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    这是一份2024江西省五市九校协作体高三上学期第一次联考试题英语含答案,文件包含2024江西省五市九校协作体高三上学期第一次联考英语试题docx、2024江西省五市九校协作体高三上学期第一次联考英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    满分 150 分 考试用时 120分钟
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共5 小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分 7.5 分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What des the wman mean?
    A. She refuses t buy new curtains.
    B. She accepts Susie's suggestin.
    C. She bjects t mving the bed.
    2. What did the wman and her sister ften d during summer vacatins?
    A. They flew kites. B. They watched TV. C. They camped in the field.
    3. Hw des the man sund?
    A. Grateful. B. Caring. C. Scared.
    4. Where des the man intend t g this evening?
    A. T a bar. B. T the wman's huse. C. T a supermarket.
    5. Wh might Barbara be?
    A. A reprter. B. A travel blgger. C. A web designer.
    第二节(共15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5分)
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. Hw many rms des the wman bk?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    7. Which f the fllwing des the wman need?
    A. A pick-up service. B. Parking cupns. C. A wake-up call.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8、 9题。
    8. What des the wman say abut Alisa?
    A. She is respnsible. B. She is reserved. C. She is sciable.
    9. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Wh is the best candidate fr prmtin.
    B. Wh will be transferred t the branch ffice.
    C. Wh can chair the meeting in the afternn.
    听第8段材料, 回答第 10 至 13题。
    10. What makes the wman different tday?
    A. The lipstick. B. The glasses. C. The haircut.
    11. Wh will g t Hawaii next mnth?
    A. Emily. B. Emma. C. Alex.
    12. What did the man plan t d tnight?
    A. D sme shpping. B. Take exercise. C. Eat ut.
    13. Hw will the wman g hme?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
    听第9段材料, 回答第 14至 17题。
    14. Why is Shakespeare-style writing mentined in the cnversatin?
    A. T shw the difference between AI and the human brain.
    B. T state writers' wrry caused by ChatGPT.
    C. T indicate the charm f ChatGPT.
    15. What is Bard?
    A. A game. B. A chatbt. C. A tech cmpany.
    16. What is Satya Nadella's attitude twards ChatGPT?
    A. Ambiguus. B. Apprving. C. Critical.
    17. What des the man suggest ding in the era f A:I?
    A. Being adaptive and using AI fully.
    B. Develping ne's wn creativity.
    C. Aviding heavy reliance n AI.
    听第 10 段材料, 回答第 18 至20 题。
    18. What is Nadine Hamdy in charge f?
    A. Mapping ut marketing strategies. B. Teaching dgs t swim. C. Giving a shw t pet wners.
    19. What d we knw abut Ada m Kilani?
    A. He has a three-year-ld pet dg.
    B. He is frm Matruh Gvernrate.
    C. He fund pleasure in learning pet care.
    20. What did Lina Kamal attach imprtance t?
    A. The benefits f hsting varius events in turist resrts.
    B. The prmtin f the culture f pet wnership.
    C. The prtectin f hmeless animals.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    There are sme sunds mst f us acknwledge are annying the chewing f chips; the lw nise f air cnditining r a screaming baby. These nises, fr many peple, act as a me re incnvenience that can distract them frm the task at hand. Hwever, there are sme amngst us wh have a much mre severe respnse t these nises. Has a nise ever made yu feel s angry that yu culd explde with rage? If the answer is yes, yu may be suffering frm misphnia ( 恐音症).
    The wrd "misphnia" literally means "a hatred f sund" and is smetimes called Selective Sund Sensitivity Syndrme. There are sme experts wh dubt the existence f the cnditin. Hwever, fr thse wh claim t suffer frm it, the experience can be painful. Certain sunds culd set ff intense emtinal r psychlgical respnses that may seem ver the tp cmpared with a nn-sufferer's cmplaints.
