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    1.(1分)Where des Amy cme frm?
    2.(1分)What can the by d in his new schl nw?
    3.(1分)Why is the Ftball Club very ppular?
    A.It keeps students fit.
    B.It needs team members.
    C.It helps with yur study.
    4.(1分)Where did the wman get the t y huse?
    A.She made it herself.
    B.She bught it in a shp.
    C.She brrwed it frm thers.
    5.(1分)What des Millie think f Jack?
    6.(2分)(1)What was Sandy's first plan fr Sunday?
    A.Ging t see Tm.
    B.Playing basketball.
    C.Visiting the museum.
    (2)What is the matter with Tm?
    A.He hurt his arm.
    B.He has a bad cld.
    C.He has a headache.
    8.(5分)(1)Why are carrts s ppular?
    A.They're easy t grw.
    B.They're rabbits' favurite.
    C.They're bth healthy and tasty.
    (2)When is Internatinal Carrt Day?
    A.On February 4th.
    B.On February 14th.
    C.On February 24th.
    (3)Where may carrts cme frm?
    A.Central America.
    B.Central Asia.
    C.Central China.
    (4)When did Internatinal Carrt Day start?
    A.In 2003.
    B.In 2013.
    C.In 2023.
    (5)Hw can peple celebrate Internatinal Carrt Day?
    A.Making a snwman.
    B.Buying a lt f carrts.
    C.Enjying carrts in meals.
    三、完形填空 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    9.(10分)Summer was ging away and there was a smell f Autumn in the air The weather became(1) and I culd already sec the first yellw and red leaves n the trees.just finished taking my dgs fr their mrning walk when I(2) smething.On the back f my huse was a maple tree stem(极树根)It was grwing ut f a little pile f sil(土壤) that we left n the grund It hadn't even turned t wd yet, but it had three , lvely, red leaves grwing ut f it. I smiled at this little guy getting(3) grwth ut f s little sil(4)
    I knew that it culdn’t grw much larger where it was.I bent(警腰)dwn and(5)
    pulled it ut f the sil.
    I walked int a frest and lked fr a gd place where the sunlight was still shining(6)
    the large, grwing trees. I fund ne and(7) my little maple tree in it and hped he wuld make it t 5(feet high ne day. I als tk a mment t lk at all the (9)
    arund me. There were trees, bushes flwers, butterflies, bees, and birds. I thanked the wrld fr letting me a part f it all. And I felt s(9) that my hard wrk hwever little, was helping it in sme ways.
    Nature can teach us s much abut life, There is grwth and beautiful mments in it. Welcme it int yur(10) and share it with the wrld.
    (1) A. htterB. clerC. warmerD. clder
    (2) A. watchedB. attendedC. nticedD. reached
    (3) A. t muchB. s muchC. s manyD. t many
    (4)A.ifB. becauseC. butD.r
    (5)A. carefullyB. suddenlyC. trulyD. actively
    (6)A.intB. pastC. acrssD. thrugh
    (7)A. carriedB. plantedC. builtD. drve
    (8)A.lveB.changeC. designD. life
    (9)A. gladB. wrriedC. afraidD.lucky
    (10)A. studyB.heartC.planD.gift
    四、阅读理解 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    10.(4分)Frm high﹣tps t tennis shes,sneakers(运动鞋) are everywhere!Half the shes sld in China are sneakers.There are she stres that sell nthing but sneakers.It used t be that nly sprts players wre sneakers.If schl kids had sneakers,yu will see a lt f sneakers.
    Sneakers cme in every size and clr.Sme even have lights!What will they think f next?
    A third﹣grade by thinks that sneakers f the future will be changeable and that they'll grw with yur feet.A furth﹣grade girl thinks future"sneakers"will have built﹣in telephnes.What d yu think?
    (1)Wh might wear crquet sandals accrding t the passage?
    A.A player wh tk part in a match.
    B.A child wh wre them t play sprts.
