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      山东省齐鲁名校2022-2023学年高三下学期3月大联考英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      山东省齐鲁名校2022-2023学年高三下学期3月大联考英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份2022-2023学年山东省齐鲁名校高三下学期3月大联考英语试题含解析,文件包含山东省齐鲁名校2022-2023学年高三下学期3月大联考英语试题Word版含解析docx、山东省齐鲁名校2022-2023学年高三下学期3月大联考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The Ryman Prize is an internatinal award aimed at encuraging the best and brightest thinkers in the wrld t fcus n ways t imprve the health f lder peple.
    The wrld’s ageing ppulatin means that in sme parts f the glbe—including much f the Western wrld—the ppulatin aged 75+ is expected t almst triple(增至三倍)in the next 30 years. Older peple face nt nly the severe threat f COVID-19, but als the burden f chrnic diseases including Alzheimers and diabetes. At the same time the health f lder peple is ne f the mst underfunded and prly resurced areas f research.
    We’re ffering a $250,000 annual prize fr the wrld’s best discvery, develpment, advance r achievement that enhances quality f life fr lder peple.
    The Ryman Prize is awarded each year by the Prime Minister f New Zealand. It was first awarded in 2015 t Gabi Hlws, c-funder f the Hllws Fundatin, fr her tireless wrk t restre sight fr millins f lder peple in the develping wrld.
    Since then wrld-leading researchers Prfessr Henry Brdaty, Prfessr Peter St Gerge-Hyslp,Prfessr Takanri Shibata,Dr MichaelFehlings and Prfessr Mia Kivipelt have all wn the prize fr their utstanding wrk.
    In 2021 Prfessr Kenneth Rck wd,a Canadian geriatrician, academic and anti-ageism campaigner whse research int frailty(虚弱)has had a huge impact, was awarded the prize by Jacinda Ardern,Prime Minister f New Zealand.
    If yu have a great idea r have achieved smething remarkable, we wuld lve t hear frm yu. Entries fr the 2022 Ryman Prize will clse at 5pm n Friday,Dec.30,2022(New Zealand time). G t rymanprize.cm fr mre infrmatin.
    1. What is the aim f the Ryman Prize?
    A. T encurage peple t dnate mre t help the elderly.
    B. T stimulate fresh effrts t tackle the prblems f ld age.
    C. T call n peple acrss the wrld t take part in a cmpetitin.
    D. T intrduce the achievements in imprving lder peple’s life.
    2. What des the authr mainly intend t tell us in paragraph 2?
    A. The definitin f aging ppulatin.
    B. The cmmn diseases lder peple may suffer.
    C. The rapidly grwing number f lder peple.
    D. The backgrund f setting the prize.
    3. Hw many Ryman Prizes have been awarded?
    A. 5.B. 6.C. 7.D. 4.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“The Ryman Prize is an internatinal award aimed at encuraging the best and brightest thinkers in the wrld t fcus n ways t imprve the health f lder peple.(莱曼奖是一个国际奖项,旨在鼓励世界上最优秀和最聪明的思想家专注于改善老年人健康的方法。)”可知,莱曼奖的目的是激发新的努力来解决老年的问题。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段内容“The wrld’s ageing ppulatin means that in sme parts f the glbe—including much f the Western wrld—the ppulatin aged 75+ is expected t almst triple(增至三倍)in the next 30 years. Older peple face nt nly the severe threat f COVID-19, but als the burden f chrnic diseases including Alzheimers and diabetes. At the same time the health f lder peple is ne f the mst underfunded and prly resurced areas f research.( 世界人口老龄化意味着在世界上的一些地区,包括西方世界的大部分地区,75岁以上的人口预计在未来30年将增加近两倍。老年人不仅面临COVID-19的严重威胁,还面临阿尔茨海默病和糖尿病等慢性病的负担。与此同时,老年人的健康是资金最不足和资源最匮乏的研究领域之一。)”结合第三段“We’re ffering a $250,000 annual prize fr the wrld’s best discvery, develpment, advance r achievement that enhances quality f life fr lder peple.(我们每年提供25万美元的奖金,奖励世界上提高老年人生活质量的最佳发现、发展、进步或成就。)”可推断,第二段的目的是讲述设置莱曼奖的背景,世界人口老龄化,老年人问题亟待解决。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段的“It was first awarded in 2015 t Gabi Hlws, c-funder f the Hllws Fundatin, fr her tireless wrk t restre sight fr millins f lder peple in the develping wrld.(该奖项于2015年首次授予霍洛斯基金会联合创始人加比·霍洛斯(Gabi Hlws),以表彰她为发展中国家数百万老年人恢复视力所做的不懈工作。)”,第五段内容“Since then wrld-leading researchers Prfessr Henry Brdaty, Prfessr Peter St Gerge-Hyslp,Prfessr Takanri Shibata,Dr MichaelFehlings and Prfessr Mia Kivipelt have all wn the prize fr their utstanding wrk.( 从那时起,世界领先的研究人员Henry Brdaty教授、Peter St Gerge-Hyslp教授、Takanri Shibata教授、MichaelFehlings博士和Mia Kivipelt教授都因其杰出的工作获得了该奖。)”以及第六段内容“In 2021 Prfessr Kenneth Rck wd,a Canadian geriatrician, academic and anti-ageism campaigner whse research int frailty(虚弱)has had a huge impact, was awarded the prize by Jacinda Ardern,Prime Minister f New Zealand.( 2021年,加拿大老年病学专家、学者和反年龄歧视活动家肯尼思·洛克伍德教授被新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩授予该奖项,他对虚弱的研究产生了巨大影响。)”可知,已经办法了七个莱曼奖。故选C。
    Tday’s gift was t my friend Oscar in Prtland wh is unhrsed. I gt him a $50 Krger card s that he can buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Oscar and I have been talking a lt abut gut (肠道) health and hw imprtant nutritin is.
