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    Safer Internet Activities
    T help schls prmte safer Internet messages t families, beynd Safer Internet Day, the Educatin Safeguarding Service’s Online Safety Team has wrked with Kent Children’s University t prduce a Safer Internet Day Challenge pack fr children aged 5 t 14.
    This pack cntains 10 key challenge activity ideas, as well as useful resurces fr children, schls and families t access. The Challenge will run until 31 June s there is plenty f time t get invlved.
    The Safer Internet Day Challenge starts with schls and families tday and yu can find the resurces here. S why nt send the activities hme t yur parents r caregivers s families can get invlved?
    Yung peple wh are part f Kent Children’s University can earn a varying number f Learning Credits fr each activity cmpleted utside nrmal schl time.
    Mre Infrmatin
    Fr mre infrmatin abut Educatin Safeguarding, please visit the Educatin Safeguarding Service website.
    If yur schl wuld be interested in finding ut mre abut Kent Children’s University (either the schl r family mdels r bth), please email kcu@theeducatinpeple.rg. Fr mre infrmatin, please visit the Kent Children’s University website.
    Share Yur Safer Internet Day Stries With Us
    We encurage teachers and staff wrking with children and yung peple aged 3 t 18 in educatinal settings t share their Safer Internet Day stries, displays r activities n the Safer Internet Day website! Dn’t frget t tag@UK_SIC and @TheEdPeple int any psts yu share.
    1.Wh are the activities intended fr?
    A.University students. B.Children aged 5 t 14.
    C.Peple aged 3 t 18.D.Schl teachers and staff.
    2.What can students f Kent Children’s University get frm the activities?
    A.Student aids. B.Full-time caregivers. C. Extra credits.D.Educatinal resurces.
    3.Where can Safer Internet Day stries be shared?
    A.Safer Internet Day website.
    C.Kent Children’s University website.
    D.Educatin Safeguarding Service website.
    In recent fast paced life, the demands and pressures f wrk left me feeling mentally and physically stressed. I decided t discnnect frm my jb fr a while fr a mental break. As a nature lver, withut any delay, I came t Brne, the wrld’s third largest island.
    Upn arrival, a lcal ffered t be my guide, which was a great bnus fr me. He led me thrugh the jungle and I was immersed in the explratin. One day, the guide turned ff the smth rad and tk me acrss a rugh hillside instead. We picked ur way gingerly when suddenly, a Rafflesia (大王花) appeared int my view amng thse stnes. Mre than delighted, I bent dwn and put my nse practically t feel the flwer’s special flavur.
    As I was appraching the end f my trip, there was anther thing highlighting my trip. We happened t encunter the king f the crcdile (鳄鱼), a saltwater crcdile, which can grw t a length f 6 meters. It was getting dark. When we shne a flashlight twards the muddy shre, little sunds emerged in the darkness as if smething unseen underwater had brken the mud. Taking a secnd lk, we sptted tw greedy eyes just abve the water line. Cautiusly, we apprached it and finally culd figure ut it was a baby crcdile. Thugh alarmed, I culd prudly talk big that I had encuntered a hungry crcdile in the wild and lived t back.
    Thugh I have settled back int the rutine f everyday life nw, the experience stays lng after the physical jurney ended. I have learned t face life’s challenges with a renewed utlk. Despite the rat race f daily existence, try t spare time t spt the breathtaking beauty f nature and the heartfelt cnnectins with thers. The wrld ut there is s fascinating.
    4.Why did the authr g t Brne?
    A. T cnnect better with his wrk.
    B. T relieve himself f the pressures.
    C. T keep an appintment with a lcal guide.
    D. T reward himself fr his prmtin in jb.
    5.What des the underlined wrd “gingerly” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Patiently.B. Rughly.C. Cautiusly.D. Rapidly.
    6.What is the tne f the authr when recalling the saltwater crcdile he met?
    A. Critical.B. Instructive.C. Regretful.D. Humrus.
    7.What des the authr advise us t d in the last paragraph?
    A. Keep a balance between life and wrk.
    B. Battle with challenges frm life and wrk.
    C. Research yur destinatins ahead f time.
    D. Learn mre abut travel safety knwledge.
    Water makes up 71% f the Earth’s surface, but n ne knws hw r when such massive quantities f water arrived n the Earth. A new study published in the jurnal Nature brings scientists ne step clser t answering that questin.
    Led by University f Maryland Assistant Prfessr f Gelgy Megan Newcmbe, researchers analyzed melted meterites (熔化的陨石) that had been flating arund in space since the slar system’s frmatin 4.5 billin years ag. They fund that these meterites had extremely lw water cntent—in fact, they were amng the driest materials ever measured utside the Earth.
