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    1. 本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分)、考试用时100分钟;
    2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡和对应的位置上,并认真校对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;
    3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动、请用橡皮擦干净后、再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;
    4. 考生答题必须答在答题卡上、答在试卷和草稿低上一律无效。
    第I卷(客观题 共45分)
    第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    On Mnday mrning, a teacher named Celine cheerfully asked her students what their weekends were like. A by said that he had spent a 1 weekend—he had his teeth 2 ut and they still hurt. “Why d yu always seem t be s happy?” he asked.
    Hearing the questin, Celine answered with a smile, “Every mrning, yu have a 3 abut hw yu will treat yur whle day. I chse t be cheerful.”
    “And tday is my 4 day.” she added.
    “ 5 ?” the whle class were curius.
    “This mrning, I 6 a public e-bike and rde t schl as usual. Suddenly, the e-bike didn’t wrk, s I had t g anther kilmeter dwn the rad.”
    “The e-bike is brken and it’s yur lucky day?” The students were 7 .
    “What d yu mean, Celine?” ne girl asked.
    “It brke 8 a quarter befre class, s I left it a prper place and walked acrss the rad. Yu knw, it’s spring nw. The beautiful flwers, green trees and sweet bird sngs were greeting chance t enjy them. It 9 me ten minutes t arrive and I was still able t teach my class n time.”
    The students’ eyes pened wide, and then they smiled. Celine smiled back. In sme way, her stry tuched them. She was happy and satisfied that they had a perfect chance t 10 luck in a new way.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    11.What d the circles in the middle f the diagram(图表) shw?
    A.Mvement f the plates.B.Mvement f deep water.
    C.Energy frm the tsunami.D.Energy frm the earthquake.
    12.Accrding t the diagram, hw are bth f the plates mving?
    A.They mve tward each ther.B.They mve away frm each ther.
    C.They mve in an upward directin.D.They mve in a dwnward directin.
    13.What can we learn frm the reading material abve?
    A.Hw t prevent a tsunami.B.Hw a tsunami frms.
    C.The causes and effects f a tsunami.D.The differences between wave types.
    Tm Canty is a by wh used t live in Pudding Lane, a very pr area f Lndn. Tm’s father sent him ut t beg(乞讨) fr mney every day. But he is nw sitting in the prince’s place n sft silk cushins(坐垫) in a ryal bat. Princess Elizabeth and Lady Jane Grey are sitting beside him. He cannt believe this is really happening.
    When they arrive at the centre f the City f Lndn, they leave the bat and Tm leads the line f nbles(贵族). They walk thrugh the streets t Guildhall. The Mayr f Lndn and ther imprtant peple are there t welcme them. After a shrt time, servants arrive with fd and drinks, and sn everyne starts eating and drinking.
    After dinner, mre nbles enter the hall. They are wearing extic cstumes(异域服饰) and clured hats. There are als musicians and singers wh sing and dance with peple arund.
    Yung Tm watches everything with interest.
    At the same time, utside the Guildhall, withut having anything t eat the real prince Edward is wearing Tm’s dirty ld clthes. He wants t g in.
    “Let me in. I am Edward the Prince f Wales,” Edward shuts.
    A crwd f peple are standing arund him, laughing at him.
    This makes Edward even mre angry. “I tell yu. I am the Prince f Wales,” Edward cntinues, “I am alne and I have n fiends t help me but I am the real prince and I am nt leaving.”
    At that mment, a man cmes t Edward and says, “Yu are nt alne. My name is Miles Hendn and I am yur friend nw.”
    The crwd laughs at Miles, t.
    “Hey, anther prince,” ne man shuts and the thers laugh mre.
    “Let’s thrw the dirty beggar in the water,” anther man shuts.
    Miles stands in frnt f Edward t prtect him. He pulls ut his swrd(剑) but the peple mve frward.
    At that mment a trumpet(小号) is sunded and the king's sldiers pass thrugh the crwd. They have a message frm the palace. The crwd run away. Miles lifts Edward up and carries him away frm danger.
    — Taken frm The Prince and the Pauper
    14.What is Tm’s present life like?
    15.Hw des the writer describe Tm’s present life?
    A.By telling stries.B.By prviding details.
    C.By listing reasns.D.By expressing pinins.
