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    Mtring writer, Simn Heptinstall nce said that the mst interesting thing abut cars isn't the car at all. Is it true that the mtrists make better stries than their mtrs? Here are 3 stries t help make yur wn decisin.
    Henry Frd built the Quadricycle
    In 1896, the great inventive engineer Henry Frd finished building his first car, called the Quadricycle, in a small shed behind his huse. He became ne f the wrld's mst successful businessmen later--but this time he had badly miscalculated. The cmpleted Quadricycle wuldn't fit ut thrugh the dr. He'd built it bigger than the width f the dr. Henry had t use an axe t chp ut the drframe t make the pening wider. Then he culd ultimately get his pineering creatin ut fr its first drive. It is nw an exhibit in Henry Frd Museum.
    Nel Gallagher frgt buying a car
    Millinaire rck star Nel Gallagher frgt he'd bught a brand-new classic car fr £110,000. The frmer guitarist was puzzled when a Jaguar Mark Il arrived at his huse n a delivery truck. It turned ut he had rdered it tw years previusly. At the time he rdered it he had hped t learn t drive--but never gt rund it. He frgt the whle thing, and the car still sits unused in his garage.
    Maria Mugn made her car hairy
    Accrding t the Guinness Bk f Recrds, the wrld’s hairiest car is a Fiat 50 wned by Maria Mugn f Salern in Italy. The Italian hairdresser has spent hundreds f hurs imprting bags f human hair frm India, because she claims the hair is strnger. She then sticks the lcks nt every surface f the car, inside and ut. Her furry Fiat is still rad-illegal hwever.
    ( )1. What is the mst interesting thing abut cars accrding t Simn?
    A. The drivers.
    B. The price.
    C. The speed.
    D. The appearance.
    ( )2. What d the three cars have in cmmn?
    A. They are Guinness recrd hlders.
    B. They are invented by their wners.
    C. They are nt permitted t g n rad.
    D. They are nt in use fr certain reasns.
    ( )3. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. An engineering textbk.
    B. A car advertisement.
    C. An autmbile magazine.
    D. An academic article.
    At the United Natins COP27 climate cnference in Egypt, UN Secretary-General Antni Guterres claimed that the wrld is n a “highway t climate hell with ur ft still n the acceleratr(油门)”. T keep temperature frm rising 1.5 degrees Celsius abve preindustrial levels by 2100, we need t pull a stp n greenhuse gas emissins. In fact, we'd basically have t bring the runaway truck t a cmplete and immediate stp. Nw is the time fr us t pull back befre it is t late.
    The climate pledges(承诺) made by natins at last year's COP26 cnference felt like a psitive step in the right directin, but there’s very little dubt that the average temperature rise n the Earth will pass the 1.5-degree mark in the cming decades. Can we limit this versht? And hw might we d that?
    A study, released Thursday in the scientific jurnal Nature Climate Change, tried t answer thse questins by mdeling 27 different emissins reductin pathways f varying ambitin. It came t an unsurprising cnclusin: Cuntries need t act by increasing the ambitin f their climate pledges. And they need t act nw.
    The 1.5-degree rise has lng been seen as a critical mark in the fight against climate change. Since the signing f the Paris Agreement at COP21 seven years ag, scientists have studied hw this level f warming abve preindustrial temperatures wuld affect the Earth. The mdels they’ve built shw we are likely t see mre extreme weather events, in additin t glacial melt, sea level rise that threatens many lw-lying Pacific natins and significant lss f bidiversity nce temperatures push past an increase f 1.5 degrees.
    Thugh the 1.5-degree target is practically dead, the situatin isn’t hpeless. Nw mre than ever, there's reasn t reduce greenhuse gas emissins by setting mre ambitius gals. Hwever, ambitin alne is nt enugh. We als need actin-investing in renewables and technlgies like carbn capture and rapidly transfrming ur energy systems.
