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    这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市铁一中学高二下学期8月期末英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析陕西省西安市铁一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期8月期末英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析陕西省西安市铁一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期8月期末英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

    时间:120分钟 满分:150分
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    B.f 9.18.
    C.f 9.15.
    1.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.In a the a cinema.
    2.Hw des the man usually g t the airprt?
    A.By taxi.
    3.What time did the wman set fr?
    A.8:00. B.8:15.C.8:30.
    4.What makes the wman believe the medicine?
    A.A newspaper.B.A dctr.C.A TV advertisement.
    5. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.
    B.Dctr and patient.
    C. Husband and wife.
    6. What did the wman d?
    A.She practiced swimming.
    B.She prepared fr the exams.
    C. She went fr a walk with the man.
    7.Where is the man prbably ging?
    A. The swimming pl.C. The dining hall.
    8.Hw des the man like dance music?
    9.Which kind f music des gd t students accrding t the wman?
    A.Classical music.B. Flk music.
    10.When des the wman prefer t listen t flk music?
    A. As wrking in the ffice. B.In the early mrning.C. In the evenings.
    11. Wh has influenced the man mst in sprts?
    A.His best PE teacher.
    12.What des the wman think f the man’s answers?
    A.They’re astnishing.
    B. They’re satisfying
    C.They’re ff the pint.
    13.What des the man think is very imprtant in sprts?
    A.Teaching students t be gd lsers.
    B.Mtivating students t train hard.
    C. Making students lve all sprts activities.
    14.What des the wman d?
    A.A teacher.B.A dctr.C.A manager.
    15.What did the wman majr in at university?
    16.What des the wman like abut her wrk?
    A. The business travel.
    B.The lng vacatin time.
    C. The flexible wrking hurs.
    17.Hw many mre hurs d children spend n TV than in a classrm?
    A.6,000 ,000 ,000 hurs.
    18.What is “Sesame Street” accrding t the passage?
    A.A prgram fr cartn.
    B.An educatinal prgram.
    C.A entertaining prgram.
    19.What is the main idea f the passage?
    AChildren shuld watch less TV.
    B. TV cmmercials shuld be cut dwn.
    C.US TV prgrams are gd fr children.
    20. What will be the result f children seeing hurs f TV every day?
    A.They will frget their hmewrk.
    B.They will fllw the TV prgrams.
    C.They will becme inactive and dull.
    Fur f the Best Art Cmpetitins t Enter in 2023
    If yu’re creating amazing art but struggling t gain expsure, art cntests are a great pprtunity fr publicity. Ready t shw ff yur art t the wrld? Check ut ur guide t sme f the best art cntests t enter this year.
    The Lumen Prize fr Digital Art
    Prize: $4,000 first prize
    Entry Fee: $40 fr tw wrks
    This digital art cmpetitin is rganized by Lumen Art Prjects Ltd, a nn-prfit rganizatin that’s cmmitted t prviding new pprtunities fr digital artists arund the wrld. The nly requirement is that the submitted artwrks must smehw engage with technlgy.
    Wrld Illustratin Awards
    Prize: A cash prize f £2,000
    Entry Fee: £29 per entry
    Anyne wh’s int illustratin is bund t have heard f the famus Wrld Illustratin Awards. Illustratrs are invited t submit wrks published since 2018. Winners will nt nly win a cash prize, but they’ll be ffered invaluable glbal expsure, such as a marketing package in the Directry f Illustratin.
    Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize
    Prize: Over $50,000 in cash
    Entry Fee: $ 40 per entry
    The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is an annual internatinal art prize that celebrates diversity and excellence in the visual arts. It aims t inspire creatives frm arund the wrld t enter the art prfessin thrugh funding and increased expsure f their wrks.
    The Sunny Art Prize
    Prize: A ttal cash fun d f £6,000
    Entry Fee: £25 fr ne artwrk
    One f the mst inclusive and diverse art cmpetitins in the UK, the Sunny Art Prize ffers unique expsure fr bth emerging and established artists. Winners will have an pprtunity t prduce their wrks during a mnth-lng residency in China.
