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    1.Sara is a kind girl and we all like______.
    A. themB. himC. hisD. her
    2.I always visit my grandparents______Saturday afternn.
    A. nB. inC. atD. f
    3.I like reading bks, ______I ften g t the library after schl.
    A. andB. butC. rD. s
    4.—______I bring my ID card with me next time?— N, yu needn't. Yu can cpy and stre it in yur phne.
    A. MayB. MustC. ShuldD. Need
    5.My father is a cmmn dctr, but he is______f all in my heart.
    A. greatB. greaterC. the greatestD. greatest
    6.—_______are yu late again, Tm?— Srry, Miss Li. Because I missed the early bus.
    A. WhyB. HwC. WhenD. Where
    7.— Let's make a cake, Linda. Is there any milk in the fridge?— Yes, mum. I______sme yesterday.
    A. have bughtB. bughtC. buyD. will buy
    8.— Sam, is Jim in the classrm? Mr.Smith is lking fr him.— N, he______t the dining hall.
    A. gesB. will gC. has gneD. went
    9.My grandma ______ dinner when I gt hme yesterday.
    A. cksB. will ckC. is ckingD. was cking
    10.—Mum, dn't wrry abut me. I _______ yu as sn as I arrive in Lndn.—OK, take care f yurself.
    A. will callB. callC. is callingD. called
    11.In 2022, the Winter Olympic Games ______ in Beijing and Zhangjiaku.
    A. hldB. heldC. were heldD. will be held
    12.— Peter, I want t visit the Capital Museum. D yu knw______?— Yu can g with me this weekend.
    A. hw can I get thereB. hw I can get there
    C. hw did I get thereD. hw I gt there
    A Team fr Trish
    Trish watched as all her classmates were divided int tw teams fr tday's lessn n basketball. Mr.Truman had named Amber and Jesse the tw team leaders, and they were (13) their teammates by wh were the best athletes.That meant Trish was left last.
    "Trish, yu're with me, " Amber said sunding (14).
    Trish lwered her head and jined her team n the curt. If nly her classmates knew she was pretty gd at basketball. Her lder brther had taught her hw t make a free thrw, but Trish was sure n ne in her class wuld give her a (15) t shw them.
    Once everyne was ready, Mr.Truman started the game. Jesse's team was aggressive(有进攻性的). They cvered all the players n Amber's team, except fr Trish. The girl wh was suppsed t cver Trish was blcking(阻拦) Amber frm passing the ball. Trish mved acrss the curt and met Amber's (16) .
    She reached her hands ut t shw Amber she was pen. Amber turned and lked fr smene else t thrw the ball t, but everyne was (17).
    Trish lwered her arms thinking Amber was ging t thrw the ball away befre she gave Trish a chance. But Amber passed the ball, buncing(反弹) it under the arms f the tw girls blcking her. Trish caught the ball and stared(盯着看) at it, still in (18) that Amber had passed it t her.
    "Sht(投篮)! " Amber shuted.
    She threw the ball and watched as it bunced ff the backbard and fell thrugh the net. Trish's teammates (19).
    "Great sht!" Amber said, walking ver t Trish.
    "Thanks, " Trish said. "My brther taught me hw t play. We sht baskets almst every night."
    "Yu shuld cme ut and play with ur team," Amber said. "My friends and I play at the park every Saturday." Trish thught abut that. She thught playing basketball with the ther girls wuld be (20)and it might be a gd chance fr her t be a better self.
    "I think I will, " Trish said with a smile.
    13.A. teachingB. trainingC. chsingD. praising
    14.A. excitedB. afraidC. pleasedD. disappinted
    15.A. methdB. thrwC. chanceD. lessn
    16.A. eyesB. faceC. muthD. nse
    17.A. caughtB. cveredC. passedD. picked
    18.A. painB. surpriseC. dangerD. happiness
    19.A. cheeredB. scredC. wrriedD. appeared
    20.A. necessaryB. successfulC. relaxingD. meaningful
    Inventins usually make a big difference t peple's lives. D yu have any great inventins at hme? D they help yu a lt in yur life r bring yu much fun? Here are sme f the mst useful inventins in families accrding t a survey(调查).
    21.______ is the mst helpful and creative inventin fr kids.
