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    Tp Htel Deals in Chicag
    Hiltn Garden Inn $77 Review scre: 9.4
    ●Excellent lcatin near the wrld-famus Chicag Art Institute, Millennium Park, the Museum Campus and lakefrnt.
    ● Enjy lcal favrites like Chicag-style ht dgs. Yu can hit the gym r pl later.
    ● Extra in-rm benefits include Keurig cffeemakers, 49" flat-screens with HBO, Netflix and Apple TV streaming—plus free WiFi.
    Freehand Chicag $69 Review scre: 8.5
    ● Style in this htel is ppular in a laid-back way. And it’s perfectly placed in a gallery-dtted neighbrhd.
    ● Award-winning (Best Htel Bar) Brken Shaker ffers hand-made drinks and street-fd inspired treats.
    ● Hit Café Integral fr light bites and hand-made drinks f bth the wine and caffeine.
    Lews Chicag Htel $139 Review scre: 9.8
    ● Head t the rftp bar fr drinks and views (especially if it’s a Navy Pier firewrks night!).
    ● Get great views frm flr-t-ceiling windws.
    ● Rftp terrace (露台) serves utdr bites, wine, drinks and a celebratin f all-things in summer.
    St. Clair Htel $84 Review scre: 8.0
    ● Mdern interirs (内部) within a cl ld building, ideally situated in the heart f the city, steps frm the Magnificent Mile.
    ● Fast and free WiFi s yu can keep up with all the quality prgramming yu get t watch when yu’re at hme.
    ● Pet-friendly htel with n extra charge fr yur furry friends.
    1. What can yu d in Hiltn Garden Inn?
    A. Watch nline TV.B. Drink in a Café.
    C. Enjy the firewrks shw.D. Cmpete fr an award.
    2. T enjy yurself in the pen air, yu’d better chse_______.
    A. Hiltn Garden InnB. Freehand Chicag更多课件教案等优质滋源请 家 威杏 MXSJ663 C. Lews Chicag HtelD. St. Clair Htel
    3. What is unique t St. Clair htel?
    A. It prvides free WiFi.B. It verlks a park.
    C. It gets the highest scre.D. It welcmes pets.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D
    细节理解题。由题目中关键词“Hiltn Garden Inn”可定位至文章第一个小标题。根据小标题下第三点内容“Extra in-rm benefits include Keurig cffeemakers, 49" flat-screens with HBO, Netflix and Apple TV streaming—plus free WiFi.(客房内的额外福利包括Keurig咖啡机、49英寸平板电视、HBO、Netflix和Apple TV流媒体,以及免费WiFi。)”可知,在该酒店可以看网络电视。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三个小标题的第一小点“Head t the rftp bar fr drinks and views (especially if it’s a Navy Pier firewrks night!).(前往屋顶酒吧,喝点东西,欣赏风景(尤其是在海军码头的烟花之夜!)”可知,在Lews Chicag Htel可以让我们在户外尽情享受。故选C项。
    细节理解题。由题中关键词可以定位至文章第四个小标题St. Clair htel。根据小标题下第三点内容“Pet-friendly htel with n extra charge fr yur furry friends.(宠物友好型酒店,不收取额外费用。)”,结合上文可知,该酒店特别的一点就是欢迎宠物。故选D项。
    My cell phne rang while I was wrking n my cmputer. I lked at the phne and saw it was my 17-year-ld sn, Tm. I quickly picked it up. “Mm, I gt a 71 n the test. I did it.” With thse few wrds, I culd feel my heart start t pund.
    Living in New Yrk State. Students cannt graduate frm high schl unless they pass at least five exams: ne in English, ne in science, tw in histry and ne in math. Fr mst students, wh wrk hard, attend class, and d their hmewrk like my sn, it isn't that hard. But fr Tm, wh is dyslexic (朗读困难), it is such a real challenge that sme teachers have feared he wuld never be able t even attempt, never mind achieve.
    We were hnest with him abut his truble, letting him knw that there was nthing t be ashamed f. Sme peple learn differently. If he was willing t wrk, we wuld help him find a way t d as much as he culd in his academic career. All that was standing in his way was this math test. He had taken it three times and did better each time, but he cntinued t fail. He was starting t get a bit tired f me saying this was a marathn nt a sprint (冲刺). My heart brke each time we wuld get the failing results.
    “Mm,thanks. I lve yu. Thanks fr believing I culd d this.”
