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    Thanks t the evlutin f technlgy,the learning-centred mbile apps can help maintain learning even utside the classrms and make the learning activities mre efficient.
    Study Blue
    With Study Blue,teachers can create flashcards and interactive sessins.Meanwhile,yu can view the study materials anywhere anytime and share flashcards with yur teacher & classmates in real time.
    App Features
    • Unlimited access t ver 500 millin study materials.
    • Quizzes t track yur study prcess.
    • Set reminders n bkmarked cntents.
    Ratings:4.4/5 Users:1,000,000+ Dwnlad:Andrid,iOS
    TED helps educatrs t bring ut a clrful classrm and prepare unique lecture presentatins.Thusands f sessins by experts can help yu t get knwledge & tpics t discuss in classrms.
    App Features
    • TED talk vides with subtitles(字幕).
    • Discver interesting lectures.
    • Playing is pssible with n Internet cnnectin.
    Ratings:4.6/5 Users:10,000,000+ Dwnlad:Andrid,iOS
    Quizzes make yur study mre interesting.There are millins f teacher-created quizzes n Quizizz and yu can cmpete with friends nline.Teachers can make the whle class play tgether and assign individual hmewrk.
    App Features
    • Custmized games fr individuals.
    • Track & get timely prgress reprts.
    • Teachers are the quiz masters.
    Ratings:4.8/5 Users:1,000,000+ Dwnlad:Andrid,iOS
    Pcket is a slutin t learning lectures n the g.Yu can instantly save articles r vide cntent fr imprving yur classrm studies.And teachers can als cmmunicate with students and parents virtually.
    App Features
    • Dark-clred themes fr night use.
    • Multi-language supprt.
    • Access t saved articles withut the Internet.
    Ratings:4.6/5 Users:10,000,000+ Dwnlad:Andrid,iOS
    1.What can students d with Study Blue? ______
    A. Learn hw t create flashcards.
    B. Share study prgress with friends.
    C. Stay cnnected with teachers.
    D. Cmpete with classmates n quizzes.
    2.What d TED and Pcket have in cmmn? ______
    A. They bth have an ffline functin.
    B. Users can cmmunicate with each ther.
    C. They bth prvide lectures by experts.
    D. Users can learn freign languages n them.
    3.Which app has the highest user satisfactin? ______
    A. TED.B. Pcket.C. Quizizz.D. Study Blue.
    China n Tuesday launched (发射) the Shenzhu-16 manned spaceship, sending three astrnauts t its space statin cmbinatin fr a five-mnth missin. The spaceship, atp a Lng March-2 F carrier rcket, was launched frm the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in nrthwest China at 9: 31 a.m. (Beijing Time), accrding t the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).
    Abut 10 minutes after the launch, Shenzhu-16 separated frm the rcket and entered its designated rbit(轨道). The three astrnauts are in gd shape and the launch is a cmplete success, the CMSA declared.
    The Shenzhu-16 astrnauts will cnduct a great many in rbit tests and experiments in varius fields as planned. They are expected t make high-level scientific achievements in the study f nvel quantum phenmenn(新奇量子现象), high-precisin space time frequency systems and the rigin f life.
    Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haicha will see the dckings f the Tianzhu-5 carg craft and the Shenzhu-17 manned spaceship, as well as the departures f the Shenzhu-15 manned spaceship and Tianzhu-5.
    It is the first manned task fr the applicatin and develpment stage f China's space statin, and the 29th flight since the cuntry's manned space prgram was apprved(批准). The launch als marks the 475th flight f the Lng March carrier rcket series.
    4.Which f the fllwing statement is true?
    A. China launched the Shenzhu-16 manned spaceship successfully.
    B. Shenzhu-16 manned spaceship was atp Lng March-1 F carrier rcket.
    C. Shenzhu-16 manned spaceship was launched frm Xichang, suthwest China.
    D. Shenzhu-16 manned spaceship immediately gt int its rbit after the successful launch.
    5.What's Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The astrnauts' ability.B. The astrnauts' interests.
    C. The astrnauts' difficulty.D. The astrnauts' tasks in rbit.
    6.What des the authr think f China space industry based n the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Old-fashined.B. Unimprtant.C. Amazing.D. Disappinting.
    7.In which part f a newspaper will yu read the passage?
