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    命题学校:贵溪一中命题人:方凌 彭莹
    1. What des the man prbably want t d?
    A. Talk t his staff.B. Lse sme weight.C. Set up a prgram.
    2. Which f the fllwing is the cheapest?
    A. The fridge.B. The washing machine.C. The air cnditiner
    3. Wh might the man be?
    A. An interviewer.B. A teacher.C. A dctr.
    4. What will the wman d next?
    A. Shw her apartment.B. Have lunch.C. Wait fr the man.
    5. What des the wman think f the cncert?
    A. Exciting.B. Special.C. Ordinary.
    6. What class is the wman having?
    A. Gegraphy.B. Math.C. P.E.
    7. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Annyed.B. Wrried.C. Relaxed.
    8. What is the relatinship between Mr. Cper and Lucy?
    A. C-wrkers.B. Business partners.C. Husband and wife.
    9. What is the message abut?
    A. The date f the trip t Mexic.
    B. A discussin abut a trading cmpany.
    C. A meeting abut the new prducts.
    10. Which cmpany des the man wrk fr?
    A. Macy Retailers.B. Swipe Wire.C. Quick Space.
    11. Hw many music players will the wman send afterwards?
    A. 200.B. 150.C. 50.
    12. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The wrng rder.B. The pr quality gds.C. The delayed delivery.
    13. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A. T seek advice n credits.
    B. T add anther curse.
    C. T check his grades.
    14. When des the cnversatin take place?
    A. On Octber 10th.B. On Octber 20th.C. On Octber 30th.
    15. What happened t the man?
    A. He drpped a curse wrngly.
    B. He failed t meet the deadline.
    C. He registered t many curses.
    16. What is the man ging t d next?
    A. Sign the applicatin frm.B. Chse a curse t add.C. Ask the teacher fr help.
    17. What did Mlly d fr dgs?
    A. She vlunteered at a dg shelter
    B. She had a big party fr them.
    C. She launched a G Fund Me campaign.
    18. What is the gal f the Prject?
    A. T raise $38,000 in ne year.
    B. T sell dg tys and fd t sme shelters
    C. T lk fr peple willing t adpt dgs.
    19. Where des Mlly cme frm?
    A. Gergia.B. Cnnecticut.C. Massachusetts.
    20. Hw many at-risk dgs did Mlly help mve t the Nrtheast?
    A. 100.B. 110.C. 400.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Rad Trip Apps Yu Need Befre Yu Leave
    Best App fr Rute Planning
    Ever wnder hw dc livery drivers manage t hit s many different places in a relatively shrt amunt f time? It’s because they’re using an app like Rad Warrir t plan their rutes t be as ellicient as pssible. Hwever, while many ther rute planning apps nly take things like traffic int accunt, Rad Warrir includes lts f ther time-sucking details. The subscriptin ptins start at $10 per mnth.
    Best App fr Gas Prices
    Gas prices have been smething f a catastrphe recently, s travelers are naturally fcused n finding the lwest rates whenever pssible. GasBuddy is ne f the mst ppular apps fr lcating affrdable gas. especially n lng rad trips. Simply enter the starting pint and destinatin, and then waten as all f the cheapest gas prices alng yur rute pp up. Like many apps, there is a free versin, as well as a premium(额外费用) ptin with added features.
    Best App fr Planning Sightseeing
    Fr peple wh aren’t ttally fcused n getting frm pint A t pint Bin the fastest time pssible, the Rad Trippers app is an abslute must-have. Users can pan their trip frm start t finish with as many as 150 waypints stps when using the premium versin f the app, which csts $29.99 per year. It wn’t let yu miss the famus scenic spts alng the way. It estimates fuel csts allws fr RV drivers t custmize rutes friendly t their particular vehicle and lets the user cperate with friends wh are als n the rad.
    Best App fr Family Games and Entertainment
    Sure yu culd listen t music r watch mvies, but smetimes it’s fun t thrw it way back with classic travel games. The Plates Family Travel app is a mdernized versin f the classic license plate game. There als a map feature that shws yu exactly where yu saw all the license plates n yur rad trip. This app is available fr Apple r Ggle devices fr free.
