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    这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省镇江地区四校高二上学期10月联考英语试卷含答案,文件包含江苏省镇江地区四校2023-2024学年高二上学期10月联考英语试卷原卷版docx、江苏省镇江地区四校2023-2024学年高二上学期10月联考英语试卷解析版docx、2023-2024学年第一学期10月学情调研英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5分)
    1. What time did Suzy leave hme?
    A. 5:15. B. 5:00. C. 4:30.
    2. What is the man’s suggestin?
    A. Ging t the cncert. B. Ging t see a shw. C. Just walking arund.
    3. What address is the wman lking fr?
    A. 1660 Eighth Street. B. 1060 English Street. C. 6014 Eleventh Street.
    4. Wh are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A librarian. B. An authr. C. A teacher.
    5. What gift will the wman prbably get fr Sarah?
    A. A theatre ticket. B. A schlbag. C. A recrd.
    6. What can we learn abut Mr. Stne?
    A. He is ut fr a meal. B. He is at a meeting. C. He is in his ffice.
    7. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Cme again. B. Leave n message. C. Call back.
    8. What is the weather like?
    A. Cl. B. Ht. C. Warm.
    9. What des the wman want t drink?.
    A. Beer. B. Apple juice. C. Sda water.
    10. Hw des the man find parking nwadays?
    A. Quite easy. B. Rather difficult. C. Just fine.
    11. What happened t Alice?
    A. She was caught in the traffic. B. She tk the wrng rad. C. She gt hurt.
    12. Where are the speakers?
    A. In the hspital. B. In the car. C. In the park.
    13. What is the wman ging t d?
    A. Hang ut with her cllege friends.
    B. Meet sme custmers.
    C. Attend a get-tgether party.
    14 What des the man advise the wman t wear?
    A. A pair f white shes. B. A white diamnd necklace. C. A purple dress.
    15. Where will the man g first?
    A. T a schl. B. T a shp. C. T his parents’ hme.
    16. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. A cuple. B. Wrkmates. C. Classmates.
    17. When will the swim classes begin?
    A. On April 29th. B. On April 30th. C. On May 1st.
    18. Hw many swim classes are being ffered?
    A. 10. B. 15. C. 20.
    19. Why must sme students cme t the swim skill shw?
    A. They have never attended Cmmunity Pl classes.
    B. They want t pass the skill level test quickly.
    C. They have n Level 3 certificate.
    20. Wh will rate the students’ skill level?
    A. The speaker. B. The lcal cmmunity. C. The instructrs.
    Elephant Cnservatin
    This is a wrking vacatin at a wildlife centre. Anyne can becme a vlunteer if he/she agrees t help the elephant keepers with tasks.
    Daily tasks
    Cllect the elephants at 6:30 a.m. Take them t lk fr fd in the frest. Clean the enclsure. Swim with the elephants in the lake in the afternn. If vlunteers want t relax after wrk, they can watch satellite televisin.
    Hw this vacatin helps
    If these elephants hadn’t been rescued, they wuld still be living n the streets f Bangkk. A rural envirnment is much better fr them than an urban envirnment where there is lts f pllutin.
    Grilla Safari
    Cuntries:Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda
    Departures:Aug.—Dec., 2—3 departures per mnth
    Extras:grilla permit £220
    If yu’re lucky, yu’ll see lins, elephants and rhins n safari. The highlight f the trip is the pprtunity t see grillas in the muntain frests. Hwever, yu must be in gd health—if a grilla caught a cld, it wuld be extremely harmful t its whle family.
    Hw this vacatin helps
    There are nly abut 600 muntain grillas left in the wrld as human activity has reduced the area where they can live. When yu buy a permit, this will pay fr the prtectin f the natinal park.
    Plar Bear Watching
    Departures:sixty trips between Oct. 1—Nv. 19
    Every Octber and Nvember, grups f plar bears gather in Hudsn Bay. As they are nrmally lnely creatures, this is unusual. The bears wait fr the cean t freeze s they can hunt seals, s this is the perfect pprtunity t see them.