    Fr ne f the few times in my life, I really had nthing left t say. Fr that ne brief mment I knew, really, really, knew that everything we did t help ur sn achieve what he wanted was wrth it.
    4. What des the underlined wrd “pund” in Paragraph l prbably mean?
    A. Sink suddenly.B. Beat wildly.
    C. Ache vilently.D. Break ttally.
    5. Accrding t the text, Tm was weak in _________.
    A. EnglishB. scienceC. histryD. math
    6. Hw did the writer feel when she wrte this text?
    A. She felt prud and satisfied.
    B. She felt surprised and bitter.
    C. She felt grateful and relaxed.
    D. She felt wrried and anxius.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Mther's Lve That Made the Grade
    B. A Student Wh Struggled fr a Diplma
    C. Failure Is the Mther f Success
    D. Life Is Nt a Sprint but a Marathn
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A
    词义猜测题。根据划线词上文““Mm, I gt a 71 n the test. I did it.” With thse few wrds (“妈妈,我考试得了71分。我做到了。”)可知作者听到儿子说做到了,考试及格了,应该是非常激动,所以下文意思是“听到这几句话,我的心开始怦怦直跳。”所以pund意思是连续重击,和B选项“beat wildly(疯狂地敲打)”同义。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“All that was standing in his way was this math test. He had taken it three times and did better each time, but he cntinued t fail. (唯一阻碍他的就是这次数学考试。他考了三次,一次比一次好,但还是失败了。)”可知,Tm已经考了三次数学,所以他的数学是弱课。故选D。
    推理判断题。通读全文,尤其最后一段“Fr ne f the few times in my life, I really had nthing left t say. Fr that ne brief mment I knew, really, really, knew that everything we did t help ur sn achieve what he wanted was wrth it. (这是我一生中为数不多的几次,我真的无话可说。在那短暂的一刻,我知道,真的,真的,知道我们所做的一切帮助儿子实现他想要的是值得的。)”可知作者对于儿子最后通过考试很满意,也为儿子自豪。故选A。
    Final exams are arund the cmer - but that wn’t stp sme teenagers putting in the least effrt. This may be because their brains aren’t develped enugh t prperly assess hw high the stakes (利害关系) are, and adapt their behaviur accrdingly.
    Catherine Insel at Harvard University, and her team asked adlescents between the ages f 13 and 20 t play a game while mnitring their brains. In sme runds f the game, participants culd earn 20 cents fra crrect respnse, while an incrrect ne wuld cst them 10 cents. But in runds with higher stakes, crrect respnses were wrth a dllar, and wrng answers lst the participants 50 cents.
    The team fund that while the lder vlunteers perfrmed better in the high stakes runds, the yunger nes didn’t - their perfrmance didn’t change in line with whether the stakes were lw r high. And the lder the vlunteers were, the mre imprved their perfrmance was.
    When the team lked at the brain activity f the vlunteers, they fund that their ability t imprve their perfrmance was linked t hw develped their brains were. A regin in the brain, which cntinues t develp until we are at least 25 years ld, seemed t be particularly imprtant. The findings explain why sme teenagers are s uncncerned when it cmes t hazardus behavirs, such as driving t fast, fr instance, especially when ne f their friends is nearby.
    Insel thinks schls shuld recnsider the way they test perfrmance in teenagers. “This study suggests it’s nt a gd idea t evaluate schl perfrmance in a single final exam”, she says. A better idea wuld be t use a variety f smaller tests, cnducted thrughut the year.
    It’s nt all bad news fr teens. thugh. Teenagers put the same amunt f effrt int tasks that aren’t imprtant, and start t prefer hbbies t schl. It culd be a gd thing, allwing teenagers t learn cmplex scial skills, fr example.
    8. Why did the researchers set different bets in the game?
    A. T teach hw t make mney.B. T better mnitr participants’ brains.
    C. T shw the varied risk levels f the game.D. T meet the needs f different participants.
    9. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. All students make every effrt t prepare fr their final exams.
