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    十年(14-23)高考英语真题分项汇编专题 16 阅读理解新闻报道及其它(含解析)
    十年(14-23)高考英语真题分项汇编专题 16 阅读理解新闻报道及其它(含解析)01
    十年(14-23)高考英语真题分项汇编专题 16 阅读理解新闻报道及其它(含解析)02
    十年(14-23)高考英语真题分项汇编专题 16 阅读理解新闻报道及其它(含解析)03
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    十年(14-23)高考英语真题分项汇编专题 16 阅读理解新闻报道及其它(含解析)

    这是一份十年(14-23)高考英语真题分项汇编专题 16 阅读理解新闻报道及其它(含解析),共26页。

    Passage 1
    【2023年全国甲卷】 I was abut 13 when an uncle gave me a cpy f Jstein Gaarder’s Sphie’s Wrld. It was full f ideas that were new t me, s I spent the summer with my head in and ut f that bk. It spke t me and brught me int a wrld f philsphy (哲学).
    That lve fr philsphy lasted until I gt t cllege. Nthing kills the lve fr philsphy faster than peple wh think they understand Fucault, Baudrillard, r Cnfucius better than yu — and then try t explain them.
    Eric Weiner’s The Scrates Express: In Search f Life Lessns frm Dead Philsphers reawakened my lve fr philsphy. It is nt an explanatin, but an invitatin t think and experience philsphy.
    Weiner starts each chapter with a scene n a train ride between cities and then frames each philspher’s wrk in the cntext (背景) f ne thing they can help us d better. The end result is a read in which we learn t wnder like Scrates, see like Threau, listen like Schpenhauer, and have n regrets like Nietzsche. This, mre than a bk abut understanding philsphy, is a bk abur learning t use philsphy t imprve a life.
    He makes philsphical thught an appealing exercise that imprves the quality f ur experiences, and he des s with plenty f humr. Weiner enters int cnversatin with sme f the mst imprtant philsphers in histry, and he becmes part f that crwd in the prcess by decding (解读) their messages and adding his wn interpretatin.
    The Scrates Express is a fun, sharp bk that draws readers in with its apparent simplicity and gradually pulls them in deeper thughts n desire, lneliness, and aging. The invitatin is clear: Weiner wants yu t pick up a cffee r tea and sit dwn with this bk. I encurage yu t take his ffer. It’s wrth yur time, even if time is smething we dn’t have a lt f.
    28. Wh pened the dr t philsphy fr the authr?
    A. Fucault.B. Eric Weiner.
    C. Jstein Gaarder.D. A cllege teacher.
    29. Why des the authr list great philsphers in paragraph 4?
    A. T cmpare Weiner with them.
    B. T give examples f great wrks.
    C. T praise their writing skills.
    D. T help readers understand Weiner’s bk.
    30. What des the authr like abut The Scrates Express?
    A. Its views n histry are well-presented.
    B. Its ideas can be applied t daily life.
    C. It includes cmments frm readers.
    D. It leaves an pen ending.
    31. What des the authr think f Weiner’s bk?
    A. Objective and plain.
    B. Daring and ambitius.
    C. Serius and hard t fllw.
    D. Humrus and straightfrward.
    D. Humrus and straightfrward.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D
    【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明书评。作者在13岁时开始喜欢哲学,随后Weiner的书The Scrates Express唤起了作者对哲学的热爱。文章通过介绍了The Scrates Express这本书,倡导读者花时间去读这本书。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“I was abut 13 when an uncle gave me a cpy f Jstein Gaarder’s Sphie’s Wrld. It was full f ideas that were new t me, s I spent the summer with my head in and ut f that bk. It spke t me and brught me int a wrld f philsphy(哲学).(我13岁的时候,一个叔叔给了我一本Jstein Gaarder的《 Sphie的世界》。书里面的观点对我来说都很新奇,所以我整个夏天都在钻研那本书。它对我说话,把我带入一个哲学的世界。)”可知,Jstein Gaarder为作者打开了通往哲学的大门。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“Weiner starts each chapter with a scene n a train ride between cities and then frames each philspher’s wrk in the cntext (背景) f ne thing they can help us d better. The end result is a read in which we learn t wnder like Scrates, see like Threau, listen like Schpenhauer, and have n regrets like Nietzsche. (Weiner在每一章的开头都描述了一个城市之间火车旅行的场景,然后将每一位哲学家的著作框定在一个他们能够帮助我们做得更好的事情上。最终的结果是,我们学会了像苏格拉底一样思考,像梭罗一样看,像叔本华一样听,像尼采一样没有遗憾。)”可知,作者在第四段开头描写了Weiner书的内容,接着作者通过列举了几位伟大的哲学家来描写读完这本书后我们能从中学到的东西,由此可推知,作者列举了几位伟大的哲学家是为了帮助读者理解Weiners的书。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“This, mre than a bk abut undestanding philsphy, is a bk abur learning t use philsphy t imprve a life.(这不仅仅是一本关于理解哲学的书,更是一本关于学习运用哲学来改善生活的书。)”可知,作者喜欢The Scrates Express这本书,是因为它的思想可以应用到日常生活中。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“He makes philspical thught an appealing exercise that imprves the quality f ur experiences, and he des s with plenty f humr.(他使哲学思想成为一种有吸引力的练习,可以提高我们经验的质量,而且他在做这件事的时候充满了幽默感。)”可知,Weiners的书很幽默,根据最后一段中“The Scrates Express is a fun, sharp bk that draws readers in with its apparent simplicity and gradually pulls them in deeper thughts n desire, lneliness, and aging. (The Scrates Express是一本有趣而尖锐的书,它以其表面上的简单吸引着读者,并逐渐将他们拉进对欲望、孤独和衰老的深层思考中。)”可知,Weiners的书简单易懂,由此可知,Weiners的书既幽默又简单易懂。故选D。
    【2022年全国乙卷】In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, N. Y.—Drthy Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd—traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. The girls had gne t Smith Cllege. They wre expensive clthes. S fr them t mve t Elkhead, Cl. t instruct the children whse shes were held tgether with string was a surprise. Their stay in Elkhead is the subject f Nthing Daunted: The Unexpected Educatin f Tw Sciety Girls in the West by Drthy Wickenden, wh is a magazine editr and Drthy Wdruff’s granddaughter.
