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    这是一份2023-2024学年江西省南昌市外国语学校高三第二次保送考试及10月月考英语试卷含答案,文件包含江西省南昌市外国语学校2023-2024学年高三第二次保送考试及10月月考英语试卷原卷版docx、江西省南昌市外国语学校2023-2024学年高三第二次保送考试及10月月考英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共43页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2. 请按题号顺序在答题卷上各题目的答题区域内作答,写在试题、草稿纸和答题卷上的非答题区域无效。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Wh is the man cmplaining abut?
    A. His wife. B. His teacher. C. His kid.
    2. Why des the wman talk t the man?
    A. T seek advice. B. T make a request. C. T ffer help.
    3. Why is Jane upset?
    A. She gt a parking ticket.
    B. Her car stpped wrking.
    C. She fund n parking space.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The causes f sandstrms.
    B. The dangers f sandstrms.
    C. The preventin f sandstrms.
    5. What wuld the girl like mst fr Christmas?
    A. A ty car. B. A pian. C. Little dlls.
    6. Where is the wman sitting?
    A. On the grass. B. On the playgrund. C. Near the funtain.
    7. What is the man ding?
    A. Reading a bk. B. Having a picnic. C. Taking a walk.
    8. What is Wall Street Bears?
    A. A nvel. B. A mvie. C. A televisin drama.
    9 When will the speakers g t the mvie festival?
    A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Mnday.
    10. When did the man finish his wrk?
    A. At night. B. In the afternn. A. At nn.
    11. What des the wman ask the man t d tnight?
    A. Write an essay. B. Teach her histry. C. Stp playing the pian.
    12. Hw might the wman feel?
    A. Upset. B. Thankful. C. Curius.
    13. What des the man think is imprtant t be a tp racing driver?
    A. Cncentratin. B. Experience. C. Driving skills.
    14. Wh intrduced car racing t the man?
    A. His friends. B. His dad. C. His mum.
    15. What des the man suggest yung drivers d?
    A. Try varius sprts. B. G t university first. C. Wrk ut in the gym.
    16. What is the wman?
    A. A cach. B. A hstess. C. A driver.
    17. Why des the speaker give Jan Miller a special welcme?
    A. T wish her a happy birthday.
    B. T thank her fr her cming.
    C. T invite her t jin the club.
    18. What is Wdville Lunch mainly aimed at?
    A. Giving help. B. Prviding fd. C. Offering cmpaninship.
    19. What are the listeners expected t d after lunch?
    A. Get t knw each ther. B. Clear away the dishes. C. Watch a shw.
    20. On which ccasin is the talk prbably given?
    A. At a birthday party. B. a rutine meeting. C. At an pening f a club.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C, D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    If yu’re traveling t Suth America in summer, yu shuld have Patagnia (at the suthern end f Suth America) high up n yur list f things t d. With this list, I shw yu the best places t visit in Patagnia. The climate dwn there is pretty rugh, especially in the very suth—if yu plan t d hiking r camping, the ideal mment fr a trip is between the end f Nvember and the beginning f March.
    1. Barilche, Argentina
    The fact that Barilche is well cnnected (airprt, direct bus t and frm Buens Aires) makes it the perfect starting pint f a rund trip thrugh Patagnia. But mre than that: the cmbinatin f muntains, lakes and green frests results in its beautiful scenery.
    2. Futaleufú, Chile
    Further dwn suth and a bit harder t access is the small Chilean village Futaleufú which is lcated at the brder t Argentina. The reasn which makes it wrth it: the Futaleufú River is ften referred t as ne f the best white water spts fr rafting in the wrld. The landscape alng the river is unique and, due t its lcatin, still pretty much untuched.
    3. Puert Ri Tranquil, Chile
    If yu want t get there quickly, yu shuld travel thrugh Argentina and crss ver t Chile Chic as this place is als very remte. The reasn t d s: the marble caves in the General Carrera lake.
    4. Trres del Paine, Chile
    Persnally the natinal park Trres del Paine is my tp pick in Patagnia yu shuld take sme time and d a multi-day trek t experience as much f it as pssible: glaciers, frests, impressive muntain ranges, lagns and rivers.
