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    新人教版高中英语必修三Unit4Space Exploration-Reading for Writing课件01
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    英语必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration图文ppt课件

    这是一份英语必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration图文ppt课件,共44页。PPT课件主要包含了Para 1,Statement,shallow,Arguments,firstly,secondly,finally,Para 2-3,Para 4,Paras 2-4等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2020’s Financial Csts in Space Explratin
    It tk mre than 60 years t develp space explratin and NASA spent dllars just in 2021.
    Sme peple argue that space explratin is definitely a waste f time and mney, while thers hld different attitudes.
    What’s yur pinin?
    Is explring space a waste f time and mney?
    What‘s the genre(体裁) f the passage?A. narratinB. expsitinC. argumentain
    Cuntries arund the glbe are spending f dllars and lts f time n varius space missins,whether t Mars r ther planets much further away. Sme peple argue that we shuld stp wasting time and mney explring space. Instead, we shuld feed the wrld’s pr and find immediate slutins t ther prblems, such as pllutin and fatal diseases. Hwever, thers feel this is a shallw view which fails t realize hw explring space helps us.
    Culd yu underline different pinins?
    Activity 2: Read and Answer
    What’s the authr’s pinin?
    fatal diseases
    Hwever, thers feel this is a view which fails t realize hw explring space helps us.
    Why des the authr use “shallw”?
    Tip 1: Using wrds implied with subjective md can shw the authr’s pinin.
    Why des the authr hld the statement?
    Activity 3: Read and Find
    Tip 2: Applying sequence wrds can make a passage mre lgical.
    (three reasns)
    Activity 4: Read and Think
    What’s the functin f blue parts?
    Hw des the authr make arguments mre cnvincing?
    Which sentence is yur favrite ne and why ?
    Supprting Evidence
    What’s the functin f blue parts?
    Activity 5: Read and Analyze
    Hw des the authr make his arguments mre cnvincing?
    space explratin
    fight against wrld hunger
    recrd data n land and weather patterns
    prvide recmmendatins and advices
    grw enugh fd t feed...
    Tip 3:Giving explanatin can make yur arguments mre cnvincing.
    real examples
    Medical machinesHeart mnitrsGPSMemry fam pillws Smartphne cameras
    Tip 3:Taking examples can make yur arguments mre cnvincing.
    Seeing pictures f ur planets as an island in black sea made peple realize that ur planet’s resurces are limited.
    Tip 4:Utilizing rhetrical devices such as simile(明喻), persnificatin(拟人), metaphr(暗喻) can make language mre vivid.
    In clsing, explring space prvides the wrld with many different benefits. Therefre, it shuld cntinue s as t prvide new and better slutins t peple’s shrt-term and lng-term prblems.
    What rle des the last paragraph play?
    Tip 5:Repeating the statement at the cnclusin can ech(呼应) the authr’s pinin.
    Para.1 Statement: _____________________________________________________________________________________
    Para.2 argument 1
    Para.5 Cnclusin: ____________________________________________________________________________________
    Para.3 argument 2
    Para.4 argument 3
    Activity 6 Cmplete the Mind-Map with key wrds.
    Explring space prvides many benefits... shuld cntinue...
    Explring space helps us.
    mak a difference in the fight against wrld hunger
    prmte technlgical imprvements
    help t find ways t slve wrld’s prblem
    supprting evidence
    Think and vice
    D yu agree with authr’s pinin? Why?
    Is establishing China Space Statin a waste f time and mney?
    Is it pssible fr mankind t live n Mars?
    1. Chse yur wn tpic abut space explratin. 2. Brainstrm and draw an utline f yur argumentatin.
    Cuntries arund the glbe are spending billins f dllars and lts f time n varius space missins, whether t Mars r ther planets much further away. Sme peple argue that we shuld stp wasting time and mney explring space. Instead, we shuld feed the wrld’s pr and find immediate slutins t ther prblems, such as pllutin and fatal diseases. Hwever, thers feel this is a shallw view which fails t realize hw explring space helps us.
    arund the glbe 世界各地 人+spend+time/mney n sthvarius space missins 各种各样的太空任务whether ……r …… 不管是……还是……argue that……认为…… waste+time/mney+ding sthInstead 相反地 feed v 喂养;养活 immediate slutins a slutin t ……的解决方案fatal 致命的 shallw 肤浅的 fail t d 没能做成某事
    Firstly, explring space has already made a difference in the fight against wrld hunger. It has directly resulted in the many satellites that nw rbit Earth. A number f the satellites recrd data n land and weather patterns. Then the data is transmitted t scientists n Earth. After careful analysis, the scientists can prvide useful recmmendatins and advice fr farmers. As a result, space-based science has helped farming in its effrts t grw enugh fd t feed Earth’s increasing ppulatin.
