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    这是一份高考英语二轮复习专题六读后续写课件,共9页。PPT课件主要包含了专题六 读后续写,命题透视,续上表等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一、解题思路步骤1 精读文章,获取记叙文六要素1.关注标题,浏览全文,获取全文时态及基调。2.分段获取记叙文when,where,wh,what,why,hw六要素。When des it happen?Where des it happen?Wh is it?What happens?Why des it happen?Hw des it happen?
    步骤2 根据信息提炼文章主题一般情况下,读后续写都是通过小故事讲述大道理,彰显正能量,弘扬真善美。步骤3 根据段首句做出合理预测每一段的段首句有承上启下的作用,故预测思路如下:1.第一段段首句和原文衔接,并且引出下文。标注出第一段段首句的关键词,合理推测下文将要续写的内容,即故事的下降部分。2.第二段段首句需要和第一段续写内容衔接,并引出故事的结局。标注出第二段段首句的关键词,反推出第一段的结尾。同时,根据第二段段首句的关键词,预测下文将要续写的内容,即故事的结局。
    步骤4 完整勾勒出整个叙事模型步骤5 构思内容,润色语言1.每个段落分3个层次构思。
    步骤6 誊写清晰,字迹工整二、题型解读(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was the day f the big crss­cuntry run.Students frm seven different primary schls in and arund the small twn were warming up and walking the rute(路线)thrugh thick evergreen frest.I lked arund and finally sptted David,wh was standing by himself ff t the side by a fence.He was small fr ten years ld.His usual big tthy smile was absent tday.I walked ver and asked him why he wasn't with the ther children.He hesitated and then said he had decided nt t run.
    What was wrng? He had wrked s hard fr this event!I quickly searched the crwd fr the schl's cach and asked him what had happened.“I was afraid that kids frm ther schls wuld laugh at him,”he explained uncmfrtably.“I gave him the chice t run r nt,and let him decide.”I bit back my frustratin(懊恼).I knew the cach meant well—he thught he was ding the right thing.After making sure that David culd run if he wanted,I turned t find him cming twards me,his small bdy rcking frm side t side as he swung his feet frward.
    David had a brain disease which prevented him frm walking r running like ther children,but at schl his classmates thught f him as a regular kid.He always participated t the best f his ability in whatever they were ding.That was why nne f the children thught it unusual that David had decided t jin the crss­cuntry team.It just tk him lnger—that's all.David had nt missed a single practice,and althugh he always finished his run lng after the ther children,he did always finish.As a special educatin teacher at the schl,I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was prud f his strng determinatin.
    Paragraph 1:We sat dwn next t each ther,but David wuldn't lk at me._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:I watched as David mved up t the starting line with the ther runners._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    [续写步骤]步骤1 精读文章,获取记叙文六要素1.全文需用一般过去时态,讲述发生过的事情。2.when:the day f the big crss­cuntry run.where:the small twn;thick ever green frest.wh:David;students frm seven different primary schls;the schl's cach.what:A by named David,wh had a brain disease,participated in running with ther students.why:David refused t run befre starting because he was afraid that strange students wuld laugh at him fr his disease.hw:The authr decided t advise David t challenge himself accrding t his frmer behaviur.
    3.梳理线索,勾画文章情节。步骤2 根据信息提炼文章主题主题:encuragement and help步骤3 根据段首句,做出合理预测预测:作者的鼓舞使David更加自信参加赛跑并取得不错成绩赢得别人的尊重。步骤4 完整勾勒出整个叙事模型
    步骤5 构思内容,润色语言1.每个段落分3个层次构思。Cntinuatin Para 1:I knew the refused reasn and encuraged David and he accepted my advice.·What wuld I say?·What wuld David answer?·Result.Cntinuatin Para 2:David vercame his hesitatin and cnquered himself and earned ther's praise.·Hw did David perfrm?·What did thers react t?·Lessns gained.