    B. The perfrmances in different stakes have little t d with the age.
    C. Nt well-develped brains may accunt fr teenagers’ risky behavir.
    D. The levels f the stakes dn’t influence the participants’ perfrmances.
    10. What shuld be kept in mind while assessing students’ perfrmance?
    A. It shuld nt be judged by nly ne exam.B. The items in exams shuld nt be t difficult.
    C. Exam-fcused educatin shuld nt be adpted.D. Examinatin is nt a gd means f evaluating students.
    11. What is Insel’s attitude t teenagers’ putting effrt int “unimprtant” tasks?
    A. Unclear.B. Dubtful.C. Negative.D. Psitive.
    【答案】8. C 9. C 10. A 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“The team fund that while the lder vlunteers perfrmed better in the high stakes runds, the yunger nes didn’t — their perfrmance didn’t change in line with whether the stakes were lw r high. (研究小组发现,虽然年龄较大的志愿者在高风险回合中表现更好,但年龄较小的志愿者没有——他们的表现并没有随着风险的高低而改变)”可知,研究的结果发现“年纪稍大的参与者在利害关系更高的回合中表现得更好”。由此可推知,研究人员设置不同赌注的目的是为了使游戏的冒险程度不同。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“When the team lked at the brain activity f the vlunteers, they fund that their ability t imprve their perfrmance was linked t hw develped their brains were. A regin in the brain, which cntinues t develp until we are at least 25 years ld, seemed t be particularly imprtant. The findings explain why sme teenagers are s uncncerned when it cmes t hazardus behavirs, such as driving t fast, fr instance, especially when ne f their friends is nearby.(当研究小组观察志愿者的大脑活动时,他们发现志愿者提高表现的能力与他们的大脑发育程度有关。大脑中的一个区域在我们至少25岁之前一直在发育,这个区域似乎特别重要。这些发现解释了为什么一些青少年对于危险行为如开车太快这样的危险行为漠不关心,尤其是当他们的朋友在附近的时候。)”可知,研究发现志愿者提高表现的能力与他们的大脑发育程度有关,这解释了为什么一些青少年对于危险行为漠不关心,由此可推知,不发达的大脑可能是青少年危险行为的原因。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句话““This study suggests it’s nt a gd idea t evaluate schl perfrmance in a single final exam”, she says. (她表示:“这项研究表明,在一次期末考试中评估学校表现并不是一个好主意”。一个更好的办法是使用各种各样的小型测试,全年进行。)”可知,在评价学生的成绩时应该注意不应该只通过一次考试来判断。故选A。
    观点态度题。根据最后一段“It’s nt all bad news fr teens. thugh. Teenagers put the same amunt f effrt int tasks that aren’t imprtant, and start t prefer hbbies t schl. It culd be a gd thing, allwing teenagers t learn cmplex scial skills, fr example.(不过,这对青少年来说并不都是坏消息。青少年将同样的精力投入到不“重要”的任务中,并开始喜欢业余爱好而不是上学。这可能是一件好事,比如让青少年学习复杂的社交技能)”可推知,Insel认为青少年花时间做一些不重要的事情可能也是一件好事,让他们可以学到复杂的社交技巧。由此推知,Insel对此态度是“赞同的”。故选D。
    We all knw eating ultra-prcessed fds that make ur lives easier -- such as sauces, and frzen pizza -- isn’t gd fr ur health. Studies have fund they can raise ur risk f besity, heart prblems, diabetes and cancer. They may even shrten ur lives. Nw, a new study has revealed eating mre ultra-prcessed fds may cntribute t verall cgnitive decline, including the brain executive functining -- the ability t prcess infrmatin and make decisins.
    “While in need f further study, the new results are quite cmpelling and emphasize the critical rle fr prper nutritin in preserving and prmting brain health and reducing risk fr brain diseases,” said Tanzi, prfessr at Harvard Medical Schl. He was nt invlved in the study but he said in his bk, “They are very high in sugar, salt and fat, prmting systemic inflammatin, perhaps the mst majr threat t healthy aging. Meanwhile, since they are cnvenient and quick, they als replace fiber fds imprtant fr maintaining the health and balance f bacteria in yur gut,” he added, “which is particularly imprtant fr brain health and reducing risk f age-related brain diseases like Alzheimer.”
    The study, presented at the 2022 Alzheimer’s Assciatin Internatinal Cnference, fllwed ver 10,000 Brazilians fr 10 years. “In Brazil, ultra- prcessed fds make up 25% t 30% f ttal calrie intake. We have McDnald’s and Burger King. It is nt very different frm many ther Western cuntries,” said cauthr Dr. Suemt. Ultra-prcessed fds are defined as industrial frmulatins f fd substances cntaining little r n whle fds and typically include flavrings, clrings and ther chemical additives, accrding t the study.
    “Peple cnsuming ver 20% f daily calries frm prcessed fds had a 28% faster decline in glbal cgnitin and a 25% faster decline in executive functining cmpared t peple wh nt,” said study cauthr Natalia. Thse in the study wh ate the mst ultra-prcessed fds were mre likely t be yunger, wmen, white, had higher educatin and incmes, and were mre likely t have never smked, the study fund.
