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    这是一份北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了11, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 知识运用(共三节,30分)
    第一节 语音辨析(共5小题;每题1分,共5分)
    1. A. capableB. badmintnC. athleteD. track
    2. A. gymB. cycleC. typicalD. system
    3. A. curtB. clickC. scialD. functin
    4. A. sufferB. thusC. shrtcutD. supply
    5. A. applyB. preferC. interestedD. prevent
    第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,共15分)
    阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    When I was 13, my nly purpse was t becme the star n ur ftball team. That meant 6 Miller King, wh was the best player at ur schl.
    Ftball seasn started in September and all summer lng I wrked ut. I carried my ftball everywhere fr 7 .
    Just befre September, Miller was struck by a car and lst his right arm. I went t see him after he came back frm 8 . He lked very pale, but he didn’t cry.
    That seasn, I brke all f Miller’s recrds while he watched the hme games frm the bench. We went 10 1 and I was named mst valuable player, 9 I ften had crazy dreams in which I was t blame fr Miller’s accident.
    One afternn, I was crssing the field t g hme and saw Miller 10 when he was ging ver a fence —which wasn’t hard t climb if yu had bth arms. I’m sure I was the last persn in the wrld he wanted t accept 11 frm. But even that challenge he accepted I helped him mve slwly ver the fence. When we were finally safe n the ther side, he said t me, “Yu knw, I didn’t tell yu this during the seasn, but yu did 12 Thank yu fr filling in fr me.”
    His wrds freed me frm my bad 13 . I thught t myself, hw even withut an arm he was mre f a leader. Damaged but nt defeated, he was still ahead f me. I was right t have 14 him. Frm that day n, I grew 15 and a little mre real.
    6. A. cheering frB. relying nC. beating utD. staying with
    7. A. practiceB. shwC. cmfrtD. pleasure
    8. A. schlB. hspitalC. vacatinD. training
    9. A. andB. thenC. butD. thus
    10. A. stuckB. hurtC. brkenD. lst
    J1. A. aplgyB. praiseC. adviceD. help
    12. A. fineB. wrngC. quicklyD. nrmally
    13. A. memriesB. ideasC. attitudesD. dreams
    14. A. challengedB. curedC. admiredD. invited
    15. A. healthierB. biggerC. clevererD. cler
    第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    Jeremy is fed up with 16 (get) sick all the time He asked fr advice frm the expert. Accrding t Dr. Martin, lng-distance running is a great sprt fr peple. Running will help peple get fit and prevent diseases. Besides, anybdy 17 is feeling dwn can g fr a run t cheer 18 (them) up. Even a thirty minute run will prvide relief frm aches r tensin that ne may be suffering due t stress.
    When Michael Jrdan’s feet 19 (leave) the grund, time seemed t stand still The player wh became knwn as “Air Jrdan” changed basketball with his graceful mves and jumps. Jrdan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he shwed made him unique. The secret 20 his success is learning frm his failures “I can accept failure; everyne 21 (fail) at smething. But I can’t accept nt trying” Jrdan said that lsing game 22 (teach) him t practice harder and never give up.
    MedalMad was created 23 (help) inspire and mtivate peple t be active We have built a virtual cmmunity that supprts each ther t achieve their persnal 24 (fit)r running gals and ambitins 25 (take) part in MedalMad virtual runs r challenges is easy with a free virtual challenge app t track yur challenges and runs. Yu can jg, rw, cycle, swim, walk r rll yur way t yur amazing medal. Yu can even d a cmbinatin f all, r any.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共二节,40分)
    Eurpe is the perfect place fr a hliday. Every crner f the cntinent is bursting with histry, culture and sights. The cuntries are s very clse t ne anther, and yet s cmpletely different.
    Sweden is a brilliant destinatin fr a campervan (露营车) hliday, with hundreds f well-appinted camping site s suitable fr vehicles. Head nrth t Lapland in the Arctic Circle and yu’ll find true wildernesses where yu can truly get clse t nature. Head here between June and mid-July and yu’ll be able t take in the midnight sunshine. If yu’re lking fr great nightlife, head t Gthenburg, Stckhlm r Malm.
    There are massive industrial cities, rlling plains, twering muntains, deep frests and lng, sparkling rivers. It’s nt just what’s t see that makes Germany s great, but the ease f seeing everything. All these wnderful lcatins are all linked by ne f the wrld’s best rad systems.
    Sctland has smething fr everyne: cities with rich nightlife, incredible scenery, wnderful lchs and medieval (中世纪的) castles. If yu want t get away frm it all, then the Highlands are ne f the least ppulated areas in the whle f Eurpe. Hikers will lve the Cairngrms -the largest natinal park in the UK.
