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    这是一份福建省百校联考2023-2024学年高三上学期期中联考英语试题及答案,文件包含福建省百校联考2023-2024学年高三上学期期中联考英语试题无答案docx、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A. In a restaurant.B. In a bakery.C. In a fruit shp.
    2. What shuld be avided in bear encunters?
    A. Flee away immediately.B. Stay where yu are.C. Seek shelter in a tree.
    3. Where did the wman g yesterday?
    A. T a park.B. T an exhibitin.C. T her sister’s.
    4. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Office clleagues.B. Bard members.C. Business partners.
    5. What des the athlete we his success t?
    A. Racing at sea level.B. Training at high altitudes.C. Living in a muntainus area.
    6. What kind f stry is The Wmen in White?
    A. An art stry.B. An adventure stry.C. A detective stry.
    7. Why will it take Camille a bit f time t finish reading the bk?
    A. It is written in French.B. It is quite a lng stry.C. It has a rather cmplex plt.
    8. What d the speakers think f taiknauts’ missin?
    A. Heric yet lnely.B. Hnurable yet risky.C. Cstly yet irreplaceable.
    9. What des the wman insist n abut space explratin?
    A. Having manned space travel.B. Mdernizing space gvernance.C. Investing in space explratin.
    10. Why d Chinese peple like t call freigners “la wai”?
    A. T shw respect t the ld age.
    B. T cnvey the idea f a clse relatinship.
    C. T stress smene is frm anther culture.
    11. What d we learn abut the man?
    A. He disliked Chinese fd.B. He preferred t travel alne.C. He cared abut persnal privacy.
    12. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Persnal identity.B. Interpersnal relatinship.C. Cultural understanding.
    13. Hw des the man feel abut the play n at Paramunt Theater?
    A. Uninterested.B. Disappinted.C. Satisfied.
    14. What d we knw abut the play n at the Riverside Theater?
    A. It stars Neil Simn.B. It has been reviewed favrably.C. It is the new adaptatin f a classic.
    15. Which play d they decide t g and see?
    A. Rme and Juliet.B. The Head f the Snake.C. Bareft in the Park.
    16. Hw will the wman purchase the ticket?
    A. Via InternetB. By phne.C. In persn.
    17. Wh inspired the speaker?
    A. Erene Gerrard.B. Dan Rather.C. Richard Genee.
    18. What was the speaker’s teacher like?
    A. Flexible.B. Apprachable.C. Knwledgeable.
    19. What did the speaker’s teacher d t help her?
    A. He gave her high grades in tests.
    B. He ffered her an editr psitin.
    C. He encuraged her t stick t her care er path.
    20. What is the speaker?
    A. A writer.B. A teacher.C. A publisher.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Nthing says springtime quite like flwers, s why nt stitch up (缝制) a few f yur wn in this special virtual wrkshp hsted by My Mdern Met? Our very wn embridery (刺绣) artist Sara Barnes has dreamed up a beautiful flwer embridery pattern and, ver the curse f ur wrkshp, will take yu step by step thrugh the prcess f creating this seasnal wall hanging.
    This class will take place n December 6, 2023, at 11 a.m. and csts just $10 t participate. Whether yu are an embridery enthusiast r just picking up a needle fr the first time, there’s plenty t learn. Over the curse f an hur t an hur and a half, Sara will share her tips and tricks n hw t stitch a design.
    All participants in this virtual class will receive the pattern in advance, as well as a list f materials s that yu can stitch alng with Sara. There will als be plenty f time t ask questins and share yur wn wrk with thers in the wrkshp, as well as a dedicated questin-and-answer sessin at the end. Everyne will als receive a recrding f the live wrkshp that will be available fr tw weeks.
