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    Cheapest Islands in the Wrld t Visit
    Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas
    As the nrthernmst f the 700 islands f the Bahamas, Grand Bahama dishes up plenty f cheap activities alngside its white-sand beaches. Visiting Lucayan Natinal Park, which is hme t bth belved Gld Rck Beach and ne f the largest underwater cave(洞穴)systems in the wrld, is an affrdable trip. There are htel rms at $80 a night.
    Madeira, Prtugal
    Thugh clser t mainland Africa, Madeira is a part f Prtugal knwn fr its breathtaking natural beauty. Visitrs can find htels starting at $85 a night, and enjy plenty f lw-cst activities, like rwing a bat arund the vlcanic Prt Mniz natural swimming pls, and admiring the never-ending views arund the island. N wnder it's been called the "Hawaii f Eurpe".
    Dminican Republic
    Lking fr ne f the least expensive Caribbean islands? The Dminican Republic is full f affrdable surprises. In Sant Dming, walk arund Zna Clnial, the histric heart f the cuntry's capital, yu'll find castles, cathedrals(教堂), cbblestne streets, and cafés arund every crner. During the lw seasn(summer), yu can find htel deals starting at $33 a night.
    Sri Lanka
    D yu want t spend just $ 25~50 a day? Then g t Sri Lanka. Since the Suth Asian island cuntry is ne f the largest tea prducers in the wrld, start with a tea factry tur n a peaceful hike. Taking a train ride thrugh the hills frm Kandy t Badulla r frm Clmb t Galle is an enjyable and affrdable way t see the cuntryside.
    1.What can yu d in Lucayan Natinal Park?
    A. Visit a huge castle.B. Enjy the beautiful beach.
    C. Swim in Prt Mniz.D. G n a tea factry tur.
    2.What is special abut Zna Clnial?
    A. It requires bking.B. It has histric sites.
    C. It is famus fr tea.D. It is clsed in summer.
    3.Which f the fllwing wuld prvide a htel rm at the lwest price?
    A. DminicaB. The Bahamas.C. Prtugal.D. Sri Lanka.
    Valentina is 9 years ld living in Plan, Texas with her parents. She lves Beatrice, and American Girl dll(洋娃娃)very much. But Valentina left her belved dll behind by chance during a flight earlier this summer. Rudy and Dminguez, Valentina's parents, tried everything they culd t reunite their daughter with her best friend, Beatrice.
    "Beatrice means a lt t me. She brings me happiness and she's my best friend," Valentina said. "When she was missing, I felt like my heart was brken."
    When finding Beatrice was lst, the Texas family immediately' searched everywhere fr the lst dll with brwn hair, including their travel bags, withut success. They remembered seeing her n the plane s they called the airline(航空公司), and then sent an email t it.
    The family als spread the message abut the lst dll n the Internet—a message that finally reached pilt James, a first fficer fr American Airlines wh lives nt far frm Plan.
    James said he gt the chance t help yung Valentina lcate(定位)Beatrice, wh was last seen n July 20 n a plane in Tky, where the family had a stpver(中途停留)n their flight back hme frm Bali, Indnesia.
    James said he gt in tuch with the Airlines' Lst and Fund at Haneda Airprt in Tky and was able t lcate the missing dll after tw tries. He then tk phts with Beatrice in varius airprts and n flights as he carried her back hme t Valentina in Plan, ver 5,800 miles away. One Mnday, James drve t the Texas family t return Beatrice t Valentina in persn. They were all mved fr what James had dne.
    4.What can we knw abut Valentina?
    A. She was sad at lsing Beatrice.B. She has brwn hair.
    C. She lved taking phts with Beatrice.D. She lives in Tky.
    5.What did the Texas family d first when finding Beatrice lst?
    A. They sent an email t the airline.B. They gt in tuch with James.
    C. They searched their travel bags.D. They spread the message nline.
    6.Hw did Valentina get her dll back?
