- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第29天 flash~fortnight(词形转换+单句填空+熟词新意+写作应用+同步语篇) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第30天 fortunately-fund(词形转换+单句填空+熟词新意+写作应用+同步语篇) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第32天 golden-guidance(词形转换+单句填空+熟词新意+写作应用+同步语篇) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第33天 guide-headache(词形转换+单句填空+熟词新意+写作应用+同步语篇) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第34天 headline-hobby(词形转换+单句填空+熟词新意+写作应用+同步语篇) 试卷 1 次下载
高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第31天 furniture~gold(词形转换+单句填空+熟词新意+写作应用+同步语篇)
1501.furniture [ˈfɜːnɪtʃə] n.家具
1502.further [ˈfɜːðə]a. 进一步的;更远的
1503.future [ˈfjuːtʃə] n. 将来
1504.gain [ɡeɪn] vt. 赢得;挣得
1505.gallery [ˈɡælərɪ] n. 画廊;美术品陈列室
1506.game [ɡeɪm] n. 游戏;运动;比赛
1507.gap [ɡæp]n. 缝隙,缺口
1508.garage [ˈɡærɑːʒ] n. 汽车库
1509.garbage [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ] n. 垃圾
1510.garden [ˈɡɑːdən] n. 花园, 果园, 菜园
1511.garlic [ˈɡɑːlɪk] n. 大蒜
1512.gas [ɡæs] n. 煤气
1513.gate [ɡeɪt] n. 大门
1514.gather [ˈɡæðə] v. 聚集;采集
1515.gender [ˈdʒendə] n. 性别
1516.gene[dʒiːn] n. 基因,遗传因子
1517.general [ˈdʒenərəl] a. 大体的,总的
1518.generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt] vt. 产生,引起
1519.generatin [dʒenəˈreɪʃən] n.一代
1520.generus [ˈdʒenərəs] a. 慷慨大方的
1521.genius [ˈdʒiːniəs] n. 天资;天才
1522.gentle [ˈdʒentəl] a. 温柔的, 轻轻的
1523.gentleman [ˈdʒentəlmən] n. 绅士, 先生
1524.genuine[ˈdʒenjuɪn] a. 真正的;真诚的
1525.gegraphy [dʒɪˈɔɡrəfɪ] n. 地理学
1526.gemetry [dʒɪ'ɑmɪtrɪ] n. 几何学
1527.German [ˈdʒɜːmən] a. 德国的n.德语
1528.gesture [ˈdʒestʃə] n. 姿势, 手势
1529.get [ɡet] vt. 成为;具有;到达
1530.get-tgether [ɡet-təˈɡeðə)] n. 聚会
1531.giant[ˈdʒaɪənt] n. 巨人 a. 巨大的
1532.gift [ɡɪft] n. 赠品;礼物
1533.gifted [ˈɡɪftɪd] a. 有天赋的
1534.giraffe [dʒɪˈrɑːf]n. 长颈鹿
1535.girl [ɡɜːl] n. 女孩
1536.give (gave, given) [ɡɪv] vt.递给,给予
1537.given[ˈɡɪvən] prep. 考虑到
1538.glad [ɡlæd] a. 高兴的;乐意的
1539.glance [glɑːns] vi. 匆匆一看;一瞥
1540.glare [ɡleə] v. 瞪眼,怒目而视,闪耀
1541.glass [ɡlɑːs] n.玻璃;(复)眼镜
1542.glbal [ˈɡləʊbəl] a.全球的,全世界的
1543.glbe [ɡləʊb] n. 地球仪,地球
1544.glry [ˈɡlɔːrɪ] n.光荣; 荣誉;赞美
1545glve [ɡlʌv] n. 手套
1546.glue [ɡluː] n. 胶水
1547.g [ɡəʊ] vi. 去;走
1548.gal [ɡəʊl] n.球门, 目标
1549.gat [ɡəʊt] n. 山羊
1550.gld [ɡəʊld] n. 黄金 a黄金的
1501.furniture [ˈfɜːnɪtʃə] n.__________
1502.further [ˈfɜːðə]a. __________
1503.future [ˈfjuːtʃə] n. __________
1504.gain [ɡeɪn] vt. __________
1505.gallery [ˈɡælərɪ] n. __________
1506.game [ɡeɪm] n. __________
1507.gap [ɡæp]n. __________
1508.garage [ˈɡærɑːʒ] n. __________
