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    第一部分 选择题(50分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题, 每小题1分)
    Once there was a king. One day he was traveling alne in a frest. After a lng time, he reached a small huse. Outside the huse, he saw an ld lady. The lady placed a plate f ht rice in frnt f the king.
    The king was s 1 that he quickly put his fingers n the ht fd. The ht fd 2 his fingers, and he spilled (溢出) sme rice n the flr.
    The ld lady saw this and said, “Yu seem t impatient and hasty (草率的) like ur 3 .”
    Hearing the ld lady’s wrds, the king was 4 and asked her, “Why d yu think ur king is impatient and hasty?”
    The ld lady began t explain, “Our king is having a big dream f capturing all his enemy frts (城堡) and he is fcusing nly n capturing the large frts.”
    The king said, “That’s a 5 thing, isn’t it?”
    The lady replied, “Like yur 6 when eating the fd, yu burnt yur fingers and wasted sme fd. In the same way, the king wants t defeat the enemies quickly, which 7 the lss f men in his army. Instead, yu shuld eat the less ht fd at the edge (边缘) first and then at the center. 8 , the king shuld target the small frts and strengthen his psitin. It 9 him t capture the large frts withut lsing his sldiers in the army.”
    Hearing this, the king understd his 10 . He realized that ne shuld have patience and avid being hasty in any situatin t achieve his gals.
    7.A.resulted inB.prepared frC.canceled utD.depended n
    第一节 阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选山最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题, 每小题2分)
    One very warm evening in the Seenee hills in Suthern India, Father Wlf wke up frm his day’s rest. Next t him lay Mther Wlf, with their fur cubs(幼崽)beside her.
    “It’s time t lk fr fd, ” said Father Wlf, and he std up t leave the cave.
    Father and Mther Wlf listened t Tiger Shere Khan in the frest nt far away. Then, suddenly, they heard a nise much nearer t them.
    “It’s a man. A man’s cub. Lk!” said Father Wlf.
    And there in frnt f them std a baby wh culd just walk. He lked up at Father Wlf and laughed.
    “Is that a man’s cub?”asked Mther Wlf.” I have never seen ne. Bring it here.”
    The baby, small and with n clthes, pushed its way between the cubs t get near t Mther Wlf. “Lk, ” she said, “he is taking his meal with the ther wlf cubs.”
    Suddenly, it was dark, and Shere Khan was pushing his great head in thrugh the muth f the cave. Father Wlf knew that Shere Khan culd nt get inside the cave because he was t big.
    “I am hunting a man’s cub, ”said Shere Khan.” “Its father and mther have run away. Give it t me! It is I, Shere Khan, wh speaks!” And Shere Khan’s rar filled the cave with nise.
    “N!” came the angry vice f Mther Wlf. “The man’s cub belngs t me! We will nt kill him. He will live, t run with the ther wlves, t be my sn. Nw g away, eater f cubs! G!”
    11.Where did the stry take place?
    A.In the hills in Suthern India.
    B.In the frest in Suthern Africa.
    C.In the village in Suthern India.
    D.In the frest in Suthern America.
    12.What did Mther Wlf think f the man’s cub when she first met him?
    13.Why culdn’t Tiger Shere Khan eat the man’s cub?
    A.It was prtected by its parents.
    B.It culd run quickly in the frest.
    C.The wlves wanted t eat it themselves.
    D.It was in a cave which was t small fr the tiger t get in.
    14.What des “it” in the passage refer t?
    A.The cub’s father.B.The cub’s mther.
    C.The wlves’ cub.D.A man’s cub.
    15.What wuld prbably happen next in the stry?
    A.The tiger wuld hunt fr anther man’s cub.
    B.The baby wuld grw up in the wlves’ family.
    C.The wlves wuld help the baby find its parents.
    D.The baby wuld cme back t human’s village sn.