    A. The reading penB. The mpping rbt
    C. The electric ft basinD. The hme prjectr
    22.If 15-year-ld Jhn buys an electric ft basin, he might give it t ______as a gift.
    A. his pretty mtherB. his kind grandpa
    C. his little brtherD. his elder sister
    23.What can we knw frm the passage?
    A. Electric ft basins can increase pepleˈs bld pressure.
    B. Reading pens can help kids learn withut tuching cntents.
    C. Mpping rbts can help peple clean all the rubbish easily.
    D. Hme prjectrs can make peple watch mvies at any time.
    The Mini Prblem
    Lily's disappintment was surely clear. She wke up n Christmas mrning and, alng with her brther,ran dwn t see the gifts under the tree.
    In the living rm sat a nice mini bike. It was red with a white gas tank. Fra shrt mment, Lily was filled with great excitement. She culdn't imagine anything better than getting that bike. Then, her eyes caught sight f a baby dll sitting n the sfa with a huge bw.
    She knew. She knew that the mini bike belnged(属于) t her brther and that dll wuld be her Christmas gift. It was always like this. Tmmy always gt cl things: skatebards, gliders, science kits. The mini bike was just the latest cl thing. Lily always gt the bring gifts: a set f ty cking kits, a pink tutu with silver twinkling stars, a pair f fairy lady's feather wings. They are amazing fr ther girls, but she didn't like them at all. T Lily, this dll seemed unusually bring again. The dll had big eyes with super lng eyelashes and straight blnd hair. She even wre a petticat (衬裙).
    Tmmy had seen that mini-bike in the frnt windw f Mre's Bike Shp, but hadn't Lily t? Tmmy had asked fr the bike and had said it was the nly thing he wanted fr Christmas. Althugh Lily had the same thught, the wrds were n the tip f her tngue, finally she failed t say them, again. She was a shy girl, even in frnt f her family.
    Tmmy's eyes grew wide at the sight f the bike. He knew it was his — n dll fr him. He ran int his parents' rm and jumped excitedly n the bed.
    "Thank yu, Mama! Thank yu, Papa!" he yelled.
    At the same time Lily walked int the ther rm silently. She was disappinted and a bit angry. It tk a while fr anyne t realize she was missing.
    "What's wrng, Lily?" Papa asked gently. "Did yu see yur pretty dll?" "I saw it, " she said unhappily.
    "What's wrng, hney? Yu can't imagine hw lng yur father waited in line t buy that dll! It was nearly 30 minutes. The shp was always full f peple." Mama said.
    Silence. Lily's jaw(下巴 ) was fixed. Her face was pale. Her hands clenched (紧握 ). "Oh, Mama, yu knw Lily is never excited by presents!" her brther laughed. "Cme ut and watch me ride!"
    And s they did.
    Hwever, Lily made a decisin after a while. She wuldn't keep silent any mre and she needed t speak ut what she really thught. Then, she made a deep breath, walked straightly t her parents' rm.
    24.What was Lily's Christmas gift?
    A. A mini bike.B. A huge bw.C. A baby dll.D. A gas tank.
    25.Lily walked int the ther rm silently because _______.
    A. she was disappinted and a bit angry
    B. she asked fr the bike but didn't get it
    C. her brther was never excited by presents
    D. her brther didn't ask fr the bike but gt it
    26.What can we learn frm this stry?
    A. Silence is mre pwerful than speech.
    B. Anger is a prper way t fix prblems.
    C. Cl things are perfect Christmas gifts.
    D. Cmmunicatin is the key t understanding.
    Natural Resurces(资源)
    Peple ften have decided where they wanted t live based n(基于) the natural resurces that they can get in the area. Natural resurces are things that are useful t peple and cme frm the earth. Materials (材料) fr building huses are natural resurces. S are fd surces such as fruits and vegetables, animals that culd be caught and water.
    Different climate(气候) and landfrms let certain things grw in different areas. They als decide what will be able t survive(幸存) there. Areas with very rich sil make gd farming cmmunities. Pr sil may send farmers lking fr better cnditins. Hwever,areas with pr sil may attract (吸引) thse wh have ther purpses fr the land. Pr sil desn't matter if yu want t build a factry r if the land has grass fr sheep and cws.