    1. Hw much shuld yu pay t submit tw wrks t the Lumen Prize fr Digital Art?
    A. $40.B. $60.C. $66.D. $80.
    2. Which is the best chice if yu pursue a career in art?
    A. The Sunny Art Prize.
    B. Wrld Illustratin Awards.
    C. Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize.
    D. The Lumen Prize fr Digital Art.
    3. What will the winners f the Sunny Art Prize be awarded apart frm cash prizes?
    A. A marketing package fr their artwrks.
    B. Creating their wrks fr a mnth in China.
    C. Access t technlgy related t digital art.
    D. Cnnecting with artists wrldwide and mre expsure.
    It’s becme an accepted part f keeping up t date with extended family and friends, but if schlchildren were in their parents’ shes, the majrity wuldn’t share psts f their sns and daughters nline. Over 55% side they wuld nt uplad news abut, r images f, their children t their scial media feeds, accrding t survey f ver 16,000 pupils by VtesfrSchls.
    While sme were cncerned abut being embarrassed r the lngevity f cntent which culd remain nline indefinitely, thers expressed cncern abut their persnal data being cmprmised. One f the pupils surveyed said, “Althugh ur parents mean well, smetimes the cnsequence f a pst can be disastrus."
    In respnse t the survey, children’s mental health charity Place2Be and law firm Mishcn de Reya have prduced three films ahead f the Christmas hlidays-the best perid fr parental versharing.
    In ne vide, abut safety nline, 10-year-ld Adavan said, “If yu share anything with yur family, yu knw wh’s ging t see it. But if yu share it publicly, there are millins f peple wh can see yur picture.”
    Je Hancck, a security lead at Mishcn de Reya, encuraged parents t share wisely. “Simple steps, such as checking yur privacy settings and asking thers nt t share cntent f yur children n their accunts if they have nt updated their privacy settings, are a gd start. And, as we fund ut frm the children during filming, having their permissin is key,” he said.
    The study marks a shift away frm the usual debate abut teaching children t use the lnternet safely. Sandra Davis, head f the law firm’s family department, said, “Children are the experts n the real and immediate impact f sharenting(晒娃)-the full extent f which we cannt knw yet. We must ensure we listen t children and take their views int cnsideratin nw in rder t avid any unintended cnsequences further dwn the line.”
    4. What’s mst pupils’ attitude twards sharing psts abut children?
    A. Skeptical.B. Uncncerned.
    C. Tlerant.D. Unwilling.
    5. What des the authr intend t d in Paragraph 2?
    A. Summarize the previus paragraph.B. Prvide sme advice fr parents.
    C. Predict the cnsequence f sharing psts.D. Give reasns fr the result f the survey.
    6. What shuld parents first pay attentin t accrding t Je Hancck?
    A. Safety.B. Cnsequence.
    C. Wisdm.D. Health.
    7. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A Parents shuld take children’s pinins int accunt.
    B. Parents shuld teach children t use the Internet safely.
    C. Children must make sure t listen t their parents.
    D. Children shuld avid unintended cnsequences f`sharenting.
    In sutheastern Brazil, lcal fishers walk int dark waters in search f mullet (鲻鱼) On their wn, it wuld be tricky t find the silvery fish. But the humans get help frm an unusual partner: wild bttlense dlphins.
    With nets in hand, the fishers patiently wait as their cetacean (鲸类的) partners drive the fish tward the shre. A signal frm the dlphins—usually a deep dive—indicates when they shuld cast their nets. This fishing partnership has passed dwn thrugh the generatins, lasting fr mre than a century.
    While researchers knew humans prfited frm this pairing, they culdn't cnfirm whether it benefited the dlphins. Nw, in a new study in Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences, researchers suggest cetaceans that hunt with humans have mre chances t live than thse that dn't.
    “Human-wildlife cperatin in general is a rare phenmenn at a glbal scale.” says Maurici Cantr, a bilgist at Oregn State University and leader f the study. “Usually humans gain the benefit, and nature pays the cst. But this interactin has been happening fr ver 150 years.”