    1. What is the best time fr hiking in Patagnia?
    A. Octber 1—Nvember 1.B. December 25—February15.
    C. March 5—April 1.D. Nvember 5—June 7.
    2. What makes Futaleufú wrth visiting?
    A. Its unique lcatin.B. Its easy accessibility.
    C. Its untuched landscapes.D. Its rafting sprts.
    3. Which place attracts the authr mst in Patagnia?
    A. Barilche.B. Futaleufú
    C. Puert Ri Tranquil.D. Trres del Paine.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D
    细节理解题。根据首段中“The climate dwn there is pretty rugh, especially in the very suth—if yu plan t d hiking r camping, the ideal mment fr a trip is between the end f Nvember and the beginning f March.(那里的气候非常恶劣,尤其是在最南部——如果你打算徒步旅行或露营,理想的旅行时间是在11月底到3月初之间。)”可知,去Patagnia徒步旅行的最佳时间是在11月底到3月初,所以12月25日到2月15日的时间在该时间范围。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据2. Futaleufú, Chile 部分中的“The reasn which makes it wrth it: the Futaleufú River is ften referred t as ne f the best white water spts fr rafting in the wrld. The landscape alng the river is unique and, due t its lcatin, still pretty much untuched.(值得一游的原因是:Futaleufú河通常被认为是世界上漂流最好的白水点之一。沿河的风景是独特的,由于它的位置,仍然几乎没有受到影响。)”可知,由于地理位置,现在Futaleufú还有很多没有开发过的地方,所以这些没有开发过的风景使得Futaleufú值得一游。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据4. Trres del Paine, Chile 部分中的“Persnally the natinal park Trres del Paine is my tp pick in Patagnia yu shuld take sme time and d a multi-day trek t experience as much f it as pssible: glaciers, frests, impressive muntain ranges, lagns and rivers.(就我个人而言,托雷斯德尔潘恩国家公园是我在巴塔哥尼亚的首选,你应该花一些时间,进行几天的徒步旅行,尽可能多地体验它:冰川,森林,令人印象深刻的山脉,泻湖和河流。)”可知,Trres del Paine公园是作者在巴塔哥尼亚的首选,所以Trres del Paine最吸引作者。故选D项。
    Naturalist Enz Suma, wh is nw 40, lives in Puglia, a regin in suthern Italy whse lng castline faces the Adriatic Sea. Flating waste accumulates in this relatively enclsed part f the Mediterranean, unlike the pen cean, where the waste tends t be spread ver a vast area. Feeling cncerned abut that, Suma makes it a habit t pick up the washed-up waste alng the shre, especially after big winter strms.
    One day, Suma was walking alng the beach near his hme when he discvered a bttle f Cke. Suma nticed n the bttle that the price, clearly printed n the bttm, was in lire, a currency (货币) that hadn’t been used in Italy since it was replaced by the eur in 2002. Culd a plastic cntainer have well survived in the Mediterranean, he wndered, fr abut tw decades?
    That led him t funding the Archeplastica museum. It has a cllectin f abut 500 unique pieces recvered frm Italian shres and the Cke bttle is the first ne f them. All cllectin demnstrates the unsettling life frce f plastic waste in the envirnment. “Seeing that a prduct peple may have used 30, 40, r 50 years ag remains still unchanged, yu’ll feel different. It’s a great shck,” Suma said t a reprter. S Suma ften exhibits selected pieces frm the Archeplastica cllectin at lcal schls arund his hmetwn f Ostuni.
    “The playful side f the wrk allws yu t arrive at the less beautiful side f things,” Suma acknwledged. “Plastic is a kind f useful substance. But it’s unthinkable that a water bttle, made frm a material designed t last s lng, can be used fr just a few days—r even minutes—befre becming garbage. Clean the beaches. Clean the ceans. Recycle. But if we are still thrwing ut plastics, nne f thse are ging t be lng-term slutins.”
    4. What’s Suma’s cncern abut his living place?
    A. Its lng castline is disappearing.B. Big strms frequently hit the area.
    C. Flating waste spreads ver a vast area.D. The waste pllutin n shre is wrsening.
    5. What can be learned abut the bjects in the Archeplastica museum?
    A. They have a histry f mre than half a century.
    B. They were quite valuable befre turning int waste.
    C. They’re mre like educatinal exhibits than garbage.
    D. They have strnger life frce than rdinary plastic prducts.
    6. Which f the fllwing can best describe Enz Suma?
    A. Creative, devted and scially respnsible.B. Enthusiastic, ambitius and adventurus.
    C. Generus, cautius and humrus.D. Curius, efficient and playful.
    7. What des Suma intend t tell us by his wrds in the last paragraph?
    A. The birth f plastics has greatly served humans.
    B. The key t tackling the plastic pllutin is t stp littering.
    C The plastic prblem can be slved by cleaning and recycling.
    D. Peple shuld be mre aware f the pwerful functins f plastics.
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述自然主义者Enz Suma创办了Archeplastica博物馆,通过展览向学校和社区展示塑料垃圾的持久性和环境影响,呼吁人们清理海滩、清理海洋和回收塑料以解决这一问题。
    细节理解题 。根据题干的“cncern”可将答案定位到第一段“Feeling cncerned abut that...”,而前文提到“Flating waste accumulates in this relatively enclsed part f the Mediterranean, unlike the pen cean, where the waste tends t be spread ver a vast area(漂浮的废物聚集在地中海这个相对封闭的部分,不像开放的海洋,废物往往分布在一个广阔的区域)”,可知他担心的是不断恶化的漂浮垃圾的问题。故选D。
    细节理解题 。根据第三段对Archeplastica博物馆的介绍,“It has a cllectin f abut 500 unique pieces recvered frm Italian shres and the Cke bttle is the first ne f them. All cllectin demnstrates the unsettling life frce f plastic waste in the envirnment. (它收集了大约500件从意大利海岸回收的独特物品,而可乐瓶是其中的第一个。所有的收集都显示了塑料垃圾在环境中令人不安的生命力)”,可知博物馆的展品其实就是这些能够长久存在的塑料垃圾,目的是为了唤起人们对此问题的关注,具有教育意义。故选C。
    推理判断题 。通读文章可知,Enz Suma关心环境问题,提出了颇具创新意义的解决方案,并践行自己的想法,可知他是一个有创造力、奉献精神、和社会责任感的人。故选A。
    推理判断题。 最后一段Suma对这个博物馆的作用意义进行评价,并再一次提醒人们塑料垃圾持久性的问题后,提到“But if we are still thrwing ut plastics, nne f thse are ging t be lng-term slutins (但如果我们还在扔塑料,这些都不是长久之计)”,由此可知,他认为根本解决之道是停止扔垃圾。故选B。
    Maybe yu’ve wndered what yu wuld hear if plants culd speak. There is n need t wnder any lnger. Ariel Nvplansky, an eclgist in Israel, set up an experiment amng pea plants t study hw they cmmunicate with each ther.
