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    这是一份山东省烟台莱州市(五四制)2023-2024学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了 答题前、务必用0, 非选择题必须用0等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分35分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    There is nthing wrng with having an accent(口音). In fact, mst native English speakers wn't care if yu d. Yu shuld feel cnfident abut yur accent! But as yu imprve yur language abilities, lsing yur accent might be smething yu've started t think abut. And, if yu' re entering the wrkfrce in an English speaking envirnment, it is imprtant t get yur prnunciatin t a level that native speakers can understand withut difficulty. S, here, we' re lking at sme tips t help yu sund like a native speaker.
    Learning hw t sund like a native speaker can be a hard task. But it's smething yu'll have t d n yur language learning jurney. If yu want t imprve yur prnunciatin, the tips abve will be f great value t yu.
    1. What shuld yu d t make yur English sund mre natural?
    A. Speak slwly and clearly. B. Use "He" and "She" crrectly.
    C. Learn the schwa skillfully. D. Fall and rise yur tne fluently.
    2. What's the purpse f this passage?
    A. T suggest what a native English speaker shuld d.
    B. T suggest what yu shuld d t sund like a native speaker.
    C. T explain why there is nthing wrng with having an accent.
    D. T explain why yur prnunciatin is always f great imprtance.
    3. Where can yu prbably read this passage?
    A. In a nvel. B. In a strybk.
    C. In an advertisement. D. In a magazine.
    Sme designers are trying t build a new type f huse. The picture belw shws sme infrmatin abut the huse.
    4. Accrding t the passage, the plants n the rftp can____________.
    A. keep the huse cl B. take in water
    C. make the huse beautiful D. prevent water passing thrugh
    5. The water sensrs____________ can warn peple abut flds.
    A. in the garden B. in the walls
    C. under the flr D. n the tp f the rf
    6. During flds, ____________can make the huse rise like a bat.
    A. the flrs f the huse B. the plants n the rftp
    C. the buyant materials under the huse D. the drainage system
    7. The designers build the special, huse t____________.
    A. mve it easily B. fight against snwstrms
    C. reuse the waste D. keep safe during flds
    In Pntevedra, Spain, peple dn't shut. Since cars are nt allwed in the city, there are n hrns(喇叭)r nises frm' car engines. Peple dn't have t try hard t make themselves heard. What yu hear in the street, instead, is the singing f birds.
    "Listen," says Miguel Lres, the mayr(市长), pening the windws f his ffice. Frm the street belw rises the sund f human vices. "Mre than 14,000 cars used t pass alng this street every day. There were mre cars passing thrugh the city in a day than peple living here.
    Lres became mayr in 1999. He spent mnths walking arund the city. "The histrical city is dead, " he said ne day. "It is full f cars. It is heavily plluted. There are a lt f traffic accidents. The elderly and children aren't able t use the streets because f cars. Peple wh had a chance t: leave have dne s."
    At first, Lres thught f imprving traffic cnditins. Hwever, he culdn't cme up with a gd plan. After lts f discussins, the gvernment finally decided t get rid f cars.
    The change has brught Pntevedra many benefits. Traffic accidents are nw rare. CO2 emissins(排放物)are dwn by 70%. Many peple are mving t the city, making it lively again.
    Mst lcal peple like the change. Ramir Armest, a mther f tw yung children, said, "In the past, the first thing t see in the mrning was traffic jams. Nw, the city is cleaner, quieter and safer." Raquel Garcia, anther parent, said she had stayed in many cities arund the wrld. Hwever, she had never lived in a city as "easy t live in" as Pntevedra. "Even if it's raining, I walk everywhere. The feeling is wnderful,"she added.
    8. Frm Paragraph 1, we knw Pntevedra is a(n)____________city in Spain.
    A. ancient B. quiet C. busy D. crwded
    9. Fr Lres, what was the city Pntevedra's main prblem?
    A. The histrical city was dead. B. There were lts f traffic accidents.
    C. Many peple were leaving the city. D. There were t many cars in the city.
    10. The underlined wrd "benefits" prbably means "____________” in English.
    A. chices B. advantages C. prblems D. symbls
    11. What is the purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T shw hw peple like the change. B. T let mre cities fllw the change.
