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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the bk stre.B. In the register ffice.C. In the drm building.
    【原文】W: Culd yu please tell me hw I can get t the student drm building?
    M: Sure. Turn left when yu walk ut f this register ffice, pass the bkstre and yu’ll see it.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the weather like nw?
    A. Sunny.B. Cludy.C. Rainy.
    【原文】M: We culdn’t ask fr a better day, culd we, Barbara?
    W: I knw, Steve. There isn’t a clud in the sky. I lve this time f year.
    M: Me, t. The flwers are beautiful but calling fr rain thugh.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man want t d n the weekend?
    A. D sme gardening.B. Have a barbecue.C. G fishing.
    【原文】M: We gt any plans this weekend?
    W: We might start with ur vegetable garden, then the barbecue.
    M: Sunds fun, but I still want t g fishing with Gerge.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A new ffice.B. A change f their jbs.C. A frmer clleague.
    【原文】M: Lisa, I saw Jack this mrning.
    W: Yu mean the frmer designer f ur cmpany? What’s he ding these days?
    M: He said he’s gt a new jb as an art reprter.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What d we knw abut Andrew?
    A. He’s ptimistic.B. He’s active.C. He’s shy.
    【原文】W: D yu ften g t the student unin, Andrew?
    M: Pretty much. Once in a while I meet friends there and I spend a lt f time rganizing activities in different clubs r assciatins.
    6. Which f the fllwing des the wman dislike?
    A. The bedrm.B. The sitting rm.C. The kitchen.
    7. What des the wman suggest they d next?
    A. G t anther agency.B. See sme ther flats.C. Visit the neighburs.
    【答案】6. C 7. B
    【原文】W: What d yu think, Terry?
    M: Well, it has ne mre bedrm than the last flat. And the sitting rm is big.
    W: But there is nt enugh cupbard space in the kitchen.
    M: It’s cheaper than the last ne we saw. And it is in a gd neighbrhd.
    W: Well, maybe we’ll have t see if the agent has anything else t shw us.
    8. What is the man ding?
    A. He’s making a phne call.
    B. He’s chairing a meeting.
    C. He’s hsting a prgram.
    9. What makes Mrs. Jhnsn wrried abut her daughter in Africa?
    A. Lack f medical supprt.
    B. Incnvenience f cmmunicatin.
    C. Pr transprtatin system.
    【答案】8. C 9. B
    【原文】M: Thank yu, Mrs. Jhnsn, fr what yu’ve shared with ur listeners. Nw, please tell us, d yu smetimes feel wrried abut yur daughter, nw that she’s grwn up?
    W: Oh, I wrry abut her like all parents d. After she graduated frm medical schl, she went t vlunteer medical service in Africa.
    M: Ww.
    W: That’s kay if cmmunicatin was fine. But if there was n Internet r telephne cnnectin, we culd smetimes g tw weeks withut getting in tuch with each ther. That ften wrries me.
    10. What psitin des the man apply fr?
    A. A salespersn.B. An engineer.C. An accuntant.
    11. Which aspect f the cmpany appeals t the man?
    A. The cmpany culture.B. The free accmmdatins.C. The cmpetitive pay.
    12. What is difficult fr the man t deal with?
    A. Interpersnal relatinships.B. Quality-quantity balance.C. Unplanned happenings.
    【答案】10. C 11. A 12. C
    【原文】W: Nw sell yurself in a minute please.
    M: I graduated frm university tw years ag, and have since been wrking in an accunting cmpany. Apart frm the knwledge and skills related t my majr, I’m really gd with cmputers. I have a large amunt f experience wrking with big data. I think I’m well qualified fr the accuntant psitin here.
    W: Gd! Why did yu chse this cmpany?
    M: Petersn has been my dream cmpany all alng. Yu value prgress and fcus n the quality f wrk mre than the quantity. The flexible wrking hurs and wrking frm hme is als attractive.
    W: Uh-huh. What d yu think is yur biggest weakness?
    M: Well, when I wrk, I ften cncentrate s much n what I’m ding that I may have a hard time dealing with things that cme up unexpectedly. That may be annying t sme peple.
    W: All right. Thank yu very much.
    13. Hw des Rbert sund when speaking f his being a writer?
    A. Hpeful.B. Grateful.C. Dubtful.
    14. What was Rbert like befre he was 9 years ld?
    A. He had wild imaginatin.B. He enjyed sprts.C. He lved science.
    15. What did Rbert’s father d?
    A. A teacher.B. A cach.C. A librarian.
    16. What helped Rbert becme a writer?
    A. Writing daily.B. Listening t stries.C. Reading extensively.
    【答案】13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C
    【原文】W: S Rbert, I guess yu must be well int yur third decade as a writer. Hw is life treating yu?
    M: Furth decade as a writer. Hmm, let me get my calculatr ut. Well, I guess I have been writing nvels since the 1980s. S yu’re right. But I have been writing all f my life. And t answer yur questin, life has been treating me excellently.
    W: Can I ask yu abut yur childhd? Were yu a bkish child?
