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    1. Where did the wman prbably g n vacatin?
    A. In a twn. B. In the muntains. C. On sme beaches.
    2. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Put n safety equipment.
    B. Ride her bike mre slwly.
    C. Drive t anther park.
    3. What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Visit the wman`s mther. B. Learn t ck ndles. C. G t a restaurant.
    4. Why des the wman aplgize t the man?
    A. She lst his bags. B. She ran int him. C. She frgt his name.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw t treat thers B. Hw t supprt a family. C. Hw t find a great jb.
    6. Hw des the wman suggest the man travel?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
    7. Why will the man g t the city center?
    A. T find a jb. B. T take a class. C. T meet his friend.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第 8 至第 10 题。
    8. Where are the speakers?
    A. In the man`s huse. B. In a clthing stre. C. In a design cmpany.
    9. What des the wman say abut her business?
    A. It fcuses n persnal needs.
    B. It nly prvides frmal clthing.
    C. It attracts mainly yung custmers.
    10. When will the wedding take place?
    A. In ne week. B. In fur weeks. C. In ne year.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第 11 至第 13 题。
    11. Wh is the man?
    A. A manager. B. A secretary. C. An interviewee.
    12. Which line f business is the cmpany in?
    A. Clthing. B. Educatin. C. Electrnics.
    13. Hw des the wman respnd t the man`s lack f wrk experience?
    A. It might be an issue.
    B. It wn`t be a prblem.
    C. She needs mre infrmatin.
    14. Why is the wman nervus abut meeting the man`s sister?
    A. Because his sister desn`t invite her.
    B. Because she`s never met his sister befre.
    C. Because she desn`t knw hw t talk t strangers.
    15. What des the man ffer t d fr the wman first?
    A. Intrduce her t thers.
    B. Prepare sme fd fr her.
    C. Shw her arund the rm.
    16. What is the man`s attitude twards the peple at the party?
    A. Psitive. B. Negative. C. Indifferent.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Brther and sister. C. Father and daughter.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第 18 至第 20 题。
    18. What des the man give the speech fr?
    A. T intrduce the sales and marketing directr.
    B. T cngratulate the emplyees n their achievement.
    C. T express his gratitude fr everyne`s hard wrk.
    19. What will the listeners receive tday?
    A. Mre vacatin days. B. Three new prducts. C. An extra payment.
    20. What is the speaker mst prud f?
    A. The teamwrk f the emplyees.
    B. The develpment f their prduct.
    C. The perfrmance f the team.
    As yu can imagine, there are many types f advertisements in different mediums, n different channels, and with different gals fr their business.
    Print advertising
    The first print advertisement ran in England in 1472. Since then, this type f advertising has becme available in newspapers, magazines, and similar mediums f carrying a brand`s message t its ideal users. In this advertisement methd, the advertiser pays the publisher t place their advertisements in the publicatin.
    Radi advertising
    Radi advertising dates back t 1920, when the first cmmercial radi statins were launched in the United States. In this advertisement medium, the advertiser pays the radi statin t play their advertisements during selected breaks between music r a radi shw.
    Televisin advertising
    Televisin advertising riginated in the 1940s with the prmtin f practical items and plitical campaigns. In this advertisement medium, the advertiser pays the lcal r natinal TV netwrk t shw their advertisements during selected breaks in the netwrk`s regular prgramming.
    Internet advertising
    Internet advertising tk rt in the middle f the 1990s. In this advertisement methd, the advertiser pays the website`s wner t place their advertisements in expsed spaces that are minr t the website`s wn cntent. Internet advertising includes vide, search engine marketing, and mre.
    Hwever, as yu knw, the advertising types abve have develped dramatically since the irrespective rigins. Sme advertisements have been memrable years after they first ran.
    S hw d yu create an advertising strategy that wrks fine? Please click here t knw mre abut the advertisements and campaigns we learn frm.
    21. Which type f advertisement served plitics besides gds at the very beginning?
    A. Print advertising. B. Radi advertising.
    C. Internet advertising. D. Televisin advertising.
    22. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE fr Radi advertising and Televisin advertising?
    A. Bth served the same functins. B. Bth are shwn during selected breaks.
    C. Neither first appeared in the U. S. D. Neither develped much ver years.
    23. Where will yu prbably read this article?
    A. In a textbk. B. In a newspaper.
    C. On a Website. D. In a magazine.
    I`m a grandma in my 60s. In the spring f 2020, like the rest f the wrld, I spent a lt f time staring at a screen and that was when I first gt int the YuTube wrld. I discvered that nscreen fferings were truly endless. Frm ne YuTuber I learned hw t plant my wn vegetable garden. Smene else shared petry frm Rbert Frst, wise sayings frm Cnfucius, and a smattering(一知半解)f ther philsphical viewpints, all f which helped me thrugh sme dark days. Dwn the rabbit hle I went, scrlling fr hurs and hurs, watching ther peple living their lives and giving me advice n hw t live mine.
    As the mnths rlled by, YuTube turned my attentin away frm the hard reality f what was ging n in the wrld. I subscribed t several channels and waited anxiusly fr new weekly fferings. I watched peple reading petry r painting by streams r lking ut windws int snwy landscapes. I fund all this calming. Such lvely scenery, such beautiful backgrund music, and such pretty clthes they were wearing!
    At sme pint thugh, I gt upset by these artistic and seemingly perfect lives. Wh is filming them? I wndered. D they rehearse r just act n the spt? Isn`t it cld, stepping thrugh snw banks in dresses? The questins kept bthering me while frcing cmparisns t my wn smewhat mre rdinary existence. I wanted t walk in a flwing dress thrugh hilly green field filled with wildflwers! Instead, I was marching thrugh my neighbrhd`s city streets in mm jeans.