    A. Heath.B. Culture.C. Science.D. Entertainment.
    Mre and mre teenagers are becming unwilling t exercise wrldwide.Australia,a natin that prides itself n its utdr culture,is ding particularly prly.It is currently ranked (排名) 140th ut f 146 cuntries fr teenage exercise levels.The data shws that 85% f girls are physically inactive cmpared t 78% f bys.In Australia,less than 1 in 10 teenagers aged 12 t 18 are meeting the recmmended levels f physical activity.
    The current guidelines and evidence shw that teenagers shuld be ding at least 60 minutes f physical activity per day.This shuld include muscle and bne strengthening activities n at least three days per week,meanwhile limiting recreatinal screen time t a maximum f 2 hurs per day.
    Nt being active can cause a range f health cnditins leading t early adulthd and beynd.Adlescents may have decreased bne and cardi-metablic (心脏代谢的) health which leaves them facing an increased risk f chrnic disease (慢性病) in later life,including type 2 diabetes,heart disease,high chlesterl,and decreased fitness.If yu're nt mving enugh yu're als at an increased risk f being verweight r bese,with data already shwing that 29.8% f teenagers (14-17)are classified as verweight r bese.
    S hw can we get teenagers t exercise mre?Firstly,high schls shuld place mre imprtance n lunchtime and allw 1-hur breaks that increase physical activity.We shuld als encurage teenagers t be active n their lunch break.Parents and guardians als have an imprtant rle t play and shuld aim t devte 1 hur a day t mving mre.This des nt need t be 1 full hur and can be brken dwn int tw 30-minute parts.The mst imprtant factr is t identify yur teenager's interests and needs surrunding their physical activity.
    Dn't be afraid t ask fr help in finding a safe and fun exercise prgram.A qualified exercise physilgist r exercise scientist can help yur child find a way t be mre active that is suited t their needs,age f develpment,and interests.
    8.Hw des the writer shw teenagers in Australia lack enugh exercise in Paragraph 1? ______
    A. By analyzing reasns.B. By listing data.
    C. By making cmparisn.D. By giving examples.
    9.What des the authr mainly intend t say with facts in Paragraph 3? ______
    A. A lack f exercise des lasting harm t health.
    B. Outdr activities help build psitive characters.
    C. Mst chrnic diseases cme frm getting verweight.
    D. Teenagers tend t take in mre calries than they actually need.
    10.What is especially imprtant when it cmes t encuraging teenagers t exercise mre? ______
    A. Parents' full participatin in exercising.
    B. Arranging a balance d diet fr them.
    C. Taking their interests int cnsideratin.
    D. Imprvement in the schl PE curse.
    11.What may be the authr's writing purpse? ______
    A. T recmmend fun exercise prgrams.
    B. T encurage physical activity in teenagers.
    C. T shw the way t build a gd living habit.
    D. T explain the reasn fr teenagers' pr health.
    Earthquakes are cmmn natural disasters.N matter where yu are,knwing hw t prtect yurself and yur family during an earthquake is necessary.
    Sme experts believe that when yu feel the grund is shaking,drp dwn,take cver under a desk and hld n.Mst earthquake injuries are the result f being hit by smething falling n yu.Yu shuld stay indrs until the shaking stps.If yu are utdrs,dn't stay near buildings,trees r pwer lines.Many peple think that in case f an earthquake,they shuld "get under smething"like a drway r desk,in rder t avid being hurt by falling bjects.Rescue experts nw say this is the wrng thing t d.Fr example,in the 1985 Mexic City earthquake,they fund hundreds f children in schls, crushed by their desks.Hwever,they culd have survived by lying in the aisle (通道,走道) next t their desks.
    S find a nice piece f furniture,a chair,a sfa,and lie dwn,r curl up next t it.A falling rf may cmpact(压实) the furniture,but will still leave a space fr yu t survive next t it.This als hlds true if yu are in a htel rm,especially at night.Get ff the bed,and lie dwn next t it.
    In San Francisc's 1989 earthquake,the upper freeway fell n the lwer ne.Peple wh drve alng were crushed in their cars.But they had time t get ut and lie dwn next t their cars.Yes,their cars were crushed,but there was space frm tp t bttm next t the vehicles fr peple t survive and wait a rescue.
    Drways and stairways are very unsafe.Stay away frm thse.