    I tk up baking(烘焙) when I was twelve. At that time I was wrking n my schl bakery prject with my classmates. I tried a few times, but I wasn’t very successful. My parents advised I learn frm my grandmther, wh later gave me her recipe (食谱) and instructin as well. After tw years’ practice, I was able t make delicius bread. I have cme t realize making bread means a lt t me althugh it takes a lng time.
    T make bread, thers usually use quick-rise yeast (酵母), but I dn’t. Every Saturday mrning, after mixing prper amunt f water with flur, sugar etc, I take time t wait fr the dugh t rise. This is my way t slw dwn and smell the rses.
    Baking des require great patience. In my hands, the dugh is slwly grwing. It’s becming sfter. I can feel the change, which cnnects me t smething quite different frm the mdern way f living. T me, making bread is a push against ur culture f cnvenience. It certainly takes mre time than buying bread frm a stre, but I enjy it.
    I’ve stuck with my grandmther’s recipe withut making any change. Nw this traditin has cntinued fr years. Smetimes, in rder t fit it in, I have t change my schedule. But I have never cnsidered giving it up.
    By the time my children get hme frm schl, the bread has been baked and cled. They step int the huse and the first thing they d is t take a deep breath f the warm, hneyed air. My bread-baking has als helped them t slw dwn and understand the value f taking their time and leading an unhurried life.
    16.Wh taught the writer t make bread?
    A.Her teacher.B.Her grandmther.C.Her parents.D.Her classmates.
    17.Hw is the writer’s bread-making different frm thers’?
    A.She uses less water.B.She uses mre sugar.
    C.She desn’t bake it a lng time.D.She desn’t add quick-rise yeast.
    18.Which wrd best describes life in mdern times accrding t the writer?
    19.What des the underlined “it” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.The recipe.B.The plan.C.The change.D.The traditin.
    20.What des the writer want t teach her children t d?
    A.D things in a slw way.B.Bake bread at an early age.
    C.Be thankful fr parents’ wrk.D.Get hme frm schl in time.
    The giant Amazn rainfrest in Suth America has been a mystery fr centuries. It hlds all kinds f natural wnders. Amng them in Clmbia, a river stands ut as “the mst beautiful river” in the wrld.
    Lcally called Cami Cristales, this special river lies in a natinal park. It is made up f several waterfalls rapids, and plenty f pls. Fr mst f the year, Cani Cristales lks like a cmmn river: clean, green, and rcky. Hwever, during the shrt perid between September and Nvember, the river expldes(迸发)with life and clr. It appears as any mix f clrs including blue, green, yellw, range, and a purplish red. S it is als knwn as the “River f Five Clrs”.
    Althugh at first it may appear as if sme chemicals were added t the water, this rainbw river is cmpletely natural. Cafi Cristales’ clrs are the result f a rare(稀有) water plant which needs sunlight t grw. The plants change clr depending n hw much sunlight they receive, and the amunt is decided by the height and speed f the water. Therefre, it is pssible fr the plants t be ttally clrless if the sunlight is t hard t get. They are a delicate plant. This makes them easily damaged in the water.
    Actually, the river faces sme prblems, including drier seasns, wildlife truble, waste management, and budget (预算)cuts. In 2007, the park was frced t clse because it was ver-crwded with turists. Nw the park admits nly 200 peple a day and requires them t mind their behaviur.
    Tday, Can Cristales still shines amng Clmbia’s mst ppular natural attractins, drawing thusands f turists every year.
    21.When is the best time t visit Cafi Cristales?
    A.In January.B.In March.C.In June.D.In Octber.
    22.Why is Can Cristales clurful?
    A.A special plant lives in it.B.Peple add chemicals t it.
    C.The water is badly plluted.D.The weather is changeable there.
    23.What des the underlined wrd “delicate” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    24.What nce caused the park t be clsed?
    A.T many visitrs. B.The pr service.C.T much rubbish.D.The wildlife prblem.
    25.What is the best title f the text?
