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    这是一份北京市顺义区2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析,共30页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分15分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Take an Optin
    Jerry was a natural mtivatr. He was always in a gd md and always had smething ____1____ t say, which really made me curius. One day I went up t ask him hw he did that. “Well, life is all abut ____2____. It’s yur ptin hw yu live yur life,” Jerry replied.
    Sn I mved t anther city. Several mnths later, I heard that Jerry was seriusly injured in the chest while skiing. ____3____, he was fund quickly and rushed t the hspital. After 8 hurs f surgery and weeks f intensive care, he was ____4____ frm the hspital.
    Later, when we met again, I asked Jerry what had ____5____ his mind during the accident. “As I lay in the snw, I knew I had tw ptins: One was t live, the ther was t die. I chse t live,” Jerry said. “The paramedics (急救人员) were great. They kept telling me I was ging t be fine. But when they ____6____ me int the emergency rm and I saw the expressins n the faces f the dctrs, I gt really ____7____. In their eyes, I read, ‘He’s a dead man.’ I knew I needed t take actin. I tld them, ‘Operate n me as if I’m alive, nt dead.’ Yu see, I just tried t ____8____ their cnfidence.” Finally Jerry lived thanks t the skill f his dctrs, but als because f his amazing ____9____ t live.
    Jerry has taught me a lt. I learn frm him that every day we have the chice t live fully. Yur ____10____, after all, is everything.
    1. A. regularB. familiarC. psitiveD. typical
    2. A. chicesB. trendsC. relatinsD. secrets
    3. A. NrmallyB. ObviuslyC. HpefullyD. Luckily
    4. A. preservedB. releasedC. distinguishedD. abandned
    5. A. gne thrughB. put upC. turned inD. called fr
    6. A. frcedB. fllwedC. wheeledD. recmmended
    7. A. bredB. frightenedC. cnfusedD. embarrassed
    8. A. expressB. shareC. gainD. inspire
    9. A. talentB. achievementC. desireD. evidence
    10. A. attitudeB. standardC. abilityD. cntrl
    I knew I ____11____(chse) a jb with a lt f stress but I lve what I d. The thing abut being a teacher is that yu have access t children’s minds they are pen and eager t learn. If what I d as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham int such a successful adult, then I knw ____12____ I’m ding is wrthwhile. As Jhn Dewey, the famus educatinalist, said, “Educatin is nt ____13____(prepare) fr life; Educatin is life itself.”
    The gesture fr “OK” has different meanings in different ____14____(culture). In Japan, smene ____15____witnesses anther persn emplying the gesture might think it means mney. In France, a persn encuntering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zer. Hwever, yu shuld avid ___16___(make) this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is nt cnsidered plite.
    Last Mnday, sme Australian students came t ur schl fr a visit. They ____17____(shw) t visit varius ptinal curses. One f ur teachers taught them smething abut calligraphy. As a vlunteer, I explained ____18____English when necessary. They were impressed by the amazing Chinese art, and sme f them even tried writing sme characters ____19____(successful). T remember the enjyable mment, we tk phts tgether and this was really a memrable and ____20____(reward) event.
    Bkstres arc a traveler’s best friend: they prvide cnvenient shelter in bad weather, and they ften hst readings and ther cultural events. Here is a lk at the wrld’s six greatest bkstres.
    Adrian Harringtn——since 1971.Rare bks; rare first editins; leather-bund sets and general antiqucs.Address: 64A Kensingtn Church Street, Kensingtn, Lndn, England, UK.
    Anther Cuntry——Krcuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Anther Cuntry is an English language secnd-hand bkshp which is mstly used as a library. They have abut 20,000 bks that yu can buy r brrw. Sme regular events are held at the shp, such as readings, cultural events, scial evenings and film nights.
    Atlantis Bks——Oia, Santrini, Greece. Atlantis Bks is an’ independent bkshp n the island f Santrini, Greece, funded in 2004 by a grup f friends frm Cyprus, England, and the United States. Thrughut the year it hsts literary festivals, film screenings, bk readings, and gd ld-fashined dance parties.
    Bart’s Bks——Ojai Califrnia, USA. “The Wrld’s Greatest Outdr Bkstre”, a bkstre funded by Richard Bartinsdale in 1964. Shelves f bks face the street, and regular custmers are asked t drp cins int the dr’s cin bx t pay fr any bks they take whenever the stre is clsed.
    10 Crs Cm-Milan, Italy. Extensive selectin f publicatin n art, architecture, design, graphics and fashin, alng with a strng emphasis n phtgraphy. It was funded in 1990 in Milan, Italy, by Carla Szzani.
    The Bkwrm——A bkshp, library par, restaurant and event space, nw with five lcatins in three cities in China-Beijing, Suzhu and Chengdu. The intercnnecting rms with flr-t-ceiling bks n every wall are light and airy in summer, yet warm and cmfrtable in winter.
    21. What can yu d in Atlantis Bks?
    A. Attend a festival.B. Learn phtgraphy.
    C. Enjy rare bks.D. Hld dance parties.
    22. Which f the fllwing bkstres has the lngest histry?
    A. Adrian Harringtn.B. Atlantis Bks.
    C. Bart’s Bks.D. 10Crs Cm.
    23. Hw is The Bkwrm different frm the ther bkstres?
    A. It is used as a library.B. It hsts all srts f activities.
    C. It fcuses n phtgraphy.D. It has branches in different cities
    Year f Giving
    Yesterday I started the Year f Giving, my first day f a year-lng jurney int explring the act f giving and the meaning f charity. I chse December IS as the starting date, which marked three years since my mther died frm heart disease. She was ne f the mst generus peple that I have ever knwn. She always thught f thers first and certainly serves as an inspiratin t me.