    “Peple need t knw they shuld ck mre,” Suemt said, “And it’s wrth it because yu’re ging t prtect yur heart and guard yur brain she added”.
    12. What is the new finding abut eating ultra-prcessed fds?
    A. It makes peple gain weight easily.B. It speeds up peple’s aging.
    C. It may reduce peple’s cgnitive ability.D. It is respnsible fr heart prblem.
    13. What d we knw frm the passage?
    A. Ultra-prcessed fds nly affect yur executive functin.
    B. Whever never cks is sure t develp Alzheimer.
    C. Tanzi is the first t find the prblem with Ultra-prcessed fds.
    D. Brazilians' calrie intake is nt different frm mst Westerners.
    14. Wh is likely t eat mre ultra-prcessed fds?
    A. A yung prfessr.B. An ld beggar.
    C. A heavy smker.D. A lw-incme man.
    15. What’s the main idea f this passage?
    A. Peple are advised t ck mre fr the benefit f their health.
    B. Taking in ultra-prcessed fds may cause varius health prblems.
    C. Cnvenient ultra-prcessed fds attract peple frm all walks f life.
    D. Ultra-prcessed fds high in fiber can reduce the risk f brain diseases.
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Nw, a new study has revealed eating mre ultra-prcessed fds may cntribute t verall cgnitive decline, including the brain executive functining -- the ability t prcess infrmatin and make decisins.”(现在,一项新的研究表明,吃更多的超加工食品可能会导致整体认知能力下降,包括大脑执行功能——处理信息和做出决定的能力。)可知,新研究表明吃过多的超加工食品会损害认知能力。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第二三四句“In Brazil, ultra- prcessed fds make up 25% t 30% f ttal calrie intake. We have McDnald’s and Burger King. It is nt very different frm many ther Western cuntries”(在巴西,超加工食品占总热量摄入的25%到30%。我们有麦当劳和汉堡王。它与许多其他西方国家没有太大的不同。)可知,与西方许多国家一样,巴西人也从超加工食品中摄入过高的热量,因此巴西人的热量摄入与大多数西方人并没有不同。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Thse in the study wh ate the mst ultra-prcessed fds were mre likely t be yunger, wmen, white, had higher educatin and incmes, and were mre likely t have never smked, the study fund.”(研究发现,那些吃超加工食品最多的人更可能是年轻人、女性、白人、受过高等教育、收入较高,而且更有可能从不吸烟的人。)可知,年轻人且受过高等教育的人可能吃更多的超加工食物,一位年轻教授符合这样的描述。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段后三句“Studies have fund they can raise ur risk f besity, heart prblems, diabetes and cancer. They may even shrten ur lives. Nw, a new study has revealed eating mre ultra-prcessed fds may cntribute t verall cgnitive decline, including the brain executive functining -- the ability t prcess infrmatin and make decisins.”(研究发现,它们会增加我们患肥胖、心脏病、糖尿病和癌症的风险。它们甚至可能缩短我们的寿命。现在,一项新的研究表明,吃更多的超加工食品可能会导致整体认知能力下降,包括大脑执行功能——处理信息和做出决定的能力。)及第四段第一句“Peple cnsuming ver 20% f daily calries frm prcessed fds had a 28% faster decline in glbal cgnitin and a 25% faster decline in executive functining cmpared t peple wh nt”(每天从加工食品中摄取20%以上卡路里的人,其全球认知能力的下降速度要快28%,执行功能下降的速度比没有吃加工食品的人快25%。)并结合文中的研究发现可知,本文主要讲述了摄入过多的超加工食品会引起多种健康问题包括引起各种疾病及损伤大脑认知能力。故选B项。
    第二节 七选五
    In 1993, Swedish psychlgist K. Anders Ericssn set ut t find the secret t turning a typical teen int a vilin virtus. His answer ___16___The figure was called "the magic number f greatness" by jurnalist and authr Malclm Gladwell in his 2008 bk Outliers.
    The cncept f “practice makes perfect" has been rted int the heads f ambitius yuths since the Rman Empire. ___17___ But can it be that simple? Nt every expert agrees. While training is essential t learning, spending a lt f time practicing smething ver and ver desn't mean yu'll g prfessinal, says Zach Hambrick, a psychlgist at Michigan State University.
