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    满分150分 考试时间:120分钟
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What did the wman d yesterday?
    A. She finished her daily reprts. B. She typed an e-mail. C. She had a meeting.
    2. Where des the man plan t put the painting?
    A. In the kitchen. B. In the living rm. C. In the frnt hallway.
    3. What happened t the man’s sn?
    A. He had a car accident. B. He fell int water. C. He gt lst.
    4. When will the speakers g t the theater?
    A. After 7:00 pm. B. After 8:00 pm. C. After 9:00 pm.
    5 What des the wman mean?
    A. She is better than a repairman.
    B. She’ll buy a new refrigeratr.
    C. She wants t save mney.
    第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. When des the party start?
    A. At 7:15 pm. B. At 7:30 pm. C. At 7:45 pm.
    7. What des the man want t knw?
    A. The parking lt f the restaurant.
    B. The lcatin f the restaurant.
    C. The traffic cnditin.
    8. Wh left the cmpany?
    A. Lisa. B. Steve. C. Tim.
    9. What has the man been trying t d?
    A. Give up cffee. B. Sleep less. C. Hire new emplyees.
    10. What des the by like ding?
    A Walking arund. B. Making up stries. C. Playing ball games.
    11. What des the by think f the wman’s advice?
    A. Interesting. B. Reasnable. C. Unattractive.
    12. Why will the wman g int the ther rm?
    A. T give the by sme space. B. T find a perfect seat. C. T clean the windw.
    13. Hw des the man feel abut his grade?
    A. It was satisfying. B. It was disappinting. C. It was an imprvement.
    14. What des the man want t knw?
    A. Hw t deal with stress. B. Hw t write a paper. C. Hw t quit schl.
    15. What will the man d tnight?
    A. Watch a mvie. B. Have a gd rest. C. G t the wman’s huse.
    16. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Mther and sn. C. Friends.
    17. What’s the purpse f the talk?
    A. T warn peple f sme fd.
    B. T remind peple f the sales.
    C. T tell peple the shp rules.
    18. What is included in the list?
    A. Ptates. B. Beef. C. Frzen peas.
    19. What’s the time limit fr a full refund?
    A. Within a week. B. Within a mnth. C. Within six weeks.
    20. What must a custmer bring back if he wants a refund?
    A. The receipt fr the purchase. B. Half-eaten canned tmates. C. The shpping list.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Expecting t travel abrad but lacking a lse budget? Interested in meaningful vlunteering prgrams but wrried abut issues like yur security r wrking cnditins? Here cmes a right place fr yu — Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary (保护区).
     Vlunteering with elephants and bringing them back int their natural habitat
     Making a difference in the cnservatin effrts t save elephants living under awful cnditins
     Helping teach English t the cmmunities and raising awareness abut the captive (圈养的) elephant situatin
     Wandering the frests and bserve elephant’s natural behavirs in their hme envirnment
    Our Sanctuary
    Our sanctuary has rescued 5 elephants frm the turism industry and we have nw brught them hme t live ut their lives in the frest, in semi-wild cnditins. We need vlunteers t help us keep these elephants happy and healthy in their natural habitat. With vlunteer supprt, we hpe t return mre elephants t the frest sn.
    Yur tasks
     Perfrming research n the natural elephant behavirs and the surrunding frest
     Taking part in cmmunity prjects such as teaching English at the schl and t ther lcals
     Carrying ut litter pick-ups with the kids t educate n waste management
    Yur Rugh Schedule:
    Day 1: Pickup frm Chiang Mai at 9 am. Travel thrugh a natinal park and stunning muntains until yu arrive in ur unique village. Meet yur hmestay family and the ther vlunteers, and immerse yurself in hill tribe culture.
    Day 2: Wake up early t hike in the frest and find ur elephants. Spend the mrning recrding and learning abut these amazing animals and their natural behavirs. Return t the village in the late afternn and take part in ur cmmunity & camp & teaching prjects.
    Day 3: Anther early start t hike t bserve ur elephants ne last time. Return t Chiang Mai in the afternn.
    1. Which f the fllwing is a feature f vlunteer wrk at the sanctuary?
    A. Lking after captive elephants with the lcals.
    B. Seeking and bserving elephants in natural frests.
    C. Helping rescue elephants living in the pr envirnment.
    D. Teaching peple t cnserve elephants’ natural habitat.
    2. What shuld yu d as a vlunteer there?
    A. Yu shuld participate in anti-pverty prjects.
    B. Yu shuld have the great ability t g hiking fr days.
    C. Yu shuld master lcal languages and knw abut tribe culture.
    D. Yu shuld undertake research int wild elephants independently.
    3. Where des this text mst prbably cme frm?
    A. A hliday brchure.B. A travel jurnal.
    C. A gegraphical essay.D. An educatinal website.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A
    【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章是Kindred Spirit大象保护区的志愿者招募信息。
    推理判断题。根据Highlights部分中“Making a difference in the cnservatin effrts t save elephants living under awful cnditins (为保护生活在恶劣环境下的大象做出了贡献)”和Our Sanctuary部分中“Our sanctuary has rescued 5 elephants frm the turism industry and we have nw brught them hme t live ut their lives in the frest, in semi-wild cnditins. (我们的保护区从旅游业中救出了5头大象,现在我们把它们带回家,让它们在半野生的条件下在森林中生活。)”可推知,保护区志愿工作之一是帮助拯救生活在恶劣环境中的大象。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据Yur Rugh Schedule部分中“Travel thrugh a natinal park and stunning muntains until yu arrive in ur unique village. (穿过一个国家公园和壮丽的山脉,直到你到达我们独特的村庄。)”、“Wake up early t hike in the frest and find ur elephants. (早起在森林里徒步旅行,找到我们的大象。)”和“Anther early start t hike t bserve ur elephants ne last time. (又一次提早徒步出发,最后一次观察我们的大象。)”可推知,作为一名志愿者,你应该具有连续几天徒步旅行的能力。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Expecting t travel abrad but lacking a lse budget? Interested in meaningful vlunteering prgrams but wrried abut issues like yur security r wrking cnditins? Here cmes a right place fr yu — Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary (保护区). (想出国旅游,但预算不够宽裕?对有意义的志愿活动感兴趣,但担心安全或工作条件等问题?这里有一个适合你的地方——Kindred Spirit大象保护区)”可知,本文为想出国旅游但预算不足,或想作志愿者又担心安全或工作条件的人提供了一份大象保护区的志愿者工作,与国外旅游有关。所以,文章可能出自假日宣传册。故选A项。
    Having grwn up in nrthern Arizna with the immrtal Grand Canyn and the irn red plateaus f Sedna in my backyard I believed that the suthwestern state is hme t the mst beautiful landscapes n the planet. Twering muntain titans, a czy valley and an infinite blue sky prmised fantastic ptential fr explratin. Fr me, n newly discvered sights r freign landscapes can cmpare with its beauty.