    A.Hw t Visit Can Cristales
    B.Natural Beauty in Clmbia
    C.Wrld’s Mst Beautiful River
    D.Prtecting the River f Five Clrs
    第二节(每小题1分,共 5分 )
    Living away frm yur cuntry can be a really unfrgettable experience. But at the same time, it has very imprtant effects n yur life. 26
    The majr effect, and als a very cmmn ne, is that nce yu start a regular life away frm hme, yu miss everything.
    27 Little things like sitting n a Sunday mrning watching TV alne instead f having a nice chat with yur mm make yu realize hw valuable yur family really is.
    28 Since yu are living in a place with different custms and traditins frm yurs, yu have t be able t develp yurself in cnditins which yu are nt familiar with. This means making new friends, accepting different pinins, and catching every pprtunity yu have t g t new places.
    The mst significant (显著的) effect f living away frm hme is the independence that grws inside yu. 29 There is n ne else t g t schl, clean yur rm, and wash yur clthes. Being independent will help yu get ver many difficulties.
    30 Yu have t remember that all changes are difficult, but it is necessary t g thrugh them t build yur character and it helps yu appreciate (感激) everything yu have.
    A.Missing yur family and the attentin they all paid t yu is a very usual thing t d.
    B.Living far frm hme, even fr a shrt perid f time, can be really hard at the beginning.
    C.Living n yur wn far frm yur family gives yu a lt f experience f rganizing yur life.
    D.The purpse f this passage is t discuss the three main effects (影响) that living in anther cuntry can cause.
    E.Freign peple are kind t yu and yur classmates, and they understand the pwer f lve.
    F.Living in a freign cuntry wuld mean learning hw t accept anther type f sciety and culture in yur daily life.
    第三节 (每小题1分,共 5分 )
    31.Brian, a 7-year-ld by, likes t have meals while watching TV. He desn’t fcus n his fd s smetimes he frgets hw full he is and eats t much.
    32.Paul is a prgrammer. He is s busy that he desn’t have much time t eat. Fr him, eating is like a task rather than smething enjyable.
    33.Ben desn’t get up early every day. In rder nt t be late fr schl, he usually chses t g t schl withut having breakfast.
    34.Mr. Black has a habit f having an extra meal befre ging t bed. He thinks it helps him sleep well at night.
    35.Mary desn’t like drinking water at all. She likes Sda drinks instead. She drinks at least five bttles f cke r range juice a day.
    A.It is imprtant t have gd habits f having meals, especially fr children. A bad eating habit may cause serius health prblems. Fr example, eating in frnt f the TV r cmputer ften leads t mindless vereating.
    B.It’s cmmn fr peple t get smething t drink fr dinner. But drinking t much alchl is definitely harmful t human bdy. Drink prperly, and yu’ll live a healthy life.
    C.In general, kids and teens that eat breakfast have mre energy and d better in schl. Withut breakfast, peple can get tired. S, make time fr yur breakfast.
    D.Dn’t eat t much befre ging t bed. Yur bdy needs a lng rest at night, including yur stmach. Dn’t give it t much burden (负担).
    E.Sme drinks like Cke and fruit juice are usually high in calries and sugar, which can cause weight prblems. Besides, they may als bring yu bad teeth. Stay away frm them and drink water instead.
    F.Busy peple always rush thrugh their meals, frgetting t enjy the fd and feel the taste f what is in their muths. Take time t chew (咀嚼) yur fd and enjy mealtimes.
    第二部分 非选择题(25分)
    三、语法填空(每小题1分,共 10分 )
    The Chinese wmen’s sccer team wn the Asian Cup n February 6th, 2022. Having lst tw pints in the final in Navi Mumbai, India, the Steel Rses made up their mind 36 (fight) back. In the 93rd minute, Xia Yuyi gt the last pint 37 Wang Shanshan’s help.
    “We’ve put the past behind 38 (we) and are lking frward t the future. Thank all the fans wh supprt us. We will keep trying hard in the future.” Xia said after the game.
    “After the first half, we 39 (encurage) by ur cach and nne f us ever thught abut giving up. We tried ur best and in the end we wn. This success is a new 40 (begin) fr the Chinese wmen’s sccer. Thrugh it, we shwed the wrld ur strength,” said Wang.