    Why did they g then? Well, they wanted t d smething useful. Sn, hwever, they realized what they had undertaken.
    They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and, like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning. Sme mrnings, Rsamnd and Drthy wuld arrive at the schlhuse t find the children weeping frm the cld. In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.
    In Wickenden’s bk, she expanded n the histry f the West and als n feminism, which f curse influenced the girls’ decisin t g t Elkhead. A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed (牵涉) drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms. The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.
    Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism (坚忍) f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing. Here is a picture f Drthy Wdruff, n her hrse, lking dwn frm a hill tp: “When the sun slipped behind the muntains, it shed a rsy glw all arund them. Then a full mn rse. The snw was marked nly by small animals: fxes, cytes, mice, and varying hares, which turned white in the winter.”
    4. Why did Drthy and Rsamnd g t the Rcky Muntains?
    A. T teach in a schl.B. T study American histry.
    C. T write a bk.D. T d sightseeing.
    5. What can we learn abut the girls frm paragraph 3?
    A. They enjyed much respect.B. They had a rm with a bathtub.
    C They lived with the lcal kids.D. They suffered severe hardships.
    6. Which part f Wickenden’s writing is hair-raising?
    A. The extreme climate f Auburn.B. The living cnditins in Elkhead.
    C. The railrad building in the Rckies.D. The natural beauty f the West.
    7. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt.B. A bk review.C. A children’s stry.D. A diary entry.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B
    【导语】这是一篇书评。本文简要介绍了Drthy Wickenden的书籍并对其进行了评价。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd -traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. (1916年,来自纽约奥本市的两个富裕家庭的女孩——Drthy Wdruff和Rsamnd Underwd——来到落基山脉的一个定居点,在一间只有一个房间的学校教书。)”可知,Drthy和Rsamnd去落基山脉是为了去学校里教书。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning.(他们和一个当地家庭,哈里森一家一起搬进去,和他们一样,几乎没有隐私,很少洗澡,早上醒来时被子上覆盖着一层雪。)”以及“In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.(在春天,雪被泥替代覆盖在冰上。)”可知,女孩们的生活条件非常艰苦,她们饱受磨难。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms.(令人毛骨悚然的一段与铁路建设有关,这涉及到在令人眩目的暴风雪中钻穿落基山脉。)”可知,Wickenden的作品中涉及落基山脉的铁路建设这一部分是令人毛骨悚然的。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.(这本书以Rsamnd和Drthy回到奥本结束。)”以及最后一段“Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing.( Wickenden是个很好的讲故事的人。大地的辽阔和人们的坚忍使她创作出了一些美丽的作品。)”可知,本文简要介绍了Wickenden的书籍内容,并对其进行了评价,所以文本是一篇书评。故选B项。
    【2020年新课标Ⅲ】When “Rise f the Planet f the Apes” was first shwn t the public last mnth, a grup f excited animal activists gathered n Hllywd Bulevard. But they weren’t there t thrw red paint n fur-cat-wearing film stars. Instead, ne activist, dressed in a full-bdy mnkey suit, had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers: “Thanks fr nt using real apes (猿)!”
    The creative team behind “Apes” used mtin-capture (动作捕捉) technlgy t create digitalized animals, spending tens f millins f dllars n technlgy that recrds an actr’s perfrmance and later prcesses it with cmputer graphics t create a final image (图像). In this case, ne f a realistic-lking ape.
    Yet “Apes” is mre exceptin than the rule. In fact, Hllywd has been ht n live animals lately. One nnprfit rganizatin, which mnitrs the treatment f animals in filmed entertainment, is keeping tabs n mre than 2,000 prductins this year. Already, a number f films, including “Water fr Elephants,” “The Hangver Part Ⅱ” and “Zkeeper,” have drawn the anger f activists wh say the creatures acting in them haven’t been treated prperly.
    In sme cases, it’s nt s much the treatment f the animals n set in the studi that has activists wrried; it’s the ff-set training and living cnditins that are raising cncerns. And there are questins abut the films made utside the States, which smetimes are nt mnitred as clsely as prductins filmed in the States.
    24. Why did the animal activists gather n Hllywd Bulevard?
    A. T see famus film stars.
    B. T ppse wearing fur cats.
    C. T raise mney fr animal prtectin.
    D. T express thanks t sme filmmakers.
    25. What des paragraph 2 mainly talk abut?
    A. The cst f making “Apes.”
    B. The creatin f digitalized apes.
    C. The publicity abut “Apes.”
    D. The perfrmance f real apes.
    26. What des the underlined phrase “keeping tabs n” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Listing cmpletely.
    B. Directing prfessinally.
    C. Prmting successfully.
    D. Watching carefully.
    27. What can we infer frm the last paragraph abut animal actrs?
    A. They may be badly treated.
    B. They shuld take further training.
    C. They culd be traded illegally
    D. They wuld lse ppularity.
    24. 细节理解题。根据第一段“Instead, ne activist ,dressed in a full -bdy mnkey suit ,had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers:“Thanks fr nt using real apes”可知,相反,一名身穿全套猴服的活动人士来到现场,手里拿着一块牌子,称赞电影制作人:“感谢你们不用真正的猿猴。所以动物保护者聚集在好莱坞大道是为了向电影制作者表示感谢。故选D项。
    25. 主旨大意题。根据第二段“The creative team behind "Apes" used mtin-capture (动作捕捉) technlgy t create digitalized animals, spending tens f millins f dllars n technlgy that I recrds an actr’s perfrmance and later prcesses it with cmputer graphics t create a final image (图像). ”可知,“人猿”背后的创作团队利用动作捕捉技术创造数字化的动物,在记录演员表演的技术上,花费数千万美元,然后用电脑图形处理,以产生最终的影像。由此可知,第二段主要是关于数字化人猿的创造。故选B项。
    26. 词句猜测题。根据第三段划线前的句子“One nnprfit rganizatin, which mnitrs the treatment r animals in filmed entertainment”(一个非营利组织,监控动物在电影娱乐中的待遇)以及下文Already, a number f films, including "Water fr Elephants," "The Hangver Part Ⅱ" and "Zkeeper," have drawn the anger f activists wh say the creatures acting in them haven’t been treated prperly.(许多电影,包括“大象的眼泪”,“宿醉Ⅱ”和“管理员”,引起了动物保护人士的愤怒,他们说影片中的动物没有遭到很好的对待。)由此可知,其中一家监控动物待遇的非营利组织,今年正密切关注着2000多部影片。由此判断出,划线词的意思是“密切关注”。故选D项。
    27. 推理判断题。根据最后一段In sme cases, it’s nt s much the treatment f the animals n set in the studi that has activists wrried; it’s the ff-set training and living cnditins that are raising cncerns. And there are questins abut the films made utside the States, which smetimes are nt mnitred as clsely as prductins filmed in the Sates.”(在某些情况下,让活动人士担心的并不是电影棚里对动物的待遇;让人担忧的是训练和生活条件。还有一些关于在美国以外拍摄的电影的问题,这些电影有时不像在美国拍摄的电影那样受到严密的监控。)可知,在某些情况下,让活动人士担心的并不是工作室里动物的待遇;令人担忧的是训练和生活条件。由此判断出动物演员可能受到虐待。故选A项。
    【2020年新课标Ⅲ】 With the yung unable t affrd t leave hme and the ld at risk f islatin(孤独), mre families are chsing t live tgether.