    That is, until I was invited t explre Guizhu prvince by the China Stryteller Partnerships Tur. Had smene vividly described hw beautiful Guizhu can be in petic detail, they wuld nt have dne it exactly. There is n substitute fr seeing with ne’s wn eyes. I will attempt t d s.
    During my trip arund the city f Xingyi, in Guizhu, I saw the artwrk f the Buyei ethnic grup. They use dyes prduced frm lcal plants t make clthing f striking blues and greens. Lcal elders still practice weaving with artful wden machines and pass that traditin n t their grandchildren.
    My father used t drag my brthers and me n yearly fishing trips arund Arizna. We wuld cmpete t catch the largest fish, and in the mrnings, Dad wuld ck us a basic breakfast f bacn, eggs, and tast. I sat in a small bat in the middle f the lake, with fishing ple mving slwly in my impatient hands, and held my bred tngue while my father attempted t share with me the whispers f the wind, a fish dancing n the surface f the lake r the majesty f a hawk hunting fr prey verhead. On my trip t Guizhu I had the pprtunity t paddle n Wanfeng lake. At ne pint I rested, flating at the center f the lake, listening t the spaces between silence and taking in the surrunding karst (喀斯特) muntains. I thught abut my childhd, and wished I had listened mre clsely t my father while fishing.
    I’ve lived away frm Arizna fr 10 lng years, carving my wn destiny in China. I’ve managed t build myself a family, a career, a livelihd, and varius prjects. I feel as thugh I have everything that I need. Fr a mment, in Guizhu, I felt hme.
    4. What d we knw abut the authr’s hmetwn?
    A. Situated in the nrth f US, it is hme t Grand Canyn.
    B. It has varied landscapes, ranging frm plateau t valley.
    C. Apparently, there’s n cmparisn in terms f beauty.
    D. The authr spent his childhd and adulthd in his hmetwn.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “substitute” prbably mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Experience.B. Replacement.
    C. Objectin.D. Agreement.
    6. What is the purpse f paragraph 4?
    A. T express his regret nt listening t his father attentively.
    B. T recall the mst unfrgettable experience with his family.
    C. T cmpare the trip n Wangfeng lake with his frmer fishing trips.
    D. T suggest that his trip in Guizhu takes him back t his childhd.
    7. What des the authr think f his life in Guizhu?
    A. Inevitable.B. Favrable.
    C. Demanding.D. Astnishing.
    【答案】4. B 5. B 6. D 7. B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。 文章讲述一个美国人对中国山水和人文的依恋。
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“Having grwn up in nrthern Arizna with the immrtal Grand Canyn and the irn red plateaus f Sedna in my backyard, I believed that the suthwestern state is hme t the mst beautiful landscapes n the planet. (我在亚利桑那州北部长大,在我的后院有不朽的大峡谷和铁红色的塞多纳高原,我相信这个西南部的州是地球上最美丽的风景的家园。)”可知,作者的家乡拥有从高原到山谷的各种景观。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据前文“That is, until I was invited t explre Guizhu prvince by the China Stryteller Partnerships Tur. Had smene vividly described hw beautiful Guizhu can be in petic detail, they wuld nt have dne it exactly. ( 直到“中国故事共创会活动”带我走进贵州,贵州之行让我仿佛回到故乡。贵州的美曾在诗句中有所体现。)”可知,作者在去贵州之前知道贵州的美曾在诗句中体现,直到他去了贵州,才体会到去了贵州就如同回到了自己美丽的家乡,因此推断划线句句意:没有亲身体会是无法感知到的,也就是说没有什么可替代。划线词与B项“代替”意思相近。故选B。
    推理判断题。第四段第一句“My father used t drag my brthers and me n yearly fishing trips arund Arizna. ( 我父亲过去每年都会拉着我和兄弟们去亚利桑那州钓鱼。)”提到了作者的父亲带作者去钓鱼,接下来描述了当时与父亲在一起钓鱼的经历和作者贵州之行的经历,结合最后一句“I thught abut my childhd, and wished I had listened mre clsely t my father while fishing. (我想起了我的童年,真希望我在钓鱼的时候能更仔细地听父亲的话。)”可推断,本段的目的是表明贵州之行让作者回忆起自己的童年时光。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的“I’ve lived away frm Arizna fr 10 lng years, carving my wn destiny in China. I’ve managed t build myself a family, a career, a livelihd, and varius prjects. I feel as thugh I have everything that I need. Fr a mment, in Guizhu, I felt hme. (离开亚利桑那州10 年之久,我来到中国重塑新生,建立了自己的家庭和事业,参与过各种活动,似乎已经拥有了我所需要的一切。徜徉在贵州的那一刻,我仿佛回到故乡,重温往日美好。)”可推断,对于在贵州的生活,作者是称赞的。故选B。
    The recent reprts f a 4-year-ld girl n a Shanghai beach have gne viral n scial media platfrms, prvking debate abut whether China shuld criminalize negligence in child supervisin.