    What can we d t keep urselves safe?Staying calm is the first and mst imprtant rule when facing accidents.
    12.Which wrd can replace the underlined wrd"crushed" in Paragraph 2? ______
    A. Hidden.B. Prtected.C. Caught.D. Killed.
    13.Hw can we prbably get a narrw escape frm an earthquake? ______
    A. Lie dwn under a table r desk.
    B. Shut ut ludly and ask fr help.
    C. Run ut f the huse and stay under a big tree.
    D. Lie dwn next t a strng piece f furniture r a car.
    14.What shuld yu d first when accidents happen accrding t this passage? ______
    A. Keep calm.B. Drp dwn.
    C. Get under buildings.D. Stay near trees.
    15.What is the best title f the text? ______
    A. Right Earthquake Survival Tips.
    B. The New Idea f the Rescue Experts.
    C. Great Damages Caused by Earthquake .
    D. A Cmmn Natural Disaster—Earthquake.
    Effective Ways t Prtect Our Planet
    We nly have ne earth.Hwever,humans haven't been very gd prtectrs f the earth ver the years.T leave a fine planet fr ur children and future generatins,we all need t take steps t develp better living habits. (1) ______
    Buy less.Cheap gds in the sales may make yur life better,but few f thse are essential.And they almst always end up in the trash can r are frgtten in the back f a next time yu're hesitating abut buying r accepting a nn-essential item,think ver whether it will truly imprve yur life. (2) ______
    Turn waste int treasure.(3) ______ Nt nly des it keep items ut f trash cans,but it can als prevent yu frm buying new items,which require lts f resurces t prduce.Mrever,children lve making things.S instead f heading twards the craft stre,check ut yur recycling bin first and imprve yur children 's imaginatin.
    ( 4) ______ Did yu knw it takes ver 700 gallns f water t grw enugh cttn t make just ne plain T-shirt?Instead f ging t the mall t buy new clthes,yu can cnsider lking first in a secndhand shp r trading clthes.Secnd-hand shpping als applies t many ther categries f cnsumer gds such as furniture,cars and children's tys.
    Walk,bike r car sharing.Accrding t the Envirnmental Prtectin Agency (EPA),a typical passenger vehicle emits(排放) abut 4.6 metric tns f carbn dixide (CO2)per year.Thus,any amunt f what yu can cut back n will matter.Fr shrt trips,yu can try walking r biking.(5) ______ If travelling n ft r by bike isn't practical,yu can try carpling with a friend,neighbur r cwrker t the same destinatin.
    A.Save water.
    B.Chse secnd -hand stres.
    C.If nt,it's kay t just say, "N,thanks!".
    D.And here are sme ways t prtect the envirnment.
    E.Plastic bttles are a clear example f waste material.
    F.In this way,yu can get sme exercise withut ging t the gym.
    G.Creating smething new with unwanted items is a gd way t prtect the envirnment.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Many years ag,I wrked in a marathn.I was required t stand by the rad t give ut water t the runners.I felt s excited t see all different kinds f runners wh passed by and(1) ______ tk a cup f water.Sme walked past,sme jgged past and a few rushed past.
    The next year,I signed up fr the(2) ______ and gave it a try.With(3) ______ running practice,I just wanted t finish.
    On the day f the race,it was terribly ht.Only after 2 miles,I felt sweat(4) ______ ff me and my legs swelling(肿胀).I began t(5) ______ ,"Why am I ding this?What was I thinking?I must be(6) ______ ."And at ne mment,I said t myself: "I am never ding this again."Fr the fllwing miles,I jgged.I walked.I jgged and walked.At times,I wnder if I culd(7) ______ .
    Near the end,a 70-year-ld man rushed past me,very fast,and I felt a little (8) ______ that I was mre than 50 years yunger than him and I culdn't keep up with him.But then I(9) ______ smething:he was running his race and I was running mine.He had abilities,training and(10) ______ fr himself and I had mine.Hw ften in life d we(11) ______ urselves with thers and feel disappinted in urselves when we really shuldn't?
    We are all unique human beings with unique(12) ______ .It's really n gd fcusing n thers' race.I decided that I wuld nt(13) ______ running,and that ne day I wuld be ne f thse elderly peple wh were still running races.As I crssed the finishing line,I was(14) ______ f myself.
