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    【期中真题】(江苏专用)2023-2024学年九年级英语上册 期中真题分类专题汇编 专题08 短文首字母填空
    【期中真题】(江苏专用)2023-2024学年九年级英语上册 期中真题分类专题汇编 专题08 短文首字母填空01
    【期中真题】(江苏专用)2023-2024学年九年级英语上册 期中真题分类专题汇编 专题08 短文首字母填空02
    【期中真题】(江苏专用)2023-2024学年九年级英语上册 期中真题分类专题汇编 专题08 短文首字母填空03
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    【期中真题】(江苏专用)2023-2024学年九年级英语上册 期中真题分类专题汇编 专题08 短文首字母填空

    这是一份【期中真题】(江苏专用)2023-2024学年九年级英语上册 期中真题分类专题汇编 专题08 短文首字母填空,共34页。

    专题08 短文首字母填空

    Liu Xiaosheng finally had time to himself when the summer vacation recently ended. The 73-year-old had been teaching children English for f 1 six days a week for over a month.
    His “classroom” was a rural family courtyard in a village administered by the city of Zunyi, Guizhou province. On the outer wall of the house, there was a small b 2 covered with phonetic symbols. Benches were arranged in a U shape to serve as desks, and a dozen children were packed in for classes.
    Before he retired, Liu was a f 3 language professor at a university in Chongqing municipality. In 2012, he brought his family to Guizhou to spend the summer.
    One evening, he saw a neighbor’s child learning English. And he heard many mistakes when the child was reading. As a teacher, he knew how important standard p 4 was to leaning the language and he began to correct the child.
    In this way, Liu “recruited” his first student. News of free English tutoring from a retired university professor soon spread t 5 the village, and more and more children came to learn.
    At first, Liu taught in his living room, and then moved into the corridor for more space. But soon, the corridor was packed with students. One villager volunteered to vacate his rice milling room to use as a classroom, and the villagers pooled their money to buy desks, chairs, benches, and a blackboard.
    Later, as the n 6 of students grew, Liu set up a classroom in the courtyard of a villager’s house, and as a result, he is now well k 7 as the “courtyard teacher”.
    Every summer, about 40 children come for English tutoring.
    So far, some 100 local students have attended the classes, many of whom have been admitted to universities, with some even pursuing doctoral degrees.
    Some villagers once tried to pay money or give him gifts to e 8 their thanks, but he refused. He said that teaching had become a part of his life, and he did it for n 9 fame nor profit (赢利).
    Before he finished this year’s lessons and returned to Chongqing, he p 10 the children that he would see them again next year. What a great teacher!

    Growing up is not always easy. When you face difficulties, a spirit of depending on y 11 is more useful than crying for help. That’s what Hong Zhanhui’s story of g 12 from boy to man with family difficulties tells us.
    Hong was born in 1982 in a p 13 family in Xihua County (县) , Henan Province. When he was only 11, his father became b 14 ill and one day he came back home with an unwanted baby girl. A year later, Hong’s mother left home. She no longer wanted to l 15 such a hard life and face her sick husband. So everything fell onto the young boy’s shoulders: to take care of his father and his younger sister Chenchen, and to go on to study.
    Although his life was hard, Hong didn’t go a 16 from his father and sister. He took several part - time jobs to feed his family. He even c 17 bottles and paper to make money in his free time. A few years later, he studied at a c 18 for higher education. To look after Chenchen, he worked hard to rent (租) a room for her, and sent her to school.
    Hong became a h 19 in people’s eyes after his story went public. But Hong r 20 offers from others. He said he felt thankful for kind offers, but he could depend on his own work. Thanks to his hard life, he has grown up from boy to man.

    (2021秋·江苏宿迁·九年级统考期中)When they are asked what they want to be when they grow up, many young people will not give an exact answer, “Well, this changes all the time,” I am no exception (例外). H 21 , though I often change my mind about what I want to b 22 , one thing has remained unchanged—the desire (愿望) to help o 23 .
    By offering my help, I will b 24 happiness to other people. But this also has its own rewards (回报)—helping others can bring me good mood. It can make me f 25 that I am a useful person.
    There are many ways to be h 26 . I can help the sick by becoming a d 27 . I can make the traffic run smoothly (顺利地) by becoming a t 28 police officer. I can also find ways to s 29 the poor or to clean up the environment. No m 30 what I do in the future, I will try to be as helpful as I can.

    (2021秋·江苏盐城·九年级统考期中)根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 使其意思完整。
    Hi, Tom,
    Thanks for your message and I am glad that you wrote to me for ideas.
    I remember when I was learning E 31 , I felt uncomfortable about speaking. I could remember lots of words and knew grammar r 32 , but speaking was difficult. I now feel a lot more confident about speaking, so here are some ideas that I have taken from my own experience.
    Don’t worry about m 33 mistakes. Other people will still know your m 34 and they probably won’t notice your mistakes.
    Use every c 35 you get to speak. For example, it’s a good idea to use only English in class and not to speak to your c 36 in your own language. At home, you should also try practising new words and grammar which you have 1 37 in class.
    Think about extra speaking practice o 38 the classroom. You can join a conversation group such as the chat groups in the study centre. They are free to join.
    Practise speaking o 39 . There are lots of websites where you can c 40 with someone from all around the world.
    I hope this helps you and please come to me if you have other problems.
    Best wishes,


    Mr. Shelby, the m 41 of Uncle Tom, was in badly need of money, so he had no choice but to s 42 Tom, otherwise he would lose his farm and other people worked for him. Now he was having a deal (交易) with Mr. Haley, a cruel trader.
    “Haley, Tom is an excellent man and you can sell him at a good p 43 but promise me to find a good master for him.”
    “Maybe I can’t p 44 . I’m a good trader for sure. Shelby, do remember slaves (奴隶) aren’t like us w 45 people. They must be taught not to expect anything, such as keeping their children and wives.”said Haley.
    Meanwhile, in Uncle Tom’s cabin, Aunt Chloe with her three kids was baking a cake happily. Their young Master George, Shelby’s son, was teaching Uncle Tom how to write. The small cabin was filled with h 46 . Everything seemed to go well. However, they didn’t know something d 47 was happening in the master’s house...
    While getting ready to go to bed, Uncle Tom heard someone knocking at the door. It was Eliza, a young slave with tears in her eyes.
    She got them the b 48   news, “Master will sell you, dear Uncle Tom, because his business f 49 ”
    Uncle Tom had never expected such a thing could happen on him. “Tom, run away! Right now!” shouted Aunt Chloe.
    “No. Master needs money to keep the farm and people,”said Uncle Tom sadly, looking at her. “We have a good master and he always looks after us and the children. If I run away as you said, he will have to sell e 50   he has.”


    A woodcutter started a new job at a timber (木材) company. The pay and work conditions were quite good. S 51 the company was kind to him, the woodcutter worked as hard as he could.
    His boss gave him an axe (斧子) and showed him w 52 he should work. On his first day, the woodcutter walked to the place and cut down 18 trees. “Good job,” his boss said. “Keep going!”
    The woodcutter was encouraged by his boss’s w 53 and worked even harder the next day but could only cut down 15 trees. On the t 54 day, he tried even harder, but only cut down 10 trees. Day after day, he was cutting down even f 55 trees.
    “I must be losing my strength,” the woodcutter thought. He went to his boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was h 56 .
    “When was the last time you sharpened (使锋利) your axe?” his boss asked.
    “Sharpen? I have no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very b 57 cutting down trees.”
    Our lives are l 58 that. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen our axe.
    Why is this? There’s n 59 wrong with activity and hard work. Probably it is because we have forgotten how to r 60 “sharp”. We have forgotten to get more skilled so we lose our efficiency (效率).
    So remember, always take the time to sharpen your “axe” and don’t become “blunt”.

    (2021秋·江苏南京·九年级统考期中)Are you almost crazy by the acne(青春痘) on your face? Are you worried to d 61 because you never know when it will disappear?
    Don’t worry about it any more. Because worrying will only make it even w 62 . A recent study has found that worry plays an important r 63 in your skin disorders. Some British scientists found that the stress caused from worrying s 64 the healing process in your skin disorder like acne. Students often find their acne worse before and d 65 the exam. In fact, acne is quite common in teenagers.
    But don’t worry. Acne always disappears at last. It lasts u 66 the age of 20 or even 25. And don’t worry about scarring on your face, e 67 . It’s rare for acne to leave any sign of its presence. There’s no m 68 to cure. But good skin care can keep it under control. For example, wash your skin t 69 a day after exercise. The most important time to w 70 is bedtime. Shampoo your hair daily. Dirt on long hair can make acne worse by rubbing against your skin.

