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    1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,考生务必将姓名、班级等个人信息填写在答题卡指定位置。
    3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应題目的答案标号涂黑:非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答。超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where is Mary ging?
    A. T Emily’s huse.B. T a restaurant.C. T a library.
    2. What des the man want t d?
    A. Get his hair cut.B. Mail a letter.C. G t schl.
    3. What made the wman buy the skirt?
    A. Its clr.B. Its style.C. Its material.
    4. Hw much change shuld the wman give the man?
    A. 20 yuan.B. 30 yuan.C. 50 yuan.
    5. What des the man think f the bk?
    A. Mving.B. Cnfusing.C. Interesting.
    6. Why des the wman cme t see the man?
    A. T check his bag.B. T pick him up.C. T return his case.
    7. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an ffice.B. At an airprt.C. In a htel.
    8. What’s the weather like nw?
    A. Strmy.B. Sunny.C. Cludy.
    9. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Get in the car.B. Walk back hme.C. Clse the windws.
    10. Why is the wman annyed with the man?
    A. He leaves the baby crying.
    B. He allws the baby t smke.
    C. He plays rck music fr the baby.
    11. What is the man ging t d in the end?
    A. Sing alng with music.B. Read abut Beethven.C. Put n classical music.
    12. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn.B. Husband and wife.C. Teacher and student.
    13. Hw des the wman usually g t wrk?
    A. By car.B. By busC. By bike.
    14. Hw ften des the man drive his car?
    A. Almst every day.B. Once a week.C. Once a mnth
    15. What des the wman advise the man t d while cycling?
    A. Keep himself warm.B. Fllw the traffic lights.C. Have his head prtected.
    16. Where will the speakers g?
    A. T a sprts shp.B. T a train statin.C. T the wman’s ffice.
    17. What is the speaker trying t d?
    A. Attract custmers.B. Give directins.C. Offer advice.
    18. Where is Jacksn’s Stre?
    A. Next t a park.B. In a small building.C. Dwntwn n Third Street.
    19. Wh are the T-shirts and pants at Jacksn’s Stre fr?
    A. Wmen.B. Children.C. Men.
    20. Why des the speaker suggest ging t Jacksn’s Stre tday?
    A. There is a big sale.B. There are free shrts.C. There are nice new shes.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    It was a cld January mrning in Washingtn DC, a man sat at a subway statin and started t play the vilin. He played fr abut 45 minutes.
    Three minutes went by, and a middle-aged man stpped fr a few secnds, and then hurried up t take care f his wn things.
    A minute later, the vilinist received his first tip: a wman threw sme mney withut stpping, and walked away.
    Only a 3-year-ld by tk the music seriusly, ging ver, sitting dwn and sn lsing himself in the wnderful perfrmance. His mther wished t hurry alng. but the kid kept lking at the vilinist.
    When he finished playing, n ne nticed it. N ne applauded (鼓掌).
    N ne knew this, but the vilinist was Jshua Bell, ne f the mst talented musicians in the wrld. He had just played ne f the mst beautiful pieces ever written, n a vilin wrth 3.5 millin dllars. Jshua Bell played the same music with the same vilin and the seats each cst 100 dllars at a theatre tw days befre.
    Jshua Bell’s playing in the subway statin was a scial experiment. It asks questins: in a cmmn envirnment at a wrng hur, d we enjy beauty? D we stp t make a respnse (反应)? If we d nt have a mment t stp and listen t ne f the best musicians in the wrld playing the best music, hw many ther things are we ignring (忽视)?
    21. Hw many peple stpped t listen t the music carefully?
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.D. Nne.
    22. Why did the man play the vilin at the subway statin?
    A. T make sme mney.B. T see peple’s respnse.
    C. T practice his skills.D. T teach a music lessn.
    23. What des the writer suggest in the last paragraph?
    A. Dn’t be always in a hurry.
    B. Stp t enjy street perfrmance.
    C. Enjy beautiful music at a theatre.
    D. Dn’t miss the wnderful mment in life.
    When sme peple dn’t knw much abut a tpic, they may nt realise just hw little they knw. As a result, they may becme vercnfident and verestimate (高估) what they can d. A persn might think he will get a B, fr example, when he might nt knw enugh t pass the test at all. The vercnfidence has a name — the DunningKruger effect.
