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    【开学摸底考】高三英语 (天津专用)-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip
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    【开学摸底考】高三英语 (天津专用)-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip01
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    【开学摸底考】高三英语 (天津专用)-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip01
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    【开学摸底考】高三英语 (天津专用)-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip

    这是一份【开学摸底考】高三英语 (天津专用)-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip,文件包含高三英语开学摸底考天津专用解析版docx、高三英语开学摸底考天津专用考试版docx、高三英语开学摸底考天津专用参考答案docx、高三英语开学摸底考天津专用答题卡docx等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
    单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1.—I’m travelling t Canada this weekend. Wuld yu tell me abut yur experiences there?
    —________. Let’s chat abut it ver there.
    A.It’s up t yuB.Frget it
    C.My pleasureD.By all means
    2.Generally speaking, elephants wn’t attack a persn, ________ne becmes a danger t them.
    3.—The machine is wrking again!
    —Yes, it brke dwn yesterday, but it__________.
    A.has been fixedB.is being fixedC.had fixedD.wuld be fixed
    4.Better than half a billin dllars ______ that fund t purchase mre than 5 millin acres f habitat ver the past eighty years.
    A.have gne intB.had gne int
    C.have been gne intD.has gne int
    5.They wrk well tgether — her steadiness acts as a(n) ____ t his clever but ften impractical ideas.
    6.The spkespersn spke very slwly, ________ what he wuld say.
    A.being weighedB.t weigh
    7.The ftball players have ______ their psitins n the field, waiting fr the whistle.
    A.picked upB.taken upC.turned upD.set up
    8.It is clear that the US resrts t duble standard n biresearch ________ it des n many ther issues f glbal cncern.
    A.likeB.asC.becauseD.as if
    9. gd service, the restaurant ffers different kinds f traditinal Tianjin dishes.
    A.Instead fB.Apart frmC.Far frmD.Regardless f
    10.Wh wuld yu rather _______ with yu t the cinema tnight, Peter r Mark?
    A.have gneB.have gC.have t gD.had g
    11.Mr. Wilsn is a man f patience and kindness, and his gd temper never ________ him.
    12. yu prefer, I’ll give it t yu, but we haven’t any ther mdels fr yu t chse frm.
    13.The 19th Asian Games is a sprting event fr cuntries and regins in Asia _______ athletes cmpete and shw sprtsmanship.
    14.This electric car is very easy ________. Anybdy can learn t drive it in a few minutes.
    A.peratingB.t be peratingC.peratedD.t perate
    15.— Let’s g t watch the latest mvie tgether!
    — Why nt? _______.
    A.What a pityB.I’ve gt it
    C.That’s settledD.I’ve missed the pint
    第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)
    I clearly remember the day when I started my jurney twards becming a minimalist.
    It was ne 16 in April 2013. My daughter, Emily, had just turned tw. She usually 17 herself with a few tys when I quickly shwered and gt ready fr the day. Her grwing curisity ften 18 her t get int the drawers and cupbards. I was ften 19 when I fund cupbards emptied and messes everywhere.
    On this particular day, she 20 the cupbard filled with all my varius ltins (润肤露). It still 21 me why I had s many partially used bttles f 22 ltins and creams. Even if I didn’t 23 a certain ne, I never threw it away because I thught I might need it ne day, r didn’t want t be 24 . When I gt ut f the 25 , I fund Emily standing by my bedside table with an entire bttle f runny, shimmering (微闪的) ltin 26 all ver the table, herself, her pajamas, and the carpet. And cleaning ltin ut f carpet is 27 fun r easy.
    Right then and there I decided enugh was enugh! I was s 28 f cleaning up the same messes and the same 29 that I didn’t even need. I gt a big 30 bag and started getting rid f every unneeded and unlved item, which really gave me a sense f liberatin and 31 .
    This event really 32 my mindset abut stuff and 33 mtivated me t live a life with fewer things. Fr me, minimalism is nt a destinatin but a 34 . And I will 35 n this path fr the rest f my life.
    27.A.far frmB.at leastC.n mreD.after all
    Sydney Cinemas in Histric Buildings
    The Orpheum
    Running since 1935, the Orpheum is f beautiful art design. When it was built, the Orpheum was used as a theatre with a stage and dressing rms. It culd seat 1,735 peple. Later, the theatre was turned int a shpping mall. Hwever, in 1986 the theatre was bught by Mike Walsh OBE and turned int a theatre again. Nw this six-screen cinema shws ld and new films t peple. And yu can still enjy live (现场的) music n weekends.