    In a mment f insight, I realized that I had a full and happy life, which althugh it wuldn`t win awards fr perfectin nscreen, suited me perfectly. I put my phne away and started paying attentin t my wn life instead f watching ther peple live theirs. I still like checking in nce in a while. YuTube can be a rich surce f entertainment and inspiratin, but I`ve limited my expsure. I am cntent with the knwledge that my addictin t life nscreen has been replaced by life itself.
    24. What can be learned abut the authr in the spring f 2020?
    A. She experienced sme hard times. B. She taught thers abut gardening.
    C. She develped an interest in petry. D. She shared her philsphical views nline.
    25. What effect did YuTube have n the authr accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. It made her mre anxius. B. It imprved her taste in art.
    C. It taught her t accept reality. D. It brught sme cmfrt t her.
    26. Hw did the artistic lives presented n YuTube make the authr feel?
    A. Desperate B. Cnnected C. Envius D. Prud
    27. What has the authr decided t d in the end?
    A. Seek inspiratin frm YuTube. B. Stp using her phne in daily life.
    C. Fcus n her wn life instead f thers`. D. Cntinue watching ther peple`s lives.
    Galapags Giant trtises(巨型陆龟), smetimes called Gardeners f the Galapags, are creatures f habit. In the cld dry seasn, the highlands f the vlcanes are cvered in clud which allws plants t grw despite the absence f rain. In the lwer areas, hwever, plants are nt available all year rund. Adult trtises thus spend the dry seasn in the higher areas, and g back t the lwer, relatively warmer areas where there are plentiful eatable plants when the rainy seasn begins. The trtises ften take the same migratin rutes ver many years in rder t find perfect plants and temperatures. The timing f this migratin is imprtant fr keeping their energy levels high.
    Researchers used GPS t track the timing and patterns f trtise migratin ver many years. They expected the migratin t be timed with current envirnmental cnditins because many ther migratry animals d it that way. Hwever, trtise migratin is weakly related t current cnditins such as rain and temperature. It is unclear at this pint whether they are basing their migratin decisins n memries f past cnditins r if they are simply incrrectly assessing current lcal cnditins.
    Luckily, prbably because f their lng lives f up t 100 years and large bdy size, bad timing f migratin has smaller effects n giant trtises cmpared t small, shrt-lived animals. Giant trtises can g up t a year withut eating and survive, while ther migratry animals might eat mre ften t keep their energy levels high.
    Giant trtises are imprtant ecsystem engineers in the Galapags, and their migratin is key t the survival f many plants. Hw the difference in trtises' migratin time will affect the rest f the ecsystem is still unclear. It is quite pssible that the mistiming f migratin will keep increasing in the future. "One cncern is that at sme pint in the future, " says Bastille-Russeau, lead authr f the study, "migratin may nt be a perfect strategy fr trtises. There may be a reductin in the number f trtises ding these lng travels. This wuld likely have great effects n the whle ecsystem."
    28. What d we knw abut Galapags giant trtises?
    A. They prefer lw temperatures. B. They like living in the highlands.
    C. They always hate the rainy seasn. D. They seldm change migratin rutes.
    29. What have researchers fund ut abut the timing f giant trtise migratin?
    A. The weather has much t d with it. B. It disagrees with current cnditins.
    C. The research has strng effects n it. D. It is decided by the trtises' memries.
    30. What might help giant trtises survive the migratin at the wrng time?
    A. Their restless energy. B. Their different bdy shape.
    C. Their habit f eating healthily. D. Their ability t g withut fd.
    31. What can we infer frm Bastille-Russeau's wrds?
    A. Migratin is the nly chice fr giant trtises in the future.
    B. Damage t the ecsystem will reduce the number f giant trtises.
    C. Giant trtise migratin plays a majr rle in Galapags` ecsystem.
    D. Giant trtises prtect the ecsystem by their different migratin time.
    When yu walk with a backpack, d yu knw hw the things inside mve frm side t side? Nw scientists have figured ut hw t tap int that mvement t prduce electricity.
    Picture a pendulum(摆锤)fixed t a backpack frame and stabilized with springs n either side. The pack`s weight is attached t the pendulum, s the pendulum swings side t side as yu walk. Then a machine is driven by that swinging mvement, and prduces electrical current t charge a battery.
    Vlunteers carried the pack while walking n a running machine and wre masks t measure the flw f O2 and CO2. When the vlunteers were walking with the slightly swinging 20-pund lad, the device did nt significantly affect their metablic(新陈代谢的)rate cmpared t when they carried the same weight fixed in place. In fact, the energy-harvesting pack reduced the frces f acceleratin they`d feel in a regular pack, which might mean greater cmfrt fr a lng hike. And the device did prduce a steady trickle(涓流)f electricity. If yu up the lad t 45 punds, it culd fully charge a smartphne nly after 12 hurs. The details are in the jurnal Ryal Sciety Open Science.
    The device prduces electricity frm human mvement and has been identified as a wrkable slutin t prviding a renewable energy surce fr prtable electrnic devices. It is particularly useful t thse wh wrk in remte areas, as these peple ften carry a lt f weight in a backpack fr their explratin.
    But here`s a real cnundrum: the energy-harvesting device currently weighs five punds. The researchers say that`s abut fur punds t many t be a smart alternative t batteries. S they hpe that mre research lets them lighten the lad s that they can ensure the pack charges yur phne up withut weighing yu dwn.
