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    East Grampians Health Service
    New jb, new adventure!
    East Grampians Health Service (EGHS) is seeking applicatins frm new graduate Dentists t jin the Oral Health Department in ur new Cmmunity Health Centre n a full-time limited tenure (任期) basis frm January 2023 t late December 2023.
    EGHS is lcated in Ararat, Western Victria, an active and friendly cmmunity just tw hurs frm Melburne. Clse t the Grampians Natinal Park, it prvides an excellent living and recreatinal envirnment. Our Oral Health team cnsists f a grup f prfessinal Dentists, Dental Technicians and Dental Assistants, supprted by excellent facilities and equipment.
    The psitin ffers mentring (指导) supprt and accmmdatin. This is an excellent pprtunity fr a recent r new graduate t experience a brad base fr early career develpment.
    Key respnsibilities:
    —Wrk as a member f the dental team.
    —Independently undertake clinical duties.
    —Wrk clsely with the Senir Dentist in the planning and peratin f dental health services.
    —Accurately dcument patient care in accrdance with health service guidelines.
    Psitin requirements:
    Applicants fr the psitin must:
    —have a Bachelr f Dental Science degree r equivalent qualificatin;
    —hld a current AHPRA registratin t practice as a dentist in the state f Victria.
    —cmplete the Fit 2 Wrk Plice Check and Wrking with Children Check.
    T apply fr the psitin please submit an applicatin including:
    —a cver letter and resume (简历);
    —a dcument detailing respnses t the Key Selectin Criteria as set ut in the Psitin Descriptin available frm: /emplyment.
    Clsing date fr applicatin: 11th Nvember 2022
    Cntact details: Dental Crdinatr Kaylen e Jacksn
    P: 03 53529327
    E: kaylene.jacksn@
    Fr mre infrmatin visit
    1、What can we learn abut EGHS?
    A. It is lcated in Melburne.
    B. It is seeking Senir Dentists.
    C. It ffers gd dental health services.
    D. It fcuses n training Dental Technicians.
    2、What is required f the applicants?
    A. Be qualified t d the Wrking with Children Check.
    B. Be qualified t practice dentistry in Victria.
    C. Have a Master f Dental Science degree.
    D. Have at least ne year’s wrk experience.
    3、What shuld the applicants pay attentin t?
    A. Emailing Kaylen e Jacksn t get the Psitin Descriptin.
    B. Visiting t dwnlad a standard resume.
    C. Cmpleting their Fit 2 Wrk Plice Check befre December 2023.
    D. Submitting their applicatin befre 11th Nvember 2022.
    When I was little, my dad wuld let me sit beside him n the prch while he painted. He wuld tell me hw the cw by itself is just a cw, and the meadw by itself is just grass and flwers, and the sun peeking thrugh the trees is just a beam f light, but put them all tgether and yu’ve gt magic.
    I understd what he was saying, but I’ve never felt what he was saying until ne day when I was up in the sycamre tree t rescue a kite stuck in the branches. It was a lng way up, but I thught I’d give it a sht. I started climbing. Then I lked dwn. And suddenly I gt dizzy and weak. I was miles ff the grund! But the kite was still beynd my reach. I caught my breath and frced myself t cncentrate n the kite as I climbed up.
    When I had the kite free, I needed a minute t rest. That’s when the fear f being up s high began t lift, and in its place came the mst amazing feeling that I was flying. Just saring abve the earth, sailing amng the cluds.
    Then I began t ntice hw wnderful the breeze smelled. It seemed like sunshine and wild grass and rain! I culdn’t stp breathing it in, filling my lungs again and again with the sweetest smell I’d ever knwn.
    I never gt ver the view. I kept thinking f what it felt like t be up s high in that tree. I wanted t see it, t feel it, again. And again.
    It wasn’t lng befre I wasn’t afraid f being up s high and fund the spt that became my spt. I culd sit there fr hurs, just lking ut at the wrld. Sunsets were amazing. Sme days they’d be purple and pink, sme days they’d be a blazing range, setting fire t cluds acrss the hrizn.
    It was n a day like that when my father’s ntin (观念) mved frm my head t my heart. The view frm my sycamre was mre than rftps and cluds and wind and clrs cmbined.
    And I started marveling (惊奇) at hw I was feeling bth humble and majestic. Hw was that pssible? Hw culd I be s full f peace and full f wnder?
    It was magic.
    4、Why did the authr climb up the sycamre tree?
    A. T play in the tree.B. T get a trapped kite.
    C. T prve her curage.D. T practice climbing skills.
    5、The authr’s climbing experience was .
    A. unusual but painfulB. cmpetitive and imaginative
    C. adventurus but rewardingD. well-planned and interesting
    6、Why did the authr like being up high in the tree?
    A. Because the tree had the sweetest smell.
    B. Because it culd help her t cncentrate.
    C. Because her father encuraged her t d s.
    D. Because she culd enjy mre than gd views.
    7、What message des the authr want t cnvey?
    A. Practice makes perfect.
    B. Psitive actin leads t happiness.
    C. Beautiful things dn’t ask fr attentin.
    D. The whle is greater than the sum f its parts.
    Have yu ever heard smene say, “breakfast is the mst imprtant meal f the day”, r give yu advice abut why it’s vital t start the day with a healthy breakfast? It seems that this meal, fr many f us, is necessary fr ur day t start well, but is it really that imprtant?