    In the experiments, Ariel put peas in rws f cntainers. The Center plant in the rw was the target. The pea plants had been grwn with tw main rts. On ne side, each pea plant had ne rt in its wn pt and the ther reaching int a neighbr’s pt. The central plant cnnected t its clsest neighbr, which cnnected t anther neighbr, and s n dwn the line. On the ther side, all the plants kept their rts in their wn pts, uncnnected t their neighbrs.
    With everything ready, the eclgist created a dryness fr the central target plant, which had quickly clsed up its leaf pres (气孔) t save water. Amazingly, six cnnected plants n ne side gradually clsed up their leaf pres, even thugh nly ne f them had experienced real dryness. On the ther side, with uncnnected rts pea chain, all their pres stayed pen. This means the warning signal didn’t travel frm the stressed plants leaves thrugh the air, but nly frm its rts thrugh the sil.
    It’s pssible that plants are just eavesdrpping (偷听) even if the damaged plant didn’t mean t send signals t them. Maybe the damaged plant leaks certain chemicals and nearby rts culd sense thse signals. But the plants with cnnected rts that weren’t dried ut passed n the drught signals t their neighbrs t, which means simple eavesdrpping prbably isn’t the answer. They seem t be having a real cnversatin, picking up infrmatin n ne side and sharing it with a neighbr n the ther.
    The benefit t a plant that receives this infrmatin is pretty clear. Yur neighbr may actually be yu. The plants may nt be speaking with any vlume, but dn’t let that fl yu. They arund us are saying plenty.
    8. Which aspect f the experiment is mainly talked abut in paragraph 2?
    A. Its findingB. Its design.C. Its purpse.D. Its applicatin.
    9. Hw d plants cmmunicate in the experiment?
    A. By cnnecting the rts.B. By pening their leaf pres.
    C. By leaking certain chemicals.D. By spreading a special smell.
    10. Which wrd best describes plant’s cmmunicatin?
    A. Cmplex.B. Cperative.C. Efficient.D. Mysterius.
    11. What’s the benefit t sending a signal t plant’s neighbrs?
    A. Helping their neighbrs grw.B. Develping their rts system.
    C. Imprving their living cnditin.D. Prtecting the plants and themselves.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. B 11. D
    主旨大意题题。根据第二段中的“In the experiments, Ariel put peas in rws f cntainers. The Center plant in the rw was the target. The pea plants had been grwn with tw main rts. (在实验中,Ariel把豌豆放在一排排的容器中。排中的中心植物是目标。)”可知,在实验中,Ariel把豌豆放在一排排的容器中,一排中的中间植物为目标,结合下文中对实验中的豌豆的布置以及第三段的“With everything ready, the eclgist created a dryness fr the central target plant, which had quickly clsed up its leaf pres (气孔) t save water.(一切准备就绪后,生态学家为中心目标植物创造了一个干燥的环境,它迅速关闭了叶子的毛孔以节约水分。)”可知,在一切准备就绪后,生态学家开始了实验,综合以上信息可知,本段介绍的是如何设计该实验的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“This means the warning signal didn’t travel frm the stressed plants leaves thrugh the air, but nly frm its rts thrugh the sil.(这意味着警告信号不是通过空气从受胁迫的植物的叶子传播,而是通过土壤从植物的根传播。)”可知,警告信号不是通过空气传播的,而是从植物的根传播,由此可知,这些植物是通过根进行联系的。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“But the plants with cnnected rts that weren’t dried ut passed n the drught signals t their neighbrs t, which means simple eavesdrpping prbably isn’t the answer. They seem t be having a real cnversatin, picking up infrmatin n ne side and sharing it with a neighbr n the ther.(但是根部相连的植物也会将干旱信号传递给它们的邻居,这意味着简单的窃听可能不是答案。他们似乎在进行真正的对话,一边收集信息,另一边与邻居分享。)”可知,根部相连的植物会传递给它们的邻居,他们一边收集信息,一边和邻居分享,由此可知,植物之间的交流是一种合作。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“They seem t be having a real cnversatin, picking up infrmatin n ne side and sharing it with a neighbr n the ther.(他们似乎在进行真正的对话,一边收集信息,另一边与邻居分享。)”可知,植物在进行着真正的对话,他们会把收集的信息与邻居分享,结合尾段中的“The benefit t a plant that receives this infrmatin is pretty clear. Yur neighbr may actually be yu. (植物接收到这些信息的好处是显而易见的。你的邻居可能就是你自己。)”可知,对于收到这些信息的植物的好处是明显的,而且你的邻居可能就是你自己,也就是说,帮助别人其实就是帮助自己,所以,发送信号给邻居的好处是保护邻居和自己。故选D项。
    If yu’ve ever started a sentence with, “If I were yu...” r fund yurself scratching yur head at a clleague’s headache ver a decisin when the answer is clear, there’s a scientific reasn behind it. Our wn decisin-making abilities can becme declined ver the curse f the day causing indecisin r pr chices, but chsing n behalf f smene else is an enjyable task that desn’t suffer the same truble.
