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    1. 本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分)、考试用时100分钟;
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    第I卷(客观题 共45分)
    第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I live n the cast with beautiful sandy beaches. It’s the perfect 1 fr my favurite hbby—making sand sculptures. I’d never thught f making sand sculptures befre 2 sme fantastic nes appeared all alng the beach. Beautiful buildings and lvely animals were all made f sand. Frm that mment, I knew that this was smething I just had t d, thugh I’d never cnsidered myself t be a(n) 3 .
    In fact, anyne can create a sand sculpture, but it’s much harder than it lks. The first sand sculpture I tried making was a tw-metre lng dlphin. I was making 4 n it until suddenly the head started t break ff! I tried everything t 5 it, but it was hpeless. Sn the whle thing was a big pile f sand. Sme peple nearby seemed t think this was quite funny, but that just made me keep trying even 6 . I wished I’d listened t an expert (专家) n YuTube wh recmmends digging up 7 sand and t use it t build the sand sculptures because it sticks tgether better. S, I did that fr my next sculpture f a camel. And I 8 t cmplete it in fur hurs, thugh it didn’t take me that lng t make.
    Peple say that making sand castles is fr kids, nt adults, but that desn’t bther (困扰) me at all. Many peple dn’t understand that even a 9 tuch can make a sand sculpture fall ff. Of curse, heavy rain can d sme damage (损坏), but nt as much as yu might think. If yu build far enugh up the beach, the sea water wn’t 10 a sand sculpture away either. S, when yu’re next at the seaside, make ne yurself—yu’ll get a great sense f achievement!
    第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    11.Hw many nline nvels had been written by Octber 2023?
    12.Which infrmatin can we get frm the table?
    A.The pst-10 generatin makes up 42.36 percent f these writers
    B.Indnesia is the third largest cuntry in which yung peple jin in it.
    C.The peple in ver 1000 cuntries are jining in writing nline literature.
    D.Mystery nvels are female nline literature writers abrad prefer t write.
    13.Which part can we find it while reading a magazine?
    ①As we all knw, “If yu want t get rich, build rads first.” Railway prjects under the China-prpsed Belt and Rad Initiative (BRI) have been intercnnecting cuntries in Sutheast Asia, bringing cmmn develpment and friendship.
    ②The China-Las Railway is a landmark prject f the BRI. Running 1,035 kilmeters, it cnnects Kunming with Las’ capital Vientiane. It started peratin n Dec 3, 2021. The China-Las Railway had transprted ver 100,000 crss-brder passengers, reprted Xinhua.
    ③Accrding t Xinhua, Liu Jin, ne f the first passengers f the railway, had used t travel t Las eight times, usually by bus and the jurney lasted mre than 27 hurs n winding muntain rads. Nw, the travel time between the cities has been shrtened t 9 hurs and 26 minutes.
    ④Hwever, the China-Las Railway isn’t the nly China-supprted railway bringing benefits t peple in Belt and Rad cuntries. The 142.3-kilmeter-lng Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (HSR) has been fficially in peratin since Oct 2, 2023. Being a flagship prject f the BRI, it is als the first verseas cnstructin prject that fully uses Chinese railway systems, technlgy and industrial cmpnents (零件).
    ⑤ “Acrss Indnesia, peple frm mre than 17,000 islands nw cme t Jakarta t take the high-speed rail,” Chen Xianmu, a Chinese-Indnesian, prudly tld China Daily at the railway statin. “It’s nt nly a landmark f Indnesia but als a representatin f China’s tech pwer,” he added.
    ⑥Besides building railrads, China als plans t exchange the technlgy t Indnesia t help the lcal peple t perate the high-speed railway system n their wn in the cming years. T achieve this gal, China has trained mre than 45,000 Indnesian technicians, reprted China Daily.
    14.Hw des the authr start the passage?
    A.By asking a questin.B.By using a saying.
    C.By putting an advertisement.D.By making a suggestin.
    15.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.The China-Las Railway started peratin n Oct 3, 2021.
    B.The China-Las Railway is the nly China-supprted railway.
    C.The China-Las Railway cuts the travel time between cities shrt.