    21. Which app can help yu save time?
    A. GasBuddy.B. Rad Warrir.C. RndTrippers.D. Plates Family Travel.
    22. Wh is mre likely t use GasBuddy?
    A. Thse wh like playing games.B. Thse wh need license plates.
    C. Thse wh prefer a unique rute.D. Thse wh care abut gas prices.
    23. What is special abut the Rad Trippers app?
    A. It is available free f charge.B. It prvides the shrtest rute.
    C. It recmmends turist attractins.D. It helps its users t make friends.
    A dg can be a persn’s best friend, r s the thery ges. But that relatinship can be tested when a dg begins barking at an empty cmer f a rm, at a dr, r anywhere where there desn’t appear t be any activity at all taking place. Is the dg hallucinating? Is it cmmunicating with ET? Or des it simply want t drive its wner crazy?
    Accrding t the American Kennel Club, the mst cmmn explanatin fr dgs’ barking withut reasns is that it’s nt really unprmpted at all. Dgs are, bviusly, equipped with superir hearing, including the ability t detect sunds that are higher in pitch. It is said a dg culd be reacting t a nise that a persn wuldn’t be able t hear. If a dg barks seemingly fr n apparent reasn at night, it might be because the nise nearby is lessened and sme barking f ther dgs becme mre clearly. Because dgs are territrial, ne dg barking can turn int many thers t guard themselves.
    Dgs are als able t see better in the dark than humans thanks t their ability t get mre light int their retinas(视网膜). If a dg is reacting t what lks t yu like an empty backyard at night, it’s pssible that smething has caught their attentin, be it a wild animal, a leaf, r a stranger.
    That’s nt t say that dgs nly bark because f their cute senses. Sme dgs might bark ut f bredm in which case mre exercise r pay time is prbably needed. They might als be trying t get their wner’s attentin.
    The AKC recmmends that wners avid sclding their dgs fr barking, since they’re simply trying t remain alert, instead, yu can try calming the dg t let them knw yu’re aware f their cncern. If they tend t bark while gazing ut a windw, yu can als try t pull the curtains. If yu suspect the surce is an audi cue, sme white nise, like a televisin r radi can help.
    Less ften, chrnic barking might be a sign f cgnitive issues. If barking is persistent and n fugitive is hiding ut in yur bushes, then yu might cnsider a trip t the vet.
    24. Accrding t the passage, which factrs wn’t make dgs barking at nthing?
    A. Its madness B. Its visual sense C. Its acute hearing D. Its bredm
    25. What can we learn frm Paragraph 2?
    A. A dg barks in rder t make friends with ther dgs.
    B. The surrunding nise being lessened will make a dg frightened.
    C. A dg can react t a nise as acutely as a persn.
    D. A dg always has the awareness f its dmain.
    26. What shuld the wner d with the dg’s barking frm the AKC’s recmmendatin?
    A. Leaving it alne B. Sclding it seriusly
    C. Cmfrting it D. Playing sme sft music
    27. This passage is prbably taken frm?
    A. an experiment reprt B. a mental discvery
    C. a schl textbk D. a science fictin
    It has been 100 years since the first Chinese animated wrk created. The animatrs living a century ag prbably had never imagined that Chinese animatin culd advance as rapidly as it is tday. Since the industry’s start. China’s traditinal culture has prvided the nutritin the industry has needed t grw. Lking back ver the past 100 years, we can discver many characters wh were inspired by China’s rich cultural heritage like the Mnkey king and P the kung fu panda.
    Back in 1922, an nly ne-minute-lng animated advertising shrt fr the Shu Zhedng Huawen Daziji made its debut. The wrk used primitive techniques, but became the frerunner f Chinese animatin. Over the fllwing decades, mre ppular Chinese flk stries were adapted int animated films by Chinese animatrs.
    Chinese Generatin Z tend t fllw cultural traditins and fall in lve with ethnic styles, and many find dmestic an mated s cries based n Chinese mythlgy and flklre mre interesting than ther genres.
    The wrks f Shanghai Animatin Film Studi are sme utstanding examples f this. The studi established different styles based n flk stries, including water-and-ink animatin, paper-cutting animatin and puppetry animatin. The classic wrks the studi prduced stunned the wrld and inspired numerus animatrs verseas, especially in Japan. Japanese animatr Osamu Tezuka nce said he tasted a great deal frm China’s water-and-ink animatin.
    Mre and mre Chinese animated wrks have been entering verseas markets, expanding the influence f Chinese culture. Accrding t related data, the ttal utput value f Chinas animatin industry surpassed $29.9 billin in 2020. Additinally, majr Chinese streaming platfrms aired ver 60 animated series during the secnd half f 2021.
    Chinese studis have als begun tapping int the huge demand fr diverse cultural cntent n internatinal streaming platfrms. Fr example, the internatinal streaming service Netflix bught the verseas bradcasting rights fr the Chinese traditinal animated series Scissr seven and ther Chinese animatin wrks.
