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    这是一份2023-2024学年福建省福州高级中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含福建省福州高级中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、福建省福州高级中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

    完卷时间:120分钟 试卷总分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. Why des the wman have t change her flight?
    A. Her father is ill. B. Her flight has been canceled.
    C. She suffers frm a heart attack.
    2. Hw much is Jack’s new jacket?
    A. $100. B. $130. C. $140.
    3. Wh is prbably available fr the meeting tmrrw?
    A. Sphie. B. Peter. C. James.
    4. What is Hailee ging t d this afternn?
    A. Take part in an activity. B. Hang ut with Alex. C. Prepare fr an exam.
    5. Hw many languages are there in Ggle Translate?
    A. 133. B. 157. C. 300.
    6. Wh des Nick prbably want t talk with at first?
    A. Miss Brwn. B. Mr. Hunter C. Mrs. Cllins.
    7. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 11:00 am. B. At 2:00 pm. C. At 2:15 pm.
    8. What jb may the man want?
    A. A waiter. B. A science tutr. C. A lab assistant.
    9. Where can the man get infrmatin abut the jbs?
    A. Frm his teachers. B. In his schl lab. C. On the university website.
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
    10. What happened t the man n his jurney?
    A. He was late arriving.
    B. He culdn’t find his bags.
    C. He lst his way t the destinatin.
    11. Hw lng has the man been traveling?
    A. Fr 17 hurs. B. Fr 20 hurs. C. Fr 24 hurs.
    12. Why did the htel change the man’s rm?
    A. He paid t have a better rm.
    B. The htel has made a mistake.
    C. He has experienced a tugh time.
    13. Wh might the wman be?
    A. The man’s wife. B. The man’s neighbr. C. The man’s landlady.
    14. What des the wman think f Le Nrris?
    A. Lazy. B. Cmpetitive. C. Amusing.
    15. When des Le Nrris want t mve in?
    A. On September 28th. B. On September 30th. C. On Octber 1st.
    16. What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. The man likes cycling very much.
    B. The wman never gets up until nn n weekends.
    C. Le Nrris made a gd impressin n the wman.
    17. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a clinic. B. At a schl. C. At an ffice.
    18. What’s the matter with the man nw?
    A. He has a bad headache.
    B. He has a stmachache.
    C. He has a skin prblem.
    19. Wh recmmended the man try traditinal Chinese medicine?
    A. His dctr. B. His friend. C. His mther.
    20. What helped the wman imprve her prblems?
    A. A special tea. B. A face wash. C. Sme pills.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Histry Fair Cmpetitin
    Understanding histry is vital t understanding urselves as a peple and as a natin. Histry is much mre than the study f dusty ld bjects and events lng past. It is an essential part f wh we are tday and wh we will becme. Thrntn Middle Schl Histry Fair Cmpetitin makes understanding histry exciting, engaging, and fun!
    This Year’s Theme
    All participants must address hw cmmunicatin r transprtatin technlgy has prmted the quality f life fr Americans thrughut histry. T many peple, technlgy means cmputers, hand-held devices, r vehicles that travel t distant planets. Hwever, technlgy is als the applicatin f scientific knwledge t slve a prblem, tuching lives in cuntless ways.
    Individuals r grups may enter ne f the fllwing categries:
    ·Essay Writing
    Categry Requirements
    Perfrmance: A dramatic presentatin f the tpic n mre than 10 minutes lng. If special clthes are used, they shuld truly represent a given perid.
    Dcumentary: A visual presentatin(such as a vide, slide shw, r cmputer prject)n mre than 10 minutes lng. A desktp cmputer, screen, prjectr, and ludspeakers will be available. Students must prvide their presentatins n CDs befre Friday, March 23.
    Essay Writing: An academic paper f 2,000 t 2,500 wrds. N illustratins(图解) are allwed. Please d nt include cvers. A list f references must be included.
    Imprtant Dates
    January 5 Submit a tpic prpsal t yur histry teacher. The teacher may require a secnd prpsal if the first is ff-tpic r unclear.
    February 5 Submit a first draft f yur essay, perfrmance script(剧本), r dcumentary highlights.
    February 19 A cmmittee f teachers will evaluate materials and give pinins. Students then have an pprtunity t imprve their prducts.
    March 9 Submit a final draft f yur essay.