    D.The China-Las Railway cnnects Guilin with Las’ capital Vientiane.
    16.Which f the fllwing is the structure f the passage?
    17.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.China will keep helping mre cuntries build high-speed railways.
    B.China will train 45,000 mre Indnesian technicians t build railways.
    C.China will nt help Indnesia t build their high-speed railways any mre.
    D.China will make Indnesia able t perate the high-speed railway system alne.
    Mst American teenagers can’t wait t kick away their “metal muth” nickname (绰号). They cunt dwn the days they can finally take their braces (牙箍) ff. Hwever, trendy (追求时髦的) teenagers in Indnesia, Malaysia and Thailand can’t wait t get them n, even if they dn’t need them.
    Braces are the latest teenage fashin trend in Sutheast Asia. Having a muthful f metal has becme s ppular with Asian teens that there have been reprts f many teens wearing fake (假冒的) braces. There even appear cheaper d-it-yurself braces such as “Hell Kitty” r “Mickey Muse” fr a price f arund $100.
    Braces are cnsidered as a sign f wealth in Sutheast Asia. A real set f braces csts arund $1,200, which is a large amunt fr the cuntry with a GDP f $345 billin, cmpared t the US which had a GDP f $1, 506 Trillin (a Trillin is 1, 000 billin) last year.
    While Asian teens may think their clrful fake braces are cl, experts say that these trendy fashin braces can cause illness and even lead t death. Accrding t the New Yrk Daily News, fake fashin braces have already been cnnected t the deaths f tw teens in Thailand. A 17-year-ld by in the nrtheast city f Khn Kaen died frm heart failure caused by a thyrid infectin (甲状腺感染) frm a pair f fake braces. Plice als cnnected the death f anther 14-year-ld girl in Chnburi t a pair f fashin braces she had bught frm an illegal (非法的) shp. Althugh the gvernment is giving warnings abut fake braces, the trend has been ging strng fr at least fur years. What’s wrse, the trend fr fake braces shws n sign f slwing dwn.
    18.Teens in Sutheast Asia wear fake braces mainly t________.
    A.fllw fashinB.prtect their teeth
    C.shw their DIY abilityD.prve their scial psitin
    19.Why des the writer cmpare Thailand’s GDP with that f the US?
    A.T explain the imprtance f the GDP.
    B.T intrduce the capital city f Thailand.
    C.T describe the develpment f Thailand.
    D.T shw the high cst f braces in Thailand.
    20.Accrding t Paragraph 4, fake braces ________.
    A.are very dangerusB.need t be imprved
    C.can treat tth diseasesD.cst as much as real nes
    21.What des the authr think f the fashin trend?
    My father was German, but he wrked in England. He married my mther, wh was English. Her family name was Rbinsn, s when I was brn in 1632, in England, they called me Rbinsn, after her.
    My father did well in his business and I went t a gd schl. He wanted me t get a gd jb, and live a quiet, pleasant life. But I wanted adventure and an exciting life. I wanted t be a sailr.
    “Please dn’t g.” my father said. “Sailrs have a difficult and dangerus life.” And because I lve him and he was unhappy, I tried t frget abut the sea.
    But I culdn’t frget, and abut a year later, I saw a friend in twn. His father had a ship. He invited me t Lndn. On September 2nd, 1651, we sailed fr Lndn.
    But a few days later, there was a strng wind. The sea was rugh and dangerus, and the ship went up and dwn. I was very ill, and was very afraid.
    I cried, “If I live thrugh it, I will g hme and never g t sea again!”
    The next day the wind stpped, and the sea was quiet and beautiful again.
    “Well, Rbinsn,” my friend laughed, “just a little wind. Frget it, cme and have a drink.”
    “What!” I cried. “It was a terrible strm.”
    After a few drinks, I frgt abut the danger, and decided nt t g hme. I didn’t want t be laughed at!
    I stayed in Lndn fr sme time, but I still wanted t g t the sea. S when the captain f a ship asked me t g with him t Guinea in Africa, I agreed. And s I went t the sea fr the secnd time.
