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    这是一份2024肇庆高三上学期第二次教学质量检测试题英语含答案,文件包含2024届广东省肇庆市高三上学期第二次教学质量检测英语试题docx、2024届广东省肇庆市高三上学期第二次教学质量检测英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    本试题共10页, 考试时间120分钟, 满分120分
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    第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    There is n better way t explre the Great Wall in China than by hiking r walking alng it. Here we recmmend three mst ppular hiking rutes fr yu. Take yur time and feel the histry cming t life.
    Rute 1: Jinshanling-Simatai (West)
    This rute is als called Jinshanling Great Wall hiking. It is definitely the best hiking rute if yu want t see the riginal Great Wall. It includes sme ruined sectins as well as sme breathtaking scenery with the Wall snaking alng the muntain ridges int the distance.
    Distance frm Beijing: 1. 5 hurs by radWall cnditins: half ruined
    Time needed: abut 3 hurs n the WallLength: 5 kilmeters
    Rute 2: Mutianyu-Simatai
    Mutianyu is the best fully restred sectin f the Great Wall with cnvenient access frm Beijing. Simatai is the mst spectacular wild sectin f the Wall but this rute is the mst visitr-friendly. An vernight stay in a htel at Gubei Water Twn will allw yu t have a relaxing tur f the Simatai Great Wall sectin.
    Distance frm Beijing: 5 hurs by radWall cnditins: ttally ruined
    Time needed: tw daysLength: 10 kilmeters
    Difficulty: ***
    Rute 3: Jianku-Mutianyu (Wild Hike)
    The experience will be extrardinary. When yu reach the muntain ridges, yu have cnquered the mst challenging Great Wall sectin. What's mre, there are n crwds arund yu-it's just yu, the muntains, the ruined wall, yur guide, and the histry behind these ancient ruins.
    Distance frm Beijing: 2. 5 hurs by radWall cnditins: partly ruined
    Time needed: abut 4 hurs n the WallLength: 7 kilmeters
    Difficulty: *****
    If yu lve a hiking trip with pleasant surprises and n disappintments, just pick ne frm the abve rutes.
    1. What elements are included in the abve three rutes?
    A. Equipment and scenery. B. Length and ticket prices.
    C. Distance and time needed. D. Time and weather cnditins.
    2. Why is Rute 2 the mst suitable ne fr elderly visitrs?
    A. It includes a night's stay t relax.
    B. It cvers the mst riginal sectin.
    C. It ffers a full view f the Great Wall.
    D. It prvides best sites fr taking phts.
    3. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A nvel. B. A brchure. C. A curse plan. D. A bk review.
    "He is a giant f the 20th-century art, but that desn't mean he nly did big paintings, said Lynn Miller, directr f Rchester Central Gallery, in an interview last Thursday.
    Entitled "Picass and His Drafts", a special exhibit marking 50 years since the death f Pabl Picass is held at the gallery this mnth. Instead f his paintings, the ntebks n which the Spanish legendary artist drew drafts are shwn t the public fr the first time.
    Matchbx cvers, pstcards, restaurant napkins all served as drafting ntes fr the artist at mments f inspiratin. It is imprtant t knw that each f the 14 ntebks presented reflects what was ging n in his life.
    Fr example, a tiny ntebk whse size is just 3 by 5 inches stands ut amng the exhibits. Inside the little bk was a self-prtrait f the artist finished rughly in pencil, with deep and thughtful eyes. It was dne in 1918 and Picass, then in his mid-30s, had just gt married. He prduced big-sized artwrks but he als kept this tiny ntebk arund, filling it with scenes f his wife, their friends, the beach and the twn, and drafts f upcming paintings. Actually, many f the draft drawings are early versins f famed paintings like Les Demiselles d'Avignn (1907) and Dra Maar in an Armchair (1939).
    "He is a great artist f the mdern perid, and we see practice and determinatin in his ntebks, said Lynn Miller, referring t Picass's effrts in imprving his skills thrugh cpius drawing. Bernard Ruiz-Picass, a grandsn f Picass's, remembered him always drafting until the last piece f paper available. “My grandpa was permanently drawing smething, Ruiz-Picass said.