    Mre abut the hst
    Sara is nt nly a senir editr fr My Mdern Met, but she is als an accmplished embridery artist. As an illustratr and writer living in Seattle, she is a graduate f the Maryland Institute Cllege f Art. She earned her BFA in Illustratin in 2008 and MFA in Illustratin Practice in 2013. Sara is als the authr f Embridered Life, which shwcases the wrk f cntemprary artist Sarah K. Benning. Her wn practice fcuses a lt n animals, particularly pet prtraits.
    21. What d yu knw abut the class?
    A. It takes place n a Sunday afternn.B. It is an nline embridery class.
    C. It lasts fr almst thirty minutes.D. It csts $15 t participate.
    22. What can participants d after class?
    A. Watch the live wrkshp fr half a mnth.B. Receive mre patterns frm Sara.
    C. Send their artwrks t Sara.D. Interact with Sara directly.
    23. What des the last paragraph tell us abut Sara?
    A. She is well-knwn as an editr.B. She earned her BFA in Illustratin in 2013.
    C. She is an artistic and well-educated persn.D. She wrte Embridered Life t dcument her wrk.
    Eln Mus k has ffered a prize f $100m fr the best carbn capture prpsal. I can save his cmmittee a lt f time. The mney shuld g t Peter Whlleben, whse bk The Hidden Life f Trees was the mst encuraging blckbuster f 2015. Whlleben’s idea is this: d nthing abut trees. Stp fiddling (乱作为) with them, thinking that we can deal with climate change better than nature. If we fiddle, ur Rmes will burn.
    The Hidden Life f Trees argued that trees are scial. It shws that they can be ur saviurs, but it’s terribly hard t let urselves be saved. We think we can be the authrs f ur salvatin. Of curse, there are things we culd and shuld be ding, but in terms f frestry practice, ften what’s billed as part f the slutin is part f the prblem.
    Anyne wh has planted a tree in their garden knws that it has a far-reaching effect — it makes yur garden cler in summer and warmer in winter. Frests cl by transpiring (蒸发). If there’s n water, there’s n cling. Drught can kill trees fast, but trees have many ways f dealing with it, and Whllebe n sets them ut. As a species, we have survived many climatic changes by changing ur behaviur— and that’s hw trees survive, t. Trees learn frm their past harms and prduce yunger nes prgrammed with thse lessns. They regulate their grwth by changing the rate at which they drip — feed them with sugar slutin thrugh rt netwrks.
    Deciduus (落叶的) frests in particular remve greenhuse gases effectively as lng as they live. Cut them dwn and burn them and yu’re releasing carbn dixide nt just frm the wd, but als frm the frest flr. Deciduus trees are nt “harvest-ready” at 200 years: they are teenagers. We must interrgate cmfrting expressins such as “renewable energy”, and learn the real cst f ur tilet paper.
    If we dn’t learn t d nthing abut trees, they will eventually be alne anyway — but withut us. Whlleben brilliantly and readably shws us hw urgent and hw hard it is t d nthing.
    24. What des Whllebe n suggest fr carbn capture?
    A. Fight climate change.B. Leave trees alne.C. Save the earth.D. Change frestry species.
    25. Hw d trees survive the drught?
    A. They slw their grwth.B. They lse all their leaves.
    C. They stp absrbing water.D. They get help frm humans.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “interrgate” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Understand.B. Questin.C. Translate.D. Accept.
    27. What is the text?
    A. A bk review.B. A science reprt.
    C. An intrductin t a writer.D. A prpsal fr a reward
    Imagine yu can pen yur fridge, pen an app n yur phne and immediately knw which items will g bad sn. This is ne f the applicatins that a new technlgy develped by engineers at the University f Califrnia San Dieg wuld enable.
    The technlgy cmbines a chip (芯片) integrated int prduct packaging and a sftware update n yur phne. The phne becmes capable f identifying bjects based n signals the chip sends ut frm specific frequencies, in this case Bluetth r WiFi. In an industrial setting, a smartphne equipped with the sftware update culd be used as a radi frequency identificatin (RFID) reader.