    ___18___In reviewing different studies abut the rle f practice in music, games, sprts, educatin, and prfessinal and success, Hambrick fund that practice time accunted fr nly abut ne-quarter f any difference in skill level. Other factrs-like age, intelligence, and natural gifts-all played big rles in setting apart the better frm the best.
    ___19___Height might be useful fr a basketball star, and a wide vcal range culd help yu win a place in the chrus. And n amunt f practice will make yu taller r able t hit ntes acrss every ctave. ___20___
    Of curse this desn't mean we shuld all quit practicing Hambrick says. Nbdy pps ut f the wmb knwing hw t dance r plt a sneaky checkmate. But perfectin in 10,000 hurs? There's n guarantee.
    A. Never t ld t practise.
    B. Practice: 10,000 hurs f it.
    C. Genes in particular shape physical and intellectual ability.
    D. Large amunts f pian playing will nt make yur fingers grw lnger.
    E. Tp sprtsmen and musicians have all put in this amunt f hard wrk.
    F. S anyne can be a Y-Y Ma as lng as they devte enugh time t practising.
    G. Being great isn't just abut wrk quantity but als abut the wrkers themselves.
    【答案】16. B 17. F 18. G 19. C 20. D
    根据上文“In 1993, Swedish psychlgist K. Anders Ericssn set ut t find the secret t turning a typical teen int a vilin virtus.(1993年,瑞典心理学家K. Anders Ericssn开始着手寻找把一个普通青少年变成小提琴演奏家秘密)”以及后文“The figure was called "the magic number f greatness" by jurnalist and authr Malclm Gladwell in his 2008 bk Outliers.(记者兼作家Malclm Gladwell在其2008年出版的《异类》一书中称这个数字为“伟大的神奇数字”)”可知,上文提到心理学家开始寻找通青少年变成小提琴演奏家的秘密,后文则提到这个数字,可推知本句是在说明这个秘密与一个数字有关,B选项中10,000 hurs对应后文中The figure。故B选项“练习1万个小时”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“The cncept f “practice makes perfect" has been rted int the heads f ambitius yuths since the Rman Empire. (自罗马帝国以来,“熟能生巧”的理念就在雄心勃勃的年轻人的头脑中根深蒂固)”以及后文“But can it be that simple? Nt every expert agrees. While training is essential t learning, spending a lt f time practicing smething ver and ver desn't mean yu'll g prfessinal, says Zach Hambrick, a psychlgist at Michigan State University.(但事情真的这么简单吗?并非所有专家都同意这一观点。密歇根州立大学的心理学家Zach Hambrick说,虽然训练对学习来说是必不可少的,但花大量时间反复练习并不意味着你就会变得更专业)”可知,上文提到了“熟能生巧”强调练习的重要性,后文则提到花大量时间反复练习并不意味着你就会变得更专业,可推知本句与上文构成因果关系,说明投入足够的时间练习的重要性,后文中spending a lt f time practicing可与F选项中devte enugh time t practising对应。故F选项“所以只要投入足够的时间练习,任何人都可以成为马友友”符合语境,故选F。
    根据后文“In reviewing different studies abut the rle f practice in music, games, sprts, educatin, and prfessinal and success, Hambrick fund that practice time accunted fr nly abut ne-quarter f any difference in skill level. Other factrs-like age, intelligence, and natural gifts-all played big rles in setting apart the better frm the best.(在回顾了关于练习在音乐、游戏、体育、教育、职业和成功中的作用的不同研究后,汉布里克发现练习时间只占技能水平差异的四分之一。其他因素,如年龄、智力和天赋,都在区分优劣中起着重要作用)”可知,后文提到个人的年龄、智力和天赋,都在区分优劣中起着重要作用,说明优秀不仅与练习量有关,还与个人本身素质有关系。故G选项“优秀不仅仅与工作量有关,还与员工本身有关”符合语境,故选G。
    根据后文“Height might be useful fr a basketball star, and a wide vcal range culd help yu win a place in the chrus. And n amunt f practice will make yu taller r able t hit ntes acrss every ctave.(身高对篮球明星来说可能很有用,宽广音域可以帮助你在合唱团中赢得一席之地。再多的练习也不会让你长高,也不会让你唱出每个八度音阶上的音符)”可知,后文提到了能力的提高要受到自身素质的限制,即特定的基因塑造了在某方面的身体素质和智力能力。故C选项“特定的基因塑造身体素质和智力能力”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Height might be useful fr a basketball star, and a wide vcal range culd help yu win a place in the chrus. And n amunt f practice will make yu taller r able t hit ntes acrss every ctave.(身高对篮球明星来说可能很有用,宽广的音域可以帮助你在合唱团中赢得一席之地。再多的练习也不会让你长高,也不会让你唱出每个八度音阶上的音符)”可知,上文列举了能力的提高要受到身体条件的客观影响,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文继续举例说明练习受到客观事实影响,故D选项“大量的钢琴演奏不会使你的手指变长”符合语境,故选D。
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    We had tw adrable cats named B and Scut. Scut ate anything we gave and ___21___ spending his days in the cmfrtable sfa while B was in fd and mre adventurus. Mrever, B was mre bservant, and he ___22___ t learn skills very quickly.
