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    这是一份浙江省Z20名校联盟2024届高三上学期第二次联考英语试题字词积累检测任务单(Word版附解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37, D 9等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Walled Cities Of The Wrld
    There are numerus histrical walled cities acrss the wrld, whse walls date back several centuries. These walls were frtificatin (碉堡), a necessity thrughut medieval eras fr defense. They have been preserved as histrical mnuments and ppular turist attractins in the mdern time.
    Yrk, England
    The city f Yrk is a medieval city situated in the nrth f England. Histrically, the city was ruled by the Rmans, Angles, and the Vikings befre being incrprated as part f the Kingdm f England in 954. Lcated in the city are walls built in 71 AD which have been restred and extended with time.
    Xi’an, China
    The city f Xian is ne f the ldest cities in China. It prspered ecnmically as the eastern last statin f the Silk Rad. The existing walls were riginally built in 770 BC and recnstructed in the 14th century under the Ming Dynasty. The walls are well preserved and are a majr turist attractin in the city.
    Quebec City, Canada
    Quebec City was a clnial (殖民地的) twn which was frtified by the settling Eurpeans. The walls began t be built in 1608 under bth British and French regimes (政权). A frt was cnstructed by the British as an additinal defensive measure and remains undamaged t date. The city’s frtificatins were listed as a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site in 1985.
    Mexic City, Mexic
    Histrically, the City f Mexic gained imprtance as the Aztec Capital. The Spanish then drve ut the Aztecs and rebuilt it as the Spanish Capital. The walls prtecting the city were built in 1521. Mexic City is als hme t numerus clnial-era buildings which tgether with the walls are majr turist attractins in the city.
    1. Which city has walls f the lngest histry?
    A. Yrk, England.B. Xi’an, China.
    C. Quebec City, Canada.D. Mexic City, Mexic.
    2. What d Quebec city and Mexic city have in cmmn?
    A. They were nce clnies f ther cuntries.
    B. They were nce the capital f the Aztec empire.
    C. Their walls were nce built under British regime.
    D. Their walls were nce damaged after cnstructin.
    3. In which sectin f a magazine may this text appear?
    A. Culture.B. Entertainment.C. Science.D. Sciety
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. A
    细节理解题。根据Yrk, England部分中的“Lcated in the city are walls built in 71 AD which have been restred and extended with time.(城中有建于公元71年的城墙,随着时间的推移,城墙得到了修复和扩展。)”可知,英国的约克郡建于公元71年;根据Xi’an, China部分中的“The existing walls were riginally built in 770 BC and recnstructed in the 14th century under the Ming Dynasty.(现存的城墙最初建于公元前770年,在明朝时期于14世纪重建。)”可知,西安现存的城墙最初建于公元前770年;根据Quebec City, Canada部分中的“The walls began t be built in 1608 under bth British and French regimes (政权).(1608年,在英法两国的统治下,长城开始修建。)”可知,加拿大的魁北克城墙始建于1608年;根据Mexic City, Mexic部分中的“The walls prtecting the city were built in 1521.(保护这座城市的城墙建于1521年。)”可知,保护这座城的城墙建于1521年,综合以上信息可知,中国西安的城墙修建历史是最悠久的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Quebec City, Canada部分中的“Quebec City was a clnial (殖民地的) twn which was frtified by the settling Eurpeans.(魁北克城是一个殖民地城镇,由定居的欧洲人加强了防御。)”可知,魁北克城是一个殖民地城镇,结合Mexic City, Mexic部分中的“Mexic City is als hme t numerus clnial-era buildings which tgether with the walls are majr turist attractins in the city.(墨西哥城也是许多殖民时代建筑的所在地,这些建筑和城墙一起成为该市的主要旅游景点。)”可知,墨西哥城是许多殖民地时代建筑的所在地,由此可知,这两座城市的共同点是他们曾经是其他国家的殖民地。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据首段中的“There are numerus histrical walled cities acrss the wrld, whse walls date back several centuries.(世界上有许多历史悠久的城墙城市,它们的城墙可以追溯到几个世纪以前。)”以及下文中的“They have been preserved as histrical mnuments and ppular turist attractins in the mdern time.(它们在现代被保存为历史遗迹和热门旅游景点。)”可知,本文介绍的是有许多历史悠久的城墙城市,他们被保存为历史遗迹和热门旅游景点,由此可知,本文应是出自于杂志的文化部分。故选A项。
    It was the winter when I taught in a small cuntry schl n the west cast f Vancuver Island. I had three grades f little peple in my class, all beaming with the desire t learn all they culd. One little by named David frm my grade ne class wanted t learn mre than all the thers. His rund swllen face wuld smile up at me, reminding me ver and ver f his disease—leukemia. Mre ften than nt, he wuld be missing frm ur classrm fr runds f treatments.
    All f us were s pleased then, t have that happy little by with us fr Christmas. We decrated ur classrm, practised fr the cncert, and prepared Christmas stries t share.