    The wrd “breakfast” cmes frm “breaking the fast” — the idea f ending the perid in which we didn’t eat during the night. The regeneratin prcess that takes place while we sleep cnsumes sme f ur natural fd reserves t heal ur bdies. Breakfast gives us an pprtunity t replenish thse depleted (耗尽的) stres f things like prtein and calcium. S, in that way, a healthy breakfast makes sense.
    There are als many ften-quted studies which seem t crrelate (相关) a state f being verweight with skipping breakfast. In fact, it leads many health experts t advise a healthy breakfast t nt nly regulate but als lse weight. In a US study, 50, 000 peple were mnitred ver seven years, and thse wh ate a health y breakfast were fund t have a lwer BMI (体重指数), which seems t suggest that breakfast may indeed help peple maintain a healthy weight.
    But it might nt be as simple as that. Sme experts, like Alexandra Jhnstne, prfessr f appetite research at the University f Aberdeen, suggest thse wh skip breakfast might be less aware f healthy diets and nutritin, and peple wh eat breakfast might have a healthier lifestyle verall-exercising and nt smking, fr example. And she als pints ut that with the rise in ppularity f intermittent (间歇性的) fasting t lse weight, there may als be sme benefits f nt eating breakfast, like imprving bld sugar cntrl and lwering bld pressure.
    S, while breakfast has its benefits, it might nt be the mst imprtant meal. It seems that a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet might be mre imprtant fr many f us than just ne single meal.
    8、What des the first paragraph serve as?
    A. An intrductin.B. A backgrund.C. An explanatin.D. A cmment.
    9、What des the underlined wrd “replenish” mean in Paragraph 2?
    A. Set aside.B. Deal with.C. Make up fr.D. Run ut f.
    10、What cnclusin can we draw frm Jhnstne’s research?
    A. Skipping breakfast may d gd t ur health.
    B. Thse wh eat breakfast can keep a lwer BMI
    C. Breakfast is the mst imprtant meal f the day.
    D. Intermittent fasting cntributes greatly t weight lss.
    11、What des the authr suggest we d at the end f the text?
    A. Try new lifestyles.B. Be aware f the benefits f each meal.
    C. Pay mre attentin t breakfast.D. Fllw a balanced diet.
    When a chunk f ice fell frm a cllapsing glacier(冰川)n the Swiss Alps’ Munt Eiger in 2017, part f the lng deep sund it prduced was t lw fr human ears t detect. But these vibratins held a key t calculating the ice avalanche’s(崩塌)critical characteristics.
    Lw-frequency sund waves called infrasund that travel great distances thrugh the atmsphere are already used t mnitr active vlcanes frm afar. Nw sme researchers in this field have switched fcus frm fire t ice: dangerus blcks snapping ff glaciers. Previus wrk has analyzed infrasund frm snw avalanches but never ice, says Bise State University gephysicist Jeffrey Jhnsn. “This was different,” Jhnsn says. “A signature f a new material has been detected with infrasund.”
    Usually glaciers mve far t slwly t generate an infrasund signal, which researchers pick up using detectrs that track slight changes in air pressure. But a cllapse—a sudden, rapid breaking f ice frm the glacier’s main bdy—is a prlific infrasund prducer. Glacial cllapses drive ice avalanches, which pse an increasing threat t peple in muntainus regins as rising temperatures weaken large fields f ice. A glacier “can becme detached frm the grund due t melting, causing bigger break— ffs,” says University f Flrence gelgist Emanuele Marchetti, lead authr f the new study. As the threat grws, scientists seek new ways t mnitr and detect such cllapses.
    Researchers ften use radar t track ice avalanches which is precise but expensive and can mnitr nly ne specific lcatin and neighbring avalanche paths. Infrasund, Marchetti says, is cheaper and can detect break—ff events arund a much brader area as well as multiple avalanches acrss a muntain. It is challenging, hwever, t separate a signal int its cmpnents (such as traffic nises, individual avalanches and nearby earthquakes) withut additinal measurements, says ETH Zurich glacilgist Malgrzata Chmiel. “The mdel used by Marchetti is a first apprximatin fr this,” she says. Islating the relevant signal helps the researchers mnitr an ice avalanche’s speed, path and vlume frm afar using infrasund.
    Marchetti and his clleagues are nw wrking t imprve their detectrs t pick up mre signals acrss at-risk regins in Eurpe, and they have set up cllabratins arund the cntinent t better understand signals that cllapsing glaciers prduce. They are als refining their mathematical analysis t figure ut each ice cascade’s physical details.
    12、What can we learn frm Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?
    A. Infrasund has a majr rle t play in discvering new materials.
    B. Ice avalanches are a bigger threat t peple than vlcanic eruptins.
    C. Researchers are trying t use infrasund in detecting ice avalanches.
    D. Scientists emply infrasund mre in muntain areas than in ther places.
    13、Which is an advantage f infrasund ver radar?
    A. The cmbinatin with ther relevant signals.
    B. The accuracy in lcating a certain avalanche.
    C. The ability in picking up signals in wider areas.
    D. The sensitivity in tracking air pressure changes.
    14、The underlined wrd “this” in Paragraph 4 refers t________.