    Each area attracts peple based n their interests and purpses. Areas that supprt many different interests will naturally have larger ppulatins. While yu may nt think f the muntains, lakes, r seas as natural resurces, they are. Villages and cities built near water surces have been the mst successful. Peple wh want t catch fish fr a living can d that by the sea, but cannt in the desert (沙漠). Peple living near water can use it t meet their daily needs. Water can als be used t transprt things t ther areas t be sld.
    Places that are difficult t reach will naturally have fewer peple living in them because f fewer natural resurces there. Fr example, places that are high n muntain tps are nt very desirable t sme peple. Neither are places that are in the middle f ht, dry deserts.
    Fr t lng, humans have destryed (毁坏) resurces. We have been using up thse that cannt be easily replaced. Renewable resurces are thse that can be replaced easily. We are lucky t have many resurces that are renewable, such as sun, wind, water and trees. We need t fcus mre n using renewable resurces. This will prtect ur planet frm further harm.
    27.Accrding t the passage, areas with pr sil may _______.
    A. supprt many different interests
    B. make gd farming cmmunities
    C. attract sme peple t build factries
    D. frce farmers t create better cnditins
    28.The wrd " desirable" in Paragraph 4 prbably means " _______".
    A. willing t chseB. pssible t have
    C. difficult t getD. easy t achieve
    29.The writer may agree that ________.
    A. we shuld try hard t live in places that are difficult t reach
    B. we shuld use mre renewable resurces t prtect ur planet
    C. peple wh have mre interests can naturally live in better areas
    D. water and animals that culd be caught are nt natural resurces
    Multiple Intelligences
    In ur lives, we are faced with many different learning experiences. Sme f these experiences have made bigger influence than thers. Different intelligences r learning styles might be the reasn. A persn's learning style r "intelligence" is the methd thrugh which they get infrmatin mst easily. The thery f multiple intelligences(多元智能理论) was put frward in 1983 by Dr. Hward Gardner in his bk Frames f Mind: The Thery f Multiple Intelligences,and it suggests that peple are nt brn with all f the intelligences they will ever have, and traditinal ideas abut intelligence, measured (测量) by IQ tests, are very limited (有限的). He listed sme different intelligences t describe different abilities. These intelligences include linguistic (语言的),lgical-mathematical (逻辑数学的)visual-spatial (视觉空间的), bdily-kinesthetic (艺体的), musical and s n.
    Dr.Hward Gardner ntes that the linguistic and lgical-mathematical are the mst typed valued in schl and sciety. American schls and culture fcus attentin n these tw intelligences s peple wh are gd at expressing r lgical thinking are treated differently: they are likely t get mre respect and are ffered better rewards and chances. Hwever, Dr.Gardner says that we shuld place equal (平等的) attentin n peple wh have the ther intelligences: artists, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, and athletes. Unluckily, many children dn't receive much attentin and encuragement fr these abilities in schl. Many f these kids, in fact, end up being cnsidered as nt gd enugh nes because they are taught in a heavily linguistic r lgical-mathematical classrm and nt in a style favred t their type f intelligence.
    Educatin can be much mre interesting and help mre students t learn better if teachers are encuraged t present lessns in all kinds f ways using music, grup wrk, art activities, rle-play,multimedia, field trips, and s n. The gd news is that in America, hundreds f schls are nw using the thery f multiple intelligences t redesign the way they educate children. By reaching mre intelligences, all students will perfrm better and get mre imprtant infrmatin. Understanding a student's learning style can als help later in life and lead them int a mre satisfying career (职业) directin.
    Many adults find themselves in jbs that d nt make the best use f their mst highly develped intelligences. Fr example, the highly bdily-kinesthetic persn wh is stuck in a linguistic r lgical ffice jb wuld be much happier in a jb where they culd mve arund, such as a sprts cach. The thery f multiple intelligences gives adults a whle new way t lk at their lives, examining inner abilities that they left behind in their childhd (such as a lve fr art r play);they may nw have the chance t develp these thrugh curses, hbbies, r ther prgrams f self-develpment.
    30.The Thery f Multiple Intelligences suggests ______.
    A. peple have all f the intelligences when they are brn
    B. different peple might have different kinds f intelligences
    C. traditinal IQ tests can measure pepleˈs intelligences crrectly
    D. a persn with a high IQ scre must have all kinds f intelligences
    31.Accrding t the passage, what can we learn abut American schls?