    In life we all have thse mments when we cmpare urselves with thers.It's natural but dn't allw these mments t weaken yu.Turn them int(15) ______ and let them inspire yu.
    21.A. quicklyB. slwlyC. graduallyD. casually
    22.A. serviceB. raceC. testD. task
    23.A. muchB. manyC. fewD. little
    24.A. jumpingB. takingC. puringD. setting
    25.A. dreamB. dubtC. imagineD. suppse
    26.A. crazyB. tiredC. delightedD. generus
    27.A. stpB. winC. finishD. make
    28.A. excitedB. annyedC. frightenedD. ashamed
    29.A. rememberedB. realizedC. frgtD. feared
    30.A. guidesB. experiencesC. galsD. excuses
    31.A. cnnectB. cnsiderC. cmplainD. cmpare
    32.A. valueB. paceC. principleD. view
    33.A. make upB. catch upC. give upD. take up
    34.A. prudB. disappintedC. regretfulD. dissatisfied
    35.A. instructinB. predictinC. intrductinD. mtivatin
    36.As a high schl student(1) ______ lves literature,I thught I knew a lt abut Hamlet.But my view changed when I(2) ______ ( see) The Revenge f Prince Zidan——the Peking Opera versin f Hamlet.
    It started(3) ______ an rchestra playing traditinal Chinese instruments.I thught what I heard was a vilin,but later I learned that it was(4) ______ instrument(5) ______ (call) jinghu.Then I saw the main(6) ______ ( character) cme n stage.The cstumes and masks were(7) ______ ( amaze).The music,exaggerated mvements and mime helped get the meanings acrss t the audience.And the stage was als very simple.(8) ______ ( use) such techniques,the pera transfrmed a small stage int the whle universe(9) ______ ( magic).The perfrmance was s wnderful that everyne clapped their hands.S,my friend,if yu want t see a shw with explsive effect in persn,The Revenge f Prince Zidan(10) ______ ( tick) all the right bxes!
    37.假定你是李华,近期你发现看英文电影对你很有帮助。得知外教Mr Brwn是一个电影迷,你打算给他写一封信,请他为你推荐几部英文电影,内容包括:
    Dear Mr Brwn,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    The Lst Dg
    One summer day,I went ut my back dr and fund a small dg sitting in the grass.The dg std up and wagged (摇) his tail when he saw me.I tuched his shrt brwn-and-white cat and checked him fr a cllar r ID tag(项圈或身份牌).He had neither.I lived in a small twn.I knew all the dgs in the neighbrhd,but I'd never seen him befre.I tld him t sit.T my surprise,he sat at nce."Stay,"I said,as I made my way int the strerm where we kept the dry dg fd fr ur dgs.When I returned,he was sitting in the exact place where I had left him."Ww!Yu sure are trained," I said.I set ut sme water and fd,and the dg started eating.
    I left him in the yard and went inside t read thrugh the newspaper's "Lst and Fund"clumn (专栏).Unluckily,nbdy had reprted a missing brwn-and-white dg.An hur later,my brther came hme and asked why there was a strange dg in the yard. "I dn't knw where he came frm,"I said. "But he is wned by smene.Maybe he's just lst and will find his way hme." Later that afternn,my brther and I went utside and fund the dg walking by the back dr.We played with him fr a while and fund that the dg knew tricks.He culd sit,stay,rll ver,and lie dwn accrding t instructins.He als lved jumping t catch a tennis ball in mid-air.When my parents came hme,we shwed them the dg and all his tricks.My parents were shcked by his skills as much as we were.Nne f us had ever seen a dg s well-trained befre.The dg gt alng well with ur dgs,and we gave him a cmfrtable place t sleep in the strerm.
    The next day,I checked the "Lst and Fund"clumn again,als with n result.Then,I called the newspaper and ran a "Fund"advertisement describing ur new friend.