    Oscar tld me that it’s really hard t get gd fd. Mst f what is given ut is past the sell-by dates. He is always grateful fr the fd, but he has an autimmune (自身免疫的) disease s these kinds f fds are really making it wrse. Nw that spring is here, hpefully, he can get fresher prduce.
    I tld him abut the bk I’m reading by Will Bulsiewicz, MD called Fiber Fueled. I’m learning s much. Tday is day 70 since I started learning t make meals just frm plants. The mre I learn abut plant-fueled eating, the better I feel abut this decisin. And this bk is specifically abut taking advantage f the bdy’s capacity t cure itself. S my friend rdered the audi frm the library and it will cme in sn. He wants t learn abut this t since he has serius autimmune issues. That’s why he lst his jb and then his apartment.
    Oscar is a yung man I can help. I want him t heal and find a jb and a hme again. I knw he can d it. And I wn’t stp helping him until that happens. I tld him that. Once my scial security checks cme in, I plan t make sure he gets Krger cards every time I get paid s that he has plenty f healthy prduce.
    Oscar’s page n Twitter is @MyHmelessMeals. Mre than anything, he shws gratitude fr every single persn wh helps him n a daily basis. He always shares what we send if he can, t. He recently jined Service Space because he said their Missin Statement is aligned with his values. He’s quite an exceptinal yung man.
    4. Why did the fds Oscar received make his disease wrse?
    A. They are rich in fat.B. They are a little raw.
    C. They are hard t digest.D. They are nt s fresh.
    5. What’s the main idea f the third paragraph?
    A. The authr intrduced a prper bk t Oscar.
    B. Oscar’s disease made him lse everything.
    C. Oscar wanted t cure his disease quickly.
    D. The authr gave Oscar a bk as a gift.
    6. Hw will the authr help Oscar cure his illness?
    A. By helping Oscar get a well-paid jb.
    B. By making sure Oscar can get healthy fd.
    C. By recmmending sme restaurants t Oscar.
    D. By intrducing Oscar t sme famus dctrs.
    7. What des the underlined part “is aligned with” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Transfrms.B. Matches.C. Allws.D. Cntrls.
    【答案】4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段二三句“Mst f what is given ut is past the sell-by dates. He is always grateful fr the fd, but he has an autimmune (自身免疫的) disease s these kinds f fds are really making it wrse. (发放的大部分食物都过期了。他总是对食物心存感激,但他患有自身免疫性疾病,所以这些食物真的让情况变得更糟。)”可知,觉得分发的多数食物过期了,即不新鲜,甚至变质。这让他的自身疾病变得更糟糕。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段第一句“I tld him abut the bk I’m reading by Will Bulsiewicz, MD called Fiber Fueled. (我告诉他我正在读的Will Bulsiewicz医学博士的书,名叫《纤维燃料》。)”可知,本段将对这本书展开介绍。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“Once my scial security checks cme in, I plan t make sure he gets Krger cards every time I get paid s that he has plenty f healthy prduce. (一旦我的社会保障检查结果出来,我计划确保每次我拿到工资时他都能拿到Krger卡,这样他就有足够的健康农产品了。)”可知,作者通过帮助获得健康新鲜食物来帮助Oscar。故选B项。
    词句猜测题。根据最后一段倒数第二句,即划线句的前半部分“He recently jined Service Space (他最近加入了Service Space组织)”可知,Oscar加入了一个公益组织,可推测加入的原因是因为这个组织传递的价值观和他的一致,即互相匹配;A. Transfrms转化;B. Matches匹配;C. Allws允许;D. Cntrls控制。故推测is aligned with与matches为同义词。故选B项。
    Jessica Damian mved int a new hme in the spring f 2005. At the time, she was delighted t see a flwering plant grwing in the garden.She did nt knw the name f the beautiful plant. But that did nt matter t her. She lved it!
    Tw years later,Damian graduated frm Crnell University’s master gardener prgram. She wrked as a gardening writer fr a lcal newspaper. That is when she fund ut the truth. She discvered that her favrite plant was called purple lse strife and that it was cnsidered “invasive (入侵的) ” in her hme state f New Yrk. Hwever, she tld herself that the plant was nt spreading n the prperty and that it was nt ut f cntrl.