    ( )4. What did Antni Guterres try t d in the first paragraph?
    A. Make a request.
    B. Issue a warning.
    C. Prvide a slutin.
    D. Offer a suggestin.
    ( )5. What was the cnclusin f the study released in Nature Climate Change?
    A. What's dne cannt be undne.
    B. Setting a gal is what matters.
    C. Actin speaks luder than wrds.
    D. Failing t plan is planning t fail.
    ( )6. What's the purpse f the mdels the scientists have built?
    A. T shw the cnsequences f rising temperatures.
    B. T predict the prblems with extreme weather events.
    C. T find the slutins t cntrlling glbal warning.
    D. T tell the imprtance f prtecting the envirnment.
    ( )7. Hw des the authr end the text?
    A. By sharing cnfidence and inspiring.
    B. By expressing cncern and criticizing.
    C. By vicing dubts and making cmplaints.
    D. By spreading hpe and appealing fr actin.
    When Stephen Sndheim died n Nv. 26, 2021, at age 91, I didn't shw an inclinatin t watch his Bradway musicals. Smething in me instead wanted t see Al Hirschfeld’s drawings f Sndheim's shws and characters ver the decades.
    As a by grwing up in the Bstn suburbs in the 1970s, Hirschfeld’s images were my first ticket t Bradway, transprted by their publicatin in The Times's Arts &Leisure sectin. And they were als hw I frmed an early bnd with my parents, ne that std ver time and even int their years with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默症).
    “Oklahma!" was the first musical my parent tk me t, in Bstn, when I was six.
    Arund that time, I asked them why we gt The Times when we didn’t live in New Yrk. They said they still cnsidered themselves New Yrkers and they lved Arts & Leisure and Hirschfeld’s drawings abut theater. His drawings were like a lifeline fr my parents t New Yrk City ver the decades, and they helped pen the dr fr me t Sndheim.
    This is hw:
    I made my way t New Yrk in 1989, as a freshman at N. Y. U., where I met a drmmate wh lked like Hirschfeld's drawing f little Red Riding Hd frm Sndheim’s "Int that Wds". Her name was Daniclle Ferland. I tld my parents abut this Hirschfeld-in-the-flesh excitedly by phne. Danielle and ther friends intrduced me t Sndheim's music which evke(唤起) my memries f Hirschfeld's drawings.
    As my parents grew lder, it was harder t take them t see shws with me. But in my years as the theater reprter at The Times, they wuld ask what I was seeing in New Yrk and were happy t hear abut Angela Lansbury perfrming in a 2009 revival(重演) f Sndheim’s “A Little Night Music”. They remembered her characteristic eyes frm Hirschfeld’s drawings.
    ( )8. What des the underlined part “an inclinatin" in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. An ability.
    B. A tendency.
    C. An pprtunity.
    D. A respnsibility.
    ( )9. What d Hirschfeld's drawings mean t the authr?
    A. A difficult childhd.
    B. A chance t wrk fr Bradway.
    C. A cure fr a disease in his later years.
    D. An inseparable life with his parents.
    ( )10.What intrduced t the authr Sndheim’s music?
    A. Stries publicized in The Times.
    B. The musical his parents tk him t.
    C. A curse he signed up fr at university.
    D. Recmmendatins made by his friends.
    ( )11. What did the authr's parents still remember abut “A Little Night Music"?
    A. The time f its first staging.
    B. The excitement it had caused.
    C. The drawings f its perfrmer.
    D. The perfrmance n Bradway.
    Fatherhd is seen as dispensable. Peple freely and frequently undermine(削弱) a dad’s rle in child-rearing by assuming that he can't pssibly be in charge f a baby n his wn r by suggesting that he is such a great dad because he spent ten minutes rcking his wn child t sleep. What a her--ding smething that he shuldn't have t d because, if we're all hnest, it's a mum's jb.