    32. What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut?
    A. What the device lks like. B. Hw the device wrks.
    C. Wh the device is designed fr. D. Why scientists designed the device.
    33. What can we knw abut the device frm Paragraph 3?
    A. It was useless fr a lng walk.
    B. It failed t prduce steady electricity.
    C. Ryal Sciety Open Science cnducted the study f the device.
    D. It harvested energy as the vlunteers walked.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “cnundrum” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Prblem. B. Bnd. C. Decisin. D. Methd.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Finding Smarter Alternatives t Batteries B. The Develpment f Backpacks
    C. Charging Batteries When Carrying Backpacks D. Searching fr New Ways t Charge Yur Phne
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    While sweat serves as the built-in air cnditiner, sweating it ut can have many: ther surprising health benefits. 36
    It Eases Pain
    Did yu wake up with back pain? 37 Then the best way t relieve yur pain is t wrk up a sweat. It might be very tempting t skip this step since pain will make yu want t sit still. But actually increasing yur heart rate and wrking up a sweat is ne f the best things yu can d fr yur pain while sitting arund will just make yu even mre stiff and sre.
    It Gets Rid f Txins(毒素)
    Our bdies are subject t a lt f txins thrughut ur everyday lives. 38 Sweating is a great way t expel(排出)thse txins frm the bdy, which serves t better yur immune system. It can als help get rid f substances like alchl and salt.
    Alng with the sense f accmplishment frm wrking ut, wrking up a sweat releases endrphins (内啡肽), which make yu happy. Sweating helps relieve stress and prmte relaxatin. Next time yu`re feeling stressed ut r need a break t clear yur mind, think abut hitting up a ht yga class r taking a few minutes fr yurself in the sauna(桑拿)t ease yur mind,
    It Helps Yu Avid Kidney Stnes
    One f the lesser-knwn benefits f sweating is that it lwers the risk f getting kidney(肾)stnes. Research has shwn that sweating helps yu get rid f salt and keep calcium in yur bnes. 40 The mre frequently yu find yurself sweating, the better.
    A. It Makes Yu Happier
    B. Are yu sre frm yesterday`s wrkut?
    C. Pain is usually caused by txins prduced in the bdy.
    D. Here are sme tp benefits f sweating in summer.
    E. Sweating als helps prevent pllutants frm entering the bdy.
    F. This helps keep thse elements frm yur kidneys where small stnes will frm.
    G. They cme frm the pllutin in the air, ur fd, and are created naturally in the bdy.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共一节,满分15分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Tenzing Bdsa was awken at midnight by a sund utside. He gt up and saw several wild 41 in his farm. Fr many farmers, seeing such animals appear in the farm is 42 . Hwever, fr Bdsa, wh ran a large tea farm in the state f Assam, India, it meant everything was wrking 43 .
    The Asian elephants has been listed as a(n) 44 species by Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature and their ppulatin has 45 by half in the past decades fr varius reasns. One is 46 t the vast tea farms, which elephants regard as parts f their frest habitats and their migratry rutes ver centuries.
    “Sadly, in India, 47 between humans and wild elephants ften end up 48 ,” said Bdsa. “I decided that there must be a way fr us t liv 49 .” Then Bdsa began a natural tea farm in 2007.
    T create an elephant-friendly area fr elephants, Bdsa planted rganic grass, fruits and tea. He als prvided them with easy 50 by making sure there were n fences r ther 51 t restrict wild elephants` mvement.
    Gradually, his tea farm 52 ther animals` visiting. Many human visitrs fllwed, t, and sme even vlunteered here. Bdsa`s tea farm was 53 as “the wrld`s first elephant-friendly tea farm”. He has als trained many farmers in rganic farming. “We have t wrk hard t 54 the lives f bth wild elephants and humans,” Bdsa said. The tea frm such farms des have an ecnmical and 55 impact n Assam.
    41. A. strains B. elephants C. fields D. plants
    42. A. entertaining B. satisfying C. alarming D. embarrassing
    43. A. as usual B. by cntrast C. after all D. in advance
    44. A. primitive B. representative C. privileged D. endangered
    45. A. drpped B. risen C. dubled D. changed
    46. A. adapted B. cnnected C. cmpared D. expsed
    47. A. ranges B. differences C. encunters D. adventures
    48. A. awkward B. tragic C. humrus D. cntrversial
    49. A. publicly B. privately C. significantly D. harmniusly
    50. A. passages B. slutins C. assignments D. calculatins
    51. A. criteria B. assciatins C. regulatins D. barriers
    52. A. lived n B. resulted frm C. appealed t D. turned dwn
    53. A. misread B. diagnsed C. imagined D. credited
    54. A. extend B. secure C. invlve D. threaten
    55. A. eclgical B. religius C. cultural D. negative
    First-time visitrs t Chengdu may find it t be a city with rich cultural heritage. The emblem(标志)f a gld leaf, 56 (feature)fur flying birds surrunding the sun, can be seen everywhere in the city. The emblem, which represents Chengdu, 57 (chse)as the symbl f China Cultural Heritage by the State Administratin f Cultural Heritage in 2005.
    After the discvery f the Sanxingdui Ruins in the city f Guanghan in 1929, 58 was believed t be ne f Sichuan`s mst imprtant archaelgical finds, a 3,000-year-ld gld-leaf sunbird was unearthed at the Jinsha Ruins in 2001. In 2018, Chengdu made the decisin 59 (becme)a wrld cultural city. In recent years, Chengdu`s effrts t glbalize have accelerated, 60 a series f majr internatinal cultural and sprts activities have been held, laying the fundatin fr it t build itself int a wrld-famus turist city.
    Chengdu`s 61 (attract)range frm giant pandas 62 the petic legacy f the Du Fu Thatched Cttage. 63 (hide)in thick greenery, the Temple f Marquis Wu was built as 64 memrial hall in hnr f Zhuge Liang and nw China`s persnificatin f lyalty and wisdm. The city als ffers a museum including a cttage mdelled after the petic descriptins f Du Fu, ne f the greatest pets 65 (histric)in China, emphasizing his influence n Chinese literature.