    The prblem is “decisin fatigue”, a psychlgical phenmenn that greatly damages the quality f yur chices after a lng day f decisin making says Evan Plman, a leading psychlgist.
    Physicians wh have been n the jb fr several hurs, fr example, are mre likely t prescribe antibitics (抗生素) t patients when it’s unwise t d s. “Presumably it’s because it’s simple and easy t write a prescriptin and cnsider a patient case clsed rather than investigate further,” Plman says.
    But decisin fatigue ges away when yu are making the decisin fr smene else. When peple imagine themselves as advisers and imagine their wn chices as belnging t smene else, they feel less tired and rely less n decisin shrtcuts t make thse chices. “By taking upn the rle f adviser rather than decisin maker, ne des nt suffer the cnsequences f decisin fatigue,” he says. “It’s as if there’s smething fun and liberating abut making smene else’s chice.”
    Getting input frm thers nt nly ffers a fresh perspective and thught prcess; it ften als includes riskier chices. While this sunds undesirable, it can be quite gd, says Plman. “When peple experience decisin fatigue — when they are tired f making chices — they have a tendency t chse t g with the status qu,” he says. “But it can be prblematic, since a change in the curse f actin can smetimes be imprtant and lead t a psitive utcme.”
    12. What des the authr say abut peple making decisins?
    A. They becme less efficient in making decisins as the day prgresses.
    B. They shw cnsiderable variatins in their decisin-making cmpetence.
    C. They are mre cautius in making decisins fr thers than fr themselves.
    D. They are mre likely t make decisins in the way advantageus t themselves.
    13. Why des the authr mentin “physicians” in paragraph 3?
    A. T explain a principle.B. T indicate a fact.
    C. T clarify a cncept.D. T illustrate a predictin.
    14. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. The shrtcuts t decisin-making.
    B. The cnsequences f decisin fatigue.
    C. The prcess f being a decisin maker.
    D. The psychlgy f making decisins fr thers.
    15. What des the underlined phrase “the status qu” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. The decisin fatigue.B. The existing situatin.
    C. The different chice.D. The psitive utcme.
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B
    细节理解题。根据首段中的“Our wn decisin-making abilities can becme declined ver the curse f the day causing indecisin r pr chices, but chsing n behalf f smene else is an enjyable task that desn’t suffer the same truble.(我们自己的决策能力在一天的过程中会下降,导致优柔寡断或糟糕的选择,但代表别人做选择是一项愉快的任务,不会遭受同样的麻烦)”可知,在一天的过程中,人们的决策能力会下降,二给别人做选择时,不会有这样的麻烦,由此可知,随着时间的推移,他们做决定的效率会降低。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“The prblem is “decisin fatigue”, a psychlgical phenmenn that greatly damages the quality f yur chices after a lng day f decisin making says Evan Plman, a leading psychlgist.(著名心理学家埃文•波尔曼(Evan Plman)表示,问题在于“决策疲劳”,这是一种心理现象,在做了一整天的决策后,它会极大地损害你做出的选择的质量)”可知,此处讲述的是心理学家提出的一种心理现象“决策疲劳”,结合第三段中的“Physicians wh have been n the jb fr several hurs, fr example, are mre likely t prescribe antibitics (抗生素) t patients when it’s unwise t d s.(例如,工作了几个小时的医生更有可能给病人开抗生素,而这样做是不明智的)”可知,此处列举了医生在工作几个小时候,在给病人开处方时,可能做出不明智的决定,由此可知,第三段中提到“医生”是为了阐明“决策疲劳”这一心理现象。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段中的“But decisin fatigue ges away when yu are making the decisin fr smene else.(但是当你替别人做决定时,决策疲劳就会消失)”可知,代替别人做决定时,这种“决策疲劳”就会消失,结合下文中分析的为其他人做决定时的心理状态可知,本段主要讲述的是为其他人做决定时的心理现象。故选D项。
    词义猜测题。根据划线短语前的“When peple experience decisin fatigue — when they are tired f making chices— they have a tendency t chse (当人们经历决策疲劳时——当他们厌倦了做选择时——他们就会倾向于选择)”可知,人们在经历决策疲劳时,倾向于选择某种处理问题的方式,结合下文中的“But it can be prblematic, since a change in the curse f actin can smetimes be imprtant and lead t a psitive utcme.(但这可能会有问题,因为行动过程的改变有时可能很重要,并导致积极的结果)”可知,上文中的处理方式可能会有问题,因为在行动过程中,改变有时候很重要,由此可猜测,短语表达的意思是与顺应“现状”意义相近,也就是在出现“决策疲劳”时,人们倾向于选择顺应“现状”,不进行改变的处理方式。故选B项。
    Hw Star Wars Changed Mvie-making Frever
    “May the frce be with yu!” If yu are a Star Wars fan, then yu have prbably heard this phrase many times. ____16____ S many characters, devices, and phrases frm the mvie have becme well-knwn. But yu might be surprised t find ut hw much this mvie has changed hw mvies are made.