    A. Students withut many intelligences dn't receive much attentin.
    B. Schls use Dr.Gardner's thery t change studentsˈ intelligences.
    C. Schls fcus attentin n the tw mst typed valued intelligences.
    D. Students will perfrm perfect if they are taught in the way they like.
    32.What des the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. Adults nw have chances t g back t schls t check their inner abilities.
    B. Dr.Gardner's thery can help adults develp their inner abilities left behind.
    C. A bdily-kinesthetic persn must be ffered jbs where he can mve arund.
    D. Dr.Gardner's thery can help adults becme successful in their present jbs.
    33.What is the writer's main purpse in writing this passage?
    A. T discuss the imprtance f multiple intelligences.
    B. T cmpare different types f multiple intelligences.
    C. T explain the ways t develp multiple intelligences.
    D. T encurage the applicatin f multiple intelligences.
    34.The Secret t Learning Languages
    A lt f peple think that they are nt gd at learning a new language. Hwever, experts say that we can all learn frm the behavir(行为) f gd language learners t becme better at languages.
    Gd language learners lk fr chances t hear and use the new language utside f the classrm,as a result, they learn the language mre quickly. If they're studying in a cuntry where the language is spken, this is easy t d. Fr example, they can talk t salesmen, jin sprts clubs, r even talk t peple in cffee stres. Hwever, if they are studying in a cuntry where the language is nt spken, there are still ways t practice utside f class. They might read newspapers and magazines in that language, watch mvies, listen t the news, r jin chat rms. All f these are great chances t practice and can als be fun.
    What's mre, gd language learners try different ways t make their message understd. Fr example, if they d nt knw the wrd fr "laundrmat",they might say "the place where yu can wash clthes". If that des nt wrk, they might even try drawing a laundrmat with washers and dryers, r acting. The pint is that gd language learners are creative and d nt easily give up. Because f these qualities (品质) they can learn mre and better.
    Finally, gd language learners are prepared t take risks. They think that making mistakes is natural and is necessary t learn. As a result, instead f being uneasy by a mistake r getting upset when they d nt understand, they see it as earning a learning chance. Fr example, if they d nt understand what smene said the first time, they are nt afraid t ask them t repeat it again and again until they d understand. Or, if smene crrects their vcabulary r grammar,they try t remember instead f becming shy abut speaking.
    Learning a language well takes time. Hwever,lking fr chances t practice the language, trying different ways t cmmunicate, taking risks, and being prepared t make mistakes will help yu becme a skilled and cnfident language learner in the lng run.
    (1) Hw can yu becme better at languages accrding t the experts?___________________________________________________________________________
    (2) Why d gd language learners learn a language mre quickly?_______________________________________________________________________
    (3) What d gd language learners d if they dn't understand what smene said the first time?____________________________________________________________________________________
    (4) Which behavir f gd language learners d yu agree mst? Why?______________________________________________________________________________
    35. 4月22日是“世界地球日”, 旨在提高民众对于现有环境问题的认识, 并动员民众通过绿色低碳生活, 改善地球的整体环境。
    假如你是李华, 你们学校英文网站正在开展以“T Be a Greener Persn”为主题的线上宣传活动,请你写一封倡议书,谈谈你所知道的环境污染问题,并就如何保护环境提出建议。
    提示词语:rubbish, cars, cause, save energy, recycle
    • What pllutin prblems d yu knw?
    • What are yur suggestins t prtect the envirnment?
    Peple need t live in a healthy envirnment, but there are many pllutin prblems arund us.
    提示词语:fail, upset, ask fr help, face, grw
    • What was the prblem that happened in yur life?
    • Hw did yu deal with it?
    • What have yu learnt frm the experience?