    Stries f fathers in the media tend t fcus n their absence. Until relatively recently, fathers were either missing, played a very specific and distant rle f breadwinner, r were pr idits incapable f using a washing machine. We're prgrammed t believe that fathers dn’t pssess the ‘nurturing gene’ and that this shuld be the sle respnsibility f the mther. The thing is, that is bullshit. Like mthers, fathers have been shaped by evlutin t be bilgically, psychlgically and behavirally primed t parent. The hrmnal and brain changes seen in new mthers are mirrred in fathers. Their ability t parent is nt based n bilgy; it is based n hw much time they spend with their children.
    Nnetheless, n matter hw hard cuples try t rebalance the caring duties, we cntinue t bang ur heads against a gendered wall. Our heads-and the heads f almst everyne arund us-are filled with nnsense by advertisers and the media wh lve nthing mre than creating a “gender war" ut f everything. S even thugh it's 2023 and science is telling us the cmplete ppsite, the narrative remains that wmen are better and mre "natural" carers, that they're the nly nes wh can multi-task, men dn’t really care abut children and are dangerus arund them-and s n.
    All f this can be hard t slve when yu realize that the nly way yu can make ends meet is fr the mther t stay ff wrk r g dwn t part-time when the baby arrives, and fr the dad t stay full-time with a killer cmmute. And f curse it's true that sme f us end up internalizing all f this and start t believe the gender steretypes(刻板印象).
    ( )12. The underlined wrd “dispensable’" means“_________”.
    A. determining and prfund
    B. incmpetent and punishing
    C. nt necessary r essential
    D. nt attractive r appealing
    ( )l3. Which f the fllwing statements will the authr agree with?
    A. A father wh spends ten minutes rcking his kid t sleep shuld be regarded as a her.
    B. Wmen’s better parenting abilities are mainly predetermined by their bilgical features.
    C. The mre time a father spends with his kids, the better he will be at lking after them.
    D. Wmen are the nly nes wh can keep the balance between their wrk and career.
    ( )14. What is the authr's attitude twards the current distributin f parenting duties?
    A. Favurable.
    B. Uninterested.
    C. Prejudiced.
    D. Dissatisfied.
    ( )15. What might be the best title fr the text?
    A. Desperate Husewives
    B. The Absence f Fatherhd
    C. Happy Wife, Happy Life
    D. The Manhd Crisis
    What is a Fd Critic
    A fd critic is a writer wh specializes in writing criticisms f fd. Like theater and mvie critics, fd critics are suppsed t prvide thughtful, well-infrmed, and bjective infrmatin t the public s that members f the public can make decisins abut where t spend their mney. 16 Hwever, sme may als engage in mre general fd writing.
    Becming a fd critic takes time. Many fd critics pursue prfessinal experiences in the wrld f fd, attending culinary schls, wrking in restaurants, participating in farming, and s frth. 17 A gd fd critic is extremely knwledgeable abut fd, frm hw certain fds are harvested t the histry f varius dishes. Fd critics als have very well-develped palates, and they may specialize in a particular area.
    l8 Fd critics may mve between publishers ver the curse f their careers, r start wrking fr the fd sectin f a paper and wrking up t a psitin as a fd critic. A handful f critics becme well knwn and well respected, with mst primarily being knwn nly in the area they serve.
    Prfessinal integrity is very imprtant fr fd critics. Many make reservatins and visit restaurants annymusly(匿名地), s that they get an idea f hw a restaurant serves rdinary custmers. They als make repeat visits s that they can make fair and balanced assessments f a restaurant and its fferings. 19 Implicatins f favritism r bribery(贿赂)can ruin the reputatin f a fd critic.
    This is what fd critics are like. They describe and evaluate the fd, prviding pinins n its quality. 20 These can be used as a reference fr readers t make decisins.