    The wrk uses breakthrughs in backscatter (反向散射) cmmunicatin, which uses signals already generated by yur smartphne and re-directs them back in a frmat yur phne can understand. Effectively, this technique uses less pwer than the latest technlgy t generate WiFi signals.
    The custm chip, which is rughly the size f a grain f sand and csts nly a few pennies t prduce, needs s little pwer that it can be entirely pwered by LTE signals, a technique fr wireless bradband cmmunicatin fr mbile devices. The chip turns Bluetth signals int WiFi signals, which can in turn be detected by a smartphne with that specific sftware update.
    The technlgy’s brader prmise is the develpment f devices that d nt need batteries because they can harvest pwer frm LTE signals instead. This in turn wuld lead t devices that are significantly less expensive that last lnger, said Dinesh Bharadia, ne f the paper’s senir authrs.
    “E-waste, especially batteries, is ne f the biggest prblems the planet is facing, after climate change,” Bharadia said.
    Fr future research, the team will integrate this technlgy int ther prjects t demnstrate its capabilities, and they als hpe t cmmercialize it, either thrugh a startup r thrugh an industry partner.
    28. Hw des the chip interact with the phne?
    A. By prviding pwer fr the phne.B. By prducing LTE signals fr the phne.
    C. By giving Bluetth signals t the phne.D. By sending WiFi signals back t the phne.
    29. What is the ptential f the technlgy accrding t Bharadia?
    A. Reducing e-waste.B. Making batteries cheap.
    C. Supplying pwer t LTE signals.D. Decreasing the cst f LTE signals.
    30. What will the team d in the future?
    A. Invest in new technlgies.B. Bring the technlgy t market.
    C. Imprve the quality f the device.D. Cmmercialize mre research prjects.
    31. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. New technlgy turns smartphnes int RFID readers
    B. Smartphnes need t be equipped with sft updates
    C. RFID readers btain new chips and have new functins
    D. Backscatter cmmunicatin makes the best f smartphnes
    Is future yu... yu? It might seem like a strange philsphical questin. But the answer t hw yu think abut yur future self culd make the difference between decisins yu ultimately find satisfying and nes yu might eventually regret.
    The brain patterns that emerge n an MRI (核磁共振) when peple think abut their future selves mst resemble the brain patterns that arise when they think abut strangers. This finding suggests that, in the mind’s eye, ur future selves lk like ther peple. If yu see future yu as a different persn, why shuld yu save mney, eat healthier r exercise mre regularly t benefit that stranger?
    Hwever, if yu see the interests f yur distant self as mre like thse f yur present self, yu are cnsiderably mre likely t d things tday that benefit yu tmrrw. A paper in the jurnal PLOS One revealed that cllege students wh experienced a greater sense f cnnectin and similarity t their future selves were mre likely t achieve academic success. Relatinships with ur future selves als matter fr general psychlgical well-being. In a prject led by Jseph Reiff, which includes 5,000 adults age 20 t 75, he fund that thse wh perceived a great verlap (重叠) in traits between their current and future selves ended up being mre satisfied with their lives 10 years after filling ut the initial survey.
    S hw can we better befriend ur future selves and feel mre cnnected t their fates? The psychlgical mindset with what we call “vividness interventins” wrks. We have fund, fr instance, that shwing peple images f their lder, grayer selves increases intentins t save fr the lng term. Besides, yu might try writing a letter t — and then frm —yur future self. As demnstrated by Yuta Chishima and Anne Wilsn in their 2020 study in the jurnal Self and Identity, when high-schl students engaged in this type f “send-and-reply” exercise, they experienced increased levels f feelings f similarity with their future selves.
    Letter-writing and visualizatin exercises are just a cuple f ways we can cnnect with ur future selves and beynd, but the larger lessn here is clear: If we can treat ur distant selves as if they are peple we lve, care abut and want t supprt, we can start making chices fr them that imprve ur lives —bth tday and tmrrw.