    The Asian Cup was 41 first internatinal cmpetitin fr Shui Qingxia, the cach f the Chinese wmen’s sccer team. “I’m s excited t win the game, and we never let ur heads 42 (drp) when we were 0—2 dwn. The players vercame bth rivals (对手) and themselves.” Shui said.
    “At halftime, I 43 (simple) tld the players nt t give up. Anything culd happen in the remaining 45 minutes. We shuld think 44 (little) and fight harder. It’s a great achievement t win this time. 45 we can see a bright future ahead.”
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    Dear Tny,
    I am s glad that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Li Hua
    1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D
    silent沉默的;embarrassed尴尬的;cruel残酷的;hungry饿的。根据“he quickly put his fingers n the ht fd”可知他很饿,所以他急着吃饭。故选D。
    attacked攻击;burnt烧伤;tuched触摸;cvered覆盖。根据“yu burnt yur fingers”可知热食物烫伤了手指。故选B。
    king国王;sldier士兵;enemy敌人;guard警卫。根据“Why d yu think ur king is impatient and hasty”可知是像国王一样。故选A。
    frightened害怕的;cheerful令人愉快的;surprised惊讶的;cmfrtable舒服的。根据“asked her”可知国王很惊讶,所以才问她。故选C。
    gd好的;terrible糟糕的;traditinal传统的;dangerus危险的。根据“Our king is having a big dream f capturing all his enemy frts and he is fcusing nly n capturing the large frts”可知国王觉得自己的做法很好。故选A。
    disability残疾;impatience不耐心;unhappiness不幸福;imbalance不平衡。根据“when eating the fd, yu burnt yur fingers and wasted sme fd”以及前文可知,国王在吃饭时没有耐心,导致烫伤了手指。故选B。
    resulted in导致;prepared fr准备;canceled ut抵消;depended n依靠。根据“the lss f men in his army”可知国王的做法导致了军队的损失。故选A。
    luckily幸运地;suddenly突然;similarly相似地;immediately立刻。根据“In the same way”可知此处指同样地。故选C。
    helps帮助;frces迫使;warns警告;reminds提醒。根据“the king shuld target the small frts and strengthen his psitin. t capture the large frts withut lsing his sldiers in the army”可知以小堡垒为目标对他有帮助。故选A。
    pressure压力;rder命令;plan计划;mistake错误。根据“Hearing this, the king understd his”可知国王意识到了自己的错误。故选D。
    11.A 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述了一个人类幼崽被老虎猎杀, 却误入狼窝, 被狼群收养的故事。
    11.细节理解题。根据第一段“One very warm evening in the Seenee hills in Suthern India, Father Wlf wke up frm his day’s rest.”可知, 故事发生在印度南部的山上。故选A。
    12.推理判断题。根据第七段“The baby, small and with n clthes, pushed its way between the cubs t get near t Mther Wlf.‘Lk,’ she said, ‘he is taking his meal with the ther wlf cubs.’”可知, 狼妈妈第一次见到这个人类幼崽时,觉得他很可爱。故选C。
    13.细节理解题。根据第八段“Father Wlf knew that Shere Khan culd nt get inside the cave because he was t big.”可知,老虎谢尔•汗吃不到这个人类幼崽是因为他在一个洞里,这个洞太小了,老虎进不去。故选D。
    14.词义猜测题。根据第九段 “I am hunting a man’s cub, ”said Shere Khan.”“Its father and mther have run away.Give it t me!It is I, Shere Khan, wh speaks!” ”可知,文中it代指人类的幼崽。故选D。
    15.推理判断题。根据最后一段“The man’s cub belngs t me!We will nt kill him.He will live, t run with the ther wlves, t be my sn.”可知,幼崽将在狼族里长大。故选B。