    Everyne meets prblems in life.__________________
    分析句子可知,此处位于动词like之后,作宾语,应使用代词的宾格形式,且此处指代“Sara萨拉”,由Sara is a kind girl...可知,萨拉是一个善良的女孩,因此,要使用her代替。故选D。
    n后面跟具体的日期或者具体某一天的上午、下午或者晚上等;in后面跟年月等;at后面跟时间点;f的;Saturday afternn为星期六下午,前面加介词n。故选A。
    【解析】句意:我喜欢看书,所以放学后我经常去图书馆。and和;but但是;r或者;s所以。根据I like reading bks(我喜欢看书)可知,所以放学后我经常去图书馆。故选D。
    根据f all in my heart可知,此处是“但他是我心中最伟大的医生”可知,此处用最高级,形容词最高级必须加the。the greatest“最伟大的”。故选C。
    【解析】句意:——你为什么迟到了, Tm?——抱歉, 李老师。因为我错过了早班车。
    根据上文Mr.Smith is lking fr him.“史密斯先生正在找他。”和选项可知,此句意思为:不,他去了餐厅。句子时态为现在完成时态,其结构为have/has+过去分词,固定短语has gne t表示“去了”,排除ABD。故选C。
    【解析】句意:——妈妈,别担心我。我一到伦敦就给你打电话。——好的,照顾好你自己。分析句子结构可知,此处是as sn as引导的时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。故选A。
    【解析】句意:2022年, 冬奥会将会在北京和张家口举行。Winter Olympic Games是动词hld的承受者, 构成被动关系,结合时间状语In 2022可知这里用一般将来时的被动语态will+be+过去分词,hld的过去分词是held。故选D。
    1. 句意:Truman先生任命Amber和Jesse为两个队长,他们将根据最优秀的运动员来挑选队友。A.teaching教;B.training训练;C.chsing选择;D.praising。根据下文That meant Trish was left last.(那意味着Trish被挑剩下了。)可知他们在挑选队员。故选C。
    2. 句意:Amber说道,听起来有点失望。A.excited兴奋的;B.afraid害怕的;C.pleased高兴的;D.disappinted失望的。根据上文That meant Trish was left last.(那意味着Trish被挑剩下了。)可知Amber在选择Trish的时候,感到失望。故选D。
    3. 句意:她的哥哥教过她如何罚球,但Trish确信班上没有人会给她展示的机会。A.methd方法;B.thrw扔;C.chance机会;D.lessn课。根据下文a chance以及but Trish was sure n ne in her class wuld give her a(3)t shw them.(但是没有人会给她机会来展示他们。)可知没有人会给她机会来展示他们,chance符合语境。故选C。
    4. 句意:Trish穿过球场,与Amber的目光相遇。A.eyes眼睛;B.face脸;C.muth嘴;D.nse鼻子。根据下文Amber turned and lked fr smene else(Amber转过身来,寻找其他人)可知Trish穿过球场,遇到了Amber的眼睛。也就是进行了眼神的交流。故选A。
    5. 句意:Amber转过身来,寻找其他人把球扔过去,但是每个人都被防守住了。A.caught逮住;B.cvered防守;C.passed传球;D.picked捡起。根据上文They cvered all the players n Amber's team(他们防守住了Amber队的所有球员。)故选B。
    6. 句意:Trish接住球,盯着它看,仍然对Amber把球传给她感到惊讶。A.pain疼痛;B.surprise惊讶;C.danger危险;D.happiness幸福。根据上文Amber turned and lked fr smene else t thrw the ball t, but everyne was (5).(Amber转过身来,寻找其他人把球扔过去,但是每个人都被防守住了。)可知对于Amber把球传给她仍然很惊讶。Amber本意不想传给他,所以他感到吃惊。故选B。
    7. 句意:Trish的队员们欢呼起来了。A.cheered欢呼;B.scred得分;C.wrried着急;D.appeared出现。根据上文She threw the thrugh the net.(她投篮...穿过了球网。)可知,Trish的队得分了,Trish的队员们欢呼起来了。故选A。
    8. 句意:她认为和其他的女孩打篮球是有意义的,这可能是她成为一个更好的自己的好机会。A.necessary必要的;B.successful成功的;C.relaxing放松的;D.meaningful有意义的。根据后半部分it might be a gd chance fr her t be a better self.(这可能是她成为一个更好的自己的好机会。)可知她认为和其他的女孩打篮球是有意义的。故选D。
    1. 根据表格第一行The mst helpful and creative inventin fr kids is the reading pen. (对孩子们最有帮助和创造性的发明是阅读笔。)可知是阅读笔。故选A。
    2. 根据表格第三行As fr ld peple, an electric ft basin is the best inventin. It's a gd chice t buy ne fr yur grandparents. (对于老年人来说,电动脚盆是最好的发明。为你的祖父母买一个是一个很好的选择。)可知是给老人买的。故选B。