    Spain’s famus fr its beach hlidays, but it ffers s much mre than that. With a lvely climate, rich histry, excellent architecture, delicius cuisine and friendly lcals, Spain has lng been a favured destinatin fr hliday.
    26. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T explain why the attractins in Eurpe are wrld-famus.
    B. T shw the rich histry and culture f the Eurpean cuntries.
    C. T tell abut the differences between the Eurpean cuntries.
    D. T intrduce sme great Eurpean hliday destinatins.
    27. What can yu enjy nly in Sweden?
    A. Beautiful scenery.B. Midnight sunshine.C. Medieval castles.D. Great nightlife.
    28. Fr a lver f seaside hliday, which cuntry is a gd chice?
    A. Sweden.B. Germany.C. Sctland.D. Spain.
    While watching the Olympics the ther night, I came acrss an unbelievable sight. It was nt a gld medal, r a wrld recrd brken, but a shw f curage.
    The event was swimming and started with nly three men n the blcks. Fr ne reasn r anther, tw f them false started, s they were disqualified. That left nly ne t cmpete. It wuld have been difficult enugh, nt having anyne t race against, even thugh the time n the clck is imprtant.
    I watched the man dive ff the blck and knew right away that smething was wrng. I’m nt an expert swimmer, but I can tell a gd dive frm a pr ne, and this was nt exactly medal quality. When he resurfaced, it was evident that the man was nt ut fr gld—his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle. The crwd started t laugh. Clearly this man was nt a medal cmpetitr.
    I listened t the audiences begin t laugh at this pr man wh was clearly having a hard time. Finally he made his turn t start back. It was pitiful. He made a few desperate strkes (划水) and yu culd tell he was wrn ut.
    But in thse few awful strkes, the audiences had changed.
    N lnger were they laughing, but beginning t cheer. Sme even began t stand and shut “Cme n, yu can d it!” and he did.
    A clear minute past the average swimmer, this yung man finally finished his race. The audiences went wild. Yu wuld have thught that he had wn the gld, and he shuld have. Even thugh he recrded ne f the slwest times in Olympic histry, this man gave mre heart than any f the ther cmpetitrs. Just a shrt year ag, he had never even swum, let alne race. His cuntry had been invited t Sydney.
    In a cmpetitin where athletes remve their silver medals feeling they have smehw been cheated ut f gld, r when they act s prudly in frnt f their cmpetitrs, it is nice t watch an underdg.
    29. Frm the passage we can learn that the yung man ________.
    A. made his turn t start back pitifullyB. was skillful in freestyle in the game
    C. swam faster than the average swimmerD. was nt capable enugh t win the medal
    30. The audiences changed their attitudes because ________.
    A. they felt srry fr the yung manB. they were mved by the yung man
    C. they wanted t shw their sympathyD. they meant t please the yung man
    31. Accrding t the passage, “it is nice t watch an underdg” prbably means ________.
    A. it’s amusing t watch a man with awful swimming skills
    B. it’s amazing t watch an rdinary man challenging himself
    C. it’s cheerful fr athletes t act prudly befre their cmpetitrs
    D. it’s brave enugh fr sme athletes t remve the silver medals
    32. What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A. Cmpete fr Gld!B. Try again!C. Break a Recrd!D. G fr it!
    Running n Empty
    Fr almst a century, scientists have assumed, tiredness—r exhaustin—in athletes riginates (起源于) in the muscles. Precise explanatins have varied, but all have been based n the “Limitatins Thery”. In ther wrds, muscles tire because they hit a physical limit: they either run ut f fuel r xygen r they drwn in harmful by-prducts (副产品).
    In the past few years, hwever, Timthy Nakes frm the University f Cape Twn, Suth Africa, has examined this standard thery. Tiredness, he argues, is caused nt by signals springing frm vertaxed muscles, but is an emtinal respnse which begins in the brain. The fundamental nature f his new thery is that the brain paces the muscles t keep them well back frm the edge f exhaustin. When the brain decides it’s time t quit, it creates unbearable muscle tiredness. This “Central Gvernr” thery remains cntrversial, but it des explain many puzzling aspects f athletic perfrmance.
    A recent discvery that Nakes calls the “lactic acid paradx” made him start researching this area seriusly. Lactic acid is a by-prduct f exercise, and the increase f it is ften mentined as a cause f tiredness. But when research subjects exercise in certain cnditins created artificially, they becme tired even thugh lactic acid levels remain lw. Nr has the xygen cntent f their bld fallen t lw fr them t keep ging. Obviusly, smething else was making them tire befre they hit either f these physilgical limits.
    Nakes cnducted an experiment with seven cyclists. It has lng been knwn that during exercise, the bdy never uses 100% f the available muscle fibres (纤维). The amunt used varies, but in sme tasks such as this cycling test the bdy calls n abut 30%. His team fund that as tiredness set in, the electrical activity in cyclist’s legs declined even when they were making a great effrt t cycle as fast as they culd.