    2.采用常见的描写手法来增加细节。动词类:bury,sb,well up,hug,wipe,sund,lurch(突然倾斜),trip(绊倒),give up,fld in,pick up形容词类:inspired,thunderus(雷鸣般的)名词类:faith,determinatin,encuragement,delight,destiny(尊严)3.采用多样的语法结构及句式。①I hugged him firmly,patting his back gently.我紧紧地拥抱着他,轻轻地拍着他的后背。
    ②Seeing the determinatin in his eyes,I wiped the tears n his cheeks,prmising t keep him cmpany until the end f the cmpetitin.看到他眼神中的坚毅,我擦了擦他脸颊上的泪水,答应他会陪伴他直到这次比赛结束。③My heart sank.我的心一沉。④Upn dashing twards the finishing line,a wave f thunderus applause flded in.一冲向终点线,雷鸣般的掌声就如潮水般涌来。⑤It was yu wh made me realize that just be myself,and I can be the master f my destiny.是你让我意识到,做我自己,我就可以成为自己命运的主人。
    步骤6 誊写清晰,字迹工整We sat dwn next t each ther,but David wuldn't lk at me.He buried his head in his hands,sbbing.“D yu fear the audience will laugh at yu?”asked I.He ndded and bit his lip,tears welling up in his eyes.I hugged him firmly,patting his back gently.“I have faith in yu and yu will nt be lked dwn upn. Instead,everyne will cheer fr yu when yu are running!” David was inspired instantly and accepted t run.Seeing the determinatin in his eyes,I wiped the tears n his cheeks,prmising t keep him cmpany until the end f the cmpetitin.
    I watched as David mved up t the starting line with the ther runners.The starter's gun sunded,and David lurched frward with the ther children.But he had nly gne a few metres befre he tripped and fell flat n the grund.My heart sank.As I started t shut encuragement,ther vices arund me tk up the call“Cme n David,yu can d it!”David picked himself up and started again.He used up all his pwer t march n.This was David's run.He had wrked fr it,and he wuldn't give up!Upn dashing twards the finishing line,a wave f thunderus applause flded in.I ran twards David and gave him a bear hug.“Yu made it!”His eyes twinkled with delight,saying,“Thank yu.It was yu wh made me realize that just be myself,and I can be the master f my destiny.”
    三、素材积累语料库1 动作描写动作描写是描写人物、凸显人物性格的有力手段,利用恰当的词语对表达人物心理和性格特征有很大的帮助。1.常见的“说”(1)动词类表达“说”。★基本表达:say说tell告诉
    ★生动表达:shut 大声叫add补充说cntinue 继续说explain 解释cmfrt 安慰warn 警告remind 提醒scream 尖叫whisper 耳语
    cmplain 抱怨rder 命令nd点头laugh笑着说sigh 叹息suggest 建议recmmend推荐declare/annunce 宣布hwl 嚎叫remark评论说
    (2)副词类修饰“说”。angrily愤怒地casually 随意地happily/cheerfully开心地harshly 严厉地reluctantly不情愿地impatiently不耐烦地madly疯狂地desperately 绝望地
    2.常见的“看”(1)动词类表达“看”。see/lk at/ntice/bserve/watch/view/find ut 发现make ut 辨认出lk arund环顾四周lk up 向上看lk dwn 向下看stare at 凝视glance at 瞥了一眼glance arund/rund the rm 扫视房间
    glare at 怒目而视glare angrily at sb对某人怒目而视recgnize认出spt 注意到
    (2)名词类表达“看”。have a gd/clse lk at 仔细看ne mre lk 又看了一眼at the sight f 一看到……catch sight f 看到lse sight f看不到cme int view 呈现在眼前
    3.常见的“走”walk/run/wander/strll漫步wander int the wds漫步到森林里walk acrss street步行穿过马路strll abut/arund 闲逛walk arm in arm 臂挽着臂走walk gracefully步态优美地走step back/back ff 后退dash/rush冲head fr朝……出发
    tipte踮着脚走make ne's way(排除困难)前进feel ne's way摸索前行stagger 蹒跚drag ne's feet 拖着脚走pace back and frth 来回踱步jump t ne's feet一跃而起jg in the wds 在林间慢跑rush ut f the rm 冲出房间crawl t safety爬到安全的地方