    The drway t peace and quiet, fr Nick Bright at least, leads straight t his mther-in-law, she lives n the grund flr, while he lives upstairs with his wife and their tw daughters.
    Fur years ag they all mved int a three-strey Victrian huse in Bristl - ne f a grwing number f multigeneratinal families in the UK living tgether under the same rf. They share a frnt dr and a washing machine, but Rita Whitehead has her wn kitchen, bathrm, bedrm and living rm n the grund flr.
    “We flated the idea t my mum f sharing at a huse,” says Kathryn Whitehead. Rita cuts in: “We spke mre with Nick because I think it’s a big thing fr Nick t live with his mther-in-law.”
    And what des Nick think? “Frm my standpint, it all seems t wrk very well. Wuld I recmmend it? Yes, I think I wuld.”
    It’s hard t tell exactly hw many peple agree with him, but research indicates that the numbers have been rising fr sme time. Official reprts suggest that the number f husehlds with three generatins living tgether had risen frm 325,000 in 2001t 419,000 in 2013.
    Other varieties f multigeneratinal family are mre cmmn. Sme peple live with their elderly parents; many mre adult children are returning t the family hme, if they ever left. It is said that abut 20% f 25-34-year-lds live with their parents, cmpared with 16% in 1991.The ttal number f all multigeneratinal husehlds in Britain is thught t be abut 1.8 millin.
    Stries like that are mre cmmn in parts f the wrld where multigeneratinal living is mre firmly rted. In India, particularly utside cities, yung wmen are expected t mve in with their husband’s family when they get married.
    28. Wh mainly uses the grund flr in the Victrian huse in Bristl?
    A. Nick.B. Rita.C. KathrynD. The daughters.
    29. What is Nick’s attitude twards sharing the huse with his mther-in -law?
    A. Psitive.B. Carefree.C. Tlerant.D. Unwilling.
    30. What is the authr’s statement abut multigeneratinal family based n?
    A. Family traditins.B. Financial reprts.C. Published statistics.D. Public pinins.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Lifestyles in different cuntries.B. Cnflicts between generatins.
    C. A husing prblem in Britain.D. A rising trend f living in the UK.
    28. 细节理解题。根据第三段“ but Rita Whitehead has her wn kitchen, bathrm, bedrm and living rm n the grund flr.”可知,但Rita在一楼有自己的厨房、浴室、卧室和客厅。由此可知,Rita 在布里斯托尔的维多利亚式住宅中使用一楼。故选B项。
    29. 推理判断题。根据第五段“And what des Nick think? “Frm my standpint, it all seems t wrk very well. Wuld I recmmend it? Yes, I think I wuld.”可知,尼克是怎么想的?“从我的角度来看,一切都很顺利。我推荐它吗?是的,我想我会推荐在一起居住的。”由此判断出,尼克对和和岳母合住房子的态度是积极的。故选A项。
    30. 细节理解题。根据第六段“ Official reprts suggest that the number f husehlds with three generatins living tgether had risen frm 325,000 in 2002 t 419,000 in 2013.”官方报告显示,三代同堂的家庭数量从2002年的32.5万户增加到2013年的41.9万户。根据第七段“It is said that abut 20% f 25-34-year-lds live with their parents, cmpared with 16% in 1991.The ttal number f all multigeneratinal husehlds in Britain is thught t be abut 1.8 millin.”可知,据说,25-34岁的年轻人中有20%和父母住在一起,而1991年这一比例为16%。据估计,英国多代同堂的家庭总数约为180万。由此可知,作者关于多世同堂家庭的论述基于发布的统计数据。故选C项。
    31. 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据第一段“With the yung unable t affrd t leave hme and the ld at risk f islatin(孤独), mre families are chsing t live tgether.”可知,由于年轻人负担不起离家的费用,而老年人又面临着被孤立的风险,越来越多的家庭选择住在一起。所以短文主要是关于英国生活方式的一种上升趋势。故选D项。
    Passage 3
    【2020年新高考全国Ⅰ 卷(山东卷)】In the mid-1990s, Tm Bissell taught English as a vlunteer in Uzbekistan. He left after seven mnths, physically brken and having lst his mind. A few years later, still attracted t the cuntry, he returned t Uzbekistan t write an article abut the disappearance f the Aral Sea.
    His visit, hwever, ended up invlving a lt mre than that. Hence this bk, Chasing the Sea: Lst Amng the Ghsts f Empire in Central Asia, which talks abut a rad trip frm Tashkent t Karakalpakstan, where millins f lives have been destryed by the slw drying up f the sea. It is the stry f an American travelling t a strange land, and f the peple he meets n his way: Rustam, his translatr, a lvely 24-year-ld wh picked up his clrful English in Califrnia, Oleg and Natasha, his hsts in Tashkent, and a string f freign aid wrkers.