    Where: Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace, 380 a Military a Rad, Cremrne
    The Ritz
    This family-wned cinema was built in 1937. At first, the cinema had a number f wners until, in 1993, when the wners planned t pull dwn the building, the lcal gvernment rdered peple t prtect it frever. Since then, anther five screens have been added, making the Ritz ne f Sydney’s ldest multiscreen cinemas. It’s knwn fr its beautiful architecture (建筑风格) and lw ticket prices.
    Where: 45 St. Pauls Street, Randwick
    Glden Age Cinema and Bar (酒吧)
    Glden Age Cinema has been carefully rebuilt. It nw includes a wnderful bar that serves wines, beers and ccktails, and serves snacks and fd specials t match the cinema prgram. Als in the building Glden Stage features live music acts. A trip t Glden Age Cinema is a relaxing experience fr visitrs.
    Where: 80 Cmmnwealth Street, Surry Hills
    36.When it was built, the Orpheum was designed t be ________.
    A.a barB.a railway statinC.a theatreD.a shpping mall
    37.Which f the fllwing is still wned by a family? ________
    A.The Orpheum.B.The Ritz.
    C.Glden Age Cinema.D.Glden Age Bar.
    38.If yu are interested in drinking, yu are suppsed t g t ________.
    A.380 Military RadB.45 St. Pauls street
    C.80 Cmmnwealth StreetD.Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace
    39.What d the first tw cinemas have in cmmn? ________
    A.They have beautiful art design.
    B.They are wned by the lcal gvernment.
    C.They bth serve films as well as drinks.
    D.They were nce turned int shpping malls.
    40.Which ne is TRUE accrding t the passage? ________
    A.The Ritz can hld up t 1,735 peple.
    B.The Orpheum served as a cinema frm 1935 t 1986.
    C.The ldest multi-screen cinema in Sydney is the Ritz.
    D.Yu can enjy live music in the Orpheum n weekends.
    Jake and Max Klein were 4 years ld when they first realized there was a wrld in need utside the frnt dr f their hme in Edgewater, New Jersey.
    The twin brthers tk all f the mney ut f their piggy banks and asked their parents, Mark Klein and Sandy Rubinstein, if they culd buy birthday gifts fr kids wh weren’t expecting any.
    Then, at age 6, the bys annunced that they wanted mney usually spent n their birthday presents t g t charitable dnatins. They bught cmputers fr plice fficers, and they sld ckies t raise mney fr sick children.
    Then they learned at age 8 that they were t yung t vlunteer at their twn’s sup kitchen. “That’s when we decided we’d have t cme up with a way t take things int ur wn hands,” Jake, nw 15 says. “We thught, ‘What can we d t shw that kids are able t make a difference and d mre than is expected?’”
    Last year, he and Max, nw ging int the 10th grade at Lenia High Schl, started Kids That D Gd, a nnprfit (非营利性的) website that lists hundreds f ways fr yung peple t get invlved in charitable wrk, cast-t-cast.
    It’s a lessn that has caught n with many, including 9-year-ld Sphia Smerstein, wh lives near the Kleins in New Jersey.
    “Max and Jake encuraged me t help cllect fd and I really lved the feeling f making smebdy’s life better,” she says. “Nw this summer, I want t help peple arund me, and I hpe I can teach ther kids, t. It’s cl that kids just like me can d smething t help thers.”
    The Kleins recently started a challenge fr kids registered (注册) n their website (abut 3,000 s far) t track their vlunteer hurs, with the gal f tpping 100,000 by the end f 2019.
    “Smeday, we’d lve t reach a millin hurs,” ntes Max, wh hpes t cntinue running Kids That D Gd with Jake when they bth g ff t cllege.
    41.What can we learn abut the Kleins when they were kids?
    A.They lved t help thers.
    B.They were in need f help.
    C.They fund it easy t cllect mney.
    D.They always gave their parents presents.
    42.When did the Kleins decide t create a way t shw kids are helpful?
    A.When they used up all the mney in the piggy bank.
    B.When they were refused by the sup kitchen.
    C.When they raised mney fr the gvernment.
    D.When they fund there was a wrld in need.
    43.Why did the Kleins start a website?
    A.T share wnderful kids’ stries.
    B.T raise mney fr yung peple.
    C.T encurage thers t give back.
    D.T discver kids’ natural abilities.
    44.What d Smerstein’s wrds shw abut the Kleins?
    A.She is wrried abut them.
    B.She speaks highly f them.
    C.She wants t challenge them.
    D.She lves teaching fr them.
    45.What can we infer abut the Kleins’ website?
