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    这是一份2022-2023学年河南省郑州市郑州市六校联盟高二下学期4月期中英语试题含答案,共9页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Spring is a great time t take a well-deserved break clser t hme.
    Whether yu’re lking fr a city break r a beach hliday, we’ve gt destinatins t suit all tastes. Take advantage f this quieter travel time and bk yurself a spring getaway. Yu wn't regret it!
    Lanzarte is a dream in spring. It’s the httest f the Canary Islands, with average temperatures f 19°C, s yu can cmfrtably hit its beaches. Yu’ll find several fairs and festivals thrughut the island, whether that’s full mn parties, sprting events r the ppular religius event f Semana Santa in March/April, when the island cmes alive. It’s als the perfect climate t hike Lanzarte’s vlcanes, and witness natural delights.
    Spring is an ideal time t visit Prtugal. Yu may have the dd drp f rain, but the average temperatures make up fr it, between 10°C and 22°C! It’s a prper time t hike r bike the trails alng the Via Algarviana, and venture int the many nature parks with cherry tree blssm. If yu’re a ftball lver then yu can enjy the drama f the final leg f the Prtuguese League in May, r yu culd visit the Iberian Mask Festival in Lisbn, where yu’ll find a celebratin f lcal music and handicrafts.
    While there are ccasinal rainy spells, yu’ll ften find the sun glriusly shining during the spring mnths f Santrini. Mst f the htels pen by April, and the streets pp with inviting blms. It’s a rmantic, tranquil time t visit. Yu’ll ften find the churches f Santrini alive with activity, as bells ring ut t celebrate Easter. Fr a deeper dive int histry, visit the ancient archaelgical site f Akrtiri.
    1. Which destinatin shuld yu chse if yu are a music lver?
    A. The Canary Islands.B. Via Algarviana.
    C. Lisbn.D. Akrtiri.
    2. What d Lanzarte and Santrini have in cmmn?
    A. Histric sites.B. Sprting events.
    C. Festival atmsphere.D. Occasinal rain.
    3. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A pre-travel checklist.B. A turist brchure.
    C A travel agency website.D. An entertainment magazine.
    Like many f the arts, music flurished during the Zhu dynasty. Frm this perid we have instruments, mdels f perfrmers, descriptins f musicians and dancers, and the Shijing, r The Bk f Petry, which cntains pems and sngs f curt and cmmn peple during the Zhu dynasty. It is likely that music played an extremely imprtant rle in the Zhu dynasty fr all scial classes.
    One f the mst imprtant surces f infrmatin the researchers have regarding Zhu-dynasty music is frm the tmb f the Marquis Yi f Zeng (433 ). This tmb was uncvered in 1977 in Hubei Prvince and cntained the mst extensive and well-preserved set f musical instruments ever fund in an ancient Chinese tmb. This fur-chamber (室) tmb was designed in imitatin f a palace with a central curtyard, reflecting the belief that the Marquis Yi wuld require the same cmfrts in the afterlife that he had enjyed during his lifetime. The central chamber f the tmb, which mirrred a palace curtyard, cntained mst f the musical instruments fund, including a cmplete set f sixty-five graduated bells fixed n wden shelves. In additin, twenty-ne yung wmen were buried with the Marquis Yi, sme f whm were likely his favrite musicians and dancers.
    The Marquis Yi’s set f sixty-five bells is remarkable fr a variety f reasns. First, they are clearly dated—an inscriptin (碑文) indicates that the bells were a gift given t him in 433 Secnd, the bells were very expensive t prduce and t purchase, particularly a set f this size, s they are further evidence f the Marquis Yi’s status. Finally, the bells, alng with the ther instruments in the rm, illustrate what an instrumental band might have cnsisted f during this perid. Schlars predict that it wuld have required twenty-fur musicians t play all instruments at nce.
    There are still many gaps in ur knwledge f ancient Chinese music, partly because there was n system fr recrding music in a written frm.
    4. The Bk f Petry is mentined in paragraph 1 t _______.
    A. shw the significance f the bk.
    B. describe the meaning f the bk.
    C. represent the life f peple in the Zhu dynasty.
    D. shw the ppularity f music in the Zhu dynasty.
    5. Accrding t the passage, what can we knw abut the tmb?
    A. It cntains a cmplete set f musical instruments.
    B. It is designed by the Marquis Yi f Zeng.
    C. It is f the same size as that f the palace.
    D. It reflects the wish f the Marquis Yi fr his life after death.
    6 Why is the set f sixty-five bells extrardinary?
    A. Because it nce was an expensive gift.
    B. Because it was difficult t buy at that time.
    C. Because it might prve the Marquis Yi’s psitin.
    D. Because it needs twenty-fur perfrmers t play at the same time.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A lk int the Zhu-dynasty Music.B. An Invaluable Tmb.