    I had a rattier busy day yesterday, irnic (具有讽刺意义的) fr smene wh is unemplyed right nw. In the mrning I went t the gym, and unsuccessfully gt the phne call frm the unemplyment ffice fr sme jb searching. Befre I knew it, it was nn. I grabbed a quick lunch and rushed dwn t a meeting. On my way t Cnnecticut, I wndered if I wuld see smene that I wuld feel frced t give my first $10 t. I was running late and decided t d it afterwards.
    After the meeting I had abut half an hur t find the first persn f my Year f Giving! I decided t check ut Dupnt Circle. I had met a guy there named Jerry nce and thught he wuld willingly accept my first $10. He wasn’t there, but I did see a man sitting by himself wh lked really lnely, s I apprached him. Nw I had t figure ut what I was ging t say. I think I said smething like “Hi, can I sit dwn here?” “I wuld like t knw if I culd give yu $10?” He asked me t repeat what I had said. I did, then he lked at me funny, gt up and left
    I then started walking suth where I sptted a man standing by the bus stp n Cnnecticut Ave. He appeared t be in his 60s. I dn’t knw what drew me t him, but I thught I wuld make my secnd attempt. I was a bit nervus and asked him which bus came by that stp. Then I explained that I was starting a year-lng prject t give $10 t smene every day and that I wanted t give my $10 fr tday t him. The gentleman, I later fund ut that his name was Ed, respnded withut hesitatin that he culd nt accept my ffer and that there were many peple mre deserving the mney than him. This was exactly ne f the that I hped wuld happen. Peple wuld think f thers befre themselves!
    24. The authr set the starting date n December 15 t ________ .
    A. help the charityB. make an explratin
    C. remember his mtherD. fulfill the wish f his mum
    25. In the authr’s first attempt t give away the mney, ________ .
    A. he was cnsidered sillyB. be hesitated fr a lng time
    C. he was frced t dnate the mneyD. he had n time t take actin
    26. In the authr’s secnd attempt, the gentleman refused his ffer because ________ .
    A. he didn’t need thers’ helpB. he thught mre fr thers
    C. he didn’t care abut mneyD. he wanted t get mre mney
    27We can infer that the authr was inspired by ________ .
    A. true friendshipB. his wn kindness
    C. generus dnatinsD. human’s gd nature
    If yu analyze peple’s actins, yu will cme t the cnclusin that they all seek happiness. Every act is in fact a search fr it, even if n the surface it desn’t lk s. Happiness is always the main target.
    Ging t the mvies, eating in a restaurant and ging t a party are all mtivated by the desire t be happy. Wh des nt dream f a vacatin in sme fascinating lcatins, a new car, a new huse, r the ideal match? All peple daydream, and sme even try t make their dream a reality. And why is that? In rder t be happy!
    Many peple endanger themselves by climbing steep muntains, entering unexplred caves, r diving int the deep f the cean in rder t enjy the few mments f happiness. A thief may steal because he lves the thrill f danger, r because he desires t have quick mney t spend. He is actually lking fr happiness, thugh in a perverted way.
    Of curse nt all actins end in happiness. The mtive is happiness, but the results d nt always bring the desire. Accrding t sme spiritual traditins, we are spiritual beings in physical bdies. The spiritual part is always happy. Rather, it is happiness itself. But the physical bdy cvers this happiness essence(本质). There is a cnstant desire t find ut this happiness. This is the reasn why happiness is cnstantly sught.
    Hwever, there is.n need t search fr happiness r t create it, r t have all kinds f uter experiences and actins in rder t feel it. On the cntrary, everything has t be drpped in rder t experience it. Every technique, which helps t relax the mind and calm the rush f thughts will lead t happiness.
    28. Frm the first tw paragraphs, we can learn that______.
    A. happiness is a daydream
    B. it is very hard t analyze peple’s actins
    C. many things peple d are t attain happiness
    D. ne shuld act carefully s as nt t shw his purpse
    29. The underlined wrd “perverted” in Paragraph 3 mst likely means
    A. illegalB. unfairC. cautiusD. difficult
    30. Accrding t the authr, why d peple seek happiness all the time?
    A. All actins dn’t result in the expected happiness
    B. There is little awareness f the nature f happiness.
    C. One’s physical bdy is cntrlled by his spiritual part.
    D. Peple arc s greedy that it’s hard t satisfy their desires.
    Have yu ever wished yu culd be better rganized r mre sciable? Perhaps yu’re a cnstant wrrier, and yu’d prefer t be a little mre carefree? Actually at least 2/3 f peple wuld like t change sme elements f their persnality. In the past, such desires appeared t be fruitless. One’s persnality was thught t be frmed in childhd and t remain fixed thrughut his entire life.
    Recent research frm psychlgy prfessr Nathan Hudsn and his clleagues, hwever, challenges this expectatin f a fixed persnality. With the right psychlgical strategies and enugh effrt, they say, many peple can successfully shape their desired persnality.
    Their interventins (干预) typically invlve recmmending regular activities that reflect the persnality traits(特征) peple wish t adpt. Intrverts wh wish t be mre utging, fr example, might have the gal f intrducing themselves t a stranger nce a week, r making small talk with the cashier in the supermarket. Smene wh wishes t be mre rganized and disciplined might be asked t carefully duble-check an email befre sending it, r t write a t-d list befre ging t bed.
    While these tasks may seem insignificant, the aim is fr the thinking patterns and behavirs they prduce t becme habitual. And the evidence s far suggests it wrks remarkably well. In ne 15-week trial f 400 peple, participants accepted an average f tw challenges each week. After they cmpleted thse tasks, their traits shifted in the desired directin, accrding t a persnality questinnaire (调查问卷).
    The unexpected persnality change shuld be gd news fr anyne wh wishes they were a bit mre sciable, rganized, r happy-g-lucky. Anther ptential benefit is that awareness f this research culd help imprve mental health.
    Peple always believe negative feelings are just part f wh they are, and there is little they can d t change them. But what if educating peple abut their ptential fr persnality change culd place them n a mre psitive track? T test this idea, Harvard prfessr f psychlgy, Jhn Weisz, and his partner selected a grup f 100 teenagers wh had previusly shwn signs f anxiety r depressin. They tk a cmputerized curse that explained the science f brain plasticity(可塑性), and were then given wrksheets t strengthen what they had learned.