    28. What can traditinal cultures d fr animated wrks?
    A. by prviding inspiratins.B. by presenting characters.
    C. by narrating stries.D. by describing backgrund infrmatin.
    29. Which f the fllwing nes is the crrect understanding f the underlined wrd “debut”?
    A. the result f making smething bring.
    B. the purpse f adapting smething bad.
    C. the first public appearance.
    D. the success f creating smething unexpected.
    30. What was Japanese animatr’ attitude t Chinese animatin wrks?
    A. Critical.B. Objective.C. Jealus.D. Apprved.
    31. What can we infer frm the last tw para era phs?
    A. Chinese animated wrks are the best way t circulate cultures.
    B. Chinese animated wrks industry are n the prmising track.
    C. Chinese peple are making mre prfits frm animatin-industry.
    D. Internatinal streaming service Netflix is the mst influential streaming platfrms.
    One f the mst widely accepted educatin theries shws that everyne has a unique learning style. Accrding t this ppular thery, sme peple are visual learners, thers are auditry(听觉的)learners, while thers are tactile-kinaesthetic learners, meaning these student need t tuch materials. Supprters say teachers shuld adapt their lessns fr each student learning style: Shw lts f pictures t visual students; give verbal explanatins t auditry students; prvide lts f hands-n activities fr tactile-kinaesthetic students.
    Even thugh surveys shw that mst adults and nearly all teachers believe in the thery, it remains a thery withut supprting evidence. The experiment n this thery shwed that there was n statistically significant difference between the peple wh learned smething accrding t their s-called I earning style versus thse wh did nt.
    The thery is far frm harmless because it preserves a lie abut hw all students shuld learn. The thery makes it harder fr student stle am things in dine rent ways. Fr example, smene wh believes he is a visual learner nw has a, eady-made excuse fr why he cannt pay attentin during lectures and why he desn’t d well n tests in lecture curses. Similar y, thse wh think they are tactile-kinaesthetic learners quickly cme t believe they cannt learn new things unless they’re wrking with their hands.
    In additin, trying t plan fr each student’s s-called learning style creates a huge burden t teachers. Instead f creating ne lessn fr the entire class, teachers must cme up with at least three lessns. While students d nt have individual learning styles, sme tpics are better suited fr certain methds than thers, Fr example, a gd each teacher will prbably use plenty f pictures and mdels when teaching yung students abut shapes and patterns. Fr ther tpics, such as learning hw t prnunce certain wrds, the teacher will prvide plenty f verbal instructin and practice fr students. Simply put, teachers shuld be free t determine the delivery methd fr each lessn accrding t the nature f the cntent.
    It’s tie t recgnize that there are n visual learners, auditry learners r tactile-kinaesthetic learners. I here are nly learners.
    32. What des the authr intend t d in paragraph 1?
    A. Classify learners int varius types.
    B. Give an accunt f different learning styles.
    C. Encurage students t learn in different ways.
    D. Advise students t adapt t varius learning envirnments.
    33. Hw des the thery f learning styles affect students?
    A. They have mre difficulty paying attentin during lectures.
    B. They adapt themselves t varius teaching methds.
    C. They find a suitable way t prmte their learning.
    D. They take it as an excuse fr their learning prblems.
    34. Hw des the authr develp his idea in paragraph 4?
    A. By giving examples.B. By listing sme data.
    C. By making cmparisns.D. By prviding research results.
    35. What shuld teachers d accrding t the authr?
    A. Have the freedm t prvide individual-style lessns.
    B. Prepare fr lessns t cver all f the learning styles.
    C. Chse teaching methds depending n the cntents.
    D. Fcus n hw t imprve teaching skills.
    Hw Using A Md Tracker App Culd Help Yur Mental Health
    Yu track yur nutritin and yur wrkuts, but why wuldn’t yu track yur md? 36 They can be used by everyne, frm thse dealing with mental health cnditins such as depressin r md anxiety t thse wh just want t keep an eye n their stress levels.
    37 .
    Many f them allw yu t recrd factrs that may be affecting yur mental health, such as sleep, nutritin, and exercise. Yu can als see hw changes are affecting yur mental health. Md trackers can als keep yu hnest abut yur self-reprting bias.
    Hw Des a Md Tracker App Wrk?
    Firstly, research shws that md tracker apps can help peple better identify their mds and in turn, understand them. Awareness f ne’s md has been linked t better mental health utcme. 38 By recrding the data that smene can refer back t during an appintment, apps can als help peple feel mre empwered rather than be a passive cnsumer.