    3. 根据表格最后一行The whle family can watch mvies at any time, just like watching in the cinema.(全家人可以随时看电影,就像在电影院看电影一样。)可知家庭放映机可以让人们在任何时候看电影。故选D。
    1. 根据第三段She knew that the mini bike belnged(属于) t her brther and that dll wuld be her Christmas gift. It was always like this.(她知道那辆迷你自行车是她哥哥的,那个洋娃娃将是她的圣诞礼物。一直都是这样。)可知洋娃娃是她的圣诞礼物。故选C。
    2. 根据倒数第六段At the same time Lily walked int the ther rm silently. She was disappinted and a bit angry.(与此同时,莉莉默默地走进了另一个房间。她很失望,还有点生气。)可知莉莉默默地走进了另一个房间因为她很失望,还有点生气。故选A。
    3. 根据最后一段内容(然而,过了一会儿,莉莉做了一个决定。她不想再保持沉默了,她需要说出她的真实想法。然后,她深吸了一口气,径直走到父母的房间。)可知从本文我们可以知道沟通是理解的关键。故选D。
    1. 根据第二段Hwever, areas with pr sil may attract (吸引) thse wh have ther purpses fr the land. Pr sil desn't matter if yu want t build a factry r if the land has grass fr sheep and cws.(然而,土壤贫瘠的地区可能会吸引那些对土地有其他用途的人。如果你想建一个工厂,或者如果土地上有牛羊的草,贫瘠的土壤并不重要。)可知吸引一些人来建工厂。故选C。
    2. 根据第四段 Fr example, places that are high n muntain tps are nt very desirable t sme peple. Neither are places that are in the middle f ht, dry deserts.(例如,高山顶的地方对一些人来说不是很理想。在炎热干燥的沙漠中心的地方也是如此。)可知划线处是“想要的”。故选A。
    3. 根据最后一段We have been using up thse that cannt be easily replaced. ... This will prtect ur planet frm further harm.(我们已经用光了那些不容易被取代的东西。可再生资源是那些容易被替代的资源。幸运的是,我们有许多可再生资源,如太阳、风、水和树木。我们需要更多地关注可再生资源的使用。这将保护我们的星球免受进一步的伤害。)可知我们应该使用更多的可再生资源来保护我们的地球。故选B。
    1. 根据第一段He listed sme different intelligences t describe different abilities.(他列举了一些不同的智力来描述不同的能力。)可知多元智能理论提出不同的人可能有不同的智力。故选B。
    2. 根据第二段Dr.Hward Gardner ntes that the linguistic and lgical-mathematical ... they are likely t get mre respect and are ffered better rewards and chances.(霍华德加德纳博士指出,语言和逻辑数学是学校和社会最看重的。美国的学校和文化重视这两种智力,因此善于表达或逻辑思维的人受到不同的对待:他们可能会得到更多的尊重,并得到更好的奖励和机会。)可知美国的学校把注意力集中在两种最有价值的智能上。故选C。
    3. 根据最后一段The thery f multiple intelligences gives adults a whle new way t lk at their lives, ... r ther prgrams f self-develpment.(多元智能理论为成年人提供了一种全新的方式来看待他们的生活,审视他们在童年时代留下的内在能力(比如对艺术或游戏的热爱);他们现在可能有机会通过课程、爱好或其他自我发展项目来发展这些能力。)可知加德纳的理论可以帮助成年人开发他们遗留下来的内在能力。故选B。
    4. 根据最后一段The thery f multiple intelligences gives adults a whle new way t lk at their lives ... r ther prgrams f self-develpment.(多元智能理论为成年人提供了一种全新的方式来看待他们的生活,审视他们在童年时代留下的内在能力(比如对艺术或游戏的热爱);他们现在可能有机会通过课程、爱好或其他自我发展项目来发展这些能力。)可知作者通过这篇文章来鼓励多元智能的应用。故选D。
    34.【答案】【小题1】We can all learn frm the behavir f gd language leaners.。
    【小题2】Because they lk fr chances t hear and use the new language utside f the classrm.
    【小题3】They are nt afraid t ask them t repeat it again and again until they d understand.
