Unit 2 My week第5课时(教学设计)人教PEP版英语五年级上册
这是一份Unit 2 My week第5课时(教学设计)人教PEP版英语五年级上册,共5页。
第五课时一、课时内容教科书第19-20页:B. Read and write Let’s check.二、课时分析Read and write板块旨在提升学生的阅读和听力能力,这是在学习A和B部分的重点词汇和问答句型后设置的灵活应用练习板块。阅读部分题目名为“罗宾的建议”,以对话形式呈现,包含了本单元的关键特殊疑问句,如“What do you have on Fridays?”和“What do you do on the weekend?”,还有一般疑问句结构“Do you often play sports?”以及频度副词的使用,如“I often watch TV. Sometimes I read books.”。通过Robin与Wu Binbin的对话,揭示了Wu Binbin不热衷于体育运动,在周末常看电视,偶尔阅读。因此,Wu Binbin在周一上完体育课后疲倦不堪,显得疲惫。接下来,Robin为Wu Binbin制定了一周的体育运动计划,鼓励他按计划进行有计划的体育锻炼。三个判断正误的句子采用陈述句结构,主语为第三人称单数,引导学生注意这些句子中谓语动词“watches”、“reads”和“likes”的第三人称单数形式。这些句子可以帮助学生理解Robin为Wu Binbin制定的体育运动计划表。在教学过程中,教师需特别注意Robin提出的含有情态动词“should”的建议句式:“You should play sports every day.”。星期几的缩写形式呈现为:Mon.(Monday),Tues.(Tuesday),Wed.(Wednesday),Thur.(Thursday),Fri.(Friday),Sat.(Saturday),Sun.(Sunday)。教师应引导学生注意日常生活中的星期几的简写标记。接下来,Sarah与Wu Binbin围绕Robin为他制定的体育运动计划展开对话,对话中有两个空白,要求学生在理解该计划的基础上,独立完成句子填空,以检验阅读理解能力,并提升在相关语境中的灵活应用能力。接下来是“Let’s check.”部分,包含两个听力板块。第一个板块要求学生根据听到的内容给四张课程表标上序号,这里的课程表仍以缩写星期几的形式呈现,因此,教师应引导学生关注每个缩写形式。第二个板块要求学生阅读教材中的三个一般疑问句,并根据个人实际情况,圈出肯定或否定回答。这样,学生可以将课堂所学的新句型与自身日常生活联系起来,实际应用英语句型,培养学以致用的能力,使英语学习更具现实意义。本课时旨在提升学生的阅读理解和听力能力,为了帮助学生充分发挥阅读和听力潜能,教师应充分备课,准备多样化的项目和活动,充分利用课堂时间,让学生得到更多的阅读训练,同时帮助学生熟练掌握重点词汇和句型,提升他们在实际应用中的灵活性和应变能力。三、课时目标(1)借助图片提示,理解以对话形式呈现的《Robin’s advice》短文内容。(2)将短文内容准确翻译成汉语。(3)正确完成Wu Binbin新体育课程表后面的两个训练题。(4)独立完成听力训练任务。(5)能够在实际情境中灵活应用本单元所学知识,解决问题。四、课时重难点1.重点(1)能够借助图片提示,理解《Robin’s advice》中以日记形式呈现的短文内容,并正确完成Wu Binbin新体育课程表后面的两个训练题。(2)独立完成与听力训练相关的任务。2.难点(1)在实际情境中灵活应用本单元所学知识,理解与本单元相关的阅读短文。(2)听懂与本单元相关的对话内容,并成功完成相关训练。五、教学准备多媒体课件,录音机与录音磁带,自制PPT课件,课件内容包括与本单元有关的四个听力训练,以及三个阅读短文训练。六、教学过程课前热身(1)猜谜语游戏。教师做动作,学生说动词短语。T: Good morning, everyone! How are you today? Let's warm up our minds with a fun game. I'm going to show you some actions, and I want you to tell me the verb phrases that match these actions. Are you ready?Ss: Yes!T: Great! Here's the first action: (Teacher pretends to jump) What's the verb phrase?S1: Jump!T: That's right! Jump. Let's try another one: (Teacher pretends to clap hands) What's the verb phrase?S2: Clap hands!T: Excellent! You're doing a fantastic job. Let's do one more: (Teacher pretends to run in place) What do you say?S3: Run in place!T: Perfect! You all guessed it correctly. Now our minds are warmed up and ready to learn!(2)踩地雷游戏。教师做闪卡动作,学生们朗读短语。告诉学生们play football是地雷,每当看到这个词组时,不能读出来,只能发出“砰”的响声词,谁如果不经意读了它,就相当于被炸了。然后,学生们继续往下朗读词卡上的动词短语。