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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. Wh is the man?
    A. A taxi driver.B. A restaurant waiter.C. A traffic pliceman.
    2. Where is the desk?
    A. Under the windw.B. Acrss frm the dr.C. Oppsite the windw.
    3. Which writer are mst f the class writing abut?
    A. Ernest Hemingway.B. F. Sctt Fitzgerald.C. William Shakespeare.
    4. What is the main tpic f the cnversatin?
    A. The man’s jb.B. The man’s vacatin.C. The man’s mther.
    5. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 5:00.B. At 5:45.C. At 6:15.
    6. Why des the wman g t the Olympic Sprts Center?
    A. T watch a match.B. T see a cncert.C. T attend a game.
    7. Hw will the wman g t the Olympic Sprts Center?
    A. By bus.B. By subway.C. By taxi.
    8. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In an elevatr.B. At a cinema.C. On a bus.
    9. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends.B. Strangers.C. Neighbrs.
    10. Why des the man hire bikes?
    A. T d sme exercise.B. T visit his friend.C. T see the island.
    11. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Meet her tmrrw.B. Walk alng the beach.C. Hire a mtrbike.
    12. Where is the man staying?
    A. At Burt’s Bicycles.B. At the Hliday Sun Htel.C. At N. 100 Teckman Street.
    13. What des the wman have a prblem with abut the essay?
    A. The shape.B. The tpic.C. The grade.
    14. What des the prfessr want t d befre talking abut her paper?
    A. Lk at her paper.B. Mark her paper.C. Hand back her paper.
    15. What’s the prblem f the wman’s essay?
    A. She wrte t lng.B. She didn’t fcus n the tpic.C. She wrte nly tw paragraphs.
    16. What will the speakers discuss next prbably?
    A. Hw t write the paper better.B. Hw t intrduce Lincln.C. Hw t make cmments.
    17. Wh is the speaker prbably speaking t?
    A. Freign teachers.B. Researchers.C. Students.
    18. Which place has many displays frm different cuntries?
    A. The Cnservatry f Flwers.B. The de Yung Museum.C. The Japanese Tea Garden.
    19. Which f the fllwing is in the Chinese Tea Garden?
    A. A small lake.B. A cncert hall.C. An art gallery.
    20. What d we knw abut Glden Gate Park?
    A. It’s very big.B. Picnics are nt allwed.C. Cncerts are put n every day.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Bristl Old Vic
    When the Theatre Ryal (nw Bristl Old Vic) was built, electricity hadn’t been discvered. Fr ver 250 years the peple wh have wned, wrked inside and visited the theatre have kept recrds abut their activity. These are kept safe at the University f Bristl Theatre Cllectin, and yu’ll discver a range f dcuments which recrd the histry f the theatre, frm its fundatin in 1764 up until the present day. Here are sme f them.
    In 1764 businessmen Alexander Edgar and Thmas Symns suggested building a new theatre between Baldwin Street and the back f Cpers’ Hall in King Street. The estimated cst was £2,000 t be split amng 40 subscribers, but the building wrk cst mre than expected. Owning shares allwed them t influence decisins abut the theatre.
    Each f the riginal Bristl Old Vic sharehlders was given a silver ticket that prmised sight f any perfrmance held at the theatre. As the hlders were clever businessmen, they insisted that the silver tickets culd be laned r traded. This enabled them t make sme extra mney but made it extremely difficult fr the theatre managers t keep track f wh was allwed t see shws fr free.
    In May 2016, the theatre celebrated its 250th birthday! As the ldest cntinuusly-wrking theatre in the English-speaking wrld, it deserved a prper party, s Bristl-based Limbic Cinema was hired t create a film f the theatre’s histrical highlights which was prjected (放映) nt the theatre itself.
    21. Where can yu find the three mentined dcuments?
    A. At Baldwin Street.B. At Cpers’ Hall in King Street.
    C. At the University f Bristl Theatre Cllectin.D. At Bristl-based Limbic Cinema.
    22. Hw was the theatre’s 250th birthday celebrated?
    A. By creating a film abut its histry.
    B. By building Bristl-based Limbic Cinema.
    C. By releasing silver ticket in memry f the birthday.
    D. By making a film prjected in theatres acrss England.
    23. What’s the purpse f the text?
    A. T cmpare the theatre and thers.B. T change peple’s view n Bristl Old Vic.
    C. T recmmend a mvie related t the theatre.D. T intrduce sme infrmatin f Bristl Old Vic.
    Sarah was nt an early riser. But what made the annying early mrning hurs bearable was the cmfrting smell f fresh cffee flating in the air. Her favrite cffee shp was just a few minutes away frm her apartment.