    March 15 Perfrmance and dcumentary cmmittee preview
    March 24 Thrntn Middle Schl Histry Fair Cmpetitin
    7:00A. M.—9:00 A. M Participants signing in at the gym
    10:00A. M.—6:00 P. M. Cmpetitin and judges’ review
    7:00P.M. Awards ceremny and picnic
    1. Accrding t Paragraph 1, what is the majr gal f understanding histry?
    A. T preserve natinal traditins.
    B. T prepare fr a histry cmpetitin.
    C. T better knw the present and future.
    D. T further explre histrical mysteries.
    2 What is the theme f this year’s cmpetitin?
    A. Technlgy advances science.
    B. Science interacts with technlgy.
    C. Science has made the study f histry easy.
    D. Technlgy has imprved the life f Americans.
    3. Amng the items prvided by the schl fr a visual presentatin are ________.
    A. special clthes and a screen
    B. a desktp cmputer and a CD
    C. a prjectr and special clthes
    D. a desktp cmputer and ludspeakers
    4. What wuld a participant have t d with an essay f 1,500 wrds t meet the categry requirement?
    A. Include mre infrmatin in the essay.
    B. Remve the references.
    C. Prvide a cver fr the essay.
    D. Explain the details with illustratins.
    5. What will the cmmittee f teachers d n February 19?
    A Preview perfrmances and dcumentaries.
    B. Make cmments n the materials.
    C. Imprve the participant’s first draft.
    D. Cllect a secnd prpsal frm the participant.
    A trial prject by the Mntreal Children’s Hspital suggested that the use f medical hypnsis (催眠) can reduce pain and anxiety in patients. The prject als resulted in a reductin in the amunt f medicines used t perfrm medical-imaging imaging(医学影像) prcedures.
    “During the examinatin children dn’t mve. It wrks perfectly. It’s amazing,” said Jhanne L’Ecuyer, a medical-imaging technlgist at the hspital.
    The prject was inspired by a French team frm Ruen University Hspital Centre where examinatins are dne under hypnsis instead f general anesthesia (麻醉).
    A French medical-imaging technlgist-als a hypntist-was invited t train a few members in the medical-imaging department f the children’s hspital. In all, 80 examinatins were cnducted fr the prject between January and September, 2019, fcusing n the imaging prcedures that wuld cause anxiety.
    Hypnsis is nt a state f sleep: It is rather a mdified (改变) state f cnsciusness. The technlgist will guide the patient t this mdified state-an imaginary wrld that will disassciate itself mre and mre frm the prcedure that fllws.
    “The technlgist must build up a stry with the patient,” Ms. L’Ecuyer said. “The patient is left with the pwer t chse what he wants t talk abut. D yu play sprts? D yu like ging t the beach? We establish a subject that we will discuss thrughut the prcedure”.
    Everything that happens next during the prcedure must be related t this stry-an injectin(注射) becmes the bite f an insect: the heat n the skin becmes the sensatin f the sun and a machine that rings becmes a plice car passing nearby.
    “The imprtant thing is that the technlgist assciates what is happening utside the patient’s bdy with what the patient sees in his head.” Ms. L’Ecuyer said. “It requires creativity n the part f the technlgist, imaginatin, a lt f patience and kindness.”
    “The prcedure appealed t the staff a lt when it was intrduced in January. It spread like wildfire that smene frm France was here t train the technlgists,” Ms. L’Ecuyer said. She added that she had a line f staff at her dr wanting t take the training.
    6. One f the results prduced by the trail prject is ______.
    A. less use f certain medicinesB. a better understanding f children
    C. new medical-imaging technlgyD. an imprved reputatin f the hspital
    7. Accrding t Paragraph 5, hypnsis wrks by ______.
    A. creating a perfect wrld fr patientsB. frcing patients int a state f deep sleep
    C. putting patients int an uncnscius stateD. leading patients’ cnsciusness away frm reality
    8. What can we learn abut the stry used in the prcedure?
    A. It is selected by the technlgist.B. It reflects the patient’s creativity.
    C. It shuld keep pace with the prcedure.D. It tells what dctrs are ding t the patient.
    9. The prcedure was received amng the staff with ______.
    A. uncertaintyB. enthusiasmC. wrryD. criticism
    10. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. An easy way t cmmunicate with patients.
    B. The standard methd f cnducting hypnsis.
    C. An intrductin f medical-imaging technlgy.
    D. The use f hypnsis in medical-imaging prcedures.
    Hw des an ecsystem(生态系统) wrk? What makes the ppulatins f different species the way they are? Why are there s many flies and s few wlves? T find an answer, scientists have built mathematical mdels f fd webs, nting wh eats whm and hw much each ne eats.
