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    这是一份2023-2024学年辽宁省铁岭市某校高二上学期第二次阶段考试英语试题含答案,文件包含辽宁省铁岭市某校2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次阶段考试英语试题docx、英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. Why des Brian g t the hspital?
    A. T see a patient.B. T see a dctr.C. T bring a bk t Mary.
    2. Why is the man upset?
    A. He made a wrng call.B. His phne des nt wrk.C. The machine is nt useful.
    3. What is the TV prgram mainly abut?
    A. Family.B. Peple ver 40.C. Cancer research.
    4. Why did the man arrive late?
    A. His car brke dwn.B. He had a lng meeting.C. He met smene else n the way.
    5. Why des Kendra need help?
    A. She is a new student.B. She missed sme classes.C. She always fails in science.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1 .5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Why did the wman give up her dream t be a gym teacher?
    A. She didn’t have the equipment.
    B. She culdn’t affrd the expense.
    C. She fund the training was hard.
    7. What des the wman think f her jb?
    A. It’s disappinting.B. It’s bring.C. It’s satisfying.
    8. Where did the tmat sauce cme frm?
    A. A lcal farm.B. A stre nly five miles away. C. The man’s wn tmates
    9. What des the wman think f cking?
    A. She enjys it.B. It makes her feel creative.C. She desn’t have the patience fr it.
    10. When did the man’s bss call Jeff?
    A. In the mrning.B. In the afternn.C. In the evening.
    11. Hw did Jeff explain everything?
    A. Over the phne.B. By e-mail.C. In persn.
    12. Why didn’t Jeff cme t the ffice n Tuesday?
    A. He was sick.B. He was ff the day.C. He was wrking smewhere else.
    13. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Excited.B. Angry.C. Surprised.
    14. What made Jane start bxing?
    A. A film.B. A friend.C. A game.
    15. What did Jane’s family think f her when she tk up bxing?
    A. Brave.B. Smart.C. Crazy.
    16. What des Jane usually d befre a bxing match?
    A. Stay relaxed.B. G camping.C. Get training.
    17. What is the best thing Jane gains frm ding bxing?
    A. Friendship.B. Fitness.C. Respect.
    18. What des the speaker say abut Castle Hward?
    A. It tk its name frm a film.
    B. It has been hme t a family.
    C. It was nce used fr defence.
    19. What is special abut the Walled Gardens?
    A. It’s pen every day f the year.
    B. It’s the largest garden in England.
    C. It’s planted with many kinds f rses.
    20. Wh is prbably the speaker?
    A. A tur guide.B. A gardener.C. A news reprter.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Dark Sky Parks Arund the Wrld
    Warrumbungle Natinal Park
    Situated in the central west slpes f New Suth Wales is Australia's nly dark sky park, Warrumbungle. The park has served as a dark sky park since July 2016. Its crystal-clear night skies and high altitude ( 海 拔 ) make it a natural, educatinal and astrnmical heritage site in the suthern half f the earth. Turists can use Australia's largest ptical telescpe within the park bundaries t view the aurras (极 光), the Milky Way and faint shting stars.
    Sark is a Channel Island near the cast f Nrmandy under the prtectin f the UK. It was the
    Wrld's First Dark Sky Island set up in January 2011. Its histrical and cultural blend (交融) attracts ver 40,000 turists annually. With n mtr vehicles and public lighting n the island, there is an exceptinal view f the dark skies. A rich Milky Way is visible in the dark night skies frm the shres f the island.
    Pic du Midi de Bigrre
    Pic du Midi de Bigrre in France was designated as a dark sky park in December 2013 making it the secnd largest dark sky park in the wrld. The park cvers 3,112 square kilmetres spread acrss the Pyrenees Natinal Park and UNESCO's Wrld Heritage site, Pyrenees-Mnt Perdu. The park attracts ver ne hundred star watchers every year. The Observatry Midi-Pyrenees, which was built in 1870,is ne f the wrld's highest museums at a height f 2,877 metres abve sea level.