    4.常见的“笑”smile/laugh笑laugh at 嘲笑tease取笑light up 喜笑颜开5.常见的“哭”be in tears/cry/weep 哭泣sb抽泣burst int tears/burst ut crying放声大哭
    6.其他与肢体语言相关的词汇applaud鼓掌欢迎shrug ne's shulders 耸肩frwn at sb 皱着眉头看着某人bw t sb 向某人鞠躬nd in agreement点头表示赞同pat sb n the shulder/head拍某人的肩膀/头grasp/hld ne's hand抓住某人的手pint t sb指向某人wave ne's hand挥手
    7.介词短语withut hesitatin毫不犹豫地with excitement/thrill兴奋地with wnder/surprise惊奇地with shame/guilt 羞愧地with satisfactin 满意地with sympathy同情地with fear/hrrr 害怕地with tiredness/exhaustin疲惫地with embarrassment 尴尬地
    with despair 绝望地with frce 用力地with anger/rage/fury愤怒地with cautin小心翼翼地
    语料库2 心理描写心理描写分为概括描述和细节描述。概括描述是总体描述,只将意思表达清楚即可。细节描述则是具体刻画,使描述更加生动,有画面感。1.喜悦/兴奋概括描述:adj.happy,glad,delighted,excitedn.happiness,jy,excitement,thrill,delight
    细节描述:★喜悦/兴奋的表现dance/jump fr jy 高兴地跳起来an encuraged expressin一个受到鼓舞的表情in cheerful spirits 心情愉快a satisfied lk 满意的表情be delighted at...因……而高兴brighten sb's heart使某人心情愉快feel inspired/encuraged感到被鼓舞
    be in high spirits情绪高涨be deeply mved被深深地感动a mixture f excitement and happiness既兴奋又开心indescribably wild jy 难以形容的开心can hardly cnceal ne's excitement几乎无法掩饰某人兴奋的心情be pwerfully attracted t 被强烈地吸引keep up ne's spirits 振作精神be cntent with...对……感到满意
    be excited with jy at the success 为成功而欣喜be fascinated by the scene/beauty f...被……场面/美丽吸引be jyful ver/abut...因……而高兴n the tp f the wrld心满意足,非常幸福tears f happiness flwing dwn流下幸福的泪水★with+抽象名词作状语One's eyes shne/glwed with jy/happiness.One's heart was racing with excitement.
    2.怒概括描述:adj.angryn.anger,rage,fury细节描述:★愤怒的表现feel annyed感到恼怒的be displeased at ne's cnduct对某人的行为感到不满be speechless with anger气得说不出话
    rage at sb对某人大发脾气flame with anger 气得满脸通红get mad at sb对某人勃然大怒express/vice a cmplaint abut...对……表示不满★“”句型,v.­ing/v.­ed作状语She felt s angry that she strmed ut f the rm,slamming the dr angrily behind her.Biling with/Filled with rage(anger/fury),she was barely able t say a single wrd.
    3.哀概括描述:adj.sadn.sadness,srrw,grief,watery eyes细节描述:★悲伤的表现a strng sense f lss 强烈的失落感with a heavy heart 怀着沉重的心情cry ne's heart ut 悲痛欲绝with a sinking heart 心情沉重
    have a wrried lk 愁眉苦脸feel frustrated/depressed/discuraged感到沮丧的break ne's heart ver ne's death因某人的死亡而痛心make ne's heart bleed使某人悲痛die f a brken heart 心碎而死with a srrwful heart 忧郁的a flash f grief cmes upn sb.某人感到一阵悲伤
    be drwn in spirits情绪低落lse ne's spirits垂头丧气be sad at heart 伤心a brken spirit 意志消沉★比喻、夸张等修辞My heart began t race and my mind went blank.Smething chked him and he culd nt finish the sentence.Her vice began t crack.Tears welled up in my eyes./His face was wet with tears./Tears streamed dwn her face.
    4.惧概括描述:v.frighten,scare,terrifyadj.frightened/frightening,scared/scary,terrified/terrifying,fearfuln.scare,fright,fear细节描述:★恐惧的表现be seized with panic 惊慌失措fall int despair 陷入绝望
    ★“”句型,“”结构,形容词作状语、表语At the sight f the fierce wlf,her eyes were wide with hrrr.At the sight f the fierce wlf,I was t scared t mve even an inch.At the sight f the fierce wlf,I felt s scared that I frze with terrr.At the sight f the fierce wlf,I was seized by such a strng sense f hrrr that I was sweating.At the sight f the fierce wlf,I frze/was terrified/was scared/was frightened.