    In a dcumentary film shwn at the gallery, Picass, shirtless and in shrts, was standing n a ladder t reach the tp f his canvas(画布). It reminds visitrs f the real size f his masterwrks.
    4. What are the key features f the recent exhibit at the gallery?
    A. Ntebks fr sale. B. Picass's artwrks.
    C. Priceless artistic drafts. D. Masterpieces f the 20th century.
    5. What is reflected in the ntebks f Picass?
    A. His life experience. B. The lve fr his cuntry.
    C. The cntent f his bks. D. His educatin backgrund.
    6. Which f the fllwing best describes Picass accrding t his grandsn?
    A. Creative. B. Diligent. C. Optimistic. D. Humrus.
    7. What can we learn frm the authr's wrds in the last paragraph?
    A. Picass used t mind his appearance.
    B. The gallery exhibits real masterwrks.
    C. The dcumentary mvie is wrth seeing.
    D. Picass's artwrks are actually f great size.
    If "Why?" is the first questin in science, "Why nt?" must be the secnd ne. It's interesting t think abut why smething des nt exist in nature, such as a three- legged animal.
    In an nline lecture, David Jacksn, a bilgist in Earth and Planetary Sciences, was challenged t cme up with "an animal r plant that des nt and cannt exist". Jacksn tld the audience that in nature, n species knwn t date has ever been brn with a third leg.
    Jacksn pinted ut that, hwever, many animals d use a particular three-legged pse fr supprt. Examples include meerkats(猫鼬) resting n their tail and back feet and wdpeckers(啄木鸟) using tail feathers t weigh themselves against a tree trunk, which is mre stable and requires less energy. Given that three-legged mvement des wrk in sme situatins, why are there n animals with three legs?
    The answer may be at the cre f evlutin. Over a lng time in histry, almst all animals have adapted themselves and develped int a bdy shape which is rganized arund a central pint and can be divided int tw similar halves. Butterflies are an excellent example. Nt nly can their bdy shape be divided int tw matching halves, but als the patterns n each wing are exactly the same. The law f having tw sides t everything has been in ur DNA since the first animals appeared n the earth.
    And it is imprtant t remember that nly thse bilgical changes that prve t have brught advantages can be passed dwn t next generatins. If there were three- legged animals, there wuld be sme gd reasns fr that t happen. Hwever, three- legged animals wuld nt be able t run as fast as fur-legged animals. And they wuld als nt be as efficient as tw-legged animals. Three legs wuld simply make climbing, walking, running, and sleeping mre difficult.
    "The nn-existence f three-legged animals can als be seen as the result f natural selectin, "Jacksn explained t the curius audience.
    8. Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic f the text?
    A. By arusing readers' curisity.
    B. By questining readers penly.
    C. By presenting scientific figures.
    D. By describing recent research.
    9. What is the authr's intentin f listing examples in paragraph 3?
    A. T express his cnfusin.
    B. T challenge the audience's belief.
    C. T lay the grund fr the cre questin.
    D. T put frward sme practical slutins.
    10. Which f the fllwing can best supprt the underlined wrd "evlutin" in paragraph 4?
    A. Sme species brn with three legs. B. Butterflies with mirrring patterns.
    C. Meerkats resting n their back feet. D. Wdpeckers standing n the trunk.
    11. What can be passed nt next generatins accrding t David Jacksn?
    A. Original health cnditins.
    B. Beneficial bilgical changes.
    C. Pssible individual advantages.
    D. Mdern and healthy lifestyles.
    One f the biggest challenges that traditinal educatrs face is hw t unlck students' lve f learning. Once students vercme their fear r unwillingness, they will be n the track f becming mtivated learners.
    In rder t help students discver the jy in learning, sme teachers are turning t a simple but effective strategy called gamificatin-using game-related elements such as activities and rewards t prmte students' engagement in class. With an rigin in educatinal psychlgy, this apprach is designed t reach students by making the learning prcess funny and interesting.
    What's mre, researches shw that gamificatin can als make assignments less stressful. Withut t much pressure, students will assciate learning with curisity and jy. Accrdingly, they feel like cntinuing the jurney because psitive feelings have bsted their cnfidence.