    注意:续写词数应为 150左右;
    Three days later,we gt a call frm a wman wh had seen ur "Fund"advertisement in the newspaper .___________
    When the wman's truck gt near ur yard,the dg ran t greet her.___________
    【解析】(1)C.细节理解题。根据StudyBlue标题下中的Meanwhile,yu can view the study materials anywhere anytime and share flashcards with yur teacher & classmates in real time. (同时,你可以随时随地查看学习材料,并实时与老师和同学分享抽认卡。)可知,学生能够与老师保持联系。故选C。
    (2)A.推理判断题。根据TED标题下app特点中的Playing is pssible with n Internet cnnectin. (在没有网络连接的情况下也可以播放。)以及Pcket标题下app特点中的Access t saved articles withut the Internet. (不通过互联网访问保存的文章。)可知,两款app都可以在没有网络连接的情况下使用,也就是都有离线功能。故选A。
    (3)C.推理判断题。通过对比StudyBlue,Ratings:4.4/5;TED,Ratings:4.6/5;Quizizz,Ratings:4.8/5;Pcket,Ratings:4.6/5 (StudyBlue,评分4.4/5;TED,评分 4.6/5;Quizizz,评分4.8/5;Pcket,评分4.6/5)可知,Quizizz评分最高,用户满意度最高。故选C。
    1. 根据第一段China n Tuesday launched (发射) the Shenzhu-16 manned spaceship, sending three astrnauts t its space statin cmbinatin fr a five-mnth missin.(中国星期二发射了神舟16号载人飞船,将三名宇航员送往空间站,开始为期五个月的任务。)和第二段The three astrnauts are in gd shape and the launch is a cmplete success, the CMSA declared.(中国航天局宣布,三名宇航员身体状况良好,发射取得了圆满成功。)可知,中国成功发射了神舟十六号载人飞船。故选A。
    2. 根据第三段(神舟十六号航天员将按计划在各领域进行大量在轨测试和实验。他们有望在研究新奇量子现象、高精度空时频系统和生命起源方面取得高水平的科学成果。)可知,第三段主要关于宇航员在轨道上的任务。故选D。
    3. 根据最后一段It is the first manned task fr the applicatin and develpment stage f China's space statin, and the 29th flight since the cuntry's manned space prgram was apprved(批准). The launch als marks the 475th flight f the Lng March carrier rcket series.(这次任务是中国空间站应用与发展阶段的首次载人飞行任务,是工程立项实施以来的第29次发射任务,也标志着长征系列运载火箭的第475次飞行。)可知,作者认为中国航天工业是令人惊叹的。A.Old-fashined过时的;B.Unimprtant不重要的;C.Amazing令人惊叹的;D.Disappinting令人失望的。故选C。
    4. 文章主要介绍了中国于周二发射了神舟十六号载人飞船,将三名宇航员送往空间站进行为期五个月的任务。应该出自报纸的科学版面。A.Heath健康;B.Culture文化;C.Science科学;D.Entertainment娱乐。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Mre and mre teenagers are becming unwilling t exercise wrldwide.Australia,a natin that prides itself n its utdr culture,is ding particularly prly.It is currently ranked (排名) 140th ut f 146 cuntries fr teenage exercise levels.The data shws that 85% f girls are physically inactive cmpared t 78% f bys.In Australia,less than 1 in 10 teenagers aged 12 t 18 are meeting the recmmended levels f physical activity.(在世界范围内,越来越多的青少年越来越不愿意锻炼。澳大利亚是一个以户外文化而自豪的国家,但其表现尤其糟糕。目前,在146个国家中,澳大利亚的青少年锻炼水平排名第140位。数据显示,85%的女孩身体不活跃,而男孩的这一比例为78%。在澳大利亚,12至18岁的青少年中,只有不到十分之一的人达到了建议的体育活动水平。)可知,作者通过列出数据,展示了澳大利亚青少年缺乏足够的锻炼。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段 Nt being active can cause a range f health cnditins leading t early adulthd and beynd.Adlescents may have decreased bne and cardi-metablic (心脏代谢的) health which leaves them facing an increased risk f chrnic disease (慢性病) in later life,including type 2 diabetes,heart disease,high chlesterl,and decreased fitness.(不活跃会导致一系列健康状况,导致成年早期及以后。青少年的骨骼和心脏代谢健康状况可能会下降,这使他们在以后的生活中面临更大的慢性疾病风险,包括2型糖尿病、心脏病、高胆固醇和体质下降。)可知,作者通过第三段的数据表明缺乏锻炼对健康有持久的危害。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段The mst imprtant factr is t identify yur teenager's interests and needs surrunding their physical activity.(最重要的因素是确定青少年对体育活动的兴趣和需求。)可知,在鼓励青少年多锻炼时,考虑到他们的兴趣特别重要。故选C。