    (2021秋·江苏南通·九年级统考期中)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、 正确的形式,使短文通顺。
    Every week, our teacher gives us a new topic to discuss in class. Last Monday however he asked us a very interesting question — “Do you think it is d 71 to be a parent?” Some of the students said they thought it was easy; as parents never have to do any homework! Our teacher said he wouldn’t tell us the a 72 . He said he would let us be “a parent” for a week. He was sure we would find out how a parent will feel by the end of the week.
    Then the teacher asked us to s 73 the rest of the week in making “flour (面粉) babies”. We first took some big bags and filled them with flour in order to make the flour babies as h 74 as real ones. We then tied the bags very tight, so the babies would not fall out. After that, we used cardboard (纸板) to make some arms, legs and a face for our flour babies, and then we d 75 them in old pieces of clothing. My baby looked strange, as I am not good at art, but it was great fun.
    When we finished, our teacher gave us all notebooks to record some funny e 76 with the babies for the whole week. We had to carry them with us every day and look after them like real babies. That was really hard work! For example, one of my friends had quite a bad memory, and he l 77 his flour baby on the bus one morning. We also had to feed the baby and get it for bed in the evening. Every night, I was supposed to get up three t 78 to feed the flour baby. I was tired and fell a 79 very quickly. Yet it was just a few hours before my alarm clock woke me up again. I got so little sleep that I had black bags under my eyes.
    It was a hard time, but now the project is finished. I feel I have learnt that it is not easy to be a responsible (负责的) parent. I think it also gives me a new perspective (观点) on w 80 my parents have done for me.


    Deng Qingming, aged 55, is a Chinese taikonaut. He has served as a backup (备份) m 81 for the Shenzhou-9, Shenzhou-10 and Shenzhou-11 missions, for 23 years. Though he has never been c 82 to space so far, Deng continues to stand ready at his post, able to join a mission at a 83 time.
    “Be it a crew or backup, it is our job. Deng, don’t give up!” one of Deng’s teammates said to him. Deng never forgot those words. No m 84 how difficult the road to space flight is, he never once t 85 of giving up. At the end of every mission, he would quickly p 86 to welcome new challenges with a positive attitude.
    “The success of the mission comes b 87 my personal wishes,” said Deng, who still firmly believes he has a c 88 at a mission and works as hard as any of his teammates.
    Deng is the greatest hero in his d 89 eyes. “My father is the most hardworking, most selfless person I’ve ever met.” she said. Being i 90 by Deng, the girl now works for ground control in Beijing, too.


    On September 25, 2021, Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer(首席财务官), 49, a 91 in Shenzhen, Guangdong, after being illegally(非法地)n 92 three years in Canada.
    “After o 93 1,000 days of suffering, I finally returned to the motherland,”Meng said after she got o 94 the plane. She described the motherland, the Party and the government a 95 the shining light that led her on the long journey home.
    On December 1, 2018, Meng was held in Canada b 96   the US charged(指控)her with fraud(欺诈). The US wanted to take h 97 to the US for trial(审讯). Meng pleaded not guilty(不认罪)to the charge and finally was f 98 to leave Canada on September 24 local time.
    This is a political(政治的)case trying to break Chinese high-technology c 99 . Meng’s safe return s 100 that the Chinese government has the will and ability to protect the rights of Chinese people and companies.

    Captain Nemo seemed very sure that the savages (野人) could not harm us, so I slept very well. The next morning, when I went outside, I saw there were many more savages on the beach. It was l 101 tide (潮汐), and many of them had come quite close to the Nautilus. We went i 102 and told Captain Nemo about it. He ordered us to close the doors.
    “But what will happen tomorrow? You will have to open the doors to get more air and they will come in.” I said. “We had nothing to f 103 . The high tide the next day would lift the Nautilus off the reef.” He said.
    The next morning, the tide r 104 . We opened the doors. Twenty angry faces appeared. The f 105 savage put his hands on the rail(扶手). He fell backwards and ran away, jumping and shouting. The next savage did the s 106 . Others tried. They all fell back and ran away. I understood that Captain Nemo had put electricity into the rail. A 107 who touched the rail would receive an electric shock (电击).
    Just then, the high tide lifted the Nautilus off the reef. Captain Nemo was r 108 . The savages all jumped off the Nautilus as it sailed away, and soon we were out of the Torres Strait. We travelled at high s 109 under the water for several days. I was amazed at the power of the electricity that Captain Nemo used.
    We entered the Timor Sea and saw the island of Timor when we surfaced. We sailed into the Indian Ocean. I wondered w 110 Captain Nemo was going. Would he return to Asia or go to Europe? Only time would tell.

    In the days that followed, dear reader, I slowly became friendly with the emperor and his people. They did their best to make me feel at home. 1 learnt that the name of their c 111 as Lilliput.
    The people of Lilliput called me “Man Mountain” and they came to see me. People had to p 112 to see me and the money made the emperor very rich.
    The emperor and his people t 113 me well and helped me in many ways. They organized language lessons for me. Soon I began to understand and communicate with people there.
    But 1 was still a prisoner in my temple home and every day I asked the emperor the s 114 question, “Can I please have my freedom?’’ “You must be patient,’’ he a 115 answered.
    Then one day the emperor gave me the freedom to walk about Lilliput. I was able to explore the land. I was careful not to hurt the people or damage their houses as I walked. Everyone stayed i 116 and ran to their windows to look at me. I enjoyed looking into the window of the emperor’s beautiful palace to see h 117 he lived.
    Everything seemed well and peaceful in Lilliput and I saw no p 118 for the people there. But I was wrong. One day a good friend, Reldresal, came to see me and told me about a terrible conflict(矛盾) between Lilliput and a country nearby.
    “My dear Gulliver,” he said, “please do not think that everything is perfect here in Lilliput. The t 119 is very different. We are at present f 120 against a country called Blefuscu.”
    I was shocked to hear this news.

    After fresh rain in mountains bare,
    Autumn permeates evening air.
    Among pine-trees bright moonbeams peer,
    Over crystal stones flows water clear.
    Bamboos whisper of washer-maids,
    Lotus stirs when fishing boat wades.
    Though fragrant spring may pass away,
    Still here’s the place for you to stay.
    The above eight sentences are from a famous poem “Autumn Evening in the Mountains” which was w 121 by Wang Wei, a well-known poet and painter who lived during the Tang Dynasty(618-907). He has been praised for “having poetry in his painting and painting in his poetry (诗中有画,画中有诗)”.
    When Wang d 122 the scenery(景色),he does it carefully, like drawing a painting. In the b 123 , Wang shows readers a clear sky, with moonlight and a view of mountains far away. Moving closer, the poet describes the pine trees and flowing water. Wang also shows the power of colors in the poem. All the o 124 he describes are green, white and cyan(青色).
    These colors can c 125 a peaceful and harmonious(和谐的) atmosphere. This helps readers i 126 the beauty of the landscape(风景) and take in the relaxed lifestyle.
    In the last part of the poem, Wang says that while spring may pass, the beautiful autumn and the peaceful mountain village r 127 a special place. In this way, he s 128 wants to show his love of a peaceful and harmonious life and dislike of the corruption(腐败) on the royal court(朝廷).
    By describing the scenery, the poem also shows Wang’s characteristics. For example, pine trees and lotus(莲) stand for perseverance(坚忍不拔) and nobility(高洁),which also means Chinese s 129 nowadays.
    Tang poetry is really the treasure of Chinese t 130 culture. It’s never too late to learn.

    With social development, many people don’t stay in the same place forever. So many things can k 131 you from seeing your loved ones in person, from busy schedules to long distances (距离) to a rather unexpected pandemic COVID-19. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, the people we miss are o 132 only a phone call or text message away. But if you’re someone who p 133 typed-out messages, you may want to think twice. A new study found that communication that i 134 voice, like a phone call or video chat, created s 135 social connections than communication through typing, like text messaging or email.
    Researchers found that although people thought that a phone call with an old friend would be less comfortable, h 136 someone’s voice actually made the experience better. In an experiment, the researchers had strangers connect by e 137 texting, talking over video chat or talking using only audio (语音). They found that both forms of voice c 138 —whether video or audio only—made the strangers feel more connected than when they communicated through texting. Sabrina Romanoff, a doctor from New York, says texting can make it hard to get the t 139 meaning behind a conversation. “While making a voice or audio phone call, each party is there, so the speakers are able to understand the meaning behind the content (内容) w 140 thinking over the endless possible meanings behind words.”

