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    55,江苏省常州高级中学 2023~2024学年高二上学期期末质量检查英语试题
    55,江苏省常州高级中学 2023~2024学年高二上学期期末质量检查英语试题01
    55,江苏省常州高级中学 2023~2024学年高二上学期期末质量检查英语试题02
    55,江苏省常州高级中学 2023~2024学年高二上学期期末质量检查英语试题03
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    55,江苏省常州高级中学 2023~2024学年高二上学期期末质量检查英语试题

    这是一份55,江苏省常州高级中学 2023~2024学年高二上学期期末质量检查英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    出卷人:孙湘娟 审卷人:曹小丽
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What is the wman ding nw?
    A. Watching TV. B. Taking part in an activity. C. Preparing fr an exam.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an ffice. B. In a stre. C. In a htel.
    3. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 6: 20. B. At 6: 10. C. At 5: 40.
    4. In which cuntry des Jane want t spend her hliday?
    A. America. B. Krea. C. Japan.
    5. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is fired. B. She didn't wrk hard. C. She can take a day ff tmrrw.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What culd the man be?
    A. A taxi driver. B. A pliceman. C. A htel clerk.
    7. Where des the wman think she lst her cell phne?
    A. In a park. B. In a supermarket. C. On her way t the htel.
    8. Where will The Magic Flute be n this weekend?
    A. At the Orpheum theatre. B. At the Caldnin theatre.
    C. At the Pseidn theatre.
    9. What will the man d tnight?
    A. Invite Jan t dinner. B. Give Jan a call. C. Buy tickets.
    10. What is Isabel's?
    A. A restaurant. B. A ty shp. C. A clthing shp.
    11. Wh bught an evening dress?
    A. Cindy. B. Wendy. C. Mrs. Miles.
    12. What will the speakers d first?
    A. Refuel the car. B. G t a party. C. Have lunch.
    13. What is the man?
    A. A salesman. B. A teacher. C. A student.
    14. What is the secnd pint being talked abut?
    A. The man's educatin. B. The man's marriage. C. The man's demand.
    15. Hw des the man find the jb?
    A. Challenging. B. Relaxing. C. Interesting.
    16. What will the man d?
    A. Have anther interview. B. Wait fr the reply. C. Think abut the business trips.
    17. What did the speaker like best?
    A. Big Ben. B. Twer Bridge. C. The Twer f Lndn.
    18. Where did the speaker take a pht?
    A. At Trafalgar Square. B. At Madame Tussauds.
    C. At the Ryal Shakespeare Theater.
    19. Hw ld are the huses in Stratfrd?
    A. Abut 500 years ld. B. Abut 1, 000 years ld.
    C. Abut 2, 000 years ld.
    20. Why des the speaker give the message?
    A. T intrduce his blg. B. T tell abut his trip in England.
    C. T recmmend peple t visit Lndn.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    In the Cmmnwealth Games England, Sctland, Wales and Nrthern Ireland have separate Olympics teams, unlike the Olympics where they cmpete tgether as Britain.
    What are the Cmmnwealth Games?
    The Cmmnwealth Games are held every fur years between members f the Cmmnwealth f Natins—a grup f independent cuntries, mst f which used t be part f the Britain. The Games were first held in 1930 in Hamiltn, Canada. The event was named the Cmmnwealth Games in 1978.
    The histry f the Cmmnwealth Games
    The Cmmnwealth Games have been held every fur years since they started and have grwn much bigger. At the first Cmmnwealth Games, nly 11 natins and 400 athletes were invlved in six sprts. Fr a lng time, the Games nly included individual sprts such as athletics, bxing and swimming. In 1998, team sprts such as cricket, hckey and netball were intrduced. The Cmmnwealth Games have featured many fantastic feats and the athletes have brken a wide range f recrds.
    Paralympic prgress
    At the 2002 Manchester Cmmnwealth Games, Canadian athlete Chantal Petitclerc became the first athlete with a disability t win a gld medal in the wheelchair 800-meter race. She said, “It meant s much t me that the Cmmnwealth Games decided that a perfrmance is a perfrmance-and it desn't matter if yu accmplish it in a wheelchair. Paralympic athletes cntinue t take part in the Cmmnwealth Cames' main sprts prgrams, and many have brken recrds and made histry.