    With such mdels, scientists have fund ut sme key principles perating in fd webs. Mst fd webs, fr instance, cnsist f many weak links rather than a few strng nes. When a predatr(掠食动物) always eats huge numbers f a single prey(猎物), the tw species are strngly linked; when a predatr lives n varius species, they are weakly linked. Fd webs may be dminated by many weak links because that arrangement is mre stable ver the lng term. If a predatr can eat several species, it can survive the extinctin(灭绝) f ne f them. And if a predatr can mve n t anther species that is easier t find when a prey species becmes rare, the switch allws the riginal prey t recver. The weak links may thus keep species frm driving ne anther t extinctin.
    Mathematical mdels have als revealed that fd webs may be unstable, where small changes f tp predatrs can lead t big effects thrughut entire ecsystems. In the 1960s, scientists prpsed that predatrs at the tp f a fd web had a surprising amunt f cntrl ver the size f ppulatins f ther species—including species they did nt directly attack.
    And unplanned human activities have prved the idea f tp-dwn cntrl by tp predatrs t be true. In the cean, we fished fr tp predatrs such as cd n an industrial scale, while n land, we killed ff large predatrs such as wlves. These actins have greatly affected the eclgical balance.
    Scientists have built an early-warning system based n mathematical mdels. Ideally, the system wuld tell us when t adapt human activities that are pushing an ecsystem tward a breakdwn r wuld even allw us t pull an ecsystem back frm the brderline. Preventin is key, scientists say, because nce ecsystems pass their tipping pint(临界点), it is remarkably difficult fr them t return.
    11. What have scientists discvered with the help f mathematical mdels f fd webs?
    A. The living habits f species in fd webs.
    B The rules gverning fd webs f the ecsystems.
    C. The appraches t studying the species in the ecsystems.
    D. The differences between weak and strng links in fd webs.
    12. A strng link is fund between tw species when a predatr ________.
    A. has a wide fd chice
    B. can easily find new prey
    C. sticks t ne prey species
    D. can quickly mve t anther place
    13. What will happen if the ppulatins f tp predatrs in a fd web greatly decline?
    A. The prey species they directly attack will die ut.
    B. The species they indirectly attack will turn int tp predatrs.
    C. The living envirnment f ther species will remain unchanged.
    D. The ppulatins f ther species will experience unexpected changes.
    14. What cnclusin can be drawn frm the examples in Paragraph 4?
    A. Uncntrlled human activities greatly upset ecsystems.
    B. Rapid ecnmic develpment threatens animal habitats.
    C. Species f cmmercial value dminate ther species.
    D. Industrial activities help keep fd webs stable.
    15. Hw des an early-warning system help us maintain the eclgical balance?
    A. By getting illegal practices under cntrl.
    B. By stpping us frm killing large predatrs.
    C. By bringing the brken-dwn ecsystems back t nrmal.
    D. By signaling the urgent need fr taking preventive actin.
    Let's take a minute t think abut the water we use. The human bdy is 60% water and we need t drink lts f water t be healthy. When we are thirsty we just g t the kitchen and fill a glass with clean water.
    ___16___Fr example, farmers, wh prduce the fd we eat, use water t make the plants grw. When we turn n a light r switch n a TV r a cmputer we use energy and we need water t prduce this energy.
    The truth is that we are lucky enugh t have clean water whenever we want,but this is nt the case fr many peple arund the wrld.___17___That's arund ne in 10 peple in the wrld. If we drink dirty water,we can catch diseases frm the bacteria and becme ill. Every year ver 500,000 children die frm diarrhea(腹泻)frm dirty water. That's arund 1,400 children every day!Als,in sme cuntries children walk many kilmetres every day t get water.___18___Therefre,they dn't have time t learn hw t read r write and dn't get an educatin.
    ___19___On this day every year,cuntries arund the wrld hld events t educate peple abut the prblems f dirty water and that clean water is smething that everyne shuld have arund the wrld. At ne schl in the UK,children between the ages f 10 and 15 walk 6km with six litres f water.___20___Peple give them mney t d this and all the mney helps get clean water t as many peple as pssible arund the wrld.