    On a snowy day, Robert Louis Stevenson took a paintbrush and draw a map of the island called Treasure Island. He named the hills, rivers and harbours of the island one by one. And all the faces of the characters came to his m 141 . So the book Treasure Island was born.
    The main character is a boy called Jim Hawkins, living in a safe and p 142 world with his parents at the beginning. The life l 143 until he found a map showing the location of the island with huge treasure that had been h 144 by the terrible pirate Captain Flint. Jim joined Dr Livesey and Squire Trelawney on a j 145 to find the treasure along with a number of different pirates, who were led by the fearful Long John Sliver. During the adventure, the boy got over his fear to fight bravely a 146 the pirates. In the end, he successfully returned home with the treasure and he also g 147 into a mature young man. So many readers think Jim’s search for treasure is a process for his search for h 148 .
    In this book, readers can enjoy the adventures fun and exciting travel experiences all the time, so it can be said that if Chinese children grow up reading Journey West, then W 149 children grow up reading Treasure Island. This book is also p 150 as the greatest adventure stories after “Robinson Crusoe”.
    —— Taken from Treasure Island

    Haley and Mr Shelby were sitting at a table covered with pens and papers. They c 151 the money and Mr Shelby signed the papers. Mr Shelby told Haley that he should remember what he p 152 to sell Tom to a good master.
    Eliza, a young slave from the house, came to their door and told Tom and his wife that their master sold Tom. He listened with his face in his h 153 and his wife suggested that he could run away and she would prepare his things because she thought the trader would sell her husband to a plantation, w 154 they kill slaves with hard work and no food.
    Though Tom was as sad as her wife, he r 155 to run away because he heard what Eliza said that his master was in debt. If he was w 156 a good price, he would rather be sold than run away because the master needed money to keep the farm and the people. As a result, the master would not have to sell e 157 and he thought his master would take care of his wife and children .
    The next morning ,the master called Tom i 158 his house. Mr Shelby said that he sold Tom to pay off his debts. The trader—Haley warned Tom if he were not here the next day, he would take away everything his master had. Tom said, “Master, I was eight when you were a b 159 , your mother put you into my arms and told me this will your master. Take care of him. Master, I have not broken my w 160 to you in all this time.”
    Mr Shelby said with tears in his eyes “My good boy, I will buy you back as soon as I can.”
    (Adapted. from Uncle Tom’s Cabin)

    Roy and his father haven’t met for one year since Roy’s warm and loving mother d 161 . He thought it was his father who caused his mother’s illness and death. He hated his father.
    Now they were sitting in an old coffee shop silently. Suddenly, his father asked the w 162 to put some salt in his coffee. Roy was surprised. His father smiled and said, “Before you were born, your mother and I often had f 163 playing in the sea. We could taste the sea, just l 164 the taste of the salty coffee. Every time I have this kind of salty coffee, I always think of your mother. I m 165 her so much.”
    Roy was deeply moved. He never knew his father had such deep l 166 for his mother. One month later, he m 167 to live with his father. Every time he made coffee for him, he also put some salt in the coffee.
    After 10 years, his father died. Roy received a l 168 which said, “Dear Roy, please forgive my life’s lie—the salty coffee. Actually at that m 169 , I just wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me to change, so I just went ahead. Now let me tell you the t 170 . In fact, I don’t like salty coffee at all, but I drink salty coffee for 10 years just because of you—my son! Having you with me is the biggest happiness of my whole life.”

    When teenagers grow older, they try to understand who they are. Children start c 171 their clothing styles, hobbies, interests and friends when they begin to find out who they are. They think they are no l 172 children.
    Teenagers begin to understand the world a 173 them. They don’t just listen to their parents any more. They start to have the desire (欲望) to find answers themselves. And they won’t obey the r 174 set by parents or teachers. Sometimes, they are also confused (困惑的) about themselves. They can’t make their own choices and d 175 in life like adults, but they are not really the children who fully d 176 on others.
    At this time, teenagers still need help. They need to have a good r 177 with their parents, but not just be told w 178 to do or not to do. They need encouragement to go for their own dreams. They should be g 179 more freedom to deal with something on their own. However, the freedom needs boundaries. They need s 180 in their lives that can help them when meeting difficulties. If so, they can grow up healthily.

    It is important to have good learning habits if you want to study. This is especially true when it comes to online learning. Online learning is d 181 from what you will find in a traditional school. The learning environment and methods are different.
    When studying in a classroom, there is a lot of c 182 between the students and the teacher, but little interaction(互动)among the students, w 183 online learning helps one student and another to interact very seriously and closely. So an online teacher needs to l 184 students to interact. They should guide discussion but not take total control of students’ t 185 as teachers do in a classroom.
    So how can you d 186 good learning habits in online learning? Here are some good s 187 . First, it is a good idea to prepare well for online learning. You can write down d 188 tasks and even weekly tasks that you want to complete. B 189 doing so, you will have a good plan for achieving your goals. Second, you should spend as much time as possible online. A 190 , try to set aside extra time to communicate with other students. Besides this, hand in your homework on time so that you won’t fall behind.

    Hong Kaitong, a fourth-grader from Guangzhou, e 191 a fun holiday this summer. I 192 of attending English or math training courses, she played badminton and basketball most of the time.
    A new guideline (指导方针)by central authorities (中央政府) on July 24 helped Zhong have some free time during the summer. Aiming to ease (减少) the schoolwork burden (负担) on b 193 primary and junior high school sutdents, the guideline calls for reducing homework, improving the quality of education and regulating (规范) after-class activities, Xinhua reported.
    According to the guideline, children b 194 the third grade will not have homework any more. It should take no more than 90 minutes for junior high school students to finish their homework.
    Off-campus tutoring institutions (校外培训机构) are not allowed to o 195 overseas education courses or advanced (超前的) teaching. No subject-based (基于学科的) training will be allowed on weekends, national holidays or during winter and summer v 196 .
    More than 75 percent of children in Chinese cities from grades 1 to 12 are taking private (私人的) tutoring courses, Global Times reported.
    “Parents are w 197 that if their children start behind, they will stay behind. Some training institutions have taken advantage of (利用) parents’ anxieties (焦虑) to make m 198 ,” said Chen Xianzhe, a professor at South China Normal University. “The guideline is meant to calm (安抚) the anxieties of parents and students as a whole.”
    “But this does not m 199 the tutoring courses will completely disappear, since exams still exist(存在),” said Chu Zhaohui, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences. One-on-one or one-on-two tutoring might see a rise due to this need.
    “Therefore, schools should i 200 their education quality, take the main responsibility for students’ education and not push them into tutoring courses,” Chu added.


    1.(f)ree 2.(b)lackboard 3.(f)oreign 4.(p)ronunciation 5.(t)hrough 6.(n)umber 7.(k)nown 8.(e)xpress 9.(n)either 10.(p)romised

    1.句意:这位73岁的老人已经免费教孩子们英语一个多月了,每周教六天。根据下文“ News of free English tutoring from a retired university professor”可知,是免费教孩子们英语,free“免费的”,故填(f)ree。
    2.句意:在房子的外墙上,有一块小黑板,上面写满了音标。根据上文“classroom”可知,介绍的是教室,结合“here was a small... covered with phonetic symbols. ”及首字母可知,写满音标的地方应是黑板,blackboard“黑板”,故填(b)lackboard。
    3.句意:退休前,刘是重庆市一所大学的外语教授。根据“language”及首字母可知,此处指“外语”foreign language,故填(f)oreign。
    4.句意:作为一名教师,他知道标准发音对学习语言是多么重要,于是他开始纠正孩子。根据“he heard many mistakes when the child was reading”可知,此处指发音标准很重要,pronunciation“发音”,故填(p)ronunciation。
    5.句意:一位退休的大学教授免费教英语的消息很快传遍了村子,越来越多的孩子来学英语。根据“spread .... the village, and more and more children came to learn”可知,应是消息传遍了村子,spread through“传遍”,故填(t)hrough。
    6.句意:后来,随着学生数量的增长,刘在一个村民的院子里建了一间教室。根据“as the ... of students grew”及首字母可知,应是随着学生数量的增长,the number of“……的数量”,故填(n)umber。
    7.句意:因此,他现在被称为“庭院老师”。be known as“被称为”,固定短语,故填(k)nown。
    8.句意:一些村民曾经试图给他钱或礼物来表示感谢,但他拒绝了。根据“tried to pay money or give him gifts to ... their thanks,”及首字母可知,给他钱或礼物是为了表示感谢,express“表达”,to后跟动词原形,故填(e)xpress。
    9.句意:他说教书已经成为他生活的一部分,他教书既不是为了名也不是利。根据“... fame nor profit (赢利).”及首字母可知,此处是指neither...nor“既不……也不……”,故填(n)either。
    10.句意:在他结束今年的课程返回重庆之前,他向孩子们承诺明年还会再见到他们。根据“the children that he would see them again next year.”及首字母可知,应是 “承诺孩子们还会再见”,promise“承诺”,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用原形,故填(p)romised。

    11.(y)ourself 12.(g)rowing 13.(p)oor 14.(b)adly 15.(l)ive 16.(a)way 17.(c)ollected 18.(c)ollege 19.(h)ero 20.(r)efused