    16.What des the underlined sentence “Hey, anther prince” mean?
    A.The crwd feels very excited t see anther prince.
    B.The crwd ffers t help Edward get int Guildhall.
    C.The crwd wants t make fun f Edward and Miles.
    D.The crwd thinks bth Edward and Miles are princes.
    17.Which may be the best title fr this chapter(章)?
    A.Tm’s early lifeB.Tm’s meeting with the prince
    C.At the GuildhallD.The birth f Edward and Tm
    T sme peple, there is nthing mre appetizing (开胃的) than the smell f meat cking ver an pen air. Thrughut the wrld, peple lve t eat barbecue (烧烤), because it helps bring friends and families tgether. Having a barbecue makes peple think abut hw things were with their ancestrs. Cking ver cals r an pen flame makes peple feel mre scial.
    Mst cuntries have barbecue traditins and they usually take place n natinal hlidays. In the United States, it is a traditin t have a barbecue f hamburgers and ht dgs n July 4, which is Independence Day.
    In Suth America, especially in Argentina, barbecue is a way f life. All srts f meats and sausages are put n a large grill (烤架) tgether ver ht cals. Barbecue is even cnsidered the natinal dish in Argentina, and it is given the name asad in Prtuguese. This means nt nly the dish but als the scial event that surrunds an Argentinean barbecue.
    When a persn speaks abut Turkish and Middle Eastern barbecue, the Kebab immediately cmes t mind. The traditin f taking different meats, and smetimes vegetables as well, and spearing (月尖物刺穿) them with a sharp stack has crssed cultural lines tday. Practically anywhere in the English-speaking wrld, the thught f shish-kebab will make barbecue lvers’ muth water.
    Wherever yu g in the wrld, yu are almst certain t cme acrss a lcal methd f preparing barbecue. If yu visit different places, be bld and try whatever the lcal specialties (特色菜) are.
    18.Which f the fllwing is the Kebab?
    19.It can be learned frm the passage that ________.
    A.barbecue is a healthy way f eating meat
    B.lcal barbecue specialties is fund all ver the wrld
    C.the traditin f having a barbecue will stp sn
    D.barbecue is cnsidered a way f life in the USA
    20.Which f the fllwing best shws the structure f the passage?
    A.B. C.D.
    21.What’s the writer’s purpse in writing this passage?
    A.T stp peple frm eating barbecue.B.T encurage peple t eat mre barbecue.
    C.T tell peple the wrld barbecue traditins.D.T intrduce barbecue lvers in different places.
    ChatGPT, a smart AI chat-bt(聊天机器人) tl, has swept the educatin wrld in the past mnths. Accrding t a US survey f mre than 1000 students, ver 89 percent f them have used ChatGPT t help with a hmewrk assignment.
    Develped by US cmpany OpenAI, ChatGPT is a pwerful tl. Yu can ask it t write stries and emails, create recipes(食谱), translate languages, and answer all kinds f questins.
    Sme schls in the US, Australia and France have banned (禁止) the use f ChatGPT. In the US, fr example, New Yrk City public schls banned students and teachers frm using ChatGPT n the district’s netwrks and devices(设备).
    The mve cmes ut f wrries that the tl culd make it easier fr students t cheat n assignments.
    Sme als wrry that ChatGPT culd be used t spread inaccurate(不确定的) infrmatin.
    “It des nt build critical-thinking(批判性思维) and prblem-slving skills, which are necessary fr academic(学术的) and lifelng success,” said Jenna Lyle, the deputy press secretary f the New Yrk City Department f Educatin.
    Apart frm bans, teachers are making changes t their classes t blck the use f ChatGPT. Sme cllege teachers in the US try t include mre speaking exams and handwritten n papers instead f typed nes.
    Hwever, nt all educatrs say n t ChatGPT. Sme Canadian universities are drafting(起草) plicies n its use, fr bth students and teachers. They have n plans t cmpletely ban the tl s far.
    Bhaskar Vira, the headmaster at the University f Cambridge in the UK, said that bans n AI sftware like ChatGPT are nt sensible(明智的). “We have t knw that AI is a tl peple will use,” he tld Varsity, the schl newspaper f the university. What we need t d is “adapt(调整) ur learning, teaching and examinatins.” That way, we can “have integrity (诚信) while recgnizing the use f the tl”.