    Ramn Crater/Makhtesh Ramn
    Ramn Crater is a unique1,100-square-kilmetre nature reserve lcated in the Negev Desert in Israel. In 2017,Ramn Crater became the first designated dark sky park in the Middle East. Its lcatin, rugh climate and frbidding landscape that are characteristic f the Negev have largely defeated histrical attempts fr human settlement, making it a great place t view the night skies. Stargazers usually camp in the desert t have an uninterrupted view f the stars, planets and the Milky Way.
    21. Which was the first t be designated as a dark sky park?
    A. Sark. B. Pic du Midi de Bigrre.
    C. Warrumbungle Natinal Park. D. Ramn Crater / Makhtesh Ramn.
    22.What can we NOT view at Warrumbungle Natinal Park?
    A. The aurras. B. The planets.
    C. The Milky Way. D. Shting stars.
    23.What d we knw abut Ramn Crater frm the passage?
    A. It's a natural heritage site. B. It cvers 3,112 square kilmetres.
    C. Its gegraphical cnditins are tugh. D. It's a great place fr humans t settle in.
    On March 15,2022, Francis Kéré was awarded the Priuzker Prize, therwise knwn as the Nbel Prize fr architecture, becming the first African architect ever t btain this prize.
    His path t success was nt smth. When he was 7 years ld, Francis Keré left his family hme t attend schl because his village, Gand in Burkina Fas, did nt have ne schl f its wn. Thirteen years later, he mved t Germany n a carpentry schlarship, with a dream f returning hme ne day t build the classrms that didn't exist then. Keré achieved just that, becming an architect and cmpleting his first building, Gand Primary Schl, in 2001.
    Casting (铸 造 ) mud like cncrete and using lcal materials ver imprted nes, Kéré prpsed a particular visin f structure that bth strengthens cmmunities and respnds t the climate crisis. As such, Tuesday's Pritzker Prize annuncement is nt nly a nd f apprval fr him, but fr “vernacular” architecture—a term used t describe designs that directly respnd t lcal climates, materials and building traditins—itself. He als let the whle village participate in the design, encuraging them t cnstruct the schl, using lcal wd t press the stne flrs and lcal clay t make bricks. The result was a welcming structure with a “flating” rf that allws natural winds in a ht climate, and wall penings that bring light fr students t learn even withut electricity. Mr. Kéré shwed the villagers that ideas t deal with climate r ther challenges are always at hand.
    Thugh, Kere has since designed bigger prjects, including many natinal-scale(规模)prjects differing in size, his apprach remains grunded in Gand. “That's hw I'm trying t translate the wrk I have started in Gand t structures that present natinal pride,” says the newly-awarded architect.
    Kéré will fficially be named Pritzker winner at a ceremny in Lndn later this year. As with previus winner, he will be awarded a $100,000 grant and a brnze medal.
    24. What des the authr intend t d in Paragraph 2?
    Off the cast f Frmentera, an island, lives seagrass that stretches 15 kilmetres. The seagrass, cvering several hectares, is made up f a single rganism. The grass is als lng-lived, fr tens r hundreds f thusands f years. Alng with tw ther kinds f castal ecsystems—mangrve swamps(红树沼泽) and tidal marshes, seagrass meadws are particularly gd at taking carbn dixide frm the air.
    This rle was highlighted in a reprt, which was published n March 2nd by UNESCO, n blue carbn—the carbn taken in by Earth's ceanic and castal ecsystems. In ttal arund 33 billin tns f carbn dixide, abut three quarters f the wrld's emissins in 2019,are lcked away in the planet's blue carbn sinks. Research by Carls Duarte, the reprt's authr and a marine(海洋的) eclgist, has shwn that ne hectare f seagrass can take in as much carbn dixide each year as 15 hectares f rainfrest.
