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    1.—Betty began t play ________ vilin at the age f fur.
    —N wnder she plays s well.
    A. a B. an C. the D./
    2.Abut 12,000 peple tk part in the 2023 Suqian Marathn ________ April 2.
    A. at B. n C. in D.t
    3. Miss Xu ges jgging in Huanghe Park every mrning ________ it rains.
    A. unless B. till C. since D. as
    4.—The girl's beautiful prnunciatin caught ur ____ in yesterday's English speech cmpetitin.
    — Yes, many students culdn't help cheering fr her.
    A. cnditin B. attentin C. inventin D. psitin
    5. Hua Hua — a panda at Chengdu Giant Panda Base is ________ because f her cute lks.
    A. ppular B. public C. prper D. private
    6.Accrding t the traffic rules, peple ________ ride e-bikes withut wearing helmets.
    A. mustn't B. needn't C. may nt D. might nt
    7.— Our schl will invite Mr. Wang ________ us a talk n envirnmental prtectin next week.
    —That's wnderful!
    A. give B. t give C. giving D. gave
    8.— My father and I ________ a lt f phts at the same place in the past ten years.
    — Thse phts must be yur valuable memries.
    A. have taken B. will take C. take D. were taking
    9. — There ________ a lt f new magazines in ur schl reading rm.
    — Oh, really? Shall we g there this afternn?
    A. is B. was C. are D. were
    10.—China wn all the gld medals at the 2023 Wrld Table Tennis Champinships
    — ______ exciting news!
    A. What a B. Hw a C. Hw D. what
    11.— Sandy is well rganized.
    — Exactly. ________ in her rm is in gd rder.
    A. Smething B. Everything C. Nthing D. Nne
    12. The energy frm the sun and the wind csts little and will never ________.
    A. turn ut B. put ut C. cut ut D. run ut
    13.— Sleeping fr a while after lunch can help us study better in the afternn. — _______.
    A. I can't agree mre B. I'd like t
    C. Dn't mentin it D. It desn't matter
    14.— I wnder ________.—My best friend James.
    A. hw can yu spend the cming summer hlidays
    B. hw yu can spend the cming summer hlidays
    C. wh will yu spend the cming summer hlidays with
    D. wh yu will spend the cming summer hlidays with
    15.— Judy,when yu are in a strange place, yu'd better d as the lcal peple d.
    — That's it. ________.
    A. Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light wrk
    C. When in Rme, d as Rmans d D. A friend in need is a friend indeed
    One day, Daniel gt lst when he and his mm went shpping in the stre. He had thught he was right beside Mm, __16____ when he lked up, Mm was gne.
    “Mm! Mm!” Daniel called. Many peple hurried by, yet nbdy ___17___ fr Daniel. The stre seemed very large, and Daniel felt himself very ___18___.
    Then Daniel remembered smething. Mm had tld him what he shuld d if he gt lst. She had said that he shuld find smene wh was ___19___ at the stre fr help. Daniel lked arund and saw a saleswman hanging sweaters, s he ran t her fr ___20___. “I'm lst I can't find my mm." he said.
    ___21___ she culd answer, a custmer hurried ver, hlding a black sweater. “Hw much is this?" she asked.
    Nw Daniel was ___22___. Wuld the saleswman help him?
    “Just a mment, please,” the saleswman said t the custmer. “We have a lst by here.’’ She turned t Daniel, “Dn’t wrry.” she said,“I will ___23___ Mr. Hensn, ur stre security guard(保安).He will help find yur mm."
    The custmer smiled at Daniel. “I will bet yur mm is lking fr yu. t." she said. Daniel hadn't thught f that! Mm wuld be lking fr him, and nw she wuld knw ___24___ t find him. He felt better.
    While they were waiting fr Mr. Hensn, the saleswman gave Daniel a green lllipp(棒棒糖).Althugh green was Daniel’s __25____, he did nt feel like eating at the mment.
    Sn here came Mr. Hensn. He put his hand n Daniel's shulder. “What's yur name, little by?” he asked. Daniel tld him. Then Mr. Hensn asked. “What’s yur mm's name?” “Mm," but he ___26___ that Mr. Hensn meant Mn's ther name, the ne adults called her. “Her name is Amy Wilkersn." he said.