    21. Which cuntries take part in the Cmmnwealth Games?
    A. Independent cuntries. B. Members f the Cmmnwealth f Natins.
    C. The frmer members f the Britain. D. All the cuntries frm arund the wrld.
    22. Hw many sprts were there at the first Cmmnwealth Games?
    A. 11. B. 4. C. 6. D. 400.
    23. Why d Paralympic athletes cmpete in the Cmmnwealth Games?
    A. T make histric recrds. B. T enjy sprts prgrams with ther athletes.
    C. T shw their disabilities. D. T prve themselves with gd perfrmance.
    One f the biggest cncerns abut tday's tech giants is their market pwer. In many cuntries, Ggle, Facebk, and Amazn dminate nline search, scial media, and nline retail respectively. And yet ecnmists have largely failed t address these cncerns in a prper way. T help regulatrs as they struggle t address this market cncentratin, we must make ecnmics itself mre relevant t the digital age.
    Digital markets ften becme highly cncentrated, with ne dminant firm, because larger players enjy significant returns. Fr example, data generatin plays a self reinfrcing (自我强化的) rule; mre data imprves the service, which brings mre users, and then generates mre data.
    As several recent reprts have pinted ut, the digital ecnmy pses a prblem fr cmpetitin plicy. Cmpetitin is vital fr bsting prductivity and lng term grwth, because it drives ut inefficient prducers and encurages innvatin. Yet hw can this happen when there are such dminant players?
    Tday's digital giants prvide services that peple want: ne recent study estimated that cnsumers value nline search alne at a level which is equal t abut half f media incme. Rather than assessing likely shrt-term trends in specific digital markets, they need t be able t estimate the ptential lng-term csts.
    This is n easy task, because there is n standard methdlgy (方法) fr estimating uncertain futures. Ecnmists ever disagree n hw t measure static cnsumer valuatins f free digital gds such as nline search and scial media. And althugh the idea that cmpetitin perates dynamically thrugh firms entering and exiting the market dates back at least t Jseph Schumpeter, the standard apprach is still t lk at cmpetitin amng similar cmpanies prducing similar gds at a pint in time.
    The characteristics f digital technlgy pse a great challenge t the entire discipline. As I pinted ut mre than 20 years ag, the digital ecnmy is “weightless”. Mrever, many digital gds are nn-rival “public gds”. Yu can use sftware cde withut stpping thers frm ding s, whereas nly ne persn can wear the same pair f shes.
    24. What makes the regulatrs wrry abut the tech giants?
    A. Market dminance. B. Market prfits. C. Digital high-tech. D. Ecnmic stability.
    25. Hw des a digital platfrm get prfits?
    A. By enlarging the platfrm. B. By cllecting mre data.
    C. By aviding netwrk effects. D. By encuraging innvatin.
    26. What causes the difficulty in estimating a digital cmpany?
    ①Lack f standard methdlgy. ②Disagreements amng ecnmists.
    ③Innvatin frm prducers. ④Use f digital prducts at the same time.
    A. ①②③B. ②③④C. ①③④D. ①②④
    27. Where des the passage prbably cme frm?
    A. A business magazine. B. A science reprt.
    C. A marketing guide. D. An IT textbk.
    It is reprted that the sense f smell plays a dminant rle in the scial interactins f all land animals except humans. Then the questin arises: Is this because humans dn't use their nses in scial settings the way all ther land animals d? Or is this behavir cvert (隐蔽的), rather than vert, in humans?
    In fact, this is exactly what Inbal Ravreby, a graduate student in Prf. Nam Sbel's labratry in Weizmann's Brain Sciences Department, tried t answer. And as several lines f evidence suggest that humans are cnstantly, althugh mstly subcnsciusly, sniffing themselves and thers, Ravreby suppsed that the latter is the case.
    T test her idea, Ravreby cnducted the study with pairs f click friends: same-sex nn-rmantic friends whse friendships had riginally frmed very rapidly. Because such friendships emerge befre an in-depth acquaintance, they may be particularly influenced by physilgical (生理的) characteristics such as bdy smell. She then cllected bdy smell samples frm these click friends and cnducted tw sets f experiments t cmpare the samples with thse cllected frm randm pairs f individuals. In ne set f experiments, she perfrmed the cmparisn with a device knwn as an electrnic nse, r eNse, which assessed the chemical signatures f the smells. In the ther, she asked vlunteers t smell the tw grups f bdy smell samples in rder t assess similarities measured by human perceptin. In bth types f experiments, click friends were fund t smell significantly mre like each ther than the individuals in the randm pairs.
    Next, t rule ut the pssibility that bdy smell similarity was a cnsequence f click friendships, rather than a cntributing cause, Ravreby perfrmed an additinal set f experiments, in which she used the eNse t “smell” a number f vlunteers wh were cmplete strangers t ne anther, and then asked them t engage in nnverbal (非言语的) scial interactins in pairs. After each such structured interactin, the participants rated the ther individual in terms f hw much they liked that persn. The fllwing analysis revealed that the individuals wh had mre psitive interactins indeed smelled mre like each ther, as determined by the eNse.
