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    这是一份2023-2024学年江西省上饶市广丰中学高一上学期期中考试英语试卷含答案+听力,共30页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7,B.In 1975,10,B.19,B.In 1987等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1.When did the wman cme t the US?
    A.In 1973.B.In 1975.C.In 1977.
    2.Hw much shuld the man pay?
    3.Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A.In a travel agency.B.In the man’s hme.C.In a lab.
    4.What des the man decide t d?
    A.Hld the line.B.Call again later.C.Check the phne number.
    5.Wh is Cindy mst prbably?
    A.The man’s girlfriend.B.Mr. Hammer’s secretary.C.The bss f ABC Cmpany.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6.What is the man’s plan fr the weekend?
    A.Attending a wedding.B.Ging t a party.C.Watching a film.
    7.Why will the wman thrw a party this Saturday?
    A.Fr huse-warming.B.Fr her birthday.C.Fr a prmtin.
    8.What did Jasn think f Karen’s fd?
    9.What des the wman suggest Jasn d?
    A.Observe the bees.B.Have sme ice cream.C.Study English slang.
    10.Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A.T bk a ticket.B.T call ff a flight.C.T change a reservatin.
    11.Hw much will the man pay?
    A.$ 4,112.B.$ 4, 479.C.$ 8,591.
    12.What’s the advantage f Air Canada flights fr passengers during their stay?
    A.Staying a night in the htel fr free.
    B.Access t nearby turist attractins.
    C.A chance fr entertainment at any time.
    13.Why des the wman want t jin the gym?
    A.Out f curisity.B.Fr bdybuilding hbby.C.T imprve her fitness.
    14.What des the man think f being active?
    15.What des the man suggest the wman d befre ging t the gym?
    A.Eat dry fruits.B.Avid drinking milk.C.Get enugh sleep.
    16.What is the man mainly talking abut?
    A.The significance f ding exercise.
    B.A balance between diet and exercise.
    C.Sme instructins n gym exercise.
    17.Hw ld is the speaker’s brther?
    18.What is the speaker’s mther?
    A.A plice fficer.B.A nurse.C.A firefighter.
    19.Why is it hard fr the speaker t see her brther nw?
    A.Her brther has been infected with COVID-19.
    B.Her brther is in islatin because f COVID-19.
    C.Her brther is busy helping fight against COVID-19.
    20.What des the speaker decide t d in the future?
    A.Help mre peple like her brther.
    B.Spend mre time with family.
    C.Study in a plice training schl.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    72 hurs in Beijing
    Traveling t China is n lnger a luxury fr many freign passprt hlders. The Chinese gvernment has permitted a 72-hur visa free plicy that ffers access t visitrs frm 53 cuntries including the US, France and Austria. Let’s start with the capital f China, Beijing. Here’s a pick f the best in Beijing.
    The Frbidden City
    Lying at the heart f the capital, the Frbidden City, r mre accurately, the Imperial Palace, was hme t 24 Chinese emperrs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Twice the size f the Vatican, it cnsists f 999 rms that served the emperrs and their cncubines (嫔妃). Als, it’s the largest and mst well-preserved wden palace cmplex in the wrld.
    The Summer Palace
    Lcated in nrthwestern Beijing, the Summer Palace is by far the city’s mst well-preserved ryal park. With its huge lake and hilltp views , the palace ffers yu a pastral (田园的) escape int the landscape f traditinal Chinese paintings. The Summer Palace was added t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List in 1998.
    798 Art Zne
    This wuld be n the tp f my list! Named after the 798 factry that was built in the 1950s, the art zne is hme t varius galleries, design studis, art exhibitin spaces, fashinable shps and bars. Yu culd easily spend half yur day wandering arund the cmplex, feeling the cntrast f the present and the past.
    The Temple f Heaven
    Originally cnstructed during the Ming Dynasty, the Temple f Heaven was a sacrificial temple used by emperrs t appease (安抚)the heavens in rder t bring prsperity t their peple and ensure the harvest in the cming year. The ceremnial prcessins traditinally started frm the suth gate. Enter the lng hall and navigate thrugh the crwds, the Hall f Prayer fr Gd Harvests will sn cme int view with its three-tiered rf and stunning blue glaze.
    21.In which place can a traveller see the largest wden palace cmplex in the wrld?
    A.The Frbidden City.B.The Summer Palace.
    C.798 Art Zne.D.The Temple f Heaven.
    22.When was the Summer Palace added t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List?
    A.In 1950.B.In 1987.C.In 1998.D.In 2014.
    23.Wh is the passage intended fr?
    A.The turists wh prefer t travel fr free.
    B.The freigners t stay in Beijing fr 4 days.
    C.The visitrs cming frm every crner f China.
    D.The freign passprt hlders t stay in Beijing fr 3 days.
    Several years ag, the three f us started a bk prject t explain hw learning and memry wrk. Tw f us, Rddy Rediger and Mark McDaniel, are cgnitive (认知的) scientists wh have dedicated ur careers t the study f learning and memry. Peter Brwn is a stryteller. We have teamed up t explain hw learning and memry wrk in this bk, and we d this by telling stries f peple wh have fund their way t mastery f cmplex knwledge and skills. Thrugh these examples we illustrate the principles f learning that the research shws are highly effective.