    One reasn that blue-carbn ecsystems make such effective sinks is that underwater frests are thicker than the land-based wds. They can als trap (收集) flating pieces and rganic matter, which settles n the sea flr and can duble the amunt f carbn stred away. They have anther advantage, t. Climate change is leading t mre wildfires arund the wrld. As frests burn, their carbn stcks are released back int the atmsphere. Unlike frests n land, blue-carbn ecsystems d nt burn.
    Blue-carbn ecsystems may nt be fired, but they remain affected t ther srts f disasters. In May2020 hurricane Amphan destryed1,200 square kilmetres f mangrve frest. A marine heatwave in Australian waters in 2010 and 2011 damaged arund ne third f the wrld's largest seagrass meadw in Shark Bay. “Mangrve frests can weaken r cntrl waves and prvide natural barriers t strm surges. Prtecting and expanding them, then, appears t be a must," said a marine bilgist.
    28.What des the secnd paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. The detailed explanatin f blue carbn.
    B. The special features f the seagrass.
    C. The dubt abut the blue-carbn ecsystems.
    D. The capacity f the blue-carbn ecsystems t stre carbn.
    29.Why can the blue-carbn ecsystems make such effective sinks?
    A. There are mre underwater animals.
    B. Their carbn stcks are released back.
    C. They have great ability t absrb carbn.
    D. They aren't influenced by natural disasters
    Running is ften tiring and a lt f hard wrk, but nthing beats the feeling yu get after finishing a lng wrkut arund the track.
    But while it's lng been believed that endrphins(内啡肽)—chemicals in the bdy that cause happiness—are behind the s-called “runner's high”, a study suggested that there may be mre t this phenmenn than we previusly knew.
    Accrding t a recent study published by a grup f scientists frm several German universities, a grup f chemicals called endcannabinids(内源性大麻素) may actually be respnsible fr this familiar great feeling.
    T test this thery, the scientists turned t mice. Bth mice and humans release high levels f endrphins and endcannabinids after exercise. After exercising n running wheels, the mice seemed happy and relaxed and displayed n signs f anxiety. But after being given a drug t blck their endrphins, the mice's behavir didn't seem t change. Hwever, when their endcannabinids were blcked with a different drug, their runners’ high symptms seemed t fade.
    “The lng-held ntin f endrphins being respnsible fr the runner's high is false. Endrphins are effective pain relievers, but nly when it cmes t the pain in yur bdy and muscles yu feel after wrking ut,” Patrick Lucas Austin wrte n science blg Lifchacker.
    Similar studies are yet t be carried ut n humans, but it's already knwn that exercise is a highly effective way t get rid f stress r anxiety. The UK's Natinal Health Service even prescribes (开药 方)exercise t patients wh are suffering frm depressin. “Being depressed can leave yu feeling lw in energy, which might put yu ff being mre active. Regular exercise can imprve yur md if yu have depressin, and its especially useful fr peple with mild t mderate(中等的) depressin,” it wrte n its website.
    It seems like nthing can beat that feeling we get after a gd wrkut, even if we dn't fully understand where it cmes frm. At least if we're feeling dwn, we knw that all we have t d is t put n ur running shes.
    32.What did scientists frm German universities recently discver?
    A. Wrking ut is a highly effective way t treat depressin.
    B. The runner's high culd be caused by endcannabinids.
    C. Endrphins may cntribute t ne's high spirits after running.
    D. The level f endrphins and endcannabinids culd affect ne's md.
    33.Why did the scientists give mice drugs in their experiment?
    A. T find what reduces the runner's high symptms.
    B. T see the specific symptms f the runner's high.
    C. T identify what is respnsible fr the runner's high.
    D. T test what influences the level f endcannabinids released.
    34.What des the underlined wrd “ntin” mean?
    A. Effect. B. Gal. C. Opinin. D. Questin
    35.What can we knw abut regular wrkuts accrding t the UK's Natinal Health Service?
