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    这是一份2023-2024学年江西省宜春市上高县第二高中高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了16,5 分, 满分 30 分),5 分,满分 37, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分听力(共两节,每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)
    第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    What will the wman fetch?
    A carrt.B. A hat.C. A rabbit.
    What des Ann think f biking t wrk?
    It’s tiring.
    It’s envirnment-friendly.
    It’s cmfrtable.
    Hw will Eddy spend his hliday?
    Ging n a trip.B. Learning t dance.
    C. Staying with his grandparents.
    Where is prbably the wman nw?
    In the living rm.B. In the bedrm.C. In the kitchen.
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    The reasns why Jun quit.
    The wman’s cmpany.
    The man’s bss.
    第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C
    三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;
    听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    Hw des the wman feel abut the ending f the mvie?
    Bred.B. Puzzled.C. Satisfied.
    What des the wman want t d next?
    Dine with the man.B. Play basketball.
    C. Pick a wedding gift.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
    Wh will g t the park with the man?
    The wman.B. Andy.C. Gerge.
    Why did Jessica g t the airprt?
    T pick up her friend.B. T catch her flight.
    C. T see smene ff.
    What is the weather like tday?
    Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Snwy.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
    Where des the cnversatin take place?
    On the phne.
    In a language center.
    At the wman’s hme.
    Hw many curses des the wman mentin?
    A. 6.B. 5.C. 4.
    Which curse will Amy take?
    Magic English.B. Magic Grwth.
    C. Magic Cnversatin.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
    What time is it nw?
    7:30 a.m.B. 8:00 a.m.C. 8:30 a.m.
    What did Eric d last night?
    He wrked vertime.
    He lked after his nephew.
    He went t a party.
    What des the wman ask Eric t buy?
    Candles.B. Chclate.C. Ballns.
    Hw will Eric g t the supermarket?
    By bus.B. On ft.C. By car.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
    Hw were the elephants prevented frm escaping?
    By hlding them with chains.
    By tying a rpe t ne f their legs.
    By keeping them in cages.
    Why did the gentleman talk with a trainer?
    T remve his cnfusin.
    T learn hw t train animals.
    T knw abut the camp.
    What des the speaker try t tell peple?
    It’s imprtant t learn frm successful peple.
    The mst difficult thing in life is t knw neself.
    Peple shuld believe in themselves in pursuing dreams.
    第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A.B.C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Knwing what t d at checkut and prperly preparing fr it can turn a ptentially heated situatin int a quick thank yu add gdbye. Belw we made a list f five things yu shuld remember at htel checkut.
    Dn't be late t check
    Htels may add an extremely high price fr being just a half hur late. If yu knw yu
    wn't make the cutff time, it never hurts t call ahead and try t negtiate away a ptential charge.
    Dn't frget t duble cheek the rm and safe
    Make sure yu dn't leave things behind. If yu have an early flight r checkut time, pack up as much as yu can the night befre s that last-minute rush isn't t annying. Als, be sure t take ut anything in the rm safe.
    Dn't frget t tip the husekeepers
    It's always plite t leave sme mney fr the peple keeping yur rm clean. Dn't ignre the detailed bill
    Yu may be in a rush, but give the detailed hill a careful lk t see if the htel charge is different frm the rate yu initially bked.
    Dn't get angry
    Shting at the assistant manager standing behind the frnt desk prbably wn't help.
    When dealing with an unexpected item n the bill. Think abut hw difficult it can be t deal with annyed custmers. Keep calm and things may be slved better and sner.
    The htel will charge yu mre mney if yu.
    check befre cutff time
    d nt call the htel ahead
    are late in checking ut
    negtiate with the clerks
    Which f the fllwing des the authr suggest ding?
    Leaving smething behind.
    Being sure t keep the rm clean.
    Ding the pack-up as early as pssible.
    Tipping the husekeepers t shw respect.
    What is the purpse f the last paragraph f the passage?
    T suggest a way t slve prblems prperly.
    T prvide mre infrmatin abut the htel.
    T shw the uneasiness f assistant managers.
    T prtect custmers frm unnecessary dangers.
    One rainy afternn, I was n a crsstwn bus when a yung wman jumped n.She had a
    child with her wh must have been abut 3 r 4 years ld.
    The bus was full, bumpy, and it sn gt nisy as her kid began crying because he culdn't sit next t his mther. There were a cuple f pen scats. but they weren't tgether. She was flustered and lked embarrassed.
    Then anther wman. a little lder. std up and mved s that the mther and child culd be tgether. The mm smiled as a thank-yu, And then three wrds came ut f the lder wman's muth that elevated the entire energy f that bus ride: "I've been there."
    Simple, undramatic and hnest. In that mment, it seemed t unite peple. Why?Because almst all experiences are shared human experiences. We frget that. as we frge(前进) thrugh life. we fcused n ur wn trubles and needs- which are actually less unique than we think.