    But like any ther strategies, gamificatin has its drawbacks when used incrrectly. It is very likely that sme students nly fcus n winning rewards but have n interest in understanding cncepts r learning new skills-exactly the ppsite f the desired utcme. T avid this, teachers can help prevent students frm becming wrngly mtivated by chsing suitable rewards. Instead f class parties r snacks, try rewards that help students develp a passin fr academic subjects.
    Fr example, have students earn pints twards a class field trip by behaving and ding their assignments, r pair subjects that a student dislikes with fun bks r activities t encurage mtivatin. That way, they assciate fun with reading, math, r ther skills. Mre examples include cmpeting n a leader-bard, hlding a talent shw, r playing ther team-building games. All activities and rewards need t be carefully selected and well arranged.
    If yu're having a hard time getting yur class interested in learning, talk with them tgether r individually abut what mtivates them and include it int yur student engagement strategies.
    12. What can we learn abut gamificatin frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. It imprves students' critical thinking.
    B. It advcates a traditinal teaching style.
    C. It mtivates students t be active learners.
    D. It prmtes the use f vide games in class.
    13. What is the authr's attitude t the applicatin f gamificatin?
    A. Favrable. B. Wrried. C. Dubtful. D. Objective.
    14. Hw shuld teachers avid the drawbacks f gamificatin?
    A. Set learning gals fr different students.
    B. Assciate learning prcess with assignments.
    C. Encurage teamwrk by hlding class parties.
    D. Select suitable rewards fr teaching activities.
    15. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The analysis f a teaching strategy.
    B. The future influences f gamificatin.
    C. A discvery abut mtivating learners.
    D. Recent research n educatin system.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    If yu are seeking a jb, yu need t pay attentin t yur scial media and nline cmments. 16 The fllwing reminders may help yu use scial media well and grw yur career.
    Chse nline platfrms wisely.
    17 Instead, decide n ne specific platfrm where yu knw what t expect and where yu can feel safe and supprted, and then build yur persnal channel there. It's ften where peple lk first t find ut mre abut yu. Make it as a space t shw the best reflectin f yu and a place t tell yur stry and hw yu want it t be tld.
    Knw that peple are watching-and it is nt just yur fllwers. Yur ptential clients and emplyers are paying attentin, t. They want t learn abut yu and see if yu are a gd fit. The key is defining yur prfessinal image. Understand hw yu want t present yurself t the wrld, shw what yu want t be knwn fr, and impress them with yur best image.
    Keep it clean and legal.
    19 This is nt t limit free speech but t set rules fr a respectful, prfessinal envirnment. Besides, knwing and understanding the basics f law can help. Fr example, phts are prtected by cpyright frm the mment they are taken, whether they are registered r nt. It is OK t share nline vides and phts with yur friends, withut asking fr the wner's permissin and withut paying fines. 20
    If yu use scial media t yur advantage, jbs will flw yur way, nt away. It's all in yur hands.
    A. Befriend yur future clleagues.
    B. Define yur wn persnal image.
    C. Yu dn't have t register every nline platfrm.
    D. Cnsider setting grund rules fr yur nline channel.
    E. Anything that has ever been shared n the Internet is rediscverable.
    F. Hwever, using them in yur scial media is against the law.
    G. They are pen fr any and all t see-including yur future emplyers.
    第二部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Elmer Whitaker sighed as he lked ver his muddy crps. A terrible 21 had swept thrugh his farm the night befre, and his crps were nw cvered in 22 and destryed. His neighbr, a kind yung man named Thmas, 23 t ffer his help.
    "What a disaster, "Whitaker said. "My whle family has always survived n the harvests f this field. I feel 24 and dn't knw what t d nw.
    Thmas calmed him dwn and thught fr a mment. "I see this nt as a disaster but as an 25 , "he said. Whitaker lked at him 26 . "Hw can it be?" he asked. Thmas smiled 27 , "Nw yu have a chance t try smething new. Yu've always grwn beans and cabbages. Why nt try planting 28 crps that will als fit in this sil? Yu can diversify and therefre 29 yur farm nce again.”
    Elmer Whitaker cnsidered this. Thmas was right-he had becme set in his ways. This disaster culd push him t make his farm 30 and sustainable in a new way. "Yu have 31 me, " Whitaker said. He clapped Thmas n the back. "Thank yu fr shwing me the pprtunity in this difficulty.