    The sund f peple chewing their fd culd trigger sufferers' anxiety, r make them feel panic. It may even activate their fight-r-flight respnse, making them want t run away. In extreme cases, that feeling f panic may result in intense anger and even end up expressing rage physically.
    Sadly, there's n knwn cure. But tinnitus retraining therapy, cgnitive behaviural therapy and cunselling culd help sufferers tlerate nises and manage the cnditin. Accrding t James Cartreine, a clinical psychiatrist, the cnditin can lead t separatin. Sufferers use cping strategies that include aviding places with lts f nises, like restaurants, r mving away when they feel like raging against smene due t their breathing.
    S, the next time yu see smene fly int a rage because f a sund that is driving them crazy, it may be due t a difficult cnditin they are trying t manage, and nt just because they hate a certain sund.
    21. What is the purpse f paragraph 1?
    A. T lead in the tpic f misphnia.
    B. T intrduce different annying sunds.
    C. T shw ways f preventing a se vere disease.
    D. T present the harm f nises t human health.
    22. Wh is mst likely t suffer frm misphnia?
    A. Jane wh usually has lunch alne.
    B. Nancy wh ften screams at her baby.
    C. Peter wh is always wrried abut his studies.
    D. Henry wh is annyed at the sund f bk pages turning.
    23. What can be inferred abut misphnia frm the last but ne paragraph?
    A. It happens mstly in restaurants.
    B. Any sund arund can drive sufferers crazy.
    C. Staying away frm nises is a ptential slutin.
    D. It may greatly influence sufferers' cgnitive ability.
    The needs f plus size cnsumers have lng been the elephant in the rm f the fashin industry until bdy psitivity and fat acceptance mvements prmted the slgan that large-bdied peple are nt thse wh
    are left behind. This size-inclusive(尺码包容) trend has becme s ppular that it is influencing mainstream culture. As a result, fashin brands have finally decided t extend their size ranges. In 2022, the plus-size market grew twice as fast as the standard size market in bth Nrth America and the UK.
    Yet, many cnsumers say fashin brands bradening their ranges are nt truly inclusive. "Inclusive sizing means that all bdies are included in fashin, nt just the nes wh fit in standard sizes," says Marie Suthard Ospina, a UK-based jurnalist wh cvers bdy-image issues." Hwever, what many designers d right nw is pick a number that they think is big enugh t include plus sizes and stp. This is even mre disrespectful."
    Researchers als criticize that sme brands are just taking advantage f the trend. "Brands that used t prmte s-called perfect bdies in their advertisements are nw trying t get in n the trend by adding a few sizes. It desn't feel like they really care abut plus-size peple," says Tm Burgess, analyst in fashin industry. "If brands cared abut large-bdied cnsumers, then it wuldn't have taken until nw t acknwledge that they exist," he says. "It gives the impressin that cmpanies are just trying t gain a share f the market withut a real cmmitment t the cmmunity."
    The fashin industry must g beynd merely prducing clthing in a range f sizes if they hpe t succeed with a bdy-diverse wrld. The whle industry has t cnnect n a persnal level with cnsumers. That invlves shwing shppers that they are seen, understd and imprtant t brands." Cnsumers care abut values, and s they want t buy frm brands that reflect the values they believe in. Everyne shuld enjy the same range f fashin ptins," says Ludvica Cesare, prfessr f marketing at the Cllege f Business in the US.