    Mst bks deal with tpics serially—they cver ne tpic, mve n t the next, and s n. We fllw this strategy in the sense that each chapter addresses new tpics, but we als apply tw f the primary learning principles in the bk: spaced repetitin f key ideas, and the interleaving f different but related tpics. If learners spread ut their study f a tpic, returning t it peridically ver time, they remember it better. Similarly, if they interleave the study f different tpics, they learn each better than if they had studied them ne at a time in sequence. Thus we cver key ideas mre than nce, repeating principles in different cntexts acrss the bk. The reader will remember them better and use them mre effectively as a result.
    This is a bk abut what peple can d fr themselves right nw in rder t learn better and remember lnger. The respnsibility fr learning rests with every individual. Teachers and caches, t, can be mre effective right nw by helping students understand these principles and by designing them int the learning experience.
    While much remains t be knwn abut learning, a large bdy f research has generated principles and practical strategies that can be put t wrk immediately, at n cst, and t great effect.
    24.What is the feature f the bk?
    A.It ffers examples and presents arguments.
    B.It analyzes cases and questins the authrs.
    C.It cmbines stries with research findings.
    D.It cmpares nline learning with real-wrld learning.
    25.What des the underlined wrd “interleaving” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.Making smething mre nticeable.B.Putting smething between ther things.
    C.Demnstrating the existence f smething.D.Guessing the intended meaning f smething.
    26.What is the authr’s attitude twards the existing studies abut learning?
    27.What is the bk mainly abut?
    A.Effective learning strategies.B.The three authrs.
    C.The wrk f cgnitive scientists.D.The respnsibility f learners.
    Change can be unsettling. Gd r bad, exciting r unexpected, there’s an undeniable anxiety that accmpanies seeing ur lives shift. Thankfully, nature reminds us that entering a new seasn in ur lives is nthing t fear but smething t enjy.
    What’s nw knwn as “leaf-peeping” has becme a highly prfitable frm f turism in the United States. A research shws that acrss states in the eastern half f the cuntry, fall fliage (叶子) turism cntributes mre than $30 billin t lcal ecnmies. And even thugh climate change has made int mre difficult t predict when exactly fliage will peak, it hasn’t stpped peple frm trying t figure it ut. Turism leaders frm the Smky Muntains recently released their annual fall fliage predictin map which helps travelers plan ut when they have the best chance t catch thse beautiful autumn views.
    Perhaps part f what makes the fliage s special is the belief that it’s temprary. Eventually, branches will becme bare, and we’ll stp taking phts fr scial media. And as the seasns change and we feel that familiar lnging fr what was, trees will nce again embrace (欣然接受) their evlutin.
    Even when they aren’t decrated with flashy fall clrs and their internal systems slw dwn, trees are still supprting the ecsystem. Their fallen leaves are brken dwn by bacteria and fungi and prvide the sil with nutrients the tree needs t grw. Insects take up shelter in their bark, eventually becming fd fr ther wildlife seeking a place t nest. Their strng rts stabilize the sil, preventing ersin (侵蚀) frm winter snwmelt.
    Right nw, trees arund the cuntry are already beginning t welcme their next chapter. During this time f the year, it feels like frests are just ffering endless jy fr free. And fall fliage is an everlasting reminder that the grwth with changes is beautiful.
    28.What des “leaf-peeping” refer t?
    A.A frm f turism where peple g t see fall fliage.
    B.A measure taken by turism leaders t prtect trees.
    C.A research abut the effects f climate change n trees.
    D.A methd fr predicting when fall fliage will peak.
    29.Why d peple find fall fliage s special?
    A.It brings change t daily life.B.It cntributes t lcal ecnmy.
    C.It helps preserve ecsystems.D.It lasts nly fr a shrt time.
    30.What can we learn abut trees in fall frm paragraph 4?
    A.They are easily damaged by bacteria.B.They stp rting due t cld weather.
    C.They cntinue prviding shelter fr wildlife.D.They play a rle in reducing snwfall.
    31.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Trees Supprting the EcsystemB.Lessn frm Trees: Embracing Change
    C.Fall Fliage Turism in the USD.Climate Changes in the Seasn f Fall
    My daughter recently expressed interest in riding mre. We live in a small city, and bicycles are a ppular transprtatin chice here. I was excited at her chice. She wuld sn learn hw easy it is t get arund in this way, and hw fast she can ride n tw wheels. Bike turs are ften quicker than bus r cab r car trips are.
    Much t my surprise, nne f this mattered t her. On ne f ur first trips tgether, I was fixing n the rute ahead- turns, arrival time- when she said, “Hey Dad, wanna knw a riddle?”
    And then, befre I explained hw unsuitable this was, hw we shuldn’t be telling jkes while riding, and hw we shuld be fcused n the rad, n reaching ur destinatin as sn as we culd, she started, “What lasts frever but never dies?”
    This is hw it’s been. She has shared stries frm the past, hpes fr the future. I have been challenged t ride backward and t stretch legs ut n bth sides.
    Nne f these have been dangerus, mind yu. My daughter des nt ride withut prper care. She pulls even with me, fr instance nly n wide, empty streets. When the car appears, she quietly slips behind me and hlds bth eyes t the rad. As sn as cnditins f basic safety are met, thugh...
    “Dad, slw dwn! Isn’t this a lvely neighbrhd?” my daughter asks.
    It is a lvely neighbrhd. I’m surprised, I’ve cme this way cuntless times, but never have I nticed any f this. Farther dwn the rad, the laughter f children cmes ut frm a game f ball.