    The father f the little girl claimed that he left her alne n the beach fr abut 12 minutes t fetch his phne. Hwever, she was nwhere t be fund when he was back. Surveillance (监控) vides shw that she waited fr abut 10 minutes befre walking tward the water’s edge alne, and then disappeared int the water. Tw weeks later, her bdy was discvered abut 100 kilmeters away in neighbring Zhejiang Prvince.
    The cre issue in this case is the father’s leaving his yung daughter unattended n the beach, causing her tragic death. Shuld such behavir, when it causes harm t a child, be seen as a criminal act? In an nline survey, mre than 90 percent f respndents insisted that the father be held legally respnsible and face criminal punishments.
    Nevertheless, accrding t Liu Chunquan, a lawyer, it may nt satisfy the criteria fr criminal negligence, since the primary fcus f Chinese criminal law is n extreme cases f parental neglect, such as physical abuse and mental trture. Rarely d legal authrities charge parents; instead, they are just likely t face penalties cnsisting f warnings and fines.
    In 2022, a 2-year-ld baby drwned in a cesspl while in the cmpany f his father. The curt ruled shared respnsibility between the father and the cesspl’s wner, with a 7:3 prprtin. The wner was rdered t pay 20,000 yuan t the child’s family. Unluckily, similar cases d exist natinwide. Rughly, 100,000 children lse their lives in accidents annually in China, which is largely due t negligence, such as parents leaving their children unattended, either in lcked cars r at hme. Besides, drwning is nw the main cause f death fr children aged 1 t 14 years ld.
    It is n wnder that an increasing number f netizens request that specific laws and regulatins be passed t ensure the safety f children and their well-being. Hpefully, criminalizing child supervisin negligence in China can serve as a warning and precautin.
    Hwever, dwnsides f intrducing such legislatin may als emerge. Fr instance, it’s difficult t distinguish between a regrettable accident and criminal negligence, s that ver-criminalizatin can be triggered, in which well-meaning parents making hnest mistakes are charged with a crime.
    Therefre, a mre balanced apprach t addressing the issue f infant safety shuld invlve a cmbinatin f new legislatin, educatin and supprt services. The ultimate bjective is t prevent similar catastrphes in the future. We must recgnize that children are nt nly their parents’ ffspring, but als the natin’s future.
    8. What can we infer frm the tragedy f the 4-year-ld girl?
    A. Her father’s carelessness and negligence shuld be t blame.
    B. The beach in Shanghai shuld nt be pen t small children.
    C. Her father has been sentenced t severe penalties by the plice.
    D. She wuld have survived if she had nt waited in the water fr a lng time.
    9. What are the figures in paragraph 5 intended t prve?
    A. Irrespnsible adults cntribute t children’s death.B. Peple can’t be t cncerned abut child safety.
    C. Kids shuldn’t be allwed t swim alne.D. Parents’ cnstant mnitring is a must.
    10. Updated legislatin in child supervisin is in demand fr the fllwing reasns except _______.
    A. the mild penalties in the existing lawsB. parents’ ignrance f ptential dangers
    C. frequent ccurrence f such incidentsD. masses f netizens’ urgent appeals
    11. What attitude des the authr hld t criminalizing child supervisin negligence in China?
    A. Indifferent.B. Negative.C. Objective.D. Supprtive.
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第三段“The cre issue in this case is the father’s leaving his yung daughter unattended n the beach, causing her tragic death. Shuld such behavir, when it causes harm t a child, be seen as a criminal act? In an nline survey, mre than 90 percent f respndents insisted that the father be held legally respnsible and face criminal punishments.(这个案件的核心问题是父亲把他年幼的女儿遗弃在海滩上,导致了她的悲惨死亡。当这种行为对儿童造成伤害时,是否应被视为犯罪行为?在一项在线调查中,超过90%的受访者坚持认为父亲应该承担法律责任并面临刑事处罚)”可推知,4岁女孩父亲的粗心大意应该受到责备。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“Rughly, 100,000 children lse their lives in accidents annually in China, which is largely due t negligence, such as parents leaving their children unattended, either in lcked cars r at hme. Besides, drwning is nw the main cause f death fr children aged 1 t 14 years ld.(在中国,每年大约有10万名儿童在交通事故中丧生,这主要是由于疏忽造成的,比如父母把孩子留在锁着的车里或家里,无人看管。此外,溺水现在是1至14岁儿童死亡的主要原因)”可知,很多儿童的死亡都是监护人的粗心大意造成的。由此推知,第5段中的数字想要证明人们对儿童安全再关心也不为过。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Rarely d legal authrities charge parents; instead, they are just likely t face penalties cnsisting f warnings and fines.(法律当局控告父母;相反,他们可能只会面临警告和罚款的处罚)”;第五段“Rughly, 100,000 children lse their lives in accidents annually in China, which is largely due t negligence, such as parents leaving their children unattended, either in lcked cars r at hme. Besides, drwning is nw the main cause f death fr children aged 1 t 14 years ld.(在中国,每年大约有10万名儿童在交通事故中丧生,这主要是由于疏忽造成的,比如父母把孩子留在锁着的车里或家里,无人看管。此外,溺水现在是1至14岁儿童死亡的主要原因)”可知,需要更新儿童监管法的原因是:目前对监管人惩罚过轻,父母对潜在危险的疏忽,此类事件的频发。D选项“广大网民的紧急呼吁”不是需要更新儿童监管的立法的原因。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Hwever, dwnsides f intrducing such legislatin may als emerge. (然而,引入此类立法的弊端也可能出现)”以及最后一段“Therefre, a mre balanced apprach t addressing the issue f infant safety shuld invlve a cmbinatin f new legislatin, educatin and supprt services. The ultimate bjective is t prevent similar catastrphes in the future. We must recgnize that children are nt nly their parents’ ffspring, but als the natin’s future.(因此,解决婴儿安全问题的更平衡的办法应该包括新的立法、教育和支助服务的结合。最终目标是防止未来发生类似的灾难。我们必须认识到,孩子不仅是父母的后代,也是国家的未来)”可推知,作者对在中国将儿童监护过失定为刑事犯罪持客观态度。故选C。
    It is widely accepted that being verweight definitely pses a danger t ur health. Accrding t a new study, besity may even damage the brain’s ability t recgnize the sensatin f fullness and be satisfied after eating fats and sugars.