    第四部分 写作
    假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友 Tim 邀请你参加他们学校暑假组织的“科技夏令营”。你想参加, 现在就此事写一封信向他咨询夏令营的相关事宜, 要点包括:
    1. 具体日程安排;
    2. 住宿和费用等。
    1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;
    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Tim,
    Yurs Sincerely,
    Li Hua
    阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
    It was a sunny day. Anabia, an 11-year-ld girl, was excited because tday was the drawing cntest at her schl. Anabia was really gd at drawing and usually gt the highest marks in art. Her teachers wuld ften ask her t make psters fr schl plays and call n her during free perids t help with cuttings, drawing, shading, cluring and much mre. There was an art cmpetitin taking place in schl and Anabia had wrked really hard and wanted t win it. But there was ne thing that was disturbing her tday.
    Recently, a new girl, Rida, had jined her class. She was als interested in art but she was nt as gd at drawing as Anabia was. Miss Saima, the art teacher, helped Rida and taught her tips and tricks t imprve her drawing skill. And nw Rida was als cnsidered amng the best artists in grade six.
    Rida was quick, smart and intelligent. Anabia became jealus f Rida`s intelligence and felt that the new girl wuld be tugh t beat.
    S that day, fr the art cmpetitin, Miss Saima tk all the students t the art rm, tld them their rll numbers and gave imprtant instructins. Anabia`s rll number was 16, while Rida was number 17. The bell rang, indicating the beginning f the cntest. Miss Saima wrte n the bard: make a scene f a sunset with a flwing river and a sailing bat.
    Anabia knew that the best tls t make a sunset were il pastels(油画棒). Anabia started t lk fr her il pastels in her art bag. Then, after lking thrugh the bag, she remembered that she had left them at hme. Immediately, she gt up t tell Miss Saima.
    Miss Saima was disappinted at Anabia`s carelessness and tld her that she culd nt help her, as it was her respnsibility t cme prepared fr the cntest that had been annunced a week in advance. Anabia`s best friends were als there, but nne f them ffered t share anything, much t Anabia`s surprise and disappintment.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Anabia` s eyes filled with tears.
    Then Rida held Anabia`s hand, and the tw girls waited fr the winners t be annunced.
    I. 听力
    1. B
    【原文】W: Hey, Bill. Did it feel great t travel smewhere warm?
    M: Oh, yes. I lve New Year`s celebratins in the city, but visiting small island beaches was perfect.
    W: That sunds great. I left twn t g skiing—the weather in the muntains was s snwy and cld!
    2. A
    【原文】M: T ensure yur safety, please wear prtective equipment when riding bicycles in this park.
    W: Yu`re right. I`ll put n smething t prtect my head and knees.
    3. C
    【原文】W: I miss the fd in my hmetwn. My mm cks ndles and dumplings very well.
    M: There are sme pretty gd restaurants in Chinatwn. Why dn`t we try the dishes there?
    W: Gd idea! I`ll bk a table! Let`s g nw!
    4. B
    【原文】W: Oh, my. I almst made yu drp yur bags! I didn`t see yu turning the crner—I`m s srry fr crashing int yu!
    M: That`s all right, Miss. Accidents happen. At least n ne is hurt!
    5. A
    【原文】W: Tim, never cnsider anyne as an enemy. Whether they`re yur friends, family r even strangers, frgiving thers is always better.
    M: That`s a great lessn. I first learned this at my jb. I learned never t hld things against c-wrkers.
    W: Exactly!
    6. C 7. C
    【原文】M: This afternn, I must get t Jacb`s huse n 14th Street in the city center. But I dn`t want t drive in the rush hur.
    W: Oh, it`s easy! G t the 96th Street statin and take the subway dwntwn. Yu`ll arrive at the 14th Street statin in 20 minutes. And yu wn`t even have t change t a bus.
    M: That`s the new subway line.
    W: Indeed. Was Jacb yur friend frm schl?
    M: Yes. He was my classmate in high schl. Nw, he wants t tell me abut his new jb.
    W: Cl. Have fun!
    8. B 9. A 10. B
    【原文】M: Excuse me. I need frmal clthing fr an event. Can yu help me select smething?
    W: Of curse, sir. We have a wide range f clthing fr yu t chse frm.
    M: OK. I`ve heard yur clthing stre is the best ne in the neighbrhd!
    W: We`ve been in business fr nly ne year. We can`t serve as many custmers as large cmpanies, but we care mre abut individual needs.
    M: Great. I`m invited t my yunger brther`s wedding. And I`ll be n stage at the party.
    W: I see—this suit lks perfect. But it culd take a week t make sme changes t fit yu.
    M: That`s fine. They are ging t have the wedding in a mnth, s I`ll have plenty f time.
    11. C 12. C 13. B
    【原文】M: Gd mrning, madam. I have an interview at 9:00 a. m. with Ms. Thmpsn.
    W: Oh, yes. She`s the hiring manager fr ur cmpany. I`ll call yu int her ffice when she cmes back a few minutes later. Fr nw, please wait in this seating area.
    M: Great, thanks. By the way, is there any persn like me interviewed fr this psitin tday?
    W: Nt really. Our cmpany carefully chses new staff members t interview. We lk clsely at their educatin and wrk histry.
    M: I nly wrked in clthing stres and restaurants when I was in cllege. This wuld be my first jb after graduatin and my first psitin at an electrnics cmpany. Wuld this be an issue?
    W: Oh, n. We accept many recent graduates. Unfrtunately, the ther secretaries and I can`t ffer much mre specific infrmatin n this subject.
    M: I see. Thanks fr yur advice.
    14. B 15. A 16. A 17. A
    【原文】M: Thanks fr accepting the invitatin t my sister`s birthday party, Melissa. Wuld yu like t g and wish her a happy birthday?
    W: Sure. But she might be surprised t see me since we`ve never met befre. S, I feel slightly nervus abut talking t her.