    32. What’s the functin f paragraph 2?
    A. Generating further discussin.B. Intrducing a research result.
    C. Shwing the effect f the finding.D. Cncluding varius viewpints.
    33. Hw des the authr prve his statements?
    A. By ffering re levant statistics.B. By using qutatins.
    C. By referring t previus findings.D. By making cmparisns.
    34. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. Benefits f befriending ur future selves.B. Ways f cnnecting with ur future selves.
    C. Methds f changing psychlgical mindsets.D. Pssibilities f us becming ur future selves.
    35. What des the article want t tell us?
    A. Making future plans makes a difference.B. Our future selves lk like ther peple.
    C. Yur chice determines future happiness.D. Getting t knw yur future self benefits.
    Thrughut my childhd, I listened t adults repeatedly describe children as self-centered. They nly fcused n themselves. 36 I’d like t speak frm my persnal experience. I funded the nn-prfit Clrbreak in 2019 when I was in 8th grade with the missin f kids helping kids. I came up with the idea when my little brther Jasn, wh was 11 years ld, gt a serius disease. He was treated at SickKids hspital and they tk such gd care f him that I wanted t help ther kids wh were suffering, the way SickKids helped my brther. Clrbreak is an rganizatin entirely run by yuth —frm its leadership t its vlunteers. 37
    There are s many reasns why students shuld vlunteer. Vlunteering creates a brighter future because it prvides vital assistance t wrthy causes and peple in need. 38 Fr example, vlunteering helps kids build empathy (共情), as they give their time and care t help smene wh is in need f help. And while vlunteering, yu may meet new peple. And talking with a stranger wh shares yur interests and wrks fr the same cause may turn int a pleasant experience. Bringing existing friends alng n a prject can be a fun way t bnd with them. 39
    Vlunteering fsters the develpment f yung peple all ver the wrld by encuraging them t cnnect, cmmunicate, and make plans t help their cmmunities. Getting invlved dearly and ften can shw firsthand just hw much vlunteering matters. 40 Yu can vlunteer at yur lcal library, an animal shelter, a cmmunity center, and mre!
    A. Well, I disagree with that.
    B. The pssibilities are endless.
    C. What are the causes f the phenmenn?
    D. There are als many benefits t the vlunteers themselves,
    E. Thus cmmitting t a shared activity increases yur sense f happiness.
    F. Vlunteering als helps t frm a friendship between vlunteers and thse in need.
    G. I’m amazed by the students I wrk with wh feel passinate abut making a difference.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15个小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    Being vulnerable (脆弱的) is nt a chice. It’s a 41 in ur life. What we d with vulnerability can either pen drs t deeper cnnectins, r build walls that 42 prgress and fulfillment.
    Vulnerability 43 the state f being expsed t the pssibility f being harmed, either physically r emtinally. It’s part f human 44 because we are vulnerable in sme way at all times. We are vulnerable t viruses, accidents, misunderstandings and 45 caused by whatever reasns. The nly chice we really have is whether t 46 it r nt.
    When sme peple 47 that they have n vulnerability, they are hard t develp meaningful scial cnnectins with thers. They are just 48 . N ne likes t spend much time with peple wh are dishnest r 49 t pen up their feelings. Mst f the time, a great friendship starts by 50 each ther’s vulnerability.
    Indeed, it’s nt easy fr us t admit ur vulnerability in frnt f thers. In rder t prtect urselves, we tend t struggle with 51 . But in fact, when we are vulnerable with peple, we have signaled that they can als 52 share their anxieties. And we dn’t have t wrry t much abut the results because a far mre cmmn reactin f peple is t respect ur 53 instead f laughing at us. Under this shared circumstance, we becme less 54 by vulnerability and als we 55 a relatinship.