    I make a prmise. Frm nw n, I’m ging t mve mre slwly n these rides. I’m ging t ntice the neighbrhds we mve thrugh. I’m ging t enjy this.
    32.The writer had thught that riding wuld help her daughter ________.
    A.g smewhere cnveniently
    B.have mre bike excursins alne
    C.d sme tricks n the bike
    D.learn the imprtance f time in traveling
    33.Accrding t the text, the writer’s daughter ________.
    A.ignred the traffic while riding
    B.had a gd sense f safety
    C.kept talking withut lking ahead
    D.enjyed challenging any danger n the rad
    34.While lking at the neighbrhd, the writer realized ________.
    A.hw easily his daughter was distracted
    B.what a gd neighbrhd lked like
    C.what he missed in the curse f riding
    D.why a neighbrhd needed a garden
    35.What prmise did the writer make?
    A.T be cnscius f time in riding.
    B.T take his daughter t ride mre ften.
    C.T fcus his attentin n the destinatin.
    D.T ride slwly t enjy the beauty alng the rad.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    There’s a reasn why s many peple lve running early in the mrning. 36 Nt nly d yu begin yur day mre relaxed and refreshed, but yu’ve already started things f with an accmplishment. If yu think yu’re ready t take advantage f the benefits f a mrning run, here are five suggestins frm the prfessinals.
    ●Find a friend, and be gentle with yurself
    Finding a partner t run with will give yu smene t be respnsible fr, and make it much harder t blw ff the run. It’s als imprtant t remember that this is a prcess, and yu can’t expect t d it perfectly frm the beginning. 37 “Once yu get int the habit, it becmes natural and actually jump starts yur day,” says Sheri Piers, tp American finisher at the 2012 Bstn Marathn.
    ●Embrace the mvement
    “The first few steps r blcks will be tugh in the mrning. They always are,” says Dr. Jrdan Metzl, wh has ver 32 marathn finishes under his belt. With a practice f mre than 20, 000 patients, Metzl’s days are jam-packed, s early mrning runs are a must. 38 “Smetimes yu have t just d it, and remember that the mtivatin will cme later.” he says.
    ●Stay warm
    39 “If I g t bed in my sprts wear, all I need t d is thrw n the uter layers and head ut the dr. At least that takes away sme f the incnvenience,” says Tina Muir, a half-marathner. She als leaves her alarm n the ther side f the rm t help push herself up.
    ● 40
    “I view waking up early like tearing ff a Band-Aid,” says Michele Gnzalez, a running cach. “It’s gnna hurt fr a bit.” Her advice is relatively simple. “Yu just have t set the alarm early and start ding it,” she says. “After a few days, yu’ll be tired earlier at night and will start ging t bed earlier. This makes the early alarm feel a bit mre manageable.”
    A.It has majr benefits.
    B.Have a training plan.
    C.Make peace with the pain.
    D.It’s just like warming up a car in the winter.
    E.Even if yu have a setback r tw, keep at it.
    F.Still, he knws hw hard it can be t get mtivated.
    G.The wrst part is getting changed in the cld air especially in winter.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I decided t be a teacher when I was 10, because I culd clearly see sme f my teachers had extrardinary pwers.
    There was an English teacher in fifth grade wh culd 41 and effrtlessly transprt us t different wrlds every day by telling us stries frm bks we wuld therwise never 42 . It was even shcking that my teacher culd 43 the invisible. I was ne f thse wh 44 insight (洞察). Yet my teacher wuld always ntice me and the 45 message in her eyes suggested that she culd see me thrugh. She had anther superpwer and even after fur decades, I culd still 46 remember her lessns abut the great masters f art and great gegraphers. She did this even thugh her 47 was nt art, nr gegraphy. I knew I wanted t be ne f thse all-seeing nes with the 48 that made children feel safe and valued.
    I knw being a teacher isn’t the 49 r the mst financially rewarding f jbs. And there are ccupatinal 50 —yur knees can becme wrn ut frm years f carrying piles f ntebks up and dwn the schl staircase; yur 51 can give in frm t much talking. But despite all that, there are still thse chsing this 52 . T them, teaching is nt just a jb—it is a science, an art and a craft, which demands 53 labur and investment.
    I have taught fr three decades. Occasinally, I meet my 54 students. Their bvius lve fr me and fnd 55 f ur time tgether are my rewards.
    42.A.take awayB.pick upC.hand utD.leave alne
    第二节:(共10个小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Recent studies have shwn the benefit — even necessity — f 56 (spend) time utdrs, bth fr kids 57 adults. Sme argue that it can be any utdr envirnment. Sme say it has t be a “green” envirnment — ne with trees and leaves. Mst f the studies agree that kids wh play utside are 58 (happy) and less anxius ( 焦虑的) than kids wh spend mre time indrs. While it’s unclear hw 59 (exact) the md imprvements happen, there are a few things we d knw abut why nature is gd 60 kids’ minds.
    There are varius ways 61 (explre) utdr envirnments, frm the backyard t the park, and letting a child chse hw he treats nature 62 (mean) he has the ability t cntrl his wn actins. This style f play als allws kids t interact ( 互动) meaningfully with their envirnments. They can think mre freely, design their wn activities, and apprach the wrld in 63 (interest) ways.