    M: Relax. She has heard a lt abut yu frm me. She`s really lking frward t seeing yu.
    W: Oh, that`s s sweet.
    M: Let me intrduce yu t everyne first. Then I`ll shw yu arund the rm and we`ll get sme fd.
    W: Great. S, culd yu intrduce me t yur sister first?
    M: Abslutely! She`s just ver there with my dad. I knw it`s a little crwded here and it might be hard t talk as the music is being played ludly. But dn`t wrry, everyne will lve yu!
    W: I hpe s.
    M: Trust me. By far, the best thing abut this party is the peple here. Everyne is s nice and friendly!
    18. B 19. C 20. A
    May I have yur attentin, please? I knw it`s the end f the day, and everyne is eager t begin yur hliday. But I want t give a shrt speech abut the past year. Since the summer, we all have been fcusing ur effrts n the gal f creating three new prducts by Chinese New Year. Nw, it`s just befre Christmas, and we`ve already achieved this gal. S, as this ffice`s general manager, I`d like t cngratulate yu all first.
    Secnd, I`ve cmmunicated with the bard members ver the last few days, and we have decided that everyne will be ging hme with a hliday gift. I still remember the extra vacatin days we gt last year. But by the end f tday, everyne will receive a significant hliday bnus. It will be twice as much as last year. We all shuld be prud f ur prduct develpment and sales figures. This extra payment is given fr yur excellent perfrmance. But mre than the mney, my greatest hnr was watching everyne wrk well tgether as a team.
    S, befre we all leave fr the day, ur sales and marketing directr will say a few wrds. Please, put yur hands tgether fr her…
    II. 阅读理解
    21. D 22. B 23. C
    21. 细节理解题。根据第四段“Televisin advertising riginated in the 1940s with the prmtin f practical items and plitical campaigns.(电视广告起源于20世纪40年代, 当时是为了宣传实用物品和政治活动)”可知, 电视广告最开始是为政治服务的。故选 D。
    22. 细节理解题。根据第三段“In this advertisement medium, the advertiser pays the radi statin t play their advertisements during selected breaks between music r a radi shw.(在这种广告媒介中, 广告商付钱给广播电台, 在音乐或广播节目的间歇播放他们的广告)”以及第四段“In this advertisement medium, the advertiser pays the lcal r natinal TV netwrk t shw their advertisements during selected breaks in the netwrk`s regular prgramming.(在这种广告媒介中, 广告商向地方或国家电视网络付费, 在该网络常规节目的选定休息时间播放广告)”可知, 广播广告和电视广告的共同之处是两者都在选定的休息时间播放。故选 B。
    23. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Please click here t knw mre abut the advertisements and campaigns we learn frm.(请按此了解更多我们所学习的广告和活动)”可知, 文章选自网站。故选C。
    24. A 25. D 26. C 27. C
    【24 题详解】A 推理判断题。根据第一段第一行, 在 2020 年春, 像世界上其他人一样, 我花了很多时间
    在家盯着屏幕…以及第二段第一行, YuTube 把我的注意力从世界正在发生的残忍事实中转移了出来
    【25 题详解】D 细节理解题。根据第二段一、三两行。
    【26 题详解】C 推理判断题。根据第三段一、四两行。我也想穿着飘逸的裙子走过满是野花的丘陵绿田,
    而事实是, 我却穿着妈妈的牛仔裤走在社区的街道上。
    【27 题详解】C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二行“I put my phne away and started paying attentin t my wn life instead f watching ther peple live theirs. ”我放下手机开始关注我自己的生活而不是关注他人过着他们的生活。
    28. D 29. B 30. D 31. C
    【分析】本文是一篇说明文。巨大的加拉帕戈斯陆龟是濒危动物的典型。它们濒临灭绝是因为野生山羊吃了它们食物, 破坏了它们的栖息地。这促使自然资源保护者采取行动, 帮助它们。
    28. 细节理解题。根据第一段“The trtises ften take the same migratin rutes ver many years in rder t find perfect plants and temperatures.”(多年来, 为了找到完美的植物和温度, 乌龟经常走同样的迁徙路线。)可知, 巨大的加拉帕戈斯陆龟很少改变迁徙路线。故选 D。
    29. 细节理解题。根据第二段“Hwever, trtise migratin is weakly related t current cnditins such as rain and temperature. ”(然而, 龟类的迁移与当前条件如降雨和温度的关系不大。)可知, 研究发现, 巨大的加拉帕戈斯陆龟的迁徙时间和当前天气情况不一致。故选 B。
    30. 细节理解题。根据第三段“Giant trtises can g up t a year withut eating and survive, while ther migratry animals might eat mre ften t keep their energy levels high.”(巨型陆龟可以在一年不进食的情况下生存下来, 而其他迁徙动物可能会吃得更多, 以保持较高的能量水平。)可知, 不吃食物的能力使巨大的加拉帕戈斯陆龟在错误的迁徙时间存活下来。故选 D。
    31. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“migratin may nt be a perfect strategy fr trtises. There may be a reductin in the number f trtises ding these lng travels. This wuld likely have great effects n the whle ecsystem.”(对陆龟来说, 迁徙可能不是一个完美的策略。进行这些长途旅行的龟的数量可能会减少。这可能会对整个生态系统产生巨大的影响。)可知, 巨大陆龟的迁徙对加拉帕戈斯生态起到主要的作用。故选 C。