    C.A wman wh made a lt f mney.
    D.A father wh saved mney t raise kids.
    (2)What is the main idea f the article abut sneakers?
    A.They are the shes f the future.
    B.They are ppular with a lng histry.
    C.They are children's favrite shes.
    D.They may have telephnes sme day.
    11.(6分)The 19th Asian Games frm Sept 23 t Oct 8 tk place in Hangzhu,tgether with fivether cities in Zhejiang.The Games are very"smart"with the use f many exciting technlgies.Let's have a lk!
    Every dish at the Asian Games shuld be safe and healthy t eat.In the kitchen f the players' village in Hangzhu,there is a special camera that can tell peple's faces.If a"stranger"ges int the kitchen,everybdy will knw by an alarm(警报).The managers f the kitchen will als get messages n their phnes.There's als anther camera t keep an eye n the fridges.
    What if there's an accident during the game and the players need dctrs' help?Special machines can be used t send things ver.They can fly as far as 20 kilmeters and travel 16 meters in ne secnd.Using such a machine saves abut 60 percent f the time,accrding t the designer.Dctrs as well as medicine needed fr first aid can be sent t peple quickly.
    Want t walk arund at the sprts hall but can't visit by yurself?Yu can try the Hangzhu Asian Games' metaverse(元宇宙)!There's a mini App n Alipay,Inside,yu can have yur wn character(角色) in the metaverse.Yu can chse clthes fr yur character wh is able t"run"arund and even talk with ther nline users.
    The place fr the tennis finals f the Hangzhu Asian Games is smetimes called the"Small Ltus".On the tp f the sprts hall,there are eight parts.Each part weighs 160 tns.They can pen and clse freely.It takes 15 minutes fr each part t pen and clse.It's built this way fr different kinds f weather.
    (1)Hw des the writer shw the machines' great help in Paragraph 3?
    A.By giving numbers.
    B.By making sme jkes.
    C.By telling examples.
    D.By using dctrs' wrds.
    (2)What can yu d in Hangzhu Asian Games' metaverse?
    A.Watch cartn mvies.
    B.Design an App n Alipay.
    C.D sprts with players.
    D.Talk nline with ther users.
    (3)What is the"Small Ltus"designed fr?
    A.Shwing the way.
    B.Matching the weather.
    C.Telling the time.
    D.Mving heavy things.
    12.(6分)Deserts(荒漠) are the driest places n Earth.Very little rain falls in deserts and few plants can grw.Abut ne fifth f the land n Earth is desert.
    Kinds f desert
    There are tw kinds f desert.
    •Cld deserts:These deserts are dry and cld.The grund is cvered with ice and snw fr all r mst f the year.
    •Ht deserts:These deserts are dry and ht in the day,but they can be very cld at night.Sme ht deserts are sandy.The wind blws the sand int hills called dunes.Hwever,in mst ht deserts,leaving nly rck.The wrld's largest ht desert is the Sahara Desert in Nrth Africa.
    Desert plants
    Nt many plants can live in such dry deserts.Thse that d live there have special qualities.Sme desert plants have very lng rts(根) t reach water undergrund.The rts f sme plants may g dwn 50 meters t reach water.
    Desert animals
    Few animals live in the desert.Many f thse get the water they need frm their fd.Mst f them sleep during the day and nly cme ut at night when it is cler.
    The best﹣knwn desert animal is the camel.A camel can g a lng time withut water.It can lse abut ne third f the weight f its bdy and still live.Then,when the camel des find water,it can drink 15 kilgrams r mre in a few minutes.
    Life arund desert ases(绿洲)
    Peple built twns and villages arund ases and waterhles in the desert.The peple wh live in these places make use f every bit f land fr grwing plants and raising animals.In the ases f the Sahara Desert.peple can grw nly a few kinds f fd plants,like sme special rice.They keep camels and sheep fr their meat and milk.