    These results, which let researchers rule them ut as the primary surce f the Earth’s water, culd have imprtant infrmatin fr the search fr water—and life—n ther planets. It als helps researchers understand the unlikely cnditins making the Earth a livable planet.
    Researchers wanted t understand hw ur planet managed t get water because it’s nt cmpletely bvius. Getting water and having surface ceans n a planet that is small and relatively near the sun is a challenge.
    “We knew that plenty f uter slar system bjects were differentiated, but it was srt f secretively assumed that because they were frm the uter slar system, they must als cntain a lt f water,” said Sune Nielsen, a study c-authr and gelgist at the Wds Hle Oceangraphic Institutin. “Our paper shws this is definitely nt the case. As sn as meterites melt, there is n remaining water.”
    The findings have applicatins beynd gelgy. Scientists f many fields—and especially explanet (系外行星) researchers—are interested in the rigin f the Earth’s water because f its deep cnnectins with life.
    “Water is cnsidered t be a must fr life t be able t exist, s as we’re lking ut int the universe and finding all f these explanets, we’re starting t wrk ut which f thse planetary systems culd be ptential hsts fr life,” said Newcmbe. “In rder t be able t understand these ther slar systems, we want t understand ur wn.”
    8.What did the new study fcus n?
    A. The histry f the Earth.B. The rigin f the Earth’s water.
    C. The surce f meterites.D. The structure f slar system.
    9.What did researchers prve frm melted meterites?
    A. The driest materials cming frm ther planets.
    B. An impssible surce f the Earth’s water.
    C. The challenge f getting water near the sun.
    D. The likely cnditins making the Earth habitable.
    10.Why des the subject f the Earth’s water appeal t scientists?
    A. Because it is clsely related t life.
    B. Because it can make them famus.
    C. Because it cncerns many disciplines.
    D. Because it is deeply cnnected with uter space.
    11.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A science fictin. B. A gegraphy textbk. C.A bk review. D. A research reprt.
    Thinking f getting yur child t take up a sprt that invlves (牵涉) a cach r instructr? Gd news: A new study finds that children wh take part in rganized physical activity at a yung age are less likely t have emtinal difficulties by the time they turn 12.
    “The elementary schl years are a key time in child develpment,” said Frederic N. Brier, a psych-educatin prfessr wh led the study, published this mnth in Pediatric Research. “And every parent wants t raise a well-adjusted child.”
    Researchers fllwed a birth grup ver time t examine whether cntinual participatin in rganized sprt frm 6 t 10 wuld lwer risks related with emtinal distress, anxiety, shyness, scial pullback at the age f 12. Their gal was t test this questin as critically as pssible by eliminating (排除) pre-existing child r family cnditins that culd ffer an alternative explanatin.
    T d this, Brier and his team examined data frm a grup f children brn in 1997 r 1998 wh are part f the Quebec Lngitudinal Study f Child Develpment. Frm age 6 t 10, mthers reprted whether their children participated in rganized physical activity. At the age f 12, teachers reprted n the children’s levels f emtinal distress, anxiety, shyness, and scial pullback at schl.
    “The results revealed that children wh participated frequently frm 6 t 10 shwed fewer instances f thse factrs at the age f 12 than their peers wh did nt jin in physical activity in a cntinual way,” said Brier. “We fund these benefits abve and beynd pre-existing individual and family characteristics.”
    “Getting kids actively invlved in rganized sprt seems t prmte glbal develpment. This invlvement appears t be gd n a sci-emtinal level and nt just because f physical benefits. Being less emtinally distressed at the key stage between elementary and high schl is a priceless benefit fr children, as they are abut t enter a much larger universe with bigger academic challenges. This research supprts current parental guidelines prmting children’s invlvement in physical activity,” Brier cncluded.
    12.Why did Brier’s team fllw a birth grup ver time?
    A.T test their guess.B.T check their health.
    C.T ffer alternative explanatin.D.T recrd their mental cnditins.
    13.Hw did the researchers reach their cnclusin?
    A.By ding survey n teachers.B.By eliminating ther factrs.
    C.By analyzing and cmparing data.D.By rganizing physical activities.
    14.What des Brier think f the results?
    A.They have brad prspect.B.They need further testing.
    C.They are beynd his imaginatin.D.They are in line with his expectatin.
    15.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Kids will benefit frm rganized sprt
    B.Sticking t rganized sprt can help kids adjust
    C.Organized sprt prmtes emtinal cnditins
    D.Schl educatin is critical fr child develpment
    16.Tips fr Hiding the Afikmen n Passver (逾越节)
    Hiding the afikmen—a brken piece f pancake—is ften a belved part f the Passver Dinner amng families, giving children a game f searching. Here is best advice fr hiding the afikmen.