    M: In a strange way, I was a nn-readeruntil I turned 9. I used t play basketball in the schlyards f Brklyn. My father was a high schl teacher f physics and chemistry. And he was a big reader. He wuld bring bks back frm his high schl library. One day I read the last chapter f a bk, the title f which I’ve lng since frgtten. I liked it s much that I started reading the remainder. Interestingly, I read the chapters backwards until I gt t the beginning. I really lved the experience, and I sn became an eager reader. Then my father wuld bring piles f bks hme frm the library. And I wuld read them all, and they were all fictin. I must add that I started reading the bks frm the start, as ppsed twrking backwards.
    17 Where was Open Tchaikvsky Cmpetitin held in 1986?
    A. In Mscw.B. In Chelyabinsk.C. In Berlin.
    18. What des Maxim say abut the cmpetitin he attended at 10?
    A. It inspired many yung musicians.
    B It was the music event f his dreams.
    C. It was a life-changing experience.
    19. Which kind f music are the yung players required t play?
    A. Rck music.B. Pp music.C. Classical music.
    20. What des Maxim value mst in yung players’ perfrmance?
    A. Expressiveness.B. Smthness.C. Cmpleteness.
    【答案】17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A
    【原文】M: Hell, I’m Maxim Vengarv, and I’m very happy t share with yu my cnnectin with pen Tchaikvsky Cmpetitin. It was June 1986 when I came t Mscw t participate in pen Tchaikvsky Cmpetitin at the age f 10 frm Chelyabinsk. This was actually the turning pint f my life. Then I attended a wrld music festival in Berlin. And it was interesting t say that a kid made his breakthrughalready at the age f 10. And that was me. Nw as a judge f the cmpetitin, I can see clearly the huge challenges facing the musicians in the cmpetitin. Where else can yu see yung players playing within ten days—classical wrks and Russian traditinal music befre cming t the final stage? As a musician, it’s imprtant t give maximum attentin and time t yur wn reflectins f yur wn feelings. S, what I’m really lking fr in the cmpetitin is t meet smene wh can tuch me musically. I want t see the seed, at least the seed f the great tree that can grw. I wuld g fr this vilinist. I wuld g fr this musician.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    21. What did Jacqueline and James have in cmmn?
    A. Ding teaching jbs.B. Being hired as physicians.
    C. Perfrming surgery.D. Being banned frm medicine.
    22. Hw was Tan Yunxian different frm the ther practitiners?
    A. She wrte a bk.B. She went thrugh trials.
    C. She wrked as a dentist.D. She had frmal educatin.
    23. Wh was the first African American with a medical degree?
    A. Jacqueline Felice de Almania.B. Tan Yunxian.
    C. James Barry.D. Rebecca Lee Crumpler.
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
    细节理解题。通过文章第一部分中的“Brn t a Jewish family in Flrence, she mved t Paris where she wrked as a physician and perfrmed surgery. (她出生于佛罗伦萨的一个犹太家庭,搬到巴黎当医生并做外科手术)”以及第二部分中的“She qualified as a surgen in 1813 (她获得了做外科医生的资格)”和“Barry retired in 1859, having practiced her entire medical prfessin living and wrking as a man. (Barry于1859年退休,她以男人的身份生活和工作,从事了整个医学职业)”可知,Jacqueline和James的共同点是都有资格进行外科手术。故选C。
    推理判断题。通读全文,再根据文章第三部分中的“Tan wrte a bk, Sayings f a Female Dctr, describing her life as a physician. (Tan写了一本书《女医生的故事》,描述了她作为一名医生的生活)”可推知,Tan与其他从业人员的不同之处在于她写了一本书。故选A。
    细节理解题。通过文章第一部分中的“Fur years later, she was the first African American wman t receive a medical degree. (四年后,她成为第一位获得医学学位的非裔美国女性)”可知,Rebecca Lee Crumpler是第一位获得医学学位的非裔美国人。故选D。
    Living in Iwa and trying t becme a phtgrapher specializing in landscape (风景) can be quite a challenge, mainly because the crn state lacks gegraphical variatin.
    Althugh landscapes in the Midwest tend t be quite similar, either farm fields r highways, smetimes I find distinctive character in the hills r lakes. T make sme f my landscape shts, I have traveled up t fur hurs away t sht within a 10-minute time frame. I tend t travel with a few f my friends t state parks r t the cuntryside t g n adventures and take phts alng the way.
    Being at the right place at the right time is decisive in any style f phtgraphy. I ften leave early t seek the right destinatins s I can set up early t avid missing the mment I am attempting t phtgraph. I have missed plenty f beautiful sunsets/sunrises due t being n the spt nly five minutes befre the best mment.
    One time my friends and I drve three hurs t Devil’s Lake, Wiscnsin, t climb the purple quartz (石英) rck arund the lake. After we fund a crazy-lking rad that hung ver a bunch f rcks, we decided t phtgraph the scene at sunset. The psitin enabled us t lk ver the lake with the sunset in the backgrund. We managed t leave this spt t climb higher because f the spare time until sunset. Hwever, we did nt mark the rute (路线) s we ended up almst missing the sunset entirely. Once we fund the place, it was stressful getting lights and cameras set up in the limited time. Still, lking back n the phts, they are sme f my best shts thugh they culd have been s much better if I wuld have been prepared and managed my time wisely.