    A. distinguishing different cmpnents f a signal
    B. detecting multiple avalanches at the same time
    C. calculating the speed and path f ice avalanches
    D. mnitring the specific lcatin f ice break—ffs
    15、Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Frm Fire t IceB. Glacier Whispers
    C. Nature is WarningD. Secret f Ice Avalanches
    16、Mst peple aim t get their recmmended seven t nine hurs f sleep in ne lng stretch at night. And the technical term fr this is “mntheistic sleep (单向睡眠)” ①____________
    Hwever, we may nt have been prgrammed t sleep in this way.
    Nw I’m sure yu’ve had that experience f a drp in yur cncentratin in the afternn, where yu start t feel a little sleepy. ②____________as their heads begin srt f mving up and dwn during afternn meetings. And it happens t mst f us smewhere between the ne t fur pm. mark.
    What this suggests is that we may have been designed t sleep in a biphasic (双向的) pattern, meaning ne lnger perid f sleep at night, and then a shrt afternn nap during the day, very much like the nap cultures arund the wrld.
    But is napping always a gd thing? ③____________Althugh we and ther scientists have discvered that naps can have benefits fr bth the brain and the bdy, naps can be a duble-edged weapn. Lng naps in the afternn r in early evening can just take the edge f yur sleepiness. ④____________
    S if yu are struggling with sleep at night, the best advice is nt t nap during the day. Instead, build up all f that healthy sleepiness s that yu give yurself the best chance f falling asleep easily, and then staying asleep sundly acrss night. ⑤____________Naps f arund 20 minutes taken early in the day can be just fine.
    A. Well, nt necessarily.
    B. And yu can als see it in ther peple as well.
    C. In ther wrds, a single perid f sleep at night.
    D. It’s a little bit like snacking befre yur main meal.
    E. If yu are mindful f hw ften and hw lng yur naps are.
    F. Yu may think this drp in yur cncentratin is because f a big lunch.
    G. But if yu’re nt struggling with sleep and yu can nap regularly during the day.
    The Healing Pwer f Music
    Since Mm died and Dad lived alne, he was ften angry, and lately he was getting mre and mre cnfusing. Tday 1 t be wrse than usual. He had a new aid named Linda, frm ur hme cuntry f Lithuania. The 2 f a stranger was bund t make Dad even mre 3 .
    Sure enugh, Dad started 4 as sn as I gt in the dr. “This new girl desn’t knw anything,” he whispered with dissatisfactin.
    “It’ll take sme time fr her t learn hw t help yu,” I 5 him.
    The three f us sat 6 in the living rm. I wished I culd think f smething t say. Lrd, please help us feel mre cmfrtable with this arrangement.
    Linda 7 t her feet. Walking ver t Dad’s recrd player, she 8 a Lithuanian flk recrd nt the turntable (转盘). The familiar accrdin (手风琴) music played. Dad started 9 alng t it. Liuda smiled.
    The music seemed t drive all the 10 frm the rm. We chatted abut Lithuania. It was ne f the 11 visits Dad and I had ever had.
    When I left, he hugged me gd-bye and asked me t 12 ld phts with him and Linda next time. 13 I had a lk at the ld Dad, the man I’d always lved 14 time with.
    I’d cme t Dad’s huse expecting the 15 But with Linda’s help and a little music frm the ld cuntry, I’d fund what I wuld always lve.
    17、A. prmisedB. tendedC. plannedD. needed
    18、A. chiceB. presenceC. nameD. assistance
    19、A. absent-mindedB. ill-temperedC. light-heartedD. heart-struck
    20、A. shutingB. warningC. remarkingD. cmplaining
    21、A. advisedB. directedC. cmfrtedD. infrmed
    22、A. impatientlyB. anxiuslyC. awkwardlyD. bringly
    23、A. sprangB. wentC. struggledD. came
    24、A. threwB. placedC. grabbedD. played
    25、A. laughingB. singingC. clappingD. smiling
    26、A. tensinB. atmsphereC. sundD. warmth
    27、A. lngestB. strangestC. nicestD. rarest
    28、A. check utB. hang nC. get thrughD. lk at
    29、A. Fr a mmentB. At a timeC. By the wayD. On the whle
    30、A. treasuringB. wastingC. savingD. spending
    31、A. bestB. cmmnestC. wrstD. happiest
    32、Smth yet tensile (可伸展的). Versatile (多用途的) and durable. ①__________these qualities, Xuan paper is knwn as the “Paper f Ages”.
    The term Xuan paper first appeared in On Famus Paintings thrugh the Ages, a bk written by Tang Dynasty (618-907) schlar Zhang Yanyuan, in which he described Xuan paper as an ideal carrier fr calligraphy and painting. Handmade Xuan paper frm Jingxian cunty, East China’s Anhui prvince, ②__________ (list) as a tribute (贡品) t the imperial curt fr its supreme quality during the perid.
    The traditinal craft f making Xuan paper is extremely③__________ (demand). Sandalwd bark, a plant native t suthern China, ges thrugh 108 prcedures tgether with rice straw ver the curse f three years④__________it can transfrm int a batch f fine Xuan paper. The entire prcedure is s cmplex that even the mst skilled craftsman can nly master limited number f steps.