    When Weisz checked in n the teens’ mental health nine mnths later, the students reprted a significant decrease in their anxiety and depressin cmpared with thse wh had instead taken part in a curse n “emtinal expressin”.
    Whether yu are struggling with serius issues r simply want t plish ff yur rugher edges, remember that character is within yur wn hands and yu have the pwer t becme what yu want t be.
    31. Accrding t the passage, an ld belief abut persnality is that ________.
    A. mst peple are satisfied with their persnality
    B. sciable r rganized peple are mre ppular
    C. childhd has nthing t d with persnality
    D. peple can’t change their persnality traits
    32. In Nathan Hudsn’s research, participants ________.
    A. became mre aware f their mental health
    B. frmed new thinking patterns and behavirs
    C. reprted their cmpleted tasks in the questinnaire
    D. were advised t wrk as cashiers in the supermarket
    33. Jhn Weisz’s study is mentined t ________ Hudsn’s research.
    A. questin the result fB. make a cmparisn with
    C. explain the methd used inD. shw an additinal benefit f
    34. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Mental Issues: Mre than Meets the EyeB. Persnality: It Is Nt Set in Stne
    C. Yur Persnality Shapes Yur FutureD. A Great Cure fr Mental Prblems
    阅读填空根据内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。
    Parents and the YungIt is natural that yung peple are ften uncmfrtable when they are with their parents.___35___They ften think that their parents are ut f tuch with mdern ways, that they are t serius and t strict with their children, and that they seldm give their children a free hand.It is time that parents ften find it difficult t win their children’s trust and they always frget hw they themselves felt when yung.___36___It is ne f their ways t shw that they have grwn up and they can face any difficult situatin. Adults wrry mre easily. Mst f them plan things ahead.Yung peple make their parents angry with their chices in clthes, in entertainment and in music. But they d nt mean t cause any truble: It just shws that they feel cut ff frm the adult’s wrld, and they have nt yet been accepted int their wrld.___37___And if their parents d nt like their music r entertainment r clthes r their way f speech, this will make the yung peple very happy.Smetimes yu are s prud f yurself that yu d nt want yur parents t say “yes” t what yu d.___38___It is natural enugh, after being a child fr s many years, when yu were cmpletely under yur parents’ cntrl.___39___If yur parents see that yu have a high sense f respnsibility, they will give yu the right t d what yu want t d.
    A. Parents shuld understand yung peple.
    B. Yung peple like t live with their parents.
    C. Yung peple like t act withut much thinking.
    D. They say that their parents dn’t understand them.
    E. All yu want is t be left alne and d what yu like.
    F. If yu plan t cntrl yur life yu’d better win yur parents.
    G. That’s why yung peple want t make a new culture f their wn.
    40. I am extremely ______ t him fr his help n my studies.
    41. The prblem was that I ______ cnfidence in myself.
    42. It was s ______ t read the letters frm my grandmther and they mved me s much.
    43. Scial netwrking ______ my life in s many ways.
    44. Mark keeps ______ things that are imprtant in real life.
    45. I ______ exactly hw many fllwers I have n my accunt, but I can’t remember the birthdays f sme f my ldest mates.
    46. Mr Jenkins ______ explain things which seemed difficult with lts f practical examples and in simple language.
    47. My pinin is that students need t ______ tugh cmments when they dn’t d gd.
    Fr any prblem my English teacher finds with us, she talks t us face t face. Althugh it is very ____48____ fr my teacher, it is mre ____49____ than ther types f feedback. During the face-t-face cmmunicatin, my teacher tells us exactly where ur prblems are and hw we can ____50____. It als gives us an pprtunity t ____51____further questins abut anything we dn’t understand. I think this kind f feedback is helpful. I lve it.
    52. 假设你是红星中学高一学生李华。你校正在举办“中国传统文化日”活动。你打算邀请外教Mr. Smith来参加此次活动。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    1. 介绍活动(时间、地点、安排等);
    2. 邀请参加
    注意:1. 词数不少于100;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Mr. Smith
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Take an Optin
    Jerry was a natural mtivatr. He was always in a gd md and always had smething ____1____ t say, which really made me curius. One day I went up t ask him hw he did that. “Well, life is all abut ____2____. It’s yur ptin hw yu live yur life,” Jerry replied.
    Sn I mved t anther city. Several mnths later, I heard that Jerry was seriusly injured in the chest while skiing. ____3____, he was fund quickly and rushed t the hspital. After 8 hurs f surgery and weeks f intensive care, he was ____4____ frm the hspital.
    Later when we met again, I asked Jerry what had ____5____ his mind during the accident. “As I lay in the snw, I knew I had tw ptins: One was t live, the ther was t die. I chse t live,” Jerry said. “The paramedics (急救人员) were great. They kept telling me I was ging t be fine. But when they ____6____ me int the emergency rm and I saw the expressins n the faces f the dctrs, I gt really ____7____. In their eyes, I read, ‘He’s a dead man.’ I knew I needed t take actin. I tld them, ‘Operate n me as if I’m alive, nt dead.’ Yu see, I just tried t ____8____ their cnfidence.” Finally Jerry lived thanks t the skill f his dctrs, but als because f his amazing ____9____ t live.
    Jerry has taught me a lt. I learn frm him that every day we have the chice t live fully. Yur ____10____, after all, is everything.