    Mst ways f interacting with nature include mre exercise than sitting n the sfa. Kids dn’t have t jin the lcal sccer team r ride a bike thrugh the park — even a walk will get their bld pumping ( 流通). Nt nly is exercise beneficial t kids’ bdies, but it seems t make 64 (they) mre fcused, which is especially beneficial fr kids with ADHD ( 多动症).
    S while screen time is the easier, mre ppular chice, 65 is imprtant t set enugh time fr utdr play.
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1. 地理位置;
    2. 城市特征及著名景点。
    注意: 1. 词数 80 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Ladies and gentlemen, welcme t the famus turist city—
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25分)
    I have already frgtten the name f an ld lady wh was a custmer n my paper-delivery rute when I was a twelve-year-ld by. Yet it seems like just yesterday that she taught me a lessn in frgiveness that I can nly hpe t pass n t smene else smeday.
    On a mindless Saturday afternn, a friend and I were thrwing rcks nt the rf f the ld lady’s huse. We just wanted t bserve hw the rcks changed t missiles (导弹) as they rlled t the rf’s edge and sht ut int her yard.
    I fund myself a perfectly smth rck and sent it fr a ride. The stne was t smth, hwever, s it slipped frm my hand as I let it g and headed straight fr a small windw n the ld lady’s back dr. At the sund f brken glass, we tk ff frm the ld lady’s yard faster than any f ur missiles flew ff her rf.
    I was t much scared! Hwever, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn’t been discvered, I started t feel guilty. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was n lnger able t act cmfrtable in her presence.
    I made up my mind that I wuld save my paper delivery mney, and in three weeks I had the ten dllars that I thught wuld cver the cst f her windw.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按照如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    I put the mney in an envelpe with a letter in it.
    Paragraph 2:
    The next day, after receiving the paper, she thanked me and said, “I have smething fr yu.”
    【原文】M: S when did yur father cme t Ls Angeles?
    W: He came t wrk in Ls Angeles in the year f 1975. He was nly 36 years ld then. And tw years later, we all came t the US t live tgether with him.
    【原文】M: Hw much are these?
    W: Let me see. Tw pens are $1.50 and a ntebk is 80 cents. Yu need t pay S2.30.
    M: Wait a minute. Isn’t the price f the ntebk 60 cents?
    W: Oh, I’m srry. Yu're right.
    【原文】W: Hey! I’m Emma. Lk like we’ll be lab partners this semester. Yu dn’t lk very familiar t me. Are yu new t this schl?
    M: Hi. I’m Trevr. My family and I just mved here last mnth.
    【原文】M: Hell, I’d like the extensin 4130. Wuld yu put me thrugh, please?
    W: Srry. The number is busy nw. Will yu please hld the line?
    M: Nn I’ll try again later.
    【原文】W: Hell, Mr. Hammer’s ffice. This is Cindy.
    M: This is Mr. Wang frm ABC Cmpany. I’d like t make an appintment with Mr. Hammer.
    W: Shall we arrange the time n Thursday mrning when he’s available?
    6.C 7.A
    【原文】W: I’m hlding a party this Saturday. Wuld yu like t cme?
    M: This Saturday? Srry, but I’m afraid I cannt make it. My wife and I already have plans fr the weekend. We’re ging t watch Wnder Wman 1984 tnight. She really lves Wnder Wman and has lked frward t watching it fr weeks.
    W: OK. It seems married peple hardly have time fr parties.
    M: I guess yu’re right. S why are yu thrwing a party this Saturday? Is it yur birthday?
    W: N. I’ve mved int a new apartment. I want t celebrate the ccasin with sme friends.
    M: Cngratulatins! I’ll visit yu in yur new place with my wife smeday.
    8.A 9.C
    【原文】W: Jasn, I heard Karen invited yu and Lisa ver fr dinner last night. Did yu enjy the fd?
    M: Abslutely. Karen is really a gd ck! But when she intrduced sme special ice cream t me and Lisa, I was really scared.
    W: What did she say?
    M: She said it was the bee’s knees. I thught the ice cream was made f bees’ knees. But then she explained t me she used the expressin just t shw the ice cream was exceptinally gd.
    W: That’s really funny! Yu shuld learn mre English slang.
    M: Yu’re ttally right. I’m sure I’ll learn mre as I live lnger in this cuntry.
    10.A 11.B 12.B
    【原文】M: Gd mrning, I need a return ticket t Canada.
    W: Gd mrning, which airline wuld yu like t travel with?
    M: It wuld be better if yu bk mean Air Canada ticket.
    W: Friday flight frm Karachi t Trnt at 11: 00 am, this flight will be via Istanbul and Paris, where it will stay fr 3 hurs.
    M: Hw much is the business class fare?
    W: Air Canada Business Class fare is $8, 591 fr a rund-trip ticket.
    M: Hw much is the fare if I want t take an ecnmy class?
    W: Yu will get ecnmy fr $4, 479. I think the ecnmy rundtrip will be gd fr yu.
    M: Yes! The business class ticket is t expensive. I’d prefer the ecnmy class. By the way, Air Canada has Paris and Istanbul rutes, s can I travel between these cuntries fr a few mments?
    W: Yes, this is the advantage f Air Canada flights, which give their passengers access t nearby turist attractins during their stay, but the service is their wn, which prvides an pprtunity fr entertainment fr a fixed perid f time.
    13.C 14.A 15.A 16.C
    【原文】M: Hell, welcme t the gym. Yu’re new t the gym, and have t fllw sme instructins at the beginning. First f all, tell us whether yu want t jin the gym fr fitness r bdybuilding hbby.