    (4)写作意图题。根据全文和最后一段A qualified exercise physilgist r exercise scientist can help yur child find a way t be mre active that is suited t their needs,age f develpment,and interests.(一位合格的运动生理学家或运动科学家可以帮助你的孩子找到一种适合他们需求、发育年龄和兴趣的更活跃的方式。)可知,作者写作目的是鼓励青少年进行体育活动。故选B。
    【解析】(1)词句猜测题。根据第二段Fr example,in the 1985 Mexic City earthquake,they fund hundreds f children in schls, crushed by their desks.Hwever,they culd have survived by lying in the aisle (通道,走道) next t their desks.(例如,在1985年墨西哥城地震中,他们发现学校里有数百名儿童被桌子压死。然而,他们本可以躺在桌子旁边的过道里活下来。)可知,那些躲在课桌下的孩子被压死了,因此crushed意为"压死"和killed意思一致,A.Hidden隐藏;B.Prtected保护;C.Caught抓住;D.Killed杀死。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段的S find a nice piece f furniture,a chair,a sfa,and lie dwn,r curl up next t it.A falling rf may cmpact(压实) the furniture,but will still leave a space fr yu t survive next t it.This als hlds true if yu are in a htel rm,especially at night.Get ff the bed,and lie dwn next t it.(所以,找一件好的家具,一把椅子,一张沙发,躺下来,或者蜷缩在它旁边。一个倒塌的屋顶可能会把家具压得很紧,但仍然会在它旁边留下一个生存的空间。如果你在酒店房间里,尤其是在晚上,这一点也适用。下床,躺在旁边。)可知,在一件结实的家具或一辆汽车旁边躺下可以使我们从地震中死里逃生,故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段的Staying calm is the first and mst imprtant rule when facing accidents.(当面对事故时,镇定是首要也是最重要的规则)可知,根据这篇文章,当事故发生时,你应该首先保持冷静,故选A。
    (4)标题判断题。根据全文和第一段N matter where yu are,knwing hw t prtect yurself and yur family during an earthquake is necessary.(无论你在哪里,知道如何在地震中保护自己和家人都是必要的。)可知,文章给出了一些正确的地震生存建议。Right Earthquake Survival Tips.(正确的地震生存建议)是最合适的标题。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前文We nly have ne earth.Hwever,humans haven't been very gd prtectrs f the earth ver the years.T leave a fine planet fr ur children and future generatins,we all need t take steps t develp better living habits(我们只有一个地球。然而,多年来,人类并不是地球的好保护者。为了给我们的孩子和子孙后代留下一个美好的星球,我们都需要采取措施养成更好的生活习惯);以及后文介绍的方法,可知表示"这里有一些保护环境的方法"的选项D可以承接前文保护地球的话题,引出后文介绍的方法,故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句S next time yu're hesitating abut buying r accepting a nn-essential item,think ver whether it will truly imprve yur life(所以,下次你在犹豫是否购买或接受一件非必需品时,想想它是否真的会改善你的生活),可知表示"如果没有,可以说:'不,谢谢!'"的选项C可以承接前文,说明如果这件物品不改善你的生活,就不要买,故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据主题句Turn waste int treasure(变废为宝);以及后句Nt nly des it keep items ut f trash cans,but it can als prevent yu frm buying new items,which require lts f resurces t prduce(这不仅不会把物品放在垃圾桶,还可以阻止你购买需要大量资源才能生产的新物品),可知表示"用不需要的东西创造新东西是保护环境的好方法"的选项G可以承接变废为宝的主题,后句解释为什么用不需要的东西创造新东西是保护环境的好方法,故选G。
    (4)主题判断题。根据后文Did yu knw it takes ver 700 gallns f water t grw enugh cttn t make just ne plain T-shirt?Instead f ging t the mall t buy new clthes,yu can cnsider lking first in a secndhand shp r trading clthes.Secnd-hand shpping als applies t many ther categries f cnsumer gds such as furniture,cars and children's tys(你知道种植一件普通T恤所需的棉花需要700多加仑的水吗?与其去商场买新衣服,你可以考虑先去二手店或交易衣服。二手购物也适用于许多其他类别的消费品,如家具、汽车和儿童玩具),可知表示"选择二手店"的选项B可以作为本段的主题---去二手店购物,故选B。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句Fr shrt trips,yu can try walking r biking(对于短途旅行,你可以尝试步行或骑自行车),可知表示"这样,你就可以不用去健身房锻炼身体了"的选项F可以承接前文,介绍步行或骑自行车的作用,故选F。