    24. Hw des the authr deal with the challenge as a landscape phtgrapher in the Midwest?
    A. By teaming up with ther phtgraphers.B. By shting in the cuntryside r state parks.
    C. By studying the gegraphical cnditins.D. By creating settings in the crn fields.
    25. What is the key t successful landscape phtgraphy accrding t the authr?
    A. Prper time management.B. Gd shting techniques.
    C. Adventurus spirit.D. Distinctive styles.
    26. What can we infer frm the authr’s trip with friends t Devil’s Lake?
    A. They went crazy with the purple quartz rck.
    B. They felt stressed while waiting fr the sunset.
    C. They reached the shting spt later than expected.
    D. They had prblems with their equipment.
    27. Hw des the authr find his phts taken at Devil’s Lake?
    A. Amusing.B. Satisfying.
    C. Encuraging.D. Cmfrting.
    【答案】24. B 25. A 26. C 27. B
    细节理解题。通过文章第二段“I tend t travel with a few f my friends t state parks r t the cuntryside t g n adventures and take phts alng the way. (我倾向于和几个朋友一起去州立公园或乡村探险,沿途拍照)”可知,作为一名中西部的风景摄影师,作者应对挑战的方式是去乡村或州立公园拍摄。故选B。
    推理判断题。通过文章最后一段“Still, lking back n the phts, they are sme f my best shts thugh they culd have been s much better if I wuld have been prepared and managed my time wisely. (尽管如此,回顾这些照片,它们仍然是我最好的一些照片,尽管如果我能明智地准备和管理我的时间,它们本可以拍得更好)”可推知,作者认为,风景摄影成功的关键是适当的时间管理。故选A。
    推理判断题。通过文章最后一段“Hwever, we did nt mark the rute (路线) s we ended up almst missing the sunset entirely. (然而,我们没有标出路线,所以我们几乎完全错过了日落)”可推知,作者在与朋友的魔鬼湖之旅中,到达拍摄地点的时间比预期的要晚。故选C。
    推理判断题。通过文章最后一段“Still, lking back n the phts, they are sme f my best shts thugh they culd have been s much better if I wuld have been prepared and managed my time wisely. (尽管如此,回顾这些照片,它们仍然是我最好的一些照片,尽管如果我能明智地准备和管理我的时间,它们本可以拍得更好)”可推知,作者认为自己在魔鬼湖拍摄的照片是令人满意的。故选B。
    What cmes int yur mind when yu think f British fd? Prbably fish and chips, r a Sunday dinner f meat and tw vegetables. But is British fd really s uninteresting? Even thugh Britain has a reputatin fr less-than-impressive cuisine, it is prducing mre tp class chefs wh appear frequently n ur televisin screens and whse recipe bks frequently tp the best seller lists.
    It’s thanks t these TV chefs rather than any advertising campaign that Britns are turning away frm meat-and-tw-veg and ready-made meals and becming mre adventurus in their cking habits. It is recently reprted that the number f thse sticking t a traditinal diet is slwly declining and arund half f Britain’s cnsumers wuld like t change r imprve their cking in sme way. There has been a rise in the number f students applying fr fd curses at UK universities and clleges. It seems that TV prgrammes have helped change what peple think abut cking.
    Accrding t a new study frm market analysts, 1 in 5 Britns say that watching ckery prgrammes n TV has encuraged them t try different fd. Almst ne third say they nw use a wider variety f ingredients (配料) than they used t, and just under 1 in 4 say they nw buy better quality ingredients than befre. One in fur adults say that TV chefs have made them much mre cnfident abut expanding their ckery knwledge and skills, and yung peple are als getting mre interested in cking. The UK’s bsessin (痴迷) with fd is reflected thrugh televisin scheduling. Ckery shws and dcumentaries abut fd are bradcast mre ften than befre. With an increasing number f male chefs n TV, it’s n lnger “uncl” fr bys t like cking.