    11.句意:当你面对困难的时候,一种依靠自己的精神比哭泣求助更有用。根据“depending on y ... is more useful than crying for help”以及首字母可知是依靠自己比哭更有用;又根据“When you face difficulties”可知是依靠你自己,yourself“你自己”。故填(y)ourself。
    12.句意:这就是洪战辉从男孩成长为苦难家庭男人的故事所告诉我们的。根据“g ... from boy to man with family difficulties”以及首字母可知是从男孩成长为男人,grow“成长”,因位于介词of之后,应用动名词形式。故填(g)rowing。
    13.句意:洪战辉1982出生于河南省西华县一个贫穷的家庭。根据“When he was only 11, ... go on to study.”以及首字母可知他生于一个贫困的家庭,poor“贫困的”,在句中作定语。故填(p)oor。
    14.句意:当他只有11岁时,父亲病重,有一天带着一个弃婴回来了。根据“became b ... ill”以及首字母可知是病得厉害,此处应用副词修饰形容词ill,badly“糟糕地,严重地”符合语境。故填(b)adly。
    15.句意:她不再想过如此贫困的生活,不想面对她生病的丈夫。根据“She no longer wanted to l ... such a hard life and face her sick husband.”以及首字母可知,此处是说她不想再过如此贫困的生活,live such a hard life“过着如此困难的生活”,因空前有wanted to,所以此处用原形。故填(l)ive。
    16.句意:尽管生活艰难,洪战辉却从未离开过他的父亲和妹妹。根据后文“He took several part - time jobs to feed his family. He even c ... bottles and paper to make money in his free time.”可知,洪战辉做了几份兼职工作来养家,甚至收集瓶子和纸去挣钱养家,结合首字母可推知,洪战辉没有离开父亲和妹妹,go away from“离开”。故填(a)way。
    17.句意:他甚至在他的空闲时间收集瓶子和纸去挣钱。根据“He even c ... bottles and paper to make money in his free time.”以及首字母可知,他收集瓶子和纸,动词collect“收集”,作谓语,因本文叙述故事时态为一般过去时态,所以此处应用collect的过去式。故填(c)ollected。
    18.句意:几年后,他在一所大学学习接受更高的教育。根据“for higher education”以及首字母可知应是在大学接受更高的教育,college“大学”,因空前有a,所以用单数。故填(c)ollege。
    19.句意:他的故事公之于众后,他成了人们眼中的英雄。根据“Hong became a h ... in people’s eyes after his story went public.”以及首字母可知洪战辉应是人们眼中的英雄,hero“英雄”,因空前有a,所以用名词单数。故填(h)ero。
    20.句意:但洪战辉拒绝了别人的帮助。根据“He said he felt thankful for kind offers, but he could depend on his own work.”可知,他很感激友好的帮助,但他可以依靠自己的工作;再结合首字母可推知他拒绝了别人的帮助,refuse“拒绝”,动词,作谓语,因本文叙述故事时态为一般过去时态,所以此处用refuse的过去式。故填(r)efused。

    21.(H)owever 22.(b)e 23.(o)thers 24.(b)ring 25.(f)eel 26.(h)elpful 27.(d)octor 28.(t)raffic 29.(s)upport 30.(m)atter

    22.句意:然而,尽管我经常改变我想成为什么样的人的想法,但有一件事没有改变,那就是帮助别人的愿望。want to be“想成为……”,动词短语。故填(b)e。
    23.句意:然而,尽管我经常改变我想成为什么样的人的想法,但有一件事没有改变,那就是帮助别人的愿望。help others“帮助别人”。故填(o)thers。
    24.句意:通过提供帮助,我会给别人带来幸福。根据“happiness to other people.”及首字母可知,此处指给他人带来幸福,bring“带来”,will后跟动词原形。故填(b)ring。
    25.句意:它能让我觉得我是一个有用的人。根据“It can make me ... that I am a useful person.”及首字母可知,此处表示“感觉”自己是个有用的人,feel“感觉,觉得”,make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”。故填(f)eel。
    26.句意:有很多方法可以提供帮助。根据“I can help the sick”可知,此处用形容词“helpful”表示“有帮助的”。故填(h)elpful。
    27.句意:我可以通过当医生来帮助病人。根据“I can help the sick”可知,此处是指成为“医生”,doctor“医生”,a后跟单数。故填(d)octor。
    28.句意:我可以成为一名交通警察,使交通顺畅。根据“I can make the traffic run smoothly (顺利地)”可知,是指成为交通警察,traffic police officer“交通警察”。故填(t)raffic。
    29.句意:我也能找到办法来帮助穷人或清理环境。根据“the poor”及首字母可知,此处用support表示“支持”,to为不定式符号,后跟原形。故填(s)upport。
    30.句意:无论我将来做什么,我都会尽力帮助别人。no matter what“无论做什么”。故填(m)atter。

    31.(E)nglish 32.(r)ules 33.(m)aking 34.(m)eaning 35.(c)hance 36.(c)lassmates 37.(l)earnt/(l)earned 38.(o)utside 39.(o)nline 40.(c)hat

    31.句意:我记得当我学习英语时, 我对说英语感到为难。结合下文“I could remember lots of words and knew grammar” 以及首字母提示可知,此处说的是学习英语。故填(E)nglish。
    32.句意:我能记住很多单词, 知道语法规则, 但说很难。结合“grammar”和首字母提示可知,rules“规则”符合语境。故填(r)ules。
    33.句意:不要担心犯错误。worry about 后加动名词。根据首字母提示可知,此处考查短语make mistakes,表“犯错误”。故填(m)aking。
    34.句意:其他人仍然知道你的意思, 他们可能不会注意到你的错误。根据“they probably won’t notice your mistakes.”可知,他们可能不会注意到你的错误,说明他们可以理解你的意思。meaning“意思”符合语境。故填(m)eaning。
    35.句意:利用你可以得到的一切机会去说。根据“Use every...you get to speak.”及首字母提示可知,此处表达的是:利用一切机会说英语。chance“机会”符合语境。故填(c)hance。
    36.句意:例如, 在课堂上只使用英语, 不要用自己的语言与同学交谈是个好主意。根据“it’s a good idea to use only English in class”和首字母提示可知, 在课堂上, 肯定是与同学们交流。classmate“同学”, 此处是泛指,需用复数形式。故填(c)lassmates。
    37.句意:在家里, 你也应该试着练习你在课堂上学到的生词和语法。根据“At home, you should also try practising new words and grammar which you have...in class.”和首字母提示可知,learn“学习”符合语境。根据空前的助动词“have”可知,此处需用现在完成时,现在完成时的结构为“have/has+过去分词”。故填(l)earnt/(l)earned。
    38.句意:考虑在教室外进行额外的口语练习。根据“You can join a conversation group such as the chat groups in the study centre. ”可知,是在教室外面进行练习。结合首字母提示可知,outside“在外面”符合语境。故填(o)utside。
    39.句意:在线练习口语。根据“There are lots of websites” 可知是在网上练习。结合首字母提示可知,online“在线”符合语境。故填(o)nline。
    40.句意:有很多网站可以让你与来自世界各地的人聊天。根据“with someone” 和首字母提示可知,此处考查短语chat with sb,表“与某人聊天”。can后接动词原形。故填(c)hat。

    41.(m)aster 42.(s)ell 43.(p)rice 44.(p)romise 45.(w)hite 46.(h)appiness 47.(d)ifferent 48.(b)ad 49.(f)ailed 50.(e)verything

    41.句意:Shelby先生,Tom叔叔的主人,非常需要用钱,所以他除了卖了Tom别无选择。根据“Tom is an excellent man and you can sell him”可知是Shelby要卖了Tom,所以结合首字母此处应填主人。故填(m)aster。
    43.句意:Haley,Tom是一个优秀的人并且你能以一个好的价格卖掉他。at a good price“以一个好的价格”符合语境,故填(p)rice。
    44.句意:也许我不能许诺。此处应填动词原形,根据“but promise me to find a good master for him”并结合首字母可知Haley应是说他不能许诺。故填(p)romise。
    46.句意:小屋充满了幸福。此处应填名词。根据“Meanwhile, in Uncle Tom’s cabin, Aunt Chloe with her three kids was baking a cake happily. Their young Master George, Shelby’s son, was teaching Uncle Tom how to write”和首字母可知应是此时小屋充满快乐,故填(h)appiness。
    48.句意:她带给他们一个坏消息。此处应填形容词,根据“Master will sell you, dear Uncle Tom”和首字母可知应是坏消息,故填(b)ad。

    51.(S)ince 52.(w)here 53.(w)ords 54.(t)hird 55.(f)ewer 56.(h)appening 57.(b)usy 58.(l)ike 59.(n)othing 60.(r)emain

    52.句意:他的老板给了他一把斧头,并告诉他应该在哪里工作。根据“the woodcutter walked to the place”可知告诉他在哪里工作,where“在哪里”。故填(w)here。
    53.句意:樵夫被老板的话所鼓舞,第二天更加努力地工作,但只砍倒了15棵树。根据“ ‘Good job,’ his boss said. ‘Keep going!’ ”可知是被老板的话鼓舞,用words表示“话语”。故填(w)ords。
    54.句意:第三天,他更努力了,但只砍倒了10棵树。根据“the next day”可知此处指第三天,third“第三”。故填(t)hird。
    55.句意:日复一日,他砍伐的树木越来越少。根据“On his first day, the woodcutter walked to the place and cut down 18 trees.”、“worked even harder the next day but could only cut down 15 trees”及“he tried even harder, but only cut down 10 trees”可知砍的树越来越少,此处指更少了,fewer“更少的”,修饰可数名词复数。故填(f)ewer。
    56.句意:他去找老板道歉,说他不明白发生了什么事。根据“he could not understand”及上文提到的树越砍越少,可知不明白正在发生的事情,happen“发生”,was后接其现在分词形式构成过去进行时。故填(h)appening。
    57.句意:我一直在忙着砍树。be busy doing sth.“忙于做某事”。故填(b)usy。
    58.句意:我们的生活就是这样。根据“We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen our axe.”可知我们的生活就像那样,like“像”。故填(l)ike。
    59.句意:积极活动和努力工作并没有错。根据“with activity and hard work”可知活动和努力工作都没什么错,nothing“没有什么”。故填(n)othing。