    ①_______Wh hides the afikmen and the physical bundaries that limit the hiding spts are key basic regulatins that yur family shuld cnsider tgether. Each family may d it a bit differently but nce the basic regulatins are in place, everyne has a better time with it.
    Make it a little mre interesting. Finding the afikmen ften cmes with a reward r a small gift. Smetimes it is a ty, mney r a game—in sme families it is a big gift, sme just a kiss. ②_______
    Find a hiding spt. While there’s technically nly ne afikmen at the dinner, families might als chse t change traditin t give larger grups f kids a better chance f success. Sme families may find a way t hide a few. ③_______It allws either all the kids t find ne, r at least mre than just ne kid.
    Trick their eyes. Leaving the afikmen ut in the pen might seem a little t easy, but it can present a surprising challenge. ④_______But the general thinking is that peple are s used t seeing what they expect they will never see here.
    Increase the difficulty. The serius hiders skip easy-t-see spts fr mre intensive, nearly impssible places, fr example, in a drawer, under all the kids’ art prjects r in the bathrm under fur ut f seven twels. S kids have t wrk hard fr it. ⑤_______
    A.Set sme grund rules.
    B.Or the same afikmen is hidden repeatedly.
    C.Well design the interactive and enjyable game.
    D.It is fun but the huse may be a mess after the searching.
    E.The kids have t truly fcus n things they see every day.
    F.The kids may feel like everyne has the chance t be the designer.
    G.Mre cmpetitive families als ffer the finder smething special, like a dllar cin.
    The distinctive smell f wet dgs was a reminder f the Christmas vacatin when I was twelve. My cusins frm Ohi were 1 . We had gtten many gifts and were als blessed with fresh 2 . The fur f us spent as much time as pssible sliding dwn the shrt white hill t the shallw 3 . Naturally, we tested the ice n it the first day, and we knew we culd slide acrss it and 4 ur ride.
    On the third day f ur festivities, we were s 5 t play that we did nt check the ice. A few degrees f 6 added a small layer f water t ur slide, increasing ur speed and 7 . Secnds after, my brther Peter slid n t the pnd, he was 8 in the icy water. Peter was nly eight and nt a gd swimmer, 9 dressed in a winter cat and bts.
    We all 10 . I jumped dwn the slpe t reach him, but ur 11 was faster t jump int the water, grab Peter by his waving hand, and pull him t shre. We managed t 12 Peter with ur cats and get him back t the huse in recrd time. Drinking ht juice by the fire, we patted and hugged the 13 dg. The dg tk all day t 14 . His wet-dg smell kept lnger and returned ften, 15 us f his herics and ur wn Christmas miracle.
    17.A.wrking B.travelling C.visiting D.cming
    18.A.air B.snw C.water D.sun
    19.A.pnd B.sea C.beach D.well
    20.A.change B.ruin C.attempt D.lengthen
    21.A.gifted B.nervus C.frustrated D.eager
    22.A.warmth B.freeze C.temperature D.freedm
    23.A.excitement B.fear C.curage D.anxiety
    24.A.surfing B.struggling C.perfrming D.swimming
    25.A.nrmally B.actually C.especially D.generally
    26.A.laughed B.screamed C.watched D.escaped
    27.A.guard B.friend C.dg D.cusin
    28.A.cver B.hide C.bury D.equip
    29.A.curius B.clean C.wet D.lst
    30.A.break away B.dry ut C.calm dwn D.get up
    31.A.infrming B.warning C.cnvincing D.reminding
    32.Xiaxihu Blck, nce a run-dwn area in Nanjing, hused 810 families in①_________area f 46,900 square meters. Life there was②_________ (cnvenient) due t narrw rads, ld buildings
    withut kitchen and bathrm, and pr access t utilities (公共设施) such as water, gas, electricity, and Internet. Hwever, with a histry f ver 600 years, the neighbrhd had abundant histrical③_________ (remain). Many lcals④_________ (attach) t their ld huses and the memries f several generatins.
    After many surveys and cnsultatins, the lcal gvernment adpted a new apprach t the imprvement f living cnditins while⑤_________ (preserve) the histrical elements. In 2019, the renvatin (改造) prject brke grund.
    The develper imprved water, electricity, Internet, and gas access with a utility tunnel, ⑥_________fits well the narrw rads. The lcals were given ptins f remaining in their hmes⑦_________mving elsewhere. Thse wh were willing⑧_________ (leave) culd rent their ld huses t the cnstructin cmpany fr cmmercial purpses after renvatin, while thse wh stayed wuld be ffered a specialized renvatin plan⑨_________ (base) n the huse’s practical cnditins.
    ⑩_________mre empty space, cffee shps, hmestays, libraries, restaurants, and ther kinds f business have pened up and mre public spaces have appeared.