    The f lw f ink, ⑤__________is bth guided and resisted by water, determines the utput f Chinese art, and Xuan paper utshines thers with⑥__________ (it) excellent ability t give full play t ink. Different prprtins f bar k t straw during the papermaking prcess can create different canvases best suited fr artistic expressin in freehand ink paintings r calligraphy.
    Xuan paper⑦__________ (accmpany) the passinate brushstrkes (笔触) f the Chinese literati (文人) fr thusands f years. Unlike ther frms f paper, it is very resistant t damage⑧__________ (bring) by time. It is this durability⑨__________has made the preservatins f many valuable wrks frm ancient China pssible.
    Papermaking is a crystallizatin f⑩__________(wise) f the ancient Chinese, and Xuan paper is the zenith (顶峰) f papermaking.
    参考词汇:pttery 陶艺,陶器
    “Sun, sun, sun, here it cmes…”
    Danny sang while his fingers pressed and pulled skillfully at the guitar strings, delivering a slw and peaceful tune. A circle f audience had frmed, ndding and mving slwly t the sng.
    Lying at the feet f the street perfrmer was his mst adring fan: One-Eyed, a white stray (流浪) dg with pieces f brwn. Danny felt the name was suitable cnsidering its physical disability. Usually, One-Eyed wuld bark ludly as Danny perfrmed. Much t his annyance, peple ften mistk the pair as wner and pet. At this time, Danny wuld reply, “My dg? N!”, eyes rlling at the idea. Hw he wished the dg wuld leave him alne instead!
    On a snwy night, while Danny was perfrming, a bird flew dwnward, landing int the midst f the crwd. It ced happily as if t harmnize with Danny. Unfrtunately, that did nt sit well with One-Eyed, which immediately bunced at it and the bird flew away desperately.
    The unexpected chas upturned Danny's hat, which culd have been filled with ntes and cins frm his appreciative audience, leaving it ignred n the grund. "Argh! The hateful dg!” Danny brke dwn, thinking t himself, “Either the dg ges r I g!”
    On the next night, Danny tried t find a new place and chanced upn the park. Fr a while his earnings were gd unsurprisingly as there was a steady flw f visitrs. Hwever, that didn't last lng. One-Eyed came alng and appinted itself as Danny's guardian. "Argh! Here cmes the hateful dg again!" That night, Danny hadn't made enugh mney he shuld have, all thanks t the trublesme dg.
    Danny was almst mad with One-Eyed. “What shuld I d? Call an animal shelter?” Trn by this prblem, he walked aimlessly by the lake f the park. With all his mind fcused n hw t get rid f the dg, Danny didn't watch his steps. Suddenly, he slipped and fell int the lake accidentally. Struggling in the icy water, he cried fr help desperately, almst chking t death. Sensing the apprach f death, Danny gt int verwhelming panic.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Just then, a familiar barking was heard in the distance.
    “My her! Thank yu fr saving me,” Danny said gratefully with watery eyes.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Our Oral Health team cnsists f a grup f prfessinal Dentists, Dental Technicians and Dental Assistants, supprted by excellent facilities and equipment.(我们的口腔健康团队由一群专业的牙医、牙科技师和牙科助理组成,拥有一流的设施和设备)”可知,EGHS提供良好的牙齿保健服务。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Psitin requirements部分中“—hld a current AHPRA registratin t practice as a dentist in the state f Victria.(持有当前在维多利亚州执业牙医的AHPRA注册)”可知,申请人需要有资格在维多利亚州从事牙科工作。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第五段“Clsing date fr applicatin: 11th Nvember 2022(申请截止日期:2022年11月11日)”可知,申请人应该在2022年11月11日前提交申请。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“I understd what he was saying, but I’ve never felt what he was saying until ne day when I was up in the sycamre tree t rescue a kite stuck in the branches.(我明白他在说什么,但我从来没有感受过他说的,直到有一天,我爬上梧桐树去救一个卡在树枝上的风筝)”可知,作者爬上一棵梧桐树去取一只被困住的风筝。