    Hw can these three wrds create mre cnnectin in yur life? Ask yurself; "Where am I hlding back?
    One thing I knw fr sure is this: Healing(治愈) thers helps heal yurself. I nticed this
    recently with my friend, Tracy. wh tk a new friend wh had suffered a miscarriage(流产) under her wing. Tracy had three f them befre having her daughter tw years ag. Our minds need a dctr t explain the medical side f things. But ur suls need human cnnectin t help us alng. N ne can d that better than smene wh has been exactly where yu are.
    Can the essence(精髓) f these three wrds help yu make a small difference right nw? It
    can be as simple as vlunteering yur seat. sharing sme helpful advice r even lightening the md with a jke when yu ntice that smene's uncmfrtablebecause we're all in this
    Which wrd is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd "flustered" in the secnd paragraph?
    A. angryB. eagerC. scaredD. upset
    What des the wman mean by saying" I've been there" in the third paragraph?
    The wman was n the bus and saw what had happened t the by.
    The wman gt t her destinatin and was ready t get ff the bus.
    The wman nce had the similar experience with that mther.
    The wman tk the exact scat that the by was n just nw.
    Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    Everyne has his r her wn unique prblem that is difficult t slve.
    Dctrs can help us get thrugh when we have mental r physical prblems.
    The authr's friend Tracy felt better after she was cmfrted by her new friend.
    One can indeed make a difference t thse in need f help by ding simple things.
    The passage is intended t .
    shw a harmnius wrld by telling sme tuching stries
    praise thse wh are willing t help thers in emergencies
    appal t readers t give timely help t thse in need
    illustrate sme ways f helping thers in detail
    The wrld’s clcks mark every passing secnd, minute and hur. But t humans, secnds f pain can feel like minutes, and hurs spent at a party can end in a blink.
    The brain can stretch r squeeze the feeling f time fr many reasns, including pleasure, pain, fear and age. Althugh the science behind this “subjective time” is nt fully understd, sme research suggests that an additinal factr might influence the subjective length f yur life: yur incme.
    Research already suggests that, n average, wealthy peple live lnger, bilgically. Nw, emerging wrk indicates that varied and nvel experiences culd create mre “time cdes (编码)” in the human brain as it prcesses memry frmatin. This, in turn, culd mean that peple wh can affrd t enjy mre vacatins and hbbies, and wh have mre stimulating jbs, will recall having lived fr a lnger time n Earth.
    “Even thugh time flies when yu’re having fun, when yu lk back n it, yu can remember much mre f this extended experience cmpared t a bring experience,” says Jrgen Sugar, a pstdctral student at the Nrwegian University f Science and Technlgy's Kavli Institute fr Systems Neurscience. He’s part f a team f scientists investigating these mental time cdes.
    The idea that nvelty can affect the experience f time als seems t fit cultures that dn't measure time using clcks — many cultures rely instead n celestial (天空的), cultural and seasnal events t mark the flw f time. “Our experience f time des vary accrding t circumstances, and als accrding t the kind f rhythm f activity we engage in,” says Chris Sinha, a cgnitive (认知) scientist wrking with Hunan University wh has studied s called “event-based time” in Amaznian tribes and linguistic minrity grups in China.
    But ther experts aren’t cnvinced. Accrding t Mnica Capri, an ecnmist with a backgrund in neur-ecnmies at Claremnt Graduate University, subjective time isn’t well understd scientifically. Even if higher-paid jbs can lead t mre new experiences, wealthy peple aren’t necessarily spending mney that way. A millinaire, fr instance, may spend mney n a fancy watch, but this isn’t likely t change their feeling f time the way a vacatin r even a lw-cst hike wuld, she says.
    What’s mre, she says, there are many factrs t cnsider in hw the brain prcesses time.
    Fr instance, accrding t Adrian Bejan, a prfessr at Duke University, the nvelty f fun experiences an simply war ff.
    Still, researchers frm many fields are eager t uncver the mysteries f memry and subjective time. Accrding t Sugar, understanding hw humans frm and recall memries can affect many aspects f sciety, such as law, educatin and healthcare — and perhaps can even aid ur understanding f urselves. “The human brain is the mst cmplex bilgical system we knw,” he says.
    What d we knw abut “subjective time” frm the passage?
    It has nthing t d with ne’s incme.
    Its pace is influenced by a persn’s md.
    It is a thing that is cmpletely understd.
    It marks every passing secnd fr a persn.
    Hw can incme influence a persn accrding t sme researchers?
    Wealthy peple tend t engage mre in remembering things.
    Wealthy peple may feel life is relatively lnger psychlgically.
    Wealthy peple tend t have a better memry than pr peple.
    Wealthy peple usually need mre time t prcess memry frmatin.