    Charles Atwd, an educatr at the University f Utah, was lking fr pssible reasns why sme students at the university failed chemistry tests. He realised success fr the students depended nt nly n what they knew but als n hw much they didn’t knw. If he wanted the students t imprve, he wuld have t teach them t recgnise the gaps in their knwledge.
    Knwing just hw bad they are in a subject may nt help a student get better. Atwd thught lifting metacgnitin (元认知) might help the students t make sure where they needed help Metacgnitin, accrding t Atwd, is assessing (评定) hw yu deal with a prblem. That culd help the students realise just hw much chemistry they didn’t knw s they culd study accrdingly.
    T see if metacgnitin culd wrk, Atwd studied tw classes, which were taught chemistry in the same way. But students in ne class were asked befre each test hw they thught they wuld perfrm (表现). After each test, students in the class gt their scres thrugh a cmputer prgram. Then the prgram gave them sme tpics which they’d been especially bad at in the test. Then, they were guided int making a study plan that wuld prepare them fr the next test.
    After a term, the class that gt the guided study did better in the chemistry curse, especially thse wh had been the mst vercnfident in the beginning. In additin, they reprted having stpped their dangerus vercnfidence.
    It’s n fun shaking students’ cnfidence, but in the lng run, students will get a lt frm Atwd’s methd. Cnfidence has its advantages, but students want t be bth cnfident and knwledgeable.
    24. Why are sme peple affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect?
    A. They lk dwn upn thers.
    B. They aren’t interested in learning.
    C. They always want t get gd grades in tests.
    D. They dn’t have a crrect view f their abilities.
    25. Hw did Atwd help the students wh failed chemistry tests?
    A. By giving them encuragement.
    B. By telling them what tpics t learn.
    C. By helping them set right learning gals.
    D. By making them learn frm their failures.
    26. When were sme tpics given t the students in Atwd’s study?
    A. After the next test started.B. Befre they gt their scres.
    C. Befre they made a study plan.D. After they made sme prgress.
    27. What is the authr’s attitude twards Atwd’s applying metacgnitin t his study?
    A. Supprtive.B. Uninterested.C. Dubtful.D. Wrried.
    The Night Watch was cmmissined (委托) in 1639 by Frans BanninckCcq, the captain f Amsterdam’s civil militia (民兵组织), and described him and his 17 members. It was cmpleted in 1642 by Rembrandt van Rijn and spent mre than 70 years in the hall f the civil militia.
    In 1715, Dutch fficials decided t mve the painting t the city hall in Amsterdam’s Ryal Palace n the Dam. The almst 12-ft by 14-ft artwrk culdn’t g thrugh the drs, s the mvers made a decisin and cut ff the edges f the painting. The missing parts were never recvered. Hwever, art histrians have been aware f the missing items thanks t a smaller cpy f the riginal scene painted by Dutch artist Gerrit Lundens.
    In 2019, fficials f Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum, where the painting has been displayed since 1808, decided t recreate the missing parts. T help them with the restratin (修复), the team, led by the museum’s senir scientist, Rbert Erdmann, turned t a new AI algrithm (算法). Called Cnvlutinal Neural Netwrks, it helps cmputers figure ut what images may have nce lked like. The scientists scanned high-reslutin images f the riginal (原作) and Ludens’ painting t the cmputer. The AI was able t study and crrect the painting’s perspective. It als recgnized the exact clrs used by the Dutch master and culd even cpy his brushstrkes.
    The “missing” parts were printed and munted t the painting. The left side included tw men watching the event and a yung by running away frm the militia. A drummer and a barking dg were added t the painting’s right side.
    The AI helped the museum reprduce the best pssible versin f the missing pieces. But Tac Dibbits, directr f the Rijksmuseum, thinks that the riginal missing parts are still arund and will be returned t the museum sme day. The restred painting will be n shw and it can als be seen nline n the museum’s website.