    16.B 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.A
    16.细节理解题。根据“My parents advised I learn frm my grandmther, wh later gave me her recipe (食谱) and instructin as well.”可知,作者跟奶奶学习制作面包,故选B。
    17.细节理解题。根据“T make bread, thers usually use quick-rise yeast (酵母), but I dn’t.”可知,做面包,别人通常会用快发酵母,但作者不会。故选D。
    18.推理判断题。根据“I can feel the change, which cnnects me t smething quite different frm the mdern way f living.”可知,作者将烘焙这件事与现代生活方式比较,作者认为现在生活太快了,故选C。
    19.词句猜测题。根据“Nw this traditin has cntinued fr years. Smetimes, in rder t fit it in, I have t change my schedule. But I have never cnsidered giving it up.”可知,作者坚持奶奶教给他的传统食谱,这些年不管如何变化,作者一直没有放弃这种传统,因此“it”意为“The traditin”,故选D。
    20.推理判断题。根据“My bread-baking has als helped them t slw dwn and understand the value f taking their time and leading an unhurried life.”可知,作者教育孩子们要放慢脚步去生活,故选A。
    21.D 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.C
    21.细节理解题。根据“Hwever, during the shrt perid between September and Nvember, the river expldes(迸发)with life and clr. It appears as any mix f clrs including blue, green, yellw, range, and a purplish red.”可知参观Cafi Cristales的最佳时间是在九月和十一月之间,故选D。
    22.细节理解题。根据“Cafi Cristales’ clrs are the result f a rare(稀有) water plant which needs sunlight t grw.”可知是因为一种特殊的植物生活在里面。故选A。
    23.词义猜测题。根据“This makes them easily damaged in the water.”可知这种植物很容易在水中损坏,所以它很脆弱,故选B。
    24.细节理解题。根据“In 2007, the park was frced t clse because it was ver-crwded with turists.”可知2007年,由于游客过于拥挤,公园被迫关闭。故选A。
    25.最佳标题题。根据“Amng them in Clmbia, a river stands ut as “the mst beautiful river” in the wrld.”可知本文主要科普了关于世界上“最美丽的河流”的知识,故选C。
    26.D 27.A 28.F 29.C 30.B
    26.根据“But at the same time, it has very imprtant effects n yur life.”以及下文提到的具体影响可知,此处在引出主题。选项D“这篇文章的目的是讨论生活在另一个国家可能造成的三种主要影响”符合语境。故选D。
    27.根据“Little things like sitting n a Sunday mrning watching TV alne instead f having a nice chat with yur mm make yu realize hw valuable yur family really is”可知,此处的内容与想家相关。选项A“想念你的家人和他们对你的关注是一件很平常的事情”符合语境。故选A。
    28.根据“Since yu are living in a place with different custms and traditins frm yurs, yu have t be able t develp yurself in cnditins which yu are nt familiar with”可知,此处的内容与接受新环境与文化相关。选项F“生活在国外意味着学习如何在日常生活中接受另一种社会和文化”符合语境。故选F。
    29.根据“The mst significant (显著的) effect f living away frm hme is the independence that grws inside yu.”可知,此处的内容与独立相关。选项C“远离家人独自生活能给你很多生活的经验”符合语境。故选C。
    30.根据“Yu have t remember that all changes are difficult, but it is necessary t g thrugh them t build yur character and it helps yu appreciate (感激) everything yu have.”可知,此处的内容与离家生活的艰难相关。选项B“在离家很远的地方生活,即使是很短的一段时间,一开始也会很艰难”符合语境。故选B。
    31.A 32.F 33.C 34.D 35.E
    31.根据“likes t have meals while watching TV”“He desn’t fcus n his fd”可知,他看电视时吃饭,选项A“有好的吃饭习惯很重要,尤其对于孩子来说。一个坏的吃饭习惯可能造成严重的健康问题。例如,在电视或电脑前吃饭经常导致注意不集中。”符合语境。故选A。