    This is a quick lk at life in Uzbekistan, made f friendliness and warmth, but als its darker side f sciety. In Samarkand, Mr Bissell admires the architectural wnders, while n his way t Bukhara he gets a taste f plice methds when suspected f drug dealing. In Ferghana, he attends a muntain funeral(葬礼)fllwed by a strange drinking party. And in Karakalpakstan, he is saddened by the dust strms, diseases and fishing bats stuck miles frm the sea.
    Mr Bissell skillfully rganizes histrical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-runded picture f Uzbekistan, seen frm Western eyes. His judgment and references are decidedly American, as well as his delicate stmach. As the authr explains, this is neither a travel nr a histry bk, r even a piece f reprtage. Whatever it is, the result is a fine and vivid descriptin f the purest f Central Asian traditins.
    8. What made Mr Bissell return t Uzbekistan?
    A. His friends' invitatin.B. His interest in the cuntry.
    C. His lve fr teaching.D. His desire t regain health.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “that” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Develping a serius mental disease.
    B. Taking a guided tur in Central Asia.
    C. Wrking as a vlunteer in Uzbekistan.
    D. Writing an article abut the Aral Sea.
    10. Which f the fllwing best describes Mr Bissell's rad trip in Uzbekistan?
    A. Rmantic.B. Eventful.C. Pleasant.D. Dangerus.
    11. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T intrduce a bk.B. T explain a cultural phenmenn.
    C. T remember a writer.D. T recmmend a travel destinatin.
    8. 细节理解题。根据第一段的”A few years later, still attracted t the cuntry. he returned t Uzbekistan t write an article abut the disappearance f the Ara Sea”可知,几年后,Bissell仍然被这个国家所吸引。他回到乌兹别克斯坦写了一篇关于咸海消失的文章。因此推断出对这个国家的兴趣让Bissell先生再次返回乌兹别克斯坦。故选B。
    9. 词句猜测题。划线句是第二段首句,that用来指代上文提的事情,因此推断that指代第一段的内容,根据第一段最后一句”A few years later, still attracted t the cuntry, he returned t Uzbekistan t write an article abut the disappearance f the Aral Sea(几年后,仍然被这个国家所吸引。他回到乌兹别克斯坦写了一篇关于咸海消失的文章)”可知,that指代写了一篇关于死海消失的文章这件事,故选D。
    10. 推理判断题。根据第三段”This is a quick lk at life in Uzbekistan, made f friendliness and warmth, but als its darker side f sciety. In Samarkand, Mr Bissell admires the architectural wnders, while n his way t Bukhara he gets a taste f plice methds when suspected f drug dealing. In Ferghana, he attends a muntain funeral(葬礼)fllwed by a strange drinking party. And in Karakalpakstan, he is saddened by the dust strms, diseases and fishing bats stuck miles frm the sea.”可知,在乌兹别克斯坦的旅途中,Mr Bissell既体会到了友善和温暖,也看到了社会的黑暗面。在撒马尔罕,Mr Bissell欣赏到了的建筑奇观。在前往布哈拉的路上,他因为被怀疑进行毒品交易,他尝到了警察的伎俩。在费尔干纳,他参加了一个山区葬礼,然后参加了一个奇怪的酒会。在卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦,他为沙尘暴、疾病和被困在数英里外的渔船而难过。由此可知,在旅途中,他经历了很多事情。结合选项,B选项(充满事件的,多事的)可以表达此意。故选B。
    11. 推理判断题。文章第一段提到书的作者的乌兹别克斯坦之行,引出他写的书,接下来三段讲述了他的书《追逐大海:迷失在中亚帝国的幽灵》的故事内容,是乌兹别克斯坦生活的一个快速观察。因此推断本文的写作目的是介绍一本书。故选A。
    Passage 4
    【2020年新高考全国Ⅱ 卷(海南卷)】In May 1987 the Glden Gate Bridge had a 50th birthday party. The bridge was clsed t mtr traffic s peple culd enjy a walk acrss it. Organizers expected perhaps 50,000 peple t shw up. Instead, as many as 800, 000 crwded the rads t the bridge. By the time 250,000 were n the bridge, engineers nticed smething terrible:the radway was flattening under what turned ut t be the heaviest lad it had ever been asked t carry. Wrse, it was beginning t sway(晃动). The authrities clsed access t the bridge and tens f thusands f peple made their way back t land. A disaster was avided.
    The stry is ne f scres in T Frgive Design:Understanding Failure, a bk that is at nce a lve letter t engineering and a paean(赞歌)t its breakdwns. Its authr, Dr. Henry Petrski, has lng been writing abut disasters. In this bk, he includes the lss f the space shuttles(航天飞机)Challenger and Clumbia, and the sinking f the Titanic.
    Thugh he acknwledges that engineering wrks can fail because the persn wh thught them up r engineered them simply gt things wrng, in this bk Dr. Petrski widens his view t cnsider the larger cntext in which such failures ccur. Smetimes devices fail because a gd design is cnstructed with lw quality materials incmpetently applied. Or perhaps a design wrks s well it is adpted elsewhere again and again, with seemingly harmless imprvements, until, suddenly, it des nt wrk at all anymre.
    Readers will encunter nt nly stries they have heard befre, but sme new stries and a mving discussin f the respnsibility f the engineer t the public and the ways yung engineers can be helped t grasp them.
    "Success is success but that is all that it is," Dr. Petrski writes. It is failure that brings imprvement.