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“When I had the kite free, I needed a minute t rest. That’s when the fear f being up s high began t lift, and in its place came the mst amazing feeling that I was flying. Just saring abve the earth, sailing amng the cluds.(当我放开风筝的时候,我需要休息一分钟。就在这时,对飞得这么高的恐惧开始消失,取而代之的是一种最奇妙的感觉,那就是我在飞翔。在大地之上翱翔,在云中航行)”和第二段最后四句“And suddenly I gt dizzy and weak. I was miles ff the grund! But the kite was still beynd my reach. I caught my breath and frced myself t cncentrate n the kite as I climbed up.(突然间,我感到头晕和虚弱。我离地好几英里了!但是风筝还是够不着。我屏住呼吸,强迫自己集中精力在风筝上)”可推知,作者的登山经历惊险而有益。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段“I never gt ver the view. I kept thinking f what it felt like t be up s high in that tree. I wanted t see it, t feel it, again. And again.(我从来没有欣赏过这里的景色。我一直在想站在那么高的树上是什么感觉。我想再次看到它,感受它。一次又一次)”和第七段最后一句“The view frm my sycamre was mre than rftps and cluds and wind and clrs cmbined.(从我的梧桐树上看到的不仅仅是屋顶、云、风和色彩的结合)”可知,作者喜欢站在高高的树上是因为她可以欣赏到更多的美景。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“When I was little, my dad wuld let me sit beside him n the prch while he painted. He wuld tell me hw the cw by itself is just a cw, and the meadw by itself is just grass and flwers, and the sun peeking thrugh the trees is just a beam f light, but put them all tgether and yu’ve gt magic.(当我还小的时候,我爸爸会让我坐在他旁边的门廊上,让他画画。他会告诉我,奶牛本身就是一头牛,草地本身就是草和花,从树丛中透出的阳光只是一束光,但把它们放在一起,你就会看到魔法)”和最后一段“It was magic.(这是魔法)”可推知,作者想要表达的是整体大于各部分的总和。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Have yu ever heard smene say, “breakfast is the mst imprtant meal f the day”, r give yu advice abut why it’s vital t start the day with a healthy breakfast? It seems that this meal, fr many f us, is necessary fr ur day t start well, but is it really that imprtant? (你是否听过有人说,“早餐是一天中最重要的一餐”,或者给你建议为什么以健康的早餐开始新的一天是至关重要的?对于我们中的许多人来说,这顿饭似乎是我们一天良好开始的必要条件,但它真的那么重要吗?)”可推知,第一段的作用是引出文章话题。故选A。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据划线词上文“The regeneratin prcess that takes place while we sleep cnsumes sme f ur natural fd reserves t heal ur bdies. (在我们睡觉时进行的再生过程会消耗一些我们的天然食物储备来治愈我们的身体。)”以及后文“thse depleted (耗尽的) stres f things like prtein and calcium (那些耗尽的蛋白质和钙等物质的储存)”可知,早餐让我们有机会补充那些减少的蛋白质和钙等物质。故划线词意思是“补充、弥补”。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“And she als pints ut that with the rise in ppularity f intermittent (间歇性的) fasting t lse weight, there may als be sme benefits f nt eating breakfast, like imprving bld sugar cntrl and lwering bld pressure. (她还指出,随着间歇性禁食减肥的流行,不吃早餐也可能有一些好处,比如改善血糖控制和降低血压。)”可知,Jhnstne研究告诉我们不吃早餐也有一些好处。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“It seems that a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet might be mre imprtant fr many f us than just ne single meal. (对我们许多人来说,健康的生活方式和均衡的饮食似乎比一顿饭更重要。)”可知,作者建议我们应该均衡饮食。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“Previus wrk has analyzed infrasund frm snw avalanches but never ice, says Bise State University gephysicist Jeffrey Jhnsn. (博伊西州立大学的地球物理学家Jeffrey Jhnsn说,之前的工作分析过雪崩的次声,但从未分析过冰的次声)”和第三段的“But a cllapse—a sudden, rapid breaking f ice frm the glacier’s main bdy—is a prlific infrasund prducer.(但是冰川的崩塌——冰川主体的冰突然迅速断裂——是大量次声的产生者)”和“As the threat grws, scientists seek new ways t mnitr and detect such cllapses.(随着威胁的增加,科学家们寻求新的方法来监测和探测这种崩塌)”可知,从第二和第三段我们知道研究人员正试图利用次声探测冰崩。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“Researchers ften use radar t track ice avalanches, which is precise but expensive and can mnitr nly ne specific lcatin and neighbring avalanche paths. Infrasund, Marchetti says, is cheaper and can detect break—ff events arund a much brader area as well as multiple avalanches acrss a muntain.(研究人员经常使用雷达来跟踪冰雪崩,这种方法精确但昂贵,而且只能监测一个特定的位置和邻近的雪崩路径。马尔凯蒂说,次声探测技术成本更低,可以探测到更广阔的区域附近的断裂事件,以及山脉上的多次雪崩)”可知,和雷达相比次声探测的优势是能接收更大范围内的信号。故选C。