    41. A. secretB. realityC. skillD. purpse
    42. A. reprtB. revealC. replaceD. prevent
    43. A. refers tB. cnsists fC. relies nD. sticks t
    44. A. beliefB. errrC. rightsD. nature
    45. A. memriesB. lessnsC. experiencesD. pains
    46. A. fllwB. analyseC. acknwledgeD. remve
    47. A. claimB. dubtC. celebrateD. neglect
    48. A. hesitatingB. cmplainingC. lyingD. waiting
    49. A. mtivatedB. unwillingC. desperateD. unafraid
    50. A. blamingB. spreadingC. teasingD. exchanging
    51. A. criticismB. fearC. angerD. hpelessness
    52. A. surprisinglyB. cautiuslyC. safelyD. gratefully
    53. A. braveryB. humrC. abilityD. understanding
    54. A. impressedB. affectedC. imprvedD. reminded
    55. A. standB. requestC. strengthenD. measure
    ISFJ is ne f the 16 persnality types 56 (identify) n the Myers-Briggs Type Indicatr (MBTT), the persnality test that is develped by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. ISFJ, als knwn as “The Prtectr” r “The Defender”, 57 (stand) fr intrverted, sensing, feeling, and judging.
    This is a capable, can-d persnality type, with 58 wealth f gifts. Defenders tend t be warm-hearted, efficient and respnsible, 59 (give) careful attentin t practical details in their daily lives. In their unassuming way, Defenders help make the wrld g rund and never fail 60 (cunt) n t meet deadlines, remember special ccasins, uphld traditins, and shwer their lved nes with gestures f care and supprt. But they rarely demand 61 (recgnize) fr all that they d — they prefer instead t perate 62 the scenes and in secret.
    Defenders als have excellent analytical abilities and an eye fr detail. And despite their reserve, they have a deeply scial nature. Cmmitted and 63 (thught), Defenders find great jy in helping thse arund them build stable, secure, and happy lives. It may nt be easy fr Defenders t shw up fr 64 (they) in the way they shw up fr thers, but 65 they d, they ften find themselves with even mre enthusiasm fr ding gd in the wrld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Bill,
    I am writing tday t share with yu my cncerns abut my majr chice fr university. ____________________
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    Nature, while beautiful, culd als be unpredictable and merciless. But mst imprtantly, we bear in mind that in the darkest times, there’s always a light at the end f the tunnel, just like Mr. Evans’ cabin light.
    One bright summer day, my friend Peter and I decided t venture int the unexplred trails f the Great Smky Muntains. Blessed with rich bidiversity and fascinating landscapes, the natinal park seemed a perfect getaway. Little did we knw that ur casual hike wuld sn turn int an unexpected persnal incident, frever stuck in ur memries.
    We set ff early in the mrning, equipped with ur backpacks and a map that was suppsed t guide us thrugh the winding trails. The sun was up, casting lng shadws n the frest flr as we set ff n ur jurney. We trekked (艰难行走), laughed, and marveled (惊叹) at the beauty f nature arund us.
    As we trekked thrugh the dense frests, taking in the natural wnders arund us, we culdn’t help but feel a sense f adventure cursing thrugh ur veins. The trail was rugged and uneven, but we persevered thrugh the challenging landscape.
    Midway thrugh ur expeditin, we came crss a breathtaking waterfall, its sparkling waters cascading (倾泻) dwn the rcks in a quiet and peaceful meldy. We sat dwn by the water’s edge, taking a mment t get lst in the beauty f nature. The cl mist frm the waterfall envelped us, and we felt refreshed and energetic.
    As the day wre n, we ventured deeper int the wilderness, eager t explre every crner f this natural paradise. We were s absrbed in the beauty f nature that just didn’t ntice ur way and it seemed that we culd nt find the way back t the familiar part f the frest.
    Panicking, we scrambled t find ur way back but the dense vegetatin and winding trails nly served t cnfuse us further. We tried t remember any pssible signs that might lead us back. N sner had we celebrated ur return t the clear trails than smething wrse happened.
    Suddenly, the weather tk an abrupt tum. _________________________________________________________
    Just when we were abut t give up, a faint light twinkled in the distance. ________________________________

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