    【小题4】I agree that making mitakes is natural and neceessary. Because we can learn frm these mistakes.
    【解析】1. ​​​​​​​【文章大意】材料介绍了如何成为一名好的语言学习者。
    根据第一段Hwever, experts say that we can all learn frm the behavir(行为) f gd language learners t becme better at languages.(然而,专家表示,我们都可以从优秀语言学习者的行为中学习,从而在语言方面变得更好。)可知我们都可以从优秀语言学习者的行为中学习。故答案为We can all learn frm the behavir f gd language leaners.
    2. 根据第二段Gd language learners lk fr chances t hear and use the new language utside f the classrm,as a result, they learn the language mre quickly.(好的语言学习者会在课堂之外寻找机会去听和使用新语言,这样他们就能更快地学习这门语言。)可知好的语言学习者会在课堂之外寻找机会去听和使用新语言。故答案为Because they lk fr chances t hear and use the new language utside f the classrm.
    3. 根据倒数第二段Fr example, if they d nt understand what smene said the first time, they are nt afraid t ask them t repeat it again and again until they d understand.(例如,如果他们第一次不明白别人说的话,他们不怕让他们一遍又一遍地重复,直到他们明白为止。)可知如果他们第一次不明白别人说的话,他们不怕让他们一遍又一遍地重复。故答案为They are nt afraid t ask them t repeat it again and again until they d understand.
    4. 主观题,合理即可。根据原文第二段可知。故答案为 I agree that making mitakes is natural and neceessary. Because we can learn frm these mistakes.
    35.【答案】 Peple need t live in a healthy envirnment, but there are many pllutin prblems arund us. There are all kinds f pllutin prblems. Fr example, the number f cars is increasing, which leads t mre serius air pllutin. Water is als plluted because sme peple thrw rubbish int rivers. Sme dn't care fr trees and ther plants, step n grass, pick up flwers and s n. They are the cause f serius pllutin.
    We must stp plluting the envirnment and d what we can t prtect ur cmmn hmeland in ur daily life. First, we shuldn't thrw away rubbish everywhere but put them int waste bins. Secnd, we nt nly can prtect plants, but als can plant mre trees t make the air clean and fresh. Third, we can ride bikes r take buses instead f driving. It can save energy. We als need t recycle resurces.
    As yu can see, we can d such simple things t make Guangzhu a better place. Let's take actin nw!

    36.【答案】 Everyne meets prblems in life. I was nt gd at running and I failed the running test.I felt upset and asked my parents fr help. They encuraged me nt t give up and face the prblem bravely. They als advised me t make an exercise plan and keep it every day. In rder t get up early in the mrning, I set my clck at six a.m. and kept running every day. My parents als helped me a lt. They prepared healthy breakfast fr me. With their help, I managed t pass the test finally. What's mre, I'm healthier than befre. I am becming a prfessinal athlete when I grw up.
    Everyne may meet with prblems in study r life, but we shuld never give up. It wrks better when we think f gd ways t deal with them.

    The mst helpful and creative inventin fr kids is the reading pen. With the specially-designed pen, kids find it easy and fun t learn. Little kids can learn a lt including stry-telling, pems and music. They start learning by tuching the cntents (内容) in the bks with the pen. Kids can learn by themselves in this way.
    Mpping rbts are ppular with peple wh are t busy t d husewrk. They are mre ppular with ffice ladies. They can help peple clean dirt and hair easily. With their help, peple dn't need t spend much time n husewrk. They can enjy a mre relaxing life after wrk.
    As fr ld peple, an electric ft basin is the best inventin. It's a gd chice t buy ne fr yur grandparents. It can help keep their bld pressure (血压) nrmal (正常的) and imprve bld circulatin. The special basin can keep the water warm, s washing feet with it will make ld peple healthier and mre relaxed.
    Anther ppular inventin is the hme prjectr (投影仪). The machine is light, s it can be mved freely at hme. The whle family can watch mvies at any time, just like watching in the cinema. Als, the machine is less harmful t eyes. If children take nline classes at hme, it can reduce the damage (伤害) t the eyes.

    2022-2023学年云南省曲靖市初三(上)期末考试英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年云南省曲靖市初三(上)期末考试英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共12页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,阅读判断,信息匹配,单句语法填空,完成句子,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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