    Thugh B had his daily utdr ___23___, he always returned hme at night t sleep in the basement with Scut. Our basement was ___24___ frm the rest f the huse by a heavy dr. In the mrning, I fund it difficult t knw when B was ready t venture utside r when Scut was ready t test the ___25___ f the cuch. Bth cats wuld sit quietly behind the dr ___26___ I happened t remember them r pened the dr fr sme reasn.
    T ___27___ the dr prblem, I bught a cat bell with a buttn. I tried t ___28___ B and Scut t press the buttn t make a ringing sund when they wanted ut. I assumed that B wuld grasp the ___29___ quickly, but I wasn’t sure if Scut wuld understand.
    ____30____, within a week, Scut learned t ring the bell. When I heard the ____31____, I’d pen the dr. Hwever, despite my best ____32____, B wanted t d nthing with the bell. He wuld always ____33____ the dr t be pened.
    Frtunately, the tw cats slved the dr dilemma ____34____. Smehw, B ____35____ t rub nses with Scut when he wanted t g utside and Scut wuld ring the bell fr B.
    21. A. missedB. riskedC. avidedD. enjyed
    22. A. seemedB. cntinuedC. pretendedD. desired
    23. A. ptinsB. hlidaysC. peratinsD. adventures
    24. A. remvedB. separatedC. prtectedD. frbidden
    25. A. valueB. beautyC. sftnessD. pressure
    26. A. ifB. afterC. untilD. thugh
    27. A. stressB. addressC. reflectD. imprve
    28. A. teachB. frceC. remindD. gather
    29. A. viewB. battleC. skillD. respnse
    30. A. UndubtedlyB. GenerallyC. FrtunatelyD. Unexpectedly
    31. A. ringB. alarmC. screamD. whisper
    32. A. pursuitsB. schedulesC. effrtsD. requirements
    33. A. break upB. call nC. knck atD. wait fr
    34. A. n the sceneB. at a lssC. n their wnD. as a respnse
    35. A. beganB. agreedC. failedD. happened
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. A
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Scut会吃我们给的任何食物,他喜欢整天躺在舒适的长沙发上,而B对食物很挑剔,更喜欢冒险。A. missed错过;B. risked冒险;C. avided避免;D. enjyed喜欢;享受。根据下文“when Scut was ready t test the 5 f the cuch”可知,Scut喜欢(enjyed)躺在沙发上。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,B的观察力更强,他似乎很快就能学会技能。A. seemed似乎;B. cntinued继续;C. pretended假装;D. desired渴望。根据下文“Hwever, despite my best 12 , B wanted t d nthing with the bell.”可知,此处是与下文的对比,指的是B似乎(seemed)很快就能学会技能。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管B每天都在户外冒险,但他总会在晚上回到家中,和Scut一起睡在地下室里。A. ptins选择;B. hlidays假期;C. peratins运作;D. adventures冒险经历。根据上文“while B was 2 in fd and mre adventurus.”可知,B喜欢户外冒险(adventures)。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一扇很重的门把地下室与房子的其他部分隔开了。A. remved移除;B. separated分开;C. prtected保护;D. frbidden禁止。根据下文“In the mrning, I fund it difficult t knw when B was ready t venture utside”可知,一扇门将地下室与房子隔开(separated),导致我很难了解猫的动态。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:早上的时候,我发现很难知道B什么时候准备好出门或Scut什么时候准备好测试长沙发的柔软度。A. value价值;B. beauty美;C. sftness柔软;D. pressure压力。根据上文“Scut ate anything we gave and 1 spending his days in the cmfrtable cuch”可知,Scut喜欢躺沙发,也就是此处的测试沙发的柔软度(sftness)。故选C项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:两只猫会静静地坐在门后,直到我碰巧想起他们或者出于某种原因打开了门。A. if如果; B. after之后;C. until直到;D. thugh尽管。根据本句“Bth cats wuld sit quietly behind the dr 6 I happened t remember them r pened the dr fr sme reasn.”可知,我经常忘记他们,所以直到(until)我偶然打开了门,他们才能出去。