    Then she learned mre. Sme plants knwn t be invasive are what Damian calls “wlves in sheep’s clthing”. This means they may seem harmless and well-cntained in the garden but becme harmful in ther places.
    Birds eat the seeds f invasive plants and spread them t ther places. Thse seeds grw int new plants that utgrw native plants. This is because invasive plants ften are nt eaten by lcal wildlife, which wuld therwise keep them under cntrl. If nt cntrlled, invasive plants grw larger and push ut native plants that prvide fd and shelter fr birds,insects,and small animals. This harms the lcal envirnment.
    Many state envirnmental agencies ban the sale and use f plants fund t be harmful t human r eclgical health. But sme invasive plants are nt fficially cnsidered invasive. Others may be listed as invasive in ne area but nt anther. And sme invasive plants cntinue t be sld in stres.
    S, what is a gardener t d? Damian says t avid any plants sld as “vigrus”, “ fast-spreading”, “quick-climbing” r a “rapid self-swer”. She warns that these are all sellers’ cde wrds (暗号) fr invasive plants. Next, learn abut yur lcal area: Which plants are invasive? And which plants are native? Ask gvernment agencies, universities and clleges, and envirnmental grups. Yu can als d yur wn research at libraries r nline.
    In the end, Damian replaced that plant with the native and equally beautiful blazing star plant. This plant has been grwing happily withut prblems in her garden fr the past 15 years.
    8. Hw did Damian react when she first learned purple lse strife was“invasive”?
    A. She felt regretful fr lving it.B. She reprted it t the gvernment.
    C. She didn’t take the fact seriusly.D. She gt rid f the plant immediately.
    9. Why can invasive plants grw better than native plants?
    A. They need less water.B. They have fewer natural enemies.
    C. They adapt t the envirnment quicker.D. They have lnger rts and bigger leaves.
    10. What des the authr mainly intend t express in paragraph 5?
    A. Plicies abut invasive plants vary in different areas.
    B. Sme invasive plants are nt harmful.
    C. Invasive plants are rarely seen in stres.
    D. The gvernment’s attitude t invasive plants is imprper.
    11. Which is a methd the gardener can use t avid planting invasive plants?
    A. Give up any plants that sell well in the lcal area.
    B. Chse plants that can prvide fd fr wild animals.
    C. Refuse t say the cde wrds f sellers fr invasive plants.
    D. Refer t bks fr infrmatin n which plants are invasive.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. A 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Hwever, she tld herself that the plant was nt spreading n the prperty and that it was nt ut f cntrl.(然而,她告诉自己,这种植物并没有在庄园里蔓延,也没有失控。)”可知,当Damian第一次得知紫色松花是“侵略性的”时,她没有认真对待这个事。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Thse seeds grw int new plants that utgrw native plants. This is because invasive plants ften are nt eaten by lcal wildlife, which wuld therwise keep them under cntrl.( 这些种子长成新的植物,长得比本地植物还长。这是因为入侵植物通常不会被当地野生动物吃掉,所以会失控。)”可知,入侵植物能比本土植物生长得更好是因为他们的天敌更少。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第五段“Many state envirnmental agencies ban the sale and use f plants fund t be harmful t human r eclgical health. But sme invasive plants are nt fficially cnsidered invasive. Others may be listed as invasive in ne area but nt anther. And sme invasive plants cntinue t be sld in stres.( 许多州环境机构禁止销售和使用对人类或生态健康有害的植物。但一些入侵植物并没有被官方认为是入侵植物。其他人可能在一个地区被列为侵入性,但在另一个地区则不然。一些入侵植物继续在商店里出售。)”可知,作者在第5段中主要想表达关于入侵植物的政策在不同地区有所不同。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Yu can als d yur wn research at libraries r nline.(你也可以在图书馆或网上做研究。)”可知,园丁可以通过参阅书籍了解哪些植物具有入侵性来避免种植入侵植物。故选D。
    Traci and Dave Gagnn met in the clud, s it was nly natural that their wedding wuld be held there as well. The pair—r rather, their digital avatars(替身)——married n Labr Day weekend in a ceremny hsted by Virbela, a firm that creates virtual envirnments fr wrk, learning, and events.
    Ms. Gagnn’s avatar was accmpanied by her clse friend’s avatar. Mr. Gagnn’s avatar std there watching as his friend’s avatar walked up t the platfrm and gave a tast. At the receptin,7-year-ld twin avatars(the ring bearer and flwer girl)danced.
    At present, it’s anyne’s guess hw the immersive virtual wrld knwn as the metaverse(元宇宙), which few f us understand, will change the traditinal wedding. Hwever, the prspects f having an event utside f reality’s restrictins are interesting enugh fr us t think.
    Technlgy has been used in ceremnies mre than ever befre as a result f COVID-19. There have been Zm marriages, and sme in-persn ceremnies nw include a bradcast cmpnent fr thse wh are unable t attend. Last year, a cuple whse wedding was pstpned due t COVID-19 held a ceremny within the ppular vide game Animal Crssing.
    It’s wrth nting,thugh,that,like a vide game wedding,any weddings that take place nly in the metaverse are nw illegal.