    “Gd jb!”Mr. Hensn said. The saleswman smiled.
    Mr. Hensn said he wuld make an annuncement that culd be ___27___ all thrugh the stre. He pushed buttns n a special telephne, then said,“Will Ms. Amy Wilkersn please cme t ladies’ __28____ n the secnd flr? Yur sn is waiting fr yu here."
    Mr. Hensn's vice was strng, and the stre's music __29____ stpped playing when he made the annuncement. Mm must have heard him. And she really had. Sn Daniel saw her running tward him.
    Mm held Daniel clse. “I was wrried." she said. “Me t.” Daniel said. “But I ___30___ what yu taught me.” He tld Mm abut Mr. Hensn and the saleswman.
    Then he gave Mm the lllipp, because green was her favrite, t.
    16. A. r B. s C. but D. and
    17. A. waited B. stpped C. paid D. hunted
    18. A. small B. ld C. big D. lw
    19. A. sitting B. chatting C. wrking D. standing
    20. A. help B. mney C. agreement D. telephne
    21. A. Until B. After C. If D. Befre
    22. A. pleased B. wrried C. excited D. amazed
    23. A. e-mail B. rder C. catch D. call
    24. A. whether B. when C. where D. what
    25. A. style B. favrite C. size D. sign
    26. A. realized B. required C. accepted D. agreed
    27. A. searched B. psted C. heard D. answered
    28. A. sweaters B. handbags C. shes D. dresses
    29. A. never B. even C. quite D. ever
    30. A. frgt B. avided C. regretted D.remembered
    Badaling Great Wall lies in Yanqing Cunty, mre than 70 kilmeters nrthwest frm the center f Beijing City. It was the earliest part pen t the turists amng all the parts f the whle Great Wall.
    If yu want t visit it, the fllwing infrmatin may help yu.
    Opening Time
    *Apr.1 t Oct. 31: 7:00 a.m.— 18:00 p.m
    *Nv.1 t Mar.31: 7:30 a.m.— 17:00 p.m
    Ticket Price
    *Apr.1 t Oct. 31: ¥40 fr adults, half price fr students aged 6-18
    *Nv.1 t Mar. 31: ¥35 fr adults, half price fr students aged 6-18
    *Bus N.877: Deshengmen— Badaling Great Wall
    *Beijing Suburban Railway Line S2: Huangtu Statin —Yanqing Statin
    *High-speed railway: Beijing Beizhan—Yanqing Statin
    *Turist Center
    Address: Badaling Special Zne, Yanqing Cunty, Beijing
    Phne number:010-69121226
    *Wechat fficial accunt: Badaling Great Wall
    31. When des Badaling Great Wall pen n Natinal Day?
    A. At 6:00 a.m. B. At 6:30 a.m.
    C. At 7:00 a.m. D. At 7:30 a.m.
    32. Where can yu take the Bus N. 877 t Badaling Great Wall?
    A. At Huangtu Statin. B. At Deshengmen.
    C. At Yanging Statin. D. At Beijing Beizhan.
    33. Which part f the newspaper is the passage prbably frm?
    A. Travel. B. Sprts. C. Medicine. D. Fashin.
    Spring is the seasn when plants start t grw freely frm the grund. In China, wild spring greens are traditinally thught f as a healthy fd. They are still cmmn in many dishes tday.
    34. Why d peple ck tn shts with eggs accrding t the passage?
    A. T lk mre clrful. B. T make it taste sweet.
    C. T balance the strng taste.D. T make it healthy t peple.
    35. What d tn shts and Indian aster have in cmmn(有共同点) accrding t the passage?
    A. Bth f them can be mixed with tfu.
    B. Bth f them are very tender after guyu.
    C. Bth f them are green herbs with usual tastes.
    D. Bth f them can deal with high bld pressure.
    36. Which f the fllwing dishes might imprve peple's eyesight?
    A. Tn shts. B. Shepherd's purse.
    C. Indian aster. D. Luha.
    37.What can we infer(推断) accrding t the tips in the passage?