    A.It is develping fast.
    B.It faces an uncertain future.
    C.It has made millins f dllars.
    D.It has cvered the whle wrld.
    A wildfire in New Mexic, a state in the suthwestern US, has burned fr nearly tw mnths, cnsuming mre than 315, 000 acres f land — an area abut the size f the city f Ls Angeles.
    “With climate change, it seems like the dmines are beginning t fall,” NASA hydrlgist JT Reager tld the BBC. “We get warmer temperatures, we get less rain and snw. The reservirs (水库) start drying up, then in a place like the West f the US, we get wildfires.”
    In recent years, wildfires have wreaked havc acrss cuntries including the US and Australia.
    These fires destry hmes and businesses, claim lives and als negatively impact the envirnment. As climate change wrsens, glbal temperatures increase and s des the risk f wildfires. A recent reprt frm the United Natins Envirnment Prgramme and GRID-Arendal, a partner rganizatin in Nrway, reveals that wildfires are becming mre frequent and severe.
    This is harmful t peple arund the glbe. Accrding t the jint UN reprt, it is estimated that the yearly “ecnmic burden frm wildfire fr the United States is between $7. 1 billin and $347. 8 billin”.
    Anther article published in Nature jurnal n April 19 fund that wildfires have created seasnal pllutin patterns in the nrthwestern US. Between 2002 and 2018, carbn mnxide (一氧化碳) levels increased every year fr the mnth f August in the area.
    In 2019 and 2020, Australian bushfires displaced millins, filled the air with deadly cluds f smke and killed thusands f kalas.
    Frest fires are cmmn in China t. In the recent decade, the ttal number f frest fires in the cuntry every year has increased t mre than 2,000 cases, accrding t The Paper.
    Greater Hinggan Muntains (大兴安岭) is ne f the imprtant frestry bases in China. The Natinal Frestry and Grassland Administratin adpted muntain watchtwers, frest cameras and aerial drnes (无人机) t prevent frest fires in the summer.
    46.The authr qutes Reager’s wrds in the secnd paragraph t ______.
    A.shw the seriusness f the recent wildfire in the US
    B.list sme envirnmental prblems caused by wildfires
    C.explain hw climate change cntributes t wildfires
    D.prvide pssible slutins t wildfires arund the glbe
    47.What des the underlined phrase “wreaked havc” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A.Created pllutin.B.Been ut f cntrl.
    C.Cause d great damage.D.Drawn much attentin.
    48.Wildfires are s cmmn and fiercely because ______.
    A.glbal warming makes it easier t happen
    B.water in the reservirs is drying up
    C.putting ut wildfires csts t much
    D.Ecnmic develpment burnden is high
    49.Hw has wildfire affected the American Nrthwest accrding t the text?
    A.Millins f peple have been displaced.
    B.It has caused seasnal patterns f pllutin.
    C.It has led t arund $7. 1 billin ecnmic lss annually.
    D.Carbn mnxide levels have increased year n year.
    50.What d we knw abut frest fire s in China?
    A.There has been ver 2,000 cases in the last decade.
    B.Greater Hinggan Muntains experienced the largest ne.
    C.They were nt very cmmn several decades ag.
    D.Measures have been taken t prevent them frm happening.
    Imagine reading a stry titled “Pursuing Success”. That wuld be an inspiring stry, wuldn’t it? Maybe—but maybe nt. It might well be the stry f smene whse never ending chase fr mre and mre success leaves them unsatisfied and incapable f happiness. Thugh it isn’t a cnventinal medical addictin, fr many peple success has addictive prperties.
    Obviusly, success ges with praise. T a certain extent, praise stimulates the neurtransmitter dpamine (神经递质多巴胺), which cntributes t all addictive behavirs.
    The desire fr success may be brn t human nature, but specialness desn’t cme cheap. Success is tugh wrk, and it requires bearing the cst f lsing. In the 1980s, the physician Rbert Gldman famusly fund that mre than half f ambitius athletes wuld be willing t take a drug that wuld kill them in five years in exchange fr winning every cmpetitin they entered.
    Unfrtunately, success is endless. The gal can’t be satisfactry; mst peple never feel “successful enugh”. The high nly lasts a day r tw, and then it’s n t the next gal. Psychlgists call this the hednic treadmill (享乐跑步机现象), in which satisfactin wears ff almst immediately and we must run n t the next reward t avid the feeling f falling behind.