    One sunny mrning, Sarah rushed t get dressed. Having a jb interview, she felt anxius, afraid t be late. She grabbed her car key, dashed ut f the dr and made her way t her familiar cffee shp as usual. As she jined the line f cars at the drive thrugh, the smell f rasted cffee beans and the thught f the first taste f cffee were her little daily luxury. The line inched frward, and sn, Sarah fund herself at the drive-thrugh windw. She reached fr her purse t pay, but befre she culd hand ver her credit card, the cffee shp assistant smiled and said, “Yur cffee has been cvered by the car ahead f yu.” Sarah was taken aback. “Really?” she asked, feeling astnished and grateful. The assistant ndded. The unexpected act f kindness put a smile n her face, making her upcming interview feel a little relaxing.
    As she exited the drive-thrugh, Sarah glanced in her rear view mirrr (后视镜) at the next car appraching the cffee shp windw. An idea began t cme int her mind. Maybe she culd d the same and brighten smene else’s mrning. She decided t return t the cffee shp. Inside, she apprached the cashier and said, “I’d like t pay fr the cffee f the persn in the car behind me.” The assistant smiled and ndded again.
    As Sarah eventually left the cffee shp, Sarah culdn’t help but wnder hw the next driver wuld react. A wave f satisfactin washed ver Sarah as she witnessed the cntinuatin f the cffee chain. She knew she had just initiated a chain f genersity and kindness.
    24. What can we learn abut Sarah frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. She led a life f luxury.B. She used t get up early.
    C. She was new t the cffee shp.D. She was nervus abut the interview.
    25. Why did Sarah g back t the cffee shp?
    A. T find ut wh paid fr her cffee.B. T buy cffee fr the driver behind her.
    C. T rder herself anther cup f cffee.D. T see what was exactly happening there.
    26. Hw did Sarah feel when she finally left the cffee shp?
    A. Ambitius.B. Awkward.C. Cntent.D. Suspicius.
    27. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A chain f cffee shps.B. An unfrgettable interview.
    C. The kindness frm an assistant.D. The pwer f paying it frward.
    A new study warns that mre than a fifth f all reptile (爬行动物) species are threatened with extinctin, which may have a bad impact n the planet.
    The largest ever analysis f the state f the wrld’s reptiles, published in Nature, has shwed that 21% f the reptile species are facing extinctin. The study says frm lizards t snakes, such a lss culd have disastrus impacts n ecsystems arund the wrld.
    Althugh many reptiles live in dry envirnments such as deserts, mst species ccur in frests, where they suffer frm threats such as lgging f land fr agriculture. 30% f the frest-dwelling reptiles are at risk f extinctin, cmpared with 14% in dry habitats. Hunting is als a majr threat t reptiles, especially turtles and crcdiles, many f which are at risk f extinctin. Anther majr cntributing factr is the intrductin f invasive species.
    “If we remved reptiles, it culd change ecsystems fundamentally, with unfrtunate knck-n effects, such as increases in pest insects,” said Neil Cx, c-leader f the study. “Bidiversity, including reptiles, supprts the ecsystem services that prvide a healthy envirnment fr peple.”
    Our hpe is that this first-ever assessment f the wrld’s 10,000-plus reptiles helps put them in the sptlight and ges sme way t highlighting this diversity, and just hw much we have t lse. As well as cntrlling rats, msquites and ther pests, reptiles deliver many ther benefits. “They help spread seeds, especially in island envirnments,” said researcher Hffmann. “We’ve als achieved many medical advances frm studies f reptiles.”
    The results f the study are nt all dm and glm. Scientists have fund, surprisingly, that if they set ut t prtect places where threatened birds, mammals and amphibians (两栖动物) live tgether, they’ll meanwhile prtect many mre threatened reptiles.
    28. Which is the main cncern raised by the new study?
    A. The lss f reptiles.B. The verppulatin f reptiles.
    C. The sharp increase in reptile species.D. The disastrus influence f reptiles n nature.
    29. Hw many factrs causing the extinctin f species are mentined in paragraph 3?
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.D. Fur.