    A. D nt eat the wild vegetables in spring.
    B. Take the wild vegetables as a main curse.
    C. Stre the wild vegetables as lng as pssible.
    D. The unknwn wild vegetables might be harmful.
    Family is very imprtant fr everyne, n matter where yu are frm. S in bth East and West, peple have festivals t celebrate family reunins(团聚).These festivals include the Mid-Autumn Festival in China and Thanksgiving Day in the US. Hw are they celebrated and what are the differences? Let's take a lk.
    Sharing the mnlight
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is the secnd mst imprtanttraditinal festival in China after the Spring Festival. It's n the 15th day f the eighth mnth f Chinese lunar calendar.
    In ancient China, the day was cnsidered as a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain(谷物) had been cllected frm the fields. All the family gt tgether and had a big dinner. They ate a special festival fd-mn cakes and enjyed the full mn.
    On that day, the mn is full. The full mn is a symbl fr family reunins which mean tuanyuan in Chinese. Nw peple als celebrate the festival by getting tgether and having a big dinner.
    When it gets dark, peple lk up at the full mn, eating mn cakes and missing friends and relatives wh are far frm hme. “We wish each ther a lng life s as t share the beauty f this graceful mnlight, even thugh miles apart!” wrte Su Shi, a famus Sng Dynasty pet.
    Shwing thanks
    Thanksgiving Day is ne f the biggest hlidays in theUS. It's n the furth Thursday f Nvember. Peple visit their friends and relatives t remind themselves that they are lucky t have happiness, health and family and als t have a rf ver their heads.
    In 1621, abut 100 English peple tk a ship, the Mayflwer, and arrived in the nrtheastern US. The winter there was very cld and life was hard. As the American Indians helped them a lt, the English peple asked them t have a big meal with then in rder t express their thanks. The celebratin lasted fr three days.
    Tday, peple usually have a family meal n Thanksgiving Day. They enjy delicius fd such as pumpkin scrn and a big, glden turkey.
    There are ther traditins n the day. Fr example, the turkey has a V-shaped bne in the breast. It’s called a wishbne. After rasting(烤), tw persns each take ne end f the bne. They make a wish and then pull it. If ne gets the larger part f the bne, he r she will get gd luck.
    The mst imprtant part f Thanksgiving Day is t say “thanks”— this is the spirit f the hliday. Peple als like t watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade n TV.
    38.Why did peple celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in ancient China?
    A. Because peple culd eat mn cakes.
    B. Because peple enjyed the full mn.
    C. Because peple culd get tgether with relatives.
    D. Because peple had a gd harvest frm the fields.
    39.What des the underlined part “t have a rf ver their heads" in the passage prbably mean?
    A. T have smewhere t live. B. T have fd t eat.
    C. T have friends t talk t. D. T have clthes t wear.
    40. What is the spirit f Thanksgiving Day?
    A. T pull the bne. B. T play American ftball.
    C. T say "thanks". D. T watch the Parade.
    41.What's the main idea f the passage?
    A. The backgrund t the tw festivals.
    B. The intrductin t the w festivals.
    C. The activities f the tw festivals.
    D. The custms f the tw festivals.
    In Flanders, a small twn in Belgium, lived a little by called Nell. He became an rphan(孤儿) at the age f tw. Then he lived with his grandpa in a small huse. Life was harder fr them.
    Their life depended n Nell's grandpa. Every mrning, the ld man wuld cllect fresh milk frm ne huse t anther. He then had t lad(装载) the milk n a cart and sent it t the city. Grwing up a little lder, Nell wuld try t help his grandpa t travel frm Flanders t the city.
    One day, as Nell and his grandpa were ging hme frm the city they saw a large dg lying n the side f the rad. The dg was mtinless.
    “What happened? "asked Nell. “ls the dg dead?” His grandpa tuched the nse f the dg with his hand and examined the bdy f the dg. He then said t Nell,“The dg is seriusly ill. We have t take him t a vet(兽医), r he will die." With the wrds, his grandpa put the dg n the cart and the tw went hme. The fact was that the dg was abandned(抛弃) by his master because f his serius illness. Seeing the dying dg, Nell was heart-brken. The kind hearted by tk gd care f him. Even thugh Nell and his grandpa did nt have enugh t eat, he wuld still feed the dg with milk and bread. Day by day, the dg began t stand n his feet and became strnger and strnger.