    32.根据“Fr him, eating is like a task rather than smething enjyable.”可知,对Paul来说吃是一项任务而不是享受。选项F“繁忙的人总是匆忙吃饭,忘记享受食物感受嘴里东西的味道。花费时间去咀嚼食物并享受吃饭时间。”符合语境。故选F。
    33.根据“he usually chses t g t schl withut having breakfast”可知,他通常不吃早饭就去上学。选项C“总的来说,吃早饭的的孩子和青少年有更多的精力在学校做得更好。不吃早餐,人们可能会很累。因此给早餐留时间。”符合语境。故选C。
    34.根据“Mr. Black has a habit f having an extra meal befre ging t bed.”可知,布莱克先生在上床睡觉前加餐。选项D“在上床睡觉前不要吃太多,你的身体在夜里需要长时间休息,包括你的胃。不要给它太多的负担。”符合语境。故选D。
    35.根据“She drinks at least five bttles f cke r range juice a day.”可知,她喜欢喝水,每天喝大量的可乐和橙汁。选项E“一些饮料像可乐和果汁含有很高的卡路里和糖分。这可能引起体重问题。除此之外他们会造成坏牙。远离他们喝水代替。”符合语境。故选E。
    36.t fight 37.with 38.us 39.were encuraged 40.beginning 41.the 42.drp 43.simply 44.less 45.And
    36.句意:在印度新孟买的决赛中丢掉两分后,“铿锵玫瑰”下决心反击。根据“ Steel Rses made up their ”和提示词汇可知,make up ne’s mind t d sth表示“下决心做某事”,空处需填动词不定式。故填t fight。
    37.句意:在第93分钟,肖裕仪在王珊珊的帮助下拿到最后一分。根据“Xia Yuyi gt the last Shanshan’s help”可知,在王珊珊的帮助下得到一分,with ne’s help“在某人的帮助下”。故填with。
    39.句意:上半场结束后,我们受到了教练的鼓励,没有人想过放弃。根据“by ur cach”和“thught”可知,此处使用一般过去时的被动语态(was/were dne),主语为we,be动词用were。故填were encuraged。
    40.句意:这次成功是中国女足的一个新的开始。根据“a new...”和提示词汇可知,此处使用beginning“开始”,名词,作表语。故填beginning。
    41.句意:亚洲杯是中国女子足球队教练水庆霞的第一场国际比赛。根据“ internatinal cmpetitin”可知,此处表示第一场国际比赛,序数词first前需用定冠词the修饰。故填the。
    42.句意:能赢得比赛我很激动,在0比2落后的情况下,我们未曾垂头丧气。根据“we never let ur heads...”可知, sth“让……做某事”,所以此处使用动词原形。故填drp。
    44.句意:我们应该少想,并且更努力地拼搏。根据“ fight harder.”可知,and表示并列关系,空处需填与harder并列的副词比较级,little的比较级为less。故填less。
    45.句意:并且我们可以看到前方光明的未来。根据“It’s a great achievement t win this time.”可知,“这次获胜是一个伟大的成就”与“我们可以看到前方光明的未来”为顺承关系,空处需填连词and,位于句首,首字母a需大写。故填And。
    46.(One pssible versin)
    Dear Tny,
    I am s glad that yu are ging t have a study trip in Shenzhen this summer hliday. T help yu live a happy and safe life here, I have sme advice fr yu.
    First, yu can learn sme Chinese custms, such as hw t use chpsticks, hw t greet peple and s n. Secnd, when yu shp, yu can pay with mbile payment. Besides, the traffic rules are different frm thse in the UK. The drivers drive n the right side f the rad, s when yu crss the rad, yu shuld lk left.
    I hpe that yu can have a gd time in Shenzhen. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    ① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为电子邮件;
    ② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
    ③ 提示:写作要点已经给出,考生注意不要遗漏要点,并结合要点进行适当的发挥。
    ① and s n 等等
    ② be different frm 与……不同
    ③ have a gd time 玩得开心
    ④ lk frward t 期盼
    ① T help yu live a happy and safe life here, I have sme advice fr yu.(不定式作目的状语)
    ② First, yu can learn sme Chinese custms, such as hw t use chpsticks, hw t greet peple and s n.(疑问词+不定式)

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