    Tw days befre schl let ut fr the three-week Christmas hliday, I read a stry t the class. It was the stry f “The Littlest Angel”. This little angel had an awful time in heaven. He culd nt adjust t the rutine. He was always in truble, bumping int ther angels, tripping ver cluds r drpping his hal. Nthing seemed t make his time easier until ne celestial day an archangel suggested that the little angel take sme items with him. Just a few things t remind him f his gd ld days, which might be f sme help.
    As I read the stry, a cmplete silence fell ver the class as each child became mre invlved in the plight f the angel. Everyne was sympathetic fr his misfrtune, including David.
    The fllwing day during ur regular shw-and-tell time, hlding a small wden bx, David began his sharing, “This is my first tth,” he explained. “This is a ribbn frm my sister’s hair, and this is my puppy’s cllar. My dad gave me this ld key. My mm says this big cin is fr gd luck.” Even befre he tld us the purpse f the bx, we all seemed t knw. Shiny tears went dt-t-dt dwn the faces f the ther children. The rest f the day witnessed all f us carefully preparing items t fill David’s wden bx.
    When the hlidays came t a clse, we all returned t ur class—all except David. He had gt a gd chance and left fr a big city t get better treatment, clutching the wden bx that held his hpe and memries, and urs.
    4 What can we learn abut David frm the first paragraph?
    A. His attractive smile impressed his teacher a lt.
    B. Thugh seriusly ill, he was passinate t learn.
    C. His disease prevented him frm ging t schl.
    D. Thugh lking nrmal,he suffered frm a fatal disease.
    5. What des the underlined part “the plight” refer t?
    A. The past time.B. The prmising future.
    C. The awful situatin.D. The daily rutine.
    6. Why did David prepare a wden bx?
    A. T share his items.B. T help the little angel.
    C. T treat his disease.D. T hld the gd memries.
    7. Which f the fllwing best describes David?
    A. Intelligent and diligent.B. Sciable and adventurus.
    C. Strng-willed and ambitius.D. Optimistic and curageus.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“One little by named David frm my grade ne class wanted t learn mre than all the thers. His rund swllen face wuld smile up at me, reminding me ver and ver f his disease—leukemia.(我一年级班上一个叫大卫的小男孩比其他所有的人都想学得更多。他那肿胀的圆脸会朝我微笑,一遍又一遍地提醒我他的病——白血病。)”可知,David比所有的人都想学的更多,但是他患上白血病,由此可知,David虽然病得很重,但他对学习充满热情。故选B项。
    词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“This little angel had an awful time in heaven. He culd nt adjust t the rutine. He was always in truble, bumping int ther angels, tripping ver cluds r drpping his hal.(这个小天使在天堂过得很糟糕。他不能适应这种例行公事。他总是遇到麻烦,撞到其他天使,被云绊倒,或者掉下他的光环。)”可知,小天使在天堂上遇到很多的麻烦,境遇很糟糕,结合划线单词前的“As I read the stry, a cmplete silence fell ver the class as each child became mre invlved in…(当我读到这个故事的时候,全班鸦雀无声,每个孩子都更加关注着……。)”可知,作者读完小天使的故事,孩子们都关注着的应是小天使的“困境”,由此可知,划线单词的意思应与“困境”意义相近。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Nthing seemed t make his time easier until ne celestial day an archangel suggested that the little angel take sme items with him. Just a few things t remind him f his gd ld days, which might be f sme help.(似乎没有什么能让他的日子好过些,直到有一天,一位大天使建议小天使带走一些东西。只是一些能让他想起过去美好时光的东西,也许会有所帮助。)”可知,作者讲述的小天使的故事中,大天使建议小天使带走一些让他想起过去美好时光的东西,结合倒数第二段中的“The fllwing day during ur regular shw-and-tell time, hlding a small wden bx, David began his sharing, “This is my first tth,” he explained. “This is a ribbn frm my sister’s hair, and this is my puppy’s cllar. My dad gave me this ld key. My mm says this big cin is fr gd luck.”(第二天,在我们的常规展示时间,大卫拿着一个小木盒开始分享,“这是我的第一颗牙齿,”他解释道。“这是我妹妹头发上的丝带,这是我小狗的项圈。我爸爸给了我一把旧钥匙。我妈妈说这个大硬币代表好运。”)”可知,David带来的盒子里都是一些让他能想起的过去美好时光的东西,由此可知,David准备一个木盒子是为了留住美好的回忆。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据首段中的“His rund swllen face wuld smile up at me, reminding me ver and ver f his disease—leukemia.(他那肿胀的圆脸会朝我微笑,一遍又一遍地提醒我他的病——白血病。)”可知,David患上白血病仍然对着作者微笑,说明David是一个乐观的孩子,结合倒数第二段中的“The fllwing day during ur regular shw-and-tell time, hlding a small wden bx, David began his sharing, “This is my first tth,” he explained. “This is a ribbn frm my sister’s hair, and this is my puppy’s cllar. My dad gave me this ld key. My mm says this big cin is fr gd luck. 第二天,在我们的常规展示时间,大卫拿着一个小木盒开始分享,“这是我的第一颗牙齿,”他解释道。“这是我妹妹头发上的丝带,这是我小狗的项圈。我爸爸给了我一把旧钥匙。我妈妈说这个大硬币代表好运。”)”可知,作者讲述完“小天使”的故事后,第二天David准备了一个小木盒与大家分享他的美好回忆,由此可知,在David知道自己患有重病,也许会离开大家,他仍能够勇敢面对,综上信息可知,David是一个乐观而又有勇气的孩子。故选D项。
    Amazn recently annunced its latest launch, a rbt called Astr. Small in size, but with impressive technlgy, Astr is seemingly similar t Amazn’s ppular virtual assistant. With all the same capabilities as Alexa, many critics are asking why there’s a need fr Astr.