    22.Sme schls in the US banned the use f ChatGPT because ________.
    A.students may use it t cheat n hmewrkB.it rarely prvides crrect infrmatin
    C.it takes the place f teachersD.it takes up mst f the district's netwrks
    23.Jenna Lyle thinks that ________.
    A.ChatGPT is necessary fr academic and lifelng success
    B.ChatGPT might ffer the wrng infrmatin
    C.ChatGPT is s far the smartest AI chat-bt tl
    D.using ChatGPT is nt gd fr develping students’ minds
    24.What did the educatrs in the US d t avid the use f ChatGPT?
    a. They blcked students’ access t the tl.
    b. They learned t recgnize papers written by ChatGPT.
    c. They changed the frms f assignment.
    d. They suggested laws t ban the use f ChatGPT.
    25.Which pinin is NOT mentined in the stry.
    A.Using ChatGPT makes students lazy in thinking.
    B.ChatGPTwill cmpletely change current educatin.
    C.The cmplete ban n using ChatGPT is nt wise.
    D.ChatGPT can be useful fr bth teachers and students.
    第三部分 信息还原(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
    Are yu the kind f persn wh likes t mve with music? 26 Even little children start jumping up and dwn when they hear music.
    Scientists say that animals dance, t. 27 The “dances” f animals send messages t ther animals. But when peple dance, they express feelings abut life and lve, r abut these very human experiences.
    Dances are really gd fr yu in many ways. Fr ne thing, dancing is gd fr yu physically. It makes yur heart wrk and makes yu breathe fast. 28 If yu g dancing ften, yu can keep physically fit. Yu may feel very tired after dancing, but yu’ll prbably als feel relaxed and happy. This is anther imprtant pint abut dancing. It gives yu a chance t express yur feeling and feel better abut yurself. 29 , dancing helps thse feelings g away.
    30 Sme dances are fr cuples and sme are fr grups. But all kinds f dances give yu a chance t meet new peple r t d smething enjyable with friends.
    A.But their dancing is different.
    B.And finally, it’s a scial activity.
    C.If peple like dancing very much.
    D.If yu are angry r upset abut smething
    E.It als makes yu use yur arms and yur legs.
    F.It’s a natural thing t d.
    G.In a wrd, dances d us a lt f gd.
    第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
    第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
    31. (血)is thicker than water.
    32.We are sad that Ya Ya, the panda, is (面对) serius prblems.
    33.We shuld eat mre (新鲜的) vegetables and fruit. They’re gd fr ur health.
    34.Smking can (严重地) damage yur health.
    35.I met her at the (诊所). She didn’t feel well that day.
    36.—Kay, this is Steven.
    —Yes, I knw. We’ve already i urselves t each ther.
    37.Clrs can help us describe things and t their differences.
    38.We wn’t realize hw much health m t us until we lse it.
    第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在横线上填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。
    French pst ffice, La Pste, published tw stamps t celebrate the Chinese New Year, the Year f the Rabbit. The stamps are designed by a Chinese 39 Chen Jianghng. They are marked with “The Year f The Rabbit” characters in 40 Chinese and French. Featuring a cruching rabbit n a pink backgrund, ne stamp applies t(适用于) the dmestic mail service in France. The ther, a rabbit lking up n the mn’s backgrund, 41 the internatinal mail service. The Chinese ambassadr(大使) t France, Lu Shaye, said that 2023 is the year f the Rabbit, which is an animal that is cute, well-behaved, gentle and smart. The rabbit 42 the psitive energy f the Chinese peple. Because Chinese peple can deal with difficulties and imprve themselves. Lu added, the Sin-French relatins(中法关系) will surely write a new chapter and make rapid 43 in the new year.
    第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Tw years ag, my family mved int ur dream huse, a very big hme 44 seven rms. It was a beautiful place, but as ur children grew up, ur feeling f tgetherness began t disappear 45 (slw). In the big huse, we smetimes seemed t be 46 (strange) t each ther.