    What is Mnica Capra’s pinin?
    She is nt cnvinced that mney can extend subjective time,
    She desn’t believe that wealthy peple can buy gd memries.
    She thinks that the excitement f fun experiences can hardly wear ff.
    She dubts whether higher-paid jbs can lead t mre new experiences.
    What is the main idea f the passage?
    Researchers are explring the mysteries f memry.
    Many factrs can influence hw yu feel time.
    Yur subjective time may depend n yur incme.
    The brain can change yur feeling f time.
    When asked hw technlgy might imprve the lives f peple with visin impairments(视力障碍) . Jann Becker, a visin impairments tech specialist, presented a misleadingly simple challenge, saying “I’d like t be able t find my bus stp thrugh Be My Eyes”.
    Be My Eyes, which went live in 2015, establishes a direct vide cnnectin between visually impaired users and sighted vlunteers. The assumptin is simple: Many peple wh are blind dn't need any actual assistance in cmpleting their daily tasks, but merely need a little help.
    A sighted vlunteer might be asked t help identify which f tw cans cntains tmates. In this case, the visually impaired user can ck a meal just fine n his/her wn- -all he/she needs is a quick cnfirmatin that he/she has the crrect can. The mdel appears t be wrking; mre than
    540.000 vlunteers and nearly 40.000 peple with lw visin are registered n the app.
    “An elderly wman can nw help a visually impaired technician set up his cmputer.” says funder Hans Wiberg, wh has very lw visin. “She desn't need t knw a thing abut cmputers. She nly needs t read what is presented n the screen. Then he can d the rest. ”
    Early assistive technlgy centered n dedicated devices(专用设备), because f the niche market(小众市场) , which sld fr hundreds r even thusands f dllars. But the Smartphne, multipurpse and near-universal, has cmpletely changed the ecnmy f scale. “There are larger market frces driving high-pwered cmputatin, high-quality
    engineering and high-quality battery management in the smartphne market than thse in a specialty prduct.” says Aarn Stcinfeld, a research prfessr at the Rbtics Institute at Carnegie Melln University.
    “The reality is mst sighted peple dn't knw smebdy wh is bind.” Becker says.” They think the slutins that a blind persn needs are far mre expansive. It turns ut they need t be. “I think these apps are enabling sighted peple t see that blind peple just need sme simple clues t help them d any number f things in their lives.”
    What is the first paragraph used fr in the text?
    Giving ne example.B. Shwing the main idea.
    C. Making a cnclusin.D. Intrducing the tpic.
    Hw des the app Be My Eyes wrk?
    By creating a vide link between the visually disabled and sighted vlunteers.
    By recgnizing which f tw cans has tmates that can be cked.
    By establishing high-quality engineering and cmputatin.
    By flashing the everyday tasks f the technician and vlunteers.
    What can we knw frm the text?
    Slight assistance can help the blind free frm sme trubles.
    Vlunteers shuld be very familiar with high-tech cmputers.
    Only peple with lw visin are registered t use the app.
    Jann Becker thinks it hard t find a bus stp using Be My Eyes.
    What des the 5th paragraph mainly mean?
    The smartphne becmes a special app.
    Fine devices have changed the ecnmy.
    Cst matters when it cmes t assistive technlgy.
    Smartphne market has great ecnmic ptential.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Accrding t a sales reprt frm askci.cm n 2018's Duble Eleven, the natinal shpping day, wmen's dwn garments were amng the tp 10 hit prducts.
    Statistics shw that dwn garments have been ppular fr many years in bth nrthern and suthern China. _36.. Especially during a fiercely cld winter, _37., cares abut being stylish?
    All yu need is warmth — the very light frm heaven, which dwn garments can prvide yu with. Hwever, as living standards rise, mre expensive garments filled with gse dwn, instead f duck dwn, have appeared in the market.
    _38.. What's the difference between the dwn frm these tw creatures? First, the dwn frm mature geese is larger and thicker, which makes garments filled with gse dwn much warmer. Secnd, gse dwn is mre flexible and fluffier than that f ducks. 39., gse dwn has n strange dr. Geese are ften "vegetarians" and eat clean, while ducks are mnivrus, which culd give their feathers and dwn a strng scent. 40..
    Hwever, duck dwn is still a gd chice if yu live in place where winter is windy, yet nt that cld.
    If yu still want be stylish…
    Althugh mst dwn garments can make peple lk big and slppy, yu culd chse lnger nes fr a slimming lk. Fr clrs, metallic hues are mre fashinable and pair mre easily with ther street-style utfits in yur wardrbe.
    Gse r duck
    It seems the strng warmth prvided by dwn garments has been natinally apprved
    These are the advantages that accunt fr the higher prices f garments made with gse dwn
    When yu shudder in the wind
    Hw t chse yur dwn garment
    The last difference is key fr peple sensitive t smells
    Yu may like gse garment better
    第三部分”语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    A year after he died. Benjamin Canlas' lve f helping thers lives n.
