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    1. A. T a z.B. T a farm.C. T a park.
    2. A. In 1989.B. In 1998.C. In 1999.
    3. A. A travel prgram.B. A sprts shw.C. A talent shw.
    4. A. A singer.B. A pilt.C. A dancer.
    5. A. At a restaurant.B. In a bank.C. In a htel.
    6. A. The girl.B. The by.C. The by's uncle.
    7. A. He had a stmachache.B. He hurt his arm.C. He had a fever.
    8. A. Brther and sister.B. Teacher and student.C. Dctr and patient.
    9. A. By writing a nte.B. By making a call.C. By sending an email.
    10. A. At 2:30.B. At 3:00.C. At 3:30.
    11. What des the man want t buy?
    A. A sweater.B. A dress.C.A scarf.
    12. Hw much des the man need t pay?
    A. ¥58.B. ¥80.C. ¥381.
    13. What clr is Sally's phne?
    A Silver.B. Red.C. Black.
    14. What's Sally's telephne number?
    15. Hw lng has Sally kept the phne?
    A. Fr tw mnths.B. Fr half a mnth.C. Fr a week.
    16. The famus magazine Envirnment wants sme gd_______ and wrds f T-shirts.
    17. The main idea is abut_______.更多优质滋源请 家 威杏 MXSJ663 18. Yur wrks must be handed in by July_______.
    19. The winners will get a chance t_______ with the magazine next winter hliday.
    20. The winners' schls will get 150 green T-shirts_______.
    It was ne f the httest days f the dry seasn. If we didn't see any rain sn, we wuld lse everything. One day when I was in the kitchen, I saw 21 six-year-ld sn, Billy, walking twards the frest. He was trying 22 as calm as pssible. Several minutes later, he disappeared 23 the frest, and then he ran ut the frest, twards the huse. This activity went n fr an hur, walking carefully t the frest and running back t the huse. I really wanted t knw 24 .
    Finally I fllwed him clsely int the frest. I fund that he 25 a cup f water. He walked very carefully, nt t drp the water.
    I saw 26 baby deer lying n the grund. It lifted its head t drink the water in my sn's cup. After the deer drank up, Billy jumped up and ran back t the huse t get 27 water. When he saw me, he said, “I'm nt wasting water, Mm.” I realized that his eyes 28 with tears(眼泪).
    "I knw." I watched the mst beautiful heart wrking s hard t save a life. Tears ran dwn my face. 29 my tear drps began t hit the grund, mre drps suddenly jined them. I lked up at the sky. It was raining.
    The actin f ne little 30 saved a life, and the rain saved ur farm.
    21.A. myB. IC. meD. mine
    22. A. t stayB. stayC.t giveD. give
    23. A. frB. withC.inD. abut
    24.A. what was Billy actually dingB. what Billy was actually ding
    C. when Billy was actually dingD. when was Billy actually ding
    hldingB. hldingC. has heldD. have held
    26.A. theB. anC. aD./
    27. A. littleB. muchC. lessD. mre
    28.A. were filledB. filledC. are filledD. fill
    29. A. BecauseB. AsC. IfD. Unless
    B. bysC. planD. plans
    Tw eats were walking thrugh a frest. Suddenly, they fund a piece f bread 31 under a tree. Bth cats punced(猛扑)n it and caught the bread at the same time. Neither f them wuld 32 . S they decided t 33 it int tw pieces and take ne piece each equally(相等地).“But hw can we divide it?" ne cat said.
    A mnkey sitting n a branch f a tree 34 what had happened between the tw cats. He gt a(n) 35 . He came dwn frm the tree and walked up t the cnfused(困感的) cats. "Hi. my dear friends! Can I help yu?" the mnkey asked. The cats tld the mnkey what the 36 was and asked. "Can yu divide the bread fr us?" The mnkey agreed.
    The mnkey divided the bread int tw pieces. But ne piece was a little 37 than the ther. "Oh n! I will take a little bite(咬一小口)f this bigger piece t make bth equal, " the mnkey said. He tk a bite frm the bigger piece. But the bite he tk was t big. “Uh h! Nw it has becme smaller than the ther piece. I will just have t 38 a little bite frm that piece nw," the mnkey said. The mnkey tk anther bite. The tw cats sat in frnt f the mnkey, seeing the tw pieces f bread get smaller and smaller. When the whle bread was 39 gne, the mnkey said, "I am srry. It was really 40 t divide that bread. I must be ging nw." He jumped back int the trees and disappeared.
    "If we had nt fught against each ther, we culd have stuck tgether and kept ur bread," the tw cats said.
    31.A. runningB. lyingC. thrwingD. flying
    32. A. give upB. hear abutC. take ffD. care f
    33.A. penB. divideC. sellD. steal
    34. A. smelledB. listenedC. sawD. read
    35.A. viewB. lightC. standD. idea
    36. A. illnessB. grupC. answerD. prblem
    37. A. nicerB. tastierC. biggerD. smther
    38.A. takeB. buyC. sellD. run
    39. A. mainlyB. finallyC. graduallyD. wisely
    40. A. pssibleB. bringC. difficultD. tired
    Yuan Xin, a ne-armed student frm Wuhan University f Science and Technlgy, tuches many peple with his stry.