    W: I want t jin a gym t imprve my fitness.
    M: Gd, gym is very useful fr fitness, regular exercise and physical activity which prmtes strng muscles and bnes. Being active can help yu maintain a healthy weight, reduce yur risk f heart disease, and even reduce yur risk f sme cancers. Cmbine exercise with utdr sprts, schedule time t g t the gym every day, r chse healthy, active hbbies like hiking r cycling. Make exercise and physical activity a regular part f yur daily rutine.
    W: Hw shuld I maintain my diet alng with gym exercise and utdr sprts?
    M: Befre the fitness rutine, yu’ll knw what kind f fd t cnsume. Using pure wheat bread and eggs in additin t milk and ygurt fr breakfast will increase yur energy, and eating dry fruits befre ging t the gym will increase the energy f the bdy.
    W: Thank yu. I’m very happy with yur useful lecture.
    17.B 18.B 19.C 20.A
    W: Gd mrning, everyne. Nw I’d like t tell yu smething abut my hmetwn her. My hmetwn her is smene I always lked up t. He’s my brther Giuseppe. He is five years lder than me and he will turn twenty next mnth. He’s a vlunteer firefighter in his spare time. He als vlunteers his time in the largest hspital in ur city, where my mther wrks as a nurse. My brther is very nice nt nly t his family members but als t thers. He ges t visit ur grandma t make sure she’s OK. He als makes care packages fr families that are dealing with COVID-19. I haven’t seen my brther much since the COVID-19 pandemic started. It’s hard t be away frm him, but I knw ther peple need him. He is ging t study in a plice training schl later this year because he wants t help mre peple. I want t be just like my brther in the future. I’m ging t fllw in his ftsteps and help everyne I can.
    21.A 22.C 23.D
    21.细节理解题。根据The Frbidden City部分中的“Als, it’s the largest and mst well-preserved wden palace cmplex in the wrld. (而且,它是世界上最大,保存最完好的木质宫殿建筑群。) ”可知,故宫是世界上最大的,保存最完好的木制宫殿建筑群,由此可知,在故宫可以看到世界上最大的木制宫殿建筑群。故选 A 项。
    22.细节理解题。根据The Summer Palace部分中的“The Summer Palace was added t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage list in 1998. (1998 年,颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。)”可知,颐和园是在1998年被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录的。故选 C 项。
    23.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Traveling t China is n lnger a luxury fr many freign passprt hlders. The Chinese gvernment has permitted a 72- hur visa - free plicy that ffers access t visitrs frm 53 cuntries including the US, France and Austria. Let’s start with the capital f China, Beijing. Here’s a pick f the best in Beijing! (对于很多持有外国护照的人来说,去中国旅游不再是一件奢侈的事。中国政府批准了72 小时免签政策,允许来自美国、法国和奥地利等53 个国家的游客入境。)”可知,对于持有外国护照的人来说,去中国旅游不再是奢侈的事情了,中国政府批准了72小时的免签政策,允许一些国家的游客入境,由此可知,本文是写给要在北京待 3 天的外国护照持有者。故选 D 项
    24.C 25.B 26.B 27.A
    24.细节理解题。根据第一段“Peter Brwn is a stryteller. We have teamed up t explain hw learning and memry wrk in this bk, and we d this by telling stries f peple wh have fund their way t mastery f cmplex knwledge and skills. Thrugh these examples we illustrate the principles f learning that the research shws are highly effective.( 彼得·布朗是一个讲故事的人。在这本书中,我们联合起来解释学习和记忆是如何工作的,我们通过讲述人们找到掌握复杂知识和技能的方法的故事来解释这一点。通过这些例子,我们说明了研究表明非常有效的学习原则。)”可知,这本书通过讲述故事的方式,解释学习和记忆的工作原理,通过这些例子来说明研究证明的高效学习原则。因此,这本书的特点是将故事与研究成果相结合。故选C。
    25.词句猜测题。根据第二段划线词前半句“We fllw this strategy in the sense that each chapter addresses new tpics, but we als apply tw f the primary learning principles in the bk: spaced repetitin f key ideas,(我们遵循这一策略,因为每一章都涉及新的主题,但我们也在书中应用了两个主要的学习原则:关键思想的间隔重复)”可知,第一个学习原则是:关键思想的间隔重复;根据下文“If learners spread ut their study f a tpic, returning t it peridically ver time, they remember it better. Similarly, if they interleave the study f different tpics, they learn each better than if they had studied them ne at a time in sequence. (如果学习者分散学习一个主题,随着时间的推移定期回顾,他们会记得更好。同样,如果他们将不同主题的学习穿插在一起,他们每一个都学得比按顺序学习一个主题要好)”可知,第二个学习原则是将不同的主题学习穿插在一起,由此猜测interleaving为“交错;交替”之意。故选B。