    A. She fund it at hme.B. James sent it back in persn.
    C. She gt it frm the waiting rm.D. Her parents discvered it n the plane.
    7.Hw did the Texas family feel abut James' act?
    A. Encuraged.B. Cnfident.C. Calm.D. Thankful.
    Smetimes parents wnder if they shuld really give their children chres(家务活). After all, isn't it the parents' respnsibility t manage the husehld? And dn't children need an pprtunity t "just be children" fr nw because they have the rest f their lives t wrry abut chres?
    Mst children have really busy schedules. They rush arund frm ne activity t anther with little time t clean the huse. Despite thse cncerns, hwever, giving yur children chres may be ne f the mst imprtant things yu'll ever d.
    While giving yur children chres can certainly take sme f the stress ff yu, that's nt the nly reasn yu shuld expect yur children t d the chres. Studies shw chres are gd fr children. Research frm a well-knwn 75-year Harvard study shws that chres can shape children t be mre likely t becme happy, healthy and independent adults.
    Why are chres like sweeping the flr and clearing the table s imprtant t children's happiness in life? One reasn is that children feel a sense f achievement when they d their chres. N matter whether they're making their beds r they're sweeping the flr, helping ut arund the huse makes children feel qualified. Ding chres als helps children feel like they're part f the team and learn respnsibility. Helping family members is gd fr them and it encurages them t be gd adults.
    Children wh d chres gain imprtant life skills that will serve them well thrughut their lives. Life skills such as meal preparatin, mwing the lawn, r ding the laundry will be imprtant after high schl, which helps yur children live independently.
    8.Why des the authr raise questins in paragraph 1?
    A. T express dubts.B. T make a warning.
    C. T lead in the tpic.D. T prvide backgrund infrmatin.
    9.What helps children grw up healthily accrding t research frm the Harvard study?
    A. Chres.B. Less hmewrk. C. Schl activities.D. Learning schedules.
    10.What des the underlined wrd "qualified" mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Tired.B. Nervus.C. Having n time.D. Having the ability.
    11.What des this text fcus n?
    A. Skills t deal with chres.B. Advantages f ding chres.
    C. The imprtance f life skills.D. Ways t balance study and chres.
    Spending time utdrs has lng been linked(联系)t better health. Gardening ges beynd just beautifying utdr spaces—it can have a deep effect n ur physical and mental(身心上的)health.
    Gardening invlves physical activity that wrks all the main muscle(肌肉)grups, which is helpful fr verall health. "Activities such as digging, planting, weeding and harvesting require mvement and can help t imprve strength," said Claytn, CEO f an nline lawn care cmpany. "Perfrming these activities regularly can help burn calries, and keep a healthy weight."
    Beynd burning calries and building muscle, lts f studies have shwn that gardening can imprve the immune system. The Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin(CDC)recmmends that peple get at least 150 minutes f exercise each week, and gardening is listed as a suitable activity. Ding garden wrk fr that time each week can reduce the risk f besity, high bld pressure and heart disease. Additinally, spending time utdrs makes us get clse t natural sunlight, which is imprtant fr vitamin D synth.
    Gardening prvides a chance fr scial cnnectin, t. It can be a shared activity amng family members, friends r neighbrs, building relatinships and a sense f belnging.
    Gardening als ffers cgnitive(认知的)benefits. It excites the senses, imprves fcus and encurages prblem-slving and creativity. It prvides a chance t learn abut plants, ecsystems and the envirnment, develping a deeper understanding and appreciatin fr nature.
    12.What is Claytn's attitude twards gardening?
    A. Supprtive.B. Dubtful.C. Unclear.D. Uncaring.
    13.What des paragraph 3 mainly tell us abut gardening?
    A. It imprves fcus.B. It is a waste f time.
    C. It can keep a bdy in shape.D. It helps t reduce the risk f diseases.
    14.Hw des gardening affect scial cnnectin accrding t the text?