1509.garbage [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ] n. __________
1510.garden [ˈɡɑːdən] n. __________
1511.garlic [ˈɡɑːlɪk] n. __________
1512.gas [ɡæs] n. __________
1513.gate [ɡeɪt] n. __________
1514.gather [ˈɡæðə] v. __________
1515.gender [ˈdʒendə] n. __________
1516.gene[dʒiːn] n. __________
1517.general [ˈdʒenərəl] a. __________
1518.generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt] vt. __________
1519.generatin [dʒenəˈreɪʃən] n. __________
1520.generus [ˈdʒenərəs] a. __________
1521.genius [ˈdʒiːniəs] n. __________
1522.gentle [ˈdʒentəl] a. __________
1523.gentleman [ˈdʒentəlmən] n. __________
1524.genuine[ˈdʒenjuɪn] a. __________
1525.gegraphy [dʒɪˈɔɡrəfɪ] n. __________
1526.gemetry [dʒɪ'ɑmɪtrɪ] n. __________
1527.German [ˈdʒɜːmən] a. ______n. ________
1528.gesture [ˈdʒestʃə] n. __________
1529.get [ɡet] vt. __________
1530.get-tgether [ɡet-təˈɡeðə)] n. __________
1531.giant[ˈdʒaɪənt] n. ________ a. ________
1532.gift [ɡɪft] n. __________
1533.gifted [ˈɡɪftɪd] a. __________
1534.giraffe [dʒɪˈrɑːf]n. __________
1535.girl [ɡɜːl] n. __________
1536.give (gave, given) [ɡɪv] vt. __________
1537.given[ˈɡɪvən] prep. __________
1538.glad [ɡlæd] a. __________
1539.glance [glɑːns] vi. __________
1540.glare [ɡleə] v. __________
1541.glass [ɡlɑːs] n. __________
1542.glbal [ˈɡləʊbəl] a. __________
1543.glbe [ɡləʊb] n. __________
1544.glry [ˈɡlɔːrɪ] n. __________
1545.glve [ɡlʌv] n. __________
1546.glue [ɡluː] n. __________
1547.g [ɡəʊ] vi. __________
1548.gal [ɡəʊl] n. __________
1549.gat [ɡəʊt] n. __________
1550.gld [ɡəʊld] n. ______ a__________
维度三:汉译英版(frtunate~furnished furniture~gld)
1501. __________ [ˈfɜːnɪtʃə] n.家具
1502. __________ [ˈfɜːðə]a. 进一步的;更远的
1503. __________ [ˈfjuːtʃə] n. 将来
1504. __________ [ɡeɪn] vt. 赢得;挣得
1505. __________ [ˈɡælərɪ] n. 画廊;美术品陈列室
1506. __________ [ɡeɪm] n. 游戏;运动;比赛
1507. __________ [ɡæp]n. 缝隙,缺口
1508. __________ [ˈɡærɑːʒ] n. 汽车库
1509. __________ [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ] n. 垃圾
1510. __________ [ˈɡɑːdən] n. 花园, 果园, 菜园
1511. __________ [ˈɡɑːlɪk] n. 大蒜
1512. __________ [ɡæs] n. 煤气
1513. __________ [ɡeɪt] n. 大门
1514. __________ [ˈɡæðə] v. 聚集;采集
1515. __________ [ˈdʒendə] n. 性别
1516. __________ [dʒiːn] n. 基因,遗传因子
1517. __________ [ˈdʒenərəl] a. 大体的,总的
1518. __________ [ˈdʒenəreɪt] vt. 产生,引起
1519. __________ [dʒenəˈreɪʃən] n.一代
1520. __________ [ˈdʒenərəs] a. 慷慨大方的
1521. __________ [ˈdʒiːniəs] n. 天资;天才
1522. __________ [ˈdʒentəl] a. 温柔的, 轻轻的
1523. __________ [ˈdʒentəlmən] n. 绅士, 先生
1524. __________ [ˈdʒenjuɪn] a. 真正的;真诚的