    1. A. regularB. familiarC. psitiveD. typical
    2. A. chicesB. trendsC. relatinsD. secrets
    3. A. NrmallyB. ObviuslyC. HpefullyD. Luckily
    4. A. preservedB. releasedC. distinguishedD. abandned
    5. A. gne thrughB. put upC. turned inD. called fr
    6. A. frcedB. fllwedC. wheeledD. recmmended
    7. A. bredB. frightenedC. cnfusedD. embarrassed
    8. A. expressB. shareC. gainD. inspire
    9. A. talentB. achievementC. desireD. evidence
    10. A. attitudeB. standardC. abilityD. cntrl
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A
    考查形容词辨析。句意:他总是心情很好,总是说一些积极的话,这真的让我很好奇。A.regular规律的;B.familiar熟悉的;C.psitive积极的;D.typical典型的。根据“He was always in a gd md”可知,此处是指总是说一些积极的话。故选C。
    考查名词辨析。句意:生活就是选择。A.chices选择;B.trends趋势;C.relatins关系;D.secrets秘密。根据“It’s yur ptin hw yu live yur life”(如何生活是你自己的选择)可知,此处是指生活就是选择。故选A。
    考查副词辨析。句意:幸运的是,他很快被发现并送往医院。A.Nrmally正常地;B.Obviusly明显地;C.Hpefully有希望地;D.Luckily幸运地。根据“he was fund quickly and rushed t the hspital”可知,这件事很幸运。故选D。
    考查动词辨析。句意:经过8个小时的手术和数周的精心护理,他出院了。A.preserved保存;B.released释放;C.distinguished区分;D.abandned抛弃。根据“After 8 hurs f surgery and weeks f intensive care”可知,此处是指他出院了。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:后来,当我们再次见面时,我问杰瑞在事故中他是怎么想的。A.gne thrugh通过;B.put up张贴;C.turned in交上;D.called fr要求。根据“As I lay in the snw, I knew I had tw ptins: One was t live, the ther was t die.”(当我躺在雪地上时,我知道我有两种选择:一种是活下去,另一种是死。)可知,此处是指 “我”问杰瑞在事故中他是怎么想的。故选A。
    考查动词辨析。句意:但是当他们把我推进急诊室的时候,我看到了医生们脸上的表情,我真的吓坏了。A.frced强迫;B.fllwed跟随;C.wheeled用车推;D.recmmended推荐。根据“int the emergency rm”可知,此处是指用病床推病人进急诊室。故选C。
    考查形容词辨析。句意:但是当他们把我推进急诊室的时候,我看到了医生们脸上的表情,我真的吓坏了。A.bred无聊的;B.frightened害怕的;C.cnfused困惑的;D.embarrassed尴尬的。根据“He’s a dead man.”(他是个死人)可知,当看到了医生们脸上的表情,“我”真的吓坏了。故选B。
    考查动词辨析。句意:我只是想激发他们的信心。A.express表达;B.share分享;C.gain获得;D.inspire激发。根据“Operate n me as if I’m alive, nt dead.”(把我当活人而不是死人来做手术。)可知,此处是指激发他们的信心。故选D。
    考查名词辨析。句意:最后,杰瑞活了下来,这要感谢他的医生的医术,但也因为他惊人的求生欲望。A.talent天赋;B.achievement成就;C.desire欲望;D.evidence证据。根据“Operate n me as if I’m alive, nt dead.”(把我当活人而不是死人来做手术。)可知,此处是指他的求生欲望。故选C。
    考查名词辨析。句意:毕竟,你的态度决定一切。A.attitude态度;B.standard标准;C.ability能力;D.cntrl控制。根据“I learn frm him that every day we have the chice t live fully. ”(我从他那里学到了每一天我们都可以选择活得充实。)可知,选择很重要,态度很重要。故选A。
    I knew I ____11____(chse) a jb with a lt f stress but I lve what I d. The thing abut being a teacher is that yu have access t children’s minds they are pen and eager t learn. If what I d as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham int such a successful adult, then I knw ____12____ I’m ding is wrthwhile. As Jhn Dewey, the famus educatinalist, said, “Educatin is nt ____13____(prepare) fr life; Educatin is life itself.”
    【答案】11. had chsen
    12. what 13. preparatin
    考查时态。句意:我知道我选择了一份压力很大的工作,但我喜欢我所做的工作。根据前文过去式knew和句意可知,宾语从句中谓语动词chse是发生在过去动作knew之前的动作,应用过去完成时。故填had chsen。
    考查名词。句意:教育不是为生活做准备,教育是生活本身。根据前文系动词is可知,此处应用其名词preparatin (不可数) 作表语。故填preparatin。
    The gesture fr “OK” has different meanings in different ____14____(culture). In Japan, smene ____15____witnesses anther persn emplying the gesture might think it means mney. In France, a persn encuntering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zer. Hwever, yu shuld avid ___16___(make) this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is nt cnsidered plite.
    【答案】14. cultures
    15. wh 16. making
    Last Mnday, sme Australian students came t ur schl fr a visit. They ____17____(shw) t visit varius ptinal curses. One f ur teachers taught them smething abut calligraphy. As a vlunteer, I explained ____18____English when necessary. They were impressed by the amazing Chinese art, and sme f them even tried writing sme characters ____19____(successful). T remember the enjyable mment, we tk phts tgether and this was really a memrable and ____20____(reward) event.
    【答案】17. were shwn
    18. in 19. successfully
    20. rewarding
    考查时态和语态。句意:他们参观了各种选修课。分析句子结构,空处是该句子的谓语动词。由前后文可知时态为一般过去时;主语They指代前文的sme Australian students,和动词shw之间是被动关系,所以要用一般过去时的被动。故答案为were shwn。
    考查副词。句意:他们被惊人中国艺术所折服,有些人甚至尝试成功地写了一些汉字。分析句子结构,空处在句子作状语,修饰动词短语 tried writing sme characters ,所以要用其副词形式,即successfully。故答案为successfully。
    考查形容词。句意:为了记住这个愉快的时刻,我们一起拍照,这真的是一个难忘的和有益的活动。分析句子结构,空处后面是名词event,所以该空填形容词,和memrable 作并列定语修饰名词,reward的形容词形式是rewarding,表示“有益的;值得做的”。故答案为rewarding。
    Bkstres arc a traveler’s best friend: they prvide cnvenient shelter in bad weather, and they ften hst readings and ther cultural events. Here is a lk at the wrld’s six greatest bkstres.