    Wh Shuld Use Them?
    Cienerally speaking, a md tracker app can be helpful t mst peple. 39 .Research shws at the md tracker apps that are the mst helpful in reducing symptms are the nes that prvide educatin n things like cgnitive behaviral therapy techniques and tls, rather than nes that nly recrd symptms.
    Md tracker apps are ne f the mst ppular categries r smartphnes app stres, s yu have n lack f chices with a simple search fr md tracker. 40
    A. Why Use a Md Tracker App?
    B. Md tracker apps are gaining in ppularity.
    C. And thse wh are dealing with md disrders will benefit mst frm it.
    D. Research n apps using predictive technlgy is incredibly encuraging.
    E. Md tracker apps are ften mre than just a place t recrd yur emtins.
    F. Additinally, apps can help peple better cmmunicate with mental health prfessinals.
    G. If yu dn’t have as art phne r dn’t want t dwnlad an app, there are web-based trackers t cnsult.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I still remember it was sme fifteen r sixteen years ag, a warm, sunny, Saturday afternn. I 41 t take my kids t the lcal playgrund. As sn as we gt there my daughter headed fr the 42 and asked fr a play. As I was helping her t g higher and higher, I nticed anther little girl trying 43 tgether wn swing ging. Her elderly grandmther was sitting 44 n a nearby bench and smiled at me.
    I gave my daughter ne big 45 and then walked ver t the little girl and asked if she wanted a favr. She smiled and said “Yes!” I sn had her feet 46 twards the cluds while she laughed happily. Fr the next tw hurs I fund myself playing n the swings and hiding and seeking with my sn, daughter, and the ther little girl. By the time we went hme, I was 47 wrn ut, but my spirits was still flying higher than thse swings.
    Tw years later I was 48 again after a lng day’s wrk. Still, I needed t 49 my kids frm the lcal grade schl befre ging back hme. I std wearily in the 50 waiting area watching fr my children. Suddenly, I felt tw tiny arms wraparund my 51 I lked dwn and there was the little girl frm the playgrund smiling up at me. She gave me ne mre big hug befre 52 ff t catch her schl bus. As I watched her back, I didn’t feel quite s tired anymre and my spirits were nce again flying in the Heavens.
    In this life every single bit f lve we share. 53 , it swayback t us again. It may travel frm heart t heart r it may blssm in the sul where it was planted. It may take secnds r it may take years. The law f lve, 54 , is never brken. What we give, we get back, we reap what we sw. The lve we share, the kindness we give, and the 55 we create will always cmeback t bless us.
    41. A. attempted B. failed C. preferred D. ffered
    42. A. slides B. swingsC. seesawsD. sands
    43. A. in vain B. in turnC. In secretD. In peace
    44. A. angrily B. quietly C. sadlyD. satisfactrily
    45. A. pullB. dragC. pushD. shake
    46. A. jumping B. running C. trembling D. saring
    47. A. mentally B. physicallyC. barelyD. simply
    48. A. excited B. bredC. exhaustedD. disappinted
    49. A. pick upB. lk afterC. send fr D. see ff
    50. A. vlunteers’B. students’C. teachers’D. parents’
    51. A. stmachB. ft C. head D. neck
    52. A. seeingB. settingC. heading D. taking
    53. A. clearsB. findsC. frcesD. fights
    54. A. insteadB. besidesC. thughD. therefre
    55. A. image B. idea C. value D. jy
    Dmestic csmetics (化妆品) firms find prducts that have traditinal Chinese culture attract enuger shppers better. With buying pwer Live 56 (rise) amng yung, dmestic brands are winning hearts f heritage-minded cnsumers with gucha (国潮).
    In ne case, brands are embracing slar term(节气), a cncept based n China’s ancient calendar 57 divides the year int 24 perids. This type f marketing is used t inject a sense f nature 58 beauty rutines.
    Grain Rain(谷雨), a Chinese skincare brand, 59 (inspire) by the eighth slar term, guyu, which starts arund April 20. It uses the slar term’s traditinal assciatin with picking herbs. 60 (stress) the label’s herbal skincare branding.
    Generatin Z, a majr cnsumer grup, is being affected by the cuntry’s cultural renaissance and the develpment f the internet. They are 61 (independent) in their chices and have a greater sense f natinal identity, while expressing cnfidence in 62 (they) by using Chinese brands, marketing experts said.