    T Nakes, this was strng evidence that the ld thery was wrng. “The cyclists may have felt cmpletely exhausted,” he says, “but their bdies actually had cnsiderable reserves that they culd theretically tap by using a greater amunt f the resting fibres.” This, he believes, is the prf that the brain is regulating the pace f the wrkut t hld the cyclists well back frm the pint f extreme tiredness.
    33. Which f the fllwing is supprted by “the Limitatins Thery”?
    A. Tiredness is caused by signals frm brain.
    B. Athletes feel tired when they use up all their energy.
    C. The bdy uses 100% f the muscle fibres in exercise.
    D. Athletes becme tired thugh lactic acid levels remain lw.
    34. Nakes has fund ut that ________.
    A. muscle fibres cntrl athletes’ mvements
    B. Lactic acid levels remain high in cycling test
    C. mental prcesses cntrl the symptms f tiredness
    D. different exercises use different amunt f muscle fibres
    35. It is likely that bth theries accept that ________.
    A. lactic acid is prduced in muscles during exercise
    B. the xygen cntent in bld may rise after sprts
    C. tiredness is a harmful by-prduct f exercise.
    D. the energy in human bdies can be balanced
    36. What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The descriptin f a new test.B. The explanatin f the thery.
    C. The puzzling evidence f a study.D. The whle prcess f the research.
    Students meet at the university campus fr classes during their 20s. This classical mdel f time, actin and place has traditinally prduced famus universities, but it is nw challenged by the digitalizatin f sciety—which allws everybdy wh is cnnected t the Internet t access learning—and by the need t acquire skills in step with fast develpment f technlgy. Universities must realize that learning in the 20s wn’t be enugh.
    By teaching fundatinal knwledge and up-t-date skills, universities need t prvide students with the future-prf skills f lifelng learning, nt just get them ‘jb-ready’. Sme universities already play an imprtant rle in lifelng learning as they want t keep the value f their diplmas (文凭). This new rle cmes with a huge set f challenges and needs largely t be invented. One way t start this transfrmatin prcess culd be t g beynd the ‘diplma mdel’ t adapt university educatin t lifelng learning. We call this mdel the lifelng learning passprt.
    The Bachelr’s degree (学士学位) culd be students’ passprt t lifelng learning. Fr the first few years, students wuld ‘learn t learn’ and get endwed with reasning skills that remain with them fr the rest f their lives. Fr instance, physics allws students t bserve and integrate (融合) bservatins int mdels and, smetimes, mdels int theries r laws that can be used t make predictins. Mathematics is the language used t develp the laws f physics r ecnmy. These tw subjects naturally frm the basic pillars (支柱) f educatin in technical universities.
    Recent advances in cmputatinal methds and data science push us int rethinking science and engineering. Cmputers increasingly becme the mst imprtant actrs in prcessing data and frmulating questins, which requires cmpletely new ways f reasning. Therefre, a new subject integrating cmputer science, prgramming, statistics and machine learning shuld be added t the traditinal fundatinal tpics f mathematics and physics. These three pillars wuld allw yu t keep learning technical subjects all yur life.
    Accrding t this new mdel, the Master f Science (MSc) wuld becme the first stamp in the lifelng learning jurney. The new MSc diplma becmes a set f accmplished prjects and a list f technical skills. It is pen-ended and must be updated thrughut life, as technlgies and their applicatins change faster than ever.
    Universities have a fundamental rle t play in this jurney, and higher educatin is in fr a change. The ld university mdel prduced talent and value fr sciety. We are nt supprting its ablitin (废除) but rather calling fr the adaptatin f its characteristics t meet the needs f tday.
    37. What is the main idea f Paragraph 1?
    A. Technlgical develpment challenges the university mdel.
    B. The classical mdel serves famus universities well.
    C. Students dn’t meet at campus due t digitalizatin.
    D. Universities cntinue t imprve wrker skills.
    38. What can be learnt frm the passage?
    A. The students get a lifelng passprt with a Bachelr’s degree.
    B. The three pillars help with cntinuus learning in technlgy.
    C. Physics and mathematics are enugh fr learning technlgy.
    D. MSc prgrammes are the mst imprtant fr lifelng learning.
    39. What des the underlined phrase “get endwed with” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Be cncerned with.B. Make rm fr.
    C. Be equipped with.D. Make preparatins fr.
    40. What’s the best title f the passage?
    A. Changes t university prjectsB. Imprtance f Lifelng Learning
    C. Develpment f Further EducatinD. Necessity t Adapt University Mdel
    What Is a By?