    Nmadic(游牧) peple
    Nt all desert peple live in asis twns and villages.Sme called the Beduin are nmadic peple.They travel frm ne asis t anther,with their sheep and camels.The animals feed n the desert plants.It is s ht during the day that the Beduin ften rest during the daytime and travel at night when it is cl.The nmadic Beduin have n fixed hmes.Instead,they live in tents made frm camel hair.
    (1)What made the sand becme dunes?
    A.The wind.
    B.The muntain.
    C.The rck.
    D.The ice.
    (2)Hw d peple live in desert ases?
    A.They have t live in sme asis villages.
    B.They raise camels and sheep fr fd.
    C They have the same living habits like us.
    D.They plant different fruits and vegetables.
    (3)Which f the fllwing is wrng abut deserts accrding t the passage?
    A.The weather in deserts is very ht and dry.
    B.Camels in deserts can drink water quickly.
    C.Desert plants need very lng rts t get water.
    D.Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the wrld.
    13.(8分)Everyne in the village knw abut the stry f Kik and his friends.Kik and hisfriends were like famus peple almst ver just ne night.
    Kik's father read an article in the paper abut the ship.Kik's parents were excited abut the discvery(发现) made by their sn and his friends.
    Kik and his friends were invited back t the museum t talk abut the discvery.They were tld that the ship wuld nt be pulled up frm the water flr.Instead it wuld becme an underwater museum.s visitrs culd cme and dive(潜水) and see the ship fr themselves.
    "Thanks t yu,visitrs frm arund the wrld can visit this ship and learn abut the histry f Peg Leg,"a scientist tld Kik and his friends.Then the friends were asked t hand ver the cins they had fund.Their dreams f becming rich culdn't cme true,but they weren't that unhappy.They knew the discvery wuld help their cmmunity.
    Kik and his friends did nt have t wait lng t see the gd results f their discvery.Visitrs began cming t the sleepy fishing village t see the cins fund frm Peg Leg's ship in the museum.Divers frm arund the wrld came fr a chance t see the ship.Sme visitrs fund the village s beautiful that they decided t cme back again and again.
    With all f the new visitrs,Kik and his friends nticed that the twn's rebuild started.Suddenly cmpanies were repairing hmes and helping the neighbrhd.
    Kik nticed changes in his family,t.When his mther went t the market in the mrning,all the fish culd be sld ut(售完) by early afternn.His father culdn't catch enugh fish in a day t meet the need.Kik's mther and father were s busy that Kik wuld either g ut with his father n the bat r help his mther at the market selling fish after schl.
    The whle village was getting better with the discvery.Their families culd repair their hmes and many visitrs wh visited the village bught the freshest fish frm their families.
    "Yu see?I tld yu we did the right thing," Kik tld his friends happily.
    (1)What des the underlined wrd sleepy in Paragraph 5 mean?
    (2)What can yu infer frm the passage?
    A Kik's parents ffer visitrs help in the ship museum.
    B.The discvery was very imprtant and Kik gt a prize.
    C.Kik and his friends planned t sell all these cins at first.
    D.Visitrs culd walk arund the ship after buying the ticket.
    (3)What might the stry f Kik and his friends be abut?
    A.Studying the histry.
    B.Helping their village.
    C.Setting up a museum.
    D.Finding Peg Leg's ship.
    (4)Which f the fllwing may be the best title?
    A.A True Treasure
    B.Kik and his friends
    C.A Ship Museum
    D.Kik's biggest dream
    五、信息还原 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。
    14.(5分)Is there anywhere mre imprtant than hme?We may have many hmes during ur lives but it is ften the place we feel mst safe.We use the wrd "hme" in many English expressins(表达).Maybe that als makes it clear hw imprtant the hme is t us.
    If ur hmes are safe and happy,when we get back t them,we might say,"(1) " Just like Drthy famusly des in the mvie The Wizard f Oz.This means there isn't anywhere else that is as gd as hme.