    Further, thse brain changes may last even after peple cnsidered medically bese lse a significant amunt f weight — pssibly explaining why many peple ften regain the punds they lse.
    The study, published Mnday in Nature Metablism, was a cntrlled clinical trial in which 30 peple cnsidered t be medically bese and 30 peple f nrmal weight were fed sugar carbhydrates (glucse), fats (lipids) r water (as a cntrl). Each grup f nutrients was fed directly int the stmach via a feeding tube n separate days.
    The night befre the testing, all 60 study participants had the same meal fr dinner at hme and did nt eat again until the feeding tube was in place the next mrning. As either sugars r fats entered the stmach via the tube, researchers used functinal magnetic resnance(磁共振) imaging and single-phtn emissin cmputed tmgraphy(断层扫描技术) t capture the brain’s respnse ver 30 minutes.
    In peple with nrmal weight, the study fund brain signals in the striatum(纹状体) slwed when either sugars r fats were put int the digestive system — evidence that the brain recgnized the bdy had been fed. At the same time, levels f dpamine rse in thse at nrmal weight, signaling that the reward centers f the brain were als activated. Hwever, when the same nutrients were given via feeding tube t peple cnsidered medically bese, brain activity did nt slw, and dpamine levels did nt rise.
    Next, the study asked peple with besity t lse 10% f their bdy weight within three mnths — an amunt f weight knwn t imprve bld sugars, reset metablism and bst verall health.
    Tests were repeated as befre — with surprising results. Lsing weight did nt reset the brain in peple with besity.
    Much mre research is needed t fully understand what besity des t the brain, and if that is triggered by the fat tissue itself, the types f fd eaten, r ther envirnmental and genetic factrs.
    12. What aspects did the researchers mainly fcus n in the research?
    A. Bld sugars and metablism.B. Diet and envirnmental factrs.
    C. Nutrients and the digestive system.D. Brain activities and dpamine levels.
    13. What are the crrect prcedures f the study?
    ①Prviding participants with the same nutrients separately.
    ②Classifying participants in different grups by weight.
    ③Repeating the test n thse wh lst required weight
    ④Detecting the brain’s reactin f the participants.
    A. ①④③②B. ④①②③
    C. ②①④③D. ②①③④
    14. What can be inferred abut the study?
    A. Weight lss had n impact n the brain’s respnse t fd.
    B. The level f dpamine was clsely related t peple’s brain activity.
    C. Nutrients taken by participants affected their digestive system rather than brain activity.
    D. The sum f dpamine released varied slightly amng participants with different weights.
    15. What is the mst suitable title fr the article?
    A. Effective Strategies fr Weight Lss in Obesity
    B. The Persistent Effects f Obesity n the Brain
    C. Explring the Brain’s Respnse t Sugars and Fats
    D. Hw Obesity Harms the Brain’s Fullness Sensatin
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“As either sugars r fats entered the stmach via the tube, researchers used functinal magnetic resnance(磁共振) imaging and single-phtn emissin cmputed tmgraphy(断层扫描技术) t capture the brain’s respnse ver 30 minutes.(当糖或脂肪通过胃食管进入胃时,研究人员使用了磁共振扫描和成像与断层扫描技术,以在30分钟内捕捉大脑的反应。)”和第五段“In peple with nrmal weight, the study fund brain signals in the striatum(纹状体) slwed when either sugars r fats were put int the digestive system — evidence that the brain recgnized the bdy had been fed. At the same time, levels f dpamine rse in thse at nrmal weight, signaling that the reward centers f the brain were als activated. Hwever, when the same nutrients were given via feeding tube t peple cnsidered medically bese, brain activity did nt slw, and dpamine levels did nt rise.(研究发现,在体重正常的人身上,当糖或脂肪被输入消化系统时,纹状体中的大脑信号速度减慢,这表明大脑识别出身体已经满足。与此同时,体重正常的人体内多巴胺水平升高,表明大脑的奖励中心也被激活。然而,当通过喂食管给医学上认为肥胖的人提供相同的营养时,大脑活动并没有减缓,多巴胺水平也没有上升。)”可知,研究人员主要关注的是大脑活动和多巴胺水平。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The study, published Mnday in Nature Metablism, was a cntrlled clinical trial in which 30 peple cnsidered t be medically bese and 30 peple f nrmal weight were fed sugar carbhydrates (glucse), fats (lipids) r water (as a cntrl).(周一在《自然代谢》杂志上发表的这项研究是一项对照临床试验,其中30名医学上认为肥胖的人和30名体重正常的人被喂食糖碳水化合物——葡萄糖、脂肪——脂质、或水——作为对照。)”可知,在进行研究时,首先将参与者按照体重分成两组,给每组参与者分别喂食同样的营养物质。根据第四段中的“As either sugars r fats entered the stmach via the tube, researchers used functinal magnetic resnance(磁共振) imaging and single-phtn emissin cmputed tmgraphy(断层扫描技术) t capture the brain’s respnse ver 30 minutes.(当糖或脂肪通过胃食管进入胃时,研究人员使用了磁共振扫描和成像与断层扫描技术,以在30分钟内捕捉大脑的反应。)”可知,在喂食时研究人员会监测大脑的反应。根据第六段“Next, the study asked peple with besity t lse 10% f their bdy weight within three mnths — an amunt f weight knwn t imprve bld sugars, reset metablism and bst verall health.(接下来,这项研究要求肥胖者在三个月内减掉10%的体重,这个体重可以改善血糖,重置新陈代谢,促进整体健康。)”和第七段中的“Tests were repeated as befre — with surprising results.(按照之前的模式重复测试,结果令人惊讶。)”可知,肥胖者减肥后再次重复测试。由此可知,该研究的正确步骤是②①④③。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第七段中的“Lsing weight did nt reset the brain in peple with besity.(减肥并没有使肥胖者的大脑重新设置。)”可推测出,减肥对大脑对于食物的反应方面没有影响。故选A。