    26.推理判断题。根据最后一段“While much remains t be knwn abut learning, a large bdy f research has generated principles and practical strategies that can be put t wrk immediately, at n cst, and t great effect. (虽然关于学习还有很多有待了解的地方,但大量的研究已经产生了一些原则和实用的策略,这些原则和策略可以立即投入使用,不需要任何成本,而且效果显著)”可推断,作者对现有的学习研究持赞同态度。故选B。
    27.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Several years ag, the three f us started a bk prject t explain hw learning and memry wrk. (几年前,我们三个人开始了一个书籍项目,解释学习和记忆是如何工作的。)”及全文可知,这本书主要讲述的是人们现在可以采取哪些有效的学习策略来学习和记忆,即这本书主要讲述的是有效的学习策略。故选A。
    28.A 29.D 30.C 31.B
    28.细节理解题。根据第二段的“What’s nw knwn as “leaf-peeping” has becme a highly prfitable frm f turism in the United States. A research shws that acrss states in the eastern half f the cuntry, fall fliage turism cntributes mre than $30 billin t lcal ecnmies. (在美国,现在所谓的“赏叶”已经成为一种高利润的旅游形式。一项研究表明,在美国东半部的各州,赏叶旅游为当地经济贡献了300多亿美元。)”可知,leaf-peeping指的是人们去看落叶的一种旅游方式。故选A。
    29.细节理解题。根据第三段的“Perhaps part f what makes the fliage s special is the belief that it’s temprary. (也许树叶如此特别的部分原因是人们相信它是暂时的。) ”可知,人们觉得秋天的树叶如此特别是因为它只持续很短的时间。故选D。
    30.推理判断题。根据第四段的“Insects take up shelter in their bark, eventually becming fd fr ther wildlife seeking a place t nest. (昆虫躲在树皮里,最终成为其他寻找巢穴的野生动物的食物。)”可知,秋天的树虽然叶子落下了,但仍为野生动物提供食物和庇护。故选C。
    31.主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第二段的“Change can be unsettling. Gd r bad, exciting r unexpected, there’s an undeniable anxiety that accmpanies seeing ur lives shift. Thankfully, nature reminds us that entering a new seasn in ur lives is nthing t fear but smething t enjy. (变化可能令人不安。无论是好是坏,令人兴奋还是出乎意料,看到我们的生活发生变化,总有一种不可否认的焦虑。值得庆幸的是,大自然提醒我们,进入生命的新季节没有什么可怕的,而是值得享受的。)”可知,文章介绍秋天的到来有着好的一面也有坏的一面,但不管怎样生命的新陈代谢提醒人们要用心去拥抱和接受一切,因此B项(树木带来的启示:拥抱变化)能够概括文章内容,适合作为标题,故选B。
    32.A 33.B 34.C 35.D
    32.细节理解题。文章第一段讲到“She wuld sn learn hw easy it is t get arund in this way, and hw fast she can ride n tw wheels. Bike turs are ften quicker than bus r cab r car trips are.( 她很快就会知道用这种方式四处走动有多容易,骑两轮能有多快。骑自行车旅行通常比乘公共汽车、出租车或汽车旅行更快。)”可知,作者认为骑自行车会帮助她的女儿很方便地去某个地方。故选A。
    33.推理判断题。文章第五段讲到“When the car appears, she quietly slips behind me and hlds bth eyes t the rad. (当车出现时,她悄悄溜到我身后,双眼看着路。)”可知,作者的女儿有很强的安全感。故选B。
    34.细节理解题。文章倒数第二段讲到“It is a lvely neighbrhd. I’m surprised, I’ve cme this way cuntless times, but never have I nticed any f this. Farther dwn the rad, the laughter f children cmes ut frm a game f ball.( 这是一个可爱的社区。我很惊讶,我已经来过无数次了,但从来没有注意到这一点。在更远的路上,孩子们的笑声来自一场球赛。)”可知,在看这个街区的时候,作者意识到了他在骑行过程中错过了什么。故选C。
    35.细节理解题。文章最后一段讲到“Frm nw n, I’m ging t mve mre slwly n these rides. I’m ging t ntice the neighbrhds we mve thrugh. I’m ging t enjy this. (从现在开始,我要在这些游乐设施上移动得更慢。我会注意我们经过的街区。我要享受这一切。)”可知,作者许下的承诺是骑着车慢慢欣赏沿途的美景。故选D。
    36.A 37.E 38.F 39.G 40.C
    36.上文“There’s a reasn why s many peple lve running early in the mrning.(很多人喜欢在清晨跑步是有原因的)”提到,很多人喜欢在清晨跑步是有原因的,空处应是接着说明原因,即清晨跑步的好处,A项“它有很大的好处”符合语境,下文“Nt nly d yu begin yur day mre relaxed and refreshed, but yu’ve already started things f with an accmplishment.(这样你不仅能更轻松、更精神地开始新的一天,而且你已经以一种成就感开始了新的一天)”是具体说明清晨跑步的好处,故选A。
    37.根据上文“It’s als imprtant t remember that this is a prcess, and yu can’t expect t d it perfectly frm the beginning.(同样重要的是要记住,这是一个过程,你不能指望从一开始就做到完美)”可知,清晨跑步是一个过程,不会一开始就能做到完美,由此可知,这个过程中会遇到一些挫折、失败等,E项“即使你遭遇了一两次挫折,也要坚持下去”符合语境,与下文“Once yu get int the habit, it becmes natural and actually jump starts yur day(一旦你养成了跑步的习惯,它就会自然而然地开始你的一天)”衔接自然,跑步过程中遇到挫折也要坚持下去,一旦养成习惯就会自然而然地开始你的一天,故选E。
    38.根据上文“The first few steps r blcks will be tugh in the mrning.(早上刚开始的几步或几个街区会很艰难)”和下文“‘Smetimes yu have t just d it, and remember that the mtivatin will cme later.’ he says.(‘有时候你必须去做,并记住动力会在后面出现。’他说)”可知,本段是说对于Jrdan Metzl医生来说获得清晨跑步的动力很困难,F项“不过,他知道获得动力有多难”符合语境,与上文“s early mrning runs are a must(所以早上跑步是必须的)”形成转折关系,故选F。