    8. What happened t the Glden Gate Bridge n its 50th birthday?
    A. It carried mre weight than it culd.
    B. It swayed vilently in a strng wind
    C. Its radway was damaged by vehicles
    D. Its access was blcked by many peple.
    9. Which f the fllwing is Dr Petrski's idea accrding t paragraph 3?
    A. N design is well received everywhere
    B. Cnstructin is mre imprtant than design.
    C. Nt all disasters are caused by engineering design
    D. Imprvements n engineering wrks are necessary.
    10. What des the last paragraph suggest?
    A. Failure can lead t prgress.B. Success results in vercnfidence
    C. Failure shuld be avided.D. Success cmes frm jint effrts.
    11. What is the text?
    A. A news reprtB. A shrt stry.
    C. A bk reviewD. A research article.
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. A 11. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“In May 1987 the Glden Gate Bridge had a 50th birthday party. The bridge was clsed t mtr traffic s peple culd enjy a walk acrss it. Organizers expected perhaps 50,000 peple t shw up. Instead, as many as 800, 000 crwded the rads t the bridge. By the time 250,000 were n the bridge, engineers nticed smething terrible:the radway was flattening under what turned ut t be the heaviest lad it had ever been asked t carry. Wrse, it was beginning t sway”可以看出,1987年5月,金门大桥举行了一个50岁生日聚会。这座桥禁止机动车通行,人们可以在桥上散步。组织者预计将有5万人到场。相反,多达80万人挤满了通往大桥的道路。当25万人在桥上时,工程师们注意到了一个可怕的现象:路面在被要求承载的最重荷载作用下变得平了。更糟的是,它开始晃动。因此可以看出,金门大桥50岁生日那天,它的重量超过了它的承受能力。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Thugh he acknwledges that engineering wrks can fail because the persn wh thught them up r engineered them simply gt things wrng, in this bk Dr. Petrski widens his view t cnsider the larger cntext in which such failures ccur. Smetimes devices fail because a gd design is cnstructed with lw quality materials incmpetently applied. Or perhaps a design wrks s well it is adpted elsewhere again and again, with seemingly harmless imprvements, until, suddenly, it des nt wrk at all anymre.”可知,虽然他承认工程设计可能会因为那些想出或设计它们的人只是把事情弄错了失败,但在这本书中,彼得罗斯基博士拓宽了他的视野,考虑了这种失败发生的更大背景。有时,由于一个好的设计是用不合格的低质量材料建造的,所以装置会失败。或者,一个设计工作得如此好,以至于在其他地方一次又一次地被采用,用似乎是无害的改进,直到突然间,它完全不起作用了。因此可以推测出,根据第三段,不是所有的灾难都是由工程设计引起的是彼得罗斯基博士的想法。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的 “It is failure that brings imprvement.”可知,失败才能带来进步。因此可以看出,A项与此相呼应,即失败能带来进步,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“The stry is ne f scres in T Frgive Design:Understanding Failure, a bk that is at nce a lve letter t engineering and a paean(赞歌)t its breakdwns.”可知,这个故事是《原谅设计:理解失败》一书中的一个,这本书既是对工程的一封情书,也是对其崩溃的赞歌。并且后面两段都在写这本书里的内容以及评价,再根据倒数第二段的“Readers will encunter nt nly stries they have heard befre, but sme new stries and a mving discussin f the respnsibility f the engineer t the public and the ways yung engineers can be helped t grasp them.”可知,读者不仅会遇到他们以前听过的故事,还会遇到一些新的故事和关于工程师对公众的责任以及如何帮助年轻工程师掌握它们的动人讨论。再结合最后一段“It is failure that brings imprvement.”可知,失败才能带来进步。因此可以推测出,这些内容都是关于这本书的评论,因为这篇文章是书评,故选C。
    【2019年浙江卷6月】Mney with n strings attached. It’s nt smething yu see every day. But at Unin Statin in Ls Angeles last mnth, a bard went up with dllar bills attached t it with pins and a sign that read, "Give What Yu Can, Take What Yu Need."
    Peple quickly caught n. And while many tk dllars, many thers pinned their wn cash t the bard. “Peple f all ages, races, and sci-ecnmic(社会经济的)backgrunds gave and tk, ”said Tyler Bridges f The Tlbx, which created the prject. "We even had a bride in her wedding dress cme up t the bard and take a few dllars." Mst f the bills n the bard were singles, but a few peple left fives, tens and even twenties. The vide clip(片段)shws ne man wh had fund a $ 20 bill pinning it t the bard.
    “What I can say fr the flks that gave the mst, is that they were full f smiles,” Bridges said. “There’s a certain feeling that giving can d fr yu and that was apparent in thse that gave the mst." Mst peple wh tk dllars tk nly a few, but Bridges said a very small number tk as much as they culd.
    While the clip might lk like part f a new ad campaign, Bridges said the nly gal was t shw genersity and sympathy. He added that he hpes peple in ther cities might try similar prjects and pst their wn vides n the Internet.
    “After all, everyne has bad days and gd days," he said. “Sme days yu need a helping hand and sme days yu can be the ne giving the helping hand.”
    24. What des the expressin "mney with n strings attached" in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Mney spent withut hesitatin.
    B. Mney nt legally made.
    C. Mney ffered withut cnditins.
    D. Mney nt tied tgether.
    25. What did Bridges want t shw by mentining the bride?
    A. Wmen tended t be mre sciable.
    B. The activity attracted varius peple.
    C. Ecnmic prblems were getting wrse.
    D. Yung cuples needed financial assistance.
    26. Why did Bridges carry ut the prject?
    A. T d a test n peple’s mrals.
    B. T raise mney fr his cmpany.
    C. T earn himself a gd reputatin.
    D. T prmte kindness and sympathy.
    24.C 【解析】词义猜测题。由第一段“But at Unin Statin in Ls Angeles last mnth, a bard went up with dllar bills attached t it with pins and a sign that read, "Give What Yu Can, Take What Yu Need.”可知,但是上个月在洛杉矶的联合车站,一块牌子上别针别满了美元,上面写着“给予你所能给与的,拿走你所需要的”。所以通过下文的语境,判断出第1段中的mney with n strings attached是“无条件提供的钱”的意思。故B选项正确。
    25.B 【解析】推理判断题。由第二段““Peple f all ages, races, and sci-ecnmic(社会经济的)backgrunds gave and tk, ”said Tyler Bridges f The Tlbx, which created the prject. "We even had a bride in her wedding dress cme up t the bard and take a few dllars.”可知,发起该项活动的泰勒·布里奇斯说:“所有年龄、种族和社会经济背景的人都会付出和索取。”甚至有一位穿着婚纱的新娘来到了牌子前,拿走了一些钱。所以通过泰勒·布里奇斯所说的,可以判断出,他提到新娘就是想说明这项活动吸引了各种各样的人。故B选项正确。
    26.D 【解析】细节理解题。由倒数第二段“While the clip might lk like part f a new ad campaign, Bridges said the nly gal was t shw genersity and sympathy”可知,尽管这段视频看起来像是一项新的广告活动的一部分,但是布里奇斯说这次活动唯一的目标是表现出慷慨和同情。所以布里奇斯实施这个活动是为了提倡仁慈和同情。故D选项正确。
    【2018年全国Ⅲ卷】While famus freign architects are invited t lead the designs f landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV twer and the Natinal Center fr the Perfrming Arts, many excellent Chinese architects are making great effrts t take the center stage.