    C. T explain what peple think f the city. D. T tell why peple like living in Pntevedra.
    Scientists wh study happiness have evidence(证据)t shw that being kind t thers can result in happiness. Acts as simple as buying a cup f cffee fr smene can lift a persn's md, fr example. Everyday life is full f, chances fr such actins, yet peple d nt always make the mst f them.
    In studies, behaviral scientist Nichlas Epley and I examined a pssible explanatin: peple wh d kind acts underestimate(低估)hw much the nes receiving kindness value their behavir.
    In the experiments, abut 1, 000 peple were asked t d sme actins t make smene else feel gd. We asked bth the persn perfrming the kind act and the ne receiving it t answer sme questins. The perfrmers were asked t reprt their wn experience and t guess hw the receivers might feel. We wanted t understand hw valuable peple cnsidered these acts t be, s bth the perfrmer and receiver had t rate(评分)hw "big" the act seemed. In all cases, we cmpared the perfrmer's expectatins f the receiver's md with the receiver's actual experience.
    Fr ne, bth perfrmers and receivers experienced mre psitive mds. Fr anther, the receivers felt much better than the kind perfrmers expected. The receivers als rated these acts as "bigger" than the peple perfrming them did.
    At first, we studied acts f the kindness dne fr familiar peple, such as friends, classmates, r family. But we fund that perfrmers underestimated their psitive influences n strangers as well. In ne experiment, perfrmers in a public park gave away ht chclate n a cld winter' s day, t peple that just happened t be nearby. Again, the kind act brught mre happiness than the perfrmers expected.
    These findings suggest that what might seem small culd matter a great deal t the persn we d it fr. Cnsidering these warm actins can imprve ur wn md and brighten the day f anther persn, why nt chse kindness when we can?
    12. What did the receivers d in the experiments?
    A. They shwed kindness t thers.
    B. They guessed the perfrmers' feelings.
    C. They rated hw valuable the perfrmers' act f kindness was.
    D. They cmpared the perfrmers' expectatins with their actual results.
    13. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. Different purpses f the research. B. Mre evidence fr the research results.
    C. Pssible influences f the research findings. D. Anther explanatin f the research methds.
    14. What is the writer's attitude twards shwing kindness t thers?
    A. Supprtive. B. Unclear. C. Dubtful. D. Uninterested.
    15. What is the main idea f this article?
    A. Being kind can reduce ne's happiness as expected.
    B. Kindness can have unexpectedly psitive influences.
    C. Chsing kindness is mre difficult than expected.
    D. Shwing kindness is mre valuable than receiving it.
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。
    China is the cuntry that eats the mst watermelns in the wrld. It's nt because freigners dn't like watermelns but "they can't affrd them". D yu knw why? 16
    It's reprted that a kil f US watermeln is abut $6. 91 in New Yrk, which is abut ¥46 in China. 17 But things are different in China. Accrding t the FAOC联合国粮农组织), China nw is the wrlds largest watermeln prducer and custmer.
    18 And the weather is just right fr planting watermelns. With the large utput(产量), the price is naturally much lwer.
    Secndly, cuntries like the USA and Australia have a wide land, but watermelns were nt intrduced there as early as in China. The lcal peple prefer ther fruits that were knwn earlier t watermelns. 19
    Thirdly, accrding t sme reprts, watermelns frm freign cuntries may nt taste gd. 20 Why is that?
    Wu Mingzhu is an 80—year—ld Chinese scientist wh spends her whle life n the imprvement f grwing better watermelns. Thanks t her hard wrk, we can enjy mre delicius and much cheaper watermelns.
    16. _________ 17. _________ 18. _________ 19. _________ 20. _________
    第二部分 语言知识应用(共二节, 满分 25. 分)
    第一节完形填空(共10 小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    On a ht and wet summer day, Nura and her dad fund, a place t cl ff at the city museum. Suddenly the lights went ut, leaving the rm cmpletely 21 .
    "Dad, what's ging n?" Nura called ut ludly.
    "Dn't wrry. The lights might cme back n sn." Dad said 22 t cmfrt Nura. In a mment, a wrker waved the flashlight at them and said, "Excuse me, sir. There is a pwer cut(停电)acrss the city, We have t 23 the museum. I will walk yu t the gate."