    One day, my daughter Hannah became sad abut the 47 (different) between the wrld’s haves r have-nts. She wanted us t be “a family that des smething gd in the wrld, even if it’s a small thing”. My wife Jan asked her, “What are yu 48 (will) t give up? Yur huse? Yur rm?” Hannah said yes t bth. After 49 (talk) it ver as a family, we decided t sell ur huse and mve t ne that was half its size and price and give the mney t thse pr peple in need. After a lt f research, we 50 (chse) the Hunger Prject, a US rganizatin.
    T be hnest, we were a little 51 (wrry) at first. Wuld the new hme t be t small fr us? Or wuld we think we had given up t much? Tw years later, I can tell yu: It’s the 52 (gd) mve we have ever made. While we wrked tgether n ur family prject, we became much clser. 53 Hannah said the ther day, “We learned hw t really trust each ther.”
    第六部分 阅读表达(共3小题;1题2分,2题2分,3题3分,满分7分)
    Pretty, sweet, and always putting n a big smile is hw thse wh knw Wang Wanna think f her. On stage(舞台), Wang always takes n a ttally different lk. Fr a 27-year-ld, half f her life has been spent singing Yueju Opera, which is the mst ppular pera style fllwing Peking Opera in China. Standing n the stage, she purs herself int the stries, and als adds her wn dreams and feelings t the characters she plays.
    With the supprt f her parents, Wang left hme at 13 and went t Shanghai t learn Yueju Opera. She said that she did nt understand what Yueju Opera was until the secnd year when she watched Rmance f the Western Chamber (西厢记), a Chinese classic. She was deeply tuched by the stry. That was the mment when she fell in lve with the art frm she was ging t devte herself t. She was trained t play the rles f yung men in Yueju Opera since the very beginning and has nw grwn int an excellent actress in Shanghai Yueju Opera Huse.
    Wang did a lt fr Yueju Opera. On the stage, she tried her best t play a gd rle. “It culd be that amng peple wh cme int the theater t watch ur shw, many cme fr the first time. A small mistake made n the stage might leave them with a bad feeling f Yueju Opera,” she said.
    Hwever, cmpared with ther ppular art frms such as mdern drama and talk shws, Yueju Opera is still nt very familiar t mst peple. As a result, ff the stage, Wang made sme vides t intrduce the art f Yueju Opera t yung peple nline. “I really hpe t find a way t pen a dr fr peple f my age t fall in lve with Yueju Opera,” said Wang.
    54.Hw many years have Wang Wanna learned Yueju Opera?

    55.Why did Wang make thse vides t intrduce Yueju Opera?

    56.What kind f art frm d yu like best? Why?

    第七部分 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)
    57.小说《哈利波特》中的人物“学霸”赫敏曾拥有过一个时间转换器(Time-Turner)。它能将时间拨回至你过去生命中的任意一刻。假设你也拥有了它,你最想将时间拨回至哪一刻?请以“Back t the past”为题写一篇英语文章。内容应包括:
    Back t the past
    If I culd have a Time-Turner, the mment I want t g back mst is ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    A tsunami(海啸) is a very large cean wave usually caused by an earthquake under the cean. Mst earthquakes happen where tw plates, r blcks f Earth’s crust(地壳) cme tgether. When the plates push against each ther, ne plate can snap up suddenly, sending ut energy upward. The energy is then transferred(较移) int the cean, causing a tsunami wave t rise and spread ut in tw directins. A tsunami can travel mre than 600 miles befre it reaches the shre.