    5.悔概括描述:v.regretadj.regretful,ashamed细节描述:★后悔的表现send(sb)ne's regrets(向某人)表示歉意express regret 表示遗憾I am ashamed f...我对……感到很羞愧★虚拟语气、谚语等She nw culd d nthing but feel the regret burning in her heart.She kept thinking she shuldn't have stlen the wallet.Otherwise,things wuld turn ut differently.Dn't cry ver spilt milk.
    语料库3 肖像描写肖像描写即描绘人物的面貌特征,目的是以“形”传“神”,刻画人物的性格特征,反映人物的内心世界。1.体态外貌描写shrt 矮tall 高thin 瘦的well­dressed穿着讲究的in ne's 20s/30s在某人二十几岁/三十几岁的时候
    medium­sized中等身材(的)be f medium size 身材适中a pair f blue eyes一双蓝色的眼睛a graceful figure 优美的身段a skinny figure 瘦削的身材a well­built man身材魁梧的人a handsme figure 仪表堂堂
    2.性格与特征描写calm镇定的cnfident自信的strng坚强的selfish 自私的humurus 幽默的ptimistic乐观的lvely可爱的generus 宽宏大量的with the virtue f...具有……的美德
    a talented persn天资高的人an easy persn t deal with容易相处的人a well­infrmed man消息灵通/见多识广的人a smth­spken man 能说会道的人be fnd f...喜欢,热衷……be keen n 喜爱;对……着迷be skilled in/d well in精通;擅长have a gift/talent fr...在……方面有天赋strng will/determinatin and curage 坚强的意志和勇气a strng sense f respnsibility 强烈的责任感
    语料库4 场景描写在故事叙述中添加场景描写不仅有助于锁定故事发生的地点,了解该地点的现场情况,还能渲染故事氛围,增添画面感,产生呼应并烘托人物心理活动的积极作用。1.天气情况a rainy seasn 多雨的季节a strmy night 暴风雨之夜in the puring rain在倾盆大雨中cntinuus/cnstant rains 连绵不断的雨in the blinding rain在茫茫大雨中
    be buried in snw 深埋在雪中unbearably ht 难以忍受的热in the warm spring sunshine 在温暖的春光里clear up 放晴fierce/heavy/vilent strms狂风暴雨a timely/seasnable rain及时雨,好雨bathe in(the)sunshine沐浴在阳光下the clur f the sky is changing天空的颜色在变化first light gray,then dark gray先是浅灰色,然后是深灰色finally dark and dense最后又黑又密
    2.地理位置at a distance在远处a lake in the frest森林里的一个湖a small village ff the map一个偏僻的小村子within a stne's thrw f the beach离海滨仅咫尺之遥be situated at the nrthern end f...位于……北端in a village amng the hills在群山环抱的村庄里rm facing suth朝南的房间the thinly ppulated rural area人烟稀少的农村地区
    be lcated smewhere n the Pacific cast 位于太平洋沿岸某处beneath the surface f the water在水面下snw­capped muntain tp积雪覆盖的山顶a favurable situated city 位置优越的城市a steep uphill climb一个陡峭的爬坡the sights alng the way沿途的风景rlling dwn the river nearby 沿着附近的河流滚滚而下
    3.以境写情(1)The birds sang; the grass was green; the sun was warm; and Hans' heart was full f lve.(2)The air was rich with happiness.(3)As she headed ut t the car,she breathed in the pleasant air and admired the crwd.(4)The wind was hwling arund the huse.4.乐景衬哀情It was beautiful spring weather,but neither dgs nr humans were aware f it.The whle lng day was a blaze f sunshine.Life was waking after the lng mnths f frst. And in the middle f all this life,like travellers f death,the tw men,the wman and the dgs staggered n their jurney.(The Call f the Wild)
    语料库5 交通篇1.交通方式之公路driver驾驶员,司机passenger 乘客,旅客vehicle交通工具,车辆bicycle 自行车,脚踏车highway公路,干道,交通要道crss交叉,穿越engine发动机cyclist骑自行车的人
    petrl汽油passer­by 路人pedestrian步行者,行人pavement人行道,路面cab/taxi出租车mtrcycle摩托车crssrads十字路口freeway 高速公路cycle lane 自行车道private car 私家车