    And s Whitaker 32 new crps and sn, the farm was full f life again. Farmers frm neighbring twns were 33 with the wnder f Whitaker's fields, and they began t 34 their crps as well. Elmer Whitaker's farm has becme a 35 f adaptability and hpe, telling everyne that in every strm, there is a chance fr new grwth.
    21.A. frceB. smkeC. warD. strm
    22.A. mudB. grassC. mistD. dust
    23.A. went nB. set ffC. came byD. burst in
    24.A. specialB. desperateC. sensitiveD. tireless
    25.A. pprtunityB. agreementC. intentinD. element
    26.A. as usualB. in disbeliefC. n purpseD. with pride
    27.A. inncentlyB. gratefullyC. plitelyD. cheerfully
    28.A. majrB. traditinalC. differentD. natural
    29.A. restreB. exchangeC. dnateD. abandn
    30.A. frmalB. diverseC. realisticD. bvius
    31.A. infrmedB. demandedC. enlightenedD. prmised
    32.A. tastedB. plantedC. sharedD. received
    33.A. carefulB. trubledC. familiarD. impressed
    34.A. diversifyB. remveC. deliverD. bserve
    35.A. mannerB. dreamC. symblD. cause
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Ding mrning exercises is a daily rutine in every Chinese kindergarten and schl. Fr the grwn-ups, hwever, familiar schlyards have already been replaced 36 public parks.
    The mrning scenes in central parks arund China are lively. At every crner f the park, yu can als see peple 37 (practise)many kinds f sprts square dancing, badmintn and s n.
    But the mst eye-catching grups in the park are the s-called "Kung Fu Grandpas/ Grannies", 38 vides have gne viral n the Internet. Mst f them are rdinary wrkers frm different industries wh nly started wrking ut after their 39 (retire). They say age is just a number when it cmes t fitness.
    The 40 benefit f exercise are endless: a healthier bdy tgether with a slimmer figure and a 41 (happy)md. N matter hw ld they are r when during the day they exercise, they will always strengthen the bdy.
    Scial cnnectin is als 42 the elderly seek during their mrning wrkut. Feng, wh is seventy-tw years ld, plays Taichi every day. He 43 (keep)this exercise rutine fr six years and nw he is managing a WeChat grup f 270 members wh share 44 same hbby.
    "What I like abut this place is that newcmers are always welcme. Everyne in the park feels 45 (include), "said Feng. It is like a chrus f life.
    第三部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    假定你是李华, 你校将举办“国际文化日”, 请给外教Carline写封邮件邀请她参加活动。内容包括:
    1. 活动时间、地点;
    2. 活动目的及内容;
    3. 邀请对方参加并分享自己国家的文化特色。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Carline,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Once upn a time, in the midst f a fine summer, Tm and his yunger brther Jack went n an amazing trip t a picturesque beach with their family.
    Excitement filled the air as Tm and Jack eagerly packed their buckets and shvels(铲子), ready t explre the sandy wnders that awaited them. The mment they arrived at the beach, they wasted n time and rushed directly twards the shreline.
    With the wind brushing gently ver their cheeks, Tm and Jack dug their hands int the sft grains f sand, laughing happily as they felt grains f sand passing thrugh their fingers. Their laughter was eching alng the cast.
    Then the tw little brthers decided t build a splendid sand castle that wuld leave everyne in awe. With the sund f seabirds singing in the backgrund, they began their grand prject. Side by side, they cupped their hands, dug int the sft beach, and started building their dream castle. With great care and precisin, they sculpted and shaped the sand with their fingers, crafting each twer and wall. The bys were lst in their wrk, feeling the warmth f the sand beneath their fingers. They seemed t hear whispering tales f the distant, mysterius cean.
    Time seemed t stand still as the bys pured their hearts int every detail f their sandy creatin. With each passing mment, the sand castle grew in bth size and beauty and it began t take shape. Tgether, they patiently decrated their dream castle with seashells and twigs, imagining a wrld f sldiers, princesses, and magical creatures.
    Seeing the castle stand prudly befre them, the tw little brthers breathed ut a sigh f relief. Their eyes shne with excitement. They were like architects wh were appreciating their masterpiece that expressed their extrardinary imaginatin.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Hwever, just befre they knew it, the seawater began t rise.

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