    make a difference 起作用 result in 导致rbit v 绕轨飞行 n 轨道 satellite 人造卫星A number f 许多+可数名词复数,谓语复数recrd v/n 记录 pattern 模式 花样 图案transmit v 传输 analysis n 分析(pl analyses )v analyseprvidev 提供 recmmendatin n 建议as a result 因此 farming n 农业 effrt t d 做……的努力
    Secndly, space explratin has already prmted technlgical imprvements that benefit us all. High-end prducts arund the wrld are made t a higher standard nw because f advanced technlgy which was first created t meet the requirements fr space explratin. Fr example, space technlgies have helped the research and develpment f different types f new material. They have als helped cmpanies make better heart mnitrs and ther machines that dctrs regularly use. Tday, space technlgies are widely used in all kinds f industries, and everyday prducts such as GPS, memry fam(乳胶泡沫) pillws, and smartphne cameras are changing ur lives.
    prmte v 提高,促进 benefit n/v 获益 受益High-end prduct 高端产品 t a higher standard 按照一个更高的标准advanced technlgy 高端科技 meet the requirement 满足要求material 材料 everyday prduct 日常产品
    Finally, sending astrnauts int space has helped peple t think abut the wrld's prblems and even t find ways t slve them. Seeing pictures f ur planet as an island in a black sea made peple realise that ur planets resurces are limited. In rder t prvide fr such a rapidly increasing ppulatin, scientists are trying t find ther planets that culd ne day be ur new hme. The greatest attentin at present is n Mars because it is clser t Earth. In the future humans may live n bth planets.
    1.slve v 解决 2.as 像;因为;作为;正如;当……时候3.resurce 资源 4. surce 来源 5. limited 有限的 In rder t 为了做某事
    In clsing 总的来说 prvide sb with sth= prvide sth fr sb 提供给某人某物Therefre 因此 s as t d 为了做某事 shrt-term 短期的
    教材原句Sme peple argue that we shuld stp wasting time and mney explring space.
    argue that 主张、认为…… n arguementargue fr/ against (ding ) sth 赞成、反对做某事argue sb int/ ut f ding sth 说服某人做/不做某事argue with sb abut /ver sth就某事与某人争吵/争论
    牛刀小试①The children had a heated__________(argue) abut what game t play.②We argued _______the waiter ______the price f the meal.③We argued her_______ jining us in playing tennis.④He argues ________smking, fr it is harmful t health.
    Instead, we shuld feed the wrld's pr and find immediate slutins t ther prblems, such as pllutin and fatal diseases.
    slutin1. 解决办法,处理手段 a slutin t --- ------的解决办法cme up with/ find/seek a slutin 想出/找到/寻找解决办法 拓展:常与t 搭配的其他名词 key/way/answer/entrance/apprach t
    1.语法填空① The new gvernmentmustset abut finding slutins _____ the cuntry's envirnment prblems.② Clr is the key t___________ (make) a rm feel the way yu want it t feel.③ Facing up t yur prblems rather than running away frm them is the best apprach t __________(wrk) things ut.试图找到解决办法的种种努力全都失败了。All kinds f attempts t _________________have failed.
    find a slutin
    教材原句Explring space has already made a difference inthe fight against wrld hunger.
    It has directly resulted in the many satellites that nw rbit Earth. 如今环绕地球运行的众多卫星都直接归功于太空探索。
    result in 造成,导致 in 后接名词或v-ing作宾语Acting befre thinking ften result in failure. 辨析:result in / result frmresult frm 由……造成(后接原因)result in (=lead t /bring abut) 导致 (后接结果)as a result 结果 as a result f 由于
    make a/the difference 有影响,有作用Whatever she did, it made n difference.One mre persn wuldn't make any difference t the arrangements.It culd make the difference between missing yur train and getting t wrk n time.
    语境串烧托比昨晚没睡好。由于缺乏睡眠,开车时他昏昏欲睡。他的粗心驾驶导致了一场事故。结果,一个行人受伤了。所以,开车的时候一定要非常小心,因为车祸大多是由疲劳驾驶造成的。Tby didn't sleep well last night. As a result f lacking sleep, he felt quite sleepy while driving. His careless driving resulted in an accident. As a result, a passer-by gt hurt. Therefre, ne must be very careful while driving, fr car accidents mstly result frm drwsy driving.