    32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一种可以用来发电的背包, 介绍了其工作原理以及存在的问题。
    32. 主旨大意题。根据第二段“Picture a pendulum(摆锤)fixed t a backpack frame and stabilized with springs n either side. The pack`s weight is attached t the pendulum, s the pendulum swings side t side as yu walk. Then a machine is driven by that swinging mvement, and prduces electrical current t charge a battery.(想象一个钟摆固定在背包框架上, 两边都有弹簧来稳定。背包的重量与钟摆相连, 所以当你走路时钟摆会左右摆动。然后, 由摆动运动驱动机器, 产生电流给电池充电)”可知, 第二段主要讲了该设备的工作原理。故选 B 项。
    33. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“When the vlunteers were walking with the slightly swinging 20-pund lad, the device did nt significantly affect their metablic(新陈代谢的)rate cmpared t when they carried the same weight fixed in place. In fact, the energy-harvesting pack reduced the frces f acceleratin they`d feel in a regular pack, which might mean greater cmfrt fr a lng hike. And the device did prduce a steady trickle(涓流)f electricity.(当志愿者带着 20 磅的负重轻微摆动时, 与固定负重时相比, 该设备对他们的代谢率没有显著影响。事实上, 能量收集包减少了他们在普通背包中感受到的加速度, 这可能意味着长距离徒步旅行更舒适。而且这个装置确实产生了稳定的电流)”可知, 这个设备在志愿者行走时收集能量。故选 D 项。
    34. 词义猜测题。根据划线词后“the energy-harvesting device currently weighs five punds. The researchers say that`s abut fur punds t many t be a smart alternative t batteries. S they hpe that mre research lets them lighten the lad s that they can ensure the pack charges yur phne up withut weighing yu dwn.(能量收集装置目前重达五磅。研究人员说, 大约四磅太多了, 不能成为电池的明智替代品。因此, 他们希望更多的研究能减轻他们的负担, 这样他们就可以确保电池组为你的手机充电而不会给你带来负担。)”可知, 下文说的是这个装置的不足之处:太重了, 需要改进。由此推知, cnundrum 指的“不足”, 与 prblem 同义。故选 A 项。
    35. 主旨大意题。通读全文, 结合第一段“When yu walk with a backpack, d yu knw hw the things inside mve frm side t side? Nw scientists have figured ut hw t tap int that mvement t prduce electricity.(当你背着背包走路时, 你知道里面的东西是如何左右移动的吗? 现在科学家们已经找到了如何利用这种运动来发电的方法)”可知, 文章主要介绍了一种可以用来发电的背包, 介绍了工作原理以及存在的问题。所以“背背包时给电池充电”是文章最佳标题。故选 C 项。
    36. D 37. B 38. G 39. A 40. F
    36. 上文“While sweat serves as the built-in air cnditiner, sweating it ut can have many: ther surprising health benefits.(汗液就像内置的空调一样, 把汗液排出来还有很多其他意想不到的健康益处。)”说明排汗有健康益处, 选项 D“这里有一些夏季出汗的主要益处。”承接上文, 点明文章主题, 引出下列各段, 说明夏季出汗的主要益处。故选D项。
    37. 上文“Did yu wake up with back pain?(你醒来时腰疼吗? )”提出疼痛问题, 选项 B“你昨天锻炼后感到疼痛吗? ”和上文并列, 提出另一个疼痛问题, 引出下文“Then the best way t relieve yur pain is t wrk up a sweat.(那么缓解疼痛的最好方法就是出一身汗。)”给出缓解疼痛的最好办法。故选B项。
    38. 上文“Our bdies are subject t a lt f txins thrughut ur everyday lives.(在我们的日常生活中, 我们的身体会受到很多毒素的影响。)”说明身体受毒素影响, 选项 G“它们来自空气中的污染, 我们的食物, 并在体内自然产生。”承接上文, 说明毒素是怎样产生的。选项中 They 指上文中 txins。故选G项。
    39. 下文“Alng with the sense f accmplishment frm wrking ut, wrking up a sweat releases endrphins(内啡肽), which make yu happy.(伴随着锻炼带来的成就感, 出汗会释放内啡肽, 让你感到快乐。)”说明出汗能带来快乐, 选项 A“它让你更快乐”总结概括本段大意, 适合做小标题。故选A项。
    40. 上文“One f the lesser-knwn benefits f sweating is that it lwers the risk f getting kidney(肾)stnes. Research has shwn that sweating helps yu get rid f salt and keep calcium in yur bnes.(出汗的一个鲜为人知的好处是它可以降低患肾结石的风险。研究表明, 出汗可以帮助你排出盐分, 保持骨骼中的钙。)”说明出汗能预防肾结石, 出汗可以帮助排盐保钙, 选项 F“这有助于防止肾脏中的这些元素形成小结石。”承接上文, 和上文存在因果关系。选项中 kidney 和上文词汇重叠, 故选F项。
    III. 完形填空
    41. B 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. B
    49. D 50. A 51. D 52. C 53. D 54. B 55. A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了印度农民 Bdsa 的茶园是许多大象的栖息地, 他们通过这种方式来保护大象。
    41. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他起床后看到农场里有几头野象。A. strains 菌株;B. elephants大象;C. fields 领域;D. plants 植物。根据下文“The Asian elephants has been listed as a(n) 4 species”提到大象, 由此可知, 此处应表示他起床后看到农场里有几头野象。故选 B 项。
    42. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于许多农民来说, 看到这样的动物出现在农场是令人担忧的。A. entertaining 使人愉快的;B. satisfying 令人满意的;C. alarming 令人担忧的;D. embarrassing令人尴尬的。根据下文的 Hwever 转折以及“it meant everything was wrking”一切都在运转, 由此可推知, 此处应表示看到这样的动物出现在农场是令人担忧的。故选 C 项。
    43. 考查固定短语辨析。句意:然而, 对于在印度阿萨姆邦经营一家大型茶园的 Bdsa 来说, 这意味着一切都像往常一样。A. as usual 像往常一样;B. by cntrast 相比之下;C. after all 毕竟;D. in advance 提前。根据上文提到的看到这样的动物出现在农场是令人担忧的, 以及该句中的Hwever 转折, 由此可推知, 此处应表示这意味着一切都像往常一样。故选 A 项。