T: Now, let's play a game that's a little bit tricky and a lot of fun! It's called "Landmine Game." I have some verb phrase cards here, and you're going to read them out loud. But watch out! There's a landmine hiding among these cards. Can you guess what it is?Ss: What is it?T: "Play football" is the landmine! Every time you see "play football" on the card, don't say it out loud. Instead, make a "boom" sound like this: (Teacher makes a "boom" sound)S4: (Reads a card) Jump rope.T: Great job! No landmine there. Keep going!S5: (Reads a card) Swim in the pool.T: You're doing fantastic! Keep going, but remember the landmine!S6: (Reads a card) Play football.T: Boom! You found the landmine! Be careful not to say "play football." Keep going, everyone!设计意图:通过猜谜语和踩地雷的游戏,激发学生的兴趣,帮助他们活跃课堂氛围,以欢乐的方式开始课堂。导入(1)歌曲导入。播放英语歌曲“Days of the week”,学生们大声跟唱,与音乐同步,声音洪亮,气势雄伟,烘托课堂氛围。T: Now, let's get into the groove with a catchy song! I'm going to play a song called "Days of the Week." Listen carefully and join me in singing along. Ready?(播放歌曲,学生们跟着一起唱歌)T: Wonderful singing, everyone! You sound like a chorus of little stars. This song will help us remember the days of the week.(2)语言导入。T: Now that we're all energized, let's have a quick chat. Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang!T: How are you feeling today?Ss: Very well, thanks!T: What day is it today?Ss: It's Monday.T: Fantastic! Now, can you tell me what classes you have on Mondays?S1: We have Chinese, maths, music, and science on Mondays.T: Great job! It sounds like you have a busy day ahead. Now, let me ask you, do you often play sports on the weekend?S2: No, we don't!S3: Yes, we do!T: Interesting! What do you usually do on the weekend?S4: I often do my homework, play ping-pong, and watch TV.S5: On weekends, I usually do my homework, read books, do some laundry, and listen to music.T: Fantastic responses, everyone! It's wonderful to learn about your weekend activities. Now, would you like to know what Wu Binbin does on the weekend?Ss: Yes!T: Wonderful! Let's dive into the world of Wu Binbin and see what he and Robin are talking about.Ss: Yay!设计意图:通过互动式的师生对话,引发学生们兴趣,复习了本单元的句型和词汇,自然引入课程主题,为接下来的学习铺垫。新课呈现(1)观看动画课件。打开多媒体,点击网络教育资源包,播放与本课时相符合的课件Robin’s advice, 请学生们观看情景图画,并认真听Robin和Wu Binbin的对话。T: Now, it's time for us to dive into the main content of today's lesson. I've prepared an exciting animation for you all. Let's open our multimedia resources and watch the animation titled "Robin's Advice." As you watch the scenes, pay close attention to the dialogue between Robin and Wu Binbin.(播放动画,学生们观看)(2)学生讨论,相互质疑,相互解答。同桌进行讨论,每位学生把对话中自己不明白的内容,向对方提出疑问,感觉对方解答的不正确,把该问题留下来,等一会,请老师帮助解答。T: Excellent! I hope you enjoyed the animation. Now, I want you to turn to your partner and discuss the dialogue between Robin and Wu Binbin. If there's something you didn't quite understand, feel free to ask your partner for板书设计Unit 2 class 5星期几的简写与完全形式:Mon. = Monday Tues. = Tuesday Wed. = Wednesday Thur. = ThursdayFri. = Friday Sat. = Saturday Sun. = Sunday