    28. What d peple usually think f British fd?
    A. It is simple and plain.B. It is rich in nutritin.
    C. It lacks authentic tastes.D. It deserves a high reputatin.
    29. Which best describes ckery prgramme n British TV?
    A. Authritative.B. Creative.C. Prfitable.D. Influential.
    30. Which is the percentage f the peple using mre diverse ingredients nw?
    A. 20%.B. 24%.C. 25%.D. 33%.
    31. What might the authr cntinue talking abut?
    A. The art f cking in ther cuntries.B. Male chefs n TV prgrammes.
    C. Table manners in the UK.D. Studies f big eaters.
    【答案】28. A 29. D 30. D 31. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“What cmes int yur mind when yu think f British fd? Prbably fish and chips, r a Sunday dinner f meat and tw vegetables. But is British fd really s uninteresting?”(当你想到英国食物时,你会想到什么?你可能想到的是炸鱼薯条,或是一肉两菜的周日晚餐。但是,英国食物真的如此无趣吗?)可知,提及英国食物,大家往往只是想到炸鱼薯条和周日烤肉,所以人们通常会觉得英国食物平平无奇。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“It’s thanks t these TV chefs rather than any advertising campaign that Britns are turning away frm meat-and-tw-veg and ready-made meals and becming mre adventurus in their cking habits.”(正是由于电视上的这些大厨,而不是凭借广告宣传活动,英国人正在远离“一肉两菜”和速食餐,而变得更加愿意探索新的烹饪习惯。)和“It seems that TV prgrammes have helped change what peple think abut cking.”(似乎电视节目帮助改变了人们对烹饪的看法。)可知,英国的烹饪节目能够改变英国人对烹饪的看法,尝试从传统的英式饮食走出来,尝试新的烹饪习惯,由此推知英国的烹饪节目具有很大的影响力。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“Almst ne third say they nw use a wider variety f ingredients (配料) than they used t, and just under 1 in 4 say they nw buy better quality ingredients than befre.”(几乎三分之一的人表示他们现在使用的配料比以前更多,将近四分之一的人表示他们现在购买的配料质量比以前更好。)可知,三分之一左右的人,也就是33%左右的人,使用的配料比以前更多。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“With an increasing number f male chefs n TV, it’s n lnger “uncl” fr bys t like cking.”(随着电视上出现越来越多男性厨师,男孩子喜欢烹饪不再是一件“不酷”的事了。)可知,接下来,文章应该具体介绍电视上的男性厨师,从而与上文形成语义连贯。故选B项。
    If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things.
    Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. The clearest example f this between literate and nn-literate histry is perhaps the first cnflict, at Btany Bay, between Captain Ck’s vyage and the Australian Abriginals. Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. If we want t recnstruct what was actually ging n that day, the shield must be questined and interpreted as deeply and strictly as the written reprts.
    In additin t the prblem f miscmprehensin frm bth sides, there are victries accidentally r deliberately twisted, especially when nly the victrs knw hw t write. Thse wh are n the lsing side ften have nly their things t tell their stries. The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects.
    32. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Hw past events shuld be presented.B. What humanity is cncerned abut.
    C. Whether facts speak luder than wrds.D. Why written language is reliable.
    33. What des the authr indicate by mentining Captain Ck in paragraph 2?
    A. His reprt was scientific.B. He represented the lcal peple.
    C. He ruled ver Btany Bay.D. His recrd was ne-sided.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “cnversatin” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Prblem.B. Histry.C. Vice.D. Sciety.
    35. Which f the fllwing bks is the text mst likely selected frm?
    A. Hw Maps Tell Stries f the Wrld B. A Shrt Histry f Australia
    C. A Histry f the Wrld in 100 Objects D. Hw Art Wrks Tell Stries
    【答案】32. A 33. D 34. B 35. C
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things. (如果你想讲述整个世界的历史,一段不以人类某一部分为特权的历史,你不能仅仅通过文本来讲述,因为世界上只有一部分人曾经有过文本,而世界上大多数人,在大多数时间里,都没有。写作是人类较晚的成就之一,直到最近,甚至许多有文字的社会也不仅用文字,而且用物件来记录他们所关心的事情。)”可推知,第一段主要讲述的是历史应该如何呈现给我们。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段首句“Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. (理想情况下,历史应该将文本和物品结合在一起,本书的某些章节能够做到这一点,但在许多情况下,我们根本做不到。)”可推断,作者认为历史应该是文本和物品相结合的产物,但是很多情况下,我们做不到。再根据所举例子的下文“Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. (在英国方面,我们有科学报告和船长对那可怕的一天的记录。从澳大利亚方面来看,我们只有一个木制盾牌,这是一名男子在第一次经历枪击后在飞行中扔下的。)”可知,作者举这个例子是为了说明船长的记录是片面的,只从自己的角度描述了问题。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据划线单词上文“The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. (加勒比海的泰诺人、澳大利亚的土著人、贝宁的非洲人以及印加人,所有这些人都出现在这本书中,他们现在都可以通过他们制造的物品向我们讲述他们过去最强大的成就:通过物品讲述的历史给了他们一个声音。当我们考虑诸如此类的有文化社会和无文化社会之间的接触时,我们所有的第一手资料都必然是扭曲的,只有对话的一半。)”结合划线句“If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects. (如果我们要找到对话的另一半,我们不仅要读文本,还要读物体。)”可知,我们对过去历史的了解,只是书写历史的人所想要让我们了解的历史,如果我们想要了解历史的另一半,我们不仅仅要读文本也要读对象。所以cnversatin指的是“历史”。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt.(如果你想讲述整个世界的历史,一段不以人类某一部分为特权的历史,你不能仅仅通过文本来讲述,因为世界上只有一部分人的历史曾经被文字记录过,而世界上大多数人,在大多数时间里,都没有。)”结合最后一段的“ If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects. (如果我们要找到对话的另一半,我们不仅要读文本,还要读物体。)”可知,本文讲述仅仅依靠书面文本来讲述世界历史有局限性,想要更好的了解历史就要将文本和物品结合在一起。从而推断文章最有可能选自《100件物品中的世界史》。故选C。
    Indr plants might lk as if they just sit arund nt ding much, but in many ways they are the unsung heres f the hme. ____36____, but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md (心情), reducing stress and helping their memry. What’s mre, indr plants are easy t lk after and are nt very expensive.