    “These results imply that, as the saying ges, there is chemistry in scial chemistry”, Ravreby cncludes. Hwever, Sbel ffers wrds f cautin, “This is nt t say that we act like dgs r gats—humans likely rely n ther far mre dminant signals in their scial decisin-making. Nevertheless, ur study's results d suggest that ur nse plays a bigger rle than previusly thught in. ur chice f friends.”
    28. What did Inbal Ravreby want t figure ut?
    A. Whether humans have a sharp sense f smell.
    B. Whether humans' nses can detect all types f smells.
    C. Whether it is necessary fr humans t sniff ther peple.
    D. Whether the sense f smell plays a rle in humans' interactin.
    29. What makes the first tw sets f experiments different frm each ther?
    A. The ways t make cmparisns. B. The participatin f randm pairs.
    C. The ways vlunteers used the eNse. D. The number f pairs f click friends.
    30. Why did Ravreby invlve cmplete strangers in the fllwing experiments?
    A. T make the experiments much mre interesting
    B. T avid interactins between click friends.
    C. T determine the reliability f the finding.
    D. T test the accuracy f the eNse in smell analysis.
    31. What is Sbel's attitude twards the study finding?
    A. DisapprvingB. Dubtful. C. Psitive. D. Indifferent
    “Few articles change wners mre frequently than clthes. They travel dwnwards frm grade t grade in the scial scale with remarkable regularity,” wrte the jurnalist Adlphe Smith in 1877 as he traced a cat's jurney in the last century: cleaned, repaired and resld repeatedly; cut dwn int a smaller item; eventually recycled int new fabric. But with the imprvement in peple's living standards, that mdel is mind-bggling in the era f fast fashin. The average British custmer buys fur items a mnth. And it is reprted that 350, 000 tns f used but still wearable clthes g t landfills in the UK each year.
    Yet gradual revival (复兴) f the secnd-hand trade has gathered pace in the past few years. At fashin website Ass, sales f vintage clthes (古董) have risen by 92%. Clthing was nce wrn ut f necessity, and nw it is simply a way f life. Busy families sell used items n eBay, teenagers trade n Depp and sme fashin peple ffer designer labels n Vestiaire Cllective. Strikingly, it has becme big enugh business that mainstream retailers (零售商) want a slice f the actin.
    Fr sme buyers and sellers, the switch t the secnd-hand is brn f financial difficulties. Only a few have becme wrried abut the impact f their shpping habit n the planet. But the shift is nly a partial slutin. Sme peple wrry that sme mainstream brands may “greenwash” -using secnd-hand gds t imprve their image, rather than engaging mre seriusly with sustainability.
    Hwever, the biggest cncern may be that peple keep buying because they knw they can resell gds, still chasing the pleasure f the next purchase but with an eased cnscience. Bh, a pwerful fast fashin cmpany, has seen sales and prfits rise, despite cncerns abut envirnmental prblems in its supply chain that led t an investigatin last year.
    A new Netflix series, Wrn Stries, dcuments the emtinal meanings that clthes can have: Each ld item is full f memries. Actually, a handbag frm a grandmther and a scarf passed n by a father are bth valuable fr us. A lve f style is nt a bad r an unimprtant thing. But a cmmitted relatinship is better than a quick flash. Can we learn t appreciate ur wn ld clthes as well as thers'?
    32. What des the wrd “mind-bggling” underlined in paragraph 1 prbably mean?
    A. Influential. B. Ppular. C. Reasnable. D. Unbelievable.
    33. With the business mentined in paragraph 2, the authr wants t shw ___________.
    A. ld clthes are mre ppular than new pieces
    B. the nline secnd-hand markets are bming
    C. the fashin wrld begins t favr vintage clthes
    D. many clthing brands are innvative in their new prducts
    34. Hw des the secnd-hand trade impact peple accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. It makes peple feel free t pursue fast fashin.
    B. It makes peple mre cautius abut their budgets.
    C. It encurages peple t chse ec-friendly clthes.
    D. It pushes peple t be mre engaged with sustainability.
    35. Which f the fllwing views des Wrn Stries advcate?
    A. Old items have lst favr with the public.
    B. Old items are wrthy f being lng cherished.
    C. Older generatins attach great imprtance t ld items.
    D. Older generatins care abut the quality f their clthes.
    第二节(共5题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Dive int icy depths may nt sund appealing. 36 thugh, especially fr thse wh are enthusiastic abut cld-water therapy. Participants claim jumping int r swimming in water n warmer than 15 degrees Celsius leaves them energetic and clear-headed, and even relieves pain.