    标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的“Accrding t a new study, besity may even damage the brain’s ability t recgnize the sensatin f fullness and be satisfied after eating fats and sugars.(根据一项新的研究,肥胖甚至可能损害大脑识别饱腹感的能力,以及在摄入脂肪和糖后感到满足的能力。)”和第二段“Further, thse brain changes may last even after peple cnsidered medically bese lse a significant amunt f weight — pssibly explaining why many peple ften regain the punds they lse.(此外,即使在医学上被认为肥胖的人减掉了大量体重后,这些大脑变化也可能持续下去——这可能解释了为什么许多人经常会重拾他们减掉的体重。)”可知,本文主要讲述了一项研究说明,肥胖可能损害大脑识别饱腹感的能力,以及在摄入脂肪和糖后感到满足的能力,而且即使人们减掉了大量体重,这些大脑变化也可能持续下去,所以许多人经常会反弹。由此可推测出。B项“肥胖对大脑的持续影响”最适合作本文标题。故选B。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Studies have shwn that walking amng trees makes us relaxed. ___16___ There’s plenty f research shwing the link between being in nature and being happy, but mst f the research has fcused n adults.
    ___17___ Explaining the mtivatin behind the study, researchers nte that with envirnmental issues such as glbal warming, mre studies are fcusing n the relatinships between humans and nature t find slutins t these prblems, and the future f the planet lies in the hands f children and their actins. Hwever, few studies fcus n this aspect.
    Fr the study, researchers wrked with 296 children between the ages f 9 and 12. T measure hw cnnected they were t nature, the kids were asked hw much they enjy activities like seeing wildflwers and wild animals, hearing sunds f nature and tuching animals and plants. ___18___ They als fund that the mre cncerned children were abut the envirnment and nature, the mre likely they were t be happy.
    S expsure t nature is related t active behavirs and happiness f children. What des that mean t adults? As we all knw, children usually tend t fllw adults, especially their parents’ behavirs. ___19___ And if parents enjy being clse t nature, s will their children.
    Researchers say that children need rle mdels wh can guide them t nature with excitement and an attitude f a lifelng learner. Parents dn’t have t be experts in envirnmental science r nature studies. ___20___
    A. It’s s gd ging fr a walk arund trees.
    B. Even just smelling the trees helps reduce anxiety.
    C. That’s t say, when adults are utside and appreciate nature, kids learn by example.
    D. What’s mre imprtant is that they spend time tgether with children explring nature.
    E. They fund that the kids cnnected t nature were mre likely t behave actively.
    F. In a new study, researchers wanted t see if kids get the same benefits frm being utdrs.
    G. Researchers will study mre abut the cnnectin between children’s happiness and nature.
    【答案】16. B 17. F 18. E 19. C 20. D
    前文“Studies have shwn that walking amng trees makes us relaxed.(研究表明,在树间散步使我们放松。)”讲述了研究表明林中散步有助于放松,空处应进一步进行说明,B项“即使只是闻一闻树也有助于减少焦虑。”符合题意,选项中的trees对应前文中的trees,“helps reduce anxiety”与前文中的“makes us relaxed”相对照。故选B。
    第一段最后一句“There’s plenty f research shwing the link between being in nature and being happy, but mst f the research has fcused n adults.(有大量研究表明了生活在大自然中与快乐之间存在联系,但大多数研究都集中在成年人身上。)”指出关于自然与快乐之间关系的大多研究都关注的是成年人,后文“Explaining the mtivatin behind the study, researchers nte that with envirnmental issues such as glbal warming, mre studies are fcusing n the relatinships between humans and nature t find slutins t these prblems, and the future f the planet lies in the hands f children and their actins.(在解释这项研究背后的动机时,研究人员指出,随着全球变暖等环境问题的出现,越来越多的研究将重点放在人类与自然之间的关系上,以找到解决这些问题的方法,而地球的未来掌握在儿童及其行动的手中。)”讲述了进行这项研究是因为地球的未来掌握在儿童及其行动的手中,由此可知,空处讲述的是有一项研究关注的是儿童,F项“在一项新的研究中,研究人员想看看孩子们是否能从户外活动中获得同样的好处。”符合题意。故选F。
    后文“They als fund that the mre cncerned children were abut the envirnment and nature, the mre likely they were t be happy.(他们还发现,孩子们越关心环境和自然,他们就越有可能快乐。)”讲述了研究人员还发现的现象,由此可知,空处讲述的应是研究人员的发现,E项“他们发现,与大自然有联系的孩子更有可能表现得更积极。”符合题意,选项中的“They fund”和后文中的“They als fund”对应。故选E。
    前文“As we all knw, children usually tend t fllw adults, especially their parents’ behavirs.(众所周知,孩子通常倾向于跟随成年人,尤其是他们父母的行为。)”讲述了孩子会受到父母行为的影响,空处应对此进行进一步说明,C项“也就是说,当成年人在户外欣赏大自然时,孩子们会效仿榜样。”对前文进行解释说明。故选C。
    前文“Parents dn’t have t be experts in envirnmental science r nature studies.(父母不必是环境科学或自然研究方面的专家。)”讲述了父母不需要成为专家,空处应讲述对孩子真正重要的事情,D项“更重要的是,他们花时间和孩子们一起探索大自然。”符合题意。故选D。
    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    My sixth-grade daughter was being kicked ut f schl. The teacher explained, “She may nt be ____21____ what we’re trying t accmplish.” He was ____22____ saying she didn’t have the ____23____, which made me mad because I knew she was smart, just as my father had knwn abut me when I was ____24____ in schl. We had her ____25____ and fund that the trubles she was ging thrugh were exactly what I had suffered frm — dyslexia (诵读困难症). Just then I was a ____26____ televisin writer, and had been awarded Emmy Award fr “The Rckfrd Files.”