    44. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:亚洲象已被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种, 在过去的几十年里, 由于各种原因, 亚洲象的数量减少了一半。A. primitive 原始的;B. representative 典型的, 有代表性的;C. privileged 荣幸的;D. endangered 濒危的。根据下文“and their ppulatin has 5 by half in the past decades fr varius reasns. ”以及下文说的保护大象内容, 可知, 此处应表示亚洲象已被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种。故选 D 项。
    45. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:亚洲象已被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种, 在过去的几十年里, 由于各种原因, 亚洲象的数量减少了一半。A. drpped 下降;B. risen 上升;C. dubled 翻了一倍;D. changed 改变。根据上文提到的亚洲象已被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种, 以及下文“by half in the past decades fr varius reasns. ”由此可推知, 此处应表示在过去的几十年里, 由于各种原因, 亚洲象的数量减少了一半。故选 A 项。
    46. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:其中一条与广阔的茶园相连, 几个世纪以来, 大象将这里视为森林栖息地和迁徙路线的一部分。A. adapted 适应;B. cnnected 连接;C. cmpared 比较;D. expsed 暴露。根据下文“which elephants regard as parts f their frest habitats and their migratry rutes ver centuries. ”大象将这里视为森林栖息地和迁徙路线的一部分。由此可推知, 此处应表示一条路线与广阔的茶园相连。故选 B 项。
    47. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:可悲的是, 在印度, 人类与野生大象的相遇往往以悲剧告终。A. ranges 范围;B. differences 差异;C. encunters 偶遇;D. adventures 冒险。根据句意以及下文“between humans and wild elephants ften end up”由此可知, 此处应表示人类与野生大象的相遇往往以悲剧告终。故选 C 项。
    48. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:可悲的是, 在印度, 人类与野生大象的相遇往往以悲剧告终。A. awkward 难堪的;B. tragic 悲剧的;C. humrus 幽默的;D. cntrversial 有争议的。根据上文“Sadly”以及下文说的保护大象内容, 由此可知, 此处应表示人类与野生大象的相遇往往以悲剧告终。故选 B 项。
    49. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我决定一定有一种方法让我们和谐地生活。A. publicly 公开地;B. privately 私下地;C. significantly 意义重大地;D. harmniusly 和谐地。根据上文提到的人类与野生大象的相遇往往以悲剧告终, 以及下文“T create an elephant-friendly area fr elephants, Bdsa planted rganic grass, fruits and tea. ”保护大象的行动方法, 由此可推知, 此处应表示有一种方法让我们和谐地生活。故选 D 项。
    50. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他还确保没有栅栏或其他障碍来限制野生大象的活动, 为它们提供了方便的通道。A. passages 过道;B. slutins 解决方法;C. assignments 任务;D. calculatins计算。根据下文“by making sure there were n fences r ther 11 t restrict wild elephants` mvement.” 确保没有栅栏来限制野生大象的活动, 由此可知, 此处应表示为它们提供了方便的通道。故选 A 项。
    51. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他还确保没有栅栏或其他障碍来限制野生大象的活动, 为它们提供了方便的通道。A. criteria 标准;B. assciatins 协会;C. regulatins 规则;D. barriers 障碍。根据上文“there were n fences”以及下文“t restrict wild elephants` mvement. ”可知, 此处应表示确保没有栅栏或其他障碍来限制野生大象的活动。故选 D 项。
    52. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:渐渐地, 他的茶园吸引了其他动物的参观。A. lived ff 以……为生;B. resulted frm 导致;C. appealed t 吸引;D. turned dwn 拒绝。根据下文“Many human visitrs fllwed, t, and sme even vlunteered here.”人类游客也也跟着来了, 由此可推知, 此处应表示他的茶园吸引了其他动物的参观。故选 C 项。
    53. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Bdsa 的茶场被誉为“世界上第一个对大象友好的茶场”。A. misread 误读;B. diagnsed 诊断;C. imagined 想象;D. credited 认为。根据下文““the wrld`s first
    elephant-friendly tea farm”.”可知, 此处应表示茶场被誉为“世界上第一个对大象友好的茶场”。be credited as“被认可为”。故选 D 项。
    54. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们必须努力保护野生大象和人类的生命。A. extend 扩展;B. secure使安全, 保护;C. invlve 涉及;D. threaten 威胁。根据下文“the lives f bth wild elephants and humans”由此可知, 此处应表示努力保护野生大象和人类的生命。故选 B 项。
    55. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:来自这些农场的茶叶确实对阿萨姆邦产生了经济和生态影响。A. eclgical 生态的;B. religius 宗教的;C. cultural 文化的;D. negative 负面的。根据上文“have an ecnmical”以及下文“impact n Assam. ”由此可知, 此处应表示对阿萨姆邦产生了经济和生态影响。故选 A 项。
    IV. 语法填空
    56. featuring 57. was chsen 58. which 59. t becme 60. and
    61. attractins 62. t 63 Hidden 64. a 65. histrically
    56. 考查非谓语。句意:金叶的徽章, 以四只围绕太阳的飞鸟为特色, 在这个城市随处可见。分析句子可知, 这里考查非谓语, The emblem 与 feature 为主动关系, 再由句意可知, 这里应用现在分词作状语。故填 featuring。
    57. 考查时态语态。句意:该会徽代表成都, 于 2005 年被国家文物局选为中国文化遗产的象征。分析句子可知, 这里考查谓语动词, The emblem 与 chse 为被动关系, 且由 in 2005. 可知, 这里时态应用一般过去时。故填 was chsen。
    58. 考查定语从句。句意:1929 年, 广汉市三星堆遗址被认为是四川最重要的考古发现之一, 2001 年, 金沙遗址出土了一只 3000 年前的金叶太阳鸟。分析句子可知, 这里考查非限制性定语从句, 先行词为 the Sanxingdui Ruins , 为物, 在从句中作主语。故填 which。