    art be used fr prgress bth represent
    1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C
    busy忙碌的;satisfying令人满意的;terrible糟糕的;meaningful有意义的。根据“they still hurt”可知拔牙了,牙还疼,说明这个周末很糟糕,故选C。
    pulled拉,拔;pushed推;washed清洗;cleaned清理。根据“he had his ”可知是指拔牙,故选A。
    dream梦想;lk看;chice选择;decisin决定。根据“I chse t be cheerful.”可知是指赛琳娜选择快乐,故此处指选择。故选C。
    sad伤心的;lucky幸运的;amazing令人称赞的;unlucky不幸的。根据“s I left it a prper place and walked acrss the rad. Yu knw, it’s spring nw. The beautiful flwers...”可知,席琳觉得自行车坏了是件好事,所以今天是她的幸运日。故选B。
    Wh谁;Why为什么;When什么时候;Hw如何。根据“And tday is my lucky day.”可知全班学生都想知道为什么今天是老师的幸运日,故选B。
    made制作;bught买;lent借出;unlcked解锁。根据“a mbike and rde”可知是解锁摩拜单车,故选D。
    surprised惊讶的;bred无聊的;patient耐心的;nervus紧张的。根据“The mbike is brken and it’s yur lucky day”可知学生们认为单车坏了,怎么会是幸运日,所以都感到惊讶,故选A。
    thrugh穿过;dwn向下;up向上;ut向外。根据“brke”可知brke dwn“出故障”,故选B。
    paid支付,主语是人,表示花费金钱;spent花费,主语是人,表示花费时间或金钱;cst花费,主语是物,表示花费金钱;tk花费,主语一般是it,表示花费时间。此处主语是it且根据“ten minutes”可知,此处应用tk,故选D。
    11.D 12.A 13.B
    11.推理判断题。根据文章的“Mst earthquakes happen where tw plates, r blcks f Earth’s crust(地壳) cme tgether. When the plates push against each ther, ne plate can snap up suddenly, sending ut energy upward. ”可知大多数地震发生在两个板块或地壳块聚集在一起的地方。当板块相互推挤时,一块板会突然卡住,向上发出能量。因此圆圈部分表示地壳推挤时候的能量。故选D。
    14.D 15.B 16.C 17.C
    14.推理判断题。第一段根据“Tm’s father sent him ut t beg fr mney every day. But he is nw sitting in the prince’s place n sft silk cushins in a ryal bat.”可知,汤姆的父亲每天都派他出去乞讨,但他现在坐在皇家船上柔软的丝绸垫子上,坐在王子的位置上。所以不同于以往乞讨的日子,现在的生活很愉快。故选D。
    15.细节理解题。根据“But he is nw sitting in the prince’s place n sft silk cushins in a ryal bat.”可知,但他现在坐在皇家船上柔软的丝绸垫子上,坐在王子的位置上。用具体信息“柔软的丝绸垫子”来表明现在生活舒适。故选B。
    16.词句猜测题。根据前文“A crwd f peple are standing arund him, laughing at him.”和前一句“The crwd laughs at Miles, t.”可知,人群不仅嘲笑爱德华,也嘲笑迈尔斯。所以有人喊迈尔斯“另一位王子”,是想取笑爱德华和迈尔斯。故选C。
    18.A 19.B 20.B 21.C
    18.推理判断题。根据“When a persn speaks abut Turkish and Middle Eastern barbecue, the Kebab immediately cmes t mind.”可知,Kebab是土耳其和中东烤肉的一种叫法;再根据“he traditin f taking different meats, and smetimes vegetables as well, and spearing (月尖物刺穿) them with a sharp stack has crssed cultural lines tday.”可知,Kebab这种烧烤是将肉或蔬菜用尖物刺穿,再进行烧烤;结合选项,A选项符合描述。故选A。
    19.推理判断题。根据“Wherever yu g in the wrld, yu are almst certain t cme acrss a lcal methd f preparing barbecue.”可知,无论你走到世界的哪个地方,你几乎肯定会遇到一种当地的烧烤方法。由此可推知,世界各地都有当地特色的烧烤。故选B。
    22.A 23.D 24.C 25.B
    22.细节理解题。根据第四段的“The mve cmes ut f wrries that the tl culd make it easier fr students t cheat n assignments.”可知此举是出于对该工具可能使学生更容易在作业中作弊的担忧。故选A。
    23.细节理解题。根据第六段的“It des nt build critical-thinking(批判性思维) and prblem-slving skills, which are necessary fr academic(学术的) and lifelng success,”可知它没有建立批判性思维和解决问题的能力,这是学术和终身成功所必需的,选项D“使用ChatGPT不利于培养学生的思维”符合。故选D。