    30. What did Neil Cx and Hffmann bth say abut reptiles?
    A. Their benefits.B. Their habitats.C. Their living habits.D. Their health prblems.
    31. What des the underlined phrase “dm and glm” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Odd.B. Disappinting.C. Satisfactry.D. Amazing.
    We all lve butterflies. Their beautiful wings attract us, and their presence lights up ur garden. Well, that’s ur view f butterflies, but have yu ever wndered what plants think f them?
    The butterflies’ eggs lie n the underside f the leaves. The eggs themselves dn’t damage plants. Hwever, upn cming int cntact with the eggs, the plants becme versensitive. It means that nce a plant recgnizes a pest, it will cause death in the cntacted plant part. When these dead leaves r partial leaf parts break away frm the plant, the eggs n them fall ff. Alng with the hypersensitivity respnse, plants als prduce smething special, which can attract animals t cat the eggs, thus preventing damage in the future.
    After the baby butterflies cme ut f their eggs, the caterpillar (毛虫) stage begins. Mst caterpillars feed n the leaves f the plants, damaging sme f the plants in yur wn garden. Incredibly, they are majr plant pests that bring abut majr lsses t farmers. The next stage is pupa (蛹). The caterpillars begin their change int an adult. They dn’t depend n the energy that the leaves prvide. Finally, they becme adult butterflies that have wings and mve frm ne plant t the ther. They feed n the sweet liquid prduced by flwers.
    While n their search fr fd, the butterflies carry pllen (花粉) n their bdy. They are key pllinatrs that place pllen frm ne flwer t anther in ecsystem. Plants that have flwers will create sme special features t draw these pllinatrs’ attentin. Certain plants have flwers giving ff smells that can charm butterflies when they are lking fr a mate. Sme plants even have flat flwers t assist butterflies when landing.
    Butterflies aid in pllinatin during their final adult stage. Thus, they change int beneficial insects t plants. This change makes butterflies an imprtant friend f plants, despite being a hated enemy in previus life cycle stages!
    32. Hw des a plant respnd t butterflies’ eggs?
    A. It tries t appeal t them.B. It tries t get rid f them.
    C. It grws a little better with them.D. It prtects them frm being eaten.
    33. When d butterflies cause the greatest damage t agriculture?
    A. In the perid f caterpillar.B. In the perid f egg-laying.
    C. In the perid f pupa.D. In the perid f adult.
    34. Which wrd can best describe the relatinship between butterflies and plants?
    A. Unstable.B. Unfriendly.C. Inseparable.D. Independent.
    35. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Why d flwers need butterflies’ pllinatin?B. Hw d plants defend themselves frm pests?
    C. Are butterflies’ life cycles similar t the plants’?D. Are butterflies beneficial r harmful t plants?
    Self-criticism (自我批评) is a mental habit f negatively analyzing and judging urselves and ur actins. If we dn’t find a way t vercme self-criticism, we wn’t be able t live a happy and satisfying life. 36 .
    tp Negative Thugh
    Thught stpping is ne f the best secrets f hw t vercme self-criticism. Interrupting yur thughts helps yu change hw yu think abut yurself, thus helping yu feel better. 37 . Hwever, with enugh practice, yu will make it.
    Anther strategy is replace negative self-criticism thughts with psitive realistic statements. Fr instance, if yu set a gal, be realistic abut it by giving yurself enugh time t achieve it. In fact, having a cnstant desire t achieve immediate success can ruin yur cnfidence.
    Avid Perfect
    Anther secret is t let g f the need t be perfect. It’s all right t set high standards fr yurself. 39 . In additin, desiring t be perfect in everything yu pursue can prevent yur prgress.
    tp Cmparing Yurself t Others
    40 . Hwever, it’s imprtant t nte that cmparing yurself t yur peers, friends, r family can increase dissatisfactin and unhappiness. That said, the best tip n hw t vercme self-criticism is t practice self-acceptance.