    Experts predict that the metaverse will take these virtual celebratins t new heights, prviding cuples with nearly limitless chices. “There are n bundaries,” said Sandy Hammer, c-funder f Allseated, a cmpany that develps digital wedding planning tls. Cnsider guest lists in the tens f thusands. Nn-fungible tkens, r NFTs, are used in gift registries. Perhaps even weddings in space as a destinatin.
    “They’re ging t take their pals n a space rcket,” Ms. Hammer added, imagining wedding parties digitally travelling arund the wrld. “A bride can send her guests int the metaverse by saying, ‘I want my mrning sessin in Italy, and my evening sessin in Paris.’”
    12. What’s the authr’s purpse in describing the ceremny?
    A. T make readers better understand the wedding in the clud.
    B. T shw hw exciting the wedding in the clud was.
    C. T express his cncern ver the future f traditinal weddings.
    D. T praise Traci and Dave Gagnn’s daring spirit.
    13. Hw des the authr mainly develp paragraph 4?
    A. By prviding reasns.B. By fllwing the time rder.
    C. By making cmparisns.D. By giving examples.
    14. What is Sandy Hammer’s attitude twards the metaverse?
    A. Uncaring.B. Oppsed.C. Favrable.D. Dubtful.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Frms f Mdern MarriagesB. The Prspects f the Metaverse
    C. Getting Married in the MetaverseD. Hlding Events Regardless f Reality
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. C 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Traci and Dave Gagnn met in the clud, s it was nly natural that their wedding wuld be held there as well. The pair—r rather, their digital avatars(替身)—married n Labr Day weekend in a ceremny hsted by Virbela, a firm that creates virtual envirnments fr wrk, learning, and events. (Traci和Dave Gagnn是在云端认识的,所以他们举行云婚礼是很自然的事。这对情侣——或者更确切地说,是他们的数字化身——在劳工节的那个周末举行了婚礼,由Virbela公司主办。Virbela是一家为工作、学习和活动创造虚拟环境的公司。)”可知,作者描述这个仪式的目的是让读者更好地理解云婚礼。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“Technlgy has been used in ceremnies mre than ever befre as a result f COVID-19. There have been Zm marriages, and sme in-persn ceremnies nw include a bradcast cmpnent fr thse wh are unable t attend. Last year, a cuple whse wedding was pstpned due t COVID-19 held a ceremny within the ppular vide game Animal Crssing. (由于新冠肺炎疫情,技术在仪式中的应用比以往任何时候都多。Zm已经举办了婚礼,一些面对面的仪式现在为那些无法参加的人提供了播放功能。去年,一对因新冠肺炎而推迟婚礼的夫妇在流行的视频游戏《动物穿越》中举行了婚礼。)”可知,作者主要是通过举例说明来展开本段的。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“‘There are n bundaries,’ said Sandy Hammer, c-funder f Allseated, a cmpany that develps digital wedding planning tls. (开发数字婚礼策划工具的Allseated公司的联合创始人Sandy Hammer说:‘没有界限。’)”以及最后一段中“A bride can send her guests int the metaverse by saying, ‘I want my mrning sessin in Italy, and my evening sessin in Paris. (新娘可以把她的客人送进‘元宇宙’虚拟世界,只要说,‘我上午要在意大利举行一场婚礼,晚上要在巴黎举行一场婚礼。’)”可知,Sandy Hammer对于“元宇宙”虚拟世界的态度是赞成的。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第三段中“At present, it’s anyne’s guess hw the immersive virtual wrld knwn as the metaverse(元宇宙), which few f us understand, will change the traditinal wedding. (目前,所有人都在猜测这个被称为“元宇宙(虚拟世界)”的沉浸式虚拟世界将如何改变传统婚礼,我们很少有人了解它。)”可知,本文主要介绍了在“元宇宙”虚拟世界举行婚礼的现象。C项“在元宇宙(虚拟世界)结婚”符合文章主题。故选C项。
    Being an athletic persn isn’t just determined by yur gene pl. It’s a decisin that yu make every day t be a healthy, active persn. While becming an athletic individual may seem like an impssible task, it’s easily achievable with the prper steps.
    1.Find a sprt that interests yu. Take steps t becme an athletic persn by finding a fun sprt t play.____16____If yu enjy especially cmpetitive games with a lt f running, cnsider sccer r rugby. If yu enjy strength-specific activities, try pwer lifting r wrestling. Mre aggressive peple might be interested in hckey r bxing, while less aggressive peple might have mre fun swimming.
    2.Jin a lcal team. Sign up fr a schl r cmmunity team after yu feel mre cmfrtable in a certain sprt.Playing n a cmmunity level helps yu t pursue yur athletic gals n a smaller level while als getting a better understanding f the sprt. ____17____
    3.Buy sme clthes that give yu mre breathing rm while yu exercise.____18____Als, make sure yu have cmfrtable shes n whenever yu exercise.