    It was a gd ship, and everything went well at first, but I was very ill again. Then when we were near the Canary Islands, a Turkish pirate ship came after us. They were famus thieves f the sea at that time. There was a lng, hard fight, but when it finished, we and the ship were prisners. The Turkish captain and his men tk us t Sallee in Mrcc. They wanted t sell us as slaves (奴隶) in the market. But in the end, the Turkish captain decided t keep me fr himself, and tk me hme with him.
    22.Why did Rbinsn frget abut the sea at the beginning?
    A.Because he wanted t make his father happy.
    B.Because he hated t live a dangerus life.
    C.Because he had n mney t wn a ship.
    D.Because he lked frward t getting a gd jb.
    23.Which is the RIGHT time rder f what happened in the stry?
    a. One f Rbinsn’s friends invited him t sail t Lndn.
    b. The Turkish captain tk Rbinsn hme.
    c. A captain asked Rbinsn t g with him t Guinea.
    d. Rbinsn drank with his friend.
    e. A lng and hard fight happened.
    A.d c a b eB.d a c e bC.a c b e dD.a d c e b
    24.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A.Rbinsn lived happily with the Turkish captain.
    B.Rbinsn wanted t serve the Turkish captain.
    C.Rbinsn became a slave t the Turkish captain.
    D.Rbinsn made friends with the Turkish captain.
    25.This article is mainly written t tell us ________.
    A.everything was fine
    B.the sea was quiet all the time
    C.the wind was weak
    D.smething abut Rbinsn’s sea life
    第三部分 信息还原(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
    Trust has been cnsidered as the basis( 基础) f any relatinship,including friendship.N relatinship can last lng withut trust. 26 Smetimes,it takes years,even a whle life t make it.We certainly knw wh are the peple we trust.Hwever,hw d we knw if thers trust us?
    27 Yu may first like t talk t the friends yu trust mst.It is the same with yur friends.
    Whm d yu ask fr advice when yu need it the mst? Either yur parents r yur friends may first cme int yur mind.Yu nly ask fr advice frm the peple yu really trust.Yu knw they will never pass n a wrng suggestin.And s d they. 28
    Different ideas and discussins are a part f every relatinship,and this is als true fr friendship.Actually,tw peple can’t always have the same pinins n a situatin and they may share different suggestins.Smetimes sme peple find it hard t frgive(原谅)and frget. 29 It is because they trust yu and believe that yu will never cause any pain t them n purpse(故意地).
    There are times in life when yu find yurself a lnely sldier. 30 Yur friends will never let yu dwn and will strngly stand fr yu when yu need encuragement.If they side with yu when yu need them the mst,yu can knw that they trust yu.
    A.But winning trust is nt easy as we imagine.
    B.Whm wuld yu like t share yur secrets with?
    C.But fr yur true friends there is n difficulty in it.
    D.They dn’t like their friends with different pinins.
    E.It will be necessary fr yu t stay in tuch with yur friends.
    F.Hwever,if yu have true friends,yu will never be alne in any truble.
    G.The friends wh trust yu will g t yu fr help in the imprtant decisins f their life.
    第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
    第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
    31.Our teacher ften (建议)us typing the article n the cmputer.
    32.We dn’t knw why he is s (急躁的).
    33.What gd (决定) yu have made! They are f great help t me.
    34.He is serius and always wrks t high (标准).
    35.China and India are bth A cuntries and they are als neighburs.
    36.The strange man tried t a ther peple with a knife.
    37.He was tld t d the idea because they had a better ne.
    38.The prblem he’s mentined at the meeting is w discussing.
    第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。
    Wrld Animal Day falls n Octber 4th. It is t make the wrld a better place fr all animals.
    Prtecting animals has gt much 39 all ver the wrld. Every year IUCN (国际自然保护联盟) reprts sme imprtant infrmatin abut the plants and animals 40 . The giraffe is ne f them. Over the last 30 years, the number f giraffes 41 by 40%. There are nw fewer than 100,000 giraffes in the wrld tday! Things are getting wrse. Many animals are lsing their lives 42 human activities. Animals are ften killed fr their meat, teeth r even just fr 43 .
    Animals will get mre help if everyne starts t d smething.
    第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Everyne dreams f success. But 44 can we achieve it? The stry f kung fu star Zhang Hanyng might help t answer this questin.