    C. Ancient Musical Instruments.D. The Imprtance f Ancient Music.
    Archan Chan recalls her first experience wrking in a Chinese restaurant mre than 14 years ag. Emplyed as an apprentice(学徒)chef, she was ne f just tw wmen in the kitchen – the ther’s sle jb was t beat eggs. “She was unbelievably fast at beating eggs. I guess fr a wman t survive in a traditinal Chinese kitchen back then, yu had t be the best in smething,” she says.
    Tday, Chan leads the kitchen f H Lee Fk, ne f Hng Kng’s mst ppular restaurants. After spending mre than a decade wrking in fine dining restaurants in Australia and Singapre, she is ne f a few female chefs wh have risen t the tp f a high-end Chinese restaurant. That’s an impressive feat, given hw incredibly challenging it has been fr wmen t sar in high-prfile Chinese kitchens.
    Female chefs have lng been a minrity in prfessinal kitchens arund the wrld. But the situatin is even bleaker in Chinese kitchens. There’s n denying the wrk is physically demanding – an empty pt weighs abut 2.2 kilgrams – but there are ther factrs at play.
    In the past, masters f many Chinese kitchens wuld recruit apprentices and pass their skills t them. Few chefs wuld risk recruiting a female trainee int that harsh envirnment.
    Given all f these barriers, nt many wmen wuld even cnsider this male-dminated industry as an attractive career path. Thankfully, there are signs f a shift in mindset – the number f female Chinese head chefs has been rising in recent years.
    “Even if it’s a male-dminant kitchen, all everyne cares abut is fd – the cking. They dn’t care if yu’re a male r female. Gender shuldn’t matter,” Chan says.
    “Yes, there is a physical barrier but I think the mental barrier may be mre bstructive(阻碍的)t the increase f wmen in Chinese kitchens,”Chan adds. “It isn’t just abut hw much yu want it but hw much hard wrk yu’re willing t put int it. There are days when yu feel like yur arms are falling apart and yu can’t mve them anymre, but the next day, yu’re strnger and may be able t wrk a heavier wrk.”
    8. What can we learn abut Archan Chan?
    A. She gt a rapid prmtin.
    B. She des best in beating eggs.
    C. She is the best female chef in China.
    D She made a great achievement in her career.
    9. What’s a cause f very few female chefs in prfessinal kitchens?
    A. Kitchen is a harsh place fr wmen.
    B. Wmen are afraid f physical wrk.
    C. Custmers care abut the gender f the chef.
    D. Wmen face bth mental and physical barriers.
    10. Which f the fllwing can best describe Archan Chan?
    A. Strng-willed.B. Open-minded.C. Cl-headed.D. Kind-hearted.
    11. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Female chefs have risen t the tp.
    B. Female chefs have lng been a minrity.
    C. Female chefs are prving dubters wrng.
    D. Female chefs are replacing male chefs gradually.
    In almst all electrnic devices, there will be chips supprting their functins. Chips, als knwn as integrated circuits (IC), are the hearts and brains f electrnic prducts.
    In April, Tsinghua University fficially inaugurated its Schl fr Integrated Circuits (电路), aiming t cultivate talents fr the cuntry’s IC industry and make indigenus Chinese chips.
    The new schl will be the first in China t ffer a specialized majr in the subject. It will fcus n develping tp-level research talent. Accrding t ChiBayng, a prfessr at the new schl, the schl will pursue breakthrughs in areas such as electrnic design autmatin and semicnductr equipment. The schl will invite experts frm the business cmmunity t give lectures.
    Integrated circuits are key t the develpment f the infrmatin technlgy industry. Hwever, due t the cmparatively lw technical level in IC develpment, fr a lng time, China has had t rely n ther cuntries that are mre advanced in these areas. This has made the sectr a target fr bullying fr the West. Fr example, the US banned the use f chips made with American technlgy in Huawei prducts. Althugh China’s IC industry has been n track fr high-speed grwth in recent years, skillful persnnel are badly needed. Accrding t a white paper n China’s IC industry talents released in September 2020, nly 511,900 peple were wrking in the sectr while in 2022, at least 720,000 such staff will be needed.
    S the mve f building Tsinghua’s new schl cmes at a gd time, nted Caixin Glbal. A directr with the China Semicnductr Industry Assciatin surnamed Ren tld the Glbal Times that mre schls like Tsinghua University’s new schl are likely t be established as China ges full speed ahead in its industrial upgrade. “The situatin is prmising,” he said.