    解析:词句猜测题。分析句子可知,句中this应指代上文出现的内容。根据第四段的“It is challenging, hwever, t separate a signal int its cmpnents (such as traffic nises, individual avalanches and nearby earthquakes) withut additinal measurements, says ETH Zurich glacilgist Malgrzata Chmiel. (然而,苏黎世联邦理工学院的冰川学家Malgrzata Chmiel说,在没有额外测量的情况下,将一个信号分解成它的组成部分(如交通噪音、单独的雪崩和附近的地震)是一项挑战)”推知,this指代“区分信号的成分”,即马尔凯蒂使用的模型是区分信号成分的初步近似(该模型能区分出信号的不同成分)。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第一段的“But these vibratins held a key t calculating the ice avalanche’s(崩塌)critical characteristics.(但这些振动是计算冰崩临界特性的关键)”和第三段的“But a cllapse—a sudden, rapid breaking f ice frm the glacier’s main bdy—is a prlific infrasund prducer.(但是冰川的崩塌——冰川主体的冰突然迅速断裂——是大量次声的产生者)”和“As the threat grws, scientists seek new ways t mnitr and detect such cllapses.(随着威胁的增加,科学家们寻求新的方法来监测和探测这种崩塌)”可知,冰崩会发出大量的次声波,研究人员正在尝试用次声探测技术来检测和探测冰崩。故B项“冰川低语”可以作为本文标题,吸引读者。故选B。
    解析:①空前“Mst peple aim t get their recmmended seven t nine hurs f sleep in ne lng stretch at night. And the technical term fr this is “mntheistic sleep (单向睡眠)”(大多数人的目标是在晚上长时间睡7到9个小时。用专业术语来说就是“单向睡眠”)”引出了单向睡眠这个概念,单向睡眠是一个专业术语,空格处应该用更简单的话来陈述单向睡眠,C选项“In ther wrds, a single perid f sleep at night.(换句话说,晚上只睡一段时间。)”是对单向睡眠的更简单的阐述,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选C。
    ②空前“Nw I’m sure yu’ve had that experience f a drp in yur cncentratin in the afternn, where yu start t feel a little sleepy.(我敢肯定你都有过下午注意力下降的经历,你开始觉得有点困。)”说明你在下午会犯困,空后“as their heads begin srt f mving up and dwn during afternn meetings(在下午的会议上,他们的头开始上下摆动)”说明其他人也会犯困,空格处应该说的是“你也会看到其他人犯困”,B选项“And yu can als see it in ther peple as well(你也可以在其他人身上看到)”说明你也可以看到其他人犯困,其中的it指的是上文的“start t feel a little sleepy”,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选B。
    ③空前“But is napping always a gd thing?(但是小睡总是一件好事吗?)”提出了小睡是否总是一件好事这个问题,空后“Althugh we and ther scientists have discvered that naps can have benefits fr bth the brain and the bdy, naps can be a duble-edged weapn.(虽然我们和其他科学家已经发现小睡对大脑和身体都有好处,但小睡也可能是一把双刃剑。)”说明了小睡有时不见得是好事,因此空格处应该回答“不一定”,A选项“Well, nt necessarily.(嗯,不一定。)”说明小睡不一定是好事,承上启下,符合语境,故选A。
    ④空前“Lng naps in the afternn r in early evening can just take the edge f yur sleepiness.(在下午或傍晚的早些时候打个长时间的盹只会让你的困倦感消失。)”说明在下午或傍晚的早些时候打个长时间的盹只会让你的困倦感消失,空格处应该对这一点进行进一步的解释,D选项“It’s a little bit like snacking befre yur main meal.(这有点像正餐前吃零食。)”通过类比来对下午或傍晚的打盹进行解释,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
    ⑤空前“S if yu are struggling with sleep at night, the best advice is nt t nap during the day. Instead, build up all f that healthy sleepiness s that yu give yurself the best chance f falling asleep easily, and then staying asleep sundly acrss night.(所以,如果你晚上难以入睡,最好的建议是白天不要打盹。相反,建立健康的睡意,这样你就能给自己最好的机会轻松入睡,然后整个晚上都睡得很香。)”说的是如果晚上睡不着,白天就不要打盹;空格处应该说晚上睡得着的话该怎么办,G选项“But if yu’re nt struggling with sleep and yu can nap regularly during the day.(但是如果你没有失眠的困扰,你可以在白天有规律地小睡一下。)”说明如果晚上睡得着的话就应该在白天小睡一下,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:今天很可能比平常更糟。A. prmised使很可能,预示;B. tended倾向于;C. planned计划;D. needed需要。根据下文“He had a new aid named Linda, frm ur hme cuntry f Lithuania. The ______ f a stranger was bund t make Dad even mre ______ . (他有一个新助手叫琳达,来自我们的祖国立陶宛。一个陌生人的存在一定会使爸爸的脾气更加暴躁。)”可知,琳达的存在使爸爸的脾气更加暴躁,所以今天很可能(prmised)比平时更不好。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个陌生人的存在一定会使爸爸的脾气更加暴躁。A. chice选择;B. presence存在,出现;C. name姓名;D. assistance协助。根据上文“He had a new aid named Linda, frm ur hme cuntry f Lithuania. (他有一个新助手叫琳达,来自我们的祖国立陶宛。)”,以及下文“Sure enugh, Dad started ______ as sn as I gt in the dr. ‘This new girl desn’t knw anything,’ he whispered with dissatisfactin. (果然,我一进门,爸爸就开始抱怨起来。‘这个新来的女孩什么都不懂,’他不满地低声说。)”可知,新来的助手Linda,既然是以助手的身份出现在这里,却什么也不懂,令他非常不满意,presence符合语境。故选B项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个陌生人的存在一定会使爸爸的脾气更加暴躁。A. absent-minded心不在焉的;B. ill-tempered脾气暴躁的;C. light-hearted轻松的;D. heart-struck心动的。