    Hw this vacatin helps
    If the Arctic ice cap melts due t glbal warming, plar bears will be in danger. We give a share f ur prfits t the Plar Bears Alive Charity.
    Yur cmment
    These awesme bears get all the liquid they need frm their fd.
    1 What will an elephant vlunteer d?
    A. Take fd fr elephants at 6:30 a.m.
    B. Sweep the huses f elephants.
    C. Wash elephants in the lake in the afternn.
    D. Watch satellite televisin n elephants.
    2. What d we knw abut Grilla Safari?
    A. Yu can find grillas in Kenya and Canada.
    B. Yu might get a cld in the muntain frests.
    C. Visitrs need t pay $220 t see 600 grillas.
    D. There are abut 10 trips t visit grillas.
    3. What can we knw frm the last paragraph?
    A Plar bears dn’t need t drink water.
    B. Plar bears stre the liquid in their fd.
    C. Plar bears drink all kinds f liquid.
    D. Plar bears eat mainly liquid fd.
    Tu Yuyu is a Chinese medical scientist, pharmaceutical (制药的) chemist, and educatr best knwn fr discvering artemisinin (als knwn as qingha su). The discvery f artemisinin and its treatment f malaria are regarded as a significant breakthrugh f trpical medicine in the 20th century and health imprvement fr peple f trpical develping cuntries in Suth Asin, Africa, and Suth America.
    Fr her wrk, Tu received the 2011 Lasker Award in Clinical Medicine and the 2015 Nbel prize in Physilgy (生理学) r Medicine. The Nbel Cmmittee puts Tu’s wrk well by writing: “Malaria infects clse t 200 millin individuals yearly. Artemisinin is used in all malaria-ridden parts f the wrld. When used in cmbinatin treatment, it is estimated t reduce the death rate frm malaria by mre than 20% verall and by mre than 30% in children. Fr Africa alne, this means that mre than 100, 000 lives are saved each year.”
    In China, Tu is knwn as a “sanwu scientist”. Tu has spent n time studying abrad, n membership with the Chinese Academy f Sciences and n dctral degree. The Xinhua News Agency has cmmented n the significance f Tu’s achievement, “Nt nly is Tu the first Chinese Nbel laureate (获奖者) in natural science, but als the first Nbel laureate wh received all scientific training in China. The award she wn made Chinese scientists gain tremendus cnfidence.”
    As part f the prgram charged with finding a treatment fr malaria, Tu was inspired by an ancient Chinese text which said qingha was used t tackle intermittent fevers (间歇热) arund 400 AD. In the herb Tu discvered a cmpund, nw knwn as artemisinin, which prved an effective treatment fr the infectin. Tu herself vlunteered t be the first human recipient.
    An article Tu Yuyu published in Nature in 2011 ended up with an insightful sentence. “It is my dream that Chinese medicine will help us cnquer life-threatening diseases wrldwide, and peple acrss the glbe will enjy its benefits fr health prmtin,” Tu wrte.
    4. What can we learn abut qingha su?
    A. It was discvered in the 21st century.
    B. It is beneficial t peple in trpical areas.
    C. It was first plied t physilgy in 2011.
    D. It helps dctrs cheek the infective disease.
    5. What’s the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f the Nbel Prize.
    B. The malaria’s effects n human health.
    C. The achievements made by Tu Yuyu.
    D. The peple’s suffering frm infective diseases.
    6. What can we infer abut Tu Yuyu frm paragraph 3?
    A. She has studied abrad fr several years.
    B. She has gt the highest degree in medicine.
    C. She is a member f the Chinese Academy f Sciences.
    D. She has set a gd example fr many Chinese scientists.
    7. What d the wrds Tu Yuyu wrte in Nature shw?
    A. Her passin fr Chinese medicine.
    B. Her dubt abut Chinese medicine.
    C. Her dream f getting prices frm Nature.
    D. Her hesitatin in ding medical research.
    Climate change and land-use change are prjected t make wildfires mre frequent and intense, with a glbal increase f extreme fires f up t 14 per cent by 2030, 30 per cent by the end f 2050 and 50 per cent by the end f the century, accrding t a new reprt by the UN Envirnment Prgramme (UNEP) and GRID-Arendal.