    A. It cntributes t creativity.B. It encurages prblem-slving.
    C. It builds relatinships between peple.D. It imprves peple’s awareness f safety.
    15.What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw t Start a GardenB. Chse a Garden r Nt
    C. What Plants Grw Best in a GardenD. Start Gardening and Get the Health Benefits
    16.Life can be busy r stressful at times. Usually, we frget hw imprtant it is t listen urselves. ①_______.
    Sparing rm fr gd things in yur life
    Life gets much simpler and mre enjyable when yu clear yur physical and emtinal bad things. And there's s much yu can let g f in life withut lsing a thing. It's called grwth. ②_______. Yu cannt discver new ceans unless yu build up enugh curage t lse sight f the ld.
    Putting yur purpse and passin(热情)int the things yu d
    ③_______. S learn t believe in yur heart that yu're meant t live each day full f purpse and passin—that every mment is wrthy in its wn way. T ften we wait because we think we need t "find" smething new r different t be fnd f. But that's nt true. If yu want mre passin in yur life right nw, act accrdingly right nw. Put yur whle heart int the things yu d. ④_______, but the chance right in frnt f yu. Nt int tmrrw's tasks, but tday's tasks. Nt int tmrrw's run, but tday's run.
    All the small things make a big difference. Every step is imprtant. Life isn't abut a single mment f great success. It's abut the trials and errrs(试错)that slwly get yu there—the sweat, tears, and all the small things yu d n a day-t-day basis. They all matter in the end—every step, every regret and every decisin.
    A. Chsing t start tday
    B. Nt int tmrrw's chances
    C. Remembering that every step matters
    D. Letting g f the ld makes way fr the new
    E. S what yu need t remember mst right nw is t share
    F. Purpse is the reasn yu jurney and passin is the fire that lights yur way
    G. Here belw are sme things in life that yu have t keep n ding t change that
    I grew up arund bks. I remember pening my parents' 1 bk Finnegan's Wake by James Jyce and thinking: They might have never pened the 2 frm the sign f the dust, and with s many bscure(晦涩的)wrds in it, why did they 3 it? In spite f this, I culd sense the magic f buying it, and I carried that sense f 4 int my life.
    In the past, I had hundreds f bks in the huse. They. 5 my bkshelves, and the bks gt in the way smetimes. They gathered arund the chair where I 6 n t watch TV. They 7 the space n my ttman(凳子)where my feet were 8 t g. I thught I needed mre 9 fr my bks. Since my wrk is t write abut bks, I have sme frms f 10 . But there's mre t it than that. That is I always had the 11 f hlding a bk, reading a bk, and buying a bk.
    Thugh many bks I 12 may haven't been read, nthing can stp me frm buying them 13 , with many bks arund me, there will always be an pprtunity(机会)fr me t pick up a bk 14 , and it takes me back t 15 times.
    17.A. half-penedB. dust-cvered C. children-centeredD. picture-filled
    18.A. bkB. drC. windwD. bag
    19.A. chseB. reviseC. imprveD. design
    20.A. safetyB. directinC. magicD. humr
    21.A. prtectedB. brkeC. shkD. lined
    22.A. waitedB. jumped C. stdD. sat
    23.A. kept nB. cleaned up C. tk upD. fcused n
    24.A. addictedB. suppsedC. attractedD. lcked
    25.A. agreementB. ideasC. bkcasesD. mney
    26.A. excusesB. prmisesC. rulesD. answers
    27.A. angerB. pleasureC. luckD. patience
    28.A. sldB. advisedC. brrwedD. cllected
    29.A. ActuallyB. QuietlyC. QuicklyD. Hardly
    30.A. in timeB. by chanceC. n purpseD. at first
    31.A. unsuccessfulB. srryC. gdD. difficult
    32.Tea cmes frm China, and Chinese tea culture has a lng histry. Nw, enjying a nice cup f tea is a habit arund the wrld. Nt nly is drinking tea a①_________(relax)mment, but tea is an endless drink with s many different types t get, each with②_________(it)wn unique flavr(味道). But if yu're a tea-time beginner and find yurself just③_________(put)an ld tea bag in ht water and steeping(浸泡)④_________(simple)and carelessly, yu culd be missing ut n tns f flavr and the chance t experience the mment f tea-drinking⑤_________(happy). There are a few imprtant⑥_________(thing)that can affect the taste f tea, including the types f tea, the water temperature, and the steeping time. T make a cup f perfect tea, firstly, instead⑦_________tea bags, yu'd better prepare lse-leaf tea⑧_________has a strng and lasting flavr. Lse-leaf tea als prduces generally⑨_________(little)rubbish than tea bags. Secndly, yu shuld start with fresh water and nt let the water get t ht. Remve the water right when it⑩_________(start)biling fr the best flavr. Finally, set a timer and start steeping accrding t the suggested time n yur tea's packaging.