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了解决门的问题,我买了一只有按钮的猫铃。A. stress强调;B. address解决;C. reflect反映;D. imprve发展。根据上文“Our basement was ___4___ frm the rest f the huse by a heavy dr. In the mrning, I fund it difficult t knw when B was ready t venture utside r when Scut was ready t test the ___5___ f the cuch.”可知,为了解决因为有门隔开,作者很难知道猫的动态的问题,作者买了一个猫铃。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我努力教B和Scut在想出去的时候按下按钮。A. teach教;B. frce强迫;C. remind提醒;D. gather聚集。根据下文“B and Scut t press the buttn t make a ringing sund when they wanted ut.”可知,为了解决上述问题,作者教(teach)两只猫按铃。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我以为B会很快掌握这项技能,但我不确定Scut是否能理解。A. view观点;B. battle斗争;C. skill技能;D. respnse回应。根据上文“B was mre bservant”可知,作者认为B观察力很强,所以会很快就能掌握这项技能(skill)。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,不到一周,Scut就学会了按铃。A. Undubtedly毫无疑问地;B. Generally一般地;C. Frtunately幸运地;D. Unexpectedly出乎意料地。根据上文“but I wasn’t sure if Scut wuld understand.”以及下文“within a week, Scut learned t ring the bell.”可知,作者以为Scut很难学会,结果它是最先学会按铃的,这是出乎作者的意料的(Unexpectedly)。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我听到响铃时,我就会打开门。A. ring按铃;B. alarm警告;C. scream尖叫;D. whisper小声说。根据下文“I’d pen the dr.”可知,只要作者听到按铃(ring),作者就会开门。最后一句“Scut wuld ring the bell fr B”也是提示。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,尽管我尽了最大的努力,B还是不愿用铃做任何事。A. pursuits追求;B. schedules日程表;C. effrts努力;D. requirements要求。根据本句“Hwever, despite my best…, B wanted t d nthing with the bell.”可知,尽管作者非常努力(effrts)教B,但是它还是不愿意学。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他总是等着门被打开。A. break up打破;B. call n访问,号召;C. knck at敲;D. wait fr等待。根据上文“B wanted t d nthing with the bell.”可知,B不愿意按铃,所以还是只能等待(wait fr)门被打开。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,两只猫自己解决了门的难题。A. n the scene在现场;B. at a lss不知所措;C. n their wn独自地;D. as a respnse作为回应。 根据下文“Smehw, B 15 t rub nses with Scut when he wanted t g utside and Scut wuld ring the bell fr B.”可知,这两只猫最后还是自己解决了这个开门问题。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:不知怎么的,B开始在想出去的时候和Scut蹭鼻子,Scut就会为B按铃。A. began开始;B. agreed同意;C. failed失败;D. happened发生。根据下文“when he wanted t g utside and Scut wuld ring the bell fr B.”可知,B想出去就会开始(began)蹭Scut的鼻子,让它帮忙按铃。故选A项。
    第二节 语法填空
    What might life be like if yu lked very different frm thers? Mst f us are lucky t be brn with “nrmal” faces ___36___ the by in the mvie Wnder has n such luck.
    ___37___ (adapt) frm a bestselling nvel, the mvie Wnder is abut a by named Auggie, ___38___ has a facial defrmity (畸形). Hwever, ___39___ brken hearts, his parents try hard t bring him up like a nrmal child. He receives gd hme-schling until he gains admissin int a middle schl. But t his great ___40___ (disappint), schl life nly brings abut great tensin because he is expsed t prejudice frm his fellw students. It is at middle schl ___41___ he learns t accept himself as he is. He stays pen t the difficulties and seeks t invlve ___42___ (he) in varius schl activites. Thrugh great effrts, Auggie ends up being lved amng his teachers and classmates as well.
    Kids ___43___ (teach) that it is OK t be different and mst peple celebrate being unique. Still it’s ___44___ (easy) said than dne. There is a tendency that life will be hard fr yu if yu are different frm thers. The stry f Auggie tells us hwever different yu are, be yurself _____45_____ yu can wrk wnders.