    A. They can help ease depressin symptms.
    B. They are the best way t treat depressin.
    C. They nly wrk fr thse with serius depressin.
    D. They can help peple cmpletely recver frm depressin.
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
    When everything ges wrng, always lk at what yu have, instead f what yu have lst. Because it's nt what the wrld takes away frm yu that matters; it's what yu d with what yu have left. 36
    Pain is part f grwing.
    Smetimes life clses drs because it's time t mve frward. 37 When times are tugh, remind yurself that n pain cmes withut a purpse. Remember that there are tw kinds f pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes yu. When yu rll with life, instead f resisting it, bth kinds help yu grw.
    Every time yu get hurt, yu heal(痊愈). After darkness there is always light—yu are reminded f this every mrning, but still yu ften frget, and instead chse t believe that the night will last frever. It wn't. Nthing lasts frever.
    Cmplaining changes nthing.
    39 It's always better t attempt t d smething great and fail than t attempt t d nthing and succeed. It's nt ver if yu've lst; it's ver when yu d nthing but just cmplain abut it. If yu believe in smething, keep trying. Dn't let the shadws f the past darken the drstep f yur future.
    The best thing yu can d is t keep ging.
    Dn't be afraid t get back up—t try again, t lve again, t live again and t dream again. 40 Life's best lessns are ften learned at the wrst times and frm the wrst mistakes. There will be times when it seems like everything that culd pssibly g wrng is ging wrng. And even if yu fall shrt, keep ging.
    A. Self-examinatin is necessary.
    B. Everything in life is temprary.
    C. Dn't let a hard lessn harden yur heart.
    D. Thse wh cmplain the mst accmplish the least.
    E. Here are a few tips t inspire yu when yu need it mst.
    F. When yu feel like quitting, always remember yu are the best.
    G. That's a gd thing because we ften wn't mve unless life frces us t.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。
    Frm my secnd grade n, there was ne event I feared every year: the pian recital(独奏会). A recital 41 I had t practice a bring piece f music and perfrm befre strangers. Each year I wuld ask my father if I culd skip the recital “just this nce". And each year he'd shake his head, saying smething abut building self-cnfidence and wrking tward a(n) 42 S it was with really great 43 that I std in church ne recent Sunday, vide camera in hand, and watching my 68-year-ld father sweating in his shirt befre 44 t play the pian in his very first recital
    My father has had a(n) 45 t play music since childhd, but his family was pr and culdn't affrd lessns. He culd have gne n regretting it, as t many f us d. But thugh he was rted in his past, he wasn't 46 there. When he retired three years ag, he 47 his church music directr t take him as a student.
    Fr a mment after my father sat dwn at the keybard, he simply stared dwn at his fingers. Has he frgtten the 48 ? I wrried , remembering thse split secnds 49 ag when my mind wuld g blank (空白的) and my fingers wuld 50 .But then came the beautiful meldy(旋律), frm the 51 fingers that nce baited(装饵于)my fishing lines. And I 52 he had been ding what music teachers always stress: 53 the music and pretend the thers aren't there.
    “I'm 54 f him fr starting smething new at his age, ” I said t my sn Jeff. “Yeah, and ding it s 55 ,”Jeff added.
    With his first recital, my father taught me mre abut curage and determinatin than all the wrds he used thse 30-plus years ag.
    41.A. reflected B. explained C. prved D. meant
    42.A. stage B. gal C. jurney D. pprtunity
    B. strength C. satisfactin D. disappintment
    B.changing C.falling D.climbing
    B.challenge C.desire D.prmise
    B.stuck C.prtected D.entertained
    B.invited C.inspired D.allwed
    B.vides C.ntes D.lessns
    B.hurs C.weeks D.years
    B.freeze C.click D.adjust
    B.same C.warm D.dirty
    B.imagined C.realised D.insisted
    ver B.turn up C.bring in D.cncentrate n
    B.aware C.dubtful D.ashamed
    B.anxiusly C.beautifully D.frequently
    Zhang Zeduan's timeless scrll(纸卷,卷轴) is a masterwrk f Chinese art. The Qingming Scrll, which ffers 56 imprtant insight int life in China in the 12th century, 57 (measure)10.03 inches in height and 17.22 feet in width. Althugh the scrll is ver eight hundred years ld, it is in 58 (amaze) gd cnditin. Hused in the Palace Museum in Beijing, the Qingming Scrll 59 (display) flat in a glass case nw.