    33.假定你是李华, 本周末你校将组织郊游活动, 请给你的美国朋友 Ashley 写封邮件邀请她参加。内容包括:
    1. 活动时间和地点;
    2. 活动内容安排;
    3. 欢迎 Ashley 参加。
    注意: 1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Ashley,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    34.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I had been ging thrugh sme difficult times nt s lng ag dealing with the pressures f grwing up and trying t cmmunicate with my parents, particularly my mther. Our relatinship had suffered because f this. When I gt angry, it seemed like we wuld end up fighting with each ther and nt talk abut what we were really feeling. Luckily, I have slved thse prblems nw after we had a heart-t-heart "talk".
    A while back I ran away frm hme s that I culd be far enugh away t cl dwn. I stayed away fr many hurs, well int the night, befre I finally decided t return hme. When I walked thrugh the frnt dr, I immediately saw all the pain, anger and disappintment n my parents' faces, especially my mther's. Fr days t cme, my mm and I experienced a lt f suffering. Everything we did r said was filled with tensin until we were unable t cntrl ur feelings. We knew we badly needed t have a talk. We agreed t have breakfast tgether the next mrning. That mrning will remain fresh in my memry frever. It was a turning pint.
    We decided t g t a lcal café. On ur way t the table, I nticed that my mther had tw ntebks and sme pens. I asked her what they were fr. She explained t me that smetimes it was easier t write dwn ur feelings rather than try t talk abut them. She then handed me ne ntebk and she kept the ther. The rules fr that talk were that she wuld pick a tpic, and we wuld write dwn ur feelings, and then exchange ur ntebks. It culd be as lng r as shrt as we wanted.
    注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Our first tpic was: "Why I am s angry.”
    We exchanged ur ntebks and read the wrds. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    1.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas一节“Visiting Lucayan Natinal Park, which is hme t bth belved Gld Rck Beach…”可知, 在 Lucayan 国家公园可以欣赏美丽的海滩。
    2.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。通读全文, 并根据Dminican Republic一节“In Sant Dming, walk arund Zna Clnial, the histric heart f the cuntry's capital, yu'll find castles, cathedrals(教堂), cbblestne streets, and cafés arund every crner.”可知, 本文介绍的其他地方都是自然风光为主, 而 Zna Clnial 尤以历史古迹著称。
    3.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。对比文中四处旅游景点的酒店价格可知, 在 Sri Lanka可以订购最便宜的客房。
    4.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“…Valentina said. ‘When she was missing, I felt like my heart was brken.’”可知, Valentina 丢失洋娃娃后很伤心。
    5.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段"When finding Beatrice was lst, the Texas family immediately searched everywhere fr the lst dll with brwn hair, including their travel bags, withut success."可知, Valentina一家人得知洋娃娃丢失后, 他们立刻搜查了旅行包。
    6.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“One Mnday, James drve t the Texas family t return Beatrice t Valentina in persn.”可知, James 亲自把洋娃娃送还给 Valentina。