    【解析】(1)考查副词及语境理解。A.quickly迅速地;B.slwly缓慢地;C.gradually逐渐地;D.casually随意地。句意:看到各种各样的跑步者经过,我感到非常兴奋,他们迅速地拿起一杯水就喝了。根据常理和主语"all different kinds f runners"可知,马拉松需要速度,所以他们需要迅速地喝水。故选 A。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.service服务;B.race竞赛;C.test测试;D.task任务。句意:第二年,我报名参加了比赛,并试了一下。根据"With(3)running practice,I just wanted t finish"可知作者参加了马拉松比赛。故选B。
    (3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.much多(修饰可数名词);B.many多(修饰不可数名词);C.few少(修饰可数名词);D.little少(修饰不可数名词)。句意:因为几乎没有练习跑步,所以我想完成就好。根据"I just wanted t finish"可知,作者想完成就好,所以他应该几乎没有练习跑步,practice不可数。故选D。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.jumping跳跃;B.taking采取;C.puring浇注;倾盆而下;D.setting设置。句意:只跑了两英里,我就感到汗如雨下,我的腿肿了起来。根据"I felt sweat" 可知此处指汗水流得多,sweat pur f 表示"汗如雨下"。故选C。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.dream梦想;B.dubt怀疑;C.imagine想象;D.suppse假设。句意:我开始怀疑,"我为什么要这样做?我在想什么?我一定是疯了 "。根据后文"Why am I ding this ?What was 1 thinking" ,可知作者开始自我怀疑为什么要参加比赛。故选B。
    (6)考查形容词及语境理解。A.crazy疯狂的;B.tired疲惫的;C.delighted高兴的;D.generus慷慨的。句意:我开始怀疑,"我为什么要这样做?我在想什么?我一定是疯了 "。根据后文"And at ne mment ,I said t myself 'I am never ding this again' " 可知作者告诉自己再也不会参加比赛了,说明是觉得自己疯了才会来。故选A。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.stp停止;B.win获胜;C.finish完成;D.make制造。句意:有时,我想知道我是否能完成。根据第二段中"I just wanted t finish" 可知作者怀疑自己是否能完成比赛。故选C。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.excited兴奋的;B.annyed恼火的;C.frightened害怕的;D.ashamed羞愧的。句意:快到终点时,一位70岁的老人从我身边跑过,速度非常快,我觉得有点羞愧,因为我比他年轻 50多岁,却跟不上他。根据"I was mre than 50 years yunger than him and I culdn't keep up with him"可知,作者觉得有点羞愧,因为自己比他年轻50多岁,却跟不上他。故选D。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.remembered记得;B.realized意识到;C.frgt忘记;D.feared害怕。句意:但后来我意识到:他在参加他的比赛,我在参加我的比赛。根据"smething:he was running his race and I was running mine" 可知,作者意识到他们各自在参加各自的比赛。故选B。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.guides指导;B.experiences经历;C.gals目标;D.excuses借口。句意:他有他自己不同的能力,训练和目标。根据第二段"With(3)running practice,I just wanted t finish"可知作者只是想完成这个马拉松比赛",所以二人的目标不同。故选C。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.cnnect联系;B.cnsider考虑;C.cmplain抱怨;D.cmpare比较。句意:在生活中,我们是否经常拿自己和别人比较,并对自己感到失望,而实际上我们不应该这样做?根据"urselves with thers" ;特别是最后一段中"In life we all have thse mments when we cmpare urselves with thers" ,可知这里是指拿自己和别人作比较,cmpare with" 比较"。故选D。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.value价值;B.pace节奏;步调;C.principle原则;D.view观点。句意:我们都是独特的人类,有着独特的节奏。根据"It's really n gd fcusing n thers' race" 可知,作者觉得关注别人的比赛没有好处,因为每个人都是独特的,跑步时候有自己的节奏。故选B。
    (13)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.make up化妆;B.catch up赶上;C.give up放弃;D.take up拿起。句意:我决定我不会放弃跑步,总有一天我会成为那些还在跑步的老年人中的一员。根据第三段的 "I am never ding this again";以及后句"that ne day I wuld be ne f thse elderly peple wh were still running races"可知作者改变了想法,决定不放弃跑步了。故选C。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.prud骄傲的;B.disappinted失望的;C.regretful后悔的;D.dissatisfied不满的。句意:当我冲过终点线时,我为自己感到自豪。根据前文以及前半句"As I crssed the finishing line",可知作者在比赛时因为遇到困难,决定再也不跑步了,但是现在冲过了终点线,肯定为自己的坚持感到自豪。 be prud f 表示"为...…而自豪"。故选A。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.instructin指导;B.predictin预测;C.intrductin介绍;D.mtivatin动力。句意:把它们变成动力,让它们激励你。根据"and let them inspire yu" ,可知要把削弱你的力量变成动力,激励你。故选D。