    1.用result的相关短语完成句子① It was late at night and there was n bus. ____________, we had t walk t the village.② Since Rbert lst his sight and hearing __________________a sudden shck, perhaps the nly way fr him t regain them was t be given anther sudden shck.③ There is n dubt that it is human activities that _______________________ the bad envirnment.④ Getting fat ften __________________eating t much.百分之五十的交通事故会导致头部受伤。(result)Fifthy percent f traffic accidents can result in head injuries.
    As a result
    as a result f
    results in
    results frm
    After careful analysis, the scientists can prvide useful recmmendatins and advice fr farmers. 
    prvide vt. 提供,供应,给予prvide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物 prvide sth.fr sb.提供某物给某人Our schlprvides free breakfast fr students. =Our schl prvides students with freebreakfast.我们学校为学生提供免费的早餐。拓展 (1) prvide fr 抚养,供养Thugh she is jbless,she has saved enugh mney t prvide fr her children.虽然她失业了,但她存了足够的钱来养活她的孩子。(2)prvided/prviding 作连词,意为”以……为条件,假如”,常用来引导条件状语从句。Prvided/Prviding (that) yu dn't care abut gains and lsses, life is nt what can nt be vercme. 只要你不计较得失,生活就不是什么难事。(3)”给某人提供某物”的其他表达法:supply sb.with sth. =supply sth. t sb.ffer sb. sth.= ffer sth. t sb.The pwer statin supplies us with enugh electricity. 发电站给我们提供足够的电。They ffered each f us a cup f tea. 他们给我们每人提供了一杯茶。
    1. SummerCmpany prvides students ________hands-n business training and awards f up t $3,000 t start and run their wn summer businesses.2. The hspitall has a cmmitment t prvide the best pssible medical care ________ the injured when they are fighting the fld.3. I will agree t g with yu, _________________ (prvide) my expenses are paid.2.一句多译他们给受难者提供食物和衣服。They prvide the sufferers with fd and clthes. They prvide fd and clthes fr the sufferers. They ffer the sufferers fd and clthes. They ffer fd and clthes t the sufferers.
    Secndly, space explratin has already prmted technlgical imprvements that benefit us all.其次,太空探索推动了科技进步,使全人类受益。
    benefit n/v 受益,得益;有益于,有利于 adj beneficial搭配:benefit sb 对(某人)有用,使某人收益benefit frm/by…… 得益于……Many thusands have benefited frm the new treatment.They wuld benefit by reducing their labur csts.I'm sure yu'll benefit greatly frm the visit.② [U,C]益处,优势fr the benefit f sb 为了某人的利益be f (great) benefit t=be (very) beneficial t 对------(很)有益t sb’s benefit 对某人有利的是
    1.语法填空① I take deligh in helping thers, which is __________(benefit) t thers as wellas myself.② Time permitting,I will travel t sme places f interest with my parents during vacatins, ___________which I will greatly benefit.2.完成句子①骑行对于健康和环境很有益。Cycling is ________________________________health and the envirnment.②为了所有中国公民的利益,中国一直在推动公立医院的改革。China has been pushing ahead with the refrm f public hspitals _________________all its citizens.
    f great benefit t/very beneficial t
    fr the benefit f
    argumentatvie essay
    体裁:议论文时态:一般现在时为主要点:1. 论点 2. 论证 2.1 分论点1+细节 2.2 分论点2+细节 2.3 分论点3+细节 3. 结论
    Recently, we had a heated discussin abut/n… 最近, 我们就…进行了热烈的讨论。
    Different peple, hwever, have different pinins n this matter. 然而, 不同的人对这个问题有不同的看法。Opinins cncerning this ht tpic vary frm persn t persn. 关于这个热门话题的看法因人而异。Peple take different attitudes twards this issue/prblem. 人们对这个问题持不同的态度。
    Sme peple hld the view that … , while thers argue that… 一些人认为…, 而另一些人认为…。
    Frm my pint f view/As fr me, I prefer the frmer/latter ne.于我而言, 我选择前者/后者。
    There are three factrs cntributing t this attitude/prblem, which are as fllws. 导致这种态度/这个问题的原因有三, 具体如下。It can be illustrated frm the fllwing pints. 可以从以下几点解释。
    表示递进关系:In the first place; first f all; t begin with; firstlywhat’s mre; furthermre; mrever; besides; at last; finally; last but nt least表示列举事实:such as; fr example/instance; take ... fr example 表示解释:that is t say; in ther wrds表示观点:in ne’s pinin, in ne’s view, frm ne’s pint f view, as far as I am cncerned, as fr sb, persnally
    ①事实细节——列举具体的实例;补充相关信息I like reading bks.I like reading bks, such as nvels, shrt stries, magazines and newspapers.I'd like t seek a pen pal wh is interested in traveling just like me.I'd like t seek a pen pal wh is interested in traveling just like me. If pssible, we can travel tgether r share traveling experiences.