    “A lng time ag in a galaxy far, far away...” is hw Star Wars begins. Its plt was nt grund-breaking. ____17____ The stry was typical science fictin with lts f drama, traditinal characters and gd battling evil, in space and in hand-t-hand fight.
    It was the special effects that made Star Wars stand ut frm ther mvies. Peple still talk abut the light swrds (剑) that culd cut, burn and melt thrugh mst substances. Spaceships sped thrugh space and landed n huge, realistic-lking space statins. ____18____ When Star Wars first came ut in 1977, mst mvie theaters were stand-alne buildings, with just ne mvie screen. Using the mney Star Wars had made fr them, mvie-theater wners built mre theaters, leading t the multiplexes (多影厅影院) that are cmmn tday.
    Theaters needed mre mvies t shw n all the additinal mvie screens and in all the new multiplexes. S new mvie cmpanies sprang up, including small nes creating experimental mvies. They tried ut new techniques. Sme f the methds became ppular and thers failed. ____19____
    ____20____ There had been mvie cntinuatins previusly, but they were ften just pr imitatins f the first mvie. The Star Wars mvies were all ppular. There have been tw trilgies (三部曲) s far, with mre planned.
    A. In fact, it was quite ld-fashined.
    B. Mviegers had never seen anything like these.
    C. Thus, audience began t enjy science fictin mvies there.
    D. But, thanks t Star Wars, peple gt t see new types f mvies.
    E. Star Wars was the first really successful mvie trilgy in histry.
    F. If yu are nt a fan, yu’re still prbably familiar with these wrds.
    G. If yu are a mvie maker, yu may be inspired by this classic film.
    【答案】16. F 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. E
    根据空前的““May the frce be with yu!” If yu are a Star Wars fan, then yu have prbably heard this phrase many times.(“愿原力与你同在!”如果你是《星球大战》的粉丝,那么你可能听过很多次这句话。)”可知,如果你是《星球大战》粉丝,可能多次听到这句话,F选项“If yu are nt a fan, yu’re still prbably familiar with these wrds.(如果你不是粉丝,你可能仍然对这些词很熟悉。)”的句式与空前句式一致,讲述的内容与空前内容吻合,其中的still是对空前内容的进一步阐述,these wrds指代的是空前的“May the frce be with yu!”。故选F项。
    根据空前的““A lng time ag in a galaxy far, far away...” is hw Star Wars begins. Its plt was nt grund-breaking.(“很久以前,在一个遥远的星系……《星球大战》就是这样开始的。它的情节并不具有突破性。)”可知,《星球大战》的情节不具有突破性,结合空后的“The stry was typical science fictin with lts f drama, traditinal characters and gd battling evil, in space and in hand-t-hand fight.(这个故事是典型的科幻小说,有很多戏剧,传统角色和正义与邪恶的战斗,在太空和肉搏战。)”可知,该电影的故事情节是虚构的内容,由此可以推断,此空处仍是阐述《星球大战》的情节并没有什么突破,A选项“In fact, it was quite ld-fashined.(事实上,它是相当过时的。)”表达的内容与空前和空后的内容一致。故选A项。
    根据空前的“Peple still talk abut the light swrds (剑) that culd cut, burn and melt thrugh mst substances. Spaceships sped thrugh space and landed n huge, realistic-lking space statins.(人们仍然在谈论可以切割、燃烧和熔化大多数物质的光剑。宇宙飞船在太空中疾驰,降落在巨大而逼真的空间站上。)”可知,人们仍然在谈论《星球大战》中的这些场面,B选项“Mviegers had never seen anything like these.(常看电影的人从未见过这样的场面。)”中的anything like these为关键信息,指代的为空前讲述的《星球大战》中的这些场面,与空前内容吻合。故选B项。
    根据空前的“They tried ut new techniques. Sme f the methds became ppular and thers failed.(他们试验了新技术。有些方法很流行,有些则失败了。)”可知,人们不断地尝试一些新的电影技术,有的成功了,而有的失败了,D选项“But, thanks t Star Wars, peple gt t see new types f mvies.(但是,多亏了《星球大战》,人们看到了新类型的电影。)”可知,星球大战的新技术让人们看到了新类型的电影,与空前的很多电影院尝试创新,内容一致。故选D项。
    根据空后的“There had been mvie cntinuatins previusly, but they were ften just pr imitatins f the first mvie. The Star Wars mvies were all ppular. There have been tw trilgies (三部曲) s far, with mre planned.(以前也有过电影续集,但它们往往只是对第一部电影的拙劣模仿。《星球大战》电影都很受欢迎。到目前为止已经有两个三部曲,还有更多的计划。)”可知,本段讲述的是《星球大战》的续集都很受欢迎,目前为止已经有了两个三部曲,E选项“Star Wars was the first really successful mvie trilgy in histry.(《星球大战》是历史上第一部真正成功的电影三部曲。)”概括了本段的主题,其中的mvie trilgy为解题的关键信息,与空后的内容吻合。故选E项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The train had been lng delayed. Running ut f ____21____, Andy put dwn his bk and lked ut. He fund the ____22____ at nce: it was raining hard.