    The paper calls fr a cmplete change in gvernment spending n wildfires, changing their investments frm reactin and respnse t preventin and preparedness.
    The reprt, Spreading like Wildfire: The Rising Threat f Extrardinary Landscape Fires, finds a higher risk even fr the Arctic and ther regins previusly unaffected by wildfires. The reprt had been released befre representatives f 193 natins held a meeting in Nairbi fr the restarted 5th sessin f the UN Envirnment Assembly (UNEA-5.2), between 28 February and 2 March, 2022.
    The publicatin calls n gvernments t adpt a new “Fire Ready Frmula” with tw-thirds f spending devted t planning, preventin, preparedness, and recvery, with ne third left fr respnse. Currently, direct respnses t wildfires typically receive ver hall f related cst, while planning and preventin receive less than ne per cent.
    T prevent fires authrs call fr a cmbinatin f data and science-based mnitring systems with native knwledge and fr a strnger reginal and internatinal cperatin.
    “Current gvernment respnses t wildfires are ften putting mney in the wrng place. Thse emergency service wrkers and firefighters n the frntlines wh are risking their lives t fight frest wildfires need t be supprted. We have t reduce the risk f extreme wildfires by being better prepared: invest mre in fire risk reductin, wrk with lcal cmmunities, and strengthen glbal cmmitment t fight climate change.” said Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Directr.
    Wildfires disprprtinately (不成比例地) affect the wrld’s prest natins. With an impact that extends fr days, weeks and even years after the flames die dwn, they blck prgress twards the UN Sustainable Develpment Cals and deepen scial inequalities.
    8. What des the paper appeal t the gvernment t d with wildfires?
    A. Invest mre mney n frecast.
    B. Give advanced warning t wild animals
    C. Fcus n the act f stpping them frm happening,
    D. Plant mre tress t make up fr the lss f frests.
    9. What’s Inger Andersen’s attitude twards the current gvernment’s measure?
    A. Supprtive.B. Critical.C. Unfair.D. Uncncerned.
    10. What is the authr likely t talk abut next?
    A. The areas hit by climate change.
    B. The names f the wrld’s prest natins.
    C. The relatinship between wildfires and health.
    D. The bad effects f wildfires n different fields.
    11. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Wildfires are spreading wrldwide.
    B. The UN held a meeting t discuss wildfires.
    C. Gvernments shuld prepare themselves fr wildfires.
    D. The UNEP Executive Directr released a reprt n wildfires.
    Ppularizatin has in sme cases changed the riginal meaning f emtinal (情感的) intelligence. Many peple nw misunderstand emtinal intelligence as almst everything desirable in a persn's makeup that cannt be measured by an IQ test, such as character, mtivatin, cnfidence, mental stability, ptimism and “peple skills.” Research has shwn that emtinal skills may cntribute t sme f these qualities, but mst f them mve far beynd skill-based emtinal intelligence.
    We prefer t describe emtinal intelligence as a specific set f skills that can be used fr either gd r bad purpses. The ability t accurately understand hw thers are feeling may be used by a dctr t find hw best t help her patients, while a cheater might use it t cntrl ptential victims. Being emtinally intelligent des nt necessarily make ne a mral persn.
    Althugh ppular beliefs regarding emtinal intelligence run far ahead f what research can reasnably supprt, the verall effects f the publicity have been mre beneficial than harmful. The mst psitive aspect f this ppularizatin is a new and much needed emphasis (重视) n emtin by emplyers, educatrs and thers interested in prmting scial well-being. The ppularizatin f emtinal intelligence has helped bth the public and researchers re-evaluate the functinality f emtins and hw they serve peple adaptively in everyday life.