第五课时一、课时内容教科书第19-20页:B. Read and write Let’s check.二、课时分析Read and write板块旨在提升学生的阅读和听力能力,这是在学习A和B部分的重点词汇和问答句型后设置的灵活应用练习板块。阅读部分题目名为“罗宾的建议”,以对话形式呈现,包含了本单元的关键特殊疑问句,如“What do you have on Fridays?”和“What do you do on the weekend?”,还有一般疑问句结构“Do you often play sports?”以及频度副词的使用,如“I often watch TV. Sometimes I read books.”。通过Robin与Wu Binbin的对话,揭示了Wu Binbin不热衷于体育运动,在周末常看电视,偶尔阅读。因此,Wu Binbin在周一上完体育课后疲倦不堪,显得疲惫。接下来,Robin为Wu Binbin制定了一周的体育运动计划,鼓励他按计划进行有计划的体育锻炼。三个判断正误的句子采用陈述句结构,主语为第三人称单数,引导学生注意这些句子中谓语动词“watches”、“reads”和“likes”的第三人称单数形式。这些句子可以帮助学生理解Robin为Wu Binbin制定的体育运动计划表。在教学过程中,教师需特别注意Robin提出的含有情态动词“should”的建议句式:“You should play sports every day.”。星期几的缩写形式呈现为:Mon.(Monday),Tues.(Tuesday),Wed.(Wednesday),Thur.(Thursday),Fri.(Friday),Sat.(Saturday),Sun.(Sunday)。教师应引导学生注意日常生活中的星期几的简写标记。接下来,Sarah与Wu Binbin围绕Robin为他制定的体育运动计划展开对话,对话中有两个空白,要求学生在理解该计划的基础上,独立完成句子填空,以检验阅读理解能力,并提升在相关语境中的灵活应用能力。接下来是“Let’s check.”部分,包含两个听力板块。第一个板块要求学生根据听到的内容给四张课程表标上序号,这里的课程表仍以缩写星期几的形式呈现,因此,教师应引导学生关注每个缩写形式。第二个板块要求学生阅读教材中的三个一般疑问句,并根据个人实际情况,圈出肯定或否定回答。这样,学生可以将课堂所学的新句型与自身日常生活联系起来,实际应用英语句型,培养学以致用的能力,使英语学习更具现实意义。本课时旨在提升学生的阅读理解和听力能力,为了帮助学生充分发挥阅读和听力潜能,教师应充分备课,准备多样化的项目和活动,充分利用课堂时间,让学生得到更多的阅读训练,同时帮助学生熟练掌握重点词汇和句型,提升他们在实际应用中的灵活性和应变能力。三、课时目标(1)借助图片提示,理解以对话形式呈现的《Robin’s advice》短文内容。(2)将短文内容准确翻译成汉语。(3)正确完成Wu Binbin新体育课程表后面的两个训练题。(4)独立完成听力训练任务。(5)能够在实际情境中灵活应用本单元所学知识,解决问题。四、课时重难点1.重点(1)能够借助图片提示,理解《Robin’s advice》中以日记形式呈现的短文内容,并正确完成Wu Binbin新体育课程表后面的两个训练题。(2)独立完成与听力训练相关的任务。2.难点(1)在实际情境中灵活应用本单元所学知识,理解与本单元相关的阅读短文。(2)听懂与本单元相关的对话内容,并成功完成相关训练。五、教学准备多媒体课件,录音机与录音磁带,自制PPT课件,课件内容包括与本单元有关的四个听力训练,以及三个阅读短文训练。六、教学过程课前热身(1)猜谜语游戏。教师做动作,学生说动词短语。T: Good morning, everyone! How are you today? Let's warm up our minds with a fun game. I'm going to show you some actions, and I want you to tell me the verb phrases that match these actions. Are you ready?Ss: Yes!T: Great! Here's the first action: (Teacher pretends to jump) What's the verb phrase?S1: Jump!T: That's right! Jump. Let's try another one: (Teacher pretends to clap hands) What's the verb phrase?S2: Clap hands!T: Excellent! You're doing a fantastic job. Let's do one more: (Teacher pretends to run in place) What do you say?S3: Run in place!T: Perfect! You all guessed it correctly. Now our minds are warmed up and ready to learn!(2)踩地雷游戏。教师做闪卡动作,学生们朗读短语。告诉学生们play football是地雷,每当看到这个词组时,不能读出来,只能发出“砰”的响声词,谁如果不经意读了它,就相当于被炸了。然后,学生们继续往下朗读词卡上的动词短语。