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    这是一份【精品同步练习】语法填空专题练习试卷(知识梳理+无答案),文件包含B1U2LT课件ppt、1Listentothephonecallandanswerthequestionsmp3、2Listenagainandcompletethetablewiththewordsyouhearmp3等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Have yu ever ____36____ (be) t Wuyuan? It is in the nrtheast f Jiangxi Prvince. Peple call it “the hmetwn f bks”, “the hmetwn f tea” and “the ____37____ (beautiful) village in China”.
    I ____38____ (g) there with my friends in April last year. We had a wnderful experience. With green trees and brks (溪流) arund the ancient ____39____ (build) which were built during the Tang Dynasty caught my eyes. We als visited Changxi village, a place famus fr ____40____ (make) green tea. Peple live ____41____ quiet and simple life there. They shared the tea culture with us and tld us hw t enjy the fresh tea. Next we passed thrugh the ldest lane (空中走廊) ____42____ (experience) the beautiful Rainbw Bridge. ____43____ it was built 800 years ag, it stands as strng as ever. S it is still in use by the villagers nw. I really liked this bridge because it culd prtect peple ____44____ getting wet n rainy days. ____45____ (final), we had a lk at the Yuanyang Lake. It is in the west f Wuyuan and gt the name f “Prvincial Nature Reserve (省级自然保护区)” in 1997. Alng the lake is a frest with abut 185 kinds f plants that are green all year rund.

    In Trnt, Canada, there is ____36____ Chinese wman. Her husband and sn are busy ____37____ wrk. They spend very little time at hme. The wman feels lnely.
    One day, when she is making steamed buns (包子), ne f the buns suddenly cmes alive. The wman ____38____ (see) this bun, named Ba, as her wn child. She is happy t be a mther again. Hwever, as Ba grws up, he wants t leave hme and see the wrld. The mther desn’t want this t happen. ____39____ can she d?
    This is the stry f Disney—Pixar’s shrt film Ba (《包宝宝》). It ____40____ (take) hme Oscar award in 2019.
    Directr Dmee Shi is frm a Chinese-Canadian family. She said the stry in the film was much like the stry f her wn life, ____41____ she als had a very prtective (关切保护的) mther.
    “When we ____42____ (real) care abut smene, we dn’t want them ____43____ (leave),” Shi said. “My mther wuld call me her ‘little steamed bun’. She actually said t me nce, ‘I wish I culd put yu back in my stmach!’ ”
    Shi said she wanted t fcus n hw peple wuld be with each ther in a family, especially the ____44____ (family) f Chinese immigrants (移民). While it is true that children shuld care fr their parents, parents must als realize that ____45____ (they) children will leave hme ne day.
    Have yu ever visited Lngmen Grttes(龙门石窟)r Yungang Grttes? Arund 1, 800 years ag, Chinese artists ___56___(create)grtt statues(雕像)in muntains. Over the years, these statues have been thrugh earthquakes, flds and wars. Nw ____57____ the 21st century, hwever, they are facing much ____58____(big)prblems. T many turists g t visit thse grttes every year and this ____59____(certain)des harm t the grtt statues. D yu knw hw?
    Accrding t a study, the CO2 that visitrs breathe ut has made the air mre acidic(酸性). Als, visitrs bring in micrrganisms(微生物). Because f these, the grtt statues are in a ____60____(danger)situatin.
    Behaving(表现)badly can cause harm t the grtt statues as well. T many visitrs tuch the grtt statues and cause ____61____(they)surfaces t change clr.
    When we visit the grttes, we can ften see a sign saying, “N Flash(闪光灯)!” r “N Phts!”. This is ____62____ the strng light can be bad fr the statues, especially thse with clr. The light can make it easy fr them t lse their clr.
    ___63___(prtect)thse ancient cultural treasures, recently China has asked the wrkers wh take care f thse grttes t cntrl ____64____ number f visitrs. And turists are encuraged t bk(预定)___65___(ticket)n the Internet and stay away frm busy hurs when visiting.