    If I had knwn earlier that smething beynd my ____27____ culd explain why I was a lw ____28____, I may nt have wrked s hard in my late 20s and early 30s. I was wrking fr n ther reasn than t hear peple ____29____ me, because I did _____30_____ in all my curses.
    I nce asked a friend why he always gt an A, “Hw lng did yu study fr this?” He replied, “I didn’t. I just _____31_____ it.” S he must be smarter. “What if I’m nt gd at anything?” I began t ask. Despite my _____32_____, I did becme successful, and peple nw say t me, “S yu’ve _____33_____ dyslexia.”
    N, I dn’t. I learn t _____34_____ it. I _____35_____ making a call if pssible, because I smetimes have t try many times t get the number right.
    Despite these weaknesses, I view dyslexia as a(n) _____36_____. Many dyslexics are gd at right-brain, abstract thught, and that’s what my kind f creative writing is.
    I can write quickly, and can get up t 15 pages a day. Writing is my _____37_____.
    The real _____38_____ I have fr dyslexic children is nt they have t _____39_____ in schl, but that they will be quitters befre they get ut f schl. Parents have t create _____40_____ fr them, whether it’s music, sprts r art. Yu can make yur dyslexic child able t say, “Yeah, reading is hard. But I have ther pride.”
    21. A. cntent withB. used tC. equal tD. familiar with
    22. A. hardlyB. actuallyC. partlyD. merely
    23. A. independenceB. cnfidenceC. preferenceD. intelligence
    24. A. failingB. prgressingC. changingD. crying
    25. A. infrmedB. questinedC. testedD. surveyed
    26. A. lyalB. successfulC. traditinalD. typical
    27. A. abilityB. appreciatinC. recgnitinD. cntrl
    28. A. cmpserB. achieverC. perfrmerD. bserver
    29. A. inspireB. callC. praiseD. neglect
    30. A. activelyB. badlyC. slwlyD. well
    31. A. glanced atB. stared atC. gt rid fD. put up with
    32. A. cnfusinB. effrtC. dreamD. sacrifice
    33. A. verlkedB. cnfirmedC. vercmeD. cured
    34. A. keep up withB. make up frC. hld n tD. make use f
    35. A. repeatB. enjyC. riskD. avid
    36. A. adventureB. pleasureC. giftD. punishment
    37. A. purpseB. challengeC. cntributinD. strength
    38. A. fearB. jyC. favrD. respect
    39. A. struggleB. studyC. achieveD. accmplish
    40. A. surprisesB. cmpetitinsC. imaginatinsD. victries
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. A 40. D
    考查形容词短语辨析。句意:老师说:“她可能达不到我们想要达到的目标”。 A. cntent with对……满意;B. used t过去常常;C. equal t胜任,等于;D. familiar with对……熟悉。根据上文“My daughter was being thrwn ut f the sixth grade.”可知,老师说作者的女儿可能达不到学校想要达到的目标。be equal t合适,胜任,符号语境。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:他实际上是在说她没有这个智力,这让我很生气,因为我知道她很聪明,就像我父亲知道我在学校不及格时一样。A. hardly几乎不;B. actually实际上,事实上;C. partly部分地;D. merely仅仅,只不过。根据“女儿被退学”和上文“She may nt be__1__what we’re trying t accmplish.”(她可能达不到我们想要达到的目标)可知,实际上老师是在说作者女儿没有这个智力。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他实际上是在说她没有这个智力,这让我很生气,因为我知道她很聪明,就像我父亲知道我在学校不及格时一样。A. independence独立性;B. cnfidence自信;C. preference偏爱;D. intelligence智力。根据下文“which made me mad because I knew she was smart”可知,作者知道女儿很聪明,可是老师在说她没有这个智力。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他实际上是在说她没有这个智力,这让我很生气,因为我知道她很聪明,就像我父亲知道我在学校不及格时一样。A. failing不及格;B. prgressing进步;发展;C. changing改变;D. crying哭泣。根据下文“what I had suffered frm — dyslexi”和“I nce asked a friend why he always gt an A”推知,作者念书时考试经常不及格。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们给她做了测验,发现她的问题和我一样——阅读障碍。A. infrmed告知;B. questined询问;C. tested考验,测验,检测;D. surveyed调查。根据下文“and fund that the trubles she was having were exactly what I had had-dyslexia”可知,作者给女儿做了测验然后发现女儿患有阅读障碍。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那时,我已是一名成功的电视编剧,凭借《罗克福德档案》获得了艾美奖。A. lyal忠诚的;B. successful成功的;C. traditinal传统的;D. typical典型的。根据下文“and had wn an Emmy Award fr “The Rckfrd Files.””可知,作者那时已是一名成功的电视编剧。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我早知道一些我无法控制的事情可以解释为什么我是一个低成就者,我可能就不会在我快30岁和30岁出头的时候那么努力工作了。A. ability能力;B. appreciatin欣赏;C. recgnitin辨认;D. cntrl控制。根据上文“the trubles she was having were exactly what I had had-dyslexia”可知,作者患有阅读障碍,这是作者无法控制的事情。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我早知道一些我无法控制的事情可以解释为什么我是一个低成就者,我可能就不会在我快30岁和30岁出头的时候那么努力工作了。A. cmpser作曲家;B. achiever获得成功的人;C. perfrmer表演者;D. bserver观察者。