    Cld-water therapy has becme mre mainstream in recent years, in part due t the influence f Wim Hf, a famus Dutch extreme athlete wh develped his wn methd f cld therapy cupled with cnscius-breathing techniques. 37 . 2, 000 years ag, ancient Greeks used water therapy t relieve fatigue and treat fever.
    In Scandinavian cuntries, a traditinal sauna (桑拿) sessin is smetimes fllwed by a cld swimming. 38 . High-perfrmance athletes als use ice baths r cld shwers t help reduce the delayed-nset muscle pains that fllws intense exercise. And recent research suggests impressive benefits fr mental health and stress management.
    “ 39 ,” says Harper Phillie, ne f a study's authrs. Swimming is als gd exercise and ften a scial activity, which helps t get rid f anxiety and allws the bdy t feel bth pleasure and mtivatin. Harper has been cld-water swimming fr nearly tw decades and cmpares the stress f cld-water therapy t that f intense exercise. “Dne safely, it's a pretty effective way t train the bdy,” he says. “But if yu've gt a heart cnditin, yu have t be careful.”
    If pen water isn't yur thing, cnsider cld shwers. Fr thse wanting t try cld-water swimming in a lake r cean, ease int it with shrt expsure times—just lng enugh fr yur bdy t get past the shck. 40 and always swim with a friend. Gradually increase the time yu spend in cld water t three r fur minutes, at least nce a week. “That's all yu need t get the benefits,” says Harper.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完型填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I have struggled with feelings f unwrthiness since frever. My mst painful mments were at parties. My friends made fun f me because I was rhythmically (有节奏地) 41 and I culdn’t get my 42 bdy t imitate the latest dance mves. I was never chsen t dance. I felt like I didn't 43 .
    Arund age 12, I decided that the way t 44 these feelings f unwrthiness was perfectin. If I was just perfect then I wuld fit in. But this strategy didn’t 45 .My self-esteem (自尊心) was high when I gt gd grades and felt 46 , but crashed when I didn't d well 47 , r was left ut.
    After several years f spiritual grwth, it 48 me that fr many f us, self-wrth is tied t ur 49 . We experience lw self-wrth 50 we fail r lse apprval. S I have begun t cultivate an uncnditinal self-wrth. It's nt abut ding things perfectly. 51 ,” Uncnditinal self-wrth” is the
    52 that yu deserve t be alive, t be lved and cared fr.
    The 53 t uncnditinal self-wrth is nt always easy. It takes curage t free yurself frm the 54 yu've placed n yur wrth. But this jurney is beautiful and wrth taking. S I challenge yu t embrace yurselves and find yur metaphrical (隐喻的) 55 flr and mve freely.
    41. A. adjustedB. btheredC. challengedD. cmprmised
    42. A. twistedB. annyedC. limitedD. awkward
    43. A. belngB. appealC. matchD. deserve
    44. A. slveB. cureC. releaseD. aruse
    45. A. sustainB. wrkC. hatchD. dismiss
    46. A. includedB. excludedC. inspiredD. appreciated
    47. A. internallyB. academicallyC. prfessinallyD. cntemprarily
    48. A. ccurs tB. happens tC. calls nD. kncks n
    49. A. desiresB. strengthsC. accmplishmentsD. harmny
    50. A. as well asB. as sn asC. as much asD. as far as
    51. A. StillB. HweverC. MeanwhileD. Rather
    52. A. definitinB. reslutinC. senseD. pse
    53. A. discveryB. accessC. jurneyD. experience
    54. A. emphasisB. burdenC. demandD. cnditins
    55. A. valleyB. frestC. danceD. balcny
    第二节 短文语法填空(共10题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    After waking up, yu may feel frustrated that yu cannt recall the dreams yu had last night. Artificial intelligence (AI) may be 56 (capacity) f helping yu, because they 57 (learn) all the time frm large amunts f data frm bth tests and images. Researchers frm Osaka University in Japan have gne t great 58 (lng) t train an AI system called Stable Diffusin t re-create images based n peple's brain scans.
    The researchers used an nline data set prvided by the University f Minnesta, US, 59 cnsisted f brain scans frm fur participants as they each viewed 60 set f 10, 000 phts.
    The AI then learned abut the brain activities n the basis f the 61 (analyze)f changes in bld flw and then matched the brain activities with the phts. Thrugh this methd, AI learned hw human brains wuld react when seeing different phts.