    In rder t prvide strng talent supprt t the cuntry’s IC industry, integrated circuit science and engineering was upgraded t a first-class discipline in January 2021. And in the 14th Five-Year Plan, China lists semicnductrs, used fr IC, as ne f the seven key technlgies it will fcus n.
    Zhang Yng, a hardware engineer frm an IC cmpany in Beijing, als said nw might be a glden age fr the IC industry in China and the yung generatin will get mre pprtunities t play t their talents.
    “Fr students, IC can be an interesting area t explre in the future,” Zhang said. He explained that making a chip is like building a huse. “Starting frm zer, engineers can cmplete a wrk ttally by their wn design. Since IC is still an emerging area, the wrk can be challenging and innvative, giving the designers a full sense f accmplishment.”
    12. What’s the purpse f Schl fr IC?
    A. It prvides experts t give lectures.
    B. It aims t make chips fr freign cuntries.
    C. It will pursue breakthrugh nly in electrnic design.
    D. It aims t raise talents fr the cuntry’s IC industry.
    13. What des This refer t in paragraph 4?
    A. Mre advanced technical level.B. Cmparatively technical lw level.
    C. The ban f the USA in the IC industry.D. Electrnic autmatin and semicnductr equipment.
    14. Which statement may Zhang Yng agree with?
    A. IC industry is experiencing an glden age.
    B. IC can be an exciting era t explre t everybdy.
    C. China encurages yung generatin t pay mre attentin t IC.
    D. As a grwn-up era, the wrk related t IC is challenging and innvative.
    15. Which wrd can best describe the future f IC?
    A. DifficultB. Glmy.C. UnknwnD. Prmising.
    Yu have been tld mre than nce t gain greater cnfidence and believe yur best days may still lie ahead. Nw I tell yu sme secrets f imprving cnfidence.
    When yu lk gd, yu feel gd. S take pride in yur appearance. Make it a pint t practice gd hygiene (卫生), and get dressed each mrning like yu are ging t wrk . ____16____ Then yu’ll find that yur pinin f yurself becmes mre psitive.
    Activities like learning t paint r play an instrument, studying a freign language, and taking dance lessns r writing classes help inspire the natural desire t learn and master a new skill. ____17____ But it shws yu can still accmplish new things and find enjyment in them. This als reminds yu that it’s kay t make mistakes, s yu can imprve and grw, which helps build self-cnfidence.
    ____18____ Find a fitness challenge that yu need t vercme, create a plan, and then wrk t meet that gal. Any frm f exercise is beneficial fr bth physical and mental health. Regular exercise als helps yu build cnfidence, while setting a challenge with mini-gals alng the way lets yu experience the wnderful feeling f accmplishment.
    It’s nt easy t g ut and interact with peple as yu age. ____19____ Lack f cnfidence can make scializing a challenge, s it is a gd idea t vlunteer. Chse smething yu enjy that als prvides persnal interactin and gives yu a chance t use yur available skills.
    Help frm yur friends and teachers allws yu t wrk thrugh barriers that affect cnfidence. Never be afraid t seek help when yu need it. ____20____
    A. Face new challenges bravely.
    B. Challenge yurself physically.
    C. Being a beginner again is tugh.
    D. Make effrts t imprve yur appearance.
    E. It’s always a gd thing t help each ther.
    F. Yu will imprve yur cnfidence instantly.
    G. And this is even harder when yu feel less cnfident.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    My daughter lved dancing until she didn’t lve it. After an ___21___ first year, I nticed her interest fading week by week. Then, ne day, she slwly walked t me befre class and asked if she culd just ___22___ it.
    My first reactin was t ___23___ her t “finish what yu start”.___24___, sticking with smething difficult can teach perseverance, discipline and cnfidence. But watching my first­ grader ___25___ herself int each ballet psitin, I started t questin hw much ___26___ that “blanket advice” made. Is it really in my kid’s best ___27___, r even practical, t make her stick t every cmmitment thrugh until she reaches a bitter ___28___? What if there are different but ___29___ valuable qualities, which can be gained by ___30___ the things that are nt right fr her?
    With the winter shw appraching, I realized she needed t either ___31___ her class r cmmit herself t it. After a few days’ cnsideratin, she ___32___ dance wasn’t fr her — a chice I ___33___. Quitting is never a black­ and­ white issue. Smetimes, it means ___34___ a barrier in yur way t lve smething else. In my daughter’s case, ending dance made space fr her new hbbies, such as hrseback riding and Girl Scuts. She’s int them fr nw, but it is kay if that ___35___ changes.