    61.(d)eath 62.(w)orse 63.(r)ole 64.(s)lows 65.(d)uring 66.(u)ntil 67.(e)ither 68.(m)edicine 69.(t)wice 70.(w)ash

    61.句意:你担心得要死,因为你不知道它什么时候会消失?根据“Are you almost crazy by the acne(青春痘) on your face?”以及“because you never know when it will disappear?”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“担心的要死”,介词后接名词形式,worry to death“极度担心”,故填(d)eath。
    62.句意:因为担心只会让事情变得更糟。根据首字母提示及“Don’t worry about it any more. Because worrying will only make it”可知,担心只会让事情变得更糟糕,空前有even修饰,此处应用比较级形式,故填(w)orse。
    63.句意:最近的一项研究发现,忧虑在你的皮肤疾病中扮演着重要角色。根据“plays an important...in your skin disorders”及首字母提示可知,此处是play an important role in...“在……起重要作用”,故填(r)ole。
    65.句意:学生们经常在考试前和考试期间发现自己的粉刺更严重。根据“the exam”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是during“在……期间”,故填(d)uring。
    66.句意:它会一直持续到20岁甚至25岁。根据“the age of 20 or even 25”及首字母提示可知,此处是until“直到……”,故填(u)ntil。
    67.句意:也不要担心脸上的疤痕。根据“But don’t worry. Acne always disappears at last. It lasts...the age of 20 or even 25. And don’t worry about scarring on your face”及首字母提示可知,此处表示“也”,否定句句末用either,故填(e)ither。
    68.句意:没有药可以治。根据“to cure”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“没有药可以治疗”,故填(m)edicine。
    69.句意:例如,运动后每天洗两次脸。根据“wash your skin...a day”及首字母提示可知,此处是指twice a day“一天两次”,故填(t)wice。
    70.句意:最重要的洗脸时间就是睡觉时间。根据“wash your skin”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是wash“洗”,空前有to,此处动词用原形,故填(w)ash。

    71.(d)ifficult 72.(a)nswer 73.(s)pend 74.(h)eavy 75.(d)ressed 76.(e)xperiences 77.(l)eft 78.(t)imes 79.(a)sleep 80.(w)hat

    71.句意:你认为做父母很难吗?根据“Some of the students said they thought it was easy”及首字母d可知是问做父母难吗,difficult“困难的”,形容词作表语。故填(d)ifficult。
    72.句意:我们的老师说他不会告诉我们答案。根据“Last Monday however he asked us a very interesting question”可知问了一个问题,不会告诉学生答案,answer“答案”,一个问题的答案,用单数。故填(a)nswer。
    73.句意:然后老师让我们用这周剩下的时间做“面粉宝宝”。spend time in doing sth.“花费时间做某事”;ask sb. to do sth.“让某人做某事”。故填(s)pend。
    74.句意:我们先拿了一些大袋子,在里面装满了面粉,以便让面粉宝宝和真的一样重。根据“We first took some big bags and filled them with flour”可推出往袋子里装面粉,是为了让宝宝有重量,heavy“重的”,形容词作宾补。故填(h)eavy。
    75.句意:在那之后,我们用硬纸板给我们的面粉宝宝做了一些胳膊、腿和脸,然后我们给他们穿上旧衣服。根据“in old pieces of clothing”可知是穿衣服,dress sb.“给某人穿衣服”;结合“used”可知用一般过去时,此处用过去式dressed。故填(d)ressed。
    76.句意:当我们结束的时候,老师给了我们每个人笔记本,记录了整个星期和宝宝们在一起的一些有趣的经历。根据“with the babies for the whole week”可知是记录这个星期的经历,experience“经历”,some后接其复数形式。故填(e)xperiences。
    77.句意:例如,我的一个朋友记性很差,一天早上他把他的面粉宝宝忘在公共汽车上了。根据“one of my friends had quite a bad memory”可知是把面粉宝宝落在了公共汽车上,leave“落下”;结合“had”可知用一般过去时,leave的过去式left。故填(l)eft。
    78.句意:每天晚上,我都要起来三次喂面粉宝宝。根据“to feed the flour baby”可知夜里起床三次喂面粉宝宝,time“次”,three后接其复数形式times。故填(t)imes。
    79.句意:我很累,很快就睡着了。fall asleep“睡着”。故填(a)sleep。
    80.句意:我认为这也让我对父母为我所做的事情有了新的认识。have done后缺少宾语,用what,此处表示“父母为我做了什么”。故填(w)hat。

    81.(m)ember 82.(c)hosen 83.(a)ny 84.(m)atter 85.(t)hought 86.(p)repare/(p)lan 87.(b)efore 88.(c)hance 89.(d)aughter’s 90.(i)nfluenced

    81.句意:他担任神舟九号、神舟十号和神舟十一号任务的备份成员已有23年。根据“Deng Qingming, aged 55, is a Chinese taikonaut. He has served as a backup...”可知,他是担任飞行任务的后备成员,member“成员”,可数名词,根据“a”可知,此处使用名词单数形式。故填(m)ember。
    82.句意:虽然到目前为止邓还没有被选中进入太空,但他仍然在他的岗位上做好准备,随时可以参加任务。根据“He has served as a backup (备份) member...”可知,他没有被选中进入太空,choose“选择”,动词,根据“has never been”可知,此处使用其过去分词形式,构成现在完成时。故填(c)hosen。
    83.句意:虽然到目前为止邓还没有被选中进入太空,但他仍然在他的岗位上做好准备,随时可以参加任务。根据“Deng continues to stand ready at his post”可知,他时刻准备着,随时可以参加任务,at any time“随时,在任何时候”。故填(a)ny。
    84.句意:无论通往太空的道路有多么艰难,他从来没有想过放弃。根据“No...how difficult the road to space flight is”可知,此处使用matter,no matter引导让步状语从句,结构:no matter+疑问词+从句。故填(m)atter。
    85.句意:无论通往太空的道路有多么艰难,他从来没有想过放弃。根据“Deng, don’t give up! Deng never forgot those words.”可知,他从来没有想过放弃,think of“想起”,根据“once”可知,此处时态为一般过去时,动词使用过去式。故填(t)hought。
    86.句意:每次任务结束后,他都会以积极的态度迅速准备/计划迎接新的挑战。根据“welcome new challenges with a positive attitude”可知,此处是“准备或计划迎接新的挑战”,prepare“准备”,动词,plan“计划”,动词,would是情态动词,后接动词原形。故填(p)repare/(p)lan。
    87.句意:任务的成功比我个人的愿望更重要。根据“The success of the mission comes...my personal wishes”并结合上文可知,他虽然没有被选中进入太空,但是每次任务的成功比他个人的愿望更重要,before“以……为先”,介词。故填(b)efore。
    88.句意:他仍然坚信自己有机会完成任务,并像其他队友一样努力工作。根据“at a mission”可知,他坚信自己还有机会参加任务,chance“机会”,可数名词,根据“a”可知,此处使用名词单数形式。故填(c)hance。
    89.句意:邓在他女儿的眼中是最伟大的英雄。根据“My father is the most hardworking...”可知,在女儿眼中,他是最伟大的英雄,daughter“女儿”,可数名词,此处使用名词所有格daughter’s,修饰名词eyes。故填(d)aughter’s。
    90.句意:受邓的影响,这个女孩现在也在北京的地面控制部门工作。根据“My father is the most hardworking, most selfless person I’ve ever met.”可知,邓的女儿觉得他很伟大,很努力,所以在他的影响下,女儿也从事了相关工作,influence“影响”,动词,根据“by Deng”可知,此处是被动语态,使用动词过去分词形式。故填(i)nfluenced。

    91.(a)rrived 92.(n)early 93.(o)ver 94.(o)ff 95.(a)s 96.(b)ecause 97.(h)er 98.(f)ree 99.(c)ompanies 100.(s)hows

    91.句意:2021年9月25日,华为49岁的首席财务官抵达广东深圳,此前她在加拿大被非法拘留了近三年。根据“in Shenzhen”和首字母提示可知,是到达深圳;再者根据“On September 25, 2021”可知,是一般过去时,arrive的过去式为arrived,故填(a)rrived。
    93.句意:孟下飞机后说:经过1000多天的磨难,我终于回到了祖国。根据“1,000 days of suffering”和上文的“three years”可知,是超过了1000多天,结合首字母提示,over符合句意。故填(o)ver。
    94.句意:孟下飞机后说:经过1000多天的磨难,我终于回到了祖国。根据固定搭配“下(飞机、火车):get off”可知,off符合句意。故填(o)ff。
    95.句意:她把祖国、党和政府形容为指引她踏上归途的光辉之光。根据“describe sth. as sth.”和首字母提示可知,as符合句意。故填(a)s。
    97.句意:美国想把她带到美国受审。根据“to the US for trial”和“带某人去某地:take sb. to sp.”可知,美国想把孟晚舟带到美国受审,结合首字母提示,用人称代词her代指“孟晚舟”。故填(h)er。
    98.句意:孟晚舟对指控拒不认罪,最终于当地时间9月24日获释离开加拿大。根据“leave Canada on September 24 local time”可知,最终获得自由能离开加拿大,结合首字母提示,free符合句意。故填(f)ree。
    99.句意:这是一个试图击垮中国高科技公司的政治案例。根据下文“the Chinese government has the will and ability to protect the rights of Chinese people and companies”可知,这是一个试图击垮中国高科技公司的政治案例,结合首字母提示,应该用company的正确形式,且是可数名词,因此companies符合句意。故填(c)ompanies。
    100.句意:孟晚舟的安全回归表明,中国政府有意愿和能力保护中国人民和企业的权利。根据“the Chinese government has the will and ability to protect the rights of Chinese people and companies”可知,此句时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,因此此空需要动词三单形式,结合首字母提示,是表明了中国政府有意愿和能力保护中国人民和企业的权利,shows“表明”符合句意。故填(s)hows。