    7.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段"They were all mved fr what James had dne,"可知, Valentina的家人对James非常感激。
    8.答案: C
    9.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Research…shws that chres can shape children t be mre likely t becme happy, healthy and independent adults.”可知, 研究表明, 做家务活有利于孩子们健康成长。
    10.答案: D
    解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词前“One reasn is that children feel a sense f achievement…”可推断, 画线词的意思为Having the ability。
    11.答案: B
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 文章主要讲了做家务活带来的好处。
    12.答案: A
    解析:观点态度题。根据第二段“‘Activities such as digging, planting, weeding and harvesting require mvement and can help t imprve strength,’ said Claytn…”可知, Claytn对园艺活动持"支持的"态度。
    13.答案: D
    解析:段落大意题。根据第三段“…lts f studies have shwn that gardening can imprve the immune system. Ding garden wrk. . . can reduce the risk f…disease.”可知, 本段主要讲园艺活动有助于降低患病的风险。
    14.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“Gardening prvides a chance fr scial cnnectin, t. It can be…building relatinships and a sense f belnging.”可知, 园艺活动对社交的影响是它可以建立人们间的关系。
    15.答案: D
    解析:标题判断题。通读全文, 尤其是第一段“Gardening ges beynd just beautifying utdr spaces—it can have a deep effect n ur physical and mental(身心上的)health,”可知, 文章主要讲进行园艺活动有利于身心健康。
    ①本空应该选一个总起句, 再根据选项中关键词belw可知, G项“要改变这一点, 下面是你在生活中必须坚持做的一些事情”符合。
    ②根据空后"Yu cannt discver new ceans unless yu build up enugh curage t lse sight f the ld."及选项中的照应词ld和new可知, D项“放下过去, 展望未来”符合。
    ③根据本段小标题Putting yur purpse and passin(热情)int the things yu d 及选项中照应词 purpse, passin 可知, F项“怀有梦想是你启程的原因, 而激情是照亮你前行道路的火焰”符合。
    ④根据空后“but the chance right in frnt f yu”和选项中照应词chances可知, B项“不要等待明天机会的到来”符合。
    ⑤根据本空下面的内容和提到的关键词every step, matter可知, C项“请记住, 每一步都很重要”适合作本段小标题。
    17.答案: B
    解析:当打开父母买的已布满灰尘的(dust-cvered)书——《芬尼根守灵夜》时, “我”有所思考。
    18.答案: A
    解析:从书上落满的灰尘来看, 也许他们从来没有打开过这本书(bk), 他们为什么要选择(chse)买这么难读的书呢?
    19.答案: A
    20.答案: C
    解析:尽管如此, “我”还是能感觉到买书的魔力, 这种魔力(magic)在“我”的生活中也能得到体现。
    21.答案: D
    解析:书排列在(lined)“我”的书架上, 有时它们会比较碍事。
    22.答案: D
    23.答案: C
    解析:它们会占用(tk up)“我”习惯放脚的凳子。
    24.答案: B
    解析:be suppsed t意为“应该”。
    25.答案: C
    26.答案: A
    解析:因为“我”的工作是写书, 所以“我”有理由(excuses)这样做。
    27.答案: B
    解析:“我”喜欢(pleasure)这种感觉: 拿着一本书, 读一本书或者是买一本书。
    28.答案: D
    解析:虽然“我”收藏的(cllected)很多书可能都没有被读过, 但“我”还是不停地买书。
    29.答案: A
    解析:事实上(Actually), 当身边有很多书时, 这能让“我”有机会偶然间(by chance)拿起一本书并让自己回想起美好的(gd)时光。
    30.答案: B
    31.答案: C
    解析:事实上(Actually), 当身边有很多书时, 这能让“我”有机会偶然间(by chance)拿起一本书并让自己回想起美好的(gd)时光。
    ②考查代词。句意:喝茶不仅是一种令人放松的时刻,而且茶是一种无穷无尽的饮料,有很多不同的类型,每一种都有自己独特的味道。分析句子可知,空后是名词短语wn unique flavr,因此应用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。
    ③考查非谓语动词。句意:但如果你是一个喝茶的初学者,发现自己只是把一个旧茶包放在热水里,简单而随意地浸泡,你可能会错过大量的味道和体验喝茶快乐的机会。根据“find yurself”可推知,空处应填非谓语动词作宾补,put和“你自己”之间为逻辑主动关系,且表示动作正在发生,因此空处应用put的现在分词形式。故填putting。
    ⑥考查名词的数。句意:有几件重要的事情会影响茶的味道,包括茶的种类、水温和浸泡时间。根据“a few”可知,此处指几件重要的事情,空处应用thing的复数形式。故填things。
    ⑦考查介词。句意:要做一杯完美的茶,首先,你最好准备散叶茶,而不是茶包,它有浓郁而持久的味道。根据“instead”和“tea bags”可推知,此处用固定短语instead f,意为“而不是”,因此空处应用介词f。故填f。