    A. Be realistic
    B. Fcus n strength
    C. It’s nrmal t feel like that everyne has a better life than yu
    D. Remember it’s frm yur mistakes that yu get t imprve yurself
    E. If yu’ve been stuck in negative thughts, here’s what yu need t d
    F. It’s imprtant t nte that changing yur negative thught patterns can take time
    G. Hwever, falling shrt f yur gals and expectatins can make yu feel wrthless
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Dressed in a kachhad, a traditinal Nepalese clthes, Umesh Balal walked int his meetings at the 28th United Natins Climate Change Cnference (COP28) n climate change in Dubai with a sense f determinatin,
    Balal, wh has physical disability, was there t publicly 41 inclusin f disability rights in the climate change cnference an aspect that he said has lng been 42 by rganizers f the wrld’s largest annual meeting n climate issues.
    As a student, Balal was 43 abut science and invlved himself in research n envirnmental science. Thse were his first few interactins that 44 the climate related issues t him. Being frm a muntainus regin, Balal 45 mre abut hw climate change had 46 peple there, which led him t develp climate anxiety.
    The mre Balan 47 himself t climate science, the mre he learned abut the impact f climate change. Peple with mre resurces have better chances f 48 the climate crisis. But the less develped cuntries, fr the 49 cmmunities, usually dn’t have the same pprtunities, which will push them further int the 50 .
    And it is even harder fr peple with 51 . Many peple with disabilities in Nepal dn’t have 52 t prper educatin r pprtunities fr grwth. As a result, they aren’t able t advcate fr their rights.
    In an interview, Balan said, “ 53 , I am hnred that I cme frm a supprtive family, where I had a chance f gd educatin which 54 me t grw in life. This is what I 55 fr thers, t change the way they live their lives.”
    41. A. supprtB. achieveC. cntrlD. whisper
    42. A. respectedB. investedC. ignredD. issued
    43. A. anxiusB. relaxedC. wrriedD. curius
    44. A. sldB. lentC. intrducedD. awarded
    45. A. brughtB. knewC. cmplainedD. quarreled
    46. A. affectedB. preparedC. rganizedD. admitted
    47. A. devtedB. changedC. limitedD. helped
    48. A. relying nB. cping withC. referring tD. resulting frm
    49. A. warmerB. cleanerC. quieterD. prer
    50. A. gentlenessB. relishC. crisisD. evlutin
    51. A. rightsB. degreesC. disabilitiesD. advertisements
    52. A. bjectinB. accessC. attentinD. aplgy
    53. A. FrtunatelyB. SecretlyC. SimilarlyD. Naturally
    54. A. frcedB. rderedC. warnedD. allwed
    55. A. resistB. wantC. cheerD. expand
    An exhibitin titled “Symbisis f the Chinese Zdiac (生肖)” pened at the Tcumen Internatinal Airprt in Panama n Dec 19 and wuld run until Jan 20.
    Sally Huang, 56 Chinese Panamanian artist and a dctr f art frm Beijing Nrmal University, presented thirteen paintings, 57 cmbine the freehand brushstrkes f traditinal Chinese paintings with the beautiful clrs f Latin America, and presented the zdiac animals. Als there were sme sculptures f zdiac animals 58 display, which wer created by Chinese artist Zhang Yng, graduating frm the Central Academy f Fine Arts.
    The exhibitin was included in the prject Painting Our Canals (运河), which 59 (spnsr) by the Beijing Culture and Arts Fund this year. The Beijing Culture and Arts Fund is a nnprfit fund 60 (fund) by the Beijing Bureau f Culture and Turism t prvid supprt in the three majr fields f stage art, cultural exchange and 61 (intera), and the cultivatin (培养) f art talents.
    The lead institutin applying fr the prject was Beijing Nrmal University, 62 (feature) a series f events themed n the canal culture in bth China and Panama, als inviting artists frm bth cuntries 63 (attend) the exhibitins as well as hsting academic frums.
    The pening ceremny was jined by representatives (代表) frm bth cuntries, such as the Chinese ambassadr t Panama and the vice-minister f culture in Panama.
    The ambassadr 64 (particular) expressed sme cngratulatins t the artists in his speech, while emphasizing that China and Panama shuld wrk tgether t prmte 65 (glbe) peace and develpment.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 你的推荐;
    2. 推荐的理由。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear David,
    Li Hua
    Beth was in hspital with viral pneumnia (肺炎). She felt dwn and she missed her parents terribly, wh were far away in Eurpe n business. She lay in her bed crying when ne nurse came in and recgnized her sadness and lneliness. The nurse lked at the pale little girl wrriedly, knwing that ne f the greatest setbacks t recvery is ften depressin. Like the rest f the medical staff, she was verwrked and culdn’t sit and keep Beth cmpany all the time. Then she had a brilliant idea! Maybe she culd kill tw birds with ne stne! Beth... the end f the crridr (走廊), she had a patient wh was just as lnely as Beth...