    Adrian Harringtn——since 1971.Rare bks; rare first editins; leather-bund sets and general antiqucs.Address: 64A Kensingtn Church Street, Kensingtn, Lndn, England, UK.
    Anther Cuntry——Krcuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Anther Cuntry is an English language secnd-hand bkshp which is mstly used as a library. They have abut 20,000 bks that yu can buy r brrw. Sme regular events are held at the shp, such as readings, cultural events, scial evenings and film nights.
    Atlantis Bks——Oia, Santrini, Greece. Atlantis Bks is an’ independent bkshp n the island f Santrini, Greece, funded in 2004 by a grup f friends frm Cyprus, England, and the United States. Thrughut the year it hsts literary festivals, film screenings, bk readings, and gd ld-fashined dance parties.
    Bart’s Bks——Ojai, Califrnia, USA. “The Wrld’s Greatest Outdr Bkstre”, a bkstre funded by Richard Bartinsdale in 1964. Shelves f bks face the street, and regular custmers are asked t drp cins int the dr’s cin bx t pay fr any bks they take whenever the stre is clsed.
    10 Crs Cm-Milan, Italy. Extensive selectin f publicatin n art, architecture, design, graphics and fashin, alng with a strng emphasis n phtgraphy. It was funded in 1990 in Milan, Italy, by Carla Szzani.
    The Bkwrm——A bkshp, library par, restaurant and event space, nw with five lcatins in three cities in China-Beijing, Suzhu and Chengdu. The intercnnecting rms with flr-t-ceiling bks n every wall are light and airy in summer, yet warm and cmfrtable in winter.
    21. What can yu d in Atlantis Bks?
    A. Attend a festival.B. Learn phtgraphy.
    C. Enjy rare bks.D. Hld dance parties.
    22. Which f the fllwing bkstres has the lngest histry?
    A. Adrian Harringtn.B. Atlantis Bks.
    C. Bart’s Bks.D. 10Crs Cm.
    23. Hw is The Bkwrm different frm the ther bkstres?
    A. It is used as a library.B. It hsts all srts f activities.
    C. It fcuses n phtgraphy.D. It has branches in different cities
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D
    细节理解题。根据第四段Atlantis Bks中“Thrughut the year it hsts literary festivals, film screenings, bk readings, and gd ld-fashined dance parties. (全年,这里都会举办文学节、电影放映、读书会和老式舞会。)”可知,在Atlantis Bks,你能参加它主办的文学节。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段Bart’s Bks中“‘The Wrld’s Greatest Outdr Bkstre’, a bkstre funded by Richard Bartinsdale in 1964. (‘世界上最大的户外书店’,由Richard Bartinsdale于1964年创立。)”并对照其他三个书店中的创建时间可知,Bart’s Bks历史最悠久。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“The Bkwrm——A bkshp, library par, restaurant and event space, nw with five lcatins in three cities in China-Beijing, Suzhu and Chengdu. (The Bkwrm——集书店、图书馆、餐厅和活动场所于一体,目前在中国北京、苏州和成都三个城市拥有五家分店。)”可知,The Bkwrm在不同的城市有分支机构,其他书店均未提及这一点。故选D项。
    Year f Giving
    Yesterday I started the Year f Giving, my first day f a year-lng jurney int explring the act f giving and the meaning f charity. I chse December IS as the starting date, which marked three years since my mther died frm heart disease. She was ne f the mst generus peple that I have ever knwn. She always thught f thers first and certainly serves as an inspiratin t me.
    I had a rattier busy day yesterday, irnic (具有讽刺意义的) fr smene wh is unemplyed right nw. In the mrning I went t the gym, and unsuccessfully gt the phne call frm the unemplyment ffice fr sme jb searching. Befre I knew it, it was nn. I grabbed a quick lunch and rushed dwn t a meeting. On my way t Cnnecticut, I wndered if I wuld see smene that I wuld feel frced t give my first $10 t. I was running late and decided t d it afterwards.
    After the meeting I had abut half an hur t find the first persn f my Year f Giving! I decided t check ut Dupnt Circle. I had met a guy there named Jerry nce and thught he wuld willingly accept my first $10. He wasn’t there, but I did see a man sitting by himself wh lked really lnely, s I apprached him. Nw I had t figure ut what I was ging t say. I think I said smething like “Hi, can I sit dwn here?” “I wuld like t knw if I culd give yu $10?” He asked me t repeat what I had said. I did, then he lked at me funny, gt up and left
    I then started walking suth where I sptted a man standing by the bus stp n Cnnecticut Ave. He appeared t be in his 60s. I dn’t knw what drew me t him, but I thught I wuld make my secnd attempt. I was a bit nervus and asked him which bus came by that stp. Then I explained that I was starting a year-lng prject t give $10 t smene every day and that I wanted t give my $10 fr tday t him. The gentleman, I later fund ut that his name was Ed, respnded withut hesitatin that he culd nt accept my ffer and that there were many peple mre deserving the mney than him. This was exactly ne f the that I hped wuld happen. Peple wuld think f thers befre themselves!