    【解析】(1)考查定语从句关系词。句意:作为一个热爱文学的高中生,我想我对哈姆雷特了解很多。分析句子结构可知,此处引导限制性定语从句,先行词为a high schl student,指人,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故应使用关系代词wh引导该从句。故填wh。
    (5)考查过去分词。句意:我原以为我听到的是一把小提琴,但后来我才知道那是一种叫京胡的乐器。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,名词an instrument与动词call之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故应用过去分词表被动。故填called。
    (8)考查现在分词。句意:利用这些技巧,歌剧神奇地将一个小舞台变成了整个宇宙。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词作状语,名词the pera与动词use之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词形式作状语,句首单词首字母应大写。故填Using。
    (10)考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:所以,我的朋友,如果你想亲自去看一个有爆炸性效果的节目,选《王子复仇记》就对了!分析句子结构可知,所填词为主句谓语动词,结合上下文可知,句子是在陈述一般性事实,应使用一般现在时,主语the Revenge f Prince Zidan为单数概念,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填ticks。
    37.【答案】Dear Mr Brwn,
    I'm Li Hua,a student frm Class Tw.Lnging t imprve my English,I plan t watch sme English mvies at weekends.【高分句型一】Culd yu be s kind as t ffer me sme advice n what films t select?(写信目的)
    I wnder if yu culd recmmend mvies which will aruse my interest in English learning and braden my hrizn.【高分句型二】Furthermre,it wuld be better if the English f thse films suits the levels f us high schl students.(阐述最近看英文电影给你带来的益处)
    Yur kind assistance will be highly appreciated.Lking frward t yur earliest reply.(期待回复)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Lnging t imprve my English,I plan t watch sme English mvies at weekends.
    分析:句子里,现在分词Lnging t imprve my English做原因状语。
    高分句型二:I wnder if yu culd recmmend mvies which will aruse my interest in English learning and braden my hrizn.
    分析:句子里,if引导宾语从句 yu culd recmmend mvies;which 引导定语从句will aruse my interest in English learning and braden my hrizn。
    38.【答案】Three days later,we gt a call frm a wman wh had seen ur "Fund" advertisement in the newspaper.She said the dg sunded like hers and gave us a perfect descriptin f his markings.I asked her if the dg knew any tricks.【高分句型一】She laughed and said that he lved t catch tennis balls.I gave her directins t ur huse,and she said she'd be here within an hur t get the dg.I tld my brther that the dg's wner was cming t get him,and we played with the dg in the yard,waiting fr her.【高分句型二】(作者在报纸上刊登失物招领后,收到了自称是狗狗主人的来电)
    When the wman's truck gt near ur yard,the dg ran t greet her.He wagged his tail and licked her face.The wman explained that she and her family had gne away n vacatin fr a few days,and the dg had gt ut when a neighbr came ver t feed him.The wman was happy t get her dg back because her children were heartbrken withut him.Finally,the dg jumped int the truck and wagged his tail at us as he headed fr hme.My brther and I were really happy fr him.(狗狗主人来接狗狗的场景)
    高分句型一:I asked her if the dg knew any tricks.
    高分句型二:I tld my brther that the dg's wner was cming t get him,and we played with the dg in the yard,waiting fr her.
    分析:这句话使用了that引导的宾语从句,waiting fr her是现在分词短语作状语。

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