    What are indr plants?
    Indr plants, als knwn as huseplants r pt plants, are plants that like t grw indrs. Many f these species (物种) are nt ideally suited t grwing utside in the UK, especially in the winter. ____37____.
    Why are indr plants gd fr yu?
    Will Spelstra wh wrks at the Ryal Btanic Gardens, says, “____38____. I find during the winter mnths, plants arund the huse can really lift yur md.” Several studies have backed this up and fund that indr plants can imprve creativity, fcus and memry. There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving harmful gases, such as carbn dixide. They als remve sme harmful chemicals frm paints r cking. ____39____.
    Which plants can yu grw?
    Ale vera, peace lilies and spider plants are sme f the species that are easy t grw indrs. Yu can buy plants frm supermarkets, garden centres r nline. Yunger plants are ften cheaper than fully grwn nes, and yu get t care fr them as they mature — which is part f the jy f wning plants. “____40____,” Spelstra says. “It can bring a new interest and fcus int peple’s lives and help t make the link between hme and nature.”
    A. All plants are different
    B. Nt nly d they lk beautiful
    C. There are many benefits t grwing plants indrs
    D. Instead, they grw better inside, where it is warmer
    E. Plants like peace lilies and devil’s ivy are amng the best
    F. Changing the pt f yur plant frm time t time will als help
    G. Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very rewarding
    【答案】36. B 37. D 38. C 39. E 40. G
    根据下文“but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md (心情), reducing stress and helping their memry.(而且研究表明,它们可以通过改善情绪、减轻压力和帮助增强记忆力来促进人们的健康)”可知,此处与下文是递进关系,构成nt nly…but“不仅……而且……”结构。由此可知,B. Nt nly d they lk beautiful(它们不仅看起来很漂亮)能够衔接下文,符合语境。故选B。
    根据上文“Many f these species (物种) are nt ideally suited t grwing utside in the UK, especially in the winter.(这些品种中的许多都不适合在英国户外生长,尤其是在冬天)”可知,有些植物不适合在户外寒冷的环境中生长,即适合在温暖的地方生长。由此可知,D. Instead, they grw better inside, where it is warmer(相反,它们在温暖的室内生长得更好)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选D。
    根据下文“I find during the winter mnths, plants arund the huse can really lift yur md.(我发现在冬天的几个月里,房子周围的植物真的能提升你的情绪)”可知,室内植物对人有好处。由此可知,C. There are many benefits t grwing plants indrs(在室内种植植物有很多好处)能够衔接下文,符合语境。故选C。
    根据上文“There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving harmful gases, such as carbn dixide. They als remve sme harmful chemicals frm paints r cking.(也有研究表明,盆栽植物可以通过去除二氧化碳等有害气体来净化周围的空气。它们还能去除油漆或烹饪中的一些有害化学物质)”可知,盆栽植物能够清除有害物质。由此可知,E. Plants like peace lilies and devil’s tngue are amng the best(像和平百合和魔芋之类的植物是最好的)能够承接上文,列举了在这方面做的最好的植物,符合语境。故选E。
    根据上文“Yunger plants are ften cheaper than fully grwn nes, and yu get t care fr them as they mature-which is part f the jy f wning plants.(年轻的植物通常比成熟的植物便宜,而且你可以在它们成熟时照顾它们——这是拥有植物的乐趣之一)”可知,不同的植物需求是不同的。由此可知,G. Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very rewarding(了解每种植物的需求是非常有益的)能够承接上文,同时引起下文,下文“It can bring a new interest and fcus int peple’s lives and help t make the link between hme and nature.”(它可以为人们的生活带来新的兴趣和焦点,并有助于建立家庭与自然之间的联系。)”具体介绍了了解每种植物的需求的好处。故选G。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    T becme the Olympic champin in the individual (个人) all-arund event, Gabby Duglas had t leave everything she ____41____ best. She had t ___42___ her bedrm in Virginia. She had t say ____43____ t her tw dgs and t the beach, where she lved t ____44____ waves n her bard. But it was ____45____ t take the leap (飞跃), hwever ____46____ it wuld be. Even at 14, Duglas knew that. S she ____47____ abut 1,200 miles away frm hme, t ____48____ with a cach frm China. She lived with a family she had never ____49____ and everything was new t her.
    As it turned ut, Duglas did ____50____ what she needed t d t becme Olympic champin when she ____51____tw Russians. The Chinese cach ____52____ Duglas int ne f the best gymnasts in the ____53____, helping her skyrcket frm an ____54____ member f the natinal team t the tp f the sprt. By ____55____ the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s. She ____56____ the cmpetitin frm beginning t end. She said she had felt ____57____ all alng that she wuld win.
