’t believe their eyes when they saw the six men walking dwn frm the muntains. Shackletn kept his prmise. Mre than three mnths later, be returned t Elephant Island t rescue the crew he had been frced t abandn. He had failed t reach the ple—but he had saved the lives f all his men.(沙克尔顿号花了17天才到达南乔治亚岛。不幸的是,他落在了岛的另一边,不得不走36个小时的山路才能到达营地。当营地里的捕鲸人看到那六个人从山上走下来时,他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。沙克尔顿遵守了他的诺言。三个多月后,他回到象岛营救他被迫抛弃的船员。他没能到达极点——但他救了所有同伴的命)”可回答:他很勇敢,支持我/给我力量。因为他可以做任何事来救他的船员。故答案为He is brave and supprtive/a surce f strength. Because he culd d anything t save his crew.
    41.Instead f saying a wrd in self-defense, he went hme t hide and cried. 42.Because he was extremely anxius abut letting ut his thughts. 43.He sang/spke highly f his painting. 44.Daydreams influenced the writer’s behavir in real life. 45.I wuld try writing letters, emails r text messages, because it allws me t cnvey my thughts withut embarrassment, which can make me mre cmfrtable.
    41.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Thugh I was ften blamed by mistakes made by my classmates, I never dare t say a wrd in self-defense. I wuld simply g hme t hide in a crner and cry.(尽管我经常被同学们的错误指责,但我从来不敢说一句出于自卫的话。我会干脆回家躲在角落里哭。)”可知,当作者为其他同学的错误而遭受指责时,他没有说一句话来自卫,而是回家躲着哭。故答案为:Instead f saying a wrd in self-defense, he went hme t hide and cried
    42.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“N matter what I had bttled up inside me, I was extremely anxius abut letting it ut, and s my adventures in writing ended.(无论我内心藏着什么,我都非常担心会泄露出去,所以我的写作冒险结束了。)”可知,因为作者担心自己会泄露内心的想法,所以放弃了写作。故答案为:Because he was extremely anxius abut letting ut his thughts.
    43.观点态度题。根据最后一段中父亲的话“My sn finally made smething.(我的儿子终于做出了一些东西。)”可推知,当作者的父亲看到作者的画时,他对其评价很高。故答案为:He sang/spke highly f his painting.
    44.句意猜测题。根据第二段中的“There was, fr instance, a bk abut the histry f the Rman Empire, in which an ambassadr, while negtiating a treaty, was tld that he was t accept the terms ffered, n pain f death: his respnse was t plunge his arm int a fire and cntinue with his deliberatins, in abslute calm. Inspired by his curage, I prceeded t test my wn pwers f resilience by plunging my wn hand int the fire, nly t burn my fingers badly.(例如,有一本关于罗马帝国历史的书,其中一位大使在谈判一项条约时,被告知他将接受所提供的条件,否则将面临死亡的痛苦:他的反应是将手臂伸进火中,在绝对平静的情况下继续审议。在他的勇气的鼓舞下,我开始测试自己的恢复力,把手伸进火里,结果手指被严重烧伤。)”可知,作者在读了关于这位大使的事迹后,便开始在现实生活中效仿,由此可推测出,“They left marks n me.”的字面意思是“白日梦在我身上留下了痕迹”,作者想表达的是白日梦影响了作者在现实生活中的行为。故答案为:Daydreams influenced the writer’s behavir in real life.
    45.推理判断题。通读全文内容,尤其是最后一段中的“N matter what I had bttled up inside me, I was extremely anxius abut letting it ut, and s my adventures in writing ended.(无论我内心藏着什么,我都非常担心会泄露出去,所以我的写作冒险结束了。)”可知,作者是一个害羞且安静的人,他尝试写作,但最终因为害怕泄露内心的想法而放弃了,由此可推测出,写作可以帮助表达内心的想法,所以如果你害怕面对面说话,可以尝试用写信、邮件、短信的方式,因为这可以帮助你毫无尴尬地表达内心的想法,也让你感到舒服。故答案为:I wuld try writing letters, emails r text messages, because it allws me t cnvey my thughts withut embarrassment, which can make me mre cmfrtable.
    46.Because she thught it might be fun and healthy. 47.Made up my mind./Decided/Determined 48.That she frgt t tighten the frnt wheel nuts. 49.Because it was asked by the authr. 50.I think it’s reasnable because she wants t shw her appreciatin and pass n that ne-armed man’s kindness in this way.
    46.考查细节理解。根据第一段“Abut six years ag, I decided that I needed t imprve my fitness. After mnths f circuit training at the gym, I thught it might be fun t g t wrk by bicycle.(大约六年前,我决定我需要提高我的健康。在健身房进行了几个月的循环训练后,我想骑自行车去上班可能会很有趣)”可知,作者骑自行车去上班是因为她认为这可能既有趣又健康。故答案为Because she thught it might be fun and healthy.
    47.考查词句猜测。根据划线词后文“rde t wrk. It was hard, but I enjyed it”可知,经过一番考虑,作者终于坚定了决心,骑车去上班了。虽然很辛苦,但作者很享受。划线词意思是“下定决心;决定”。故答案为Made up my mind./Decided/Determined.
    48.考查细节理解。根据第二段“But in a hurry, I ignred t tighten the frnt wheel nuts!(但在匆忙中,我忽略了要拧紧前轮螺母)”可知,忘了拧紧前轮的螺母导致了作者的事故。故答案为That she frgt t tighten the frnt wheel nuts.
    49.考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段“He asked me where I wanted t be taken. Cnfused, I asked him t take me t my wrkplace, which he did.(他问我想被带到哪里去。我很困惑,请他带我去上班的地方,他照办了)”可知,独臂男子把作者带去上班的地方是因为这是作者要求的。故答案为Because it was asked by the authr.
    50.考查开放题。根据“你认为作者在最后一段的行为如何?为什么?”可回答:我认为这是合理的,因为她想用这种方式表达她的感激之情,并把那个独臂男人的善良传递下去。故答案为I think it’s reasnable because she wants t shw her appreciatin and pass n that ne-armed man’s kindness in this way.

    专题06 阅读理解之说明文10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(江苏专用): 这是一份专题06 阅读理解之说明文10篇(第二期)-备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(江苏专用),共23页。

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