1525. __________ [dʒɪˈɔɡrəfɪ] n. 地理学
1526. __________ [dʒɪ'ɑmɪtrɪ] n. 几何学
1527. __________ [ˈdʒɜːmən] a. 德国的n.德语
1528. __________ [ˈdʒestʃə] n. 姿势, 手势
1529. __________ [ɡet] vt. 成为;具有;到达
1530. __________ [ɡet-təˈɡeðə)] n. 聚会
1531. __________ [ˈdʒaɪənt] n. 巨人 a. 巨大的
1532. __________ [ɡɪft] n. 赠品;礼物
1533. __________ [ˈɡɪftɪd] a. 有天赋的
1534. __________ [dʒɪˈrɑːf]n. 长颈鹿
1535. __________ [ɡɜːl] n. 女孩
1536. __________ [ɡɪv] vt.递给,给予
1537. __________ [ˈɡɪvən] prep. 考虑到
1538. __________ [ɡlæd] a. 高兴的;乐意的
1539. __________ [glɑːns] vi. 匆匆一看;一瞥
1540. __________ [ɡleə] v. 瞪眼,怒目而视,闪耀
1541. __________ [ɡlɑːs] n.玻璃;(复)眼镜
1542. __________ [ˈɡləʊbəl] a.全球的,全世界的
1543. __________ [ɡləʊb] n. 地球仪,地球
1544. __________ [ˈɡlɔːrɪ] n.光荣; 荣誉;赞美
1545. __________ [ɡlʌv] n. 手套
1546. __________ [ɡluː] n. 胶水
1547. __________ [ɡəʊ] vi. 去;走
1548. __________ [ɡəʊl] n.球门, 目标
1549. __________ [ɡəʊt] n. 山羊
1550. __________ [ɡəʊld] n. 黄金 a黄金的
1.furnish vt. 为(房间或房屋)配备家具
furniture n.家具
2.gather v. 聚集;采集
gathering n. 聚集,聚会
3.gene n. 基因,遗传因子
genetic a. 基因的,遗传学的
4.general a. 大体的,总的
generally ad. 大概;通常
5.generate vt. 产生,引起
generatin n.一代
generatr n. 发电机;产生者
6.generus a. 慷慨大方的
genersity n. 慷慨,大方
7.gentle a. 温柔的, 轻轻的
gently ad. 温柔地;轻柔地
8.gentleman n. 绅士, 先生
gentlemen pl. 绅士, 先生
9.genuine a. 真正的;真诚的
genuinely ad. 真诚地;的确
10.German a. 德国的n.德语
Germnay n. 德国
11.gift n. 赠品;礼物
gifted a. 有天赋的
givenprep. 考虑到
13.glass n.玻璃;
glasses pl眼镜
14.glbe n. 地球仪,地球
glbal a.全球的,全世界的
glbally ad. 全球地;全局地
15.glryn.光荣; 荣誉;赞美
glrius a. 光荣的;辉煌的
16.gldn. 黄金 a黄金的
glden a. 金制的;金色的
1.a piece f furniture 家具
2.further studies 深造
3.fr further infrmatin 获取更多信息
4.in the future 在将来
5.N pains, n gains. 不劳无获。
6.cmputer games 电脑游戏
7.play a game打比赛,打游戏
8.generatin gap 代沟
9.fill the gap 弥补差距
10.at the schl gate在学校大门口
11.gather infrmatin 收集信息
12.in general大致,总的来说
13.generally speaking一般来说
14.It is generus f sb t d sth某人做&是慷慨的
15.ladies and gentleman 女士们,先生们
16.the German language 德语
17.get acrss使被理解
18.get ahead 取得成功
19.get alng with与……相处
20.get arund 消息传开;走动
21.get away with做坏事未受惩罚
22.get dwn t ding着手做某事
23.get n 上车;进展
24.get ver 克服困难
25.get thrugh打通电话;通过;完成
26.get t到达
27.get tgether相聚
28.get up起床
29.have a gift fr 有……天赋
30.be gifted in有……天赋
31.give away泄露;赠送;颁发
32.give in屈服,让步
33.give ff发出(气味,光)
34.give ut 分发;耗尽
35.give up 放弃
36.given that鉴于;考虑到
37.glance at 瞥一眼
38.glare at 怒目而视
39.a pair f glasses一副眼镜
40.glbal warming全球变暖
41.the glbe地球仪
46.a pair f glves一副手套
47.be glued t sth. 紧贴着
48.g against违反;违背
49.g ahead继续;说吧
50.g fr 努力获取
51.g in fr 参加,从事