    Nt s lng ag, Martha Karly the crdinatr (联络人) f the wmen’s natinal team, did nt think Duglas had what it ____58____ t be an Olympian. As time went by, she thught ____59____ that she culd make the Lndn Games — and win.
    “I’m ging t inspire s many peple,” she said. “I’m ready t ____60____.” And shine she did.
    41. A. triedB. thughtC. judgedD. knew
    42. A. take upB. pack upC. clean upD. d up
    43. A. gdbyeB. hellC. thanksD. n
    44. A. causeB. bserveC. rideD. strike
    45. A. cmmnB. timeC. funD. tugh
    46. A. breathtakingB. heartbreakingC. eye-catchingD. head-spinning
    47. A. drpped utB. mved nC. pulled verD. went ff
    48. A. reasnB. talkC. cmpeteD. train
    49. A. metB. helpedC. understdD. needed
    50. A. apprximatelyB. graduallyC. exactlyD. pssibly
    51. A. defeatedB. pleasedC. respectedD. assisted
    52. A. frcedB. transfrmedC. persuadedD. put
    53. A. wrldB. cityC. teamD. state
    54. A. amateurB. electedC. averageD. enthusiastic
    55. A. clarifyingB. defendingC. winningD. demanding
    56. A. fllwedB. rganizedC. watchedD. led
    57. A. cnfidentB. nervusC. excitedD. uneasy
    58. A. viewedB. appearedC. matteredD. tk
    59. A. nw and thenB. mre and mreC. far and wideD. n and n
    60. A. shineB. flyC. danceD. scre
    【答案】41. D 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. C 51. A 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. D 59. B 60. A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了美国体操运动员Gabby Duglas为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,不得不远离家乡,去离家1200英里的地方,和一个来自中国的教练一起训练。最终在教练的训练下,Duglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,赢得奥运会全能冠军,成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意: 为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Duglas不得不放弃她最熟悉的一切。A. tried尝试;B. thught思考;C. judged判断;D. knew知道、熟悉。由上文“T becme the Olympic champin in the individual (个人) all-arund event, Gabby Duglas had t leave everything”和下文“1,200 miles away frm hme”可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Duglas放弃她最熟悉的一切,来到一个陌生的地方,故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:她不得不整理好她在弗吉尼亚的卧室。A. take up从事;B. pack up整理、收拾行李;C. clean up清理;D. d up装修。由上文“Gabby Duglas had t leave everything”和下文“her bedrm in Virginia”可知,整理好她的卧室,准备离开这里,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她不得不和她的两只狗以及她喜欢在冲浪板上冲浪的海滩说再见。A. gdbye再见;B. hell你好;C. thanks感谢;D. n没有、否定的回答。由上“Gabby Duglas had t leave everything”可知,Gabby Duglas要离开自己的家,所以与家里的狗说再见,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不得不和她的两只狗以及她喜欢在冲浪板上冲浪的海滩说再见。A. cause引起;B. bserve观察;C. ride骑、漂浮;D. strike打击。由下文“waves n her bard.”可知,此处表示冲浪,ride the waves意为“冲浪”,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,是时候迈出这一步了,无论这将是多么令人心碎。A. cmmn平民、普通;B. time时间;C. fun乐趣;D. tugh暴徒。由下文“t take the leap (飞跃)”可知,虽然离开自己所熟悉的一切很难,但是是时候该迈出这一步了,故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,是时候迈出这一步了,无论这将是多么令人心碎。A. breathtaking激动人心的;B. heartbreaking令人心碎的、令人伤心的;C. eye-catching引人注目的;D. head-spinning头晕的。上文提到的Gabby Duglas不得不放弃她最熟悉的一切可知,放弃自己所熟悉的一切是令人伤心,故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:所以她离家1200英里,和一个来自中国的教练一起训练。A. drpped ut退出;B. mved n继续;C. pulled ver靠边停车;D. went ff离开。由下文“abut 1,200 miles away frm hme,”可知,Gabby Duglas到了一个离家1200英里的地方,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以她离家1200英里,和一位来自中国的教练一起训练。A. reasn推理;B. talk谈话;C. cmpete竞争;D. train培训。由上文“T becme the Olympic champin in the individual (个人) all-arund event”和下文“with a cach frm China”可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Duglas离开家,由此可知,她来到这里是为了和一位来自中国的教练一起训练,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,一切对她来说都是全新的。A. met遇到、见过;B. helped帮助;C. understd理解;D. needed需要。由下文“everything was new t her.”可知,一切对她来说都是全新的,所以此处指她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意: 事实证明,Duglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切。A. apprximately大约;B.gradually逐渐地;C. exactly准确地、完全;D. pssibly可能地。由下文“the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s”可知,Gabby Duglas获得了奥运会全能冠军,由此可知,Gabby Duglas完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意: 事实证明,Duglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切。A. defeated打败;B. pleased使高兴;C. respected尊敬;D. assisted帮助。由上文“what she needed t d t becme Olympic champin”和下文“the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s”可知,Duglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,成为了奥运冠军,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位中国教练让Duglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。