    Answering this questin, Amazn’s Vice-President f Prducts, Charlie Tritschler, highlights sme unique features f Astr that make it a different kind f rbt. Astr can mve n its wn and fllw peple, ffering cnsumers a far brader range f ptins. Besides, it can mnitr hme security. Astr uses Artificial Intelligence t learn mre abut husehld members by interacting with users. Users can als register themselves and thers int its recgnitin system. When they leave hme, they can make an away mde, which means “Sentry (哨兵) Mde”, r “Patrl Mde” start wrking. If smene wh is nt recgnized enters the huse, Astr will fllw and recrd them. Astr’s mbility seems t be the key feature in its technlgical enhancement, but what appeals t peple mst is its “unique persna”. Its big, circular, blinking “eyes” displayed n its screen-like head making it lk rather cute are a big reasn fr this.
    Years f research shw that humans ften experience psitive emtinal cnnectins with rbts. Accrding t MIT’s technlgy review f Astr, it may nt fall far frm this bservatin. Peple have cme t lve rbtic pets, thugh they are fully aware that the pets are lifeless. Rbts at hme can play a useful rle in helping elderly patients fight lneliness r yung children face scial anxiety.
    Amazn is ffering peple interested in Astr the chance t sign up fr Day 1 Editins, a prgram giving invitatins t Astr as sn as it ges n the market later this year. Tritschler is encuraging peple t persnalize the rbt when it becmes available, and he is cnfident that users will cme up with mre ideas and features they will want t see in the rbt in the near future t make it even better.
    8 What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The cnvenient peratin f Astr.B. The essential functins f Astr.
    C. The increasing ppularity f Astr.D. The distinctive capabilities f Astr.
    9. Which aspect f Astr attracts peple mst?
    A. Its recgnitin system.B. Its ability t mve n its wn.
    C. Its adrable appearance.D. Its ability t mnitr hme security.
    10. What is Tritschler’s attitude t the future f Astr?
    A. Critical.B. Psitive.C. Uncertain.D. Dubtful.
    11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Astr: A Rbt AssistantB. The New Revlutin f AI
    C. Astr: An Emtinal ReliefD. The Great Ptential f Rbts
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A
    主旨大意题。根据第二段中的“Answering this questin, Amazn’s Vice-President f Prducts, Charlie Tritschler, highlights sme unique features f Astr that make it a different kind f rbt.(在回答这个问题时,亚马逊产品副总裁Charlie Tritschler强调了Astr的一些独特功能,使其成为一种不同的机器人。)”结合下文中介绍的Astr的一些独特的功能可知,本段主要介绍的是Astr的一些独特的功能。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的:“Its big, circular, blinking “eyes” displayed n its screen-like head making it lk rather cute are a big reasn fr this.(它像屏幕一样的头上长着大大的、圆形的、闪烁的“眼睛”,这让它看起来相当可爱,这是一个重要的原因。)”可知,Astr头上长着的大大的、圆形的、闪烁的“眼睛”让他看起来很可爱,由此可知,Astr最吸引人的是它可爱的外表。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据尾段中的“Tritschler is encuraging peple t persnalize the rbt when it becmes available, and he is cnfident that users will cme up with mre ideas and features they will want t see in the rbt in the near future t make it even better.(特里奇勒鼓励人们在机器人可用时对其进行个性化设计,他相信在不久的将来,用户会提出更多的想法和功能,让机器人变得更好。)”可知,Tritschler相信在不久的将来,用户会提出更多的想法和功能,让机器人变得更好,由此可知,Tritschler对Astr的未来持乐观的态度。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据首段中的“Amazn recently annunced its latest launch, a rbt called Astr. Small in size, but with impressive technlgy, Astr is seemingly similar t Amazn’s ppular virtual assistant.(亚马逊最近发布了一款名为Astr的机器人。Astr体积小,但技术令人印象深刻,看起来与亚马逊流行的虚拟助手类似。)”结合下文中的介绍的Astr的独特的功能以及对机器人未来发展情况的介绍可知,本文主要介绍的是亚马逊推出的一款称为Astr的机器人,所以题目“Astr:机器人助手”与本文的内容吻合,且可以概括本文的主题,适合作为本文的最佳题目。故选A项。
    Ncturnal (夜间的) expsure t blue light cntaining shrt wavelength emissins (450-500 nm) — the kind f light prduced by the screens f many devices raises bld sugar levels and increases sugar intake, accrding t a study perfrmed n Sudanian grass rats.