    Their effrts have been prven fruitful. Wang Shu, a 49-year-ld Chinese architect, wn the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize — which is ften referred t as the Nbel Prize in architecture — n February 28. He is the first Chinese citizen t win this award.
    Wang serves as head f the Architecture Department at the China Academy f Art (CAA). His ffice is lcated at the Xiangshan campus(校园) f the university in Hangzhu, Zhejiang Prvince. Many buildings n the campus are his riginal creatins.
    The style f the campus is quite different frm that f mst Chinese universities. Many visitrs were amazed by the cmplex architectural space and abundant building types. The curves(曲线) f the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall f hills, frming a unique view.
    Wang cllected mre than 7 millin abandned bricks f different ages. He asked the wrkers t use traditinal techniques t make the bricks int walls, rfs and crridrs. This creatin attracted a lt f attentin thanks t its mixture f mdern and traditinal Chinese elements(元素).
    Wang’s wrks shw a deep understanding f mdern architecture and a gd knwledge f traditins. Thrugh such a balance, he had created a new type f Chinese architecture, said Tada And, the winner f the 1995 Pritzker Prize.
    Wang believes traditins shuld nt be sealed in glass bxes at museums. "That is nly evidence that traditins nce existed," he said.
    "Many Chinese peple have a misunderstanding f traditins. They think traditin means ld things frm the past. In fact, traditin als refers t the things that have been develping and that are still being created, " he said.
    "Tday, many Chinese peple are learning Western styles and theries rather than fcusing n Chinese traditins. Many peple tend t talk abut traditins withut knwing what they really are, " said Wang.
    The study f traditins shuld be cmbined with practice. Otherwise, the recreatin f traditins wuld be artificial and empty, he said.
    28. Wang’s winning f the prize means that Chinese architects are ___________.
    A. fllwing the latest wrld trend
    B. getting internatinal recgnitin
    C. wrking harder than ever befre
    D. relying n freign architects
    29. What impressed visitrs t the CAA Xiangshan campus mst?
    A. Its hilly envirnment.
    B. Its large size.
    C. Its unique style.
    D. Its diverse functins.
    30. What made Wang’s architectural design a success?
    A. The mixture f different shapes.
    B. The balance f East and West.
    C. The use f ppular techniques.
    D. The harmny f ld and new.
    31. What shuld we d abut Chinese traditins accrding t Wang?
    A. Spread them t the wrld. B. Preserve them at museums.
    C. Teach them in universities. D. Recreate them in practice.
    【答案】28. B 29. C 30. D 31. D
    28. 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,王澍获得2012年普利策奖,而普利策奖相当于建筑界的诺贝尔奖,他是第一个获此奖的中国人,故推知中国建筑现在得到了国际认可。故B项正确。
    29. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段对CAA校园的描述可知,它的设计风格独特,与大多数中国大学的校园很不同,许多游客感对复杂的建筑空间和丰富的建筑类型感到吃惊,故C正确。
    30. 细节理解题。根据文章第六段1995年普利策奖的获得者Tada And的评语可知,王澍设计的成功之处是把中国传统元素融入现代设计,并保持两者的和谐,故D正确。
    31. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段和倒数第三段中In fact, traditin als refers t the things that have been develping and that are still being created可知,传统的研究要与实践相结合,在实践中进行再创造,否则就会是人工的和空的,故D正确。
    【点睛】根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理,忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。
    此题的第一小题和第四小题为推理判断题。第1题根据第二段第二句可知Wang Shu 获得2012年普利策奖,相当于建筑界的诺贝尔奖,再根据第三句他是第一个获此奖的中国人可知,中国建筑现在得到了国际认可,因得到认可才能获奖。此题的解题关键时根据原文的两个信息句进行的判断,而ACD原文中没有提及。
    【2017年新课标Ⅰ卷】Sme f the wrld’s mst famus musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans t celebrate the first annual Internatinal Jazz Day. UNESCO(United Natins Educatinal, Scientific and Cultural Organizatin) recently set April 30 as a day t raise awareness f jazz music, its significance, and its ptential as a unifying(联合) vice acrss cultures.
    Despite the celebratins, thugh, in the U.S. the jazz audience cntinues t shrink and grw lder, and the music has failed t cnnect with yunger generatins.
    It’s Jasn Mran’s jb t help change that. As the Kennedy Center’s artistic adviser fr jazz, Mran hpes t widen the audience fr jazz, make the music mre accessible, and preserve its histry and culture.
    "Jazz seems like it’s nt really a part f the American appetite," Mran tells Natinal Public Radi’s reprter Neal Cnan. "What I’m hping t accmplish is that my generatin and yunger start t recnsider and understand that jazz is nt black and white anymre. It’s actually clr, and it’s actually digital."
    Mran says ne f the prblems with jazz tday is that the entertainment aspect f the music has been lst.
    "The music can’t be presented tday the way it was in 1908 r 1958. It has t cntinue t mve, because the way the wrld wrks is nt the same," says Mran.
    Last year, Mran wrked n a prject that arranged Fats Waller’s music fr a dance party, "just t kind f put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is cncert music," says Mran. "Fr me, it’s the recntextualizatin. In music, where des the emtin(情感) lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight(感悟) n hw t talk abut urselves and hw smething as abstract as a Charlie Parker recrd gets us int a dialgue abut ur emtins and ur thughts? Smetimes we lse sight that the music has a wider cntext," says Mran, "s I want t cntinue thse dialgues. Thse are the things I want t fster."
    28. Why did UNESCO set April 30 as Internatinal Jazz Day?
    A. T remember the birth f jazz.
    B. T prtect cultural diversity.
    C. T encurage peple t study music.
    D. T recgnize the value f jazz.
    29. What des the underlined wrd "that" in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Jazz becming mre accessible.