    The nurse walked int Gergiana Halstn’s rm and smiled, “Didn’t yu tell me yu have a granddaughter, Mrs Halstn?” Gergiana, wh was lying n the bed and lking listlessly (没精打采地) ut f the windw, sighed. “Yes. I have a 7-year-ld granddaughter, but she is in Canada. And she hardly calls me, because I dn’t knw what she like and she think it bring t chat with me.”
    “Well,” the nurse said. “I have a 7-year-ld dwn the crridr wh is very lnely and needs a friend. I wnder if yu culd cheer her up a bit and be that friend?”
    “But my leg hurts,” Gergiana said. “I can’t walk. Yu knw that.”
    “I knw that yur dctr want yu ut f bed and t walk arund,” the nurse retrted. “If yu dn’t mve, yu’ll end up bedridden!”
    Gergiana had been diagnsed with a frm f bne disease and gt a big peratin. She was still in bed, but she shuld be up t exercise her leg. Hwever, the truth is that she was afraid her leg wuld suffer terrible pain. After the nurse left, Gergiana lay n her bed fr a lng time, feeling sad fr herself. Gergiana lked at the walker next t her bed and sighed. The matter f the lnely little girl haunted her.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I’d phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It’s quite a new club we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I’m lking fr ways t meet peple. Er, what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday nish; Tuesday Italian; Wednesday German; and Friday French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I’ll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw, yu can have the first mnth free.
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
    (Text 1)
    W: Can yu take me t the Palace Restaurant quickly? I’m ten minutes late already.
    M: I’ll try. But the traffic is s heavy. It will take at least anther 20 minutes.
    (Text 2)
    W: Yur rm lks different. Have yu gt a new desk?
    M: N, I’ve just mved it. I was getting t ht sitting under the windw, s I put it ver there ppsite the dr.
    (Text 3)
    W: I’m ging t write my English paper abut William Shakespeare. I really like his plays.
    M: Everyne in class is writing abut him. But I think I’ll write abut Ernest Hemingway r F. Sctt Fitzgerald instead.
    (Text 4)
    W: Hw’s yur mm ding, Luke?
    M: She’s great. Thanks fr asking! She plans t change her jb sn, and she’s really happy abut that. I’m trying t cnvince her t take a vacatin befre the new jb starts.
    (Text 5)
    M: Hell, Sally. Hw abut ging ut fr a meal this evening?
    W: Gd idea! I finish wrk at five. Why dn’t we meet at a quarter t six?
    M: OK, that sunds gd. Let’s meet in frnt f the train statin.
    (Text 6)
    W: Excuse me, culd yu tell me hw t g t the Olympic Sprts Center? I’m ging t May Day’s cncert.
    M: Oh, I’m their fan, t! Yu can take the N. 5 bus acrss the Game Center t the Zhngxing Street, and then take the subway t the Olympic Sprts Center. Remember t get ut f the statin at the exit D.
    W: Oh, I dn’t think I have enugh time. Taxi might be the best chice. Thanks a lt.
    (Text 7)
    M: This is like smething ut f a mvie; I can’t believe we’re stuck in here. D yu think they heard the alarm?
    W: I hpe s. Anyway, I’m Kay.
    M: Pleased t meet yu, Kay. I’m Pete. I hpe smene cmes t let us ut sn.
    W: Well, wh knws hw lng we’ll be in here? This building is rather ld.
    M: It seems like a very nice building thugh. Actually, I’m just visiting a friend wh lives n the furth flr.
    W: I live n the furth flr! We must be neighbrs. What’s yur friend’s name?
    (Text 8)
    W: Gd mrning, this is Birds’ Bicycles.
    M: Gd mrning. A friend f mine suggested I call up t hire sme bikes.
    W: Oh, yes, a lt f peple d s these days.
    M: Yes, we are just n hliday here fr a few days and they said it wuld be a gd idea t see the island by bike.
    W: Well, it certainly is. And mst peple rent a mtrbike because yu can get arund faster and even g t the beach if yu like.
    M: If I want t hire tw mtrbikes tmrrw fr 2 days, will there be any prblem?