    101.(l)ow 102.(i)nside/(i)n 103.(f)ear 104.(r)ose 105.(f)irst 106.(s)ame 107.(A)nybody/(A)nyone 108.(r)ight 109.(s)peed 110.(w)here

    101.句意:这是退潮的时候,其中有许多野人离Nautilus很近。根据“and many of them had come quite close to the Nautilus”可知退潮的时候野人能接近船只,low“低的”,形容词作定语。故填(l)ow。
    102.句意:我们走进去,把这件事告诉尼摩船长。根据“told Captain Nemo about it”可知是走进船里告诉尼摩船长,inside“向里面”,in“在里头”,都符合语境。故填(i)nside/(i)n。
    103.句意:我们没什么好害怕的。根据“The high tide the next day would lift the Nautilus off the reef.”可知没什么好怕的,fear“害怕”,to后接其原形构成动词不定式。故填(f)ear。
    104.句意:第二天早上,涨潮了。根据“The high tide the next day would lift the Nautilus off the reef.”可知第二天一早涨潮了,rise“上升”,结合“opened”可知用一般过去时,rise的过去式是rose。故填(r)ose。
    105.句意:第一个野人把手放在栏杆上。根据“The next savage”可知此处指第一个野人,first“第一”。故填(f)irst。
    106.句意:下一个野蛮人也做了同样的事。根据“The next savage did the s...”可推出第二个野人和第一个做了同样的事情,same“同样的”。故填(s)ame。
    107.句意:任何接触到扶手的人都会受到电击。根据“who touched the rail would receive an electric shock”可知接触到扶手的任何人都会受到点击,anybody/anyone“任何人”。故填(A)nybody/(A)nyone。
    108.句意:尼摩船长是对的。根据“Just then, the high tide lifted the Nautilus off the reef.”可知事实和尼摩船长说的一样,尼摩船长是对的,right“对的”。故填(r)ight。
    109.句意:我们在水下高速航行了好几天。根据“travelled at high s...”可推出是以高速航行,speed“速度”。故填(s)peed。
    110.句意:我想知道尼摩船长到什么地方去。根据“Would he return to Asia or go to Europe?”可知是想知道尼摩船长到哪里去,where“在哪里”,引导宾语从句。故填(w)here。

    111.(c)ountry 112.(p)ay 113.(t)reated 114.(s)ame 115.(a)lways 116.(i)nside/(i)ndoors/(i)n 117.(h)ow 118.(p)roblem/(p)roblems 119.(t)ruth 120.(f)ighting

    111.句意:我得知他们国家的名字是小人国。根据“In the days that followed, dear reader, I slowly became friendly with the emperor and his people.”及“Lilliput”可知,Lilliput是一个国家,country意为“国家”。故填(c)ountry。
    112.句意:人们不得不花钱来看我,这些钱使皇帝非常富有。根据“the money made the emperor very rich”可知,在小人国里,人们来看作者时,需要花钱的。pay意为“付费”;had to是情态动词,后跟动词原形。故填(p)ay。
    113.句意:皇帝和他的人民对我很好,在很多方面帮助了我。根据“helped me in many ways. They organized language lessons for me.”可知,小人国里的人对作者很好,treat意为“对待”;此处叙述过去发生的事情,需用过去式。故填(t)reated。
    114.句意:但我仍然是寺庙里的一个囚徒,每天我问皇帝同样的问题:“我能有我的自由吗?” 根据“Then one day the emperor gave me the freedom to walk about Lilliput.”可知,此处是作者每天问同样的问题,same意为“同样的”;the same question“同样的问题”。故填(s)ame。
    115.句意:“你必须有耐心,”他总是回答。根据“every day I asked the emperor the…question”可知,作者每天问同样的问题,国王就用“你必须有耐心,”来回答作者,此处需用always与上文呼应。故填(a)lways。
    116.句意:每个人都呆在屋里,跑到窗户前看着我。根据“ran to their windows to look at me.”可知,人们是在屋里看作者,inside/indoors/in意为“在里面”均符合题意。故填(i)nside/(i)ndoors/(i)n。
    117.句意:我喜欢透过皇帝美丽宫殿的窗户,看看他是如何生活的。由后文的提示词“he lived”可知,此处是指作者想看看国王的生活方式,how意为“如何”。故填(h)ow。
    118.句意:小人国的一切似乎都很好,很平静,我看不出那里的人有什么问题。根据“Everything seemed well and peaceful in Lilliput”及下文“But I was wrong.”可知,此处是指表面上他们没有什么问题,problem意为“问题”,用单数或复数均可。故填(p)roblem/(p)oblems。
    119.句意:事实完全不同。根据“We are at present…against a country called Blefuscu.”可知,事实上小人国并不太平,truth意为“事实”,此处需用名词作主语。故填(t)ruth。
    120.句意:我们目前正在与一个叫布莱福斯库的国家作战。根据“We are at present…against a country called Blefuscu.”可知,小人国正在与别国开战,fight against意为“与……作斗争”;此句是现在进行时,此处需用现在分词。故填(f)ighting。

    121.(w)ritten 122.(d)escribes 123.(b)eginning 124.(o)bjects 125.(c)reate 126.(i)magine 127.(r)emain 128.(s)imply 129.(s)pirit 130.(t)raditional

    121.句意:以上八句话摘自唐代著名诗人、画家王维((618-907))的名诗《山居秋暝》。which是主语,指代前文“诗词”,根据后面“by Wang Wei”可知,这里使用被动语态,be+动词的过去分词。结合首字母w,可知这里表示“这首诗被王维写”,故填(w)ritten。
    122.句意:当王维描述风景时,他画描述得很仔细,就像画画一样。Wang是主语,后接动词作谓语,根据“Wang...the scenery(景色)”以及首字母d,可知describe动词,意为“描述”符合句意。根据“he does it carefully”可知句子使用一般现在时。故填(d)escribes。
    123.句意:一开始,王维向读者展示了一片晴朗的天空,月光和远处的山景。冠词the后加名词,放在介词in之后,“ In the...”可作句子的时间状语,结合首字母b,beginning开始,in the beginning一开始,符合题意。故填(b)eginning。
    125.句意:这些颜色可以营造出一种平和和谐的氛围。情态动词can后面加动词原形,根据“a peaceful and harmonious(和谐的) atmosphere”以及首字母c可知create动词,意为“创造”符合题意。故填(c)reate。
    126.句意:这有助于读者想象风景之美并且享受轻松的生活方式。help sb. do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,根据“This helps readers...the beauty of the landscape(风景) and take in the relaxed lifestyle.”以及首字母i,可知imagine动词,想象,符合题意。故填(i)magine。
    127.句意:在诗的最后一部分,王维说,虽然春天可能会过去,但美丽的秋天和宁静的山村仍然是一个特殊的地方。“the beautiful autumn and the peaceful mountain village”是主语,后接动词作谓语,根据“while spring may pass”转折关系以及首字母r,可知remain保持,停留,符合句意。时态是一般现在时,故填(r)emain。
    129.句意:例如,松树和莲花代表坚忍不拔和高洁,这也意味着今天中国人的精神。根据“perseverance(坚忍不拔) and nobility(高洁)”可知,这也是中国人的精神。spirit是名词,意为“精神”,为不可数名词。故填(s)pirit。

    131.(k)eep 132.(o)ften 133.(p)refers 134.(i)ncludes/(i)nvolves 135.(s)tronger 136.(h)earing 137.(e)ither 138.(c)ommunications 139.(t)rue 140.(w)ithout