    24. The authr set the starting date n December 15 t ________ .
    A. help the charityB. make an explratin
    C. remember his mtherD. fulfill the wish f his mum
    25. In the authr’s first attempt t give away the mney, ________ .
    A. he was cnsidered sillyB. be hesitated fr a lng time
    C. he was frced t dnate the mneyD. he had n time t take actin
    26. In the authr’s secnd attempt, the gentleman refused his ffer because ________ .
    A. he didn’t need thers’ helpB. he thught mre fr thers
    C. he didn’t care abut mneyD. he wanted t get mre mney
    27. We can infer that the authr was inspired by ________ .
    A. true friendshipB. his wn kindness
    C. generus dnatinsD. human’s gd nature
    【答案】24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“I chse December 15 as the starting date, which marked three years since my mther died frm heart disease.(我选择12月15日作为开始日期,这是我母亲死于心脏病3年的日子)”可知,作者选择这个日子是为了纪念他的母亲。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“I wuld like t knw if I culd give yu $10?” He asked me t repeat what I had said. I did, then he lked at me funny, gt up and left.(“我想知道我能不能给你10美元?”他要我重复我说过的话。我问了,然后他奇怪地看了我一眼,站起来走了)”可知,在作者第一次尝试捐钱的时候,他被认为是可笑的。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The gentleman, I later fund ut that his name was Ed, respnded withut hesitatin that he culd nt accept my ffer and that there were many peple mre deserving the mney than him.(那位先生,我后来才知道他的名字叫艾德,毫不犹豫地回答说他不能接受我的提议,还有很多人比他更应该得到这笔钱)”可知,在作者的第二次尝试中,绅士拒绝了他的提议,因为他更多地为别人着想。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“This was exactly ne f the things that I hped wuld happen. Peple wuld think f thers befre themselves!( 这正是我希望发生的事情之一。人们会先为别人着想,再为自己着想!)”可知,作者被人类本性中的善良激励了。故选D。
    If yu analyze peple’s actins, yu will cme t the cnclusin that they all seek happiness. Every act is in fact a search fr it, even if n the surface it desn’t lk s. Happiness is always the main target.
    Ging t the mvies, eating in a restaurant and ging t a party are all mtivated by the desire t be happy. Wh des nt dream f a vacatin in sme fascinating lcatins, a new car, a new huse, r the ideal match? All peple daydream, and sme even try t make their dream a reality. And why is that? In rder t be happy!
    Many peple endanger themselves by climbing steep muntains, entering unexplred caves, r diving int the deep f the cean in rder t enjy the few mments f happiness. A thief may steal because he lves the thrill f danger, r because he desires t have quick mney t spend. He is actually lking fr happiness, thugh in a perverted way.
    Of curse nt all actins end in happiness. The mtive is happiness, but the results d nt always bring the desire. Accrding t sme spiritual traditins, we are spiritual beings in physical bdies. The spiritual part is always happy. Rather, it is happiness itself. But the physical bdy cvers this happiness essence(本质). There is a cnstant desire t find ut this happiness. This is the reasn why happiness is cnstantly sught.
    Hwever, there is.n need t search fr happiness r t create it, r t have all kinds f uter experiences and actins in rder t feel it. On the cntrary, everything has t be drpped in rder t experience it. Every technique, which helps t relax the mind and calm the rush f thughts will lead t happiness.
    28. Frm the first tw paragraphs, we can learn that______.
    A. happiness is a daydream
    B. it is very hard t analyze peple’s actins
    C. many things peple d are t attain happiness
    Dne shuld act carefully s as nt t shw his purpse
    29. The underlined wrd “perverted” in Paragraph 3 mst likely means
    A. illegalB. unfairC. cautiusD. difficult
    30. Accrding t the authr, why d peple seek happiness all the time?
    A. All actins dn’t result in the expected happiness
    B. There is little awareness f the nature f happiness.
    C. One’s physical bdy is cntrlled by his spiritual part.
    D. Peple arc s greedy that it’s hard t satisfy their desires.
    【答案】28. C 29. A 30. B
    推理判断题。通读前两段,尤其根据第二段中“All peple daydream, and sme even try t make their dream a reality. And why is that? In rder t be happy!(所有人都做白日梦,有些人甚至试图让他们的梦想成为现实。为什么呢?为了幸福!)”可知,从前两段,我们可以得知人们做的许多事情是为了获得幸福。故选C项。
    词句猜测题。划线词句前文“A thief may steal because he lves the thrill f danger, r because he desires t have quick mney t spend. (小偷偷窃可能是因为他喜欢危险带来的刺激,或者是因为他想要迅速赚到钱。)”谈论的是小偷进行非法偷窃的原因,从而推知划线词句“He is actually lking fr happiness, thugh in a perverted way. (他其实是在寻找幸福,虽然是以一种perverted方式。)”其中划线词语意思是“非法的”。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“The spiritual part is always happy. Rather, it is happiness itself. But the physical bdy cvers this happiness essence(本质). There is a cnstant desire t find ut this happiness. This is the reasn why happiness is cnstantly sught. (精神部分总是幸福的。更准确地说,它就是幸福本身。但肉体掩盖了幸福的本质。人们一直渴望找到这种幸福。这就是人们不断寻求幸福的原因。)”可知,人们在寻求幸福时没有意识到幸福的本质所以就一直在寻找幸福。故选B项。
    Have yu ever wished yu culd be better rganized r mre sciable? Perhaps yu’re a cnstant wrrier, and yu’d prefer t be a little mre carefree? Actually at least 2/3 f peple wuld like t change sme elements f their persnality. In the past, such desires appeared t be fruitless. One’s persnality was thught t be frmed in childhd and t remain fixed thrughut his entire life.
    Recent research frm psychlgy prfessr Nathan Hudsn and his clleagues, hwever, challenges this expectatin f a fixed persnality. With the right psychlgical strategies and enugh effrt, they say, many peple can successfully shape their desired persnality.
    Their interventins (干预) typically invlve recmmending regular activities that reflect the persnality traits(特征) peple wish t adpt. Intrverts wh wish t be mre utging, fr example, might have the gal f intrducing themselves t a stranger nce a week, r making small talk with the cashier in the supermarket. Smene wh wishes t be mre rganized and disciplined might be asked t carefully duble-check an email befre sending it, r t write a t-d list befre ging t bed.
    While these tasks may seem insignificant, the aim is fr the thinking patterns and behavirs they prduce t becme habitual. And the evidence s far suggests it wrks remarkably well. In ne 15-week trial f 400 peple, participants accepted an average f tw challenges each week. After they cmpleted thse tasks, their traits shifted in the desired directin, accrding t a persnality questinnaire (调查问卷).