    ⑧考查定语从句。句意:要做一杯完美的茶,首先,你最好准备散叶茶,而不是茶包,它有浓郁而持久的味道。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词lse-leaf tea,先行词指物,在从句中作主语,因此应用关系代词which或that作引导词。故填which/that。
    ⑨考查形容词比较级。句意:散叶茶产生的垃圾通常也比茶包少。根据“than tea bags”可知,此处表示比较,因此空处应用little的比较级。故填less。
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Ashley,
    Hw are yu ding? Learning that an uting t the Natinal Frest Park will be held in ur schl, I am writing t invite yu t participate.
    As scheduled, we’ll meet at the schl gate at 6:30 this Saturday mrning and then g t the park by bus. In this tur, nt nly can yu enjy the unique rcks, ancient and precius trees arund yu, but als yu can admire the beautiful scenery n the way. I highly recmmend yu t participate in this meaningful activity, in which yu can enrich yur knwledge and make mre friends.
    I’m lking frward t yur arrival.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    独特的:unique→ distinctive
    参加:participate in→take part in
    珍贵的:precius→ valuable
    原句:Learning that an uting t the Natinal Frest Park will be held in ur schl, I am writing t invite yu t participate.
    拓展句:Because I learn that an uting t the Natinal Frest Park will be held in ur schl, I am writing t invite yu t participate.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】In this tur, nt nly can yu enjy the unique rcks, ancient and precius trees arund yu, but als yu can admire the beautiful scenery n the way. (运用了部分倒装的结构)
    【高分句型2】I highly recmmend yu t participate in this meaningful activity, in which yu can enrich yur knwledge and make mre friends.(运用了介词+关系代词引导的定语从句结构)
    One pssible versin:
    Our first tpic was: “Why I am s angry.” I wrte a half page, and my mm filled up nearly three pages. I watched tears rll dwn her face as she wrte. I never realized anyne culd hide s much anger. It culd have been because I never paid much attentin t that, either. Smetimes we think we are the nly nes with prblems, but I was reminded that mrning that ther peple can be hurting just as much.
    We exchanged ur ntebks and read the wrds. As sn as I started reading my mther’s wrds, I began t cry and s did she. Amazingly enugh, it felt like all my anger slwly faded. Our talk helped me realize s many things I had never thught f befre, nt nly abut anger but als abut lve. We knew we lved each ther dearly. Since then, ur ntebks have been a safe place t express it. Nw, we live a healthy life full f peace and lve.
    解析:1. 续写线索:
    2. 段落续写:分别写作——交换阅读——愤怒消散——双方意识到愤怒和爱——笔记本被放在安全地方——过着平静而有爱的生活
    3. 词汇激活
    ①意识到:realize/be aware that
    ②注意:paid attentin t/take ntice f
    ③衰弱:fade/die away
    ①愤怒:anger/ rage
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Smetimes we think we are the nly nes with prblems, but I was reminded that mrning that ther peple can be hurting just as much.(使用了省略that的宾语从句和that引导的宾语从句、but连接并列句)
    【高分句型2】Our talk helped me realize s many things I had never thught f befre, nt nly abut anger but als abut lve. (使用了省略关系词的定语从句、nt nly…but als…并列结构)

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