    “Much f the artificial light we are expsed t cmes frm LED lights and screens, which emit high levels f blue light,” said Anayanci Masis-Vargas frm the Universities f Strasburg and Amsterdam and his clleagues. Accrding t their study, retinal (网膜的) cells f the eye are sensitive t this blue light and directly cnvey infrmatin t areas f the brain that cntrl appetite.
    In the study, the scientists expsed diurnal Sudanian grass rats t nighttime blue light (490 nm) and measured their fd cnsumptin and glucse (葡萄糖) tlerance the fllwing day. “In rder t better mdel human light expsure, the rats were diurnal, meaning awake during the day and asleep at night, rather than the typical ncturnal labratry rats which are awake during nighttime hurs,” the researchers explained. They fund that after nly ne hur f ncturnal blue light expsure, glucse tlerance was changed in the rats, a warning sign f pre-diabetes.
    T investigate what happens with appetite cntrl and fd chice after expsure t blue light at night, in the fllw-up study, the rats were given the ptin t chse amng a nutritinally balanced fd, water, pig fat, and sugar water. After the expsure t blue light, the study authrs bserved that the rats preferred sugar water and drank mre f it that night than during the nights with n blue light expsure. As the experiment cntinued, the researchers nticed mre expsure t blue light caused rats’ heavier bdies as well.
    “Limiting the amunt f time that we spend in frnt f screens at night is, fr nw, the best measure t prtect urselves frm the harmful effects f blue light,” Masis-Vargas said. “In case it is necessary t be expsed t device s at night, I wuld recmmend the night mde features n the devices, which turn the screens mre range and less blue r the use f blue light filtering glasses that are already available in the market.”
    12. Accrding t the study,ncturnal expsure t blue light will ________.
    A. affect bld pressureB. influence appetite
    C. disturb the delivery f infrmatinD. decrease retinal cells f the eye
    13. Why were diurnal rats used instead f ncturnal rats in the study?
    A. Their sleep mdel is simpler t fllw.
    B. Their sugar intake is easier t measure.
    C. Their light cntact is similar t that f humans.
    D. Their glucse tlerance is clse t that f humans.
    14. Which was NOT cnsidered in the fllw-up study?
    A. Fd chice.B. Animal weight.
    C. Fd cnsumptin.D. Animal gender.
    15. Which is the mst effective way t lessen the harm f blue light accrding t Masis-Vargas?
    A. Upgrading phne mde.B. Changing the clr f the screen.
    C. Restricting night screen time.D. Wearing blue light filtering glasses.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Accrding t their study, retinal (网膜的) cells f the eye are sensitive t this blue light and directly cnvey infrmatin t areas f the brain that cntrl appetite.(根据他们的研究,眼睛的视网膜细胞对这种蓝光很敏感,并直接将信息传递给控制食欲的大脑区域)”可知,根据研究显示,夜间暴露在蓝光下会影响食欲,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“‘In rder t better mdel human light expsure, the rats were diurnal, meaning awake during the day and asleep at night, rather than the typical ncturnal labratry rats which are awake during nighttime hurs,’ the researchers explained.(研究人员解释说:“为了更好地模拟人类的光暴露,这些老鼠是昼行性的,也就是说白天醒着,晚上睡觉,而不是典型的夜间活动的实验室老鼠,在夜间醒着。”)”可知,研究中使用昼行性老鼠是因为它们的光接触与人类相似。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“T investigate what happens with appetite cntrl and fd chice after expsure t blue light at night, in the fllw-up study, the rats were given the ptin t chse amng a nutritinally balanced fd, water, pig fat, and sugar water. After the expsure t blue light, the study authrs bserved that the rats preferred sugar water and drank mre f it that night than during the nights with n blue light expsure. As the experiment cntinued, the researchers nticed mre expsure t blue light caused rats’ heavier bdies as well.(为了研究夜间暴露在蓝光下后食欲控制和食物选择的变化,在后续研究中,让大鼠选择营养均衡的食物、水、猪脂肪和糖水。在暴露在蓝光下后,研究作者观察到老鼠更喜欢糖水,并且当晚喝的糖水比没有蓝光的夜晚要多。随着实验的继续,研究人员注意到更多的蓝光照射也会导致老鼠的体重增加)”可知,后续研究考虑到了食物选择、动物的体重和食物消耗,D项“动物性别”不符合题意,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“‘Limiting the amunt f time that we spend in frnt f screens at night is, fr nw, the best measure t prtect urselves frm the harmful effects f blue light,’ Masis-Vargas said.(Masis-Vargas说:“目前,限制我们晚上在屏幕前的时间是保护我们免受蓝光有害影响的最佳措施。”)”可知,Masis-Vargas认为限制晚上的屏幕使用时间是减轻蓝光危害的最有效方法,故选C。
    As much as 80 percent f premature heart disease is preventable by making specific lifestyle chices. Sme strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well knwn. But thers may nt have crssed yur mind. ____16____
    Get eight hurs f sleep. “When yu’re nt rested, everything that happens in yur life is a lt mre stressful,” says Dr. Arya Sharma, a prfessr f medicine at the University f Alberta. If we dn’t have enugh sleep, ur bdies als have mre difficulty cntrlling bld pressure, inflammatin and glucse levels. ____17____
    Engage in vlunteer wrk. ____18____ Research published in Psychsmatic Medicine shwed that a feeling f purpse in life is linked t a lwer likelihd f heart attack and strke. Depending n the type f wrk yu d, vlunteering might even increase yur physical activity.