    33.你校为庆祝“世界诗歌日(Wrld Petry Day)”举办了一系列关于诗歌的活动。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    Activities fr Wrld Petry Day
    I sat dwn t watch a recrded TV play after my husband left fr his night-shift jb. Nt ten minutes int my favrite TV play, I was alerted t the unmistakable beep (哔哔声) f the smke alarm indicating a lw battery. Sighing, I paused my prgram and gt up frm the sfa.
    I gt a stepladder, climbed up it and quickly replaced the battery. The secnd I sat dwn and started watching my play, the beep started again. Evidently, the replacement battery was dead, t, s I went thrugh all the mtins again. I’d barely picked up the remte and pressed Play a third time when the alarm went ff yet again. I gave ut sme unladylike cmments. This time, I was ne rung dwn when the same thing happened.
    By then, I was ut f all the batteries. I had t search the entire huse fr sme electrnic equipment that hused the same kind. I finally fund ne in an ld clck. I crssed my fingers, hping the battery still had sme juice, and ppped it in.
    N luck! That rund, plastic thing that was designed t save lives was abut t make me have a nervus breakdwn! Frustrated, I pulled the entire thing ut f its“nest”and actually yelled at it t shut up befre I tre it up int pieces. Hlding it, I climbed back dwn and almst killed myself by practically falling ver the dg and tw cats wh always watched every mve I made and every breath I tk. Driving my pet s away, I threw the alarm n the table and reminded myself t sleep fully clthed in case I smelled smke. Carbn-mnxide (一氧化碳) detectin wuld be taken care f by ur back up alarm dwnstairs.
    I glared at the trublesme item nce mre befre walking ff t seat myself n the sfa again. My prgram was already frty-five minutes int the play because I’d frgtten t pause it. Within secnds, that sund hit my ears again!
    I realized that my frustratin was nt the slutin t the prblem.
    The technician arrived shrtly.
    1.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“T help schls prmte safer Internet messages t families, beynd Safer Internet Day, the Educatin Safeguarding Service’s Online Safety Team has wrked with Kent Children’s University t prduce a Safer Internet Day Challenge pack fr children aged 5 t 14.(为了帮助学校在‘更安全的互联网日’之外向家庭推广更安全的网络信息,教育保护服务的网络安全团队与肯特儿童大学合作,为5至14岁的儿童制作了一个‘更安全互联网日挑战包’。)”可知,该活动针对的是5至14岁的儿童。故选B。
    2.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“Yung peple wh are part f Kent Children’s University can earn a varying number f Learning Credits fr each activity cmpleted utside nrmal schl time.(肯特儿童大学的年轻人在正常上学时间之外完成的每项活动都可以获得不同数量的学习学分。)”可知,学生从活动中可以获得额外的学分。故选C。
    3.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Share Yur Safer Internet Day Stries With Us”标题下面的“We encurage teachers and staff wrking with children and yung peple aged 3 t 18 in educatinal settings t share their Safer Internet Day stries, displays r activities n the Safer Internet Day website!(我们鼓励在教育环境中与3至18岁的儿童和年轻人合作的教师和工作人员在‘更安全的互联网日’网站上分享他们的‘更安全的互联网日’故事、展示或活动!)”可知,教师和工作人员可以在“更安全的网络日”网站上分享“更安全的网络日”故事。故选A。
    4.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“In recent fast paced life, the demands and pressures f wrk left me feeling mentally and physically stressed. I decided t discnnect frm my jb fr a while fr a mental break. As a nature lver, withut any delay, I came t Brne, the wrld’s third largest island. (在最近快节奏的生活中,工作的要求和压力让我感到身心压力。我决定暂时中断工作,暂时休息一下。作为一名自然爱好者,我毫不拖延地来到了世界第三大岛婆罗洲。)”可知,工作的压力让我感到身心俱疲,于是,作者决定放下工作,好好休息一下,所以作者来到了婆罗洲。故选B。
    5.答案: C