    131.句意:有很多事情会让你无法见到你爱的人,从繁忙的日程到遥远的距离,再到意想不到的新冠疫情。根据“from busy schedules to long distances”以及首字母可知繁忙的日程以及遥远的距离等都会阻止你见到你爱的人,keep sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”,情态动词后加动词原形。故填(k)eep。
    132.句意:幸运的是,多亏了现代科技,我们想念的人往往只是一个电话或一条短信的距离。根据“ the people we miss are...only a phone call or text message away”以及首字母可知往往只需要打电话或发短信,often“经常”。故填(o)ften。
    133.句意:但如果你是一个喜欢打字的人,你可能要三思了。根据“you’re someone who...typed-out messages”以及首字母并结合下文可知是更喜欢打字,prefer“更喜欢”,句子用一般现在时,主语是someone,谓语动词用三单形式。故填(p)refers。
    134.句意:一项新的研究发现,包括电话或视频聊天在内的语音交流比通过打字交流,如短信 或电子邮件,更能建立社会联系。根据“communication that...voice”以及首字母可知是包括声音等的交流,include/involve“包括”,句子用一般现在时,主语是communication,谓语动词用三单形式。故填(i)ncludes/(i)nvolves。
    135.句意:一项新的研究发现,包括电话或视频聊天在内的语音交流比通过打字交流,如短信或电子邮件,更能建立社会联系。根据“someone’s voice actually made the experience better”可知打电话比打字能建立更强的联系,根据“than”可知此处用形容词的比较级stronger“更强的”。故填(s)tronger。
    136.句意:但实际上听到某人的声音会让通话体验更好。根据“someone’s voice”以及首字母可知是听到某人的声音,hear“听到”,作主语用动名词。故填(h)earing。
    137.句意:在一项实验中,研究人员让陌生人通过发短信、视频聊天或只使用音频交谈的方式联系。根据“texting, talking over video chat or talking using only audio”以及首字母可知此处是either...or“或者……或者”。故填(e)ither。
    138.句意:他们发现,两种形式的语音交流——无论是视频还是音频,都会让陌生人感觉比通过短信交流时更有联系。根据“They found that both forms of voice”以及首字母可知是语音交流,communication“交流”,此处用名词复数。故填(c)ommunications。
    139.句意:发短信会让人很难理解谈话背后的真正含义。根据“texting can make it hard to get the...meaning behind a conversation”以及首字母可知发短信让人很难理解真正含义,修饰名词用形容词true“真正的”。故填(t)rue。
    140.句意:因此,说话者能够理解内容背后的含义,而无需思考单词背后的无尽可能含义。根据“the speakers are able to understand the meaning behind the content...thinking over the endless possible meanings behind words”可知说话者不需考虑单词背后的意义就能理解,without“没有”。故填(w)ithout。

    141.(m)ind 142.(p)eaceful 143.(l)asted 144.(h)idden 145.(j)ourney 146.(a)gainst 147.(g)rew 148.(h)imself 149.(W)estern 150.(p)raised

    141.句意:他脑海中浮现出所有人物的面孔。根据“And all the faces of the characters came to his”以及首字母可知是这些角色浮现在脑海,come to one’s mind“浮现脑海”。故填(m)ind。
    142.句意:主角是一个名叫吉姆·霍金斯的男孩,一开始和父母生活在一个安全平静的世界里。根据“living in a safe and...world”以及首字母可知是平静的世界,修饰名词world用形容词peaceful“平静的”。故填(p)eaceful。
    143.句意:这种生活一直持续到他找到了一张地图,地图上显示了被可怕的海盗弗林特船长隐藏的巨大宝藏所在的岛屿。根据“until he found a map”以及首字母可知他的平静生活持续到他发现一张地图,last“持续”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(l)asted。
    144.句意:这种生活一直持续到他找到了一张地图,地图上显示了被可怕的海盗弗林特船长隐藏的巨大宝藏所在的岛屿。根据“huge treasure that had been...by the terrible pirate”以及首字母可知是被海盗隐藏的宝藏,hide“隐藏”,此处应用过去分词和be动词构成被动语态。故填(h)idden。
    145.句意:吉姆与利弗西博士和斯奎尔·特里劳尼一起踏上了寻找宝藏的旅程。根据“to find the treasure”以及首字母可知他踏上了寻找宝藏的旅程,journey“旅程”,此处用名词单数。故填(j)ourney。
    146.句意:这个男孩克服了恐惧,勇敢地与海盗作战。根据“the boy got over his fear to fight bravely...the pirates”以及首字母可知他勇敢地和海盗作战,fight against“对抗”。故填(a)gainst。
    147.句意:最后,他成功地带着财宝回家,他也成长为一个成熟的年轻人。根据“into a mature young man”以及首字母可知他成长为一个成熟的年轻人,grow into“成长为”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(g)rew。
    148.句意:许多读者认为吉姆寻找宝藏是他寻找自己的过程。根据“So many readers think Jim’s search for treasure is a process for his search for”以及首字母可知他不仅找到了宝藏,也变得成熟,所以他寻找宝藏的过程就是寻找自己的过程,此处用反身代词himself“他自己”。故填(h)imself。
    149.句意:西方孩子在阅读《金银岛》中长大。根据“Chinese children grow up...”以及首字母可知此处指西方的孩子阅读《金银岛》,修饰名词children用形容词Western“西方的”。故填(W)estern。
    150.句意:这本书也被誉为继《鲁滨逊漂流记》之后最伟大的冒险故事。根据“as the greatest adventure stories”以及首字母可知这本书被誉为继《鲁滨逊漂流记》之后最伟大的冒险故事,be praised as“被誉为”。故填(p)raised。

    151.(c)ounted 152.(p)romised 153.(h)ands 154.(w)here 155.(r)efused 156.(w)orth 157.(e)verything 158.(i)nto 159.(b)aby 160.(w)ord

    151.句意:他们数了钱,谢尔比先生签了字。根据“the money”及首字母可知,此处指数钱,count“数数”,根据signed可知,此句用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(c)ounted。
    152.句意:谢尔比先生告诉哈利,他应该记住他答应过的把汤姆卖给一个好主人的话。根据“he should remember what he …to sell Tom to a good master”及首字母可知,记得答应过的话,promise“答应”,根据told可知,此空应填动词过去式,故填(p)romised。
    153.句意:他双手捂着脸听着,他的妻子建议他可以逃走,她会为他准备东西,因为她认为商人会把她的丈夫卖到一个种植园,在那里他们会用辛苦的劳作和不给吃饭杀死奴隶。根据“He listened with his face in his”及首字母可知,用手捂着脸,hand“手”,此处指用双手,故填(h)ands。
    154.句意:他双手捂着脸听着,他的妻子建议他可以逃走,她会为他准备东西,因为她认为商人会把她的丈夫卖到一个种植园,在那里他们会用辛苦的劳作和不给吃饭杀死奴隶。根据“sell her husband to a plantation, … they kill slaves with hard work and no food”及首字母可知,此空应填where指代前文的种植园这个地方,故填(w)here。
    155.句意:虽然汤姆和她的妻子一样伤心,但他拒绝逃跑,因为他听到伊丽莎说他的主人负债了。根据“ because he heard what Eliza said that his master was in debt”及首字母可知,拒绝逃跑,refuse“拒绝”,根据was可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(r)efused。
    156.句意:如果他值个好价钱,他宁愿被卖掉也不愿逃跑,因为主人需要钱来维持农场和人民。根据“If he was … a good price”及首字母可知,此处指值一个好价钱,worth“值得的”,故填(w)orth。
    157.句意:这样一来,主人就不用把所有的东西都卖了,而且他认为主人会照顾好他的妻子和孩子。根据“the master would not have to sell”及首字母可知,此处指不用把一切都卖了,everything“一切”,故填(e)verything。
    158.句意:第二天早上,主人把汤姆叫到家里。根据“called Tom… his house”及首字母可知,把汤姆叫到家里,call sb into“把某人叫进”,故填(i)nto。
    159.句意:你还是婴儿的时候我八岁了。根据“your mother put you into my arms”及首字母可知,还是婴儿的时候,妈妈抱在怀里,baby“婴儿”,a修饰名词的单数形式,故填(b)aby。
    160.句意:主人,我从来没有违背过我对你的诺言。根据“broken my ”及首字母可知,违背了自己说的话,word“话语”,故填(w)ord。

    161.(d)ied 162.(w)aiter/(w)aitress 163.(f)un 164.(l)ike 165.(m)iss 166.(l)ove 167.(m)oved 168.(l)etter 169.(m)oment 170.(t)ruth