    W: Nt at all. May I have yur name please?
    M: It’s Green, Arthur Green.
    W: And yur telephne number?
    M: I’m at the Hliday Sun Htel. My number is 0708112. I’m in rm 1203. By the way, is yur bike shp at N. 100 Teckman Street?
    W: That’s right.
    M: Thank yu. Bye.
    (Text 9)
    W: Prfessr Mills, d yu have a mment?
    M: Yeah. Hw can I help yu?
    W: Well, yu knw the paper that yu handed back tday?
    M: Yu mean the essay abut the life f a United States president?
    W: Yes. I’d like t discuss my grade with yu.
    M: D yu have a prblem with the grade that I gave yu?
    W: Well, actually, I d. Yu gave me a “C”, but I really think I deserved a higher grade than that.
    M: Culd yu let me take a lk at yur paper again s I can refresh my memry f the cmments that I made?
    W: Sure. Yu said I needed t fcus n Lincln’s life befre his presidency. Actually I did write tw paragraphs abut that.
    M: Yes, but the prblem is that yu write t much when yu start discussing his wife. The theme is Lincln, nt his wife. Yu need t stay fcused n the tpic when yu write.
    W: Well... I guess I understand. What else can I d t make sure I get a better grade next time?
    (Text 10)
    W: Gd mrning, class! Next week, we will be visiting Glden Gate Park in San Francisc. I want t describe it t yu befre we g. It’s a very big park. It has a lt f trees, flwers, plants, and even small lakes in it. It als has ther attractins. One f them is the de Yung Museum. It has many different displays frm different cuntries. There is als the Cnservatry f Flwers. It has all kinds f flwers frm arund the wrld. It’s a beautiful place. The Japanese Tea Garden is als beautiful. It has well-kept trees and flwers surrunding a small lake. Frm there, we can walk all the way dwn t the beach. The park is s big that yu frget yu’re in the middle f a city. Many peple walk arund and enjy being in nature. A lt f peple ride their bicycles r have a picnic there. On weekends, there are art shws and cncerts. It’ll be fun!
    1—5 ABCCB 6—10 BCABC 11—15 CBCAB 16—20 ACBAA
    21—23 CAD 24—27 DBCD 28—31 ACAB 32—35 BACD 36—40 EFAGC
    41—45 ACDCB 46—50 AABDC 51—55 CBADB
    56. a 57. which 58. n 59. was spnsred 60. funded
    61. interactin 62. featuring 63. t attend 64. particularly 65. glbal
    Dear David,
    I’m glad t hear frm yu. Nw I recmmend that yu and yur family travel t Xi’an in the winter hliday.
    The reasns are as fllws. Xi’an is famus fr its Terractta Warrirs, which have becme an internatinal symbl f China’s histry. Being near the central part f China, Xi’an is a crssrads fr many f the amazing Chinese cuisines. Restaurants in Xi’an range frm Cantnese t Sichuan styles. Xi’an is als knwn fr its ancient and well-preserved city walls. Many turists enjy walking n sectins f the walls, but anther ptin is t bike n the city wall.
    Hpe yu will have a breathtaking hliday in China!
    Li Hua
    Then Gergiana picked her walker and headed fr the girl’s rm. With great cautin and effrts, Gergiana managed t arrive at Beth’s dr. Gergiana greeted Beth and intrduced herself. Beth was astnished and verjyed at Gergiana’s visiting. They began t talk. Gergiana explained t Beth that her granddaughter lived in Canada and they hardly chatted. She thught maybe Beth culd help her figure ut what they liked t talk abut. Hearing what Gergiana said, Beth lked excited and agreed t help.
    A while later, the nurse appeared in Beth’s rm. She was delighted t see Gergiana sitting in the chair by Beth’s bed and happily chatting. In the fllwing days, Gergiana frequently came t and went back frm Beth’s rm. Seeing Gergiana was mving abut and Beth was chattering, the nurse smiled. She thught t herself, “Nthing heals like lve and laughter.” With time passing, Beth and Gergiana’s friendship was sure t be beneficial t bth. Sn, Beth was well enugh t g hme, but she knew she was ging t miss Gergiana. Thanks t Beth’s help, Gergiana’s granddaughter was phning her every day.
    Then Gergiana picked her walker and headed fr the girl’s rm.
    A while later, the nurse appeared in Beth’s rm.

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