    24. What d the underlined wrds "the elephant in the rm" mean in the first paragraph?
    A. The ht issue that is valued.
    B. The bvius truth that is ignred.
    C. The imprtant principle that is recgnized.
    D. The cmmn phenmenn that is criticized.
    25. Why d cnsumers say fashin brands are nt truly inclusive?
    A. They pick sizes randmly. B. They ffer limited plus sizes.
    C. They treat designers disrespectfully. D. They haven't bradened standard sizes.
    26. Fr what d researchers mainly criticize sme brands?
    A. Their designs B. Their quality C. Their mtivatins D. Their advertisements
    27. What des the last paragraph imply?
    A. All buyers deserve fashin that fits their figure.
    B. Cnsumers prefer brands with persnalized values.
    C. Brands shuld catch up with the size-inclusive trend.
    D. A gd brand image is critical in the fashin industry.
    T earnest HEMINGWAY, Paris was a mvable feast. T a bedbug, s are Parisians. In vides n scial media, the seats f the city's metr are seen filled with bedbugs, tiny bldsucking insects n bigger than apple seeds.
    The health risk frm bedbugs is minr: itchy(发痒的) bites and a small risk f allergies and secndary infectins. As the present panic suggests, the bigger impact tends t be psychlgical, says entmlgist Clive Base. Msquites, leeches and ther parasites(寄生虫) are unpleasant, but they d nt clnize yur hme. If a traveler brings bedbugs back frm their hlidays, the insects can start an invasin that can be very difficult t
    Schadenfreude amng the nn-French is unwise." There wn't be a city withut bedbugs," says Base. DNA analysis suggests that the pests evlved frm parasites that lived n bats, with which humans shared caves, and n birds, which may have nested in early thatched(茅草盖的) rfs. That may explain the ne bit f gd news abut them. Msquites spread malaria(疟疾), dengue fever and yellw fever. But n human pathgen(病原体) is knwn t use bedbugs as a vectr--perhaps because there has nt been time fr ne t evlve the ability.
    Bedbugs favr warm envirnments with plenty f dark places t hide. Cities, and crwded blcks f Hats, are ideal . The bugs shelter in the crannies(裂缝) f furniture, in mattress scams r in cracks in walls, cming ut t feed at night. Centrally heated hmes accelerate their life cycles, making the prblem wrse as des a warming climate.
    The intrductin and widespread use f insecticides in the aftermath f Wrld War II came clse t wiping ut the bugs frm mst huses. But that chemical attack placed a pwerful evlutinary pressure n the insects t develp resistance t the pisns. Just as bacteria have evlved resistance t many f the antibitics that used t kill them, mdern bedbugs are almst free frm at least sme insecticides.
    Scientists are therefre turning t ther methds f attack. Diatmaceus earth can kill the bugs by desiccating them. Certain ils can blck the pres thrugh which they breathe. Temperatures abve 45°Care als effective. Sme firms ffer t heat-treat affected furniture in insulated tents. Such treatments are expensive, hwever. New insecticides, t which the bugs have n resistance, culd prbably be invented. But fr nw, at least, says Base, the market des nt exist t justify much crprate research. And since the bugs d nt spread diseases, public health bdies have mre pressing pririties. If bedbugs cntinue t spread, thugh, their fcuses culd start t shift.
    28. Accrding t the article, bedbugs are insects that .
    A. are as small as apple seeds B. are impssible t get rid f
    C. pse a serius health risk t humans D. usually feed n human bld in brad daylight
    29. Accrding t the article, bedbugs are everywhere because
    ①warm cities prvide ideal envirnments fr them
    ②verseas travel helps them spread acrss the wrld
    ③they've lst the ability t spread infectius diseases
    ④they've becme resistant t sme chemical insecticides
    A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.②③④
    30. The last paragraph mainly talks abut sme ways f getting rid f bedbugs that are .
    A. alternative ... cstly B. innvative... inefficient
    C. expensive... cmplicated D. ec-friendly ... incnvenient
    31. Accrding t the authr, the prspects fr new insecticides against bedbugs are .
    A. Exciting B. uncertain C. discuraging D. unimaginable
    On Christmas Eve, a team f reindeer(驯鹿) will help Santa Claus deliver gifts t children all arund the wrld. The reindeers, led by their fearless leader Rudlph, wn't be the nly nes ding smething special. Back in the highest Arctic, their cusins have a remarkable ability changing their eye clr.