    59. 考查非谓语。句意:2018 年, 成都做出了建设世界文化名城的决定。分析句子可知, 这里考查 make a decisin t d 表“下决定做”, 为固定搭配。故填 t becme。
    60. 考查连词。句意:近年来, 成都国际化步伐加快, 举办了一系列重大国际文化体育活动, 为打造世界著名旅游城市奠定了基础。分析句子可知, 此空前后两句为并列关系, 这里应用并列连词 and。故填 and。
    61. 考查名词复数。句意:成都的景点从大熊猫到杜甫草堂。分析句子可知, 此空应填名词作主语, 且由谓语动词 range 可知, 这里名词应用复数形式。故填 attractins。
    62. 考查介词。句意:成都的景点从大熊猫到杜甫草堂。分析句子可知, 这里考查 frm…t 表“从……到”, 为固定搭配。故填 t。
    63. 考察非谓语动词。句意:武侯祠隐藏在茂密的绿色植物中, 是为了纪念诸葛亮而建的, 诸葛亮现在是中国忠诚和智慧的化身。这里表示被动与完成, 位于句首, 首字母大写, 所以填 Hidden。
    64. 考查冠词。句意:武侯祠隐藏在茂密的绿色植物中, 是为了纪念诸葛亮而建的, 诸葛亮现在是中国忠诚和智慧的化身。分析句子可知, 这里表示“一个纪念馆”, 为泛指概念, 所以应用不定冠词, 且 memrial 为元音音素开始的单词。故填 a。
    65. 考查词形变化。句意:这座城市还提供了一座博物馆, 其中包括一座以中国历史上最伟大的诗人之一杜甫的诗歌描述为原型的小屋, 强调他对中国文学的影响。分析句子可知, in China前面一般用副词 histrically。
    V. 应用文写作
    Dear Tim,
    It`s great t hear that yur schl is rganizing a “Technlgy Summer Camp” during the upcming summer vacatin. I am thrilled t attend and learn mre abut the latest technlgical develpments.
    Culd yu please prvide me with sme additinal infrmatin regarding the summer camp? I am interested in knwing the specific schedule f the prgram, s I can plan accrdingly and make travel arrangements. Furthermre, I wuld als like t inquire abut the accmmdatin ptins and related csts. It wuld be helpful t knw whether I culd live in the schl drmitry and what expenses I need t accunt fr during my stay.
    Thank yu fr yur invitatin, and I lk frward t hearing back frm yu sn.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给英国朋友 Tim 写信咨询夏令营的相关事宜。
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:I am interested in knwing the specific schedule f the prgram, s I can plan accrdingly and make travel arrangements.
    同义句:I have a keen interest in btaining the detailed prgram schedule, enabling me t plan accrdingly and make necessary travel arrangements.
    【点睛】【高分句型 1】It wuld be helpful t knw whether I culd live in the schl drmitry and what expenses I need t accunt fr during my stay.(运用了 whether 引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型 2】I am thrilled t attend and learn mre abut the latest technlgical develpments.(运用了不定式短语做宾补)
    VI. 读后续写.
    Anabia` s eyes filled with tears. She fund smething hard t swallw. T her sadness, she lst the art cmpetitin befre she even started. Just then, a bx f il painting sticks appeared in frnt f her eyes. “If yu dn`t mind, I think we can share these.”, Rida, the girl wh she nce hped t beat, extended a helping hand. Anabia hesitated, but quickly they were bth devted int their wrks. Time flies in the blink f an eye. After handing in their wrks, Anabia reach ut her hand.
    Then Rida held Anabia`s hand, and the tw girls waited fr the winners t be annunced. “I`m srry. I nce became jealus f yur intelligence, and hped t beat yu”, Anabia aplgized, sincerely. Rida hugged her delightedly and said she hped they wuld be friends in the future. It seemed that wh wuld be the winner was nt s imprtant at the mment. The sun shne warm sunlight int the rm and als shne n the hearts f the tw girls. The wrld always prepares surprise fr the peple wh like sun. They bth gt the first place.
    【导语】本篇书面表达是读后续写。本文以人物为线索展开。Anabia 很擅长画画, 通常在艺术方面得到最高分。新来的女孩 Rida 敏捷、聪明, 也被认为是六年级最好的艺术家之一。Anabia开始嫉妒 Rida。今天学校举办绘画比赛, Anabia 忘记带必须的油画棒了, 朋友却没有人借给她。
    【详解】1. 段落续写
    ②由第二段句首内容“随后,瑞达握着阿纳比亚的手,两个女孩等待着获胜者的宣布。”可知,第二段可以描写二人等待结果时,Anabia和Rida的互动, Anabia的感悟,最后升华文章的主旨:爱让人欢乐。
    2. 续写线索:哭泣—得到帮助—顺利完成—道歉—拥抱—感悟—成功
    3. 词汇激活
    ①出现: appear/ ccur/ shw up
    ②伸出援手:extend a helping hand/ lend a helping hand
    ③道歉:aplgize/ say srry
    ①悲伤:sadness/ srrw
    ②高兴地:delightedly/ gladly/happily
    【点睛】【高分句型 1】“If yu dn`t mind, I think we can share these.”, Rida, the girl wh she nce hped t beat, extended a helping hand.( 运用了 wh 引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型 2】It seemed that wh wuld be the winner was nt s imprtant at the mment.(运用了固定句型 It seemed that, wh 引导的主语从句)
    【高分句型 3】The wrld always prepare surprise fr the peple wh like sun.(运用了 wh 引导的定语从句)

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