    shared bike共享自行车electric vehicle 电动汽车new energy vehicle新能源汽车driving licence驾驶执照pick up 接载traffic light/signal交通灯
    2.交通方式之铁路undergrund地下的railway statin 火车站express line 快车线路track 轨道subway地铁platfrm 站台tunnel地道,隧道high­speed railway/train 高铁
    3.交通方式之航空pilt 飞行员airprt 机场airline 航空公司aircraft/airplane 飞机flight航班,班机arrival 到达,抵达delay延迟,延误abard在(车/船/飞机)上helicpter 直升机
    steward(stewardess)乘务员departure 离开transfer 换乘take ff 起飞fasten ne's belt 系好安全带rund­trip 往返旅程return ticket 往返票bk/cancel a flight 订/取消航班
    4.常用句型(1)直到车停到(pull up)房子前面时,我们才看到Lily坐在副驾驶的位置上。→We didn't see Lily in the passenger seat until the car pulled up in frnt f the huse.()→Only when the car pulled up in frnt f the huse did we see Lily in the passenger seat.(nly+时间状语引起的倒装)→It was nly when the car pulled up in frnt f the huse that we saw Lily in the passenger seat.(It 强调句)(2)我们的汽油快用完了,但离下一个服务站还很远。We are running ut f petrl,but there is still a lng way t the next service statin.
    (3)她在沿着街道骑自行车,这时不知从哪里窜出一只恶狗。She was riding her bike n the street when a fierce dg rushed in.(4)近几年中国高铁发展迅速。China's high­speed railway has develped rapidly in recent years.(5)在长时间的延误之后,飞机终于起飞了。After a lng delay,the plane finally tk ff.
    语料库6 有效对话1.对话语言描写大声地/自豪地/温柔地/生气地/严肃地/高兴地说……add that...补充说……answer sb/make an answer t sb回答某人tell sb sth/tell sth t sb告诉某人某事remind sb f/that...提醒某人……explain sth clearly清楚地解释某事annunce/declare that...宣称……
    yell ut/cry ut t sb朝某人大声喊叫whisper t sb gently对某人温柔耳语disagree with/have a disagreement with不同意……
    (4)直接引语和间接引语。①“Dn't be late fr supper,”Mum cried.②“OK!” My dad cried back.③On seeing the chking smke,she culdn't help yelling,“Fire! Fire!”④I asked each f my kids t pick smething they thught ur “friend” there wuld appreciate.⑤ She asked,“D yu have the address?”“N,but I'll recgnize it.There was a picture in the magazine.”“Oh,stp.There it is!”(Anne f Green Gables)
    语料库7 修辞1.明喻用一种事物比喻所要说明的另一事物,两者在本质上或性质上有相似之处。常用格式是“本体+喻体”,常用like,,as if 或 as thugh引导。(1)Life is rather like pening a tin f sardines.We're all lking fr the pener.人生就像开启一罐沙丁鱼,我们大家都在找起子。(2)Gd cffee is like friendship:rich,warm and strng.好的咖啡如同友谊:丰厚、温暖且热烈。
    2.暗喻对所比喻事物不直接点明而是用一个词来指代与该词所指事物有相似特点的另外一个事物。(1)Humur is the shck absrber f life;it helps us take actin.幽默是生活的减震器,它可以帮助我们付诸行动。(2)Lve is a lamp.The darker the backgrund is,the brighter it lks.爱是一盏灯。背景越暗,它看上去就越亮。3.拟人赋予无生命事物、自然现象、抽象概念或动物以人的感情、行为、品质、态度等特征,以达到彼此交融、合二为一的效果。
    (1)The wind std up and gave a shut.大风凛冽,发出怒吼。(2)The frest held its breath,and the trees seemed t listen attentively.森林屏住了呼吸,树木似乎聚精会神地听着。
    4.类比比较两种事物在多方面的相似或不同之处,常用结构:A is t B what C is t D(A之于B犹如C之于D)。(1)Shes are t feet what tires are t wheels.鞋子之于脚犹如轮胎之于车轮。(2)Bks are t ur minds what fd is t ur bdy.书籍之于我们的思想,犹如食物之于我们的身体。
    5.夸张通过夸大程度达到强调句意、丰富感情色彩的目的。(1)He wrked his fingers t the bne.他拼老命地去工作。(2)I was scared t death.我吓得要死。6.引用写文章时,引用现成语(如成语、诗句、格言、典故等)以表达自己的思想感情,说明自己对新问题、新道理的见解。它使论据确凿、充分,增强说服力,富有启发性,而且语言精练,含蓄典雅。Since“life is a stage”,we are actually actrs and actresses.因为“生活是一个舞台”,我们实际上都是男女演员。