    During the summer mnths, when the days are lng and the sun is bright, reindeer's tapetum lucidum(荧光膜),a mirrr-like layer at the back f their eye, appears glden, which helps bunce the majrity f light ff the eyes, effectively acting like a pair f natural sunglasses. As winter cmes, and the days becme shrter and darker, the tapetum lucidum turns blue t absrb mre light, allwing reindeer t imprve their night visin and see clear in lw light cnditins.
    With these adaptatins, reindeer can adapt and thrive in ne f the harshest envirnments n Earth. Unlike humans, reindeer can see well int the shrter Ultra Vilet (UV) range. This UV visin enables them t spt fd and predatrs mre effectively in the snwy landscape. Lichens, a key part f their winter diet , absrb UV, s they shw up dark against UV-reflecting white snw. Wlf and plar bear fu r als absrb UV, s instead f disappearing against snw they pp ut in high cntrast, allwing reindeer t spt ptential threats frm a distance.
    Reindeer change their eyes by adjusting their tapetum lucidum, which is made f cllagen fibers. In winter, the cllagen fibers becme packed tighter, causing the tapetum lucidum t mainly reflect blue light. This change happens when reindeer dilate their pupils(瞳孔). In summer, the reindeer's pupils return t a smaller size, which helps reindeer reduce the amunt f light entering the eye.
    But their unique adaptatin may hurt them. Tday, the increasing use f artificial lighting, especially during the winter mnths, pses a ptential threat t their sensitive eyes. It can make reindeer lse their way, affecting their ability t survive in their challenging envirnment. S it is crucial fr us t be mindful f ur use f electricity and make effrts t minimize light pllutin t ensure the well-being and survival f these magnificent creatures.
    32. What d we knw frm paragraph 2?
    A. The shape f reindeer's eyes varies with seasns.
    B. It is difficult fr reindeer t live in lw light cnditins.
    C. The tapetum lucidum helps reindeer adapt t seasnal changes.
    D. Reindeer's eyes appear glden in winter while blue in summer.
    33. What is the use f UV visin fr reindeer?
    A. T help them see clear in dark nights.
    B. T distinguish fd f different clrs quickly.
    C. T prtect their eyes frm harsh sunlight in summer.
    D. T better lcate fd and enemies during snwy days.
    34. What des the underlined wrd "dilate" in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Relax B. Expand C. Narrw D. Hide
    35. What is the purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T call n peple t prtect reindeer frm light pllutin.
    B. T shw the reasns fr the decline in reindeer ppulatin.
    C. T present humans' great effrts t reduce artificial lighting.
    D. T prve reindeer's strng adaptability t harsh envirnments.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分 12.5分)
    Hw t get things dne, eventually?
    Dealing with yur inner dawdler(懒汉)
    “ 36 ,"Admiral William McRaven tld the graduating class f 2014 at the University f Texas, Austin.
    Yet the admiral's brader pint is universal: whether yu are a sailr, a salespersn r a CEO, "if yu make yur bed every mrning yu will have accmplished the first task f the day." His cmmencement speech went viral.
    The reasn thse busy peple never stp mving is because their cnstant mvement generates further mmentum(动能). And this is, bviusly, easier said than dne especially if yu find a task unpleasant. The mre bjectinable smething seems, the mre time yu spend thinking abut just hw awful it is. That in turn makes yu even less likely t brach(谈论) it and s n. 37 Bu t it is, well, a start.
    In practical terms, getting ging can mean smething as simple as pening an email. Electrnic crrespndence is the starting pint f mst wrk prjects, ever mre s in the era f hybrid wrk. S just click it. And if yu still find yurself aviding things n yur t-d list that make yu anxius, invlving thers can help. 38
    Once yu have gt mving, cnsider yur waypints. That may mean breaking a jb dwn int smaller, mre readily achievable parts. Set yur sights n cmpleting a dcument first, rather than starting ut with the gal f crafting a cmplete strategy. Whatever yu d, resist the urge f the verly cncrete, like sharpening pencils.