    ____19____ Try t get yur utdr exercise far away frm highways and industrial districts, and spend mre time indrs when the air quality index is pr. As varius studies shw, even shrt perids f expsure are unhealthy fr peple wh already have ther cardivascular (心血管的) risks, such as high bld pressure.
    Laugh. ____20____ A 2016 study in the Jurnal f Epidemilgy f mre than 20,000 peple ver the age f 65 fund a lwer incidence f cardivascular disease in thse wh reprted laughing every day.
    A. Avid plluted air.
    B. Engage in indr activities.
    C. These factrs can all have an impact n cardivascular health.
    D. Read the fllwing tips t make yur life filled with happiness.
    E. Ding gd fr thers helps yur self-esteem and relieves stress.
    F. It reduces stress and depressin, and it may als serve as a mini-wrkut.
    G. Actually, a small change in yur everyday rutine can ptentially have a big impact.
    【答案】16. G 17. C 18. E 19. A 20. F
    前文“As much as 80 percent f premature heart disease is preventable by making specific lifestyle chices. Sme strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well knwn. But thers may nt have crssed yur mind.(多达80%的早发性心脏病可以通过选择特定的生活方式来预防。一些策略,如锻炼和控制体重,是众所周知的。但你可能没有想到其他策略。)”讲述了可以通过选择特定的生活方式来预防大部分早发性心脏病,这些策略中有的是众所周知的,而有的则不是。再结合下文内容可知,空处应承上启下,讲述要改变日常生活方式。G项“事实上,你日常生活中的一个小变化可能会产生巨大的影响。”符合题意。故选G。
    前文“If we dn’t have enugh sleep, ur bdies als have mre difficulty cntrlling bld pressure, inflammatin and glucse levels.(如果我们睡眠不足,我们的身体也会更难控制血压、炎症和血糖水平。)”讲述了睡眠不足时身体的某些方面会出现的一些反应,空处应承接上文,讲述这些因素对心脏产生的后果,C项“这些因素都会对心血管健康产生影响。”符合题意,“These factrs”指代上文中的“bld pressure, inflammatin and glucse levels”。故选C。
    根据本段主旨句“Engage in vlunteer wrk.(参与志愿者工作。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是要参与志愿者工作,空格处的句子应该说这样做的好处。E项“为他人做好事有助于自尊并减轻压力。”符合题意。故选E。
    结合上下文可知,空处是本段小标题。根据后文“Try t get yur utdr exercise far away frm highways and industrial districts, and spend mre time indrs when the air quality index is pr. As varius studies shw, even shrt perids f expsure are unhealthy fr peple wh already have ther cardivascular(心血管的) risks, such as high bld pressure.(尽量远离高速公路和工业区进行户外锻炼,当空气质量指数较差时,多待在室内。正如各种研究所表明的那样,对于已经有其他心血管风险——如高血压——的人来说,即使是短时间的暴露也是不健康的。)”可知,本段主要讲述了要远离被污染的空气,A项“避免污染空气。”符合题意。故选A。
    根据本段小标题“Laugh.(笑。)”和后文“A 2016 study in the Jurnal f Epidemilgy f mre than 20,000 peple ver the age f 65 fund a lwer incidence f cardivascular disease in thse wh reprted laughing every day.(《流行病学杂志》2016年对20000多名65岁以上的人进行的一项研究发现,那些每天报告都笑的人患心血管疾病的几率较低。)”可知,空处应说的是笑对健康有好处,F项“它可以减轻压力和抑郁,也可以作为一种迷你锻炼。”符合题意。故选F。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    “Yur newbrn isn’t ging t make it.” On March 25, 2010, Kate and David Ogg heard the wrds every parent is ____21____ f. Their twins a girl and a by were brn tw minutes apart and 14 weeks premature, weighing just ver tw punds respectively. Dctrs had tried t ____22____ the by fr 20 minutes but saw n imprvement. His heartbeat was nearly gne, and he’d ____23____ breathing. The baby had just mments t live.
    “I saw him gasp (喘息), but the dctr said it was n use,” Kate tld the Daily Mail five years later. “I knw it sunds ____24____ but if he was still gasping, that was a ____25____ f life. I wasn’t ging t give up easily.”