T: Now, let's play a game that's a little bit tricky and a lot of fun! It's called "Landmine Game." I have some verb phrase cards here, and you're going to read them out loud. But watch out! There's a landmine hiding among these cards. Can you guess what it is?Ss: What is it?T: "Play football" is the landmine! Every time you see "play football" on the card, don't say it out loud. Instead, make a "boom" sound like this: (Teacher makes a "boom" sound)S4: (Reads a card) Jump rope.T: Great job! No landmine there. Keep going!S5: (Reads a card) Swim in the pool.T: You're doing fantastic! Keep going, but remember the landmine!S6: (Reads a card) Play football.T: Boom! You found the landmine! Be careful not to say "play football." Keep going, everyone!设计意图:通过猜谜语和踩地雷的游戏,激发学生的兴趣,帮助他们活跃课堂氛围,以欢乐的方式开始课堂。导入(1)歌曲导入。播放英语歌曲“Days of the week”,学生们大声跟唱,与音乐同步,声音洪亮,气势雄伟,烘托课堂氛围。T: Now, let's get into the groove with a catchy song! I'm going to play a song called "Days of the Week." Listen carefully and join me in singing along. Ready?(播放歌曲,学生们跟着一起唱歌)T: Wonderful singing, everyone! You sound like a chorus of little stars. This song will help us remember the days of the week.(2)语言导入。T: Now that we're all energized, let's have a quick chat. Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang!T: How are you feeling today?Ss: Very well, thanks!T: What day is it today?Ss: It's Monday.T: Fantastic! Now, can you tell me what classes you have on Mondays?S1: We have Chinese, maths, music, and science on Mondays.T: Great job! It sounds like you have a busy day ahead. Now, let me ask you, do you often play sports on the weekend?S2: No, we don't!S3: Yes, we do!T: Interesting! What do you usually do on the weekend?S4: I often do my homework, play ping-pong, and watch TV.S5: On weekends, I usually do my homework, read books, do some laundry, and listen to music.T: Fantastic responses, everyone! It's wonderful to learn about your weekend activities. Now, would you like to know what Wu Binbin does on the weekend?Ss: Yes!T: Wonderful! Let's dive into the world of Wu Binbin and see what he and Robin are talking about.Ss: Yay!设计意图:通过互动式的师生对话,引发学生们兴趣,复习了本单元的句型和词汇,自然引入课程主题,为接下来的学习铺垫。新课呈现(1)观看动画课件。打开多媒体,点击网络教育资源包,播放与本课时相符合的课件Robin’s advice, 请学生们观看情景图画,并认真听Robin和Wu Binbin的对话。T: Now, it's time for us to dive into the main content of today's lesson. I've prepared an exciting animation for you all. Let's open our multimedia resources and watch the animation titled "Robin's Advice." As you watch the scenes, pay close attention to the dialogue between Robin and Wu Binbin.(播放动画,学生们观看)(2)学生讨论,相互质疑,相互解答。同桌进行讨论,每位学生把对话中自己不明白的内容,向对方提出疑问,感觉对方解答的不正确,把该问题留下来,等一会,请老师帮助解答。T: Excellent! I hope you enjoyed the animation. Now, I want you to turn to your partner and discuss the dialogue between Robin and Wu Binbin. If there's something you didn't quite understand, feel free to ask your partner for板书设计Unit 2 class 5星期几的简写与完全形式:Mon. = Monday Tues. = Tuesday Wed. = Wednesday Thur. = ThursdayFri. = Friday Sat. = Saturday Sun. = Sunday