    He lay dwn and fell asleep but was sn wken up by a wman. She handed him his bag and ____23____ that it had slipped t the flr. He gratefully tk it back and pened it, ____24____ t see his mther’s scarf and sme sandwiches inside.
    Andy’s thughts drifted (飘) t when he was ____25____. His mther had insisted n putting her scarf in. “If it rains, it may get cld.” He remembered feeling ____26____ and had taken it ut. But it was still here.
    Suddenly Andy realized he was burning with ____27____. Feeling helpless, he called his mum. “Take a ____28____ I have put in medicine, just ____29____” she suggested. Tuched by his mther’s _____30_____ he tk the medicine and sn fell deep asleep in the _____31_____ f the scarf.
    Andy wke up later feeling much better. Then he _____32_____ the wman, wh’d helped him earlier, _____33_____ hlding a baby in her arms, bth shaking. Their clthes did little against the cld wind.
    Withut thinking twice, Andy wrapped his mther’s scarf arund the baby. T his _____34_____, the child sn fell asleep in the lve f nt ne, but tw _____35_____.
    21. A. luckB. patienceC. timeD. energy
    22. A. trainB. truthC. causeD. stry
    23. A. insistedB. explainedC. aplgizedD. admitted
    24. A. surprisedB. readyC. thankfulD. expecting
    25. A. checkingB. leavingC. planningD. packing
    26. A. hurtB. annyedC. ashamedD. puzzled
    27. A. embarrassmentB. curisityC. feverD. energy
    28. A. lkB. pillC. restD. sandwich
    29. A. fr safetyB. n purpseC. in caseD. by accident
    30. A. calmnessB. cnfidenceC. cmfrtD. care
    31. A. warmthB. memryC. smellD. tuch
    32. A. nticedB. disturbedC. upheldD. paid
    33. A. cmfrtablyB. safelyC. gentlyD. tightly
    34. A. reliefB. amazementC. mindD. advantage
    35. A. armsB. scarfsC. passengersD. mthers
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Andy快没耐心了,他放下书往外看。A. luck幸运;B. patience耐心;C. time时间;D. energy精力。根据上文中的“The train had been lng delayed.”可知,火车延误很久,所以此处指的是没有了“耐心”,向窗外看。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他立刻找到了原因:雨下得很大。A. train训练;B. truth事实;C. cause事业;D. stry故事。根据下文中的“it was raining hard.”可知,外面下着大雨,由此可知,Andy发现了火车延误的“原因”是外面雨下的很大。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她把包递给他,解释说包滑到地上了。A. insisted坚持;B. explained解释;C. aplgized道歉;D. admitted承认。根据上文中的“She handed him his bag”可知,她把包交给Andy,结合下文中的“that it had slipped t the flr.”可知,包掉到了地上,应是那位女士对Andy的“解释”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查形容词和动词词义辨析。句意:他感激地把盒子拿回去打开,惊讶地发现里面是母亲的围巾和一些三明治。A. surprised惊讶的;B. ready准备好的;C. thankful感激的;D. expecting期待的。根据下文中的“He remembered feeling ____6____ and had taken it ut. But it was still here.”可知,Andy记得在收拾东西时已经取出来,现在又出现在包里,所以Andy感到很“惊讶”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Andy的思绪飘到了他收拾东西的时候。A. checking检查;B. leaving离开;C. planning计划;D. packing收拾东西。根据下文中的“His mther had insisted n putting her scarf in.”可知,他母亲坚持让他把围巾放进去,由此可知,此处指的是Andy的思绪飘到了他“收拾东西”的时候。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他记得自己很生气,就把它拿了出来。A. hurt受伤的;B. annyed生气的;C. ashamed羞耻的;D. puzzled迷惑的。根据下文中的“and had taken it ut.”可知,Andy把围巾又取了出来,由此可推断,当时他是“生气的”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:突然,Andy意识到自己在发烧。A. embarrassment尴尬;B. curisity好奇;C. fever发烧;D. energy精力。根据下文中的“Take a ____8____ I have put in medicine”可知,母亲建议Andy吃点药,由此可知,此空指的是Andy觉得自己“发烧”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“吃一片我放在药里的药片,以防万一。”她建议道。A. lk看,表情;B. pill药片;C. rest休息;D. sandwich三明治。根据语境和上文中的“Take a ____8____ I have put in medicine”可知,此处指的是母亲给Andy准备了药,所以此处指的是吃“药片”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:“吃一片我放在药里的药片,以防万一。”她建议道。A. fr safety安全起见;B. n purpse故意地;C. in case以防万一;D. by accident偶然。根据语境和上文中的“Take a ____8____ I have put in medicine”可知,母亲给Andy准备了药,Andy又觉得自己发烧了,所以母亲应是让他吃药“以防万一”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:被母亲的关心感动了,他吃了药,很快就在围巾的温暖中睡着了。A. calmness平静;B. cnfidence自信;C. cmfrt安慰;D. care关心。根据上文中的““Take a ____8____ I have put in medicine, just ____9____” she suggested.”可知,Andy感觉无助的时候,母亲建议他吃点给他准备好的药以防万一,由此可知,此处指的是Andy被母亲的“关心”感动了。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:被母亲的关心感动了,他吃了药,很快就在围巾的温暖中睡着了。A. warmth温暖;B. memry记忆;C. smell味道;D. tuch触觉。根据常识和语境以及上文中的“and sn fell deep asleep”可知,围巾应该是有保温作用的,且作者在无助的时候,裹着母亲的围巾,也体现了母亲关爱,所以此处指的是在围巾的“温暖”中睡着了。