根据下文“Sure enugh, Dad started ______ as sn as I gt in the dr. ‘This new girl desn’t knw anything,’ he whispered with dissatisfactin. (果然,我一进门,爸爸就开始抱怨起来。‘这个新来的女孩什么都不懂,’他不满地低声说。)”可知,新助手Linda什么都不懂,以及本句中的even mre,可知,父亲的脾气愈加暴躁的(ill-tempered),故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:果然,我一进门,爸爸就开始抱怨起来。A. shuting大喊;B. warning警告;C. remarking备注;D. cmplaining抱怨。根据下文“‘This new girl desn’t knw anything,’ he whispered with dissatisfactin. (‘这个新来的女孩什么都不懂,’他不满地低声说。)”可知,父亲对新来的助手不满意,所以对着作者抱怨(cmplaining)。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:“她需要一段时间才能学会如何帮助你。”我安慰他。A. advised建议;B. directed指示;C. cmfrted安慰;D. infrmed告知。根据上文“‘This new girl desn’t knw anything,’ he whispered with dissatisfactin. (‘这个新来的女孩什么都不懂,’他不满地低声说。)”可知,听到父亲的抱怨,作者进行安慰(cmfrted):新人需要先花一段时间学做事。故选C项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们三个尴尬地坐在客厅里。A. impatiently不耐烦地;B. anxiusly焦急地;C. awkwardly笨拙地,尴尬地;D. bringly无趣。根据下文“I wished I culd think f smething t say. Lrd, please help us feel mre cmfrtable with this arrangement. (我真希望我能想点什么说。主啊,请让我们对这样的安排感到更舒服。)”可知,作者不知道在这个三人的场合说什么,所以三人相处都很尴尬(awkwardly),故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她走到爸爸的唱机旁,把一张立陶宛民间唱片置于唱机转盘上。A. sprang跳,跃;B. went去;C. struggled挣扎;D. came来。根据上文“The three f us sat awkwardly in the living rm. (我们三个尴尬地坐在客厅里。)”,以及下文“Walking ver t Dad’s recrd player, she laced a Lithuanian flk recrd nt the turntable (转盘). (她走到爸爸的唱机前,把一张立陶宛民歌唱片置于唱机转盘上)”可知,Linda从座位上起来,去播放唱片,此处考查spring t ne’s feet,意为“突然站起、站起来”。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她走到爸爸的唱机旁,把一张立陶宛民间唱片放在唱机转盘上。A. threw投掷;B. placed放置;C. grabbed抓住;D. played玩。要播放音乐,需要把唱片置(placed)于唱片转机上,故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:爸爸开始跟着它唱起来。A. laughing笑;B. singing唱歌;C. clapping鼓掌;D. smiling微笑。第一段“He had a new aid named Linda, frm ur hme cuntry f Lithuania. (他有一个新助手叫琳达,来自我们的祖国立陶宛。)”,“Walking ver t Dad’s recrd player, she laced a Lithuanian flk recrd nt the turntable(转盘). The familiar accrdin (手风琴) music played. (她走到爸爸的唱机前,把一张立陶宛民歌唱片置于唱机转盘上。熟悉的手风琴音乐响起了。)” ,以及空后alng t it,可知,作者一家来自立陶宛,此次播放的正是立陶宛民歌,当听到熟悉的音乐,父亲跟着一起唱(singing)了起来。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:音乐似乎驱散了房间里所有的紧张气氛。A. tensin 紧张;B. atmsphere气氛;C. sund声音;D. warmth温暖。根据上文“The three f us sat _____ in the living rm. (我们三个尴尬地坐在客厅里。)”,以及“The familiar accrdin (手风琴) music played. Dad started ______alng t it. Linda smiled. (熟悉的手风琴音乐响起了。爸爸开始跟着它唱起来。琳达笑了。)”可知,音乐缓解了尴尬,驱散了紧张(tensin)。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是我和爸爸有过的最愉快的一次拜访。A. lngest最长的;B. strangest最奇怪的;C. nicest最好的;D. rarest最稀有的。根据第一段第一句“Since Mm died and Dad lived alne, he was ften angry, and lately he was getting mre and mre cnfusing. (自从妈妈去世,爸爸一个人住,他经常生气,最近他变得越来越困惑。)”,“The music seemed t drive all the ______ frm the rm. We chatted abut Lithuania. (音乐似乎驱散了房间里所有的紧张气氛。我们聊了聊立陶宛。)”,以及下文“I’d cme t Dad’s huse expecting the ______ . (我来到爸爸家,已经做好了最坏的打算。)”可知,原本以外父亲会脾气暴躁,但是房间里气氛因来自于祖国的民歌音乐而松缓下来,父亲不再抱怨生气,所以这次三人聊着立陶宛,听着唱片,这样的拜访很和谐,是最好的(nicest)一次拜访。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我离开时,他拥抱了我,并让我下次和他还有琳达一起看旧照片。A. check ut查看,结账后离开;B. hang n抓紧不放,坚持;C. get thrugh度过,完成;D. lk at看。根据上文“The music seemed t drive all the ______ frm the rm. We chatted abut Lithuania. It was ne f the ______ visits Dad and I had ever had. (音乐似乎驱散了房间里所有的紧张气氛。我们聊了聊立陶宛。这是我和爸爸有过的最愉快的一次拜访。)”可知,来自祖国的音乐使父亲情绪稳定、愉快,聊着国内的事,作者离开时,父亲意犹未尽,邀请作者下次来的时候一起翻看以往的照片。lk at符合语境。故选D项。