    28. Why did Rembrandt van Rijn create the painting?
    A. He lved recrding peple’s life f his time.
    B. Frans Banninck Ccq requested him t d that.
    C. He wanted t advertise Amsterdam’s civil militia.
    D. The civil militia prvided him with strng inspiratin.
    29. Hw did Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum restre the painting?
    A. By cpying Ludens’ paintings.B. By using advanced techniques.
    C. By emplying a Dutch artist.D. By creating a smaller painting.
    30. What d we knw abut Tac Dibbits?
    A. He isn’t satisfied with the reprduced pieces.
    B. He is trying t find the missing part f the painting.
    C. He hpes the riginal missing parts will be fund.
    D. He wishes the restred painting will be always n display.
    31. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. The Night Watch finally cmes t light.
    B. The Rijksmuseum is restring ld paintings.
    C. The Night Watch was restred t its riginal frm.
    D. The riginal parts f The Night Watch are still missing.
    Glbal light pllutin has increased by at least 49% ver 25 years, new research shws. This data (数据) nly includes light which can be seen thrugh satellites, and scientists think the true increase may be significantly higher — up t 270% glbally, and 400% in sme areas.
    This study shws nt nly f hw bad light pllutin has becme as a prblem f the whle wrld, but als that it is cntinuing t get wrse, prbably at a faster and faster rate.
    The study highlights the “hidden impact (影响)” f the LED technlgy. LEDs send ut mre blue light than previus lamp technlgy, but satellite sensrs can’t discver this blue light and s underestimate (低估) the level f emissins (排放物). The authrs say the actual increase in the pwer sent ut by utdr lighting, and thus f light pllutin, may be as high as 270%. “T take the UK as an example, if yu pay n attentin t the effect f the change t LEDs, yu get the false impressin that light pllutin has recently weakened,” said researcher Dr Sanchez de Miguel. “Hwever, it has really increased, very remarkably.”
    Cntrary t ppular belief, the LED streetlights, while ptentially prviding sme energy savings, has increased light pllutin and als the impacts n flying insects (昆虫).
    Ruskin Hartley, Executive Directr f the Internatinal Dark-Sky Assciatin, said, “Over the past 25 years, the use f LED lighting has been accmpanied by rapid increases in light pllutin all ver the wrld.”
    If n actin is taken t change this trend (趋势), the impact n the natural envirnment will speed up, further wrsening the bidiversity (生物多样性) crisis and wasting energy. Many studies have nw shwn that light pllutin, frm streetlights and ther surces, can have majr impacts n the natural envirnment. Such pllutin is likely t have played a rle in the huge decrease in insect ppulatins.
    32. Hw des the authr illustrate that light pllutin becmes wrse?
    A. By referring t certain theries.
    B. By prviding cmparative data.
    C. By listing a lt f pinins.
    D. By giving sme examples.
    33. Why was light pllutin in the UK underestimated?
    A. Emissin levels f LEDs are lw.
    B. Satellite sensrs are blind t LEDs.
    C. Outdr lighting is limited in the UK.
    D. LEDs are less and less used in the UK.
    34. What’s the general belief f LED streetlights?
    A. They are gd fr insects.B. They save lts f energy.
    C. They cause light pllutin.D. They are envirnment-friendly.
    35. What des the last paragraph fcus n?
    A. The harm f light pllutin.
    B. The causes f bilgical crises.
    C. The trend f insect ppulatins.
    D. The imprtance f the natural envirnment.
    A barding (寄宿) schl is a residential private schl. The students actually live n campus in drmitries (宿舍) r resident huses with adults frm the schl. 36
    In the USA, mst barding schls serve students in grades 9 thrugh 12, the high schl years. 37 These schls are usually referred t as junir barding schls.
    British barding schls are the main inspiratin (灵感) fr the American barding schls, s they may lk similar. 38 British barding schls generally accept students at a much yunger age. They run frm primary grades thrugh high schls. Oppsitely, the American barding schls dn’t accept students under eighth grade.