A. frced强迫;B. transfrmed转换、改造;C. persuaded劝说;D. put放。由下文“Duglas int ne f the best gymnasts”可知,这位中国教练让Duglas变成世界上最好的体操运动员之一,固定搭配,意为“使……变成……”,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位中国教练让Duglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。A. wrld世界;B. city城市;C. team团队;D. state国家。由下文“the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s”可知,Duglas赢得奥运会全能冠军,所以说她是世界最好的体操运动员之一,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这位中国教练让Duglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。 A. amateur业余爱好的;B. elected当选的;C. average平均的、普通的;D. enthusiastic热情的。由下文“member f the natinal team t the tp f the sprt”可知,这位中国教练帮助Duglas从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过赢得奥运会全能冠军,她成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。A. clarifying分类;B. defending打败;C. winning赢得;D. demanding要求。由下文“the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s.”可知,Duglas赢得奥运会全能冠军,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她自始至终领先于竞争对手。A. fllwed跟随;B. rganized组织;C. watched观看;D. led带领、领先。由下文“the cmpetitin frm beginning t end”可知,比赛过程中,Duglas一直领先于竞争对手,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说她一直坚信自己会赢。A. cnfident自信的、坚信的;B. nervus紧张的;C. excited兴奋的;D. uneasy不安的。由下文“all alng that she wuld win.”可知,Duglas一直坚信自己会赢,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在不久前,女子国家队联络人Martha Karly还认为Duglas不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件。A. viewed看待;B. appeared出现;C. mattered重要;D. tk需要。由下文“t be an Olympian”可知,此处表示Martha Karly还认为Duglas不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件,空处表示“需要”,故选D。
    考查短语辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,她越来越相信自己能够在伦敦奥运会上获胜。A. nw and then时不时地;B. mre and mre越来越多;C. far and wide广泛地;D. n and n不断地。由上文“As time went by”和下文“that she culd make the Lndn Games — and win.”可知,随着时间的推移,Duglas越来越相信自己能够赢得伦敦奥运会。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我准备好发光了”。A. shine照耀、发光;B. fly飞行;C. dance跳舞;D. scre得分。由上文“I’m ging t inspire s many peple”和“And shine she did.”可知,Duglas认为自己将会激励很多人,即自己会发光,影响到很多人,故选A。
    Beijing is a city bridging the ancient and the mdern. Frm Buddhist temples t museums, narrw hutng ____61____ ryal palaces, it is hme t mre than 3,000 years f glrius histry even dwn t its layut, with the city keeping its carefully ____62____ (build) system f ring rads.
    But fr all its ancient buildings, Beijing is als a place ____63____ welcmes the fast-paced develpment f mdern life, with 21st-century architectural ____64____ (wnder) standing side by side with histrical buildings f the past.
    It is a distinct visual cntrast (反差) that shuldn’t wrk, ____65____ smehw these tw very different wrlds make a gd cmbinatin. ____66____ (visit) several times ver the last 10 years, I ____67____ (amaze) by the c-existence f ld and new, and hw a city was able t keep such a rich heritage (遗产) while cnstantly grwing. As a phtgrapher, I have spent the last tw years ___68___ (recrd) everything I discvered.
    The ____69____ (remark) develpment f this city, which is cnsciusly designed t prtect the past while stepping int the mdern wrld, _____70_____ (mean) there is always smething new t discver here, and I culd be phtgraphing Beijing fr the next 50 years.
    【答案】61. t 62. built
    63. which##that
    64. wnders
    65. but 66. Having visited
    67. was amazed
    68. recrding
    69. remarkable
    70. means
    考查介词。句意:从佛教寺庙到博物馆,从狭窄的胡同到皇家宫殿,它拥有3000多年的辉煌历史,甚至从它的布局来看,这座城市一直保持着精心建造的环城道路系统。根据上文的“Frm Buddhist temples t museums”可知,空处和上文保持一致,表示“从……到……”,用介词t。故填t。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:从佛教寺庙到博物馆,狭窄的胡同和皇家宫殿,它是3000多年辉煌历史的家园,即使是在它的布局上,这座城市也保持着精心建造的环城公路系统。这里为非谓语动词担当定语,表示“精心建造的……”,和被修饰词“system f ring rads”之间为被动关系,用过去分词。故填built。
    考查定语从句。句意:但是,除了古建筑,北京也是一个欢迎现代生活快节奏发展的地方,21世纪的建筑奇迹与过去的历史建筑并存。这里为定语从句的关系代词,先行词为“a place”,在定语从句中担当主语,所以用关系代词which或that引导。故填which/that。
    考查名词。句意:但是,除了古建筑,北京也是一个欢迎现代生活快节奏发展的地方,21世纪的建筑奇迹与过去的历史建筑并存。分析句子成分可知,空处为名词形式;根据下文的“histrical buildings f the past”可知,空处为名词的复数形式。故填wnders。
    考查连词。句意:但不知何故,这两个截然不同的世界却很好地结合在了一起。空前“It is a distinct visual cntrast (反差) that shuldn’t wrk,”和空后“smehw these tw very different wrlds make a gd cmbinatin.”之间存在转折关系,用but。故填but。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去的10年里,我多次访问北京,我惊讶于这里的新旧共存,惊讶于一个城市如何在不断发展的同时保持如此丰富的文化遗产。这里为非谓语动词担当状语,和主句主语“I”之间为主动关系;根据时间状语“ver the last 10 years”可知,用完成时态,由此推断,空处用现在分词的完成时态。置于句首,首字母大写。故填Having visited。