52.g n with 接着干……
53.g ver复习
54.g thrugh穿过;经历;浏览
55.g withut 没有……也行
56.g wrng出毛病;出错
57.achieve a gal实现目标
58.win the gld medal赢得金牌
1. Shirley, a real bk lver, ften brings hme many bks t read ____________the library.
2. He likes t eat____________ (fry) chicken.
3. If we prepare____________ (full), we can achieve great things.
4. ____________fun it is t jump int water fr a swim in summer.
5. The huse isn’t big enugh fr us, and____________it's t far frm the twn.
6. He has fund the gate____________success.
7. A streful jumney t wark gets yur bld pressure____________ (climb).
8. Yur mbile pbne desn’t wrk, and yu’d better get it____________ (repair).
9. Yu'll never get her____________ (agree).
10. His father gt____________ (kill) in a car accident.
11.The nly piece f ____________(furnish) he has in his rm is a bed.
12. We held a____________ (gather) during the Spring Festival.
13.It was generus ____________ yu t share yur fd with me.
14.I felt a persn patting my shulder____________ (gentle).
15. She was a ____________ (gift)teacher wh never talked dwn t her students.
16. Berning cal causes serius air plutin and increases ____________ (glbe)warming
17. She was nt allwed t run and win____________ (glrius) fr herself in the Olympic Games.d er
18. In the winter she wears thick scks, warm bts and____________ (glve).
19. Fcusing n that gal helps me get____________tugh times.
20. Bdy language can give____________a lt abut yur md, s standing with yur arms flded can send ut a signal that yu are being defensive.
21. ____________ (give) their inexperience, they’ve dne a gd jb.
22. T get a better grade, yu shuld g____________the ntes again befre the test.
23. Peple cannt live withut water and neither agriculture nr industry can g __________it.
24. In spite f the rain, they went n ____________(play) tennis.
25.After climbing the Great Wall, they went n ____________(visit) the Summer Palace.
26. It is _____________(general) accepted that smking is harmful t ur health.
27. He gave in _____________ curisity and pened my letter.
1. There is a big desk fr the teacher ____________ (在……的前部) the classrm.
2. He was a man ____________ (充满……的) imaginatin.
3.I've always believed in living life____________ (尽可能地).
4. I'll d sme reading bt ____________ (为了消遣),and fr knwledge as well.
5. He felt dwn after____________ (参加葬礼).
6. ____________ (一般),the nrtherners are keen n dumplings while the sutherners are fnd f rice.
7. ____________ (一般说来),the mre the camera csts, the better quality it has.