    39 A barding schl ffers everything in ne package: the study, the athletics, the scial life, and 24-hur supervisin (监管) f the students. Attending the barding schl is a great way t prepare students fr their cllege life. Parents wn’t have t wrry abut what their children are getting int. Best f all, the children will have very little time t be bred.
    Hwever, there are als sme wrries abut schls. Students are away frm their parents many mnths ut f the year. As a result, students miss ut n their parents’ guidance and have little time t cmmunicate with them. 40 This desn’t give them much f a chance t make friendships utside f schl r take part in nn-schl cmmunity activities.
    A. They bth have a lng histry.
    B. Hwever, the difference als exists.
    C. But nt all peple supprt these barding schls.
    D. And they ften have their meals in schl dining halls.
    E. Sme schls ffer eighth grade r middle schl years.
    F. It is agreed that barding schls prvide students with many advantages.
    G. They als spend all their time in the cmpany f the same peple every day.
    第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    André was brn int a very pr family. In Guatemala, less than ne percent f kids have the 41 t receive a university educatin. Yet André always had this unusual 42 t g t cllege.
    During his last year in high schl, André 43 the gal t g t ne f the best universities in Guatemala City. Everybdy tld him, “That is a(n) 44 dream.”
    But André was fcused. André 45 abut fifteen embassies (大使馆) in Guatemala and asked if they had any schlarships (奖学金) fr cllege students. Nne f them did. Then André tk the entrance exams, 46 that if he did well, smething gd might happen.
    One f the schls he 47 is Francisc Marrquín University. An fficer f the university, Mnica, said:
    “André scred a perfect 100 in the math exam. I was s 48 with André that at the end f the 49 I tld him, ‘André, yu are accepted.’
    “I 50 him saying, ‘Oh, thanks. Nw I can tell everybdy abut the news 51 . But yu must knw that I can’t 52 it, s yu can use my 53 t accept smene else.’
    “Dn’t wrry, André. Yu will get ur schlarship, and it will 54 everything. Cngratulatins!”
    André didn’t cmplain (抱怨) abut his difficulties. Instead, he fcused n what he culd 55 — his attitude and his gal.
    41. A. cnfidenceB. chanceC. rightD. aim
    42. A. pressureB. traditinC. strengthD. dream
    43. A. wnB. kickedC. setD. reached
    44. A. impssibleB. interestingC. practicalD. unpleasant
    45. A. called frB. called ffC. called utD. called up
    46. A. hpingB. findingC. realizingD. deciding
    47. A. lked frB. answered frC. applied tD. referred t
    48. A. familiarB. strictC. angryD. impressed
    49. A. examB. interviewC. cntestD. term
    50. A. rememberB. imagineC. keepD. prevent
    51. A. slwlyB. bviuslyC. prudlyD. generusly
    52. A. affrdB. cnductC. prveD. determine
    53. A. systemB. spaceC. titleD. pwer
    54. A. wind upB. fcus nC. pay frD. lead t
    55. A. admireB. describeC. celebrateD. cntrl
    第四部分 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Xialng’s lve fr music started in middle schl when he received a guitar frm his father 56 a gift. Later, he gt in the Sichuan Cnservatry f Music.
    After graduatin, he 57 (chse) t pursue (追求) his dream as a singer in different cities. A few years later, he decided t g back hme. “I lve singing and playing instruments. I thught 58 wuld be great if I culd help children in my hmetwn enjy music and bring them 59 (happy) thrugh singing,” says Xialng.
    In 2012, Xialng tk up wrk as an elementary schl teacher in Liangshan. Apart frm music, he taught ther 60 (subject) like math as well. He started t write sngs n his wn, bth in Chinese and Yi ethnic language, all 61 (fcus) n the children’s childhd life and 62 (beauty) hmetwn. He created a chir, named “Niuniu”, meaning little girls, which nw has sme 40 members. Fr these students 63 have never walked ut f their muntainus hme, music has changed them quite a bit. “I was pursuing my wn dream befre, 64 what I’m ding nw is mre meaningful, as it allws me t help these children in my wn way,” says Xialng. Xialng is currently trying t seek mre perfrmance pprtunities fr the children in rder t 65 (great) widen their hrizns and share the Yi culture with mre peple.