    解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:有那么一会儿,我看了看年迈的父亲,那个我一直喜欢共度时光的人。A. Fr a mment片刻;B. At a time每一次;C. By the way顺便说一下;D. On the whle总的来说。根据第一段第一句“Since Mm died and Dad lived alne, he was ften angry, and lately he was getting mre and mre cnfusing. (自从妈妈去世,爸爸一个人住,他经常生气,最近他变得越来越困惑。)”,上文“It was ne f the ______ visits Dad and I had ever had. (这是我和爸爸有过的最愉快的一次拜访。)”,以及下文“I’d cme t Dad’s huse expecting the ______ . But with Linda’s help and a little music frm the ld cuntry, I’d fund what I wuld always lve. (我来到爸爸家,已经做好了最坏的打算。但在琳达的帮助下,再加上家乡的一点音乐,我找到了我永远喜欢的东西。)”可知,作者以前也喜欢陪着父亲,但是妈妈离世后,父亲容易生气,甚至觉得来看发亲一次又会承受来自于父亲的怒气,但这次父亲表现出来的愉快情绪使他意外,这是最愉快的一次拜访,所以会在父亲提出邀请下次看照片时,盯着父亲好一会(Fr a mment)。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:有那么一会儿,我看了看年迈的父亲,那个我一直喜欢共度时光的人。A. treasuring珍惜;B. wasting浪费;C. saving节省;D. spending花费。根据上文“When I left, he hugged me gd-bye and asked me t _____ ld phts with him and Linda next time.(当我离开时,他拥抱了我,并让我下次和他还有琳达一起看旧照片。)”可知,父亲邀请作者下次一起看旧照片共度(spending)时光,这是作者以前就喜欢的事。故选D项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我来到爸爸家,已经做好了最坏的打算。A. best最好的;B. cmmnest最普通的;C. wrst最坏的;D. happiest最快乐的。根据第一段“Since Mm died and Dad lived alne, he was ften angry, and lately he was getting mre and mre cnfusing. Tday ______ t be wrse than usual. (自从妈妈去世,爸爸一个人住,他经常生气,最近他变得越来越困惑。今天很可能比平常更糟。)”可知,作者原来以为父亲这天的情绪会更糟,所以做好了最坏的(wrst)打算。故选C项。
    32、答案:①With②was listed③demanding④befre⑤which⑥its⑦has accmpanied⑧brught⑨that⑩wisdm
    ②考查时态语态。句意:中国东部安徽省靖县的手工宣纸因其卓越的品质在这一时期被列为朝廷的贡品。主语与谓语构成被动关系,根据后文during the perid.可知为一般过去时的被动语态,主语为Handmade Xuan paper,谓语用单数。故填was listed。
    ⑦考查时态。句意:宣纸几千年来一直伴随着中国文人的激情笔触。根据后文fr thusands f years可知为现在完成时,主语为Xuan paper,助动词用has。故填has accmpanied。
    ⑨考查强调句。句意:正是这种耐久性使得许多中国古代的珍贵作品得以保存。分析句子结构可知此处为强调句:it is+被强调部分+that/wh+其他,被强调部分为this durability,应用that。故填that。
    Aimed at arusing ur passin fr traditinal Chinese culture, a pttery exhibitin will be rganized by the pttery club next Sunday in the schl hall.
    It begins with a viewing sessin where yu will see dzens f handmade pttery created by the member f the club. Wrks f sme lcal ptters will als be n shw fr appreciatin. Fllwing that, a famus lcal ptter will give a lecture n different aspects f pttery and remark n sme f the exhibits.
    If yu want t feast yur eyes n the beauty f pttery, this is a rare chance nt t be missed.
    原句:Aimed at arusing ur passin fr traditinal Chinese culture, a pttery exhibitin will be rganized by the pttery club next Sunday in the schl hall.
    拓展句:A pttery exhibitin will be rganized by the pttery club next Sunday in the schl hall, whse aim is t aruse ur passin fr traditinal Chinese culture.
    Just then, a familiar barking was heard in the distance. In a split secnd, a splash f brwn, ut f breath, quickly jumped int the lake. It was One-Eyed! It barked, swimming tward Danny with all its might. On sptting One-Eyed, Danny seemed t see a ray f hpe, attempting t mve twards it instantly. Instinctively, Danny grabbed the tail f One-Eyed. Ultimately, they managed t climb ashre, exhausted. Gazing at One-Eyed in disbelief, Danny patted it tenderly in return. One-Eyed was n lnger trublesme; instead, it became a “her” in his heart.
    “My her! Thank yu fr saving me," Danny said gratefully with watery eyes. “Yu're my brave guardian angel!” Since that night, “One-Eyed” was nnexistent while “Her”, as the dg was re-named, became a part f Danny's perfrmance. S attached were they t each ther that they became genuine partners. Danny wuld include his pet as he engaged the audience. Her als had its wn place t lie n-the feet f Danny. While Danny played guitar, Her wuld bark happily t harmnize with his wner. What a perfect match!
    ①跳进:jump int/dive int
    ②爬上岸:climb ashre/climb up the bank

    2023-2024学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校高三上学期期中考试英语学科试卷+听力含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校高三上学期期中考试英语学科试卷+听力含答案,共16页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,5分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    哈尔滨市第九中学2024届高三上学期期中考试英语: 这是一份哈尔滨市第九中学2024届高三上学期期中考试英语,共35页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,5分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试英语学科试卷: 这是一份黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试英语学科试卷,共9页。






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