    16._______ 17.________ 18._________ 19.___________ 20.___________
    第二部分 语言运用
    It's ften the simple things in life that make the mst significant impact n us. It was late ne afternn in mid-September. My three-mnth-ld sn was napping in his 21 . As I wandered thrugh ur living rm, I 22 t lk ut f my balcny windw. Puddles(水坑) had 23 n the grund and the rain had slwed.
    Dwn belw 24 a by f abut fur. Filled with a mixture f 25 and happiness, he stmped(踩) thrugh the puddle, mud and water flying. He walked, stmped, splashed thrugh that puddle 26 , happily enjying what mther nature had left fr him.
    Nt mre than ten feet away std his mther. She didn't scld him. 27 , she watched with a pleasant smile n her face. She shwed n 28 fr a little mud and fr the laundry she wuld later have t d. As fr me, it was a(n) 29 mment that changed the way I will frever view my rle as a mther.
    The little by prbably will 30 each afternn that his mther takes him utside, as he 31 . He may nt remember each little thing that happens each time his mther lets him 32 his wrld. But he will remember that his mther 33 him and he will knw that she helps him t learn and grw in a pleasant and fun envirnment.
    Maybe we can all learn frm the inncence f 34 that views a rainstrm nt as smething
    t run thrugh r t avid, but smething meant t explre, t 35 and t lve.
    ( )21. A. desk B. bed C. ty D. bench
    ( )22. A.attempted B.subscribed C.happened D. yielded
    ( )23. A.frmed B. left C.saved D.cllected
    ( )24. A.waved B.trembled C.std D. slid
    ( )25. A. suspicin B. fascinatin C.ambitin D.expectatin
    ( )26. A. by and by B. mre r less C. nw and then D. ver and ver
    ( )27. A. Instead B. Hwever C. Therefre D. Als
    ( )28. A.cncern B.respect C. desire D. interest
    ( )29. A. embarrassing B.cnfusing C. tuching D. exhausting
    ( ) B. remember C. frget D. recall
    ( )31. A.grws up B. lses heart C. turns in D. cries ut
    ( )32. A. visit B.explre C.find D. understand
    ( )33. A. lves B. helps C. sclds D. kisses
    ( )34. A. yuth B. childhd C. majrity D.adulthd
    ( )35. A. await B. share C. stp D.enjy
    On ne late-autumn day,Wang Ting, 36 resident in the Shanxi prvincial capital f Taiyuan, tk his family t the Jueweishan Muntain in the city's nrthwestern suburbs t take hundreds f pictures.
    "Autumn is usually the best seasn fr Taiyuan," Wang said. “But that was nt necessarily true in the past fr the city, 37 was trubled by pllutin frm heavy industry cmpanies."
    A change fr the better, nt nly in Taiyuan but the entire Shanxi Prvince, 38 (take) place ver the past few years thanks t the lcal gvernments and peple's effrts in envirnmental prtectin.
    Statistics frm the Shanxi Department f Eclgy and Envirnment shw that 39 (cmpare) with 65.7 percent in 2017, Shanxi had 72.1 percent f its days with an air quality reaching gd and excellent levels in 2021. There is als an bvius 40 (imprve) in water quality acrss rivers and lakes.
    During a recent news cnference, Wang Yanfeng, head f the department, said that Shanxi has been hlding the idea that green muntains and clear waters are 41 gd as muntains f gld and silver 42 (achieve) a balance between the envirnment and scial ecnmic develpment ver the past few years.
    “Our initiatives include upgrading lcal industries t clean prductin, 43 (develp) clean energy resurces, reducing pllutin and emissins, and prmting envirnmentally friendly industries as new grwth drivers," Wang said
    After the industrial upgrades, Shanxi, 44 (traditin) a cal-prducing prvince, is seeing 75 percent f 45 (it) cal utput generated frm advanced and clean prductin facivilities. In the pwer industry, 34.3 percent f the electricity in Shanxi nw cmes frm new and renewable energy resurces, accrding t Wang
    36.________. 37.__________. 38._________. 39.__________. 40.____________.