    Zhang was brn in 1970 in a pr family in Western China. His childhd dream was t g t cllege and find a jb 45 (supprt) his family. He became an 46 (act) in 1998. Althugh he is nw in his 47 (fifty), he keeps training hard. “I must get ready 48 the chance cmes t me,” he ften 49 (say). Finally, 50 the night f January 2, 2024, he wn a film award. Zhang had waited 26 years fr this mment! Fr Zhang, he can spend his whle life getting prepared 51 (silent), but he’ll never allw 52 (he) t be unprepared when the task cmes by.
    S, when yu feel like giving up, think abut Zhang’s stry. Yur effrts might nt pay ff immediately. Be patient, and keep ging. One day, chance 53 (knck) at yur dr.
    第六部分 阅读表达(共3小题;1题2分,2题2分,3题3分,满分7分)
    It seems fd deliverymen (送货员) are always in a hurry. They wear blue, red r yellw helmets (头盔) and many f them dn’t fllw traffic rules. They drive n the wrng side f the rad and run red lights. They use mbile phnes while driving.
    These rude behavirs have caught the public’s attentin.
    In the first half f 2017, fd deliverymen had 76 traffic accidents in Shanghai accrding t Shanghai Public Security Bureau. That means every tw and a half days, a fd deliveryman will die r get hurt n the rad.
    What makes deliverymen take such risks? The strict rules f the fd delivery service cmpanies and the anxius custmers may be the answer.
    Many cmpanies will fine a deliveryman up t 2,000 yuan, if he fails t deliver an rder n time, reprted China Daily. Fines als g t thse wh get bad reviews frm custmers.
    T slve the prblem, fd delivery service cmpanies need t imprve their praising systems. Sme cities are als taking actin. Shanghai has asked cmpanies t train their deliverymen n traffic rules and safety. Nw in Shenzhen, if a deliveryman gets caught breaking traffic rules mre than twice then he will be stpped frm driving fd service delivery transprts fr a whle year.
    54.Hw many car accidents did fd deliverymen in Shanghai cause in the first half f 2017?
    55.Why d the deliverymen take the risk f their lives t break traffic rules?
    56.If yu dn’t receive yur rder n time, will yu cmplain t the delivery service cmpany? Why r why nt?
    第七部分 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)
    57.在成长过程中,我们都会遇到各种各样的问题和烦恼。请以“My grwing pain”为题,用英语写下你成长过程中的问题或烦恼。故事需包括问题和解决。
    My grwing pain
    As Chinese nline literature becmes ppular all ver the wrld, mre and mre yung peple verseas are jining in writing nline literature.
    Wh are they?There were 400,000 nline literature writers by Octber 2023.
    They are lcated in mre than 100 cuntries and regins.
    The pst-00 generatin makes up 42.36 percent f these writers.
    What d they write?By Octber 2023, 610,000 nline nvels had been written.
    They include 15 different types, such as, fantasies, wuxia and rmance.