    B. The prductin f jazz grwing faster.
    C. Jazz being less ppular with the yung.
    D. The jazz audience becming larger.
    30. What can we infer abut Mran’s pinin n jazz?
    A. It will disappear gradually.
    B. It remains black and white.
    C. It shuld keep up with the times.
    D. It changes every 50 years.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Explring the Future f Jazz
    B. The Rise and Fall f Jazz
    C. The Stry f a Jazz Musician
    D. Celebrating the Jazz Day
    【文章大意】本文是一篇新闻报道。为提高人们对于爵士乐的重视程度,UNESCO把4月30日定为国际爵士日,然而这一行为还是没能挽救爵士乐。Jasn Mran认为时代在进步,为了将老一代人和年轻一代人连接起来,爵士乐也应该不断进步。
    28. D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的UNESCO( United Natins Educatinal, Scientific and Cultural Organizatin) recently set April 30 as a day t raise awareness f jazz music, its significance, and its ptential as a unifying(联合) vice acrss cultures.可知UNESCO把4月30日定为国际爵士日是为了让人们重视爵士乐,意识到它的重要性以及它作为连接各文化的纽带之声的潜在功能,也就是为了让人们意识到爵士乐的价值。故选D。
    29. C 推理判断题。根据前文Despite the celebratins, thugh, in the U.S. the jazz audience cntinues t shrink and grw lder, and the music has failed t cnnect with yunger generatins可知尽管UNESCO为爵士乐设了纪念日,但美国的爵士乐听众依然在减少,并且年龄在老化,爵士乐没能将年轻一代人连接起来。再结合It’s Jasn Mran’s jb t help change that(Jasn Mran的工作帮助改变了那一情况)可推测that指代的是前文中爵士乐在年轻一代人中失去吸引力的现象。故选C。
    30. C 细节理解题。根据第五段中的The music can’t be presented tday the way it was in 1908 r 1958. It has t cntinue t mve, because the way the wrld wrks is nt the same可知Mran认为现在爵士乐不能以1908或1958年的方式来呈现,因为世界已经不同了,所以爵士乐必须不断进步,说明随着时代的发展,爵士乐也要跟上时代才不会被年轻一代所抛弃。故选C。
    31. A 标题选择题。通读全文可知本文主要讲UNESCO为提高人们对爵士乐的重视而设立爵士日,但实际收效甚微。有人认为爵士乐应随着时代的进步而进步,否则它将失去对人们的吸引力,因此本文主要是探索爵士乐的未来,故选A。
    Passage 2
    【2017年天津卷】This mnth, Germany’s transprt minister, Alexander Dbrindt, prpsed the first set f rules fr autnmus vehicles(自主驾驶车辆). They wuld define the driver’s rle in such cars and gvern hw such cars perfrm in crashes where lives might be lst.
    The prpsal attempts t deal with what sme call the “death valley” f autnmus vehicles: the grey area between semi-autnmus and fully driverless cars that culd delay the driverless future.
    Dbrindt wants three things: that a car always chses prperty(财产) damage ver persnal injury; that it never distinguishes between humans based n age r race; and that if a human remves his r her hands frm the driving wheel — t check email, say — the car’s maker is respnsible if there is a crash.
    “The change t the rad traffic law will permit fully autmatic driving,” says Dbrindt. It will put fully driverless cars n an equal legal fting t human drivers, he says.
    Wh is respnsible fr the peratin f such vehicles is nt clear amng car makers, cnsumers and lawyers. “The liability(法律责任) issue is the biggest ne f them all,” says Natasha Merat at the University f Leeds, UK.
    An assumptin behind UK insurance fr driverless cars, intrduced earlier this year, insists that a human “be watchful and mnitring the rad” at every mment.
    But that is nt what many peple have in mind when thinking f driverless cars. “When yu say ‘driverless cars’, peple expect driverless cars.” Merat says. “Yu knw — n driver.”
    Because f the cnfusin, Merat thinks sme car makers will wait until vehicles can be fully autmated withut human peratin.
    Driverless cars may end up being a frm f public transprt rather than vehicles yu wn, says Ryan Cal at Stanfrd University, Califrnia. That is happening in the UK and Singapre, where gvernment-prvided driverless vehicles are being launched.
    That wuld g dwn prly in the US, hwever. “The idea that the gvernment wuld take ver driverless cars and treat them as a public gd wuld get abslutely nwhere here,” says Cal.
    46. What des the phrase “death valley” in Paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. A place where cars ften break dwn.
    B. A case where passing a law is impssible.
    C. An area where n driving is permitted.
    D. A situatin where drivers’ rle is nt clear.
    47. The prpsal put frward by Dbrindt aims t _____________.
    A. stp peple frm breaking traffic rules
    B. help prmte fully autmatic driving
    C. prtect drivers f all ages and races
    D. prevent serius prperty damage
    48. What d cnsumers think f the peratin f driverless cars?
    A. It shuld get the attentin f insurance cmpanies.
    B. It shuld be the main cncern f law makers.
    C. It shuld nt cause deadly traffic accidents.
    D. It shuld invlve n human respnsibility.
    49. Driverless vehicles in public transprt see n bright future in ____________.
    A. SingapreB. the UKC. the USD. Germany
    50. What culd be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Autnmus Driving: Whse Liability?
    B. Fully Autmatic Cars: A New Breakthrugh
    C. Autnmus Vehicles: Driver Remved!
    D. Driverless Cars: Rt f Rad Accidents
    46.D 【解析】考查词义猜测。根据第二段的句子the grey area between semi-autnmus and fully driverless cars that culd delay the driverless future可知选D。
    47.B 【解析】考查推理判断。根据第二段内容The prpsal attempts t deal with what sme call the “death valley” f autnmus vehicles…可知选B。
    48.D 【解析】考查细节理解。根据第六、七、八段内容可知选D。
    49.C 【解析】考查细节理解。根据最后一段That wuld g dwn prly in the US, hwever. “The idea that the gvernment wuld take ver driverless cars and treat them as a public gd wuld get abslutely nwhere here,” says Cal.可知选C。
    【2014年安徽卷】 Yu are the cllectr in the gallery f yur life. Yu cllect. Yu might nt mean t but yu d. One ut f three peple cllects tangible(有形的)things such as cats, phts and nisy tys.
    There are amng sme 40 cllectins that are being shwn at “The Museum Of” — the first f several new museums which, ver the next tw years, will exhibit the bjects accumulated by unknwn cllectrs. In ding s, they will prmte a ppular culture f museums, nt what museums nrmally represent.