    Hwever,if we find urselves smewhere that feels cmfrtable and hmely,we culd say we feel "at hme".(2)
    We can als feel at hme in a new jb r feel at hme with smene—meaning we feel cmfrtable with them.
    Or as Elvis Presley sang,"(3) " This means that the place we feel at hme may nt be a building but a place that we lve and where we feel lved,maybe where ur family and friends are.
    (4) Scring a hme run in baseball is a very cmmn ne.But when a team,persn r animal has finished smething at last,we might say they are "hme and dry".In Australia and New Zealand(5) It means the jb is dne and yu have time fr a shwer—yu're "hsed" and dry!
    A.Hme is where the heart is.
    B.There's n place like hme.
    C.Hme plays an imprtant part in ur life.
    D.Bth expressins have the same meaning.
    E.Hme is always the place we g and share ur jy.
    F.This culd be at schl,anther huse r n hliday.
    G.There are als times that we use "hme" expressins in sprt.
    六、词汇运用 根据下列句子所给汉语注释、上下文或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式, 每空限填一词。
    15.(1分)Read the (指示) carefully befre yu use it.
    16.(1分)I (建议) them t take Bus they didn't fllw.
    17.(1分)With my mther's help,my study nw seems much (整洁的).
    18.(1分)—Did yu watch the ftball match last night?
    —N.Our televisin went last week and is still under repair.
    19.(1分)—D yu knw anything abut Qian Xuesen?
    —Of curse!He is ne f the wrld's greatest minds in the field f p .
    七、请阅读下面短文,将方框中单词或短语的正确形式填入答题卡标有题号的横线上。每空格限填一个单词或短语, 每个单词或短语只能填一次。
    Befre a lng hliday arrived,I always (1) t travel arund.Hwever,I didn't quite enjy (2) in the end.Nw,things are different because I always plan my trip carefully befre I g n vacatin.First,I always g nline t lk fr necessary infrmatin abut all the (3) I wuld like t visit.Then,I decide which ne best meets my needs.I als check the (4) f traveling.Fr example,if I'm ging by plane,I have t find ut different airlines t get the (5)
    tickets.Usually I chse cheap htels t stay in.If I plan carefully,I can always have a gd time fr the lwest cst.
    八、短文填空 请认真阅读下面短文, 填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    21.(10分)Bill Gates is smetimes called "the father f hme cmputing".
    Brn in 1955,Gates (1) (grw) up in the United States.When he was (2)
    13﹣year﹣ld by,his schl bught ne f the (3) (early) cmputers,and Gates shwed huge interest in prgramming(编程)(4)
    (him).Being a gd student all the time,he went t Harvard (5) the age f 17.There,he spent mst f his time (6) (use) Harvard's cmputers.By his (7)
    (tw) year,hwever,he decided t give up his study in Harvard and start a cmpany with his high schl friend Allen.They c﹣funded Micrsft.(8)
    (final),Gates became nt just a great cmputer prgrammer (9) als a smart businessman.In 2015,the cmpany celebrated its frtieth (10) (birth) and is nw the wrld's largest cmputer sftware cmpany.
    Bill Gates,as ne f the richest men in the wrld,nce said,smene else will hire(雇佣) yu t build theirs."
    九、阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。
    Sky Dancers
    They fly up and dwn,here and there.They mve their tails lightly,frm side t side.Theycatch the wind and mve quietly high in the sky.What are these things dancing in the wind?They are kites.
    Kites have a lng histry.Mre than three thusand years ag,peple in China made the first kites.They used bamb—which is light and strng—t build the frames(框架).Then they added silk t make the kite.
    The kite became an imprtant symbl(象征) in China.They were used in many ways.Fr example,peple flew kites t celebrate happy mments like birthdays.They als believed kites culd help tell the future.Later,they used kites t study the weather.Even sme ld Chinese stries tell hw peple in the past used kites t win a fight.