    The unexpected persnality change shuld be gd news fr anyne wh wishes they were a bit mre sciable, rganized, r happy-g-lucky. Anther ptential benefit is that awareness f this research culd help imprve mental health.
    Peple always believe negative feelings are just part f wh they are, and there is little they can d t change them. But what if educating peple abut their ptential fr persnality change culd place them n a mre psitive track? T test this idea, Harvard prfessr f psychlgy, Jhn Weisz, and his partner selected a grup f 100 teenagers wh had previusly shwn signs f anxiety r depressin. They tk a cmputerized curse that explained the science f brain plasticity(可塑性), and were then given wrksheets t strengthen what they had learned.
    When Weisz checked in n the teens’ mental health nine mnths later, the students reprted a significant decrease in their anxiety and depressin cmpared with thse wh had instead taken part in a curse n “emtinal expressin”.
    Whether yu are struggling with serius issues r simply want t plish ff yur rugher edges, remember that character is within yur wn hands and yu have the pwer t becme what yu want t be.
    31. Accrding t the passage, an ld belief abut persnality is that ________.
    A. mst peple are satisfied with their persnality
    B. sciable r rganized peple are mre ppular
    C. childhd has nthing t d with persnality
    D. peple can’t change their persnality traits
    32. In Nathan Hudsn’s research, participants ________.
    A. became mre aware f their mental health
    B. frmed new thinking patterns and behavirs
    C. reprted their cmpleted tasks in the questinnaire
    D. were advised t wrk as cashiers in the supermarket
    33. Jhn Weisz’s study is mentined t ________ Hudsn’s research.
    A. questin the result fB. make a cmparisn with
    C. explain the methd used inD. shw an additinal benefit f
    34. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Mental Issues: Mre than Meets the EyeB. Persnality: It Is Nt Set in Stne
    C. Yur Persnality Shapes Yur FutureD. A Great Cure fr Mental Prblems
    【答案】31. D 32. B 33. D 34. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“In the past, such desires appeared t be fruitless. One’s persnality was thught t be frmed in childhd and t remain fixed thrughut his entire life.(在过去,这样的愿望似乎是徒劳的。一个人的个性被认为是在童年时期形成的,并在他的一生中保持不变。)”可知,关于个性,过去人们总是认为那是在童年时期形成的,并保持不变。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“While these tasks may seem insignificant, the aim is fr the thinking patterns and behavirs they prduce t becme habitual. And the evidence s far suggests it wrks remarkably well. In ne 15-week trial f 400 peple, participants accepted an average f tw challenges each week. After they cmpleted thse tasks, their traits shifted in the desired directin, accrding t a persnality questinnaire (调查问卷).(虽然这些任务看起来微不足道,但目标是让他们产生的思维模式和行为成为习惯。迄今为止的证据表明,它的效果非常好。在一项有400人参加的为期15周的试验中,参与者平均每周接受两次挑战。根据一份性格调查问卷显示,在他们完成这些任务后,他们的性格会朝着预期的方向转变。)”可知,在Nathan的研究中,参与者形成了新的思维模式和行为。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第六段“But what if educating peple abut their ptential fr persnality change culd place them n a mre psitive track? T test this idea, Harvard prfessr f psychlgy, Jhn Weisz, and his partner selected a grup f 100 teenagers wh had previusly shwn signs f anxiety r depressin.(但是,如果教育人们人格改变的潜力可以让他们走上更积极的道路呢?为了验证这一观点,哈佛大学心理学教授Jhn Weisz和他的搭档选择了一组100名青少年,他们之前都有焦虑或抑郁的迹象。)”以及文章第七段“When Weisz checked in n the teens’ mental health nine mnths later, the students reprted a significant decrease in their anxiety and depressin cmpared with thse wh had instead taken part in a curse n “emtinal expressin”.(当Weisz在9个月后检查这些青少年的心理健康时,与那些参加“情绪表达”课程的学生相比,这些学生的焦虑和抑郁明显减少。)”可知,Jhn Weisz的研究显示了Hudsn研究的另一个好处,也就是可以改善心理健康。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“Recent research frm psychlgy prfessr Nathan Hudsn and his clleagues, hwever, challenges this expectatin f a fixed persnality. With the right psychlgical strategies and enugh effrt, they say, many peple can successfully shape their desired persnality.(然而,心理学教授Nathan Hudsn和他的同事最近的研究挑战了这种固定性格的预期。他们说,通过正确的心理策略和足够的努力,许多人可以成功地塑造他们想要的个性。)”以及文章最后一段“Whether yu are struggling with serius issues r simply want t plish ff yur rugher edges, remember that character is within yur wn hands and yu have the pwer t becme what yu want t be.(无论你是在与严肃的问题作斗争,还是只是想擦亮自己的锋芒,记住,性格掌握在你自己手中,你有能力成为你想成为的人。)”可知,本文主要介绍的是个性并不是一成不变的,我们可以通过正确的心理策略和足够的努力成功地塑造我们想要的个性。故选B。
    阅读填空根据内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。
    Parents and the YungIt is natural that yung peple are ften uncmfrtable when they are with their parents.___35___They ften think that their parents are ut f tuch with mdern ways, that they are t serius and t strict with their children, and that they seldm give their children a free hand.It is time that parents ften find it difficult t win their children’s trust and they always frget hw they themselves felt when yung.___36___It is ne f their ways t shw that they have grwn up and they can face any difficult situatin. Adults wrry mre easily. Mst f them plan things ahead.Yung peple make their parents angry with their chices in clthes, in entertainment and in music. But they d nt mean t cause any truble: It just shws that they feel cut ff frm the adult’s wrld, and they have nt yet been accepted int their wrld.___37___And if their parents d nt like their music r entertainment r clthes r their way f speech, this will make the yung peple very happy.Smetimes yu are s prud f yurself that yu d nt want yur parents t say “yes” t what yu d.___38___It is natural enugh, after being a child fr s many years, when yu were cmpletely under yur parents’ cntrl.___39___If yur parents see that yu have a high sense f respnsibility, they will give yu the right t d what yu want t d.