    “We shuld give him a name,” said Nell ne day t his grandpa.
    “That's a gd idea," replied his grandpa. “What name d yu want t give him? “Hw abut Patrasche?"said Nell.
    “Patrasche is a beautiful name," said his grandpa.
    Frm then n, Patrasche became a member f the family.
    One day, as Nell and his grandpa laded the cart with milk and were ready t start their jurney t the city, Patrasche std in frnt f the cart.
    “Out f the way, Patrasche,”said Nell.“We'll be late." But Patrasche refused t mve. He was simply staring at Grandpa and wagging(摇摆) his tail. “What des he want t d?” asked Nell.
    His grandpa smiled and said. “I believe ur Patrasche wants t help pull the cart." Hearing Grandpa's wrds, Patrasche was wagging his tail even harder.
    Patrasche had been badly treated by his master all his life. Never had anyne treated him nicely as Nell and his grandpa. Patrasche was thankful fr the kindness he received, s he wanted t help, Grandpa tied a stripe n Patrasche, and he started t pull the cart right away.
    Frm then n, peple in twn wuld see such a scene a large dg was pulling a cart laded with milk with the grandpa pushing behind and Nell helping at the side.
    (Adapted frm A Dg f Flanders)
    42. Hw did Grandpa rase the family?
    A. By taking care f a dg. B. By wrking in the city.
    C. By serving as a vet in the twn. D. By sending milk with a cart.
    43. What des Patrasche prbably mean by wagging his tail even harder in the stry?
    A. He became a little bit tired.
    B. He thught he gt a new master.
    C. He was well understd by Grandpa.
    D. He was satisfied with his new name.
    44. What is the crrect rder f what happened in the stry?
    a. Patrasche helped t pull the cart.
    b. Nell named the dg Patrasche.
    c. Nell and his grandpa fund a sick dg.
    d. Patrasche became a member f the family.
    A. c-b-d-a B. a-c-b-d C. c-b-a-d D. a-c-d-b
    45. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. Hnesty can make a big difference.
    B. Humans and animals can help each ther.
    C. Life will becme sweeter thrugh hard wrk.
    D. Abandned animals are real friends f humans.
    Life is full f unexpected(始料不及的)mments. Whether these mments are surprising r challenging. we all need t face them bravely. 46 Here are fur simple ways.
    Take a deep breath
    Breathing exercise can help relax us in bth mind and bdy. We can breathe deeply thrugh ur nse . then blw slwly thrugh ur muth. 47 .
    Be creative
    If we fail t express urselves,we can urn t artistic utlets(艺术表现途径).48 These can help us share ur thughts and feelings.
    We can get gd advice thrugh reading. Gd bks are gd friends. They can help us feel better after a busy day. They can als pen up a whle new wrld t us.
    Practise psitive(积极的)self-talk
    If we ften practise negative(负面的)self talk, we will think negatively abut urselves. 50
    Shall we try these ways when we face the unexpected mments?
    四. 根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. All the students are lking frward t the talent shw n________ (星期五).
    52.Alice likes dancing and she dreams f being a ballet (舞蹈家) in the future.
    53. Mr. Chen is humrus and he ften tells funny jkes t make us l .
    54. A friend f (我的)will cme t visit my family this weekend.
    55.—What des UNECEF d fr children in pr areas?
    —It prvides basic (教育)fr them.
    56. Many peple think that Hanfu is an art (形式)and ne f the mst imprtant parts f Chinese natinal culture.
    57.The film Brn t Fly is well w watching. Yu can't miss it.
    58.June (标志)the beginning f the rainy seasn in sme parts f China.
    59. Hngze Lake wetland is a (the best) place fr sme wild birds.
    60.Mre than 70 percent f the Earth's (the utside r tp part f smething) is cvered with water.
    五. 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Deng Qingming is ne f the three Chinese astrnauts carrying ut China's Shenzhu-15 spaceship missin. He 61 (final) gt the chance t g t space after nearly 25 years f preparatin.
    Deng was brn in a village in Jiangxi Prvince in 1966. As his 62( parent) bth wrked in the fields, he had t lk after his yunger brthers and sisters. At that time,his dream was t g t cllege and find a jb 63_ (supprt) his family.