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第二段中“One day, the guide turned ff the smth rad and tk me acrss a rugh hillside instead. (一天,导游离开了平坦的道路,带我穿过了一个崎岖的山坡。)”可知,这个导游没有走平坦的小路,而是带作者横穿崎岖的山坡。于是,作者小心翼翼地走着。根据语境可知,gingerly意为“谨慎地”。故选C。
    6.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“Thugh alarmed, I culd prudly talk big that I had encuntered a hungry crcdile in the wild and lived t back. (虽然很惊慌,但我可以骄傲地大张旗鼓地说,我在野外遇到了一只饥饿的鳄鱼,并活了下来。)”可知,作者可以骄傲地吹牛说自己在野外遇到过饥饿的鳄鱼,而且还活了下来。这是一种诙谐的语气。故选D。
    7.答案: A
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Despite the rat race f daily existence, try t spare time t spt the breathtaking beauty f nature and the heartfelt cnnectins with thers. (抛开日常生活的激烈竞争,试着抽出时间去欣赏令人惊叹的大自然之美,与他人建立真诚的联系。) ”可知,人们尽管每天都要忙于奔波,但还是要尽量抽出时间来发现大自然的美,在生活和工作之间保持平衡。故选A。
    8.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的“Water makes up 71% f the Earth’s surface, but n ne knws hw r when such massive quantities f water arrived n the Earth. A new study published in the jurnal Nature brings scientists ne step clser t answering that questin.(水占地球表面的71%,但没有人知道如此大量的水是如何或何时到达地球的。发表在《自然》杂志上的一项新研究使科学家离回答这个问题又近了一步。)”可知,这项新研究的重点是地球水的起源。故选B项。
    9.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They fund that these meterites had extremely lw water cntent — in fact, they were amng the driest materials ever measured utside the Earth. (他们发现这些陨石的含水量极低——事实上,它们是地球以外测量到的最干燥的物质之一)”和第三段中的“These results, which let researchers rule them ut as the primary surce f the Earth’s water (这些结果让研究人员排除了它们是地球水的主要来源的可能性)”可知,研究人员从融化的陨石中证明了它们不可能是地球上水的来源。故选B项。
    10.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Scientists f many fields — and especially explanet (系外行星) researchers — are interested in the rigin f the Earth’s water because f its deep cnnectins with life. (许多领域的科学家——尤其是系外行星的研究人员——对地球上的水的起源很感兴趣,因为它与生命有着密切的联系)”可知,地球上的水这一课题很吸引科学家是因为水与生命有着密切的联系。故选A项。
    11.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They fund that these meterites had extremely lw water cntent — in fact, they were amng the driest materials ever measured utside the Earth. (他们发现这些陨石的含水量极低——事实上,它们是地球以外测量到的最干燥的物质之一)”以及全文可知,文章主要介绍了一项有关融化的陨石的研究,包括其课题背景、研究结果、研究意义等内容,因此文章很有可能来自研究报告。故选D项。
    12.答案: A
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Researchers fllwed a birth grup ver time t examine whether cntinual participatin in rganized sprt frm 6 t 10 wuld lwer risks related with emtinal distress, anxiety, shyness, scial pullback at the age f 12. Their gal was t test this questin as critically as pssible by eliminating (排除) pre-existing child r family cnditins that culd ffer an alternative explanatin.(研究人员对一组刚出生的孩子进行了长期跟踪调查,以研究从6岁到10岁持续参加有组织的体育运动是否会降低他们在12岁时出现情绪困扰、焦虑、害羞和社交退缩的风险。他们的目标是通过排除可能提供另一种解释的已有儿童或家庭条件,尽可能严格地检验这个问题。)”可知,研究人员对一组刚出生的孩子进行了长期跟踪调查是为了检测研究人员的猜想,也就是从6岁到10岁持续参加有组织的体育运动是否会降低他们在12岁时出现情绪困扰、焦虑、害羞和社交退缩的风险。故选A。
    13.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段“T d this, Brier and his team examined data frm a grup f children brn in 1997 r 1998 wh are part f the Quebee Lngitudinal Study f Child Develpment. Frm age 6 t 10, mthers reprted whether their children participated in rganized physical activity. At the age f 12, teachers reprted n the children’s levels f emtinal distress, anxiety, shyness, and scial pullback at schl. (为了做到这一点,Brier和他的团队检查了1997年或1998年出生的一组儿童的数据,这些儿童是魁北克儿童发展纵向研究的一部分。从6岁到10岁,母亲们报告了她们的孩子是否参加了有组织的体育活动。12岁时,老师报告了孩子们在学校的情绪困扰、焦虑、害羞和社交退缩的程度。)”可知,研究人员通过分析和比较研究数据从而得出结论。故选C。
    14.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第五段““The results revealed that children wh participated frequently frm 6 t 10 shwed fewer instances f thse factrs at the age f 12 than their peers wh did nt jin in physical activity in a cntinual way,” said Brier.( Brier说:“研究结果显示,在6岁至10岁期间经常参加体育锻炼的孩子在12岁时出现这些问题的几率比那些不经常参加体育锻炼的同龄人要少。”)”可知,Brier认为这些结果和最初的猜测是一致的。故选D。