    A. We use water indirectly t.
    B. Every system in ur bdy depends n water t functin.
    C. It is t inspire peple t learn mre abut water-related prblems
    D. If children walk many hurs a day t get water,they can't g t schl.
    E. Did yu knw that arund 750 millin peple d nt have clean water t drink?
    F. In 1993 the United Natins decided that March 22nd is the Wrld Day fr Water.
    G. In this way,they knw hw it feels t walk a lng distance carrying heavy bttles.
    第一节:阅读完形(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分);
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    A mistake made six years ag has turned int a hliday traditin. A grandmther wh mistakenly ____21____ a stranger t attend the family’s Thanksgiving dinner in 2016 ended up making a ____22____, and nw the pair have ____23____ the hliday tgether every year since. This year is n exceptin.
    In 2016, Wanda Dench tried t text her grandsn abut the family’s Thanksgiving dinner plans, but she ____24____ added a stranger t the message. Jamal Hintn was n the receiving end f the hliday text and jkingly accepted her ____25____.
    “Yu’re nt my grandma,” Hintn wrte back, including a selfie t ____26____ he was nt the grandsn Dench thught she was texting. “Can I still get a plate thugh?”
    Dench, ever the ____27____ grandmther, replied, “Of curse yu can. That’s what Grandmas d… ____28____ everyne.” Hintn psted abut the funny mix-up and it went viral (疯传). And n Thanksgiving day, he ____29____ drve frm Tempe, Arizna t Mesa t _____30_____ the Dench family fr the hliday. And every year since, Hintn and Dench have gt tgether fr the hliday.
    In 2020, he infrmed fllwers f sme sad news—Dench’s husband, Lnnie, had died frm COVID-19. S last Thanksgiving, _____31_____ Lnnie, the family held a small, pared-dwn (精简的) _____32_____the day after the hliday t keep the _____33_____ alive.
    This year, Hintn tweeted, “We are all set fr year 6!”, _____34_____ a screensht f their text exchange as usual. Dench’s name is saved in his phne as “Grandma Wanda”. The stry f _____35_____ went viral again—spreading sme hliday cheer n scial media.
    21. A. remindedB. invitedC. frcedD. allwed
    22. A. friendB. dealC. decisinD. stry
    23. A. plannedB. rganizedC. celebratedD. bked
    24. A. carefullyB. purpsefullyC. secretlyD. accidentally
    25. A. giftB. ideaC. fferD. aplgy
    26. A. argueB. pretendC. shwD. annunce
    27. A. generusB. strictC. patientD. caring
    28. A. frgiveB. feedC. rememberD. understand
    29. A. casuallyB. hardlyC. nearlyD. actually
    30. A. disturbB. jinC. greetD. cngratulate
    31. A. in hnr fB. in search fC. in praise fD. in place f
    32. A. cnversatinB. cnferenceC. cmpetitinD. gathering
    33. A. mistakeB. newsC. traditinD. hliday
    34. A. takingB. enjyingC. cllectingD. sharing
    35. A. hnestyB. kindnessC. genersityD. tughness
    36. 我计划用这个博客记录我的所见所闻。
    I ______ ______ ______ this blg ______ ______ my experiences and what I learn
    37. 它位于赤道以南,在地球上许多其他国家的下方,常被俗称为“dwn under”.
    ______ ______ the suth f the equatr, belw many ther cuntries n the glbe, it’s ften infrmally ______ ______ ______ “dwn under”.
    38. 少数族裔文化在塑造独特的澳大利亚文化方面也发挥了作用,还有许多随着移民而来的新文化的影响。
    ... minrity cultures have als ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the unique Australian culture, with many f the new cultural influences ______ by immigrants.
    39. 据说现在近一半的澳大利亚公民要么自己出生于海外要么父母出生于海外。
    ______ ______ ______ ______ nw nearly half f all Australian citizens were either brn verseas r have parents wh were brn verseas
    40. 我迫不及待想见到所有这一切!
    I ______ ______ ______ ______ all f them!
    41. 对我个人来说,澳大利亚让我最喜欢的就是这里的人民。
    ______ ______, what I like mst abut Australia is the peple themselves.
    42. 他们对待生活的态度简单直率、随性洒脱,他们的友善和热情让我无论走到哪里都有宾至如归的感觉。
    They have a ______ and free-and-easy attitude twards life, and their friendliness and warmth made me ______ ______ ______ wherever I went.