    A. Parents shuld understand yung peple.
    B. Yung peple like t live with their parents.
    C. Yung peple like t act withut much thinking.
    D. They say that their parents dn’t understand them.
    E. All yu want is t be left alne and d what yu like.
    F. If yu plan t cntrl yur life, yu’d better win yur parents.
    G. That’s why yung peple want t make a new culture f their wn.
    【答案】35. C 36. G 37. A 38. E 39. F
    根据前后:年轻人觉得与父母在一起感到不舒适,下面均是年轻人的种种想法,故主语应该是“yung peple”开头,且从下句也可得到暗示“他们认为父母与现代生活失去了联系,对他们管教太严,不给他们自由空间”。可知C项“年轻人容易冲动,而且不经思考去做事”符合语境。故选C项。
    【学法指导】七选五阅读题,有部分题出现在每一段的开始位置,若问题在段首 1.通常是段落主题句。认真阅读该段落,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关词或者同义词,从而推测出主题句,找到答案。 2.与后文是并列、转折、因果关系等。着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词。一般来说正确答案与它后面的一句话的在意思上是衔接的,所以通常情况下,这两句话中会有某种的衔接手段。3.段落间的过渡句。这时要前瞻后望找到启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。比如第5小题,F根据下句:如果你的父母看到你有责任感,他们将给你做事情的权力。可知上F选项“如果你想控制你的生活,你要赢得你父母的同意”符合语境。故选F。
    40. I am extremely ______ t him fr his help n my studies.
    41. The prblem was that I ______ cnfidence in myself.
    42. It was s ______ t read the letters frm my grandmther and they mved me s much.
    43. Scial netwrking ______ my life in s many ways.
    44. Mark keeps ______ things that are imprtant in real life.
    45. I ______ exactly hw many fllwers I have n my accunt, but I can’t remember the birthdays f sme f my ldest mates.
    46. Mr Jenkins ______ explain things which seemed difficult with lts f practical examples and in simple language.
    47. My pinin is that students need t ______ tugh cmments when they dn’t d gd.
    【答案】40. grateful
    41. lacked 42. emtinal
    43. dminates
    44. delaying
    45. bsess ver
    46. used t
    47. get used t
    考查动词。句意:马克总是拖延现实生活中重要的事情。动词delay“使拖延”符合句意,是及物动词,后接宾语。keep ding sth是固定句型,故填delaying。
    考查动词短语。句意:我痴迷于我的账户到底有多少粉丝,但我却记不起我一些最年长的伙伴的生日。动词短语bsess ver“沉迷于,因……而着迷”符合句意,本句描述一般事实,用一般现在时。主谓一致,故填bsess ver。
    考查固定短语。句意:詹金斯先生过去常常用许多实际的例子和简单的语言来解释那些看起来很难的事情。固定短语used t“过去常常”符合句意,后接动词原形explain构成复合谓语。故填used t。
    考查固定短语。句意:我的观点是,当学生做得不好时,他们需要习惯严厉的批评。get used t“习惯于”符合句意,和前文t构成不定式作宾语,后接名词作介词t的宾语。故填get used t。
    Fr any prblem my English teacher finds with us, she talks t us face t face. Althugh it is very ____48____ fr my teacher, it is mre ____49____ than ther types f feedback. During the face-t-face cmmunicatin, my teacher tells us exactly where ur prblems are and hw we can ____50____. It als gives us an pprtunity t ____51____further questins abut anything we dn’t understand. I think this kind f feedback is helpful. I lve it.
    【答案】48. demanding
    49. effective
    50. imprve
    51. raise
    考查动词。句意:这也给了我们一个机会,让我们对任何我们不理解的事情提出进一步的问题。动词raise“提出”符合句意和上下文语境,和t构成不定式作后置定语,raise questins意为“提出问题”。故填raise。
    52. 假设你是红星中学高一学生李华。你校正在举办“中国传统文化日”活动。你打算邀请外教Mr. Smith来参加此次活动。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    1. 介绍活动(时间、地点、安排等);
    2. 邀请参加。
    注意:1. 词数不少于100;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Mr. Smith,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Mr. Smith,
    I am Li Hua, a high schl student frm Red Star Middle Schl. Our schl is ging t hld an activity called The Chinese Traditinal Culture Day n April 23, frm 2 p.m. t 4 p.m. at the schl’s multi-functin hall.
    The purpse f the activity is t imprve the understanding f Chinese traditinal culture. We have several cultural activity statins like calligraphy, drawing, martial arts, and Chinese traditinal cstume shw. Fr each statin, there will be a prfessinal cach and student representatives t intrduce t the audiences.
    I am writing t invite yu t jin us and share yur views n Chinese traditinal culture. Since yu are experienced and knwledgeable abut Chinese culture, I believe yur participatin in ur activity wuld be highly appreciated.
    I am lking frward t yur early respnse
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【导语】这是一封邀请信。要求考生以红星中学高一学生李华的身份,用英文写一封电子邮件邀请外教Mr. Smith参加你校正在举办的“中国传统文化日”活动。
    举行:hld→ rganize
    名称为:called → titled
    几个:several→ a handful f
    改善:imprve→ plish up
    原句:I believe yur participatin in ur activity wuld be highly appreciated.
    拓展句:It is my belief that yur participatin in ur activity wuld be highly appreciated.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The purpse f the activity is t imprve the understanding f Chinese traditinal culture.(动词不定式做表语)
    【高分句型2】Since yu are experienced and knwledgeable abut Chinese culture, I believe yur participatin t ur activity wuld be highly appreciated.(since引导的原因状语从句)
    passinate dminate lack grateful delay emtinal
    bsess ver chatter away get used t used t
    passinate dminate lack grateful delay emtinal
    bsess ver chatter away get used t used t

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