    4.Develp an exercise schedule. Exercise fr 30 minutes at least 5 days per week.____19____ Being an athletic persn wn’t cme vernight, and will require a lt f time, effrt, and cmmitment. Mark yur exercise plan n a calendar. Set a specific schedule fr yur wrkuts during the week. Nt nly will a schedule help yu stay mtivated, but it will be easier t ensure yu exercise all f yur majr muscle grups. When yu make ut yur schedule,include the type f exercise yu want t d each day,such as aerbics, lifting, r leg presses.
    5.____20____Take the time t eat plenty f fruits and vegetables each day. Include a variety f fresh fds in each meal t keep yur bdy in tip-tp shape fr future athletic activities. Eat enugh prtein-rich fds. Prtein can help keep yur muscles,bnes, and circulatin in tp cnditin. Purchase sme multivitamins if yu’re having difficulty cnsuming enugh f the right nutrients per day. Chse multi-grains instead f prcessed breads.
    A. Maintain a healthy diet.
    B. Drink plenty f water thrughut the day.
    C. Running shrts are great ptins t cnsider.
    D. Fcus n an area f yur bdy yu’d like t imprve.
    E. Decide when yu want t exercise each day, and hw lng.
    F. Depending n yur wn persnal interests and strengths, this decisin culd vary.
    G. If yu get especially interested in a certain sprt, cnsider lking int prfessinal training ptins.
    【答案】16. F 17. G 18. C 19. E 20. A
    下文“If yu enjy especially cmpetitive games with a lt f running, cnsider sccer r rugby. If yu enjy strength-specific activities,try pwer lifting r wrestling. Mre aggressive peple might be interested in hckey r bxing, while less aggressive peple might have mre fun swimming.(如果你特别喜欢特别激烈的跑步运动,可以考虑足球或橄榄球。如果你喜欢针对力量的运动,可以试试力量举重或摔跤。更好斗的人可能会对曲棍球或拳击感兴趣,然而不那么好斗的人可能会在游泳中享受更多乐趣)”是对F项“取决于你自己的兴趣和力量,这个决定是多样的”内容的承接,是对F项内容的举例说明。故选F项。
    上文“Playing n a cmmunity level helps yu t pursue yur athletic gals n a smaller level while als getting a better understanding f the sprt.(参加社团级别的比赛可以帮助你在一个更小的水平上追求你的运动目标同时也能得到一个更好的对于体育运动的理解)”说明小型团体比赛可以帮助你在某项运动上得到发展,G项“如果你对某项特定的运动感兴趣,考虑寻找专业的运动选择”是对上文内容的递进,表明在小型团体运动上有所发展后可以对你感兴趣的某项运动做专业方向的学习。故选G项。
    上文“Buy sme clthes that give yu mre breathing rm while yu exercise.(买一些让你在运动的时候有更大的呼吸空间的衣服)”说明运动时需要更透气的服装,C项“运动短裤是不错的选择”是对上文内容的举例说明。故选C项。
    上文“Develp an exercise schedule. Exercise fr 30 minutes at least 5 days per week.(形成一个运动时间表。每星期至少五天每次至少三十分钟)”说明运动是需要作计划和安排的,E项“决定你想每天何时运动和运动多久”是对上文运动需要做时间安排内容的承接。故选E项。
    下文“Take the time t eat plenty f fruits and vegetables each day. Include a variety f fresh fds in each meal t keep yur bdy in tip-tp shape fr future athletic activities. (每天花时间吃水果和蔬菜。每顿饭都要包括各种新鲜的食物,让你的身体在未来的体育活动中保持最佳状态)”说明让身体在运动中保持最佳状态的方法之一是健康的饮食,A项“保持健康的饮食”是对下文内容的概括说明。故选A项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A yung emplyee secretly misapprpriated (私吞) several hundred dllars f his business firm’s mney. When this actin was____21____, the yung man was due t____22____t the ffice f the senir partner f the firm. As he walked up the stairs tward the senir partner’s ffice, the yung emplyee was____23____.He knew withut dubt he wuld____24____his psitin in the firm. He als feared the____25____f legal actin taken against him. ____26____his whle wrld had cllapsed.
    Upn his____27____, the yung man was____28____abut the whle affair in the ffice. He was asked if the allegatins(指控)were true and he answered with a statement that expressed____29____. Then the senir partner_____30_____asked this questin: “If I keep yu in yur present psitin, can I_____31_____ yu in future?”
    The yung wrker brightened up and said, “Yes, sir, yu surely can. I’ve learned my_____32_____ . ”The leader respnded, “I’m nt ging t press_____33_____,and yu can cntinue in yur present respnsibility.” The leader cncluded the_____34_____with his yunger emplyee by saying, “I think yu ught t knw, hwever, that yu are the secnd man in this firm wh made this kind f mistake and was shwn leniency (宽大). I was the first. What yu have dne,I did. The_____35_____yu are receiving, I received.”