    43. 在游历了澳大利亚之后,我得说我十分赞同他们的旅游口号:“澳大利亚无与伦比。”(澳视群雄)
    After experiencing Australia, I have ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the turism slgan: “There’s nthing like Australia”
    44. 在古代,来自中国的丝绸沿陆路运至印度、中东和罗马,这条路后来就是闻名遐迩的“丝绸之路”。
    In ancient times, silk frm China ______ ______ ______ verland t India, the Middle East, and Rme, alng ______ ______ ______ as the Silk Rad.
    45. 以锡兰(今斯里兰卡)为中心的一条横跨海洋的贸易路线沿印度洋海岸延伸。
    A trading rute acrss the sea was als ______ ______ the casts f the Indian Ocean, centered arund Ceyln (nw Sri Lanka).
    46. 在这里,来自中国和其他许多地方的商人汇聚起,洽谈贸易协议,这也增进了对彼此文化的认识。
    Here, merchants frm China and many ther places met t ______ ______ ______, which als led t mre awareness f each ther’s cultures.
    47. 今天,跨海越洋依旧是人们强烈的渴望。
    ______ ______ ______ acrss the sea remains ______ ______ ______ tday.
    48. 这项倡议旨在鼓励横跨历史悠久的丝绸之路地区的合作与贸易,同时加强中国与世界其他地区之间的联系。
    The aim f this initiative is ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ acrss the histric Silk Rad areas, and ______ ______ ______ between China and the rest f the wrld.
    49. 近年来,贸易增长迅猛,未来几年也将继续增长。
    Trading ______ ______ greatly in recent years, and will ______ ______ ______ s in years t cme.
    50. 中国已经在这些沿线地区的运输系统和服务上投入了数十亿美元,这将促进整个地区实现大发展,有利于未来的贸易和文化交流。
    China has invested billins in systems and services alng these rutes, which will help t greatly develp the whle area ______ ______ ______ ______ future trade and cultural exchange.
    第一节 应用文(满分 15分)
    51. 调查显示,中国长江江豚(finless prpise)受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不足1000只。假设你是李华,现请用英文给WWF(世界自然保护基金组织)写一封信,请他们关注这一状况并提供帮助。内容应包括:
    3.希望WWF 如何帮助(比如:资助江豚保护项目等)
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I’m a student frm Fujian, China. I’m writing t call yur attentin t the danger finless pprises are currently in.
    Yurs Sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Pam Bales left her car and stepped nt the snw-cvered Jewell Trail. She planned a six-hur hike thrugh New Hampshire’s Munt Washingtn State Park. The hike up the lwer part f Jewell was pleasant. At 8:30 am, still belw the tree line, she tk the first in a series f n-the-trail selfies.
    Less than an hur later, she tk anther pht, after she’d climbed int clder air and deeper snws. She made her way acrss the snw-cvered ridge tward Munt Washingtn. Then she nticed smething: a single set f ftprints in the snw ahead f her. She’d been fllwing faint tracks all day and hadn’t given them much thught, because s many peple climb Jewell Trail. But these, she realized, had been made by a pair f trainers, nt suitable fr hiking n snw.
    By 11 am, Bales was getting cld and decided t abandn her plan. The nly thing keeping Bales n Gulfside Trail was the trainer tracks in the snw. As she fught the wind and heavy sleet (雨夹雪), the tracks made a hard left-hand turn ff the trail.
    Nw she alarmed. She was sure the hiker culd get thrugh in the w visibility and was heading straight tward the challenging trails f the Great Gulf Wilderness. Bales std there, stunned. The temperature and cluds were in a race t find their lwest pint, and darkness was mere hurs away. She turned t the left and called ut, “Hell!” int the frzen fg.
    Nthing. She called ut again: “Is anybdy ut there? D yu need help?”
    The strng westerly winds carried her vice away. She blew int her rescue whistle. Fr a fleeting mment she thught she heard smene reply, but it was just the wind playing games with her mind. She std listening, then turned and walked cautiusly in the directin f the single set f tracks. Bales fllwed the tracks cautiusly fr 20 t 30 meters. She runded a slight crner and saw a man sitting mtinless.
    When she apprached him and said hell, he did nt react.
    After waking the man up, Bales recgnized that they had t get ut f there sn.

    福建省福州市华威高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题: 这是一份福建省福州市华威高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题,共5页。

    2023-2024学年福建省福州金桥学校高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年福建省福州金桥学校高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含福建省福州金桥学校2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、福建省福州金桥学校2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

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