    第五部分 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. Hi, I’m Max Jacksn. I’m an e__________ (交换) student frm the UK.
    67. I didn’t feel a__________ (令人尴尬的) r frightened at all.
    68. She gt her draft back and r__________ (修改) it
    69. A __________ (实际上), I like acting better, but my friends g t the Ballet Club and I want t be with them.
    70. I knw I’ll have t study harder as a senir high schl student and get used t being r__________ (负责任) fr a lt mre.
    71. I have just finished the travel a__________ (安排)!
    72. It is fr this reasn that Spanish is the main __________ (官方) language f Peru.
    73. Frm there, yu’ll spend ne day travelling by bat t yur a __________ (膳宿) in the middle f the frest.
    74. Are there any grammar r spelling e__________ (错误)?
    75. Wh is h__________ (主持) this meeting?
    第六部分 汉译英(满分25分)
    第一节 单句翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    76. 她看小说之前就已经完成了作业。
    77. 这里除老师外再无别人了。
    78. 这种花是这一地区独有的。
    79. 再往高处去就是一座旧城堡,一位国王曾在此居住。
    80. 课外阅读对于英语学习既必要又重要。
    第二节 语篇翻译(满分10分)
    第七部分 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1. 活动过程及参加人员的感受;
    2. 你对这次活动的评论。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1—5 CACAB 6—10 BBCAC 11—15 CBCAC 16—20 AACBA
    第二部分 阅读(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
    21—23 ABD 24—27 DCCA 28—31 BBCC 32—35 BBBA 36—40 DEBFG
    第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    41—45 BDCAD 46—50 ACDBA 51—55 CABCD
    第四部分 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    56. as57. chse58. it59. happiness60. subjects
    61. fcusing62. beautiful63. wh64. but65. greatly
    第五部分 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. exchange67. awkward68. revised69. Actually70. respnsible
    71. arrangements72. fficial73. accmmdatin74. errrs75. hsting
    第六部分 汉译英(满分25分)
    第一节 单句翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    76. She had finished her hmewrk befre she started t read the nvel.
    77. There is nbdy here ther than the teacher.
    78. This flwer is unique t the area.
    79. Higher up was an ld castle where a king nce lived.
    80. Reading utside schl is necessary and imprtant in learning English.
    第二节 语篇翻译(满分10分)
    As a persn, Lang Ping is lved by fans at hme and abrad. When the Chinese team was preparing fr the 2015 Wrld Cup, her determinatin was tested. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One f the best players had been injured, and the team captain had t leave because f heart prblems. Lsing tw imprtant players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did nt lse heart. She had faced difficulties befre, and she knew that her yung players culd win if they wrked tgether as a team.
    第七部分 应用文写作参考范文(满分15分)
    A Tree Planting Activity
    Our schl rganized the students in Grade One t take part in a tree planting activity at the Blue Sky Tree Planting Base last Saturday.
    During the activity, all students and teachers spared n effrt t plant trees. Sme said that planting trees culd free them frm heavy hmewrk. The air at the base was fresh, which culd lift students’ spirits. Mrever, sme believed that this activity ffered a gd pprtunity t take exercise.
    It was such an unfrgettable experience that I hpe ur schl will hld mre activities in the future.
    Text 1
    M: Why are yu in such a hurry, Mary? Yu haven’t finished yur breakfast.
    W: Emily is waiting fr me utside. We’ll g t the city library tday.
    Text 2
    W: Yur hair is a bit lng.
    M: I knw. I’d like t get a haircut after schl. Is there a barber shp nearby?
    W: Yes. There’s ne just acrss the street, next t the pst ffice.
    Text 3
    M: What an unusual skirt! I’ve never seen ne that’s shrt in the frnt and lng in the back. And the clrs are beautiful!