    39.根据本段小标题“Stay warm(保持暖和)”和下文“If I g t bed in my sprts wear, all I need t d is thrw n the uter layers and head ut the dr.(如果我穿着运动服上床睡觉,我所需要做的就是穿上外套,然后出门)”可知,本段是说冬天的穿衣保暖问题,G项“最糟糕的是在寒冷的空气中换衣服,尤其是在冬天”符合语境,故选G。
    40.根据下文“‘I view waking up early like tearing ff a Band-Aid,’ says Michele Gnzalez, a running cach. ‘It’s gnna hurt fr a bit.’ Her advice is relatively simple. ‘Yu just have t set the alarm early and start ding it,’ she says.(跑步教练Michele Gnzalez说:‘我认为早起就像撕掉创可贴一样。’‘会疼一段时间。’她的建议相对简单。她说:‘你只需要早设闹钟,然后开始做。’)”可知,本段是说早起很痛苦,跑步教练Michele Gnzalez建议设定闹钟,然后开始做,C项“与痛苦和平相处”适合作为段落小标题,故选C。
    41.D 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.A 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.B 51.A 52.B 53.D 54.B 55.C
    41.考查副词词义辨析。句意:五年级的时候有一位英语老师,他每天都能神奇而轻松地把我们带到不同的世界,给我们讲一些我们永远不会拿起的书里的故事。A. carefully仔细地;B. casually随意地;C. deliberately故意;D. magically神奇地。根据后文“transprt us t different wrlds every day”可知,老师把我们带到不同的世界,所以是神奇地的事。故选D项。
    42.考查动词短语辨析。句意:五年级的时候有一位英语老师,他每天都能神奇而轻松地把我们带到不同的世界,给我们讲一些我们永远不会拿起的书里的故事。A. take away拿走;B. pick up拿起;C. hand ut分发;D. leave alne不打扰。根据前文“stries frm bks we wuld therwise never”结合选项,应是永远不会拿起的书符合语境。故选B项。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:甚至令我震惊的是,我的老师能看到看不见的东西。A. see看见;B. bear忍受;C. break打破;D. cver覆盖。根据前文“It was even shcking”以及后文“the invisible”可知,看到看不见的东西,令作者震惊。故选A项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是那种缺乏洞察力的人。A. missed错过;B. hated厌恶;C. lacked缺乏;D. valued重视。根据前文“It was even shcking that my teacher culd ___3___ the invisible.”可知,作者老师能看到看不见的东西,而本句是拿自己与老师做对比,所以是缺乏洞察力的。故选C项。
    45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我的老师总是会注意到我,她眼中无言的信息表明她能看穿我。A. ambiguus模棱两可的;B. freign外国的;C. urgent紧急的;D. unspken无言的。根据后文“message in her eyes suggested that she culd see me thrugh.”可知,老师通过眼睛表达信息,所以是无言的。故选D项。
    46.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她还有另一个超能力,即使在四十年后,我仍然生动地记得她给我上的关于伟大艺术大师和伟大地理学家的课。A. vividly生动地;B. partly部分地;C. hardly几乎不;D. rughly粗略地。根据前文“She had anther superpwer and even after fur decades”以及后文“remember her lessns abut the great masters f art and great gegraphers”可知,老师的另一个超能力是即使过了很多年,依旧让学生生动地记得她给我上的关于伟大艺术大师和伟大地理学家的课。故选A项。
    47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管她的专业不是艺术,也不是地理,她做到了。A. wrk工作;B. task任务;C. majr专业;D. duty责任。根据后文“nt art, nr gegraphy”结合选项,应是老师的专业不是艺术,也不是地理符合语境。故选C项。
    48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道我想成为那些拥有让孩子们感到安全和被重视的超能力的全能者之一。A. empathy同情;B. dubt怀疑;C. desire渴望;D. superpwer超能力。根据前文“She had anther superpwer”可知,作者认为老师有超能力,他也想成为这样的人。故选D项。
    49.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我知道当老师不是最容易的工作,也不是最赚钱的工作。A. easiest最容易的;B. hardest最艰难的;C. dullest最无聊的;D. weakest最虚弱的。根据前文“being a teacher”以及后文“the mst financially rewarding f jbs”结合实际可知,老师不是最容易的工作,也不是最赚钱的工作。故选A项。
    50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:还有职业上的风险——多年来,你的膝盖可能会因为在学校楼梯上拿着成堆的笔记本而磨损;你的声音会因为说得太多而变弱。A. errrs错误;B. risks风险;C. skills技能;D. stages时期。根据后文“yur knees can becme wrn ut frm years f carrying piles f ntebks up and dwn the schl staircase; yur ___11___ can give in frm t much talking.”可知,膝盖和声音会因为职业受损,所以是职业上的风险。故选B项。
    51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:还有职业上的风险——多年来,你的膝盖可能会因为在学校楼梯上拿着成堆的笔记本而磨损;你的声音会因为说得太多而变弱。A. vice嗓音;B. sight视力;C. cars轿车;D. legs腿。根据后文“give in frm t much talking”可知,说太多的话,会导致嗓音变弱。故选A项。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但尽管如此,仍然有人选择了这一事业。A. sign标志;B. cause事业;C. gift礼物;D. reasn原因。根据后文“T them, teaching is nt just a jb”可知,教学不仅仅是一份工作,所以是仍然有人选择了这一事业。故选B项。
    53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对他们来说,教学不仅仅是一份工作——它是一门科学、一门艺术和一门手艺,需要情感劳动和投入。A. cheap便宜的;B. private私人的;C. slight轻微的;D. emtinal情感的。根据前文“made children feel safe and valued”可知,老师需要让孩子们感到安全和被重视,根据实际,这需要感情的投入才能实现。故选D项。