    Fishers were mre successful when they wrked with the dlphins. When dlphins were present, the fishers were 17 times mre likely t catch prey (猎物) and netted nearly fur times mre mullet when they timed their casting with the cetaceans' signals. Eighty-six percent f all 4.955 mullet caught during the study perid came frm “synchrnus (同时的) interactins”—when the allies rganized their actins perfectly with ne anther.
    The study als revealed dlphins hunting with humans had a 13 percent increase in survival rate ver ther dlphins. These cperative dlphins are mre likely t stay near the shre reducing their chance f entanglement (缠绕) in illegal fishing equipment. Besides, the dlphins can take sme fish directly frm the fishers’ harvest.
    8. What d the first tw paragraphs talk abut cncerning Brazilian fishers?
    A. They trick dlphins int fishing fr them.
    B. They harvest mre fish with dlphins' help.
    C They have been training dlphins ver a century.
    D. They cast the fishing nets when dlphins surface.
    9. What des Maurici Cantr's research shw?
    A. Nature favrs human beings at a huge cst.
    B. Fishers benefit frm cperating with cetaceans.
    C. Human-wildlife interactin is a new glbal trend.
    D. Dlphins wrking with man have higher survival rate.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “allies” refer t in paragraph 5?
    A. Prey.B. Mullet.C. Partners.D. Researchers.
    11. What's the authr's main purpse in writing the text?
    A. T appeal fr the prtectin f sea creatures.
    B. T shw a unique human-dlphin relatinship.
    C. T applaud fr develpment in fishing research.
    D. T encurage fishers t better draw n dlphins.
    The wrd paradigm cmes frm the Greek. It was riginally a scientific term, and is mre cmmnly used tday t mean a mdel r thery. In the mre general sense, it’s the way we “see” the wrld — nt in terms f ur visual sense f sight, but in terms f perceiving, understanding, and interpreting.
    A simple way t understand paradigms is t see them as maps. We all knw that “the map is nt the territry.” A map is simply an explanatin f certain aspects f the territry. That’s exactly what a paradigm is. It is a thery, an explanatin, r mdel f smething else. Yu can never arrive at a specific lcatin in a new city with a wrng map.
    Each f us has many maps in ur head, which can be divided int tw main categries: maps f the way things are, r realities, and maps f the way things shuld be, r values. We interpret everything we experience thrugh these mental maps. We seldm questin their accuracy; we’re usually even unaware that we have them. We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are r the way they shuld be. And ur attitudes and behavirs grw ut f thse assumptins. The way we see things is the surce f the way we think and the way we act.
    We see the wrld, nt as it is, but as we are r, as we are cnditined t see it. Clearheaded peple see things differently, each lking thrugh the unique lens f experience. But this des nt mean that there are n facts. Instead, each persn’s interpretatin f these facts represents prir experiences.
    The mre aware we are f ur basic paradigms, maps, r assumptins, and the extent t which we have been influenced by ur experience, the mre we can take respnsibility fr thse paradigms, examine them, test them against reality, listen t thers and be pen t their perceptins, thereby getting a larger picture and a far mre bjective view.
    12. Hw des the authr illustrate the cncept f “paradigm”?
    A. By cmparing it t an everyday bject.B. By srting it int different categries.
    C. By presenting persnal examples.D. By highlighting a sharp cntrast.
    13. What can be cncluded abut the mental maps mentined in paragraph 3?
    A. They fail t escape ur attentin.B. They may be lacking in accuracy.
    C. They prve wrng and unreliable.D. They have little influence n behavir.
    14. Which f the fllwing eches the main idea f paragraph 4?
    A. Great minds think alike.B. All men have pinins, but few think.
    C. Where we stand depends n where we sit.D. The fewer the facts, the strnger the pinins.
    15. What des the authr advcate in the last paragraph?
    A. A better understanding f ur paradigms.B. A strnger sense f respnsibility fr thers.
    C. A mre bjective view f thers’ perceptins.D. A mre psitive attitude tward life experience.
    Gardening may be ne f the mst relaxing hbbies yu’ll find, with the excitement f seeing smething yu have planted actually turn int a flwer. But if yu’ve been hlding back because yu dn’t have a yard, then yu’re missing ut a lt.____16____
    Cntainer gardening is the mst bvius way t plant when yu dn’t have a tn f space. If yu can get a cntainer regardless f its size, yu can have a garden.____17____Even a small pt with a brightly clred flwer r bushy green plants can give yur entryway a pp f clr.