    W: I just gt it. I lve the material. It is s sft.
    Text 4
    M: Excuse me. I’d like t send this letter t the United States. Can yu tell me hw much it will cst?
    W: I’ll have t weigh it. It cmes t 30 yuan.
    M: All right. Here is 50 yuan.
    Text 5
    W: What d yu think f this bk?
    M: It’s nt as interesting as it was suppsed t be. And there are s many characters in it which just make me cnfused.
    W: Well, I really lve it. It tells such a mving stry.
    Text 6
    M: Hell. Hw d yu d? I’m Jhn Brwn.
    W: Hell, Mr. Brwn. Hw d yu d? It’s a pleasure t meet yu.
    M: Yu must be Cindy. Yur bss called me and said yu wuld be cming t pick me up.
    W: Yes. I’m Cindy. Let me take that case fr yu, please.
    M: Thanks. That’s very kind f yu.
    W: What abut that large bag? Wuld yu like me t carry it?
    M: N, thanks. I can take it myself.
    W: Hw was the flight?
    M: Nt bad.
    W: Gd. Let’s take a taxi t the ffice.
    M: OK.
    Text 7
    M: We shuld stp swimming and g back hme.
    W: Why? I’m having fun! And the water feels perfect.
    M: There is a strm cming. It’s dangerus t stay in the pl.
    W: The third strm in ne week! Why d we always have bad weather during ur hliday?
    M: Cme n. The rain will start in a few minutes. Lk at the sky! It’s cludy. It’s almst black!
    W: Yu’re right. Let’s g.
    M: OK. If we leave nw, we will get back in time t clse the windws.
    W: Yu left them pen?
    M: The cl wind was nice. We left s quickly that I frgt t clse them.
    W: Quick! Let’s get in the car and drive back!
    Text 8
    W: Hney! I have tld yu again and again nt t let the baby listen t rck music. It is nt gd fr his brain, s he wn’t be smart when he is lder.
    M: Oh, dn’t wrry s much, Martha. Lk at him! He lves it s much. He’s even singing alng!
    W: That’s exactly the prblem. I dn’t want him t grw up and be ne f thse kids that we see smking cigarettes behind the schl.
    M: Yu wrry t much. N child f urs is ging t be like that. Just relax. I will put n sme Beethven instead.
    W: Gd. Classical music shuld calm him dwn.
    Text 9
    W: Hw d yu usually g t wrk?
    M: I usually drive t wrk.
    W: I nly drive nce a mnth. I ften ride my bicycle t my ffice. I als take the bus nce a week.
    M: That’s surprising. A car is really useful. I drive my car almst every day, even fr lng trips.
    W: I used t be like yu, but fr very lng trips, I wuld take a train r an airplane. Driving is nt gd fr the envirnment, and it takes a lng time.
    M: That’s true.
    W: If yu ride a bike t wrk, yu will save a lt f mney.
    M: And it is much safer. Cycling really has a lt f gd things abut it.
    W: T be safe, dn’t frget t buy prtectin fr yur head.
    M: I will. Can yu shw me where t buy it?
    W: Yes, f curse. Let’s g t a sprts shp nw.
    Text 10
    W: Hw many f yu are tired f wearing the same ld clthes every year? Dn’t yu want nice new nes? Dn’t yu want t have gd style? Well, cme in t Jacksn’s Stre! We have everything yu need. Our building is dwntwn n Third Street. There is a lt f parking, and the stre is easy t get t. It is in a large and beautiful building. Wait until yu see the things we sell! We have T-shirts and pants fr children. We have sweaters, shrts, and skirts fr wmen in lts f styles. And yu wn’t believe ur shes! We have hundreds f different kinds fr men and wmen. And the best news is that we have very lw prices. Anybdy can affrd t shp here! Bring the whle family dwn t Jacksn’s fr the best deals in twn. We’re having a big sale right nw n all f ur children’s shirts and pants. Stp by and lk at them befre we clse tday!
    A Tree Planting Activity

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