    With the rise f gucha, and the influence f the expansin f China’s manufacturing ability, cnsumers are shwing an increased 63 (prefer) fr dmestic csmetics brands, accrding t a recent reprt. Althugh China’s high-end csmetics market has been dminated fr a number f years by internatinal brands, the market influence f hmegrwn brands has been. 64 (rapid) rising. Especially, in China’s smaller cities, 65 rate f dmestic csmetics excels 90 percent.
    假如你是校学生会主席李华,你校准备组织一场为“Launching ur career”为主题的讲座。请你用英语写一篇开幕辞,欢迎参加讲座的师生。内容包括:
    Dear teachers and fellw students,

    The Making f a Believer
    It was Christmas Eve mrning, and I awke with a missin: t find my lst cat, Baby-Girl, wh is chubby and cute, fnd f sitting in her ne-and-nly spt near the nearth (壁炉). AS I gt ready, I culd hear icy rain puring dwn. I said a quick prayer fr Baby-Girl. She was ut there smewhere in the strm, I culd just feel it. Sure, it had been six mnths since she’d gne missing, but I still had faith. It was the seasn fr miracles, after all.
    That summer, my sweet cat had disappeared frm my parents’ huse in Indiana. Baby-Girl had been staying with them. At the time, I lived and wrked in Washingtn, D.C. Baby-Girl had gtten ut f my parents’ huse three days befre I was set t fly back hme t pick her up.
    My dad and I spent that entire visit searching fr her. Dad was the family’s resident “realistic”, which mean the spent a whle lt f time trying t prepare me fr the wrst. She’s either been hit by a car r been taken in by smene wh fund her” he said. I rlled my eyes. Dad always supprted me, but he was s skepticat. He culd d with a little mre faith!
    Besides, thugh I culdn’t explain it, I knew I’d see her Baby-Girl again. If any cat culd d the impssible, it was my Baby-Girl. Even after T returned t D.C. withut her and the weeks stretched int mnths, deep dwn I had this feeling that we’d be reunited.
    Hw, hme again fr the hlidays, I was de tem mined t pick up my search. I grabbed Baby-Girl’s cat carrier and laded it int the car, then persuaded Dad t drive me t the shelter, hping she’d been fund.
    “Sharn, yu have t be realistic,” my dad said as we headed t the garage. “She’s been gne t lng. Yu’re nt ging t find her.”
    “Well, I just have a feeling,” I said
    Dad raised an eyebrw a she climbed int the driver’s seat t take me t the shelter.
    We were led t the rm where the abandned cats lived.

    Shrtly after, my shcked Dad drve us back hme.
    1-5BBACC 6-10CBACC 11-15BABCB 16-20CACCB
    21-23BDC 24-27ADCB 28-31ACDB 32-35BDAC 36-40BAFCG
    41-45DBABC 46-50DBCAD 51-55ACBCD
    56.rising 57.which 58.int 59.is inspired 60.t stress 61. mre independent
    62.themselves 63.preference 64.rapidly 65.the
    应用文(One pssible visin)
    Dear teachers and fellw students,
    On behalf f the Student Unin, I’m greatly hnred t have the pprtunity t extend ur warmest welcme t yu fr yur participatin in ur lecture themed “Launching yur Career”.
    Aiming t infrm us students f the latest career develpments and help us secure a decent jb, the lecture will cver varius tpics including future careers brn with the rise f digital era, skills and cmpetence required t bst wrking efficiency and quality. Mrever, sme practical suggestins will be ffered n hw t prepare urselves fr ur future jb and standut frm the crwd in the jb market.
    Thank yu fr yur attendance, and I wish yu all a meaningful and enjyable experience.
    We were led t the rm where the abandned cat lived. I tipted int the rm with a strng feeling f anticipatin. Out f nwhere, I heard a familiar mew, which absrbed my prmpt attentin suddenly. My eyes zered in n a little cat caged in the crner. She was skinnier than I remember, but it was my Baby-Girl all right! Overwhelmed with extreme excitement and delight, I pened the cage dr. Baby-Girl practically jumped int my arms. I held her clse, with my eye swelling up tears, as my Dad lked n, his jaw drpping wide with shck.
    Sn after, my shcked Dad drve us back hme. The instant we drpped Baby-Girl ff, freeing her frm the carrier, she immediately dashed t the hearth, seeking her favurite spt. On seeing this scene, we all rared with laughter, signaling that my Dad’s dubts were remved as well. Against all dds, my cat was hme again, right befre Christmas. It was such a miracle that my heart was filled with gratitude, feeling blessed with Baby-Girl’s lng-awaited cmpanin. As fr my dear father wh always supprt me, it turned ut that Baby-Girl’s return made him a man f a believer.

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