    The Canlas cuple created a fundatin t hnr their sn and his 41.Benjamin nce saw a fd seller riding a 42 bicycle, T help, Benjamin used his wn mney that he had43 t fix it. After their sn's 44, his parents saw away t cnnect private dnrs with thse in need t45 their sn.
    In the Philippines, many jbs have been lst as a46 f the crnavirus crisis.Many have had t take dd jbs in different peple's hmes, which47 mre traveling frm ne
    place t anther. Hwever, public transprtatin has been48.S many peple must walk fr hurs t get t these jbs. Benjamin's parents had the idea t49 bikes t help.
    When the cntest was annunced, they did nt knw hw much50 there wuld be.
    At first, their plan was t dnate 7 bicycles. But then they51mre than 55 requests. At last, 27 peple were awarded bicycles, which helped make their lives52.
    Even if the cntest ended, kindness53 .The fundatin said there were peple still in need. It is planning mre54 t help mre peple while als55 thers t be kind and help thers.
    41. A. lifeB. kindnessC. educatinD. bravery
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    The Grand Canal f China was first dug in 486 BC, and well develped thrugh the late 6th t early 10th century. Frm the late 13th until 19th century, with the highest sectin built and the verall length 56 (shrten), the Canal was turned int a main passage between nrthern
    57 suthern China as well as the ecnmic lifeline f the cuntry. Cnsisting f the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, the Jing-Hang Grand Canal and the Zhedng Canal, the Canal 58 (stretch) ver 2, 700 kilmeters, crssing eight prvincial-level administrative regins and 59 (link) five majr water systems. The Grand Canal als cnnects with the Eurasian Silk Rad t the west and extends the water trade rute t the east.
    The Grand Canal was 60 ntable achievement f the ancient Chinese peple. Its cnnectin f the plitical and ecnmic centers played a 61 (centre) rle in the plitical unity, ecnmic 62 (grw) and cultural prsperity f China, and cntributed t the livelihd, exchanges and integratin f the ppulatin alng its rute.
    The Grand Canal 63 (annunce) by the State Cuncil as ne f the seventh batch f Majr Histrical and Cultural Sites Prtected at the Natinal Level in March, 2013 and registered
    64 the UNSECO Wrld Heritage List in June, 2014. This large-scale, living cultural heritage
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    42. A. secnd-hand
    B. traditinal
    C. brken
    D. fashinable
    43. A. saved
    B. lst
    C. stlen
    D. brrwed
    44. A. birthday
    B. retirement
    C. death
    D. graduatin
    45. A. remember
    B. tuch
    C. encurage
    D. disappint
    46. A. histry
    B. cause
    C. recrd
    D. result
    47. A. suggests
    B. stps
    C. means
    D. agrees
    48. A. limited
    B. arranged
    C. ffered
    D. ruined
    49. A. lk after
    B. give away
    C. fix up
    D. search fr
    50. A. time
    B. investment
    C. value
    D. interest
    51. A. analyzed
    B. ffered
    C. received
    D. made
    52. A. safer
    B. easier
    C. mre clrful
    D. mre meaningful
    53. A. cntinues
    B. changes
    C. finishes
    D. appears
    54. A. classes
    B. prjects
    C. businesses
    D. cmpetitins
    55. A. frcing
    B. allwing
    C. expecting
    D. inspiring
    spreads like a huge dragn acrss the vast territry f China, 65(it) ripples shining glden scales (鳞片) in the new age.
    第四部分写作(共两节。满分 40 分)第一节(满分 15 分)
    66. 假定你是李华两周前你从网上买了一双耐克鞋,昨天才到货,且鞋子看起来旧,气味难闻。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。要点如下:
    注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
    2.请按如下格式在答题卡相应位查作答。参考词汇:耐克鞋 Nike shes
    Dear sir/madam,
    I am ne f yur custmers.
    give the flwers t whever needed them, especially wh hasn’t gtten any in a while.”
    I kept silent fr a mment. Nt lng after we cntinued ur driving, I spke again, “Did yu leave yur name? ”T this she answered instantly, “N. Leaving flwers there fr smene
    wh will appreciate them makes me feel gd, which is enugh f a thank fr me.”
    Suddenly, still thinking abut Mm’s deeds, I heard smething burst ludly. It was ur car that brke dwn! Nthing culd be wrse, because neither my mm nr I understd hw t repair it, and we didn’t knw where the garage was. It als seemed impssible t wait fr any passer-by, since we had seen s few alng the way.
    续写词数应为 150 左右;
    Paragraph 1:
    We were wrrying abut what culd be dne.