    15.答案: B
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段““Getting kids actively invlved in rganized sprt seems t prmte glbal develpment. This invlvement appears t be gd n a sci-emtinal level and nt just because f physical benefits. Being less emtinally distressed at the key stage between elementary and high schl is a priceless benefit fr children, as they are abut t enter a much larger universe with bigger academic challenges. This research supprts current parental guidelines prmting children’s invlvement in physical activity,” Brier cncluded.(“让孩子们积极参与有组织的体育运动似乎能促进全球发展。这种参与似乎在社会情感层面上是有益的,而不仅仅是因为身体上的好处。在小学和高中之间的关键阶段,情绪上不那么痛苦对孩子来说是无价的好处,因为他们即将进入一个更大的世界,面临更大的学术挑战。这项研究支持了目前父母鼓励孩子参与体育活动的指导方针。”Brier总结说。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要讲述的是坚持有组织的运动可以帮助孩子适应各种变化。故选B。
    ①设空句是段首主题句,根据下文“Wh hides the afikmen and the physical bundaries that limit the hiding spts are key basic regulatins that yur family shuld cnsider tgether. Each family may d it a bit differently but nce the basic regulatins are in place, everyne has a better time with it.(谁来藏保留之饼和限制藏点的物理边界是你的家人应该一起考虑的关键基本规则。每个家庭的做法可能略有不同,但一旦基本规则确定,每个人都能更好地使用它。)”可知,本段讲要一起制定规则,所以A项“Set sme grund rules.(制定一些基本规则)”是最佳主题句。故选A项。
    ②上文“Finding the afikmen ften cmes with a reward r a small gift. Smetimes it is a ty, mney r a game — in sme families it is a big gift, sme just a kiss.(找到这些保留之饼通常会得到奖励或小礼物。有时它是一个玩具,钱或游戏——在一些家庭它是一个大礼物,有些只是一个吻。)”在讲给找到保留之饼的人什么奖励,G项“Mre cmpetitive families als ffer the finder smething special, like a dllar cin.(更有竞争性的家庭也会提供一些特别的东西,比如一美元硬币。)”与主题一致,提出更有竞争性的家庭可能会给出的奖励,上下文衔接自然。故选G项。
    ③上文“give larger grups f kids a better chance f success(给更多的孩子一个更好的成功机会)”提出一些家庭会想让更多的孩子成功找到保留之饼。空格前句子“Sme families may find a way t hide a few. (有些家庭可能会想办法藏几个。)”提出一种办法:多藏几个。B项“Or the same afikmen is hidden repeatedly.(或者同一个保留之饼被反复藏。)”与前一句构成选择关系,提出另一种办法:多藏几次。故选B项。
    ④小标题“Trick their eyes.(欺骗他们的眼睛。)”和上文“Leaving the afikmen ut in the pen might seem a little t easy, but it can present a surprising challenge.(把保留之饼直接放在外面可能看起来有点太容易了,但这可能会带来意想不到的挑战。)”提出不藏,把保留之饼直接放在外面,欺骗孩子们的眼睛,这其实是一种挑战,E项“The kids have t truly fcus n things they see every day.(孩子们必须真正关注他们每天看到的东西。)”承接上文,指出孩子们面临的挑战是什么,他们需要关注习以为常的东西,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
    ⑤上文“Increase the difficulty. The serius hiders skip easy-t-see spts fr mre intensive, nearly impssible places, fr example, in a drawer, under all the kids’ art prjects r in the bathrm under fur ut f seven twels. S kids have t wrk hard fr it.(增加难度。认真的藏宝者会跳过容易被发现的地方,转而藏在更隐蔽、几乎不可能的地方,比如抽屉里、孩子们所有的艺术作品下面,或者浴室里七分之四的毛巾下面。所以孩子们必须努力寻找。)”提出把保留之饼藏在不容易找到的地方,孩子们必须费力寻找,D项“It is fun but the huse may be a mess after the searching.(这很有趣的,但搜索后,房子可能一团糟。)”承接上文,说明这样做的后果,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我来自俄亥俄州的表兄弟们来做客。A. wrking工作;B. travelling旅行;C. visiting(短暂地)作客,逗留;D. cming来。根据空前的“My cusins frm Ohi”和下文中的“We had gtten many gifts”可知,作者的表兄弟们来作者家里做客。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们收到了许多礼物,还得到了新雪的祝福。A. air空气;B. snw雪;C. water水;D. sun太阳。根据下文中的“sliding dwn the shrt white hill”可知,下雪了。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们四个人花尽可能多的时间从白色的小山滑到浅水池塘。A. pnd池塘;B. sea大海;C. beach沙滩;D. well井。根据下文中的“the pnd”可知,这里是原词复现。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:很自然,我们第一天就在上面测试了冰,我们知道我们可以在上面滑过并延长我们的行程。A. change改变;B. ruin破坏;C. attempt尝试,试图;D. lengthen(使)变长。根据句中的“we tested the ice n it the first day, and we knew we culd slide acrss it”可知,作者他们几个小伙伴测试了池塘上的冰没问题,知道他们也可以在冰面上滑过去,所以他们原来从小山滑到池塘的距离可以继续延伸到池塘对面。