    54.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:偶尔,我会遇到我以前的学生。A. present当前的;B. frmer以前的;C. patient有耐心的;D. plite有礼貌的。根据前文“I have taught fr three decades.”可知,作者教了三十年书,再根据Occasinally可知,偶尔遇到的,应是以前的学生。故选B项。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们对我显而易见的爱和我们在一起的美好回忆是对我的回报。A. adventures冒险;B. services服务;C. memries记忆;D. messages信息。根据前文“Occasinally, I meet my ___14___ students.”可知,作者遇到以前的学生,所以是和他们在一起的美好回忆。故选C项。
    56.spending 57.and 58.happier 59.exactly 60.fr 61.t explre 62.means 63.interesting 64.them 65.it
    60.考查介词。句意:虽然目前还不清楚情绪改善是如何发生的,但我们确实知道为什么大自然对孩子的思想有好处。分析句子可知,此处为动词短语be gd fr“对……有好处”,所以此处为介词fr的填入。故填fr。
    61.考查动词不定式。句意:从后院到公园,探索户外环境的方式多种多样,让孩子选择如何对待自然意味着他有能力控制自己的行为。分析句子可知,此处为动词不定式t d作后置定语修饰ways,ways t d“做某事的方法”为惯用表达。故填t explre。
    65.考查代词。句意:因此,虽然屏幕时间是更容易、更受欢迎的选择,但重要的是要留出足够的户外活动时间。分析句子可知,此处为it is +adj+ t d sth表示“做某事是怎样的”的固定句型,所以此处为代词it作形式主语,动词不定式t d作真正的主语。故填it。
    66.Ladies and gentlemen, welcme t the famus turist city—Hangzhu, lcated in eastern China. Hangzhu is knwn fr its amazing natural scenery and rich cultural heritage.
    One f the mst famus sights in Hangzhu is West Lake. This graceful lake is surrunded by muntains and has been a surce f inspiratin fr pets and artists thrughut Chinese histry. Anther ppular attractin is the ancient Lingyin Temple, which dates back ver 1,700 years. It is ne f the largest Buddhist temples in China and is hme t numerus statues and carvings. Hangzhu is als knwn fr its tea culture, and visitrs can enjy a cup f fragrant Lngjing tea while taking in the beautiful views.
    Cme and experience the beauty and charm f Hangzhu fr yurself!
    原句:It is ne f the largest Buddhist temples in China and is hme t numerus statues and carvings.
    拓展句:Being ne f the largest Buddhist temples in China, it is hme t numerus statues and carvings.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Anther ppular attractin is the ancient Lingyin Temple, which dates back ver 1,700 years. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】 Hangzhu is als knwn fr its tea culture, and visitrs can enjy a cup f fragrant Lngjing tea while taking in the stunning views. (运用了while引导的时间状语从句的省略)
    67.I put the mney in an envelpe with a letter in it. I explained in the letter that I was terribly srry fr breaking her windw and hped that the ten dllars wuld cver the cst f repairing it. Then I sneaked up t the ld lady’s huse and put the envelpe thrugh the letter slt in her dr. At that time, I felt a great sense f relief and I culdn’t wait fr the freedm f, nce again, lking straight int the ld lady’s eyes.
    The next day, after receiving the paper, she thanked me and said, “I have smething fr yu.” It was a bag f ckies. I thanked her and ate the ckies as I cntinued my rute. After several ckies, I felt an envelpe and pulled it ut f the bag. When I pened the envelpe, I was shcked. Inside was the 10 dllars and a shrt nte that said, “I’m prud f yu.” She knew it was me. But instead f blaming and punishing me, she chse t frgive me. Even s many years later, she is still deeply engraved in my mind, wh taught me a valuable lessn in my life.
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:写信道歉送钱赔偿——感到放松——像往常一样送报纸——收到饼干——发现退回的钱和便条——得到原谅与赞赏
    3. 词汇激活
    ②直视某人:lk straight int ne’s eyes/lk sb in the face
    ①感到如释重负:feel a great sense f relief/feel greatly relieved
    ②感谢:thank sb./express ne’s gratitude t sb
    ②为……感到骄傲:be prud f/take pride in
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I explained in the letter that I was terribly srry fr breaking her windw and hped that the ten dllars wuld cver the cst f repairing it. (运用了that引导的宾语从句 )
    【高分句型2】 I thanked her and ate the ckies as I cntinued my rute. (运用了as引导的状语从句)
    【高分句型3】Inside was the 10 dllars and a shrt nte that said, “I’m prud f yu.” (运用了倒装句以及that的限制性定语从句)

    江西省上饶市余干县蓝天中学2023-2024学年高一上学期1月考试英语试卷: 这是一份江西省上饶市余干县蓝天中学2023-2024学年高一上学期1月考试英语试卷,共25页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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