    39 Bridging that gap can be difficult, even when yu knw full well that if yu d, the dreaded task will n lnger lurk at the back f yur mind like an unwanted squatter. Quick prgress is difficult but rewarding, ffering a high that is undiscverable t thse wh leave things till the very end.
    Mst wrkplace decisin s are nt nearly as cnsequential, but firms can still suffer material(实质性的)lsses if emplyees put ff tasks and decisins. 40
    A. Being aware f this severe circle des nt guarantee yu will break ut f it.
    B. Hwever, that cncrete thing is wrth repeating.
    C. S if that email arrives first thing in the mrning, read it and reply—even if that means leaving yur bed unmade.
    D. The easiest way t get things finished is t get smething ging in the first place, like making yur bed.
    E. Discussing tasks with clleagues can suppress(压制) the tendency t avid the parts f yur jb yu like the least.
    F. If yu want t change the wrld, start ff by making yur bed.
    G. Prcrastinatin(拖延 ) lies between lgic and emtin, between ambitin and achievement.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Like many yung Chinese, Zu had been raised frm a yung age t be a "gd student. "As lng as she fllwed the rules and wrked hard, mney and success wuld naturally fllwed. Zu had fllwed the instructins t the 41 . She aced exam after exam, winning a place at a prestigius cllege inBeijing. Hwever, when Zu sent ut a sea f jb applicatins , She didn't just fail t 42 her preferred rle; she didn't receive a single 43 .
    Fr Zu, the failure came as a crushing 44 . Being a high flier, she was emtinally unprepared fr such a setback. She struggled with anxiety fr mnths: unable t sleep, 45 by guilt, and feeling cmpelled t repeatedly aplgize t her parents and teachers.
    But the rdeal(磨难) has left a prfund impressin n Zu. The frmer teacher's pet has transfrmed int a passinate 46 f what she calls the "gd student mentality." In January, Zu set up a grup n Duban named "Victims f the Gd Student Mentality," and it has quickly attracted a passinate fllwing.
    “Gd students" like Zu tend t be 47 vulnerable(脆弱的) t mental health issues. Successive studies have fund that high achievers are mre likely t 48 anxiety, depressin than the general ppulatin. This is because high achievers like Zu ften excessively rely n 49 validatin(认可) t supprt their self esteem,leaving them unable t cpe with setbacks. "Over time, students 50 the externa l wrld's evaluatin criteria as their wn standard fr self-assessment.
    It's clear that a diverse range f yung peple can 51 victim t the "gd student mentality." Luckily, in Chinese educatin system, there is grwing 52 that student anxiety is a serius prblem. A teacher in Shanghai, surnamed Dng, tells that the "gd student mentality" is becming ever mre prevalent, with well behaved, intrverted children 53 seeking praise and awards as a way t 54 their self esteem. If they fail t meet the schl's incredibly high standards, there's a risk that it will trigger an emtinal 55 .Hence, Zu recently wrte a welcme message ffering new members sme advice: "Be kind t yurself; challenge the nrms; treat yurself well." And, mst imprtantly:" Yu can be a “bad” kid.