    Between the inncence f babyhd and the seriusness f manhd we find a delightful creature called an “by” 41 . They all believe that the pleasure f life is t enjy every secnd f every minute f every hur f every day and t fill the air with nise until the adult males pack them ff t bed at night.
    42 When yu want him t make a gd impressin, his brain turns t jelly, r else he becmes a wild creature bent n destrying the wrld and himself with it.
    43 He has the stmach f a hrse, the digestin f stnes and sand, the energy f an atmic bmb, the curisity f a cat, the imaginatin f a superman, the shyness f a sweet girl, the brave nature f a bull, the vilence f a firecracker, but when yu ask him t make smething, he has five thumbs (拇指) n each hand.
    He likes ice cream, knives, saws, Christmas, cmic bks, wds, water (in its natural habitat) 44 He is nt much fr Sunday schls, cmpany, schls, bks withut pictures, music lessns, neckties, barbers, girls, vercats, adults, r bedtime.
    45 Nbdy else gets s much fun ut f trees, dgs and breezes. Nbdy else can put int ne pcket a rusty knife, a half eaten apple, a three-feet rpe, six cents and sme unknwn things. A by is a magic al creature—he is yur head ach e but when yu cme hme at night with nly shattered pieces f yur hpes and dreams, he can mend them like new with tw magic wrds, “Hi, Dad!”
    A. In fact a by is a mixture.
    B. Nbdy else is s early t rise, r s late t supper.
    C. When yu are busy, a by is a truble-maker and a nise.
    D. Girls are mre active and intelligent than bys smetimes.
    E. Bys will feel it uncmfrtable if they are cntrlled t strictly.
    F. Bys came in different sizes, weights, and clrs, but all bys have the same belief.
    G. He als has a preference fr large animals, Dad, trains, Saturday mrnings, and fire engines.
    第三部分 语言运用(共二节,30分)
    第一节 词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    46 physical activity is ne f the mst imprtant things yu can d fr yur health. Being physically active can imprve yur brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk f 47 , 48 bnes and muscles, and imprve yur ability t d everyday activities.
    49. Wuld yu please keep in (c)________ (联系) with me by email?
    50. Peple wh sit less and d any amunt f physical activity gain sme health (b)________ (益处)
    51. All the students are hereby infrmed that ur schl is ging t ()________ (组织) an essay cmpetitin in the schl grand hall n 15th December,2023.
    52. A(b)________ (均衡的) diet supplies the fuel yur bdy needs t wrk effectively. That is t say, eating a variety f fds and cnsuming less salt, sugars, and fats are essential t make sure yur bdy functins at its best.
    I always wanted t lk like the slim girls n TV s I wrried abut my weight. Then I read an article that said instead f asking “Am I fat?” I shuld be asking “Am I fit?” I have n idea a letter culd 53 ! Once I started thinking abut health 54 weight, things began t change. Instead f saying “I want t lse three kils”, I wuld say “I want t run 2k in eight minutes”. Instead f cutting ut the fds I enjyed, I add healthy fds t my meals.
    I used t be s anxius abut my weight that 1 55 depressin. Hwever, nw I stpped cmparing myself with actresses and mdels. Instead, I made a list f the things I liked abut myself. By being psitive abut myself and my bdy, I became bth happier and healthier.
    第二节 书面表达(20分)
    56. 假如你是英语科代表李华。我校外教 Patrice 今年来到我校任教,由于不太适应北京的生活,加之工作压力比较大,缺乏时间锻炼,Patricc 生病住院了。请你代表你们班同学给他写一份英文信件,内容包括:
    Dear Patrice,
    I’m srry t hear that yu have been in hspital fr several days. ______________________________________
    Li Hua
    第一部分 知识运用
    第一节 语音辨析(每题1分,共5分)
    1. A2. B3. C4. D5. C
    第二节 完形填空(每题1.5分,共15分)
    6. C7. A8. B9. C10. A
    11. D12. A13. D14. C15. B
    第三节 语法填空
    16. getting17. wh/that18. themselves19. left20. t
    21. fails22. taught/ had taught23. t help24. fitness25. Taking/ T take
    第二部分 阅读理解第一节
    26. D27. B28. D29. D30. B
    31. B32. D33. B34. C35. A
    36. C37. A38. B39. C40. D
    41. F42. C43. A44. G45. B
    第三部分 语言运用第一节词汇运用
    46. Regular/regular47. disease48. strengthen
    49. cntact50. benefits/benefit51. rganise/ rganize52. balanced
    53. make such a difference54. rather than55. suffered frmcapable disease relieve strengthen xygen regular
    suffer frm due t adapt t rather than cheer up make such a difference

    北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共31页。试卷主要包含了12,5分,满分15分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    2023-2024学年北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学高一上学期10月考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学高一上学期10月考试英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月考试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。






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