    Nura and her dad stpped at their favrite shp fr ice cream. The shp wner refused when Nura's dad tried t 24 . "Frget abut it," he said, "It will all be sup sn, anyway!"
    After Nura and her dad arrived hme, they fund the neighbrs 25 their apartments. Everyne shared ice water, talking and laughing abut the ht weather.
    "I can't 26 the heat in my rm." Mrs. Fng said, fanning herself with a newspaper.
    A wman wh lived dwnstairs was standing in the drway. "If the pwer desn't cme n sn, I'll have t 27 all the fd," she said.
    "The meat in the 28 will g bad withut pwer," said Nura's dad. "Let's take ut the grill(烤架)t ck it.”
    "I'll see what I have," the wman in the drway said. "I'll make sure t bring enugh fr everyne."
    As they had their 29 , night fell ver the city. The air was thick and ht, but Nura didn't mind any mre. She had enjyed 30 ice cream, and she had shared a meal with her neighbrs. She smiled t herself and cntinued t watch the stars.
    21. A. cld B. crwded C. dark D. empty
    22. A. peacefully B. weakly C. fairly D. strangely
    23. A. pen B. clse C. tidy D. visit
    24. A. spend B. cst C. pay D. affrd
    25. A. alng B. inside C. abve D. utside
    26. A. stand B. suggest C. raise. D. create
    27. A. take ff B. thrw away C. lk thrugh D. cut up
    28. A. market B. bwl C. glass D. fridge
    29. A. breakfast B. drink C. lunch D. dinner
    30. A. smth B. fresh C. free D. cheap
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Frederic Chpin(1810-1849)was a great cmpser and an excellent pianist. He cmpsed twenty—fur shrt 31 (piece)fr the pian called preludes(序曲). The lngest ne, Prelude n.15, is better 32 (knw)by its nickname, the "Raindrp” Prelude. Hw did it get its nickname?
    One day in 1838, when Chpin's lver Gerge Sand went ut in a rainstrm, Chpin became wrried. While he 33 (wait)fr Sand, he wrte Prelude n.15.
    When Sand came back Chpin played 34 (she)the music. Sand thught the ntes sunded like raindrps. She let Chpin 35 (listen)t the raindrps falling n the rf. This made Chpin 36 (happy). He insisted that he never paid attentin t thse sunds r 37 (cpy)them.
    Hwever, like Sand, many peple hear raindrps in this prelude. Sme ntes repeating thrughut the piece sund like raindrps. The flw f the music is like rain, t. The piece starts 38 (sft), 39 it gets luder, like rain getting heavier. Then the music gets quiet and finally 40 (end), like rain when it stps.
    31. _________ 32. _________ 33. _________ 34. _________ 35. _________
    36. _________ 37. _________ 38. _________ 39. _________ 40. _________
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 阅读表达(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
    阅读下面的短文, 完成短文后的问题。
    Wrld Water Day is celebrated n' March 22 every year. It draws attentin t the imprtant rle f water in ur lives, the difficulties peple face in getting water and slutins t these prblems. It is. reprted by scientists that between 55 and 60 percent, f the adult bdy is made f it. In nrmal cnditins, the human bdy can nly stay alive three r fur days withut water. We need water t stay alive, yet there are billins f peple all ver the wrld wh d nt have access(使用)t safe drinking water.
    The prblems facing cmmunities withut water
    Except fr the bvius health prblems, a shrtage f clean water means that sme peple in sme areas-ften wmen and children—have t spend hurs every day walking t and frm distant water supplies(供应). This means they dn't have time t fcus their attentin n their wrk, studies and ther duties. S the search fr water becmes their main jbs. Fr many peple, the access t water has becme increasingly difficult because f the increasing need fr a limited resurce.
    What are the slutins?
    In fact, many gvernments and rganizatins have already taken actins t ffer gd slutins. Waste—water recycling, string rainwater, mre efficient irrigatin techniques(灌溉技术)and refrestatin are gd examples f hw water can be used mre efficiently. There are als many ther charities wrking n creating sustainable(可持续性)supplies f clean water fr different cmmunities arund the wrld, but this imprtant wrk needs t cntinue.