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,他注意到那个早些时候帮过他的女人,怀里紧紧抱着一个婴儿,两个人都在颤抖。A. nticed注意到;B. disturbed打扰;C. upheld支持,维护;D. paid支付。根据下文中的“wh’d helped him earlier, ____13____ hlding a baby in her arms, bth shaking.”可知,以前帮助过他的女士抱着孩子,两个人都在发抖,由此可推断,此处是Andy“注意到”的情况。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,他注意到那个早些时候帮过他的女人,怀里紧紧抱着一个婴儿,两个人都在颤抖。A. cmfrtably舒服地;B. safely安全地;C. gently温柔地;D. tightly紧紧地。根据下文中的“Their clthes did little against the cld wind.”可知,他们两人的衣物无法抵抗寒冷,所以此处指的是这个女士“紧紧地”抱着孩子,体现母亲对孩子的爱护。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:让他感到欣慰的是,孩子很快就在两位母亲的爱中睡着了。A. relief欣慰;B. amazement惊讶;C. mind思想;D. advantage优势。根据下文中的“the child sn fell asleep in the lve f nt ne, but tw ____15____ .”可知,还在在温暖的围巾中睡着了,这让Andy感到很“欣慰”符合语境,t ne’s relief意为“让人欣慰的是”。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:让他感到欣慰的是,孩子很快就在两位母亲的爱中睡着了。A. arms胳膊;B. scarfs围巾;C. passengers乘客;D. mthers母亲。根据上文中的“Withut thinking twice, Andy wrapped his mther’s scarf arund the baby.”可知,Andy用自己母亲给他的围巾裹好孩子,此时应该是孩子在两位“母亲”的爱中睡着了。故选D项。
    Last Saturday mrning, Jasmine Harrisn became the yungest wman t rw alne acrss the Atlantic.
    Every year, rwers ____36____ (take) part in the Atlantic Campaign set ff frm the Canary Islands in December and rw rughly 3,000 miles acrss the Atlantic. Sme handle the rwing in teams f tw, three, r fur. Others, like Ms. Harrisn, rw by ____37____ (they).
    It wasn’t easy. Every day, Ms. Harrisn wuld rw fr abut 12 hurs, pushing her 550-pund bat acrss the cean. Ms. Harrisn had a satellite phne ____38____ allwed her t talk with family and friends every day. But things gt a little ____39____ (hard) after her speaker fell in the water and she culd n lnger listen t her music. There was danger, t. Twice, her bat ____40____ (turn) ver in the night by large waves. The secnd time, she hurt her elbw quite badly. Anther time, she ____41____ (near) ran int a ship.
    Smehw, she kept ging. On February 20, after 70 days, 3 hurs and 48 minutes, she reached the island f Antigua — the end f the jurney. When ____42____ (ask) what she was mst lking frward t, she said, “Fd. Definitely fd.” She celebrated her ____43____ (arrive) with a hamburger and fries.
    Ms. Harrisn’s rwing effrt ____44____ (make) her the yungest wman ever t rw acrss the Atlantic — _____45_____ any cean. But Ms. Harrisn’s trip didn’t just set a recrd, it als raised ver £18,500 fr tw charities.
    【答案】36. taking
    37 themselves
    38. which##that
    39. harder 40. was turned
    41. nearly 42. asked
    43. arrival
    44. has made
    45. r
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。主要报道的是历史上独自划船横渡大西洋最年轻的女性——Jasmine Harrisn创造记录的事迹。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:每年12月,参加大西洋帆船赛的桨手们都会从加那利群岛出发,横渡大西洋,行程约3000英里。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作定语修饰名词rwers,结合句意可知,take part in与所修饰词之间为主动关系,所以此处使用现在分词形式。故填taking。
    考查代词。句意:还有其他人,比如Harrisn,则是自己划船。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语by neself意为“独自”,句子主语thers为第三人称复数,所以此处应使用反身代词themselves。故填themselves。
    考查定语从句。句意:Harrisn女士有一部卫星电话,可以让她每天与家人和朋友通话。分析句子结构可知,此处为关系词引导的定语从句,从句中缺少主语,所以此处应使用关系代词,先行词a satellite phne指的是物,所以使用which或者that。故填which/that。
    考查形容词比较级。句意:但在她的扬声器掉进水里之后,事情变得有点困难了,她再也听不到她的音乐了。分析句子结构可知,此处为形容词作表语,结合句意以及空前的a little可知,此处应使用形容词的比较级。故填harder。
    考查谓语动词。句意:她的船两次在夜里被大浪掀翻。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据上文中的谓语动词was以及下文中的谓语动词hurt以及ran可知,此处应使用一般过去时,turn ver与句子主语her bat之间为被动关系,且句子主语为第三人称单数。故填was turned。
    考查谓语动词。句意:Harrisn女士的努力使她成为有史以来划船横渡大西洋或任何海洋的最年轻的女性。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据句意可知,此处描述的是过去的动作对现在造成的影响,所以此处应使用的是现在完成时,make与句子主语Ms. Harrisn’s rwing effrt之间为主动关系,且句子主语为第三人称单数。故填has made。
    考查连词。句意:Harrisn女士的努力使她成为有史以来划船横渡大西洋或任何海洋的最年轻的女性。分析句子结构可知,此处为并列连词连接两个并列短语,结合句意可知,the Atlantic与any cean之间为选择关系,所以此处应使用并列连词r意为“或”符合句意。故填r。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假设你是李华,你校英语社团正在举办以阅读为主题的英语演讲活动,请你就养成良好阅读习惯写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
    1. 养成良好阅读习惯的重要性;
    2. 你的建议。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80字左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卷的相应位置作答。
    Hell, everyne!