    第二节(满分 25 分)
    Li Hua
    Paragraph 2:
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was smewhere between spring and summer my mm and I were driving thrugh the cuntryside. Back then I was 13 years ld and always felt unhappy with Mm. But little did I knw that this trip was ging t be a special ne.
    A pt f flwers sat in the back seat, whse heavenly scent filled the car. Suddenly, in the middle f nwhere, my mm pulled ver. “What are yu ding?” I cried, fearing that the car had brken dwn and we’d be stuck there, s far frm hme. But that wasn’t the case. My mm hpped ut (快速跳出来) f the car, grabbing the flwers frm the back seat. “It’ll just be a minute,” she called back thrugh the pen windws.
    My eyes impatiently skimmed the edge f the rad befre settling n a little sign shwing that it was a nursing hme. I lked back t the building, smewhat annyed, as my mm reappeared—empty-handed.
    Befre she started the car, curisity drve me t ask, “D yu knw smene there?” She
    shk her head. “Then what did yu d with the flwers?” She smiled slightly, “I gave them t the receptinist(前台接待员).” “What?” She laughed at my cnfusin. “I tld the receptinist t
    As we drve alng, a flwer shp came int sight n the rad.
    1—5 ABACA6—10 CAACB
    11—15 BCBCB 16—20 ABBAC
    【答案】 (1)C
    开始哭泣。有两个空位,但他们不在一起)”可知,她很心慌,显得很尴尬。第二段中划线词“flustered”意思最接近于“upset”不安的。故选 D 项。
    5 题详解】
    句意猜测题。根据第三段“The mm smiled as a thank-yu, And then three wrds came ut f the lder wman's muth that elevated the entire energy f that bus ride: "I've been there."(这位母亲微笑着表示感谢,然后这位年长的女士嘴里说了三个字,让整个旅程充满活力:“我经历过。”)”可知,这个老太太曾经和那位母亲有过类似的经历。故选 C 项。
    【6 题详解】
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Can the essence f these three wrds help yu make a small difference right nw? It can be as simple as vlunteering yur seat. sharing sme helpful advice r even lightening the md with a jke when yu ntice that smene's uncmfrtable because we're all in this tgether(这三个词的精髓现在能帮你改变一点吗?
    考查细节理解。根据 Dn't be late t check 部分中的“Htels may add an extremely high price fr being just a half hur late.”可知酒店可能会因为迟到半小时而加价。即如果你入住晚了,酒店会多收你的钱。故选 C。
    考查细节理解。根据 Dn’t frget t tip the husekeepers 部分中的“It’s always plite t leave sme mney fr the peple keeping yur rm clean.”可知给保持房间整洁的人留点钱总是有礼貌的。可知作者建议给清洁人员消费以示尊重。故选 D。
    考查写作意图。根据最后一段中的“Keep calm and things may be slved better and sner. ”可知作者认为当处理账单上的意外事项时,需要保持冷静,事情可能会更好更快地解决。故可推测最后一段的目的是提出一种正确解决问题的方法。故选 A。
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C
    【4 题详解】
    词义猜测题。根据第二段“The bus was full, bumpy, and it sn gt nisy as her kid began crying because he culdn't sit next t his mther. There were a cuple f pen scats. but they weren't tgether.(公共汽车上满是颠簸,很快就吵起来了,因为她的孩子因为不能坐在母亲旁边而
    这可以很简单,就像自愿坐在你的座位上一样。当你发现有人不舒服时,分享一些有用的建议,甚至开个玩笑来缓解情绪——因为我们都在一起)”可知,一个人确实可以通过做一些简单的事情来改变那些需要帮助的人。故选 D 项。
    【7 题详解】
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Can the essence f these three wrds help yu make a small difference right nw? It can be as simple as vlunteering yur seat. sharing sme helpful advice r even lightening the md with a jke when yu ntice that smene's uncmfrtable because we're all in this tgether.(这三个词的精髓现在能帮你改变一点吗?