根据句中lw以及上文讲“作者无法控制的事情——患有阅读障碍”可知,患有阅读障碍的作者如果不努力,就会成为一个低成就者。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我工作没有别的原因,只是为了听到人们称赞我,因为我所有的课程都很糟糕。A. inspire鼓舞;B. call打电话;C. praise称赞;D. neglect忽视。根据上文“t hear peple”可知,作者只是为了听到人们称赞。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我工作没有别的原因,只是为了听到人们称赞我,因为我所有的课程都很糟糕。A. actively活跃地;B. badly糟糕地;C. slwly缓慢地;D. well好。根据lw和作者患有患有阅读障碍的事实可知,作者所有的课程都很糟糕。故选B项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他说:“我没有。我只是扫了一眼。”A. glanced at看一下,浏览;B. stared at盯着;C. gt rid f除掉;D. put up with忍受。根据上文“I nce asked a friend wh always gt an A, “Hw lng did yu study fr this?” He said, “I didn’t.”(我曾经问一个总是得A的朋友,“你为此学习了多长时间?”他说,“我没有)和下文“S he must be smarter.”可知,作者的学习成绩好的朋友得到A并未在学习上花很多时间,只是扫了一眼,是更聪明的人。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管我心存困惑,但我确实取得了成功,人们现在对我说,“你克服了阅读障碍。”A. cnfusin困惑;B. effrt努力;C. dreams梦想;D. sacrifice牺牲。根据上文“What if I’m nt gd at anything? I began t ask.”可知,作者心存困惑。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管我心存疑虑,但我确实取得了成功,人们现在对我说,“你克服了阅读障碍。”A. verlked忽略;B. cnfirmed确认;C. vercme克服;D. cured治愈。根据上文“I did becme successful”可知,人们认为作者现在克服了阅读障碍。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我要学会弥补。A. keep up with赶得上;B. make up fr弥补;C. hld n t坚持;D. make use f利用。根据下文“I smetimes have t try many times t get the number right.”(我有时要试很多次才能打对号码)可知,作者通过不断尝试来获得正确的号码,即通过不断尝试来弥补因患阅读障碍而带来的差距。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果可能的话,我尽量避免拨打电话,因为有时我不得不多次尝试才能得到正确的号码。A. repeat重复;B. enjy享受;C. risk冒险;D. avid避免。根据下文“I smetimes have t try many times t get the number right”可知,作者尽量避免拨打电话。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管我有缺点,但我认为阅读障碍是一种天赋。A. adventure冒险;B. pleasure高兴;C. gift礼物,天赋;D. punishment惩罚。根据下文“Many dyslexics are gd at right-brain, abstract thught, and that’s what my kind f creative writing is.”(许多阅读障碍者擅长右脑、抽象思维,这就是我的创造性写作的来源)可知,作者认为阅读障碍是一种天赋。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:写作是我的强项。A. purpse目的;B. challenge挑战;C. cntributin贡献;D. strength长处,强项。根据上文“I can write quickly, and can get up t 15 pages a day.”(我写得很快,一天最多能写15页)可知,写作是作者的强项。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我对有阅读障碍的孩子真正的恐惧不是他们在学校里挣扎,而是他们在离开学校之前就自暴自弃。A. fear害怕;B. jy欢乐;C. favr帮助;D. respect尊敬。根据下文“they will be quitters befre they get ut f schl”可知,孩子们会自行放弃,这是作者真正的担心的。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我对有阅读障碍的孩子真正的恐惧不是他们在学校里挣扎,而是他们在离开学校之前就自暴自弃。A. struggle挣扎;B. study学习;C. achieve获得;D. accmplish完成。根据该句中的“but that they will be quitters befre they get ut f schl”和but转折可推知,有阅读障碍的孩子在离开学校之前在学校里挣扎。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:父母必须为孩子创造成功,无论是音乐、体育还是艺术。A. surprises惊喜;B. cmpetitins竞争;C. imaginatins想象力;D. victries胜利、成功。根据下文“Yu can make yur dyslexic child able t say, “Yeah, reading is hard. But I have ther things I can d.””(你可以让你阅读障碍儿童说。“是的,读书很难。但我还有其他事情可以做。”)可知,父母必须为孩子创造成功。故选D项。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Munt Fuji seems t be lsing its Wrld Heritage status and becming the victim f ver-turism. The scenic spt was listed as a wrld heritage site in 2013. ____41____, a jump in the number f turists climbing the majestic muntain is ____42____ (threat) that listing. With s many visitrs ____43____ (head) twards thse trails, Japan is experiencing a pst-cvid turist bm. Mt. Fuji is s ppular in Japan that many Japanese hpe t climb it at least nce in their lives. ____44____ cnsiderable number f climbers is causing envirnmental damage n the slpes. Litter is left acrss the vlcanic ash, and large parking lts have been cnstructed t accmmdate turists.
    A lcal fficial tld reprters that: “Fuji is faced ____45____ a real crisis. Turism has becme uncntrllable, and we fear that Mt. Fuji will sn becme an unattractive place ____46____ nbdy wuld want t g climbing.” He added: “Fuji is screaming in pain. We can’t just wait fr imprvement; we need t tackle ver-turism nw.” The muntain’s fifth base statin ____47____ (witness) a 50 percent rise in visitrs since 2013, with abut fur millin visitrs this summer. Anther headache fr lcal authrities is “bullet climbers”, peple wh have an ____48____ (intend) t ascend and descend Fuji in 24 hurs. They risk getting altitude sickness and hypthermia. ____49____ (frtunate), the fficial climbing seasn ended n Sunday, preventing Fuji frm _____50_____ (far) damage.