    41. A. letter B. limitatin C. guidance D. degree
    42. A. land B. miss C. ccupy D. play
    43. A. jb B. ffer C. applicatin D. respnse
    44. A. blw B. surprise C. expectatin D. experience
    45. A. impressed B. verwhelmed C. filled D. buried
    46. A. supprter B. example C. critic D. expert
    47. A. abslutely B. seldm C. less D. particularly
    48. A. get rid f B. suffer frm C. live up with D. get ver
    49. A. external B. flexible C. psitive D. special
    50. A. develp B. adpt C. withdraw D. transfrm
    51. A. avid B. we C. fall D. change
    52. A. recgnitin B. cncern C. situatin D. fear
    53. A. penly B. cntinuusly C. hpefully D. anxiusly
    54. A. rise B. bst C. advance D. upgrade
    55. A. breakut B. breakdwn C. breakup D. breakthrugh
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 15分)
    Using needles t help life's energy flw
    Fr thusands f years, the Chinese have relieved pain and cured disease thrugh acupuncture(针灸). 56 (evlve) frm the discvery that using stne needles t prick specific pints n the surface f the bdy culd relieve pain and symptms, acupuncture has becme 57 integral part f traditinal Chinese medicine, in line with the philsphy that prmtes the harmnius cexistence f humans with nature.
    Accrding t Recrds f the Grand Histrian, 58 (write) by Sima Qian abut 2,100 years ag, BianQue, a highly skilled 59 (physical) during the Warring States Perid (475 221 BC), was famus fr having saved a prince frm "death" by using needles t stimulate the Baihui acupint n the head f the uncnscius man.
    Accrding t TCM(中医), there are a dzen meridians(经脉) in the human bdy, 60 the qi, r life energy, circulates t nurish the rgans. Cld, infectins r diseases can result in blcking f the energy, and s stimulating the acupints can unblck stagnant (不流动的) qi, rest re nrmal circulatin and imprve health. Tday, acupuncture is still 61 (wide) used in China.
    In 2010,UNESCO inscribed acupuncture and mxibustin f TCM n the Representative List f Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity. Yet, the practice is nt just cultural and histrical, 62 a medical technique widely used and researched tday.
    Fr years, 63 the clear therapeutic effects f acupuncture in treating many diseases, there were few cnvincing studies that explained hw acupint stimulatin wrked, r what meridians were anatmically speaking, s the technique always seemed smewhat 64 (mystery).
    Hwever, as scientific research f acupuncture 65 (grw) in recent years, prducing gd quality results, the technique is gaining tractin arund the wrld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节(满分 15 分)
    1. 你的观点;
    2. 你的理由;
    3. 你的建议。
    注意: 1.词数 80 左右;
    Dear judges and students,

    第二节(满分 25 分)
    Thrughut ur lives, we have encuntered a lt f peple that have influenced us in sme sense. Their effect may be fr ne day r a lifetime. Often, yu dn't realize hw much influence smene has made n yu until a particular mment. The man wh made a big influence n me was my father.
    Three mnths after turning furteen, my life was great. I was getting settled int a high schl; my grades were already getting better and I was making friends.
    One day, when I gt back frm schl, I went t the sitting rm and saw my parents having a cnversatin. They came up t me and asked me t take a seat, because they wanted t say smething very imprtant. I sn fund ut that my dad's liver(肝脏) was failing and he needed an immediate transplant(器官移植). I was surprised and bewildered(不知所措的) because my father lked all right. He wrked, and he didn't seem ill. My parents said I shuldn't be afraid, because it was ging t be all right. Fur mnths had gne by, and my father had yet t get a new liver. It lked as if his bdy was steadily wrsening, but he kept saying, “Dear, everything will be just fine.”
    It was becming difficult fr me and my family. My father had t give up wrk, and my mther was the sle breadwinner(养家糊口的人). I had t bear the respnsibilities f cleaning up the huse making fd, and lking after my father when my mther was at wrk. I had t limit my time with my friends, because my father started cming in and ut f the hspital. My cncentratin n the subject was beginning t slip away. S were my grades. Tw days befre my schl spring break, my mther gt a phne call frm the hspital, saying my father had an accident and was in hspital. What surprised me was that my father wasn't injured at all. Then the next day, my mther gt a phne call frm the dctr saying that there was a liver that matched my dad's bdy and that he needed t get t the hspital immediately.
    1.续写词数应为 150左右;
    My parents and I hurried t the hspital. .

    I had t take n s many respnsibilities at hme.


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