    这可以很简单,就像自愿坐在你的座位上一样。当你发现有人不舒服时,分享一些有用的建议,甚至开个玩笑来缓解情绪——因为我们都在一起)”可知,这篇文章的目的是呼吁读者及时帮助那些需要帮助的人。故选 C 项。
    【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. A
    【8 题详解】
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The brain can stretch r squeeze the feeling f time fr many reasns, including pleasure, pain, fear and age. Althugh the science behind this “subjective time” is nt fully understd, sme research suggests that an additinal factr might influence the subjective length f yur life: yur incme.(大脑会因为许多原因而延长或挤压时间的感觉,包括快乐、痛苦、恐惧和年龄。虽然这种“主观时间”背后的科学原理还没有被完全理解,但一些研究表明,还有一个额外的因素可能会影响你的主观寿命:你的收入)”可知,“主观时间”的节奏受人的情绪影响。故选 B 项。
    【9 题详解】
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Research already suggests that, n average, wealthy peple live lnger, bilgically. Nw, emerging wrk indicates that varied and nvel experiences culd create mre “time cdes (编码)” in the human brain as it prcesses memry frmatin. This, in turn, culd mean that peple wh can affrd t enjy mre vacatins and hbbies, and wh have mre stimulating jbs, will recall having lived fr a lnger time n Earth. (研究已经表明,从 生物学角度来看,富人平均寿命更长。现在,新的研究表明,在人脑处理记忆形成的过程中,各种各样的新奇经历可以创造出更多的“时间代码”。反过来,这可能意味着,那些有能力享 受更多假期和爱好的人,以及拥有更多刺激工作的人,将回忆起在地球上生活的时间更长)”可知,根据一些研究人员的说法,富人往往比穷人有更好的回忆。故选 C 项。
    【10 题详解】
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“A millinaire fr instance may spend mney n a fancy watch, but this isn't likely t change their feeling f time the way a vacatin r even a lw-cst hike wuld.(例如,百万富翁可能会花钱买一块漂亮的手表,但这不太可能像度假甚至是一次低成本的徒步旅行那样改变他们对时间的感觉)”可知,Mnica Capra 不相信有钱人可以买到美好的回忆。故选 B 项。
    【11 题详解】
    主旨大意题。通读全文以及文章最后一段“Still researchers frm many, fields are eager t uncver the mysteries f memry and subjective time.(尽管如此,许多领域的研究人员仍渴望揭开记忆和主观时间的奥秘)”可知,这篇文章主要介绍的是研究人员正在探索记忆的奥秘。故选 A 项。
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. A 15. D
    【分析】本文是一篇说明文。本文介绍 Be My Eyes。它在 2015 年上线,在视力受损用户和视力正常志愿者之间建立了直接视频连接。
    【12 题详解】
    推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“Be My Eyes, which went live in 2015, establishes a direct vide cnnectin between visually impaired users and sighted vlunteers.(《做我的眼睛》于 2015 年上线,在视力受损用户和视力正常志愿者之间建立了直接视频连接)”结合下文对该产品的介绍可知,这是本文的主题。由此推知,第一段是为了引出文章话题。故选 D 项。
    【13 题详解】
    细节理解题。根据第二段“establishes a direct vide cnnectin between visually impaired users and sighted vlunteers.(在视力受损用户和视力正常志愿者之间建立了直接视频连接)”可知,
    the app Be My Eyes 是通过在视力受损用户和视力正常志愿者之间建立了直接视频连接来工作的。故选 A 项。
    【14 题详解】
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“I think these apps are enabling sighted peple t see that blind peple just need sme simple clues t help them d any number f things in their lives(我认为这些应用程序让视力正常的人看到,盲人只需要一些简单的线索就可以帮助他们在生活中做很多事情)”可知,轻微的帮助可以帮助盲人摆脱一些麻烦。故选 A 项。
    【15 题详解】
    段落大意题。 根据第五段的主要内容, 尤其 “But the Smartphne, multipurpse and near-universal, has cmpletely changed the ecnmy f scale.(但多用途、近乎通用的智能手机已经彻底改变了规模经济)”可知,本段主要陈述智能手机市场经济潜力巨大。故选 D 项。
    【答案】 B;E;A;C;F
    考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“They have been ppular fr many years in China.”它们在中国已经流行多年了。可知羽绒服所提供的强烈的温暖似乎已经得到了全国的认可。故选 B。
    考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“cares abut being stylish?”关心是否时尚?可知本句应为提出“如何选择羽绒服”,符合文意,故选 E。
    考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“First,the dwn frm mature geese is larger and thicker,which makes garments filled with gse dwn much warmer.Secnd,gse dwn is mre flexible than that f ducks.The last difference is key fr peple sensitive t smells: Cmpared t duck dwn,gse dwn has n strange smell.”可知首先,成熟鹅的绒毛更大更 厚,这使得鹅绒的衣服更暖和;其次,鹅绒比鸭子的柔软.最后一个区别是人们对气味敏感 的关键:鹅绒比鸭绒异味少。可知 A.Gse r duck?“选鹅绒还是鸭绒?”符合文意,故选 A。