    What we can d t help
    The theme f Wrld Water Day is valuing water. The value f water is abut much mre than its price. Withut an understanding f water's true value, we will be unable t safeguard it. What we can d t help is t supprt charities, take part in the Wrld Water Day events, be careful with hw we use water in ur wn lives. We can als visit the UN Wrld Water Day website t find ut abut an event near us and help spread arund the wrld abut the imprtance f saving water.
    41. When is the Wrld Water Day?
    42. Hw lng can human stay alive withut water?
    43. Why has the access t water becme increasingly difficult?
    44. Wh has taken actins t ffer gd slutins-t save water?
    45. What can we d in ur daily life t save water?(List at least tw actins)
    第二节 写作(满分20分)
    旅游是我们看世界的重要方式, 它可以让我们开阔视野, 增长见识, 丰富阅历, 陶冶情操。如果你有机会出去旅游, 你最想去的地方是哪里? 为什么想去那个地方? 你想在那个地方干些什么? 请以"The place I want t visit"为题, 写一篇100·词左右的短文。
    注意: 行文连贯, 条理清晰, 字数在100词左右, 不得出现真实学校、姓名等信息。
    The Place I Want t Visit
    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)
    1-5 CBDBA 6-10CDBDB 11-15ACBAB
    16-20 DFACE
    第一节 完形填空(满分10分,每小题1分)
    21-25 CABCD 26-30 ABDDC
    第二节 语法填空(满分15分,每小题1.5分)
    31. pieces 32. knwn 33. was waiting 34. her 35. listen
    36. unhappy 37. cpied 38. sftly 39. but 40. ends
    第一节阅读表达 (满分10分,每小题2分)
    41. On March 22.
    42.Three r fur days.
    43.Because f the increasing need fr a limited resurce.
    44.Many gvernments and rganizatins.
    45.We can supprt charities, take part in the Wrld Water Day events and be careful with hw we use water./We can visit the UN Wrld Water Day website t find ut abut events and help spread arund the wrld abut the imprtance f saving water.
    第二节 写作(满分20分)
    The place I want t visit
    Beijing, the secnd largest city in ur cuntry, is the place I want t visit.
    There are several reasns why I wuld like t visit Beijing. First, Beijing is the capital f China, and has a histry f mre than 3,000 years. It has been the capital fr many dynasties. Secnd, there are many histrical buildings, such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. There are als sme new stadiums, including the Bird Nest and the Water Cube, which were built fr the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
    I am really lking frward t ging there and visiting all the wnderful places. At the same time, I hpe Beijing will be mre and mre beautiful.
    Speak slwly and-clearly
    Pay clse attentin t: getting yur wrds ut clearly and speaking slwly as yu g. When yur prnunciatin gets better, yu can speed up yur speaking speed.
    Learn the schwa skillfully
    The schwa is a vwel(元音)which sunds like "uh". English speakers prnunce many ther vwel sunds as the schwa. Learning when t exchange them can make yur English sund mre natural.
    Use "He" and She, crrectly
    Make sure that yu call men "he" and wmen "she". If yu mix them up, it can be cnfusing(混淆的)fr yur listeners and it is a giveaway that yu are nt a native speaker.
    Fall, tne(声调)and rise tne fluently
    In English, the meaning f what yu say can change based n the way yu say it. Make sure t wrk n yur falling and rising tnes s that yur meaning is cmmunicated clearly.
    A. Firstly, China's land area is large.
    B. Watermelns are my favrite fruit.
    C. S, watermelns are nt as ppular as ther fruits.
    D. That's because they`re t expensive in mst cuntries.
    E. Hwever, in China, we seldm eat watermelns that taste bad.
    F. Watermelns are als famus fr being expensive in Japan and Suth Krea.

    山东省烟台莱州市(五四制)2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(原卷+解析): 这是一份山东省烟台莱州市(五四制)2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(原卷+解析),文件包含山东省烟台莱州市五四制2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题原卷版docx、山东省烟台莱州市五四制2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    山东省烟台市莱州市2023-2024学年八年级上学期1月期末英语试题: 这是一份山东省烟台市莱州市2023-2024学年八年级上学期1月期末英语试题,共4页。

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