    【答案】36. but
    37. Adapted
    38. wh 39. with
    40. disappintment
    41. that 42. himself
    43. are taught
    44. easier 45. and
    考查非谓语动词。句意:电影《奇迹》改编自一本畅销小说,讲述了一个面部畸形的男孩Auggie的故事。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处是非谓语动词,作状语,adapt“改编”和the mvie Wnder逻辑上是动宾关系,应用adapt的过去分词形式,空处位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Adapted。
    考查介词。句意:然而,带着破碎的心,他的父母努力把他像一个正常的孩子一样抚养成人。分析句子可知,空处和brken hearts搭配,作状语,描述他的父母的心理状态,应用表示“具有,带有”的介词with,表示“带着破碎的心”。故填with。
    考查名词。句意:但令他非常失望的是,学校生活只带来了极大的紧张,因为他得面对同学的偏见。分析句子可知,空处被his great修饰,作介词t的宾语,应用名词disappintment,意为“失望”,是不可数名词,t ne’s disappintment表示“令某人非常失望的是”。故填disappintment。
    考查强调句型。句意:到了中学,他学会了接受本来的自己。分析句子可知,去掉It is和空处内容,句意不变,句子使用强调句型“It is+被强调部分+that/wh…”,被强调部分是at middle schl,空处应用that。故填that。
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:孩子们被教导说,与众不同是可以的,大多数人都赞美自己的独特。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,结合后文的is可知此处在描述通常性的事实,时态应用一般现在时,teach“教育,教导”和主语Kids之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语是复数,be动词应用are。故填are taught。
    考查形容词比较级。句意:但说起来容易做起来难。分析句子可知,空处作句子的表语,结合said than dne可知,此处表示比较,应用easy的比较级easier。故填easier。
    考查连词。句意:Auggie的故事告诉我们,无论你多么与众不同,做你自己,你就能创造奇迹。分析句子可知,空前的be yurself为祈使句,空后的陈述句yu can wrk wnders与之是顺承关系,构成“祈使句+and+陈述句”结构,空处应用并列连词and。故填and。
    第三节 词汇
    46. Put simply,p________is yur natural ability that can be develped when yu try hard enugh. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    47. T make prgress in yur study, yu are suppsed t be __________ (集中注意力的) n what yu are learning. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    48. Intelligence, diligence and persistence are the three main factrs c__________ t students’ utstanding perfrmance. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:聪明、勤奋和坚持是学生取得优异成绩的三个主要因素。根据句意以及首字母提示,表示“有助于”用固定短语cntribute t,分析句子,句中are为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,此处factrs与cntribute之间是主动关系,故使用现在分词作后置定语。故填cntributing。
    49. When writing, it is necessary t qute examples t supprt yur __________ (论点). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    50. We are able t keep healthy by balancing ur diet and taking exercise r__________.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    51. He wndered hw he culd ever repay his neighbrs fr their __________ (慷慨)? (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    52. It wuld be safe t take sme cash with yu in case f sudden e__________.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:在紧急情况下带一些现金会安全。根据上文“It wuld be safe t take sme cash with yu in case f(随身带更多的钱更安全,以防……)”可知,空白处应填表示“紧急情况”含义的名词作宾语,再根据首字母提示可知,以e开头且含义为“紧急情况”的名词为emergency,不可数名词。故填emergency。
    53. Thugh quite nervus, the little girl finally calmed herself dwn and __________ (寻求) help frm pliceman. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    54. T s__________ a place in the library, many cllege students wuld rather arrive early and wait utside. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    55. Peple dn’t like t ask questins fr fear f appearing ________ (无知的). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    56. Recently I’ve bught an English ntebk frm a senir schlmate, __________ price is very reasnable. (用适当的词填空)
    57. I’m deeply impressed by the prfessrs and labs __________ I visited in Nanjing University. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我在南京大学参观的教授和实验室给我留下了深刻的印象。空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the prfessrs and labs,且关系词在从句中作宾语,当先行词为人和物,只能用that引导,故填that。
    58. My parents are never satisfied __________ I d better than all my friends – in schlwrk, in hbbies, in everything! (用适当的词填空)
    59. When starting a new schl club, write a prpsal and finally give the __________ (sign) prpsal t the principal. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    60. My friend psted a message n scial media __________ (say) she was quite srry fr her imprper behavir. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我的朋友在社交媒体上发了一条消息,说她对自己的不当行为感到非常抱歉。分析句子,句中psted为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,此处a message与say之间是主动关系,故使用现在分词作后置定语。故填saying。

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