    41.________. 42.__________. 43._________. 44.__________. 45.____________.
    第三部分 写作
    ①申请理由;② 自身优势;③表达期待。
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Li Hua
    There were nce tw rabbits,Wanda the Wise and Frederick the Flish, wh were walking thrugh a field. They were gd friends and enjyed their wander tgether.
    On this walk, they came upn tw carrts. One f the carrts had large leaves cming ut f the tp and the ther lked much smaller frm the surface. Frederick was excited and ran up t the carrt with larger leaves. “I’ll have this ne,” he prudly exclaimed(叫 喊) and prceeded t pull it ut frm the grund. Wanda shrugged(耸肩) her shulders and pulled ut the ther carrt, which turned ut t be much bigger. Frederick was surprised and asked hw this culd pssibly be. Wanda lked at her friend and replied, “Yu can't always judge a carrt by its leaves.”
    They kept n walking and came acrss anther pair f carrts, again with different sized leaves. This time Frederick allwed his friend the first pick. Wanda hpped(跳跃) t each carrt, inspected and smelled them carefully and, t Frederick’s surprise, chse the carrt with larger leaves.
    As they each pulled their carrts ut frm the grund, Frederick was cnfused t see that his carrt was still smaller than Wanda’s.
    “Yu said that carrts with larger leaves are nt always larger, s I thught carrts with smaller leaves meant larger nes," he said.
    “N," replied Wanda. "I said dn’t judge a carrt by its leaves. It’s als imprtant t remember t think befre yu chse."
    Frederick ndded and they ate their carrts befre cntinuing their wander
    Fr a third time, they fund tw carrts, again with different sized leaves. Frederick lked cnfused and didn’t knw what t d. Wanda indicated that he culd chse which carrt t eat.
    所续写的短文词数应为150 左右;
    Paragraph 1:
    Frederick, the pr flish rabbit, didn't really knw what t d._______________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Wanda smiled warmly, hpped ver t the bigger carrt and pulled it ut fr his friend._____
    阅读:1-3: ADC 4-7: BCAD 8-11: BDDC 12-15:CCDB
    完形填空: 21-25:BCACB 26-30: DAACC 31-35:ABABD
    36._a___. 37.__which___. 38._has taken___. 39.__cmpared__. 40.__imprvement___.
    41._as____. 42._t achieve____. 43.__develping__. 44.__traditinally___. 45.__its____.
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I'm Li Hua. I'm writing t apply t act as a vlunteer at the sprts meet.
    I’ve been dreaming t vlunteer in majr internatinal sprts events. S I want t seize this pprtunity t make my dream a reality. I believe I'm a qualified candidate. My fluent spken English ensures my effective cmmunicatin with the freign athletes. With my extended knwledge fr sprts, I can successfully fulfill my missin.
    I wuld be grateful if yu culd ffer me the pprtunity.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    Frederick, the pr flish rabbit, didn't really knw what t d. He pretended t inspect and smell them carefully, just as Wanda did, but in vain. He was abut t pull the carrt with bigger leaves when he was trn inside. What if the ther carrt was bigger? He was at a lss and didn’t knw which carrt was bigger. “My best friend, please help me!" S eager was Frederick t eat the bigger carrt that he stamped his feet, sweating n his head.
    Paragraph 2:题号
    A. Fd critics have the right t scre the restaurant.
    B. It's imprtant fr them t be familiar with varieties f fd.
    C. Avidance f gifts frm restaurateurs is als very imprtant.
    D. Therefre, they can learn abut every aspect f the fd industry
    E. After cnsidering all aspects f the dining experience, they generate ratings.
    F. Fd critics primarily write abut restaurants frm fast fd establishments t fancy restaurants.
    G. Once a fd critic has gained experience, he r she can start writing articles fr magazines and newspapers.

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