    Yuan lst ne arm at the age f 3. When he reached the schl age, his mther didn't send him t schl. Instead, she taught her sn at hme first, helping her sn learn t write with his left hand.
    Yuan was brn in 1995.In 2014,he started t use his nly hand t prgram(编写程序). Later, he wn mre than 30 prizes. In fact, befre ging t university, he never used a cmputer.
    "I can't always be upset in life. There will always be successful peple in life. Why can't it be me?" Yuan said.
    Yuan's achievements did nt cme as a surprise t peple arund him. "He always cmes earlier and leaves later than us," said Xu Xin. Yunn's teacher." N matter wh asks him fr help, he's always friendly," said Wang Shiqin, a student at the university.
    Als, Yuan is glad t jin in sme cmpetitins and activities. During a sprts meeting, n ne in his class wanted t jin in the 10.000-meter race. Then Yuan vlunteered and ran the race althugh it was raining. His behavir mved many teachers and students that day.
    41. When did Yuan lse ne arm?
    A. In 1995.B. In 1998.C. In 2014.D. In 2017.
    42. The writer mentined Xu Xin's and Wang Shiqin's wrds in Paragraph 5 t shw______.
    A. why Yuan culd get his achievementsB. hw Yuan prgrammed with ne hand
    C. why Yuan lst his right hand at an early ageD. hw Yuan helped peple arund him
    43. Which wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. An Old but Great UniversityB. A Wnderful Sprts Meeting
    C. A Patient and Helpful MtherD. A Hard-wrking Yung Man
    44. Which event will give away its ticket mney?
    A. Art Shw.B. Dance Party.
    C. Cmedy Night.D. City Orchestra Cncert.
    45. What time will the City Orchestra cncert end?
    A. At 2:00 p.m.B. At 7:00 p.m.C. At 8:00 p.m.D. At 9100 p.m.
    46. If yu g t Cmedy Night, yu can______.
    A. take sme fd with yuB. meet sme famus artists
    C. perfrm with yur favrite cmediansD. help yurself t sme ppcrn and drinks
    47. Wh is the text written fr?
    A. Peple wh want t have a gd weekend.B. Students wh are preparing fr their tests.
    C. Parents wh are busy with their wrk.D. Children wh hpe t make prgress in English.
    In many peple's eyes, plants are quiet. They can't talk. They can't walk. And they can't think like us.
    A new BBC dcumentary series, The Green Planet , gives us a new lk at plants. It tells us the wnderful ways that plants behave.
    "The Green Planet tells us the secret lives f plants. It is in the same way The Blue Planet pened ur eyes t the ceans," editr Elle Hunt wrte in New Scientist.
    Plants cmpete against each ther t live. Each has its wn ways. In rainfrests, different kinds f plants race fr sunlight because nly tw percent f the sunlight ges thrugh the rainfrests. Sme plants spread their big leaves t reach light. But sme vines(藤蔓)try t catch them t take a ride. Finally, they are bth beaten by balsa wd, ne f the fastest grwing trees. As the tree has slippery hairs n its leaves, the vine can't get a hld.
    Plants als help each ther and even cmmunicate. In deserts, the rts(根)f Euphrates pplar(胡杨),a kind f tall straight tree with sft wd, are cnnected. If a tree finds water, it will share it with thers thrugh the rts. Studies als shw that plants use fungus(真菌)in the sil as a way t“talk”with each ther. It's kind f like hw Wi-Fi wrks. If a tmat plant gets a leaf disease, it can tell nearby plants abut it thrugh fungus.
    The shw nt nly lets us knw abut the plant wrld but pushes us t understand that plants are imprtant. Plants are the basis f all life, including urselves. We depend n them fr fd that we eat and air that we breathe. It's time t lk after wild plants just as carefully as ur huseplants.
    48. What is the shw The Green Planet abut?
    A. Plants.B. Animals.C. Fd.D. Oceans.
    49. The underlined wrd "slippery" prbably means "______" in the text.
    A. uglyB. smthC. wideD. hungry
    50. Hw can tmat plants cmmunicate with each ther?
    A. By insects.B. By wind.
    C. By using strng rts.D. By using fungus in the sil.
    Life is fun but challenging. Things dn't always g well. 51 S, stp blaming(责备)ther peple.
    Smetimes we may think, "Why d these things always happen t me?" Thughts like this help nthing. 52 Fr example, yu really wanted t take part in a schl play, but yu failed. Actually, it desn't mean that yu are nt excellent. Maybe yur classmate is mre suitable fr this rle. Things g wrng fr a millin different reasns. 53
    D yu feel angry smetimes when smene asks yu t d smething? Maybe yu're just tired r hungry at that time. 54 It's imprtant t have a talk with him r her befre yu act n thse feelings.