    语料库8 精辟结尾1.赞扬“真善美,帮助别人”的结尾Larry went abve and beynd the call f duty by getting s clse t the burning vehicle! His effrts mst likely saved the wman's life.2.赞扬“自己身处窘境,仍然帮助别人”的结尾(1)Smetimes giving frm ur need instead f ur abundance is just what we need t d!(2)Stepping ut nt nly helped a brther in need, it als gave my kids the sweet taste f helping thers.
    3.“灾后自救,灾后合作救援”的结尾(1)It turned ut that it was his bravery,calmness and wisdm that saved the whle family.(2)It turned ut that it was cperatin and teamwrk that saved their lives.(3)It turned ut that it was lve and cmpany that wrked wnders.4.“遇到困难要镇静”的结尾Keep calm n matter what happened, and then yu can vercme any difficulty/ challenge.5.“人与自然”的结尾(1)We shuld pay mre attentin t the wrld where we live and appreciate hw the human beings and animals live tgether.(2)I figured whever lst the dg was prbably just as clse t it as I am t my dgs.
    6.“人与自我——改变/向善/关爱他人”的结尾(1)I think I am a much better persn tday than I used t be, and I hpe I will nt frget these experiences.They have taught me t care abut ther peple mre than abut myself. I like wh I am tday.(2)It's such a privilege t be a part f these kids' lives,even just fr a few hurs, getting t knw them and hearing their stries.(3)I learned life lessns that have served me well beynd the classrm.
    语料库9 高频主题语境1.人与动物sniff the air 嗅空气lick my face 舔我的脸jump abut/arund me 在我身边蹦蹦跳跳wag the tail 摇尾巴brush the fur 梳理毛发flap the wings 拍打翅膀a dg/wlf suddenly hwled 狗/狼嚎mve cautiusly away 小心翼翼地跑开了Nervusness and fear were replaced with jy. It just started licking his face.
    2.灾害救人/自救(1)火灾。①Suddenly,he saw a car with its bright lights n.②As he gt clser,he fund anther vehicle upside dwn n the rad.③One mre lk and he nticed flame shting ut frm under the disabled vehicle.④Larry pulled ver,set the brake and gt hld f the fire extinguisher.⑤Tw gd bursts frm the extinguisher and the fire was put ut.⑥The air was filled with thick,black smke.
    (2)大雪。①A huge snwstrm hit n February 1.②At ne pint,huge piles f snw blcked his way.③The heavy snw blcked the way.④The twn was cut ff frm the rest f the wrld due t the heavy snw.⑤When he handed the medicine t the next ne,his face was black frm extreme cld.⑥The lake was cvered with ice,which culd smetimes break up withut warning.⑦If that happened,he might fall int the icy water belw.⑧But he made it acrss.
    (3)水灾。①A huge wave separated them.②He fught against the waves and struggled t catch Sammy③Unfrtunately,Sammy was carried away by the waves.3.人与自我①His wrds freed me frm my bad dreams.②I thught t myself,hw even withut an arm he was mre f a leader.③Frm that day n,I grew bigger and a little mre real.④He let ut a sign f relief.⑤The audience let ut a thundering cheer.