    Sme f the cllectins are fairly cmmn — recrds, mdel huses. Others are strangely beautiful — branches that have fallen frm tree, fr example. But they all reveal (显露)a lt f things: ask smene what they cllect and their answers will tell yu wh they are.
    Other n the way include “The museum f Cllectrs” and “The Museum f Me”. These new nes, it is hped, will build n the success f “The Museum Of”. The thinkers behind the prject want t explre why peple cllect, and what it means t d s. They hpe that visitrs wh may nt have cnsidered themselves cllectrs will begin t see they, t, cllect.
    Sme cllectrs say they started r stpped making cllectins at imprtant pint: the beginning r end f adlescence —“it’s a grwing-up thing; yu stp when yu grw up,” says ne. Other painful times are mentined, such as the end f a relatinship. Fr time and life can seem s uncntrllable that a steady serial(顺序排列的)arrangement is cmfrting.
    64. Hw will the new museums prmte a ppular culture f museums?
    A. By cllecting mre tangible things.
    B. By shwing what rdinary peple have cllected.
    C. By crrecting what museums nrmally represent.
    D. By accumulating 40 cllectins tw years frm nw.
    65. What can be learned abut cllectrs frm their cllectins?
    A. Wh they are.
    B. Hw ld they are.
    C. Where they were brn.
    D. Why they might nt mean t cllect.
    66. Which f the fllwing is an aim f the new museums?
    A. T help peple sell their cllectins.
    B. T encurage mre peple t cllect.
    C. T study the significance f cllecting.
    D. T find ut why peple visit museums.
    67. Accrding t the last paragraph, peple may stp cllecting when they .[来源:学_科_网]
    A. becme adults
    B. feel happy with life
    C. are ready fr a relatinship
    D. feel time t he uncntrllable
    【解析】文章介绍一些新博物馆,收藏的是普通人的收藏品,他们这么做的目的是想通过展示普通人收集的东西来促进博物馆文化的,研究收藏的重要性64 细节颗: 根据文音第二段的第二、=行的句子: the first f several new museums which, ver the next tw years, will exhibit the bjects accumulated by unknwn cllectrs. In ding s, they will prmte a ppular culture f museums,nt what museums nrmally represent可知新的博物馆是通过展示普通人收集的东西来促进博物馆文化的,所以选 B。
    65.细节题:根据文章第三段的最后一个句子:But they all reveal (显露)a lt f things: ask smene what they cllect and their answers will tell yu wh they are.可知从人们的收藏中可以看出他们是什么样的人,选A。
    66.细节题:根据文章第四段第四行的句子:The thinkers behind the prject want t explre why peple cllect, and what it means t d s. They hpe that visitrs wh may nt have cnsidered themselves cllectrs will begin t see they, t, cllect.可知新的博物馆是想探索人们为什么收藏,收藏的意义是什么,所以它们的目的是研究收藏的重要性,所以选C。
    67.细节题:根据文章最后一段第二行的句子:“it’s a grwing-up thing; yu stp when yu grw up,”says ne.可知人们在成年后会停止收集东西,所以选A。
    Passage 2
    【2014年福建卷】 As has been all t apparent in recent days at Balcmbe, few issues cause greater cncern than energy plicy. Many village cmmunities feel their cuntryside is being ruined by the pwer-prducing machines f wind farms; yet they never take "direct actin", even thugh the planning laws put them at a severe disadvantage. And the generus subsidies (财政补贴) , which encurage the expansin f wind pwer, are nt favrable t the village cmmunities and set landwners in cnflict with ther residents (居民) .
    Thse wh disagree with the rapid expansin f wind farms state that the damage they cause is ut f prprtin(比例) t the benefits they bring, because their energy utput cannt match that f the carbn-based pwer statins they are suppsed t replace. Supprters insist that wind must be part f a mix f renewables, nuclear and carbn, and that the cuntry is cmmitted t meeting EU (Eurpean Unin) targets fr nn-carbn energy generatin.
    Against this backgrund, the fact that there is an argument within the Gvernment ver whether t publish an fficial reprt n wind farms’ impact n the cuntryside becmes even mre extrardinary. The tw parties in the calitin (联合) gvernment are in disagreement ver what it shuld say.
    We have sme advice fr the tw parties: publish the reprt, and let the cuntry be the judge. Even if it cntains evidence that wind farms are harmful, it will hardly be a pleasant surprise t peple wh d nt like them. Equally, supprters must argue their case by acknwledging the cncerns and explaining why they are either misplaced r wrthy f much attentin.
    The suggestin that further negtiatins are t take place t prduce an "acceptable" reprt suggests that the plitics f calitin gvernment are ding the cuntry harm in a certain way. Given the sensitivities invlved, all the infrmatin shuld be available s that peple can reach their wn cnclusins, rather than being left with the suspicin(猜疑)that facts are being replaced by plitical beliefs.
    72. We can learn frm the first paragraph that____________.
    A. energy plicy catches much attentin f the public
    B. the residents are in favr f the expansin f wind farms
    C. many village cmmunities are satisfied with the subsidies
    D. the planning laws ffer great benefits t the residents
    73. Supprters think that the expansin f wind pwer____________.
    A. is mre rapid than that f carbn-based pwer
    B. guarantees an increase in energy utput
    C. is expected t be much better than that f nuclear pwer
    D. agrees with EU targets fr nn-carbn energy generatin
    74. It can be inferred frm the passage that____________.
    A. an fficial reprt will settle the energy prblem
    B. the tw parties are divided ver the issue f wind farms
    C. the tw parties have agreed n a further negtiatin
    D. plitical beliefs cncerning energy issue g against facts
    75. Which f the fllwing reflects the authr’s pinin?
    A. Increase plitical impact n energy plicy.
    B. Release a statement f supprters n wind farms.
    C. Let the natin judge the facts abut wind pwer.
    D. Leave the tw parties t reach their wn cnclusins.
    【答案】72.A 73.D 74.B 75.C
    73. D. 细节题:根据supprters insist that wind must be part f a mix f renewable, nuclear and carbn, and that the cuntry is cmmitted t meeting EU targets fr nn-carbn energy generatin,故选D。

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