    Althugh the cntinuing ppular appeal f emtinal intelligence is desirable, we hpe that such attentin will excite a greater interest in the scientific and schlarly study f emtin. It is ur hpe that in cming decades, advances in science will ffer new perspectives (视角) frm which t study hw peple manage their lives. Emtinal intelligence, with its fcus n bth head and heart, may serve t pint us in the right directin.
    12. What is a cmmn misunderstanding f emtinal intelligence?
    A. It can be measured by an IQ test.B. It helps t exercise a persn’s mind.
    C. It includes a set f emtinal skills.D. It refers t a persn’s psitive qualities.
    13. Why des the authr mentin “dctr” and “cheater” in paragraph 2?
    A. T explain a rule.B. T clarify a cncept.
    C. T present a fact.D. T make a predictin.
    14. What is the authr’s attitude t the ppularizatin f emtinal intelligence?
    A. Favrable.B. Intlerant.
    C. Dubtful.D. Unclear.
    15. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut cncerning emtinal intelligence?
    A. Its appeal t the public.B. Expectatins fr future studies.
    C. Its practical applicatin.D. Scientists with new perspectives.
    第二节 (其5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Wrried abut the climate?____16____. Here are sme examples t get yu started.
    •Cunt the birds and the bees
    Get clser t nature by becming a citizen scientist. Yu culd be cunting birds in yur garden, butterflies, insects and flwers, r even reptiles and hedgehgs.____17____. It’s a fun grup activity, and yur data can help scientists better understand the impact f human behaviur n natural habitats.
    Media headlines can be alarming when it cmes t the climate and nature crisis r ignring the issues cmpletely. Hsting a lcal discussin can allw space fr reflectin, debate, ideas and cllabratin (合作) t take actin n glbal issues at a lcal level.
    •Set up a library f things
    Internet shpping has made it t easy t buy new stuff at the click f a buttn.____19____? First, it’ll clutter (凌乱地塞满) yur huse,then it’ll clutter the planet. Setting up a library f things can encurage lcal peple t share everything frm tls t instruments, cking gadgets t tys.
    •Start a climate emergency centre
    ____20____. That’s why mre and mre climate emergency centres are ppping up in derelict (废弃地) shps n high streets and in shpping centres. A climate emergency centre can be a space fr events such as an exhibitin n plastic waste r a wrkshp t learn hw t make ec-cleaning prducts. It can als be a way t mtivate mre peple t take actin.
    A. Cperate with yur lcals
    B. But where is it all ging t end up
    C. Hst a climate and nature discussin
    D. But hw have we cnsumed the things
    E. The climate and nature crisis isn’t ging away
    F. There are lts f citizen science prjects t take part in
    G. Small lcal actins with neighbrs, lcal businesses and pliticians can make a difference
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    In April last year, I saw a pst n the PNP (Pilts N Paws) website frm a family in Tpeka. They had t mve t Virginia but they were n a very tight ___21___ . They culd nt affrd t pay fr ___22___ fr their dg, Tiffy, and ___23___ wanted t take her with them.
    It just ___24___ that I was planning anther PNP flight with anther pilt, Karen, wh ___25___ t take Tiffy frm Kansas City t Virginia. What I was t d was fly t Tpeka t ___26___ Tiffy.
    When I met Tiffy’s wners, they seemed very ___27___ . Gerge, the husband, was trying t be calm, but I culd tell this was ___28___ fr him, having t leave his dg t a ___29___ and trust that everything wuld ____30____ .
    After sme gdbyes, I asked Gerge and his wife t help me ____31____ Tiffy int the plane. I prmised t take care f Tiffy and ____32____ them as sn as we gt t Kansas City.
    The flight was ____33____ , and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she ____34____ with Karen and made it back t Gerge in Virginia within a few days. He was s ____35____ and sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great t knw that I had helped bring this family tgether again.