    62 (ultimate), the researchers tested the AI n additinal brain scans frm the same participants when they viewed phts f a ty bear, airplane, clck and train. If the persn lked at an airplane, fr example, the AI wuld use the brain scan data t create an image f a vague airplane. Then, it wuld turn 63 the previus “text-t-image” mdel and imprve the quality f the image by feeding itself the keywrd “airplane”. The final images were “cnvincing” with abut 80 percent f 64 (accurate), accrding t the researchers.
    The new study created a nvel apprach t 65 (cmbine) texts and images t “decde the brain”, In the future, scientists hpe that the technlgy can be used t recrd imagined thughts and dreams.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Lts f times, I’ve lked at that tree n the sandbank acrss the estuary (渡口). One day, I'm sitting n the beach with my friend Duncan. The tide is in, it's all the way acrss t the sandbank. "I culd swim t that tree,” I say.
    “G n, then,” says Duncan. I put dwn my twel and walk t the edge. I surge int the water with three heaves f butterfly strke (蝶泳), just t feel hw strng I am in the water and hw the sun feels n my back as I fling ut f the sea like a fish.
    One, tw, three, I’m breathing steadily and my arms are lifting in rhythm (有节奏地). Then I remember that stry in the paper last week. A man jumped int the water and grabbed a shark by its tail. Hw culd I frget that shark? I'm sprinting (冲刺) thrugh the water, which is suddenly s immense (无边无际的), s deep. Sn my arms and legs feel heavy. It's that feeling I get at the end f a race when I've given it everything.
    I've gt t pace myself, I think. The tree is far ff ahead smewhere. When I turn and lk back at Duncan, he seems s far away. I must be nearly halfway, I think. I tread water fr a mment, lking acrss at my tree.
    It hasn't cme any clser. Up ut f the sea I rise in a butterfly surge, breathing ne, tw, three, “It's easier,” I say t myself, even thugh I can nw feel the tugging (拖、拽) f the utging tide, and the salt water slaps my face mre than I want.
    I must be nearly there, I think, and stp and lk back at Duncan. His T-shirt is just a red blur (模糊不清的事物) n the beach. I smile t myself, thinking that nt many peple wuld d this swim, but I can. I turn my head t lk fr my tree.
    高二年级 英语试卷参考答案:
    1-5:CCBBA6-10: BCBBC11-15: AACBA16-20: BCBAB
    21-23: BCD24-27: ABDA28-31: DACC32-35: DBAB
    36-40: GFEAD41-45: CDABB46-50: ABACB51-55: DCCDC
    56. capable57. have been learning58. lengths59. which
    60. a61. analysis62. Ultimately63. n
    64. accuracy65. cmbining
    Dear Tm,
    Delighted t knw yu are interested in tai chi, I’m writing t share with yu smething abut it.
    Tai chi, rted in the philsphy f yin and yang, was said t have been invented and develped based n martial arts which have a lng-standing practice f imitating animals. That’s why sme tai chi mves are named after animals.
    Practicing tai chi can bring abut a state f physical balance and mental peace, which has a psitive effect n ur everyday life. Why nt jin ur tai chi club and enjy its benefits?(92 wrds)
    One pssible versin:
    But smething was wrng. The tree is as far away as ever. It’s still a fuzzy utline n the sandbank. And the tide has pulled me tward the pen sea. Then beside me is a silver flash. A flip int the water like a stne thrw. Plp. And again. Wuld a fish knw if there was a shark arund? Wuld it be shwing ff in the water like that, flipping up and dwn?
    My heart stps punding (心脏怦怦跳) in my ears s much. My arms and legs settle dwn. One, tw, three. I cunt my breathing. I think f hw much bigger and strnger I am. I think f all the lengths I d and training at the swimming pl. I want t be back at hme. I want t be sitting under that tree with Duncan, bathed in the sun. Suddenly the water is warmer. I stretch ne ft dwn, and surge ut f the water, arms up high. There’s the sand. I made it!A. Cld expsure increases “feel-gd” hrmnes
    B. The cld shck may hurt yu
    C. It made him ppular amng the cld-water enthusiasts
    D. Never start by submerging yur entire bdy in at nce
    E. Changing between ht and cld temperatures enables bld t mve quicker in the skin
    F. But it's nt a new trend
    G. The benefits greatly utweigh any shrt-term discmfrt
    Dear Tm,
    Li Hua
    But smething was wrng.
    My heart stps punding (怦怦跳) in my ears s much.

    55,山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份55,山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题,共12页。

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    64,江苏省常州市田家炳高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月课时英语试卷: 这是一份64,江苏省常州市田家炳高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月课时英语试卷,共8页。






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