    考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ Secnd, gse dwn is mre flexible and fluffier than that f ducks”,鹅绒比鸭绒更柔软、更蓬松。可知这些都是鹅绒服装价格更高的原因。符合语境,故选 C。
    考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Ducks d nt eat clean diet, which culd give their feathers a strng scent.”鸭子不吃干净的食物,这会给它们的羽毛一种强烈的气味。smell 可对应到 F 项中的 smells,指出:最后一个区别是对气味敏感的人的关键,符合文意,故选 F。
    【21 题详解】
    A. life 生活; B. kindness 善良; C. educatin 教育; D. bravery 勇敢。根据上文“Benjamin Canlas' lve f helping thers lives n.”可知,此处表示本杰明的善意。故选 B 项。
    【22 题详解】
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:杰明曾经看到一个食品贩子骑着一辆破自行车。A. secnd-hand二手的;B. traditinal 传统的;C. brken 坏的;D. fashinable 时尚的。根据下文“t fix it”可知,破自行车才需要修理。故选 C 项。
    【23 题详解】
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:本杰明,他用自己存的钱去修理。A. saved 攒钱;B. lst 丢失;
    C. stlen 偷;D. brrwed 借。根据上文“his wn mney”可知,此处表示自己攒的钱。故选 A
    【24 题详解】
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:儿子死后,他的父母设法将私人捐赠者与那些需要纪念他们儿子的人联系起来。A. birthday 生日;B. retirement 退休;C. death 死;D. graduatin 毕业。根据上文“A year after he died”中的关键词“died”可知,此处表示在他们的儿子死后。故选 C 项。
    【25 题详解】
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:儿子死后,他的父母设法将私人捐赠者与那些需要记住他们儿子的人联系起来。A. remember 记得;B. tuch 触动;C. encurage 鼓励;D. disappint 失望。根据上文“The Canlas cuple created a fundatin t hnr their sn and his kindness.”可知,此处表示为了记住他们的儿子。故选 A 项。
    【26 题详解】
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在菲律宾,由于冠状病毒危机,许多人失去了工作。A. histry历史;B. cause 原因;C. recrd 记录;D. result 结果。根据下文“the crnavirus crisis”可知,此处表示由于冠状病毒,许多人失去了工作。故选 D 项。
    【27 题详解】
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多人不得不在不同的人家打零工,这意味着更多的人从一个地方到另一个地方往返。A. suggests 建议;B. stps 停止;C. means 意味着;D. agrees 同意。根据上文“different peple's hmes”可知,此处是对上一句话的解释说明。故选 C 项。
    【28 题详解】
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,公共交通一直受到限制,许多人必须步行数小时才能找到这些工作。A. limited 限制;B. arranged 安排;C. ffered 提供;D. ruined 毁坏。根据下文“S many peple must walk fr hurs t get t these jbs”可知,许多人步行是因为公共交通受到限制。故选 A 项。
    【29 题详解】
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:本杰明的父母想出了赠送自行车来帮助孩子的主意。A. lk after照看;B. give away 捐赠;C. fix up 修理;D. search fr 搜寻。根据下文“bikes t help”可知,此处表示捐赠自行车。故选 B 项。
    【30 题详解】
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当比宣布时,他们不知道会有多少人感兴趣。A. time 时间;
    B. investment 投资;C. value 价值;D. interest 兴趣。根据下文“27 peple were awarded bicycles”可知,一开始他们的计划是捐赠 7 辆自行车,后面捐赠了 27 辆,此处表示很多人感兴趣。故选 D 项。
    【31 题详解】
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但随后他们收到了超过 55 个请求。A. analyzed 分析;B. ffered提供;C. received 接收;D. made 制作。根据下文“At last, 27 peple were awarded bicycles.”可知,此处表示收到了超过 55 个请求。故选 C 项。
    【32 题详解】
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最后,27 人被授予自行车,这使他们的生活更轻松。A. safer更安全的;B. easier 更轻松的;C. mre clrful 更多姿多彩的;D. mre meaningful 更有意义的。根据上文“helped make their lives”可知,此处表示他们获得自行车后,生活会更轻松一些。故选 B 项。
    【33 题详解】
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使比结束,善意仍在继续。A. cntinues 继续;B. changes 改变;C. finishes 结束;D. appears 出现。根据下文“t help mre peple”可知,此处表示善意仍在继续,会一直帮助需要帮助的人。故选 A 项。
    【34 题详解】
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它正在计划更多的项目来帮助更多的人,同时也鼓励其他人变得 善良和帮助他人。A. classes 班级;B. prjects 项目;C. businesses 商业;D. cmpetitins 竞。根据下文“t help mre peple”以及句意可知,此处表示计划更多的慈善项目。故选 B 项。
    【35 题详解】
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它正在计划更多的项目来帮助更多的人,同时也鼓励其他人变得善良和帮助他人。A. frcing 强迫;B. allwing 允许;C. expecting 期望;D. inspiring 鼓励。根据下文“thers t be kind and help thers”以及句意可知,此处表示他们希望自己的行为能激励其他人帮助他人。故选 D 项。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:从 13 世纪末到 19 世纪,随着最高段的建造和总长度的缩短,运河成为中国南北之间的主要通道和国家的经济命脉。在 with 复合结构中,空处应填非谓语动词作宾补,shrten 和逻辑主语 length 之间为被动关系,用过去分词。故填 shrtened。
    考查固定短语。句意同上。结合句意表达“在……和……之间”用 。故填 and。