    Male nline literature writers abrad prefer:
    Adventure nvels
    System nvels
    Weak-t-Strng nvels
    Female nline literature writers abrad prefer:
    Cmedy nvels
    Revenge nvels
    Mystery nvels
    Tp 5 cuntries where they are frm
    in danger because f attentin fun drp
    1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C
    vacatin假期;situatin处境;lcatin地点,位置;cnditin情况。根据“I live n the cast with beautiful sandy beaches.”可知,此处是指我住的地方是制作沙雕的完美地点。故选C。
    swimmer游泳者;artist艺术家;directr导演;painter画家。根据“making sand sculptures”可知,是指艺术家。故选B。
    mistakes错误;prmises承诺;truble麻烦;prgress进步。根据“until suddenly the head started t break ff!”可知,在它的头断裂之前我一直在取得进步。故选D。
    fix修补;mix混合;change改变;pull拉。根据“suddenly the head started t break ff!”可知,作者尝试一切办法来修补沙雕。故选A。
    faster更快的;lnger更长的;harder更努力地;later更晚的。根据“keep trying even”可知,是指更加努力地尝试。故选C。
    wet湿的;dry干燥的;sft柔软的;tiny微小的。根据“t use it t build the sand sculptures because it sticks tgether better.”可知,是指使用湿的沙子来制作沙雕,这样能够更好地粘在一起。故选A。
    refused拒绝;preferred更喜爱;failed失败;managed设法做到。根据“thugh it didn’t take me that lng t make.”可知,此处应是设法在四个小时内完成。故选D。
    heavy重的;light轻地;rude粗鲁的;quick快速的。根据“even a ... tuch can make a sand sculpture fall ff.”可知,是指甚至轻轻地触碰,也会使沙雕脱落。故选B。
    drive驾驶;blw吹;wash冲洗;mve移动。根据“If yu build far enugh up the beach”可知,在海滩上把沙雕制作地足够远,海水不会冲走沙雕。故选C。
    11.C 12.D 13.C
    11.细节理解题。根据“By Octber 2023, 610,000 nline nvels had been written.”可知,截至2023年10月,网络小说已达61万部,故选C。
    12.细节理解题。根据“Female nline literature writers abrad prefer: Cmedy nvels; Revenge nvels; Mystery nvels”可知,推理小说是国外女性网络文学作家更喜欢写的。故选D。
    14.B 15.C 16.A 17.D
    14.细节理解题。根据“If yu want t get rich, build rads first.”可知是使用谚语开始文章,故选B。
    15.细节理解题。根据“Nw, the travel time between the cities has been shrtened t 9 hurs and 26 minutes.”可知缩短了时间,故选C。
    17.推理判断题。根据“China als plans t exchange the technlgy t Indnesia t help the lcal peple t perate the high-speed railway system n their wn in the cming years.”可知中国将使印尼能够独自运营高铁系统。故选D。
    18.A 19.D 20.A 21.B
    18.细节理解题。根据“Braces are the latest teenage fashin trend in Sutheast Asia. ”可知,牙套在东南亚很流行。故选A。
    19.推理判断题。根据“A real set f braces csts arund $1,200, which is a large amunt fr the cuntry with a GDP f $345 billin, cmpared t the US which had a GDP f $1, 506 Trillin (a Trillin is 1, 000 billin) last year.”可知,这里提到的GDP是用来讲述牙套在泰国很贵。故选D。
    20.细节理解题。根据“While Asian teens may think their clrful fake braces are cl, experts say that these trendy fashin braces can cause illness and even lead t death. ”可知,假的牙套很危险,可能会使人生病并且死亡。故选A。
    21.观点态度题。根据“fake fashin braces have already been cnnected t the deaths f tw teens in Thailand. A 17-year-ld by in the nrtheast city f Khn Kaen died frm heart failure caused by a thyrid infectin (甲状腺感染) frm a pair f fake braces. Plice als cnnected the death f anther 14-year-ld girl in Chnburi t a pair f fashin braces she had bught frm an illegal (非法的) shp…”可知,假的牙套很危险,可能会使人生病并且死亡,所以作者认为这种流行趋势令人担忧。故选B。
    22.A 23.D 24.C 25.D
    22.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“And because I lve him and he was unhappy, I tried t frget abut the sea.”可知,作者爱他的父亲不想让他不开心,所以试图忘记大海。故选A。