    24.细节理解题。根据第七段的“Apart frm bans, teachers are making changes t their classes t blck the use f ChatGPT. Sme cllege teachers in the US try t include mre speaking exams and handwritten n papers instead f typed nes.”可知除了禁令之外,教师们还对他们的班级课程进行更改,以阻止使用 ChatGPT。美国的一些大学教师试图包括更多的口语考试和卷面考试,而不是要打字的试卷。因此a和c符合。故选C。
    25.细节理解题。根据第六段“It des nt build critical-thinking and prblem-slving skills”可知,它没有建立批判性思维和解决问题的能力,因此会让学生思考变得懒惰,选项A有提及;根据最后一段“bans n AI sftware like ChatGPT are nt wise”可知,完全禁止ChatGPT是不明智的决定,因此选项C有提及;根据最后一段“We have t knw that AI is a tl peple will use”可知,我们必须知道人工智能是人们将使用的工具,因此是能供老师和学生使用,选项D有提及。选项B“ChatGPT将彻底改变目前的教育”文章中没有提到。故选B。
    26.F 27.A 28.E 29.D 30.B
    26.根据上文“Are yu the kind f persn wh likes t mve with music?”和下文“Even little children start jumping up and dwn when they hear music.”可知,甚至是小孩子都会在听到音乐的时候跳上跳下,更不用说是大人了,因此与其对应的此空应是选项F“这是一件很自然的事情。” 说明人随着音乐而舞动是很自然而然的事。故选F。
    27.根据上文“Scientists say that animals dance, t.”和下文“The “dances” f animals send messages t ther animals.”可知,动物也跳舞,但动物的舞蹈是向其他动物传达信息。与其对应的此空应是选项A“但它们的舞蹈不一样。” 表示了动物的舞蹈和人类舞蹈的作用是不同的。故选A。
    28.根据上文“ It makes yur heart wrk and makes yu breathe fast.”可知,跳舞会让心脏工作,让呼吸加快。与其对应的此空应是选项E“它也会让你用上你的胳膊和腿。” 介绍跳舞的好处。故选E。
    29.根据空后的内容“dancing helps thse feelings g away”可知,跳舞有助于消除这些情绪,由此可推“这些情绪”应是不好的情绪,空处应与不好的情绪有关,选项D“如果你对某些事情感到愤怒或心烦”符合。故选D。
    30.根据下文“Sme dances are fr cuples and sme are fr grups. But all kinds f dances give yu a chance t meet new peple r t d smething enjyable with friends.”可知,有些舞蹈是双人舞蹈,有些是团体舞蹈,但所有种类的舞蹈都给你一个认识新朋友或和朋友一起做一些愉快的事情的机会。所以,舞蹈是一项社交活动,与其对应的此空应是选项B“最后,舞蹈是一项社交活动。”符合。故选B。
    【详解】句意:我们很难过,熊猫丫丫,正面临着严重的问题。根据中文提示:“面对”face,再结合句意和空前“is”可知这里用动词的现在进行时态,face的现在分词为facing。 故填facing。
    【详解】句意:我们应该多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果。 它们对我们的健康有好处。 fresh“新鲜的”,形容词作定语,故填fresh。
    35.clinic/dctr’s clinic/dctr’s
    【详解】句意:我在诊所见到了她。那天她感觉不太好。clinic名词,“诊所”;dctr’s clinic“诊所”;dctr’s“诊所”。故填clinic/dctr’s clinic/dctr’s。
    【详解】句意:——凯,这是斯蒂芬。——是的,我知道。我们已经互相介绍过了。根据“Yes, I knw. ”可知,两人已经认识,可推测已经互相介绍过了,intrduce neself意为“自我介绍”,由“We’ve already”可知为现在完成时,用动词的过去分词形式。故填(i)ntrduced。
    【详解】句意:颜色可以帮助我们描述事物并辨别它们的差异。根据“Clrs can help us describe things differences.”和首字母可知,此处表示颜色有助于我们辨别事物的差异,可用动词tell“辨别,看出”,help sb. d sth.“帮助某人做某事”,句中有并列连词and,此时动词tell也应用原形。故填(t)ell。
    【详解】句意:直到失去健康,我们才会意识到健康对我们有多重要。根据“We wn’t realize hw much us until we lse it.”和首字母可知,“hw much us”表示健康对我们有多重要,此处可用matter“事关紧要”/mean“对某人重要”,结合语境,此处时态是一般现在时,主语health“健康”是不可数名词,所以动词matter和mean应用三单形式。故填(m)atters/(m)eans。
    39.artist 40.bth 41.is used fr 42.represents 43.prgress
    39.句意:这套邮票由中国艺术家陈江洪设计。根据“The stamps are designed by a Chinese…Chen Jianghng.”和备选词可知,陈江洪是设计这些邮票的艺术家,名词artist“艺术家”符合语境,此处只提及陈江洪这一个艺术家,应用单数名词。故填artist。
    40.句意:邮票上用中文和法文写着“兔年”。根据“in…Chinese and French”和备选词可知,此处指用这两种语言写着“兔年”,bth“两者都”符合语境。故填bth。