    考查时态。句意:运河由隋、唐大运河、京杭大运河和浙东运河组成,全长 2700 多公里,横跨八个省级行政区,连接五大水系。空处为句子谓语动词,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语 the Canal 是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单数形式。故填 stretches。
    考查非谓语动词。句意同上。空处和上文 crssing 并列作状语,应用非谓语动词形式,逻辑主语 the Canal 和 link 之间为主动关系,应用现在分词。故填 linking。
    考查冠词。句意:大运河是古代中国人民的一项显著成就。achievement 意为“成就”时 是可数名词,此处是泛指,应用不定冠词修饰,且 ntable 的发音是辅音音素开头,故填 a。
    考查形容词。句意:其政治和经济中心的联系在中国的政治团结、经济增长和文化繁荣中发挥了核心作用,并为沿线人口的生计、交流和融合做出了贡献。修饰名词 rle 应用形容词 central“核心的”作定语。故填 central。
    考查名词。句意同上。空处应填名词和上文 the plitical unity 以及下文 cultural prsperity
    并列作介词 in 的宾语,grwth“增长”是抽象名词,不可数。故填 grwth。
    考查时态和语态。句意:大运河于 2013 年 3 月被国务院宣布为第七批国家级重点历史
    文化保护遗址之一,并于 2014 年 6 月被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。空处和下文 registered 是并列的谓语动词,陈述过去的事情,且主语 The Grand Canal 和 annunce之间是被动关系,故应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单数。故填 was annunced。
    考查介词。句意同上。结合句意表达“在……名录上”用 。故填 n/in。
    考查代词。句意:这一大规模的、鲜活的文化遗产像一条巨龙一样在中国广袤的领土上传播,在新时代,它的涟漪闪耀着金色的鳞片。修饰名词 ripples 应用形容词性物主代词。故填 its。
    【答案】Dear sir/madam,
    I am ne f yur custmers. I rdered tw pairs f Nike shes n yur website ne mnth ag,
    but I didn't receive them until tday.
    Much t my disappintment, the shes were s prly packed up that the cver f them was trn. T make matters wrse, they are f the wrng size. I am srry t have received such pr service, and I believe I have the very right t ask yu t deal with this prblem. I hpe that yu either return my mney r deliver new nes t me. What is mre, I'd like t be infrmed f the prcess f yur dealing with my cmplaint.
    Lking frward t yur reply. Sincerely,
    Li Hua
    坏了的:brken→trn处理:slve→deal with
    告知某人:let sb. knw→infrm sb.
    原句:I am ne f yur custmers.
    拓展句:I am ne f yur custmers, wh is writing yu a cmplaint.
    【点睛】[高分句型 1] Much t my disappintment, the shes were s prly packed up that the cver f them was trn. (运用了 s…that…句型)
    [高分句型 2] I hpe that yu either return my mney r deliver new nes t me. (运用了 that 引导的宾语从句)
    【答案】Paragraph 1: We_were_wrrying_abut_what_culd_be_dne. But after waiting in vain fr a cnsiderable time, Mm and I decided t walk back the rad t the nursing hme and seek help. Gd knws hw far we had driven! When we arrived, the receptinist was surprised, but warmly helped us cntact the garage. There, the ld men wh had received the flwers were excited t meet us, talking abut hw great that day was. It amazed us what randm actins f kindness culd mean t the peple wh received it. While we were laughing and talking merrily, the garage gt ur car repaired.
    Paragraph 2: As_we_drve_alng,_a_flwer_shp_came_int_sight_n_the_rad. I paced quickly int the flwer shp, where a bunch f flwers glwing red in full blm caught my eye. Having witnessed the effect f kindness, I decided t send Mm the sweet flwers. Sn, the heavenly scent filled the car again. Mm tried t cnceal her excitement, but the glittering tears failed her. Thrugh this trip, I discvered that, despite my ccasinal anger twards her, I actually felt prud f her. This was the trip f my life.
    【分析】本文以人物为线索展开,本文讲述的作者和母亲一次普通又特殊的驾车旅行。当时, 13 岁的作者处于青春期,跟母亲关系紧张,但这一次驾车旅行改变了作者对母亲的态度,母亲不求回报的送花行为,让作者明白了"好人有好报”。
    ①谈论:talk abut/discuss/speak f
    ①.自豪:feel prud f/take pride
    [高分句型 1]. When we arrived, the receptinist was surprised, but warmly helped us cntact the garage. 使用了状语从句
    [高分句型 2]. It amazed us what randm actins f kindness culd mean t the peple wh received it. 使用了 what 引导主语从句,it 是形式主语
    [高分句型 3]. I paced quickly int the flwer shp, where a bunch f flwers glwing red in full blm caught my eye.使用了 where 引导的定语从句

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