    【答案】Hell, everyne! Develping gd reading habits can help yu develp the habit f thinking frm a yung age, establish gd cmmunicatin skills and expressin skills, and learn t get alng with the wrld. Facing the brad future, frming gd reading habits can nt nly braden ur knwledge, but als imprve ur thinking ability, cultivate emtins and enhance interpersnal skills.
    Hw t develp gd reading habits? First f all, find a purpse fr yurself t read. Purpse can activate the brain. When yu have a clear reading purpse, gal, the brain will cnsciusly search in the bk can help yu achieve the gal f the cntent. Next, decide what t read. Third, set a daily r weekly reading gal.
    In a wrd, frming gd reading habits is very imprtant fr ne's develpment.
    拓宽:braden →widen
    实现:achieve →reach
    总之:in a wrd →in brief
    有意地:cnsciusly →purpsely
    原句:Next, decide what t read.
    拓展句:Next, decide what yu can read.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Facing the brad future, frming gd reading habits can nt nly braden ur knwledge, but als imprve ur thinking ability, cultivate emtins and enhance interpersnal skills.(运用了动名词作主语)
    【高分句型2】When yu have a clear reading purpse, gal, the brain will cnsciusly search in the bk can help yu achieve the gal f the cntent.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Standing utside the cave entrance, Grandfather admired the green-carpeted hills, but Lin hated the cave. He had cme here tday nly because f Grandfather.
    Grandfather preferred t use guan, the waste matter f bats, t fertilize (施肥) his crps. But he was t weak t d the whle jb. He culd gather the guan and bring it ut f the cave in the basket, but he needed Lin t carry it hme in the wden cart.
    Grandfather tk a shvel (铲子) and flashlight frm the cart. “Change yur mind and cme inside with me?” he asked Lin. “It wn’t happen again, Lin,” Grandfather prmised. “Last time it was my mistake. We shuldn’t have waited until nearly dusk (黄昏) t g inside. I knw that the bats fly ut f the cave at dusk.” That was exactly what had happened n the Terrible Day f the Bats. As Lin had std at the cave entrance, a crwd f black bats had erupted frm it. Lin had been terrified.
    “Bats hurt n ne,” Grandfather had said. “Besides, yu scared them as much as they did yu.”
    But nthing culd make Lin frget the hrrr he had felt in that black clud f bats. “I can’t g in there,” he tld Grandfather nw.
    “OK,” Grandfather said. As he started int the cave, he called ver his shulder, “I’ll be ut in n time.” Lin parked the cart and glanced at the shvel and flashlight inside it. His shvel and flashlight. He had used them befre. Nw they nly reminded him f his fear.
    Lin turned his back n the cart and walked dwn t the river. Grandfather wuld call when he was finished. Until then, Lin wuld put as much distance as pssible between himself and the cave.
    Lin watched tw little birds splashing abut at the edge f the river. He enjyed the peaceful view ver the vast river surface. Then Lin realized that Grandfather’s “n time” had turned int a lng time.
    Lin hurried up the hill tward the cave. The cart was still there. Grandfather was still inside. Smething had gne wrng.
    Lin lked arund but fund n ne he culd turn t fr help.
    In the dark cave, Lin gathered his curage and yelled again, “Grandfather!”
    【答案】Lin lked arund but fund n ne he culd turn t fr help. Panic set in as he realized that smething terrible might have happened t Grandfather. He called ut his name, but there was n respnse. Lin’s mind raced with fear and wrry. He knew he had t g int the cave, but the thught f facing his fear was almst paralyzing. After taking a few deep breaths, he summned all his curage and stepped twards the entrance.
    In the dark cave, Lin gathered his curage and yelled again, “Grandfather!” This time, the respnse was luder. Lin fllwed the sund until he reached a narrw passage. His flashlight beam revealed that Grandfather was trapped between tw large rcks. Lin’s heart sank as he realized the situatin was mre serius than he had thught. Grandfather’s leg was pinned, and he was in bvius pain. Lin knew that he had t act fast t free him. Finally, Lin heard the sund f appraching ftsteps. The rescue team had arrived. They quickly assessed the situatin and wrked t free Grandfather.
    ①抓到:summn curage/ muster up curage
    ②到达:reach/get t/arrive at
    ③陷入:be trapped /be stuck /be caught
    【点睛】【高分句型1】He knew he had t g int the cave, but the thught f facing his fear was almst paralyzing.(运用了省略that的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】Lin’s heart sank as he realized the situatin was mre serius than he had thught.(运用了as引导的状语从句和省略that的宾语从句)

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