    21. A. frgttenB. verlkedC. discveredD. frgiven
    22. A. turnB. reprtC. applyD. attend
    23. A. depressedB. angryC. puzzledD. cnfident
    24. A. maintainB. rejectC. strengthenD. lse
    25. A. necessityB. difficultyC. similarityD. pssibility
    26. A. GraduallyB. SeeminglyC. FrequentlyD. Typically
    27. A. departureB. explanatinC. returnD. arrival
    28. A. warnedB. questinedC. scldedD. reminded
    29. A. agreementB. encuragementC. dubtD. disrespect
    30. A. nervuslyB. casuallyC. prudlyD. surprisingly
    31. A. persuadeB. trustC. cmfrtD. guide
    32. A. skillB. galC. lessnD. knwledge
    33. A. examinatinB. imprvementsC. chargesD. training
    34. A. cnversatinB. cntractC. silenceD. argument
    35. A. appreciatinB. punishmentC. blameD. mercy
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. C 34. A 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当这一行为被发现时,这个年轻人应该到公司高级合伙人的办公室去汇报。A. frgtten遗忘;B. verlked忽视;C. discvered发现;D. frgiven原谅。根据下文“As he walked up the stairs tward the senir partner’s ffice, the yung emplyee was____3____.He knew withut dubt he wuld____4____his psitin in the firm. He als feared the____5____f legal actin taken against him. Seemingly his whle wrld had cllapsed. ( 当他走上楼梯去高级合伙人的办公室时,这位年轻员工很沮丧。毫无疑问,他知道他会失去在公司里的职位。他还担心可能会对他采取法律行动。似乎他的整个世界都崩溃了)”可知,他因私吞公司钱财所带来的后果而沮丧,可知,东窗事发,他的行为被人发现了(discvered)。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当这一行为被发现时,这个年轻人应该到公司高级合伙人的办公室去报告。A. turn转;B. reprt汇报;C. apply申请;D. attend出席。根据下文“Upn his____7____,the yung man was____8____abut the whle affair in the ffice. (这位年轻人一到办公室就被问及整个事件。)”可知,事情败露之后,他要前往高级合伙人的办公室那里去汇报(reprt)这事,故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他走上楼梯去高级合伙人的办公室时,这位年轻员工很沮丧。A. depressed沮丧的;B. angry生气的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. cnfident自信的。根据上文“A yung emplyee secretly misapprpriated (私吞) several hundred dllars f his business firm’s mney. (一名年轻员工偷偷私吞了他所在企业的几百美元钱。)”,以及下文“He knew withut dubt he wuld____4____his psitin in the firm. He als feared the____5____f legal actin taken against him. ____6____his whle wrld had cllapsed. (毫无疑问,他知道他会失去在公司里的职位。他还担心可能会对他采取法律行动。)”,他的私吞公司钱财所带来的后果使他很沮丧(depressed),故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:毫无疑问,他知道他会失去在公司里的职位。A. maintain维持;B. reject拒绝;C. strengthen加强;D. lse失去。根据上文“A yung emplyee secretly misapprpriated (私吞) several hundred dllars f his business firm’s mney. (一名年轻员工偷偷私吞了 他所在企业的几百美元钱。)”可知,他因私吞公司钱财会被开除,因此失去(lse)工作。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他还担心可能会对他采取法律行动。A. necessity必要性;B. difficulty难度;C. similarity相似性;D. pssibility可能性。根据上文“A yung emplyee secretly misapprpriated (私吞) several hundred dllars f his business firm’s mney. (一名年轻员工偷偷私吞了他所在企业的几百美元钱。)”,这是违法行为,有受法律制裁的可能性(pssibility),故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:似乎他的整个世界都崩溃了。A. Gradually逐渐;B. Seemingly看似;C. Frequently频繁;D. Typically典型。根据上文“He knew withut dubt he wuld____4____his psitin in the firm. He als feared the____5____f legal actin taken against him. (毫无疑问,他知道他会失去在公司里的职位。他还担心可能会对他采取法律行动。)”可知,一失足成千古恨,私吞公司钱财带来的后果很严重,所以他觉得他的整个世界都崩溃了,Seemingly故选符合语境,B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位年轻人一到办公室就被问及整个事件。A. departure出发;B. explanatin解释;C. return返回;D. arrival到达。根据上文“As he walked up the stairs tward the senir partner’s ffice, the yung emplyee was____3____. (当他走上楼梯去高级合伙人的办公室时,这位年轻员工很沮丧。)”可知,他去了楼上的高级合伙人的办公室,根据后半句的被询问整个事件,说明他已经到达办公室。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位年轻人一到办公室就被问及整个事件。A. warned警告;B. questined质疑;C. sclded责骂;D. reminded提醒。