    The scrll cnsists f three main sectins, the first f 60 features crp fields, a river winding thrugh the landscape and farmers hard at wrk, 61 (present)a peaceful scene f rural life near
    Bianjing. Bats sailing in 62 ut f Bianjing can be seen in the secnd sectin. The final sectin
    pictures hundreds f peple frm all walks f life, including butchers, hairdressers and gvernment 63 (fficial).The 64 (cmbine)f these three sectins gives the viewers an idea f what life was like fr the peple f Bianjing.
    65 first sight, the verall scene f life in the capital city appears peaceful and cheerful. Hwever, if yu bserve the painting carefully, sme serius plitical and scial prblems will be discvered.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第 一 节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    某英文读书网站“My Favurite Writer” 栏目正面向中学生征稿,请你写一篇英语稿件,推荐 一位你最喜欢的作家。内容包括:
    My Favurite Writer
    第 二 节 读 后 续 写 ( 满 分 2 5 分 )
    Kevin was a“slw”by.He didn't learn his ABCs as fast as ther kids.He never came in first in the schlyard races.Hwever,Kevin culd get alng well with ther peple.And his enthusiasm fr life was quite cntagius(有感染力的) .S,when he discvered that his teacher,Randy Mss,was putting tgether a basketball team,his mther culd nly answer,"Yes,yu may jin."
    Basketball became the centre f Kevin's life.He liked t stand in a certain spt near the free- thrw line and sht baskets.Patiently,he std there thrwing ball after ball.
    The day befre their first game,Randy gave each player a bright red jersey(运动衫) .Kevin had stars in his eyes when he saw his number 12.He quickly put it n and almst never tk it ff again. Kevin and his whle team truly lved basketball.But just lving the game desn't help yu win.Mre balls fell ut f the basket than int it,and the bys lst every game that seasn,except ne—the night it snwed,and the ther team culdn't make it t the game.
    At the end f the seasn,they had the misfrtune t play against the first-place team—the undefeated first-place team.The game went pretty much as expected,and near the middle f the furth quarter Kevin's team std nearly 30 pints bchind.
    At that pint,ne f Kevin's teammates called a time-ut. As he came t the side,Randy culdn't imagine why the time-ut had been called.“Mr.Mss, this is ur last game and I knw that Kevin has played in every game,but he's never made a basket. I think we shuld let Kevin make a basket,"said the by.
    With the game cmpletely ut f reach,the idea seemed reasnable,s the plan was made.Every time Kevin's team had the ball,Kevin was t stand in his special spt near the free-thrw line and they wuld give him the ball.
    His first sht bunced arund but missed._____________________________________________________
    Sn,all the players threw the ball t Kevin and clapped fr him. _____________________
    ________________________________________________________________________________________A. T speak highly f Kéré's effrts.
    B. T add sme backgrund infrmatin.
    C. T bring a new tpic fr discussin.
    D. T intrduce Kére's childhd dream.
    25. What's Keré's architectural cncept?
    A. Ecnmising labur frce.
    B. Having a fancy appearance.
    C. Highlighting sustainability.
    D. Using imprted building materials.
    26. Which can best describe Francis Kéré?
    A. Creative and caring.
    B. Psitive and humrus.
    C. Serius and cnfident.
    D. Determined and adventurus.
    27. What kind f writing is the passage?
    A. A nvel. B.A review.
    C. An award speech. D. A news reprt

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