    ____26____, the Sydney cuple knew this was likely gdbye. In an effrt t cherish her last minutes with the tiny by, Kate asked t hld him.
    “I wanted t meet him, and I als want him t knw us.” Kate tld the Mail. “We’d ____27____ urselves t the fact that we were ging t lse him, and we were just trying t make the mst f thse last, ____28____ mments.”
    Kate unwrapped the by, whm the cuple had already named Jamie, frm his hspital blanket and rdered David t ____29____ his shirt and jin them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their sn t be as _____30_____ as pssible and hped the skin-t-skin cntact wuld imprve his cnditin. They als _____31_____ him.
    “We were trying t have him stay,” Kate said. “We explained his name and that he had a twin sister and hw hard we had tried t _____32_____ him.” Then smething _____33_____ happened. Jamie gasped again and then he started breathing. Finally, he reached fr his father’s finger.
    The cuple’s lst by had made it.
    The Oggs nly recently tld the kids the stry f their _____34_____. Hearing the stry, the twins hugged each ther with great _____35_____. This whle experience made them treasure each ther mre.
    21. A. tiredB. ashamedC. jealusD. scared
    22. A. examineB. saveC. tendD. mnitr
    23. A. stppedB. cntinuedC. practisedD. frgtten
    24. A. cmplexB. reasnableC. stupidD. gd
    25. A. signB. stageC. circleD. gift
    26. A. FurthermreB. TherefreC. StillD. Altgether
    27. A. ppsedB. restrictedC. expsedD. resigned
    28. A. magicalB. preciusC. privateD. spare
    29. A. try nB. pack upC. take ffD. put away
    30. A. warmB. strngC. activeD. clever
    31. A. lked atB. waved atC. talked tD. reacted t
    32. A. refreshB. raiseC. prtectD. have
    33. A. accidentalB. miraculusC. rdinaryD. strange
    34. A. lssB. grwthC. struggleD. birth
    35. A. affectinB. passinC. determinatinD. expectatin
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. A
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:2010年3月25日,凯特和大卫·奥格听到了每个父母都害怕的话。A. tired疲惫的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. jealus妒忌的;D. scared害怕的。根据上文中的“Yur newbrn isn’t ging t make it.”可知,医生告诉孩子的父母新生儿早产,可能活不下去了,这是父母最“害怕”的话。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:医生曾试图挽救这个男孩20分钟,但没有看到任何好转。A. examine检查;B. save拯救,节省;C. tend倾向于;D. mnitr监视。根据语境以及下文中的“the by fr 20 minutes but saw n imprvement.”可知,没有看见任何好转,由此可知,此处指的是医生尽力“挽救”男孩20分钟。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的心跳几乎停止了,呼吸也停止了。A. stpped停止;B. cntinued继续;C. practised训练;D. frgtten忘记。根据上文中的“His heartbeat was nearly gne”可知,男孩的心跳几乎是没有了,结合and可知,此处应指的是呼吸“停止”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我知道这听起来很愚蠢,但如果他还在喘气,那就是生命的迹象。A. cmplex复杂的;B. reasnable合情合理的;C. stupid愚蠢的;D. gd好的。根据上文中的“I saw him gasp (喘息), but the dctr said it was n use”可知,Kate说看到孩子在喘息,而医生说没有用了,由此可知,Kate认为这听起来是“愚蠢的”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道这听起来很愚蠢,但如果他还在喘气,那就是生命的迹象。A. sign迹象,符号;B. stage舞台;C. circle圆圈;D. gift礼物。根据上文中的“he was still gasping”可知,男孩在喘气,这应是生命的“迹象”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,这对悉尼夫妇知道这可能是再见了。A. Furthermre此外;B. Therefre因此;C. Still(虽然……)还是;D. Altgether总共,完全地。根据上文中的“I wasn’t ging t give up easily.”可知,Kate说不会轻易放弃,结合下文中的“the Sydney cuple knew this was likely gdbye.”可知,这对夫妇知道这可能是再见了,上下文之间为转折意义,所以此处应表示“尽管如此,还是”符合逻辑。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们已经接受了即将失去他的事实,我们只是想充分利用这最后的宝贵时刻。A. ppsed反对;B. restricted限制;C. expsed暴露;D. resigned辞职。根据语境和下文中的“that we were ging t lse him”可知,这对夫妇“只好接受”要失去孩子的事实,resign neself t sth.意为“顺从,只好接受,听任”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们已经接受了即将失去他的事实,我们只是想充分利用这最后的宝贵时刻。A. magical有魔力的;B. precius宝贵的;C. private私人的;D. spare业余的。根据语境以及上文中的“In an effrt t cherish her last minutes with the tiny by, Kate asked t hld him.”可知,在孩子最后弥留时刻,父母要充分利用这“宝贵的”时间,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:凯特把孩子从医院的毯子里解开,这对夫妇已经给小男孩取好了名字叫Jamie,并命令大卫脱下衬衫,和他们一起躺在床上。A. try n尝试;B. pack up打包;C. take ff脱下,起飞;D. put away收拾,整理。根据下文中的“and hped the skin-t-skin cntact wuld imprve his cnditin.”