    23.细节理解题。根据第四段“But I culdn’t frget, and abut a year later, I saw a friend in twn. His father had a ship. He invited me t Lndn. On September 2nd, 1651, we sailed fr Lndn.”可知,a项排第一;根据第十段中的“After a few drinks, I frgt abut the danger, and decided nt t g hme.”可知,d项排第二;根据第十一段中的“ S when the captain f a ship asked me t g with him t Guinea in Africa, I agreed.”可知,c项排第三;根据最后一段中的“There was a lng, hard fight, but when it finished, we and the ship were prisners.”可知,e项排第四;根据最后一段中的“But in the end, the Turkish captain decided t keep me fr himself, and tk me hme with him.”可知,b项排第五。故选D。
    24.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The Turkish captain and his men tk us t Sallee in Mrcc. They wanted t sell us as slaves (奴隶) in the market. But in the end, the Turkish captain decided t keep me fr himself, and tk me hme with him.”可知,土耳其船长想把我们卖给奴隶市场,但是最后决定把我留给他自己,做他的奴隶。故选C。
    26.A 27.B 28.G 29.C 30.F
    26.根据后文“Smetimes, it takes years, even a whle life t make it.”可知获得信任要花费很长的时间,可推测前句说的是:获得信任不是我们想象中的那么容易。故选A。
    27.根据后句“Yu may first like t talk t the friends yu trust mst. It is the same with yur friends.” 可知,此处讲述的是想要跟别人分享自己的秘密,B选项“你想和谁分享你的秘密”符合,故选B。
    28.根据“Whm d yu ask fr advice when yu need it the mst?”和“Yu nly ask fr advice frm peple yu really trust.”以及“And s d they”可知,你会向信任的朋友寻求建议,朋友有苦难时也会向你求助,G选项“信任你的朋友会在他们人生的重要决定中寻求你的帮助”符合,故选G。
    29.根据“Smetimes sme peple find it hard t frgive (原谅) and frget”以及“It is because they trust yu and believe that yu will never cause any pain t them n purpse (故意地).”可知,原谅很难,但是对真正的朋友来说是不难的。C选项“但对你真正的朋友来说,这并没有什么困难”符合,故选C。
    30.根据“There are times in life when yu find yurself a lnely sldier.”和“If they side with yu when yu need them the mst,”可知,如果有真朋友就不会感到孤独,F选项“然而,如果你有真正的朋友,在任何困难中你都不会孤独”符合,故选F。
    【详解】句意:我们的老师经常建议我们在电脑上打字。建议:suggest,根据“ften”可知句子用一般现在时,主语是Our teacher,谓语动词用单三。故填suggests。
    【详解】句意:中国和印度都是亚洲国家,也是邻国。根据“China and India”是亚洲国家,结合首字母提示,“Asian”符合句意。故填(A)sian。
    【详解】句意:那个陌生人试图用刀袭击其他人。根据“with a knife”可知,用小刀攻击其他人,结合首字母提示,attack符合句意。故填(a)ttack。
    【详解】句意:他被告知放弃这个想法,因为他们有个更好的主意。根据“because they had a better ne.”可知,应该是放弃这个想法,结合首字母提示,drp符合句意。故填(d)rp。
    【详解】句意:他在会上提到的问题值得讨论。根据“…is…discussing”及首字母提示可知,这里指值得讨论,wrth意为“值得的”,be wrth ding意为“值得做某事”,故填(w)rth。
    39.attentin 40.in danger 41.has drpped 42.because f 43.fun
    39.句意:保护动物已经得到全世界的注意。根据“gt ver the wrld”以及所给词可知是得到了很多关注,attentin“注意”,不可数名词。故填attentin。
    40.句意:国际自然保护联盟每年都会报告一些关于濒危动植物的重要信息。根据“sme imprtant infrmatin abut the plants and animals”以及所给词可知是报道一些关于濒危动植物的信息,in danger“处于危险中”。故填in danger。
    41.句意:在过去的30年里,长颈鹿的数量下降了40%。根据“There are nw fewer than 100 000 giraffes in the wrld tday”可知长颈鹿的数量下降了,drp“下降”,根据“Over the last 30 years”可知句子用现在完成时,主语“the number f giraffes”是第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填has drpped。
    42.句意:由于人类活动,许多动物正在失去生命。“Many animals are lsing their lives”的原因是“human activities”,because f“因为”符合。故填because f。
    43.句意:动物经常被杀死是为了它们的肉、牙齿,甚至只是为了好玩。根据“Animals are ften killed fr their meat, teeth r even just fr”可知一些人为了好玩而杀动物,fun“乐趣”,不可数名词。故填fun。
    44.hw 45.t supprt 46.actr 47.fifties 48.when/befre 49.says 50.n 51.silently 52.himself 53.will knck
    44.句意:但是我们怎样才能实现它呢?结合语境和“ we achieve it?”可知,空格处意为“如何,怎样”,疑问词hw符合语境,故填hw。
    45.句意:他儿时的梦想是上大学,找份工作养家。supprt“养活,赡养”,动词。结合提示词和“find a family”可知,空格处应填动词不定式作目的状语,结构是:t+动词原形,故填t supprt。