根据下文“He was asked if the allegatins (指控) were true and he answered with a statement that expressed____9____. (当被问及这些指控是否属实时,他发表声明表示同意。)”可知,高级合伙人就这位年轻人私吞公司钱财的事进行了询问(questined),故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当被问及这些指控是否属实时,他发表声明表示同意。A. agreement同意;B. encuragement鼓励;C. dubt怀疑;D. disrespect不尊重。根据上文“A yung emplyee secretly misapprpriated(私吞)several hundred dllars f his business firm’s mney. When this actin was____1____, the yung man was due t____2____t the ffice f the senir partner f the firm. (一名年轻员工偷偷私吞了他所在企业的几百美元钱。当这一行为被发现时,这个年轻人应该到公司高级合伙人的办公室去汇报。)”可知,这个年轻人承认了(agreement)自己的违法行为。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,这位资深合伙人出人意料地问了一个问题:“如果我让你留在现在的职位上,我将来还能信任你吗?” A. nervusly紧张地;B. casually随便地;C. prudly骄傲地;D. surprisingly出人意料地。根据上文“He knew withut dubt he wuld____4____his psitin in the firm. He als feared the____5____f legal actin taken against him. (毫无疑问,他知道他会失去在公司里的职位。他还担心可能会对他采取法律行动。)”可知,这个年轻人已经设想到自己将失去工作,受到法律制裁,而合伙人所问的问题的意思是他可以继续留在公司,这令他很意外(surprisingly),故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,这位资深合伙人出人意料地问了一个问题:“如果我让你留在现在的职位上,我将来还能信任你吗?”A. persuade说服;B. trust信任;C. cmfrt;安慰;D. guide指南。对于一个曾私吞公司钱财的员工,合伙人还愿意留下他,所以先要对信任度(trust)再次评估。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我已经吸取教训了。A. skill技能;B. gal目标;C. lessn教训;D. knwledge知识。此处考查动词短语learn a lessn,意为“受到教训”,这位年轻在私吞公司钱财这件事上得到了教训(lessn),故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不会提出指控,你可以继续你现在的职责。A. examinatin考试;B. imprvements改进;C. charges收费,指控;D. training培训。根据上文“He als feared the____5____f legal actin taken against him. (他还担心可能会对他采取法律行动。)”可知,私吞这笔钱,会被公司起诉,但是这位合伙人没有指控(charges)他,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:领导在结束与年轻员工的谈话时说:“不过,我想你应该知道,你是这家公司里第二个犯这种错误并被宽大处理的人。我是第一个。你做了什么,我就做什么。你正在接受的宽恕,我也得到过。”A. cnversatin对话;B. cntract合同;C. silence沉默;D. argument论证。根据语境,高级合伙人给了这个犯错的年轻人留在公司的机会,并给他讲述了自己的相似的经历,因此激励对方改正错误,用这种方式解释两人的谈话(cnversatin),故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:领导在结束与年轻员工的谈话时说:“不过,我想你应该知道,你是这家公司里第二个犯这种错误并被宽大处理的人。我是第一个。你做了什么,我就做什么。你正在接受的宽恕,我也得到过。”A. appreciatin欣赏;B. punishment惩罚;C. blame责备;D. mercy宽恕。根据句意可推知,当年这位合伙人也曾犯下相同的错,但是有人给了他机会,给予他宽恕(mercy),而留在公司的他也痛改前非,发展得很好,成了高级合伙人。故选D项。
    Spken Chinese cnsisted f a number f Chinese dialects(方言) thrughut histry. In the Ming Dynasty, standard Mandarin was natinalized. Even s, ____36____was nt until the Republic f China era in the 1910s that there were sme nticeable results in ____37____(prmte) a cmmn unified language in China.
    The ancient written standard was Classical Chinese and it was used fr thusands f years. Hwever, it ____38____(reserve) mstly fr schlars and intellectuals. Only after the May 4th Mvement did the push fr Vernacular Chinese begin. This allwed cmmn ____39____ (citizen) t read since it was mdeled after the linguistics and phnlgy f a spken language.
    Despite the difficulty in mastering it, Classical Chinese remains ____40____(extreme) imprtant in the wrld heritage f languages. Classical Chinese’s birth is related ____41____the beginning f astrnmy(天文学), the cnnectin with higher spirits thrugh divinatin(占卜) and the frmatin f several Bks f Changes, ____42____mst famus being the ne f the Zhu Dynasty. Therefre, Chinese is packed with great meaning and ____43____ (wise). It is nt nly a cde r a tl, but a language ____44____gives light and guidance when _____45_____(receive) in a prper way. Classical Chinese has been the cultural backbne f all the great philsphies, spiritualities, and even arts nt just in China but all ver Asia.