    41.句意:另一个邮票是一只兔子,抬头看着月亮的背景,用于国际邮件服务。根据上文“ne stamp applies t(适用于) the dmestic mail service in France.”可知,此处介绍另一个邮票的用处,be used fr“被用于……”符合语境;此句时态为一般现在时,主语“The ther”为不定代词,be动词用is。故填is used fr。
    42.句意:兔子代表着中国人的正能量。根据“The rabbit…the psitive energy f the Chinese peple.”和备选词可知,此处指兔子代表正能量,动词represent“代表”符合语境;根据语境可知,此句为一般现在时,主语“The rabbit”为第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式。故填represents。
    43.句意:卢补充说,中法关系必将在新的一年里谱写新的篇章,取得长足进步。根据“the Sin-French relatins(中法关系) will…make rapid…”和备选词可知,法国邮政公司发行庆祝中国新年的邮票会使得中法关系取得长足进步,prgress“进步”,不可数名词。故填prgress。
    44.with 45.slwly 46.strangers 47.difference 48.willing 49.talking 50.chse 51.wrried 52.best 53.As
    44.句意:两年前,我的家人搬进了我们梦想中的房子,一个有七个房间的大房子。根据“a very big hme ... seven rms.”可知,一个带有七个房间的大房子,应该用with表示伴随。故填with。
    46.句意:在大房子里,我们有时看起来像是陌生人。根据“t each ther”可知,彼此看起来更像是陌生人,stranger“陌生人”,此处应该用名词复数。故填strangers。
    48.句意:你愿意放弃什么?be willing t d sth“愿意做某事”。故填willing。
    52.句意:这是我们做过的最好的搬家。根据“It’s the ... mve we have ever made”可知,此处应该用形容词最高级。故填best。
    53.句意:正如汉娜前几天所说,“我们学会了如何真正信任彼此。”根据“Hannah said the ther day”可知,此处表示正如汉娜说的,as“正如”符合,置于句首首字母大写。故填As。
    54.Furteen years. 55.Because she wants t find a way t pen a dr fr peple f her age t fall in lve with Yueju Opera. 56.I like Beijing Opera best. Because it is rich in Chinese traditinal culture.
    54.根据“Fr a 27-year-ld, half f her life has been spent singing Yueju Opera”及“With the supprt f her parents, Wang left hme at 13 and went t Shanghai t learn Yueju Opera.”可知,王婉娜13岁开始学习越剧,现在她27岁,故可知她学习了14年的越剧。故填Furteen years.
    55.根据“Wang made sme vides t intrduce the art f Yueju Opera t yung peple nline. ‘I really hpe t find a way t pen a dr fr peple f my age t fall in lve with Yueju Opera,’ said Wang.”可知,王婉娜通过拍视频介绍越剧是希望能找到一种方法,为她这个年纪的人打开一扇爱上越剧的大门。故填Because she wants t find a way t pen a dr fr peple f her age t fall in lve with Yueju Opera.
    56.本题是一道开放性试题,答案言之有理即可。参考答案为:I like Beijing Opera best. Because it is rich in Chinese traditinal culture.
    Back t the past
    If I culd have a Time-Turner, the mment I want t g back mst is a rainy day three years ag.
    It was a bus ride. On the way, an ld man gt n the bus. My mther asked me t give him my seat, but I didn’t agree. When I gt hme, my mther taught me a lessn. She said that we wuld all grw ld. Lving the elderly is ur traditinal virtue. I realized my mistake and vwed t help thers as much as pssible in the future.
    If I culd g back t that mment, I wuld definitely ffer my seat t the ld man.
    ①gt n 上车
    ②ask sb. t d sth. 要求某人做某事
    ③traditinal virtue 传统美德
    ①When I gt hme, my mther taught me a lessn.(when引导时间状语从句)
    ②Lving the elderly is ur traditinal virtue.(动名词作主语)

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