    ____18____Grw climbing plants n a fence r the psts ver yur drway t decrate the side f yur hme. Plenty f plants are happy t grw up instead f ut, s yu can have sme greenery withut a traditinal garden.
    Have an apartment r twnhuse? Then cnsider utdr windw bxes that yu access frm inside____19____And they give yu plenty f ptins t plant bright blms r fresh herbs within reach-plus they give yur hme sme added appeal at the same time.
    There’s prbably still ne rm where yu haven’t thught f putting sme plants: Yur bathrm. Even if yurs desn’t get much light, a wall-munted garden can still grw well.____20____They will give yur bathrm a mre natural, earthy feel.
    A. These require, n grund space at all.
    B. When plants get enugh sunlight, they grw better.
    C. If yu’re really shrt f space, think height instead.
    D. They can add sme green t the inside f yur hme.
    E. Bigger pts give yu space t grw several different flwers.
    F. In fact, there are plenty f easy ways t get the jy f gardening.
    G. Plants that d well in shady and wet envirnments are the best chice.
    I wke up with nly ne thing n my mind: what t wear. A billin thughts____21____thrugh my brain as wden hangers mved back and frth. It was my first day f high schl in a new State; first____22____are everything, and it was necessary t impress the peple wh I’d spend the next fur years with.
    It wasn’t insecurity that____23____me t madness but the fact that this was my third time being the new kid.____24____ mving des smething t a child’s develpment. I____25____t find reliable friends. But this time dad’s cmpany____26____my starting and finishing high schl in the same place. This time mattered, which made me nervus.
    I emerged prudly in a patterned dress after riding (扫荡) my clset. I felt just as____27____as I stepped ff the bus. But my jaw drpped t the flr when I fund Mrs. Hutfilz, my English teacher, wearing the exact same____28____as I did. I kept my head dwn and tipted t my seat, but the first day meant____29____in frnt f the class, and_____30_____it was my turn. I made it thrugh my minute speech, until Hutfilz std up,_____31_____ adding she liked my style. All the _____32_____that had accumulated frm waking up in the mrning surprisingly_____33_____. The students raised heads as I shared my stry. My smile_____34_____as I giggled with my peers. After class, I stayed behind, sharing with Mrs. Hutfilz my previus understanding abut cming int a new schl and state. I was relieved t make a humrus and genuine_____35_____with my first teacher in the cming days.
    This incident _____36_____me that these are the times t have fun, wrk hard, and make memries, nt stress abut the_____37_____details. Lking back, the ten minutes I spent _____38_____my speech were really nt wrth it._____39_____ my first perid f high schl may nt have gne exactly the way I thught it wuld, Mrs. Hutfilz’s great sense f_____40_____certainly made the day unfrgettable in the best way.