    Sn kites came t ther parts f Asia.In Japan,kites were als ppular because Japanese peple,like peple in China,Japanese kites als tk the shape(形状) f large birds,fish and ther different animals.
    After a while,the kite fund its way frm Asia t Eurpe.In the 1600s,yung English children learned t make kites.Peple named the new ty "kite" because it flew like a kite—a special kind f bird.
    Tday,children and grwn﹣ups all ver the wrld enjy flying kites.They can be many different shapes,sizes(尼龙).Their frames may be light steel.Sme kites are still made f paper and wd.Whatever they lk like,kites are fun fr peple all ver the wrld.S next time yu have a chance,take a break!G fly a kite!
    (1)When were the first kites made?
    (2)Why are kites ppular all ver the wrld?
    (3)What fun activity d yu enjy in yur free time?Why?
    23.(20分)中国有句古话叫做"君子之交淡如水",亚里士多德说, "真正的朋友,是一个灵魂孕育在两个躯体里"。对待友谊,作为青少年的你怎样看待?假设你校校报英文专刊以"What Makes a True Friend"为题开展征文活动,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容应包括:
    What Makes a True Friend
    一、听力选择 听对话回答问题 听下面六段对话。
    三、完形填空 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    9.【答案】BBACA CAABB
    四、阅读理解 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    五、信息还原 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。
    六、词汇运用 根据下列句子所给汉语注释、上下文或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式, 每空限填一词。
    七、请阅读下面短文,将方框中单词或短语的正确形式填入答题卡标有题号的横线上。每空格限填一个单词或短语, 每个单词或短语只能填一次。
    20.【答案】(1)can't wait (2)myself (3)places f interest (4)cst (5)cheapest
    八、短文填空 请认真阅读下面短文, 填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    九、阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。
    22.【答案】(1)Mre than three thusand years ag.
    (2)Because kites can be many different shapes,sizes,and clrs,and they are als fun fr peple all ver the wrld.
    (3)I like flying kites in my free time.Because it's very interesting and relaxing.
    What Makes a True Friend
    As a Chinese saying ges:A friend in need is a friend indeed.S I think true friendship shuld help each ther when they are in truble.Everyne has his wn gd friend.S d I.I think a life withut a friend is a life withut the sun.I have a clse friend .His name is Jhn.He is always ready t help me.Once,I didn't pass my math exam and culdn't help crying.He came t cmfrt me.Frm then n,he helped me with my math because he was gd at it.With his help,I am nt weak in math any lnger.
    Friends play an imprtant rle in ur life.Fr me,it is necessary fr us t learn hw t get n well with friends.First f all,we are suppsed t help them ut when they are in need.What's mre,we had better share nt nly happiness but als sadness.Only in this way can ur friendship last lnger.Interesting Dreams
    •up t(1) dreams a night
    •last frm 10 t 40 minutes
    •tell us a lt abut urselves
    •help us wrk ut prblems
    Dream 1:Yu're (2)
    •in a gd time in yur life
    Dream 2:Yu Didn't Study fr a Test
    wrry abut an imprtant future (3)
    The Histry f Sneakers
    1868:The first canvas(帆布) shes were sld.They were nt designed fr sprts at first.They were called crquet sandals.Only rich peple culd buy them.They cst $6 a pair.
    1873:The wrd sneakers was first used.These shes with sft sles(底) help peple walk withut making any nise.
    1950s:Children were free t wear what they wanted at schl.Many f them started wearing sneakers t schl.
    1970s:Peple started t enjy jgging.They wre leather sneakers called running shes.
    1990s—Tday:Sneakers are quite ppular!Children and grwn﹣ups wear them.Mre than 90 cmpanies make them.
    cheap neself cst place f interest can't wait

    江苏省苏州市高新区2023-2024学年上学期七年级英语期末阳光调研试卷: 这是一份江苏省苏州市高新区2023-2024学年上学期七年级英语期末阳光调研试卷,共8页。

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