    Dn't be lst in the past mistakes. There's nthing yu can d t change any f thse. 55 And make sure yu wn't make the same mistakes again.
    Next time when life desn't g the way yu want it t, try t face it actively.
    It's a Chinese traditin t g hme and get tgether with ______ during the Spring Festival.
    ______, we shuld d everything we culd t save energy.
    I think Amy is ______ mst f her classmates.
    5G Internet makes it pssible fr us t ______ the infrmatin easily and quickly.
    Mther always teaches us t d right things and be a(n)______.
    With the sund f firewrks(烟花)and crackers(爆竹).we Chinese celebrate the Chinese New Year. But Chinese New Year is being celebrated by peple frm many 61 arund the wrld!
    This winter hliday, I 62 t Bangkk, Thailand. When I 63 arrived in the city center. I was shcked. It was really hard t 64 what I saw. Many windws had psters saying "Happy Chinese New Year". Many peple were 65 red clthes and qipa. And ne f the 66 shpping areas in Bangkk was decrated with many rabbits and a sign saying "Lucky Chinese New Year"! I als put n my qipa and walked dwn the street t 67 the atmsphere (气氛). Many peple frm different cuntries smiled at 68 and said niha t me.
    At night, there 69 firewrks ver the river in the city center, and the beautiful firewrks made me feel prud t be Chinese.
    The next day I als received a message frm a pen pal in the UK. He tld me that they were als taking part in the celebratin and were very 70 in Chinese culture and custms. What a great atmsphere f Chinese New Year frm arund the wrld!
    Yu Guangzhng was a great Chinese pet knwn fr the nstalgia(乡愁)that he described in his pems, Nw, it's time fr us t express ur nstalgia fr this great writer. The famus pet passed away in 2017. He was brn in 1928 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Prvince, China. Yu studied in Sichuan Prvince when he was yung. At the age f 20, he published his first pem.
    Later, Yu and his family mved t Taiwan, China, He lived and wrked there until he passed away. Nstalgia is Yu's masterpiece(杰作)in which he expressed his hmesickness(思乡之情)fr the Chinese mainland when he was in Taiwan. Nw, let's read the pem Nstalgia.
    71. Where was Yu Guangzhng brn?
    He was brn in___________________.
    72. When did Yu publish his first pem?
    When he was___________________.
    73. What is the name f Yu's masterpiece accrding t the passage?
    It is___________________.
    74. What can we learn frm the pem Nstalgia?
    Yu Guangzhng ___________________ his family and hmeland a lt.
    75. What new wrd(s). phrase(s) r sentence (s) can yu learn frm the pem Nstalgia?
    I can learn ①___________________,②___________________ and mre.
    A: Hi. Peter! Culd yu play basketball with me?
    B:76. ___________________.
    A: What's a pity. Are yu ging t the library?
    B: N, I'm ging t the ld peple's hme.
    A:77. ___________________?
    B: Because I wrk as a vlunteer there.
    A: Really? 78. ___________________?
    B: I usually help with husewrk and talk with the ld peple there.
    A: That's nice. I want t help them, t. 79. ___________________?
    B: Of curse!
    A: Thanks a lt.
    B:80. ___________________.
    内容包括:1.Why shuld we prtect nature?
    2. What can we d t prtect nature?
    参考词汇:harmny (n. 和谐),repay(v. 报答),natural resurce (自然资源),…
    There's n dubt that Earth is ur hme and human sciety cmes frm nature.
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Weekend Events
    Dance Party
    Cme and dance in the city square!
    Saturday, May 13th
    Starts at 12:00 p.m.
    $ 25 fr each persn
    All mney will be given away t charities(慈善机构).
    City Orchestra(管弦乐队)Cncert
    City Orchestra plays in the city theater!
    Saturday, May 13th
    Starts at 7:00 p. m.
    $7 fr each persn
    The cncert will last fr 1 hur.
    Cmedy Night
    See yur favrite cmedians in ur cffee shp!
    Sunday, May 14th
    Starts at 9:00 p. m.
    $ 15 fr each persn
    Ppcrn and drinks will be prvided.
    Outside fd isn't allwed.
    Art Shw
    New art shw pens in the city museum!
    Sunday, May 14th
    Starts at 2:00 p. m.
    Free tickets
    Cme and supprt yur lcal artists.
    A. Learn frm them.
    B. It's nt just because f yu.
    C. Yu shuld try t lk at things in a different way.
    D. But it desn't mean he r she is wrng.
    E. If thers make yu happy, tell them.
    F. Dn't wrry abut making mistakes.
    G. And smetimes prblems are just created by urselves.
    g big I wear be cuntry believe enjy ne
    When I was yung, Nstalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp, Me n this side, Mther n the ther side. When I grew up, Nstalgia was a narrw bat ticket, Me n this side, Bride n the ther side. But later n, Nstalgia was a lw, lw grave, Me n the utside, Mther n the inside. And at present, Nstalgia becmes a shallw strait, Me n this side, Mainland n the ther side.

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