    【答案】36. it 37. prmting
    38. was reserved
    39. citizens
    40. extremely
    41. t 42. the
    43. wisdm 44. that##which
    45 received
    考查代词。句意:尽管如此,直到20世纪10年代的民国时期,在中国推广统一语言方面才取得了一些显著的成果。It was nt until… that…是强调句型,意为“直到……才……”。故填it。
    考查动名词。句意:同上。result in意为“导致……”,in是介词,其后应用动名词作宾语。故填prmting。
    考查动词的时态和语态。句意:然而,它主要是为学者和知识分子保留的。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。根据上文可知,此处应用一般过去时态。主语it与动词reserve是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态。故填was reserved。
    考查名词的数。句意:这使得普通公民能够阅读,因为它是以口语的语言学和音韵学为模型的。分析句子可知,空格处应填入名词作宾语。cmmn citizen意为“普通公民”,此处应用复数形式。故填citizens。
    考查介词。句意:古典汉语的诞生与天文学的开始、通过占卜与更高的精神联系以及几本易经的形成有关,其中最著名的是周代的易经。be related t是固定短语,意为“与……有关”。故填t。
    考查名词。句意:因此,汉语充满了伟大的意义和智慧。根据空格前的and可知,此处应填名词与 great meaning并列作宾语,wise的名词形式为wisdm。故填wisdm。
    考查定语从句。句意:它不仅是一种代码或工具,而且是一种语言,当以适当的方式被接受时,它会提供光明和指导。分析句子可知,空格处应填入定语从句的引导词。先行词是a language,指物,且关系词在定语从句中作主语,故用关系代词that/ which。故填that/ which。
    考查过去分词。句意:同上。分析句子可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词。主语a language与动词 receive是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词,构成状语从句的省略。故填received。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是学生会主席,受委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,告知大家学校将组织一个情商训练营(emtinal intelligence training camp)。内容包括:
    The Student Unin
    March 8,2023
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    This is t infrm everyne that ur schl is ging t rganize an emtinal intelligence training camp f 7 days and 6 nights frm March 21 t March 27,2023. The details f the training during the camp are as fllws: cnfidence building, interpersnal cmmunicatin, nervusness vercming and s n.
    Thse wh are interested are required t sign up by March 15,2023 in Rm 203. Mre infrmatin abut the camp will be ntified later n accrding t the number f attendants.
    The Student Unin
    March 8,2023
    以后:later n→next
    原句:Mre infrmatin abut the camp will be ntified later n accrding t the number f attendants.
    拓展句:Mre infrmatin abut the camp will be ntified later n accrding t the number f attendants, which yu shuld nte and receive.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】This is t infrm everyne that ur schl is ging t rganize an emtinal intelligence training camp f 7 days and 6 nights frm March 21 t March 27,2023. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】Thse wh are interested are required t sign up by March 15,2023 in Rm 203. (运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    At Piedmnt Schl, everyne wanted t be n the sccer team. Laura had dreamed f earning glry fr the Falcns ever since she had witnessed her lder brther scring the winning gal. On the day she jined the team, she felt like she culd fly.
    Unfrtunately, her jy did nt last lng. She spent mst f the matches n the bench. Walking t the car after the last game, Laura’s mther asked if she was feeling fine. Laura kept quiet and tried t smile at her mther. Having spent yet anther game as a reserve, Laura had nt even brken a sweat. Laura als jked that she wuld have baked in the ht sun if she had played. Her mther assured her that she wuld have anther chance t play. She als cheered Laura n. Laura culd nly shake her head as she climbed int the seat, back hunched and face dwn.
    A few days later, Laura’s mther fund she sprawled n the cuch, watching music vides n her phne, s she tried asking Laura t watch sccer vides instead. Laura lked at her mther blankly, rlling her eyes. “They wn’t help me and I can’t get better by myself,” Laura said.
    Sighing, her mther sank dwn n the cuch. “Laura, fr every lck, there is a key. We just have t find it. What if I film yu practising t help yu find ways t imprve?”
    “But the seasn’s ver, Mum. N mre practice, remember?” Laura said. Her mther lked at her reslutely and insisted that the best players keep practising even when the seasn is ver. Laura prtested, “But t practise plays, I wuld need at least ne ther persn t jin me! It is difficult t d that alne.”
    Laura’s mther patted her and said, “We’ll find that key t, but we have t start smewhere.” While Laura’s mther was searching her wallet fr her gld key, she smiled gently at Laura. She gave Laura an assuring nd befre passing her the key. “This key is a reminder fr yu t be strng and nt give up. Let’s build smething tmrrw.” Laura’s mther said.
    The next day, Laura and her mther built a gal and made a training plan.
    One evening, Dequan, a by frm Laura’s schl and sme ther children saw Laura ging abut her rutine and asked her what she was ding.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    The next day, Laura and her mther built a gal and made a training plan. Every night befre dinner, they headed t an ld car garage fr ne hur, where Laura practised mving the ball by ddging arund ld tyres, pretending she was prtecting the ball frm the best players in the wrld. Her mther recrded everything secretly. When Laura’s mther shwed her the vides, she saw her mistakes carefully and crrected them.
    One evening, Dequan, a by frm Laura’s schl and sme ther children saw Laura ging abut her rutine and asked her what she was ding. “I’m practising mving the ball against imaginary defenders,” Laura respnded. “D yu want t practise with me?” Dequan replied that he wuld, but he culd nt run fast enugh. “Althugh I used t be s slw, my leg muscles have been strengthened thrugh practices. If pssible, I can teach yu!” Laura said. Dequan happily agreed. Sn, mre children jined them.
    ①.纠正:crrect/put sth. right
    ①.细心地:carefully/with special care
    ②.开心地:happily/with pleasure
    点睛】[高分句型1]. Every night befre dinner, they headed t an ld car garage fr ne hur, where Laura practised mving the ball by ddging arund ld tyres, pretending she was prtecting the ball frm the best players in the wrld.(由连接词where引导非限定性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Althugh I used t be s slw, my leg muscles have been strengthened thrugh practices.(由连词althugh引导让步状语从句)

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