    161.句意:Roy温暖慈爱的母亲去世后,Roy和父亲已经一年没有见面了。根据“He thought it was his father who caused his mother’s illness and death.”可知,此处是在他的母亲死后。整篇短文是一般过去时态,die“死”,是动词,过去式是died。故填(d)ied。
    162.句意:突然,他的父亲让服务员在他的咖啡里放一些盐。根据“Now they were sitting in an old coffee shop silently.”可知,此处是他的父亲让服务员在他的咖啡里放一些盐。waiter“女服务员”或waiter“男服务员”,故填(w)aiter/(w)aitress。
    163.句意:在你出生之前,你妈妈和我经常在海里玩得很开心。根据“playing in the sea”可知,此处是在海里玩得很开心。短语have fun doing sth.“玩得很开心”。故填(f)un。
    164.句意:我们可以尝到大海的味道,就像咸咖啡的味道一样。根据“the taste of the salty coffee.”可知,此处是就像咸咖啡的味道一样,like“像”,是介词。故填(l)ike。
    165.句意:我总是想起你的母亲。我很想念她。根据“I always think of your mother.”可知,下文是“我很想念她”,直接引述父亲的话,用一般现在时态,miss“想念”,是动词,主语是I,动词用原形,故填(m)iss。
    166.句意:他从来不知道父亲对母亲有如此深的爱。根据“Roy was deeply moved.”可知,他很感动,不知道父亲如此深爱母亲。deep“深的”,是形容词,后加名词,love“爱”,是名词,故填(l)ove。
    167.句意:一个月后,他搬去和父亲住在一起。根据“live with his father”可知,此处是“搬去和父亲住在一起”,move to do sth.“搬去某地”,整篇文章是一般过去时态,move的过去式是moved。故填(m)oved。
    168.句意:罗伊收到一封信,信中说:“亲爱的罗伊,请原谅我的生活谎言——咸咖啡。根据“which said, “Dear Roy, please forgive my life’s lie—the salty coffee.”可知,此处是收到一封信。letter“信”,是名词,a加名词单数。故填(l)etter。
    169.句意:事实上,在那一刻,我只是想要一些糖,但我说的是盐。根据“I just wanted some sugar, but I said salt.”可知,此处是在那个时刻。短语at the moment“在那一刻”。故填(m)oment。
    170.句意:现在让我告诉你真相。根据“In fact, I don’t like salty coffee at all, but I drink salty coffee for 10 years just because of you—my son!”可知,此处是告诉你真相。the+名词,truth“真相”,是名词,故填(t)ruth。

    171.(c)hoosing/(c)hanging 172.(l)onger 173.(a)round 174.(r)ules 175.(d)ecisions 176.(d)epend 177.(r)elationship 178.(w)hat 179.(g)iven 180.(s)omeone

    171.句意:当孩子们开始发现自己是谁时,他们开始选择(改变)自己的服装风格、爱好、兴趣和朋友。根据下文“They think they are no longer children”可知,他们意识到自己不再是小孩之后,会开始选择或改变自己的一些言行举止和穿搭。choose/change作动词,意为“选择/改变”,且位于“start doing”结构中,所以动词choose/change应用动名词形式。故填(c)hoosing/(c)hanging。
    172.句意:他们认为自己不再是孩子了。根据上文“When teenagers grow older, they try to understand who they are”可知,孩子长大后,心理开始发生变化,认为自己不再是孩子了。no longer为固定搭配,意为“不再”,符合句意,故填(l)onger。
    173.句意:青少年开始了解周围的世界。根据下文“They don’t just listen to their parents any more. They start to have the desire (欲望) to find answers themselves”可知,青少年开始了解周围的世界。around作介词,意为“围绕”,符合句意,故填(a)round。
    174.句意:而且他们不会遵守家长或老师制定的规则。根据下文“set by parents or teachers”可知,此处指的是家长或老师制定的规则。rule作名词,意为“规则”,此处应用复数形式表泛指。故填(r)ules。
    175.句意:他们不能像成年人那样在生活中做出自己的选择和决定,但他们并不是真正完全依赖他人的孩子。根据上文“They can’t make their own choices”及首字母可知,此处指的是做决定。decision作名词,意为“决定”,主语为“They”,所以此处decision应用复数形式。故填(d)ecisions。
    176.句意:他们不能像成年人那样在生活中做出自己的选择和决定,但他们并不是真正完全依赖他人的孩子。根据前后句意可知,此处存在转折关系,所以指的是他们并不是真正完全依赖他人的孩子。depend on为固定搭配,意为“依赖”,符合句意,故填(d)epend。
    177.句意:他们需要与父母保持良好的关系,但不仅仅是被告知该做什么或不该做什么。根据上文“At this time, teenagers still need help”可知,孩子们还是要与父母保持良好的关系,才能获得帮助。relationship作名词,意为“关系”,其前为不定冠词“a”,所以relationship应用名词单数形式。故填(r)elationship。
    178.句意:他们需要与父母保持良好的关系,但不仅仅是被告知该做什么或不该做什么。根据句中“but”提示,此处存在转折关系,即他们需要与父母保持良好的关系,但不仅仅是被告知该做什么或不该做什么。what to do为“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”结构,符合句子结构,故填(w)hat。
    179.句意:他们应该有更多的自由来处理自己的事情。根据下文“deal with something on their own”可知,他们应该被给予更多的自由来处理自己的事。give作动词,意为“给”,且位于“be +过去分词”的被动语态结构中,所以give应用过去分词形式。故填(g)iven。
    180.句意:他们的生活中需要有人在遇到困难时能够帮助他们。根据下文“that can help them when meeting difficulties”可知,他们的生活中需要有人在遇到困难时能够帮助他们。someone作不定代词,意为“有人”,符合句意,故填(s)omeone。

    181.(d)ifferent 182.(c)ommunication 183.(w)hile 184.(l)ead 185.(t)houghts 186.(d)evelop 187.(s)uggestions 188.(d)aily 189.(B)y 190.(A)lso

    181.句意:在线学习和你在传统学校学习是不同的。 根据下文“The learning environment and methods are different.”可知,学习环境和方法不同。由此可推断,此处表达的是在线学习和你在传统学校学习是不同的。be different from与……不同,固定短语。故填(d)ifferent。
    182.句意:当在教室里学习时,学生和老师之间有很多的交流,但是学生之间的互动很少,而在线学习帮助一个学生和另一个学生进行非常认真和密切的互动。 根据“When studying in a classroom, there is a lot of communication...between the students and the teacher,”及结合首字母提示可知,当在教室里学习时,学生和老师之间有很多的交流,此处使用不可数名词communication,表示“交流”符合语境。故填(c)ommunication。
    184.句意:因此,在线教师需要引导学生进行互动。 根据上文“but little interaction (互动) among the students,”可知,学生之间的互动很少,因此,在线教师需要引导学生进行互动。此处使用lead,表示“引导”符合语境,need to do sth.需要做某事。故填(l)ead。
    185.句意:他们应该引导讨论,而不是像教师在课堂上那样完全控制学生的思想。 根据“They should guide discussion but not take total control of students’... as teachers do in a classroom.”及结合首字母提示可知,他们应该引导讨论,而不是像教师在课堂上那样完全控制学生的思想。 此处使用thoughts,表示“思想”符合语境。故填(t)houghts。
    186.句意:那么如何在网上学习中逐渐养成良好的学习习惯呢? 根据“So how can you...good learning habits in online learning? ”及结合首字母提示可知,如何在网上学习中养成良好的学习习惯呢?此处使用develop,表示“逐渐养成”符合语境,can为情态动词,其后跟动词原形。故填(d)evelop。
    187.句意:这里有一些好的建议。根据首字母提示及下文内容“First, Second...”可知,此处提出了一些好建议,此处使用suggestions,表示“建议”符合语境;some修饰可数名词复数。故填(s)uggestions。
    188.句意:你可以写下你想要完成的每日任务,甚至每周任务。根据句中的“weekly tasks每周任务”及结合首字母提示可知,此处使用daily,表示“每日”符合语境;daily tasksme每日任务。故填(d)aily。  
    189.句意:通过这样做,你将有一个很好的计划来实现你的目标。根据“...doing so,”及结合首字母提示可知,通过这样做,此处使用by,表示“通过”符合语境。故填(B)y。
    190.句意:另外,尽量留出额外的时间与其他学生交流。根据上文“First, Second,”及结合首字母提示可知,此处使用连词also,表示“另外”符合逻辑顺序;句首首字母大写。故填(A)lso。

    191.(e)njoyed 192.(I)nstead 193.(b)oth 194.(b)elow 195.(o)ffer 196.(v)acations 197.(w)orried 198.(m)oney 199.(m)ean 200.(i)mprove

    192.句意:她大部分时间打羽毛球和篮球,代替参加英语或数学培训课程。由句意和首字母提示可知,空处应填“代替”,即“Instead”,与of构成词组Instead of,意为“代替”。故填(I)nstead。
    193.句意:据新华社报道,为了减轻中小学生的课业负担,该指导方针要求减少作业,提高教育质量,规范课后活动。根据“primary and junior high school”和首字母提示可知,此处考查固定短语“both...and...两者都”。故填(b)oth。
    194.句意:根据指导方针,三年级及以下的孩子将不再有家庭作业。根据“the third grade will not have homework any more”和首字母提示以及相关政策可知,此处指三年级以下,“在……下面”,即“below”。故填(b)elow。
    195.句意:校外培训机构不得参加海外教育课程或超前的教学。根据“overseas education courses or advanced (超前的) teaching”和首字母提示可知,空处应填“提供”,即“offer”。故填(o)ffer。
    197.句意:父母担忧,如果他们的孩子起点落后,他们就会一直落后。根据“if their children start behind, they will stay behind.”和首字母提示可知,此处指父母的担忧,空处应填“担心,担忧”,即“worry”,又因为空前为be动词are,所以,空处应用形容词形式worried。故填(w)orried。
    198.句意:一些培训机构利用父母的焦虑赚钱。make money“赚钱”,符合语境。故填(m)oney。
    199.句意:但这并不意味着辅导课程会完全消失,因为考试仍然存在。根据句意和首字母提示可知,空处应填“意味着”,即“mean”,因其在助动词does not后,所以用动词原形即可。故填(m)ean。

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