    Are yu tired after studying hard? American cuntry music will take yu away frm all the stress fr ____36____ while.
    Cuntry is simple music frm the ____37____ (suth) states f America. A cuntry music singer stands n stage and sings, sharing ____38____ (he) feelings with the audience(观众) thrugh his music. It was the traditinal music f the American cuntryside. Many cuntry music sngs are abut belnging t a grup, the lives f farmers. They remind us that the best things in life are free—____39____ (laugh), friends, family, and the beauty f nature and the cuntryside.
    At ____40____ (ne), peple played the music nly at family parties. But it sn became mre ppular. ____41____ the 1920s, cuntry sngs were played n the radi and were made int recrds. When peple mved t twns and cities lking fr wrk, they tk their music with them. Cuntry music became ppular acrss America. Peple in many parts f the wrld als like cuntry music, because everyne can understand ____42____ the music is abut.
    In recent years, many musicians have made cuntry music a little different frm the ne in the past. These changes make the sngs sund even ____43____ (gd). I ____44____ (be) a fan f American cuntry music since I was 12 years ld. It makes me feel quiet and relaxed. My favrite musician is Garth Brks, wh is ne f the mst successful ____45____ (musician) in American histry. I hpe t see him sing live ne day.
    There is n denying that mre and mre peple live fast-paced lives these days. Hwever, the TV shw Back t Field(《向往的生活》), started in 2017, shws us hw t live ____36____ slw life in the rural areas near different cities and it has becme ne f ____37____ (ppular) reality shws in China nw.
    On April 29th, the sixth seasn f the shw came ____38____ n Hunan TV. This time, the cast members including hst He Jing, actrs Huang Lei and Peng Yuchang, and actress Zhang Zifeng ____39____ (chse) t build their “mushrm huse” in a small fishing village in Hainan prvince. On each episde(集), a cuple f ____40____ (star) cme n as guests and befre their arrival, they call and rder what they want t eat withut saying wh they are. ____41____ the life there is slw-paced with n phnes, the stars have a great time fishing, cking and talking. In the first episde, fr example, actress Zhu Xun and Zhang Jingyi appeared and grew watermelns and cked lcal fd tgether by ____42____ (they).
    The shw’s slw-paced and rdinary style ____43____ (win) peple’s hearts since it came ut. It is a useful lessn because it encurages peple ____44____ (enjy) small things in life. “Nthing is mre valuable than a peaceful and rdinary life. Peple shuld live a slw life smetimes instead f ____45____ (keep) busy all the time.” Huang said.
    Dear Liang Sng,
    Last weekend I read smething surprising in the library. A blind man ___36___ (success) in climbing Qmlangma. Nw let me tell yu abut it.
    The blind man is Eric We Erlenmeyer. When he was thirteen years ld, he became blind. After that, he started climbing muntains. Hw culd Eric d it withut his eyes’ help? Well, Eric climbed by feeling with his hands and listening ___37___ the sunds arund him. Smetimes Eric climbed with his friends.
    After training hard fr many years, Eric decided t climb Qmlangma. Muntain climbing experts were very surprised when they ___38___ (hear) this. They thught Qmlangma was ne f the mst dangerus _____39_____ (muntain) in the wrld. The experts said Eric culdn’t d it, but he wasn’t ___40___ (wrry). His friends weren’t wrried abut Eric, either. They wanted t challenge ___41___ (them) in the face f difficulties. They kept climbing fr 48 tiring days. On the last day f climbing, they didn’t start ___42___9:00 p.m. Climbing in the dark was hard fr Eric’s friends, but it wasn’t fr Eric. He was used t ___43___ (climb) in that way. In ____44____ end, they reached the tp f Qmlangma. ____45____ they were tired, they were excited.