    A阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(2023·新课标Ⅰ卷)When I was in middle schl,my scial studies teacher asked me t enter a writing cntest.I said n withut thinking.I did nt lve writing. My family came frm Brazil,s English was nly my secnd language.Writing was s difficult and painful fr me that my teacher had allwed me t present my paper n the sinking f the Titanic by acting ut a play,where I played all the parts.N ne laughed harder than he did.
    S,why did he suddenly frce me t d smething at which I was sure t fail?His reply:“ Because I lve yur stries.If yu're willing t apply yurself,I think yu have a gd sht at this.”Encuraged by his wrds,I agreed t give it a try.I chse Paul Revere's hrse as my subject.Paul Revere was a silversmith(银匠) in Bstn wh rde a hrse at night n April 18,1775 t Lexingtn t warn peple that British sldiers were cming.My stry wuld cme straight frm the hrse's muth.Nt a brilliant idea,but funny; and unlikely t be anyne else's chice.
    What did the hrse think,as he sped thrugh the night?Did he get tired?Have dubts?Did he want t quit?I sympathized immediately.I gt tired.I had dubts.I wanted t quit.But,like Revere's hrse,I kept ging.I wrked hard.I checked my spelling.I asked my lder sister t crrect my grammar.I checked ut a half­dzen bks n Paul Revere frm the library.I even read a few f them.When I handed in the essay t my teacher,he read it,laughed ut lud,and said,“Great.Nw,write it again.”I wrte it again,and again and again.When I finally finished it,the thught f winning had given way t the enjyment f writing.If I didn't win,I wuldn't care.
    注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。A few weeks later,when I almst frgt the cntest,there came the news._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I went t my teacher's ffice after the award presentatin._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    【参考答案】A few weeks later,when I almst frgt the cntest,there came the news.It was a phne call saying that I was a winner.When I knew I wn the prize,a wide excitement tk hld f me.I rushed t my lder sister with excitement and shared the fantastic news with her.On hearing the unexpected news,she was s surprised that she frze with her muth wide pen.After a while,excited tears streamed dwn her cheeks.Bathed in the warm sunshine,we made ur way t the award presentatin. On the way,my lder sister reminded me that withut my teacher's encuragement I wuldn't have made much prgress in writing in English.
    I went t my teacher's ffice after the award presentatin.With tears in my eyes,I said t him,“I wuld like t express my heartfelt gratitude t yu fr yur timely help.It was yur encuragement that made me brave enugh t sign up fr the cntest.”He stepped frward,patted me n the shulder,and said sftly,“Where there is a will,there is a way.”We hugged each ther as tightly as pssible and ur eyes were filled with tears.Only then did I realize that it was bravery and determinatin that culd cnquer all the difficulties.Hard wrk paid ff eventually.
    B阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(2023·浙江卷)I was invited t a ckut n an ld friend's farm in western Washingtn.I parked my car utside the farm and walked past a milking huse which had apparently nt been used in many years.A nise at a windw caught my attentin,s I entered it.It was a hummingbird(蜂鸟),desperately trying t escape. She was cvered in spider­webs(蛛网)and was barely able t mve her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up.
    With the bird in my cupped hand,I lked arund t see hw she had gtten in.The brken windw glass was the likely answer.I stuffed a piece f clth int the hle and tk her utside,clsing the dr securely behind me.When I pened my hand,the bird did nt fly away; she sat lking at me with her bright eyes.I remved the sticky spider­webs that cvered her head and wings. Still,she made n attempt t fly.Perhaps she had been struggling against the windw t lng and was t tired?Or t thirsty?As I carried her up the blackberry­lined path tward my car where I kept a water bttle,she began t mve.I stpped,and she sn tk wing but did nt immediately fly away.Hvering(悬停),she apprached within six inches f my face. Fr a very lng mment,this tiny creature lked int my eyes,turning her head frm side t side.Then she flew quickly ut f sight.
    During the ckut,I tld my hsts abut the hummingbird incident.They prmised t fix the windw.As I was departing,my friends walked me t my car.I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew t the center f ur grup and began hvering.She turned frm persn t persn until she came t me.She again lked directly int my eyes,then let ut a squeaking call and was gne.Fr a mment,all were speechless.Then smene said,“She must have cme t say gd­bye.”
    A few weeks later,I went t the farm again._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I was just abut t leave when the hummingbird appeared._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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