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在节日的第三天,我们非常渴望去玩,以至于没有检查冰面。A. gifted有天才的,有天赋的;B. nervus紧张的;C. frustrated沮丧的;D. eager渴望的,热切的。根据空后的“we did nt check the ice”可知,他们太急切去玩了,所以没有检查冰面。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:变暖了几度为我们的滑行增加了一小层水,增加了我们的速度和兴奋感。A. warmth温暖;B. freeze冻结;C. temperature温度;D. freedm自由。根据空后的“added a small layer f water”可知,冰面上有了一层水,这说明温度上升了一些。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. excitement激动,兴奋;B. fear害怕;C. curage勇气,勇敢;D. anxiety焦虑。根据空前的“increasing ur speed”并结合常识可知,滑行速度变快会更加刺激。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:几秒钟后,我哥哥Peter滑到池塘里,他在冰冷的水中挣扎。A. surfing冲浪;B. struggling挣扎;C. perfrming表演;D. swimming游泳。根据句中的“my brther Peter slid int the pnd”和下文中的“Peter was nly eight and nt a gd swimmer”可知,Peter掉进了池塘里,不善游泳的他在水里挣扎。故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:Peter只有八岁,游泳游得不好,尤其是穿着冬天的外套和靴子。A. nrmally通常,正常情况下;B. actually实际上;C. especially尤其,特别;D. generally普遍地。根据句中的“nt a gd swimmer”和空后的“dressed in a winter cat and bts”可知,Peter不善游泳,这里是强调尤其是在穿着冬天的外套和靴子的情况下。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们都尖叫起来。A. laughed发笑;B. screamed尖叫;C. watched观看;D. escaped逃跑。上文“Secnds after, my brther Peter slid int the pnd, he was 8 in the icy water. Peter was nly eight and nt a gd swimmer, 9 dressed in a winter cat and bts.(几秒钟后,我哥哥Peter滑到池塘里,他在冰冷的水中挣扎。Peter只有八岁,游泳游得不好,尤其是穿着冬天的外套和靴子。)”讲述了Peter掉进冰冷的水里,不善游泳的他在水里挣扎,这一幕对作者这些小孩子来说太惊险了,他们都尖叫起来。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我跳下斜坡去够他,但我们的狗跳得更快,跳进水里,抓住Peter挥舞的手,把他拉到岸边。A. guard守卫;B. friend朋友;C. dg狗;D. cusin表兄(或弟、姊、妹)。根据下文中的“dg”可知,这里指作者家的狗跳进去把Peter救了上来。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们设法用外套盖住了Peter,并在创纪录的时间内把他带回了家。A. cver覆盖;B. hide隐藏;C. bury埋葬;D. equip配备。根据空后的“Peter with ur cats”可知,他们用外套盖住了浑身湿透的Peter。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们在炉火边喝着热乎乎的果汁,又拍又抱那只湿漉漉的狗。A. curius好奇的;B. clean干净的;C. wet湿的;D. lst丢失的。结合上文狗下水救Peter和下文中的“His wet-dg smell”可知,狗身上湿了。故选C。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:这只狗花了一整天的时间才擦干。A. break away然挣脱,逃脱;B. dry ut(使)变干;C. calm dwn(使)平静,镇静;D. get up起来。结合空前的“The dg tk all day”可知,狗身上湿了,花了一整天才弄干。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他身上湿漉漉的狗味持续时间更长,而且经常复发,这让我们想起了他的英雄事迹和我们自己的圣诞奇迹。A. infrming通知;B. warning警告;C. cnvincing使确信,使相信;D. reminding提醒,使想起。根据第一段中的“The distinctive smell f wet dgs was a reminder f the Christmas vacatin”可知,狗身上的湿狗味总是会让作者他们想起那天的情景。故选D。
    32.答案:①an②incnvenient③remains④were attached⑤preserving⑥which⑦r⑧t leave⑨based⑩With
    ①考查冠词。句意:小西湖街区曾经是南京的一个破败地区,占地46900平方米,居住着810户家庭。area是可数名词,an area f意为“……的面积”,为固定搭配。故填an。
    ②考查形容词。句意:由于道路狭窄,没有厨房和浴室的旧建筑,以及水、气、电和互联网等公用设施的缺乏,那里的生活很不方便。空处应用形容词,作表语。根据句中的“due t narrw rads, ld buildings withut kitchen and bathrm, and pr access t utilities(公共设施) such as water, gas, electricity, and Internet”可知,那里的生活不方便。incnvenient意为“不方便的”。故填incnvenient。
    ④考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:许多当地人怀念他们的老房子和几代人的记忆。be attached t意为“喜欢,依恋”,为固定搭配。根据上下文的时态,这里应用一般过去时。主语Many lcals表示复数,谓语应用复数形式。故填were attached。
    ⑤考查非谓语动词。句意:经过多次调查和协商,当地政府采取了一种新的方法来改善生活条件,同时保留历史元素。分析句子结构,while引导的时间状语从句中没有主语,这里使用了省略,所以空处应用非谓语动词。逻辑主语the lcal gvernment和动词preserve之间是主谓关系,所以应用现在分词。故填preserving。
    ⑥考查定语从句。句意:开发商通过一条公用工程隧道改善了水、电、互联网和天然气的使用,这条隧道非常适合狭窄的道路。分析句子结构,空处引导一个非限制性定语从句,指代先行词a utility tunnel,指物,且在从句中作主语,所以应用which引导。故填which。
    ⑦考查连词。句意:当地人可以选择留在家里或搬到其他地方。根据前面的“ptins f”可知,这里指在remaining in their hmes和mving elsewhere之中选择,表示选择时应用r连接。故填r。
    ⑧考查非谓语动词。句意:那些愿意离开的人可以在翻新后将他们的旧房子租给建筑公司用于商业目的,而那些留下来的人将根据房子的实际情况获得专门的翻新计划。be willing t d sth.意为“愿意做某事”。故填t leave。