    46.句意:他于1998年成为一名演员。结合提示词和“He became an...”可知,空格处应用名词actr“演员”,空前的an后接可数名词的单数形式,所以空格处填actr的单数形式,故填actr。
    47.句意:虽然他现在五十多岁了,但他仍在努力训练。fifty“五十”,基数词。结合提示词和空前的in his可知,本题考查“in+ne’s+整十数基数词的复数形式”结构,意为“在某人几十多岁时”,故填fifties。
    48.句意:当机会来临时/在机会来临之前,我必须做好准备。分析“I must get chance cmes t me”可知,空格处是时间状语从句的引导词,when“当……时”和befre“在……之前”都符合语境,故填when/befre。
    50.句意:最后,2024年1月2日晚,他获得了电影奖。根据“ night f January 2”可知,此处表示“在1月2日的晚上”,n后接表示某天的上午、下午、晚上等的名词短语表示“在某天的上午、下午、晚上”,故填n。
    51.句意:对张汉勇来说,他可以用一生的时间默默地做好准备,但他决不允许自己在任务到来时毫无准备。silent“沉默的”,形容词。分析“he can spend his whle life getting prepared...”可知,空格处应填silent的副词形式silently“默默地”修饰getting,故填silently。
    52.句意:对张汉勇来说,他可以用一生的时间默默地做好准备,但他决不允许自己在任务到来时毫无准备。结合提示词和“he’ll never be unprepared”可知,空格处应用反身代词himself“他自己”,作宾语,表示主语he发出的动作返回到主语本身,故填himself。
    53.句意:总有一天,机会会来敲你的门。knck“敲”,动词。结合语境和“One day”可知,时态是一般将来时,结构是:will+动词原形,故填will knck。
    54.Seventy-six./76. 55.Because f the strict rules f the fd delivery service cmpanies and the anxius custmers. 56.N. Because many cmpanies will fine the deliveryman if he/she fails t deliver an rder n time.
    54.根据“In the first half f 2017, fd deliverymen had 76 traffic accidents in Shanghai accrding t Shanghai Public Security Bureau.”可知2017年上半年,上海的外卖员发生了76起交通事故。故填Seventy-six./76.
    55.根据“What makes deliverymen take such risks? The strict rules f the fd delivery service cmpanies and the anxius custmers may be the answer.”可知是因为外卖公司严格的制度以及焦急的顾客,故填Because f the strict rules f the fd delivery service cmpanies and the anxius custmers.
    56.开放性作答,言之有理即可。参考答案N. Because many cmpanies will fine the deliveryman if he/she fails t deliver an rder n time.
    My grwing pain
    My middle schl life is cming t an end. During the three years, nt nly did I have a happy time, but I had kinds f prblems. My biggest prblem was frm my parents. They wanted me t spend all my time n my lessns. They didn’t allw me t play cmputer games r have utdr activities with my friends.
    I culdn’t stand the strict rules! S I wrte a letter and tld my parents I knew it was imprtant t d well in schlwrk. I wuld make gd use f the time and try t d well in schlwrk first. After a lng talk with my parents, they agreed that I culd have spare time and d smething I like.
    Nw I have realized cmmunicating with ur parents is a gd way t slve ur prblems.
    ① 题材:本文是一篇话题作文,写自己成长中的情况;
    ② 时态:时态为“一般过去时”;
    ③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,包括成长遇到的各种各样的问题和烦恼。
    ① cme t an end结束
    ② nt nly…but (als) 不但……而且……
    ③ allw sb t d sth允许某人做某事
    ④ make gd use f充分利用
    ① they agreed that I culd have spare time and d smething I like. (that引导的宾语从句)
    ② Nw I have realized cmmunicating with ur parents is a gd way t slve ur prblems.(不定式作后置定语)

    专题23 语法填空-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用): 这是一份专题23 语法填空-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共24页。

    专题21 副词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用): 这是一份专题21 副词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共16页。

    专题09 介词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用): 这是一份专题09 介词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共19页。







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