    As adults, we are accustmed t ___36___ the pwer f saying yes, but what abut saying n? The ability t recgnize when smething isn’t an ___37___ investment f ur time r energy is als imprtant. As my daughter gets lder, I want her t feel cnfident t ___38___ smething that’s n lnger meeting her needs. She shuldn’t be held back by the thught that she must ___39___ smething at any cst ___40___ because she has started.
    21. A. depressingB. independentC. enthusiasticD. unbearable
    22. A. makeB. jinC. skipD. try
    23. A. adviseB. infrmC. allwD. rder
    24. A. In additinB. After allC. At mstD. By cntrast
    25. A. addictB. expseC. enjyD. drag
    26. A. timeB. senseC. energyD. pity
    27. A. hnrB. helpC. behavirD. interest
    28. A. endB. spaceC. sideD. directin
    29. A. partlyB. hardlyC. equallyD. seemingly
    30. A. letting g fB. giving way tC. making up frD. putting up with
    31. A. teachB. jinC. attendD. drp
    32. A. decidedB. apprvedC. hesitatedD. argued
    33. A. suspectedB. requiredC. supprtedD. regretted
    34. A. tleratingB. clearingC. challengingD. crssing
    35 A. evenB. stillC. nceD. yet
    36. A. warningB. experiencingC. stressingD. ignring
    37. A. apprpriateB. unfairC. extraD. infrmal
    38. A. decrateB. abandnC. treasureD. practise
    39. A. appreciateB. changeC. admitD. finish
    40. A. slightlyB. rughlyC. nearlyD. merely
    Hangzhu will build a wrld-class eclgical and cultural turism crridr in cnnectin with Anhui Prvince’s Huangshan City. Five twns in Hangzhu’s Chun’an Cunty and five twns in Huangshan’s Shexian Cunty___41___ (include) accrding t the prepared plan. In ancient times, they were part f Huizhu regin where the Xin’an River runs thrugh. Dating back t the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), a trail___42___(link) Hangzhu’s Tianmu Muntain and Huangshan’s Yellw Muntain was frmed t exchange gds ___43___ the tw regins.
    Over the years, Hangzhu and Huangshan ___44___(preserve) their unique architecture and lcal ways f life in ld villages, making this area ppular with turists. The villages have resisted the winds f change___45___ swept acrss many ther parts f China. In additin t architecture, als, the natural envirnment is being prtected, with sewage(污水)___46___(treat) and new infrastructure being built.
    These imprvements are attracting mre turists and creating ___47___ engine fr the lcal ecnmy. Mrever, fr thse wh lve hiking, jgging r cycling, the Thusand Islands Lake in Chun’an Cunty is an ideal destinatin___48___ it basts 1, 078 islands, winding rads and charming villages.
    In ___49___(add), Hangzhu will als increase frest cverage alng the river in partnership with Huangshan, which perfectly matches President Xi Jinping’s cncept f “Lucid waters and lush muntains are invaluable assets” t highlight a ___50___(harmny) relatinship between eclgical prtectin and ecnmic develpment.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    During this year’s Tmb-Sweeping Festival I stay at hme with my parents. Besides finishing my hmewrk, I read a lt f article nline abut the Festival, what increased my knwledge a great deal. On the third day an idea sudden struck me. Why nt make the pster abut the histry and custms f the Festival? Withut delay, I began t invlve me in making the pster. When I went back t schl, I shwed it t my class but they all thught highly it. Our teacher praised me fr it, suggest putting it up in the English Learning Garden. It made me t have a sense f achievement.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 生活中除了金钱、房子、车子等财富,也有如知识、健康、经历等隐性财富。作为高中生,你所理解的财富是什么?请以“My Treasures”为题用英语写一篇短文,内容包括以下要点:1.我眼中的财富 2.拥有它们的意义 3.获取它们的途径
    My Treasures
    In ur life, we have treasures like mney, huses and cars, etc. Hwever, we have a lt mre hidden treasures, such as knwledge, health and experiences.

    2022-2023学年河南省郑州市六校联盟高二(下)期中英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年河南省郑州市六校联盟高二(下)期中英语试卷(含解析),共25页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年河南省郑州市六校联盟高二(下)期中英语试卷含解析: 这是一份2022-2023学年河南省郑州市六校联盟高二(下)期中英语试卷含解析,共27页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    河南省郑州市六校2022-2023学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份河南省郑州市六校2022-2023学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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