    【答案】41. Hwever
    42. threatening
    43. heading
    44. The 45. with
    46. where 47. has witnessed
    48. intentin
    49. Frtunately
    50. further
    考查副词。句意:然而,攀登这座雄伟山峰的游客数量激增,正威胁着这座山峰的世界遗产名录中的位置。前文“The scenic spt was listed as a wrld heritage site in 2013.(该景区于2013年被列为世界遗产。)”和空后“a jump in the number f turists climbing the majestic muntain is ____2____(threat) that listing”之间是转折关系,且空后为逗号,所以这里应用副词hwever(然而)。故填Hwever。
    考查非谓语动词。句意参考上题。根据空后的that listing可知,空处应用动词。主语a jump和threat之间是主谓关系,且空前有is,所以这里应用现在分词,和is一起构成现在进行时。故填threatening。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:随着如此多的游客前往这些小径,日本正在经历新冠疫情后的旅游热潮。分析句子结构,这里是with复合结构。逻辑主语s many visitrs和head之间是主谓关系,所以这里应用现在分词,作宾补。故填heading。
    考查冠词。句意:大量的登山者正在对斜坡造成环境破坏。the number f意为“……的数量”,其后谓语应用单数形式。故填The。
    考查介词。句意:富士山正面临着一场真正的危机。be faced with意为“面临”。故填with。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:自2013年以来,该山的第五个基站的游客增加了50%,今年夏天的游客约为400万。根据句中的since 2013可知,这里应用现在完成时。主语The muntain’s fifth base statin为单数,所以谓语应用单数形式。故填has witnessed。
    考查名词。句意:另一个令地方当局头疼的问题是“子弹登山者”,这些人打算在24小时内上下富士山。根据空前的an可知,空处应用名词单数。intentin意为“打算,目的”。have an intentin t d sth.意为“打算做某事”。故填intentin。
    考查形容词比较级。句意参考上题。根据句中的“the fficial climbing seasn ended n Sunday”可知,随着登山季的结束,富士山免受进一步破坏,这里应用far的比较级further,表示程度上的进一步,作定语修饰damage。故填further。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意: 1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;
    Jnnie’s dream t Antarctica finally came true. It was Brazil that Jnnie accidentally discvered she culd have an access t last-minute cheap deals n ships ging t Antarctica, and she did it. On April 4th, 2010, he barded a ship with 38 passengers and began her jurney. With abundant wildlife and spectacular sunrises, Antarctica left an impressin with her that n ther place has ever dne. As she reached Antarctica, she fund herself greet by a grup f little Gent penguins lnging t saying hell. These walking gatekeepers gentle welcmed her and kick-started that was t be an unfrgettable experience. S precius was this land until it hit hme t Jnnie.
    【详解】1.考查介词。句意:正是在巴西,乔尼意外发现她可以在最后一刻获得前往南极洲的廉价船票,她做到了。分析句子可知,句子是强调句型,强调地点状语in Brazil,故was后加in。
    2.考查冠词。句意:正是在巴西,乔尼意外发现她可以在最后一刻获得前往南极洲的廉价船票,她做到了。have access t“可以达到;可以使用”,是固定短语,此处access是不可数名词。故去掉an。
    4.考查介词。句意:南极洲拥有丰富的野生动植物和壮观的日出,给她留下了其他地方从未有过的印象。Leave an impressin n sb.“给某人留下印象”,固定短语,故将with改为n。
    6. 考查非谓语动词。句意:当她到达南极洲时,她发现自己受到了一群渴望打招呼的小巴布亚企鹅的欢迎。分析句子可知,greet作宾语补足语,与宾语herself是被动关系,用过去分词作宾语补足语,故将greet改为greeted。
    7. 考查非谓语动词。句意同上。lng t d sth.“渴望做某事”,用不定式作宾语,故将saying改为say。
    8. 考查副词。句意:这些行走的看门人温柔地欢迎她,开始了这段难忘的经历。修饰动词welcme用副词作状语,故将gentle改为gently。
    9. 考查时态。句意同上。分析句子可知,started后是宾语从句,从句中作主语,指物,意义为“……的事物”,用连接代词what引导宾语从句,故将that改为what。
    10. 考查连词。句意:这片土地是如此珍贵,以至于它触动了乔尼的心灵。分析句子并结合句意可知,此处为s…that句型,that引导结果状语从句,s+形容词置于句首,主句倒装,故将until改为that。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 你校英文报“Int China”栏目正在征稿。请你写一篇短文投稿,介绍一位你最喜爱的中国诗人,内容包括:
    1. 人物简介;
    2. 喜爱的原因(至少2个)。
    My Favrite Chinese Pet
    【答案】A suggested versin:
    My Favrite Chinese Pet
    The lng histry f China has witnessed the flurishing f petry and the brilliance f many exceptinal pets, amng whm I admire Du Fu mst.
    Brn in a wealthy family in the Tang dynasty, Du Fu shwed an utstanding aptitude fr cmpsing pems at a yung age. Hwever, he did nt have a successful career as an fficial and struggled with pverty later. Yet these experiences cntributed t his unique writing style.
    I admire Du Fu fr his talent as well as his persnality. It is widely acknwledged that Du Fu was blessed with superb literary skills, which earned him the title “the Petry Sage”. Mrever, despite his wn misery, many f his pems reflected cncern and sympathy fr the pr, shwing his kindness and patritism.
    With his literary achievements and nble spirit, Du Fu is always an inspiratin and guide fr me.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    ……的天赋:aptitude fr→talent fr
    促成:cntribute t→bring abut
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Yet these experiences cntributed t his unique writing style.
    拓展句:Yet it was these experiences that cntributed t his unique writing style.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The lng histry f China has witnessed the flurishing f petry and the brilliance f many exceptinal pets, amng whm I admire Du Fu mst.(使用了“介词+whm”引导非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】It is widely acknwledged that Du Fu was blessed with superb literary skills, which earned him the title “the Petry Sage”. (使用了It作形式主语、that引导主语从句的句型It is widely acknwledged that…,还使用了which引导非限制性定语从句)

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