    21. A. racedB. brkeC. frcedD. crashed
    22. A. experiencesB. impressinsC. cmmentsD. expectatins
    23. A. relatedB. attractedC. drveD. switched
    24. A. RandmB. PermanentC. RegularD. Frequent
    25. A. rejectedB. struggledC. challengedD. appreciated
    26. A. ensuredB. admittedC. reflectedD. deserved
    27. A. nervusB. dubtfulC. cmpetentD. cnfident
    28. A. fashinB. designC. dressD. unifrm
    29. A. intrductinsB. perfrmancesC. lecturesD. debates
    30. A. n ccasinB. sn enughC. n wnderD. in fact
    31. A. uncncernedlyB. seriuslyC. hnestlyD. jkingly
    32. A. sympathyB. thrillC. anxietyD. embarrassment
    33. A. held upB. melted awayC. passed dwnD. carried n
    34. A. frzeB. fadedC. grewD. frmed
    35. A. cnnectinB. adjustmentC. cmmitmentD. negtiatin
    36. A. advcatedB. persuadedC. infrmedD. reminded
    37. A. unimprtantB. cmplexC. PreciseD. chief
    38. A. dubtingB. fearingC. withdrawingD. regretting
    39. A. UntilB. SinceC. WhileD. If
    40. A. achievementB. hnrC. gratitudeD. style
    41. I picked up a few gd ________ (便宜货) in the sale. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    42. The cuntry’s ________(官方)language is Spanish.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    43. Paul was unwell last night with a stmach________(肠胃不适). (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    44. Its wners claim it is the mst________(科技)advanced cruise ship in the wrld. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    45. The applicatin frms have nw been________(简化). (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    46. He tk a shvel,________ (挖) hle, and buried his nce-prized pssessins. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    47. He wed his_________(存活) t his strength as a swimmer.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    48. All men are brn________(平等) regardless f race r clr. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    49. Nwadays, stress ges hand in hand with life in a______(竞争性强的)sciety. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    50. As yu knw, cral is very________(敏感) t water temperature. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    51. This is a(n)________ (frmal) meeting, s yu dn’t have t dress up, just wear casually.(用所给词的适当形式填空)
    52. Activities all take place under the _____ (guide) f an experienced tutr.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    53. He searched fr a sign f ________ (recgnize) n her face, but there was nne. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    54. He had a sudden________(sink) feeling in the pit f his stmach. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    55. Firefighters had t break the dr dwn t reach the peple________(trap) inside. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    56. Rivers f mlten lava________(flw) dwn the muntain during last year’s eruptin. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    57. We shuld be cmpassinate, understanding, frgiving and________(mercy). (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    58. New scial prblems have________(arise) due t the unfair distributin f the scial wealth s far. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    59. Aid shuld be given t develping cuntries with n strings________(attach). (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    60. Many peple expressed a strng ________ (prefer) fr the riginal plan. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    One east Lndn train statin has an incredible 7,500-mile direct train link t China. Barking’s Eurhub freight terminal (货运站) ___61___ (link) t Yiwu in China since January 2017 ___62___ part f China’s Belt and Rad Initiative, which is restring the ancient Silk Rad trading rutes.
    The rute is ___63___ (actual) nt new at all. It is part f the ld Silk Rad, which began in 200 BC, thrugh ___64___ Chinese silk caravans (车队) carried gds t Eurpe and Africa.
    In January 2017 in Yiwu in eastern China, a bright range train ___65___ (pull) 44 cntainers laded with suitcases, clthes and a ___66___ (varius) f husehld gds set ff n a 7,500-mile jurney t western Eurpe.
    Lndn is the 15th Eurpean city ___67___ (find) its way nt the ever-expanding map f ___68___ (destinatin) fr China’s rail carg. At the time, Yiwu Timex IndustrialInvestments — which ran the service — said prices ___69___ (be) half that f air carg and cut tw weeks ff the jurney time by sea. China is the past-master f such engineering initiatives. Instead, it has transfrmed its ecnmy thrugh ____70____ series f well-planned transprt and manufacturing investment.
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/\),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。
    In the evening f Feb.4th, my brther suddenly became uncnscius. He sent t hspital and it turned ut that she had a severe brain disease. When he finally came back hme, we did that mst families wuld d. We tried t help him as many as we culd. One afternn, he was at hme alne fr a few hurs. When we returned, all the furnitures in his bedrm had been rearranged. My mm asks in surprise,“Wh did that?” My brther replied delighted, “Me.” At that mment, we were all greatly amazed that he recvered a lt f and had the strength t mving things.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 学校英文报组织同学们分享自己在本学期体育课中学到的一项体育运动,请你以此为主题写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
    1. 简要描述;
    2. 体验和感受。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 题目已写好。
    A sprt I learned this term
    听力答案1-5 CBACB 6-10 BCCAB 11-15 ABACB 16-20 AABAC

    陕西省西安市铁一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中英语试题: 这是一份陕西省西安市铁一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,根据汉语意思填写单词,根据中英文提示填写单词,用单词的适当形式完成短文,短文改错,告知信/通知等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    陕西省西安市铁一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份陕西省西安市铁一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题,共9页。

    2022-2023学年陕西省西安市铁一中学高二下学期5月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市铁一中学高二下学期5月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含英语pdf、高二下月考2答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

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