    Deng 64 (be)a member f the PLA Air Frce(空军) since 1984. When he left his village that year,his friends came t say gdbye t him. He was deeply tuched and decided t wrk hard. Years f hard 65(train) made him an excellent pilt,and he was chsen as ne f the 66(ne) grup f Chinese astrnauts in 1998.
    Fr a lng time,Deng served as a backup(后备) astrnaut. His rad t space was 67((lng) than that f his teammates. He spent almst all f his time preparing and waiting and he 68(give) the chance t travel t space in the end.
    Besides that,Deng's wife supprted him a lt.She 69 (take) care f the whle family and never cmplained.“ Yu've set an example t 70( we)daughter and we are prud f yu,”she tld him.
    After a lng wait,he flew int space by Shenzhu-15 spaceship in Nvember2022 at last. Twenty-five years was quite a lng time,but Deng never gave up.Whenever the natin needs him,he is always waiting there,ready t take n any challenge.
    Dear Editr ,
    I am glad t tell yu smething abut the after-schl services in ur schl and the vluntary wrk we d.
    Best wishes,
    Li Hua
    一、单项选择1-5CBABA 6-10ABACD 11-15BDADC
    二、完形填空16-20CBACA 21-25DBDCB 26-30ACABD
    31-35 CBACA 36-40 BDDAC 41-45BDCAB
    五. 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完整。
    51.Friday 52. dancer 53.laugh 54. mine 55.educatin 56. frm
    57. wrth 58. marks 59. perfect 60. surface
    五. 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完整。
    61.finally 62.parents 63.t supprt 64.has been 65.training 66.first 68.was given 69.tk 70.ur
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Editr,
    I am glad t tell yu smething abut the after-schl services in ur schl and the vluntary wrk we d.
    Our schl prvides varius after-schl services such as music, basketball, and mre. I enjy taking part in the art club where I can express my creativity.
    In additin t these services, we als have pprtunities fr vluntary wrk. By helping thers slve prblems and assisting in cmmunity service events, we gain valuable experience and develp imprtant skills.
    Thrugh these activities, I have gained cnfidence and imprved my abilities. I believe that these experiences will benefit me greatly in the future.
    Chinese Tn shts香椿芽
    Tn shts are usually the best just befre gu-yu, the sixth f the 24 slar terms(节气). Guyu means that spring is almst t end. This is when the leaves are very tender(嫩的). It is ften cked with eggs t balance the smetimes strng tastes f the leaves. It can als be prepared with tfu.
    Indian aster 马兰头
    The meaning f Indian aster is t make a hrse turn its head. It is said that its tender-taste culd make a hrse stp mving n. Perhaps because f the name, the green has becme a gdbye gift, cked when ne wants t wish a friend a safe jurney, accrding t the website The Wrld f Chinese. The vegetable is usually biled in water, cut and mixed with tfu and sesame il.
    Shepherd’s purse 荠菜
    Shepherd’s purse is a green herb(草本植物) with an unusual smell. It grws early in spring and can be eaten bth cked and uncked. It tastes a little but bitter(苦的) and sweet and can be used in dumplings and wntn r cked in sup. In traditinal Chinese medicine, it is used t imprve eyesight, deal with high bld pressure and stp bleeding.
    Luha 芦蒿
    Taken as a symbl f spring, luha was thught highly f by a famus Chinese pet. He said: “When the land is green and luha is everywhere, spring has truly arrived.”
    Befre r during guyu, luha is very tender and is usually cked with meat. It tastes light and can be simply cked with ginger, spring nin and a little chilli.
    Tips fr eating wild vegetables
    ※D nt eat wild vegetables yu dn’t knw.
    ※ D nt eat plluted wild vegetables.
    ※D nt eat wild vegetables which have been kept fr a lng time. Eat them fresh after picking them.
    ※ D nt take wild vegetables as a main curse.
    A. D sme reading
    B. We need t speak t smene we trust.
    C. S we'd better talk t urselves in a psitive way.
    D. Then, hw can we students face these prperly?
    E. This can be a great way t help us feel calm.
    F. Fr example,we can clur, paint,r keep diaries.
    G. Try different things t find ut which ne is right.

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