    ②逻辑细节——补充条件、原因、结果、目的等逻辑性内容First, it is imprtant t take a Chinese curse.First, it is imprtant t take a Chinese curse, as yu’ll be able t learn frm the teacher and practice with yur fellw students. Equally attractive are the success stries f wrld-famus peple.Equally attractive are the success stries f wrld-famus peple, which help me understand hw a persn can wrk hard t make the wrld a better place. I am planning t take a part-time jb in a freign capital cmpany. In rder t get sme practical experience, I am planning t take a part-time jb in a freign capital cmpany.
    ③数据细节——罗列相关数据Students tk an active part in the writing cmpetitin.Students tk an active part in the writing cmpetitin. Ttally 758 students submitted their wrks and 100 f them wn a prize because f their creative minds and expressive wrds.④引用——引用谚语或名人名言,增加说服力和可读性I firmly believe that yu will succeed.Chance favrs the prepared mind. I firmly believe that yu will succeed as lng as yu spare n effrt fr it.
    In summary/In general/In brief/In cnclusin/In a wrd/T sum up/All in all, I strngly supprt that ... 总之, 我强烈赞同…。Frm what has been discussed abve, we can draw the cnclusin that ... 从上面的讨论中我们可以得出结论…。 Taking all factrs int cnsideratin, we may cme t the cnclusin that... 综合考虑所有因素, 我们可以得出结论…。
    Use what yu have learnt t write abut yur pinin abut space explratin.
    A. There are a lt f unslved mysteries n Earth. S why are we ging int space t explre?B. It is necessary t find a new hme fr peple in space, as the resurces n Earth will run ut.C. I cannt understand spending all this mney n expensive research and experiments when s many peple need fd.D. Explring space encurages scientists t imprve technlgy that can help peple in ther ways, t.
    Fr space explratin
    Against space explratin
    Are these arguments fr r against explring space? Put them in the table belw. Then add yur wn ideas and write yur essay.
    Fr space explratin
    1. Help us learn abut new planets, new stars…2.Creat numerus jbs like engineers, research assistants and technicians.Lead t advanced technlgy.
    Against space explratin
    1. Man's uncntainable curisity2. Space explratin gives us n direct Earth itself is nt fully explred yet.
    Explring space shuld ______________.
    Different Opinins
    We shuld stp explring space. Other pinin: ________________________.
    Explring space can help us
    Different benefits
    It can ___________________________. It prmtes _______________________. It helps peple ___________the wrld's prblem.
    fight against wrld hunger
    technlgical imprvements
    think abut
    be cntinued
    Is explring space a waste?
    With the develpment f science and technlgy, space explratin is becming a ht tpic. Sme peple hld the view that space explratin wastes a large amunt f mney and time, while thers argue that it is really wrthwhile.Space explratin is a challenge t human beings, but I believe it has mre advantages. Firstly, space technlgies has helped prduce many high-end prducts that imprve ur daily lives such as GPS, smartphne cameras and s n. Secndly, it is necessary t find a new hme fr peple in space, as the resurces n Earth will run ut. Space explratin makes us better understand the uter envirnment, which is necessary fr us t make gd use f the natural resurces. Finally, explring space can extend ur hrizn beynd the earth and satisfies ur curisity abut the mystery f the universe.In clsing, space explratin brings mre benefits fr humans. S we shuld pay mre attentin t it and supprt it.
    My pinin abut space explratin

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration评课课件ppt: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration评课课件ppt,文件包含核心素养人教版小学数学五年级下册416练习十六课件pptx、核心素养人教版小学数学五年级下册416练习十八教案docx、核心素养人教版小学数学五年级下册416练习十八导学案docx等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration课堂教学ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration课堂教学ppt课件,共35页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead-in, ℃ ,Rocket, spacewalk,Para 1,space,find out,suitable,Para 2,Para 3等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations备课课件ppt: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations备课课件ppt,共16页。

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