8. It will take sme time fr yu t____________(逐渐了解) everyne.
9. I spke slwly, but my meaning didn’t____________ (被理解).
10. We can ____________ (应付下去)withut yur help.
11. I wrked hard and________________________ (和……相处得好) my teachers and classmates.
12. D yu think the murderer shuld____________ (做坏事而未受惩罚)it?
13. Many hmeless peple____________ (染上……的习惯) begging t get enugh mney t stay alive.
14.I dn’t knw hw we are ging t____________ (克服)these difficulties.
15. It’s ging t rain. Will yu please help me____________(收) the clthes nthe line?
16. They agreed t____________ (举办一场聚会).
17.He____________ (有天赋)music.
18.I____________ (送掉)mst f my bks when 1 left schl.
19 The news f the mayr's cming t ur schl fr a visit ____________ (被公布) n the radi yesterday.
20 Wht shf we use fr pwer when all the il in the wrld ____________ (已经耗尽).
21. I need t____________ (摆脱) the pressures f wrk.
22.She did nt lk happy but____________ (瞪着) him.
23. D yu think the husing price will____________ (持续上涨)in the years t cme?
24. I bad such fun at the party that time seemed t____________ (过去) s quickly.
25. I dn't ____________ (喜欢) rckn’rll. It’s much t nisy fr my taste.
26.I was in the middle f packing up my things when suddenly the pwer ____________ (熄灭).
27.1 verslept this mning because my mrning elck didn’t____________ (响起)
28.--Culd I use this dictinary?
---____________ (用吧). It's a spare ne.
29.It's time we ____________ (开始干正事).
30. It ____________ (自不必说) saying that health is abve wealth.
维度八:熟词新意 (furniture~gld)
1. His car is being repaired in the garage.
2. He stadied gardening in university.
3. In gegraphy chass we learn abut cuntries and peple in them.
4. My watch gains by several minutes a day.
5. Why dn’t yu exhibit yur paintings in an art gallery?
6. Tday, the generatin gap has nt disappeared, but it is getting narrw in many familics.
7. A gene is a unit inside acell which cntrls a particular quality in a living thing that has been passed frm its parents.
8. He was a great general and wn many battles.
9. He has a genius fr languages, which makes it easy fr him t master several languages.
10. He made a gesture with his hand pressing dwnwards.
11. He glanced quickly ver his shulder t see if he was being fllwed.
12. Peple f all ages walk happily alng the pavement with eyes and hands glued t the mbile phne.
4.我已翻遍所有的口袋,但就是找不到钥匙。(g thrugh)
5.据说新校规没有被通过。(g thrugh)
Tny Leung wins lifetime achievement award in Venice
| Updated: 2023-09-03 16:52
Hng Kng superstar Tny Leung Chiu-wai received the Glden Lin award fr lifetime achievement at the 56 (eighty) Venice Film Festival n Saturday, making histry as the first Chinese actr t be awarded with the high hnr.
Icnic directr Ang Lee, wh cllabrated(协作) with Leung in the 2007 film Lust, Cautin, which wn a Glden Lin fr Best Picture at the 64th Venice Film Festival, 57 (deliver) an emtinal, six-minute-lng speech t praise Leung as a gifted and kind-hearted star.
Referring t Leung 58 "a directr's dream", Lee highlighted Leung's gift in cnveying cmplex emtin thrugh his eyes. "There is smething in his eyes that's thrilling, nt just his physical eyes r skill, 59 the sul that shines thrugh them. He can say 60 (much) in ne lk than many actrs can with a full mnlgue," said Lee.
When hearing that he wn the award, Leung culdn't hld back his tears and 61 (fill) with emtin. The 61-year-ld star expressed deep gratitude t his wife, Hng Kng 62 (act) Carina Lau Kar-ling.
He als said that he felt grateful fr having grwn up in Hng Kng and having been nurtured by the lcal film industry, 63 his acting career began.
The news f his award win, which has als made Leung the third Chinese film celebrity 64 (receive) a lifetime achievement award at Venice Film Festival, 65 (fllw) directrs Jhn W and Ann Hui, has caused quite a buzz n majr scial platfrms like Sina Weib.
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