    21. A. linkB. turnC. budgetD. schedule
    22 A. transprtatinB. feedC. accmmdatinD. treat
    23. A. casuallyB. riginallyC. privatelyD. extremely
    24. A. seemedB. shwedC. prvedD. happened
    25. A. waitedB. fferedC. hurriedD. failed
    26. A. pick upB. lk afterC. send ffD. turn ver
    27. A. mvedB. annyedC. nervusD. amazed
    28. A. difficultB. beneficialC. nrmalD. frtunate
    29. A. clleagueB. strangerC. neighbrD. passenger
    30. A. take ffB. speed upC. cme backD. wrk ut
    31. A. changeB. thrwC. ladD. feed
    32. A. cntactB. jinC. leaveD. serve
    33. A. uneventfulB. unexpectedC. unnecessaryD. unavidable
    34. A. returnedB. agreedC. fughtD. flew
    35. A. hnredB. generusC. gratefulD. sympathetic
    The wrld’s first rbt plice fficer started t wrk this week. ____36____ (it) name is Rbcp. It is part f the Dubai Plice frce. Rbcp’s first fficial jb was t greet guests at a security cnference. Apart frm ____37____ (greet) visitrs, it als answered questins and gave ____38____ (direct). Rbcp has a built-in tablet (内置平板电脑) fr peple t interact (互动) with, pay traffic fines and use ther plice services. The tablet ____39____ (link) t a plice statin, s peple can talk t real plice fficers. The 170-centimetre-tall Rbcp can speak six languages, ____40____ can als shake hands, salute peple and recgnize peple’s emtins and ____41____(face) expressins.
    Rbcp is the first f many rbt plice fficers in Dubai. ____42____ (hpeful), 25 per cent f the Dubai Plice frce will have been rbts ____43____ 2030 and Dubai will have the first smart plice statin. N humans will wrk there. A spkesman said, “The Rbcp is the latest smart additin t the plice frce and has been designed ____44____(help) us fight crime, keep the city safe and imprve happiness levels.” Rbcp will als assist and help peple in the malls r n the streets. ____45____ fficial at the security cnference cmmented, “The age f the rbts is n lnger cming. It has arrived.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(共1小题,满分15分)
    46. 最近一项调查显示,全国大约有四分之三的学生戴眼镜,这一结果令人担优。针对这个问题,你们学校正在开展“保护视力”的宣传活动,作为学生会主席,为了缓解近视问题,学校请你写一份倡议书,内容要点包括:
    1. 倡议的原因和目的
    2. 倡议的具体内容
    要求:词数 80-100
    Hw T Prtect Our Eyes
    Dear fellw students,
    第二节 读后续写(共1小题,满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    Lily was cleaning windws, and it was what she must d fr her family's new Chinese restaurant. Everything had t be abslutely perfect: unique decratins, skillful emplyees, and delicius traditinal fd. Then custmers wuld lve the place, making the business a success.
    Lily's family had just mved here frm San Francisc, having bught a small restaurant, which was pened yesterday. She was new in the neighbr and had few friends. The first few days at her new schl hadn't been easy, either. She fund it hard t talk t peple she didn't knw and it seemed like the students hadn't even nticed her. She was eager fr a friendship, thugh.
    Lily shifted her visin t lk utside the restaurant as a girl abut her age, with abundant red hair, walked up the street. The girl paused t study the sign annuncing their pening and then lked directly at Lily with a friendly smile. Lily smiled back shyly and lifted a hand, accidentally waving with the cleaning clth. The girl smiled at her amusement and waved back happily.
    Lily hesitated, nt accustmed t starting friendship, but she felt curageus, s she pened the dr. "Hell," she said, adding the first thing that entered her head, “d yu like Chinese fd?”
    “I dn't knw, but I like t try new things," the girl remarked, and then she intrduced herself as Gabriela.
    Lily culd nt think f additinal cnversatin until she had a sudden idea.
    The fllwing day, Lily was ding her restaurant rutine when she heard an unexpected knck.

    2023-2024学年江苏省镇江地区高二上学期开学英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省镇江地区高二上学期开学英语试题含答案,文件包含江苏省镇江地区2023-2024学年高二上学期开学英语试题含听力原卷版docx、江苏省镇江地区2023-2024学年高二上学期开学英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共51页, 欢迎下载使用。

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