    ⑨考查非谓语动词。句意参考上题。分析句子结构,空处应用非谓语动词,作后置定语。逻辑主语a specialized renvatin plan和base之间是动宾关系,所以应用过去分词。故填based。
    ⑩考查介词。句意:有了更多的空地,咖啡店、民宿、图书馆、餐馆和其他类型的商业已经开放,更多的公共空间也出现了。空处应用介词,和mre empty space一起作状语。根据句意,这里应用介词with(有)。故填With。
    Activities fr Wrld Petry Day
    T celebrate Wrld Petry Day, ur schl held a series f activities abut petry. Teachers and students tk an active part in the activities, creating pems in different frms, styles and even languages t describe ur mtherland, hmetwn, schl and happy life. Several lectures n petry attracted many students. There were als perfrmances f petry recitatin. We all agree that petry speaks t ur cmmn heart, transfrming the simplest wrds int a lve f truth, kindness and beauty. Everyne present benefits a lt frm the event and is lking frward t the event f the next year.
    解析:1. 词汇积累
    参加:take part in→participate in
    吸引:attract→appeal t
    期待:lk frward t→expect/lng fr
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Everyne present benefits a lt frm the event and is lking frward t the event f the next year.
    拓展句:Everyne present benefits a lt frm the event, lking frward t the event f the next year.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Teachers and students tk an active part in the activities, creating pems in different frms, styles and even languages t describe ur mtherland, hmetwn, schl and happy life.(使用了现在分词作状语、不定式作目的状语)
    【高分句型2】We all agree that petry speaks t ur cmmn heart, transfrming the simplest wrds int a lve f truth, kindness and beauty. (使用了that引导宾语从句、现在分词作状语)
    I realized that my frustratin was nt the slutin t the prblem. I tk a deep breath and decided t deal with the issue mre reasningly. Maybe there was smething else that was causing the alarm t g ff repeatedly. I decided t call a technician t check the alarm and see if it needed any repairs. Meanwhile, I turned ff the TV and decided t spend sme quality time with my pets t get my mind ff the alarm. My cats snuggled up next t me, and my dg lay at my feet, and I culdn’t help but smile at their inncent faces.
    The technician arrived shrtly. Upn examinatin, he fund ut that there was a faulty wire that was causing the alarm t g ff despite the replacement f the battery. He fixed the issue, and the alarm finally stpped beeping. I thanked the technician and finally sat dwn t watch the remainder f the TV play peacefully. In the end, I learned that patience and reasnable thinking are the key t slving prblems. It may nt always be easy, but lsing my temper wuldn’t have dne me any gd.
    解析:1. 续写线索:
    2. 段落续写:
    3. 词汇激活:
    ①处理:deal with/settle/handle
    ②关掉:turn ff/switch ff
    ③弄清楚:find ut/figure ut
    ①情不自禁对着……微笑:culdn’t help but smile at/can’t help smiling at
    ②发脾气:lse my temper/get angry/flare up
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Maybe there was smething else that was causing the alarm t g ff repeatedly.(使用了there be句型、that引导定语从句和不定式作宾补)
    【高分句型2】I decided t call a technician t check the alarm and see if it needed any repairs. (使用了if引导宾语从句)

    2023-2024学年河北省邢台市四校质检联盟高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年河北省邢台市四校质检联盟高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷含答案,文件包含河北省邢台市四校质检联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷原卷版docx、河北省邢台市四校质检联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年河北省邢台市四校联盟高二上学期11月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年河北省邢台市四校联盟高二上学期11月月考英语试题含答案,共18页。试卷主要包含了Wh is the wman?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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