    The new TV play A Dream f Splendr(《梦华录》) is ppular in China. This TV play nt nly ___36___ (have) beautiful lve stry but als the help amng wmen. It als has a lt f Chinese culture elements(要素). The main character Zha Pan’er, a very smart and talented lady, is very gd at ___37___ (make) tea. With her best friends Sng Yinzhang, and Sun Sanniang she pens a tea huse in Bian Jing, the capital f Sng Dynasty. Frm the TV play, we knw a lt abut Dian Cha(点茶), the art in a cup f tea.
    Dian Cha is a ___38___ (traditin) art in China with a lng histry. It is frm the Sng Dynasty. The art begins with puring water ver fine pwdered tea(茶粉), creating a paste(茶膏) and then adding mre ht water, cnstantly whisking(搅拌) it by hand with a bamb whisk(茶筅). It is believed that the art later spread t ther parts f East Asia, including Japan. ___39___ 2019, it was listed as an intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) f Runzhu district, Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu prvince.
    Han Zheming, a 40-year-ld designer frm Shanghai has been studying Dian Cha ___40___ he was a child. “My mther lves Chinese culture and I have been learning it under ___41___ (she) influence(影响),” said Han. He als thinks that the art gives peple a much ___42___ (strng) sense f ccasin(仪式感), s drinking tea is mre fun. “I want mre peple t understand the things used by peple t drink tea, and the reasns behind the ways they prepared tea,” he explained.
    In fact, creating pictures n the tea is nt easy. It is quick wrk. ___43___ (usual), the whle prcess has t be finished within 10 minutes. It takes at least a year f practice fr ne t be able t d it. In rder ___44___ (intrduce) Dian Cha culture t mre peple, Han put the tea art ___45___ (perfrmance) n scial platfrms, such as Xiahngshu, Bilibili and Duyin, attracting mre than 20,000 fllwers.
    Technlgy ____56____ (change) a lt in the last 260 years. In the 1970s, the technlgy peple had was very simple. In the 19th and 20th centuries(世纪), technlgy prgressed in ____57____ rapid way. A great place t learn abut this stry is the Museum f Technlgy in England.
    This museum ____58____ (pen) in 2012. It takes visitrs thrugh the histry f technlgy ____59____ 1850 t 1980. It shws different kinds f devices(仪器). Fr example, the ____60____ (early) radis and the ldest cameras! Mst f the devices are n shw behind glass. ____61____, visitrs can tuch a lt f devices, t.
    This museum is a wnderful place ____62____ (visit) fr peple f all ages. Firstly, yunger peple, wh have grwn up with mdern technlgy, can see the big, heavy devices peple ____63____ (use) years ag. A lt f children are surprised t see huge cmputers, and lve trying ut the ldest phnes. At the same time, the museum helps lder peple remember the devices they used years ag.
    The Museum f Technlgy teaches yu abut the ____64____ (develp) f technlgy. It als encurages yu t innvate(创新) s that new technlgy can help peple live a much ____65____ (easy) life.
    I will never frget ne summer day in 1983.On that day my mther died because f a bad sickness 56.______ the age f 36.Later that afternn,a pliceman came t my huse 57.______(ask)fr my father's permissin(许可)fr the hspital t use my mther's valve(心脏瓣膜).I was greatly 58.______(surprise).I cried.
    “Hw can yu let them d that t Mm?” I shuted at 59.______(he).
    “Linda,” he said 60.______(quiet),putting his arms arund me,“the greatest gift yu can give is a part f yurself.Yur mm tld me 61.______ she can make a persn's life better after she dies,her 62.______(die)will have meaning.”
    The lessn my father taught me that day became ne f the 63.______(imprtant)lessns in my life.
    Years passed.I married and had a family f my wn.In 2009 my father 64.______(becme)seriusly sick.With a smile,he tld me that when he died,he wanted t give away his eyes which were really gd.
    My father died and we gave his eyes t 65.______blind by as he had wanted.Three days later,my daughter said,“Mm,I'm s prud f what yu did fr Grandpa.”

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