可知,他们希望这种皮肤与皮肤的接触能改善孩子的情况,所以此处应是“脱下”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这对首次为人父母的夫妇希望他们的儿子尽可能温暖,并希望皮肤接触能改善他的病情。A. warm温暖的;B. strng强壮的;C. active积极的;D. clever聪明的。根据下文中的“and hped the skin-t-skin cntact wuld imprve his cnditin.”可知,这种皮肤与皮肤之间的接触能够让孩子尽可能的“温暖”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他们也和他谈话。A. lked at看;B. waved at向……挥手;C. talked t与……谈话;D. reacted t对……作出回应。根据下文中的“We explained his name and that he had a twin sister and hw hard we had tried t ____12____ him.”可知,Kate在向孩子解释着他的名字,并告诉他有一个双胞胎妹妹,由此可知,此处指的是跟他“谈话”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们解释了他的名字,他有一个双胞胎妹妹,以及我们多么努力地想要得到他。A. refresh使恢复精力;B. raise提高;C. prtect保护;D. have拥有,得到。根据上文中的“We were trying t have him stay”可知,此处指的是他们多么努力地想要“拥有”他。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后奇迹发生了。A. accidental偶然的;B. miraculus奇迹般的;C. rdinary普通的;D. strange奇怪的。根据语境和下文中的“Jamie gasped again and then he started breathing.”可知,医生宣告男孩活不了几分钟的时候,父母在努力地去温暖他,与他谈话,孩子真的再次喘气并开始呼吸,由此可知,此处应为“奇迹般的”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:奥格斯夫妇最近才告诉孩子们他们出生的故事。A. lss损失;B. grwth成长;C. struggle挣扎;D. birth出生。根据语境和上文中的“The Oggs nly recently tld the kids the stry”可知,本文讲述的是双胞胎出生时发生的事情,所以,此处指的是奥格斯夫妇最近才告诉孩子们“出生”的故事。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:听到这个故事,这对双胞胎深情地拥抱在一起。A. affectin关爱;B. passin激情,热爱;C. determinatin决心;D. expectatin期望。根据上文中的“Hearing the stry, the twins hugged each ther”可知,这对双胞胎相拥在一起,结合下文中的“This whle experience made them treasure each ther mre.”可知,整个经历使他们更加珍惜彼此,综合以上信息可知,此处指的是“深情”地相拥,with affectin意为“充满深情地”符合语境。故选A项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    On Jan 22, the first day f the Year f the Rabbit, Li, a citizen f Tianjin, prepared fr her daughter ____36____ in China is called a “red packet”, a mnetary gift ____37____ (traditinal) given by the elderly t the yunger generatin during the Spring Festival.
    Instead f withdrawing cash frm a bank and putting it in a red envelpe this year, she chse t use the e-CNY mbile applicatin, ____38____ (pass) n her blessing with digital fiat currency.
    This virtual red packet f 200 yuan ($29.62) has a lively cver with nt nly lvely animated images n it but als a message carefully ____39____ (select) by the mther: Try nt t be bthered. “Red packet f the digital yuan is easy fr the elderly like me t perate ____40____ interesting enugh t draw yungsters’ attentin,” Li said.
    Issued by the Peple’s Bank f China, the cuntry’s central bank, the digital yuan ____41____ (design) t be treated as M0, meaning cash in ____42____ (circulate), such as cins and bankntes. S far, 17 prvincial level regins in China ____43____ (pilt) the use f digital yuan. During the week-lng Spring Festival hliday, a large number f red packets f digital yuan have als been distributed ____44____ residents acrss the cuntry t stimulate the cnsumer market. Cities including Beijing, _____45_____ capital, Hangzhu, Zhejiang prvince in the east, and Shenzhen, Guangdng prvince in the suth, issued e-CNY cupns.
    【答案】36. what
    37. traditinally
    38. passing
    39. selected
    40. and 41. is designed
    42. circulatin
    43. have pilted
    44. t##amng
    45. the
    考查名词性从句。句意:1月22日,兔年的第一天,天津市民李女士为她的女儿准备了在中国被称为“红包”的东西,这是春节期间长辈给年轻一代的传统金钱礼物。分析可知,此处引导宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,应用连接代词what引导从句,指代事物,意为“……的事”;what is called…意为“所谓的……”。故填what。
    考查时态和语态。句意:由中国央行中国人民银行发行的数字人民币被视为M0,即流通中的现金,如硬币和纸币。动词design和主语之间是被动关系,描述现实情况,用一般现在时的被动语态。主语the digital yuan是单数,主谓一致,故填is designed。
    考查时态。句意:到目前为止,中国已有17个省级地区试点使用数字人民币。根据时间状语S far可知,此处应用现在完成时表示过去开始的动作一直持续到现在。主谓一致,故填have pilted。
    考查介词。句意:在为期一周的春节假期期间,大量的数字人民币红包也被分发给了全国各地的居民,以刺激消费市场。distribute sth t/amng sb“分发某物给某人”是固定搭配,符合句意。故填t/amng。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,上周末你参加了学校组织的市科技馆研学活动。请你在校英文论坛发表一篇帖子,分享此次经历,内容包括:
    1. 活动过程;
    2. 个人感悟;
    3. 期待评论。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    An Unfrgettable Tech Explratin Tur
    【答案】Pssible Versin:
    An Unfrgettable Tech Explratin Tur
    Last weekend I participated in a fabulus tech explratin tur in the city science museum rganized by ur schl.