    考查时态和语态。句意:在过去的10年里,我多次访问北京,我惊讶于这里的新旧共存,惊讶于一个城市如何在不断发展的同时保持如此丰富的文化遗产。这里为本句谓语动词,根据下文“hw a city was able t keep such a rich heritage (遗产) while cnstantly grwing.”可知,本句用一般过去时;主语I和动词amaze之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填was amazed。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:作为一名摄影师,我花了两年时间记录我发现的一切。spend time (in) ding sth.花费时间做某事。这里为非谓语动词担当宾语,用动名词形式。故填recrding。
    考查形容词。句意:这个城市的显著发展,是有意识地在保护过去的同时步入现代世界,这意味着这里总是有新的东西可以发现,我可以在接下来的50年里一直拍摄北京。分析句子成分可知,空处为形容词修饰名词“develpment f this city”。故填remarkable。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    删除:把多余的词用斜线 (\) 划掉。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起)不计分。
    Last Friday my mm decided t clr his hair. She studied with all the hair prducts at the drugstre. The clr she chse came in a bx which had a picture f a wman that hair clr lked just perfect. Mm was sure same clr wuld lk great n her. She put the new clr n her hair r sat still fr 30 minutes, just as the directins saying. Hwever, instead f the brwnish red hair she had hped fr, she final gt purple hair. She went right int the shwer t washing it, but it was n use. At least ne thing prved truth: the clr wuldn’t wash ut.
    【答案】1. his → her
    2. 删除with
    3. chse → chse
    4. that → whse
    5. same前加the
    6. r → and
    7. saying → said
    8. final → finally
    9. washing → wash
    10. truth → true
    3.考查时态。句意:她选的颜色装在一个盒子里,盒子里有一张女人的照片,她的头发颜色看起来非常完美。此处是定语从句的谓语动词,由上文Last Friday可知,应用一般过去时。故chse改为chse。
    第二节 书面表达
    【答案】 When I was in my primary schl, I had an pprtunity t attend a musical cntest held in my schl. That was the first time I watched a live musical perfrmance. The fantastic players tuched me deeply.
    I asked my parents allwing me t take up a pian lessn fr beginner. In the beginning, it was quite difficult t read the ntes n the stave. Hwever, it did nt demralize me. I spent mst f my leisure hurs t practice pian. Althugh my fingers were painful after few hurs practice, I felt satisfied if I culd play a music piece cmpletely.
    Even thugh I will nt pursue as my life career, I will still cntinue learning and playing pian as my hbby. It is simply because music is the best medicatin fr my sul.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    机会:pprtunity → chance
    使沮丧:demralize → discurage
    满意的:satisfied → cntent
    空闲的:leisure → spare
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:The fantastic players tuched me deeply. I asked my parents allwing me t take up a pian lessn fr beginner.
    拓展句:The fantastic players tuched me deeply, s I asked my parents allwing me t take up a pian lessn fr beginner.
    【高分句型1】When I was in my primary schl, I had an pprtunity t attend a musical cntest held in my schl. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Althugh my fingers were painful after few hurs practice, I felt satisfied if I culd play a music piece cmpletely. (运用了althugh引导的让步状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句)
    Jacqueline Felice de Almania (c.1322) highlights the suspicin that wmen practicing medicine faced. Brn t a Jewish family in Flrence, she mved t Paris where she wrked as a physician and perfrmed surgery. In 1322 she was tried fr practicing unlawfully. In spite f the curt hearing testimnials (证明) f her ability as a dctr, she was banned frm medicine.
    James Barry (c.1789 — 1865) was brn Margaret Bulkley in Ireland but, dressed as a man, she was accepted by Edinburgh University t study medicine. She qualified as a surgen in 1813, then jined the British Army, serving verseas. Barry retired in 1859, having practiced her entire medical prfessin living and wrking as a man.
    Tan Yunxian (1461 — 1554) was a Chinese physician wh learned her skills frm her grandparents. Chinese wmen at the time culd nt serve apprenticeships (学徒期) with dctrs. Hwever, Tan passed the fficial exam. Tan treated wmen frm all walks f life. In 1511, Tan wrte a bk, Sayings f a Female Dctr, describing her life as a physician.
    Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831 — 1895) wrked as a nurse fr eight years befre studying in medical cllege in Bstn in 1860. Fur years later, she was the first African American wman t receive a medical degree. She mved t Virginia in 1865, where she prvided medical care t freed slaves.

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