    Peple shuld get ff the treadmill. But quitting isn’t easy fr addicts. Fr peple hked n substances, withdrawal can be a painful experience, bth physically and psychlgically. Research finds that depressin and anxiety are cmmn amng utstanding athletes after their careers end. Olympic athletes, in particular, suffer frm the “pst-Olympic blues”.
    Just like wine, success in and f itself is nt a bad thing. Bth can bring fun and sweetness t life. But bth becme bssy when they are a substitute fr—a instead f a cmplement (补充物) t—the relatinships and lve that shuld be the center f ur lives.
    51.What can be inferred frm the first paragraph?
    A.Success desn’t always bring psitive results
    B.A traditinal, medical addictin leads t success
    C.The passin fr cnstant success is rarely praised.
    D.Success additin has already drawn wide attentin.
    52.Why did the authr mentin the research findings f Rbert Gldman?
    A.T stress the key t success lies in effrts.
    B.T shw success is a tugh and cruel jb.
    C.T argue that athletes deserve mre rewards.
    D.T describe the rutine training f an rdinary athlete.
    53.Which f the fllwing is nt part f the hednic treadmill thery?
    A.Enjying the beauty and lve arund yu.
    B.Being ffered a prmtin at wrk.
    C.Having the huse yu want t live in.
    D.Eating the fd yu’ve been lnging fr.
    54.What can success bring t a success addict accrding t psychlgists?
    A.Satisfactin and a sense f pride.
    B.Anxiety and shrt-lived happiness.
    C.Relaxatin and endless mtivatin.
    D.Cnfidence and permanent happiness.
    55.What des the authr suggest peple d abut pursuing success?
    A.Stp chasing success.B.Chase success at any cst.
    C.Reflect n what matters in life.D.Give up lve and relatinships.
    第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共35分)
    第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Why nt take a mre measured apprach t a happier, healthier yu? Frm yur ffice t yur bedrm t yur car, these small changes can have a big impact n yur life.
    Wake up ten minutes earlier. When yu start yur mrning in a hurry, yu set a stressful tne fr the day. (I’m speaking frm experience here.) Even ten extra minutes in the mrning can help yu feel mre calm, cllected, and ready t face the day.
    Spend five minutes in silence r meditatin (冥想). Yu’ll sn realize, whether it’s in the mrning r evening, that five minutes f sitting quietly with yur eyes clsed feels a lt lnger than five minutes. But just this shrt silence can fster a quietness that carries thrugh the day. When things g ff the rails, simply clse yur eyes and recall that earlier quietness.
    Walk. Is there ne trip yu’d nrmally make in the car (t wrk, the gym, the stre) that yu can make n ft? Walking saves mney (gd fr yu) and gas (gd fr the envirnment) and burns calries (arund 2,000 steps equal ne mile), which is gd fr yur health.
    Tell smene yu lve them. Life is never lng enugh t say this as many times as it shuld be said. Whether yur mther, a friend, a significant ther, r yur dg, make it a habit t tell smene at least nce a day that yu lve him r her. While it may feel strange at first, yu will never regret it.
    Stand (r sit) up straight. Gd psture prevents back and neck pain and even build cnfidence. When driving, tilt (倾斜) yur rearview mirrr (后视镜) up a bit. Yu’ll have t sit up t see. At yur desk, the tp f yur cmputer screen shuld be at eye level. Put a small cushin in the curve f yur lwer back, and yur spine (脊柱) will becme straight.
    56.What des the text mainly talk abut? (N mre than 10 wrds)

    57.Why is getting up ten minutes earlier in the mrning suggested? (N mre than 18 wrds)

    58.What’s the meaning f the underlined wrd “fster” in paragraph 3? (N mre than 2 wrds)

    59.What benefit can yu get frm gd psture? (N mre than 15 wrds)

    60.D yu like ging t schl n ft? Why r why nt? (N mre than 25 wrds)

    假设你是晨光中学高三学生李津,下周你校将与英国姊妹校线上“云”交流校园生活。高中三年即将结束,回顾丰富多彩的校园生活,哪一次校园活动给你留下了美好而深刻的印象呢?请你以“The Mst Impressive Schl Activity”为题写一篇发言稿。

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    【开学摸底考】高三英语02(新高考专用)-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip: 这是一份【开学摸底考】高三英语02(新高考专用)-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip,文件包含高三英语开学摸底考02新高考专用-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷解析版docx、高三英语开学摸底考02新高考专用-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷考试版docx、高三英语开学摸底考02新高考专用-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷参考答案docx、高三英语开学摸底考02新高考专用-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷答题卡docx、高三英语开学摸底考02新高考专用-2023-2024学年高中下学期开学摸底考试卷听力mp3等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

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