    It kicked ff with an exhibitin f the histry f Chinese science, unflding the awe-striking wisdm behind. What fllwed was a hands-n experience, which uncvered the secrets f science. With a lecture n the prspect f science, the tur was brught t an end. Nt nly did the tur instill me with a sense f pride in ur scientific advances, but it als planted in my heart a seed f scientific explratin.
    Anybdy wh shares the same feeling? Anticipating yur cmments!
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    参加:participate in→take part in
    开始:kick ff→start
    结束:be brught t an end→cme t an end
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:It kicked ff with an exhibitin f the histry f Chinese science, unflding the awe-striking wisdm behind.
    拓展句:It kicked ff with an exhibitin f the histry f Chinese science, which unflded the awe-striking wisdm behind.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】What fllwed was a hands-n experience, which uncvered the secrets f science.(使用了What引导主语从句、which引导非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Nt nly did the tur instill me with a sense f pride in ur scientific advances, but it als planted in my heart a seed f scientific explratin. (使用了Nt nly…but als…句型,且使用了部分倒装结构)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Jeff and I had many cnversatins during the year, but I will always remember the time he tld me abut his family. His father, a successful physician, was cld and strict in Jeffs wrds. His father had even paved the way fr Jeff t attend the same cllege frm which he had graduated.
    Jeff was twenty-seven and a successful business planner at a cmpany — withut a degree. His passin was skiing. When he graduated frm high schl, he decided t decline his father’s ffer and, instead, t wrk with a ski patrl (滑雪巡逻队). With pain in his eyes, Jeff tld me he still remembered the day when he tld his father he was ging t give up cllege and take a jb at a ski resrt.
    Hearing Jeffs decisin, his father lked ff int the distance. Then came the wrds that still eched in Jeff’s mind: “Yu lazy kid. N sn f mine is ging t wrk with a ski patrl and des nt attend cllege. I shuld have knwn yu’d never amunt t anything!” The tw had nt spken since that cnversatin.
    Later, he was back in the area near where he grew up and he certainly did nt want his father t knw he was attending cllege. He was ding this fr himself, nt fr his father. He said it ver and ver again. Jeff’s sister had always remained supprtive f Jeffs decisins. She stayed in cntact with their father, but Jeff had made her prmise that she wuld nt share any infrmatin abut his life with him.
    The day when the graduatin ceremny came, I walked arund talking t peple befre it started. I nticed a man with a cnfused expressin.
    “Excuse me,” he said as he plitely apprached me. “What is happening here tday?”
    “It’s graduatin day,” I replied, smiling. “Well, that’s dd,” he said, “my daughter asked me t meet her at this address.” His eyes sparkled and he smiled. “Maybe she cmpleted her assciate’s degree and wanted t surprise me!”
    I helped him find a seat.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1: As I left him, he said, “Thank yu. By the way, my name’s Dr. Hlstrm.”
    Paragraph 2: Jeff was the last persn t crss the stage.
    As I left him, he said, “Thank yu. By the way, my name’s Dr. Hlstrm.” The name ringing in my mind, I frze n the spt. Jeff Hlstrm! Culd this be the cld, stern father wh demanded his sn attend cllege r never enter his hme again? Curisity and dubt bubbling up, I turned arund t get a glimpse f Dr. Hlstrm, attempting t find sme facial resemblances. Beaming and scanning, Dr. Hlstrm seemed t be lking fr his daughter. Speeches given, the dean began t read the names f the graduates, inviting them nt the stage ne by ne t receive their diplmas.
    Jeff was the last persn t crss the stage. Having received his diplma, he turned tward the audience, radiant with jy. Suddenly, a lne figure ppped int his eyes — Dr. Hlstrm. I was nt sure hw Jeff sptted him in the crwd, but I culd tell their eyes met. Dr. Hlstrm, gazing at Jeff thughtfully fr a few secnds, pened his arms as if t embrace the air arund him. Fr a mment time seemed t stand still. Jeff came dwn, smiling with tears in eyes. “My father is here,” he whispered t me, “I think I’m ging hme.”
    ②试图做:attempt t d/make an attempt t d
    ③映入眼帘:pp int his eyes/cme int view
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Culd this be the cld, stern father wh demanded his sn attend cllege r never enter his hme again? (由关系代词wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] I was nt sure hw Jeff sptted him in the crwd, but I culd tell their eyes met. (由连接词hw引导的宾语从句)

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