- (人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第1章 应用文写作 四、感谢信 (含解析) 学案 0 次下载
- (人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第1章 应用文写作 一、邀请信 (含解析) 学案 0 次下载
- (人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第2节 技法指导 (含解析) 学案 0 次下载
- (人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第1节 宏观感知 (含解析) 学案 0 次下载
- (人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第3节 语料素材 (含解析) 学案 0 次下载
(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第4节 强化训练 (含解析)
展开第4节 强化训练
On a particularly tough day last December,Flores came up with the idea of having her twins send letters to Santa by balloon.She told them that Santa would grab the balloons while he flew through the air on his sled.
The twins were excited.Flores helped them compose their letters,writing down all the things they dreamed Santa might bring them,and then put the notes into festive red balloons.
On a chilly,windy morning,she dressed the girls in identical pink sweatshirts,put beautiful bows in their hair,and then took them outside to release their wishes to the universe.
Several days later,when Alvin Bamburg,66,was deep in the woods in Grand Cane,Louisiana,something caught his eyes.Hanging in a fallen tree,it looked like litter.But Bamburg felt he must pick it up.
“God just told me,” he says.
As Bamburg approached,he saw that the object was a broken balloon.Attached was a piece of paper decorated with shiny star stickers.It was a child’s Christmas wish list.
“Dear Santa,” the handwritten note read.“ My name is Luna.I am four years old,and I live in Liberal,Kansas.This year I have been nice.I would like candy,SpiderMan ball,and Frozen doll.With love,Luna.”
Bamburg’s heart hammered in his chest.Ever since he was a child,he had dreamed of this.“Years ago,” he says,“classes at school released balloons with notes.I’ve always wanted to find one.”
He believed this was his childhood wish coming true.And he knew he was going to make Luna’s wish come true,too.
He just wasn’t sure how.
It is over 650 miles from Grand Cane,Louisiana to Liberal Kansas.But Bamburg’s wife,Lee Ann Bamburg,was not frightened by the distance.An enthusiastic Facebook user,she had seen other people find all sorts of connections through the site and thought it might help her husband find Luna.
So Alvin posted a photo of the balloon and the Christmas list on his Facebook page.__________________________________________________________________________
Having received so much generosity,Flores and her girls were deeply moved.________________________________________________________________________
So Alvin posted a photo of the balloon and the Christmas list on his Facebook page. Fortunately,the post found its way to Flores.It amazed her to learn that a stranger coincidentally spotting the balloon would fulfill her daughters’ Christmas wishes.Greatly touched,she called Alvin.When told how much it would mean to him to satisfy the girls’ wishes,she shared her address.No sooner had he hung up than he headed to purchase tasty candies,fancy dolls,and balls of various types.He then had them packed and mailed them with a note signed “Alvin”.
Having received so much generosity,Flores and her girls were deeply moved.To express appreciation for Alvin’s kindness,the twins wrote a thankyou letter to him.It dawned on them that a kind act would make a world of difference.Inspired by Alvin’s kindness,they planned to give away their toys,shoes and clothes to the poor children at Christmas.They shared the idea with Mom,who gave them a thumbsup.Flores felt pleased that an invaluable lesson was engraved on her girls’ mind that the best way to pay back is to pay it forward.
We went to Darjelling during the summer holidays and booked a cottage(农舍) for our stay.Our cook Gopi came with us because we could not do without homecooked meals.
Usually all the shopping was done by our home help—Bharat,who had accompanied(陪伴) us to our holiday destination.However,one early evening,my mother decided to do all the vegetable shopping by herself.She believed that Bharat did not wait to check the really fresh items and instead,bought randomly in a hurry.As a result,the vegetables he brought back were not fresh.
After getting ready,she took her favorite purse with quite an amount of money,thinking she could go to other shops too after finishing at the vegetable market.My mother asked Bharat to get a rickshaw for her and on reaching the market,she asked the rickshaw wallah(人力车车夫) to wait for her.She took a helper and did her shopping happily,choosing some of the freshest green vegetables available there.At last,her shopping was done.She returned to the rickshaw and sat on it while the helper put all the things my mother had bought onto the rickshaw.
On reaching home,Bharat took all the packets of vegetables inside and my mother quickly paid the rickshaw wallah and got off,forgetting to collect her purse from the seat of the rickshaw.The rickshaw wallah left soon after saying goodbye to my mother.All of us greeted my mother and asked her about her evening of shopping with much delight.
Then we began to help my mother prepare our dinner.My father came to help chop the meat;I helped wash the vegetables;we were talking and laughing.When dinner was about to be announced,it was late in the evening,almost 9 pm.
Then my mom realized her purse was missing.
We were just about to begin eating when the door bell rang.____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Then my mom realized her purse was missing.She looked everywhere for it and suddenly remembered that after paying the rickshaw wallah,she kept the purse on the seat before getting off.She had forgotten to pick up her purse which contained a lot of money.When my father came to know about this,he said that it was too late to look for the rickshaw wallah.We all decided that it was better to forget it.Mom felt sad and worried while sitting for dinner.
We were just about to begin eating when the door bell rang.Bharat opened the door and called my mother to see who it was.To our surprise,it was the poor rickshaw wallah standing at our entrance with a big smile on his weatherbeaten face.He had the purse in his hand.He explained that he had returned to the market before he realized what had happened.When my mother opened her purse,she found all the cash in it.We wanted to reward the lovely man but he smiled and said,“Madam,I’m poor but not a thief” and went away quickly.
Jenny stared at the store window longingly.There was nothing in this world that she wanted more than a Happy Hannah doll and all that currently separated her from the hottest doll of the holiday season was a thin piece of glass and $29.95 plus tax.Unfortunately,Jenny didn’t even have the 95 cents,so she let out a deep sigh and continued walking home.
Suddenly,a pink rectangle(矩形) in the snow caught her eye.Jenny walked over and realized it was a leather wallet.She removed it from the snow,and opened the wallet to find a thick pile of folded green bills and two plastic cards.One was a credit card and the other an ID.
Jenny stared at the old woman in her ID photo.The woman had a beautiful smile that reminded Jenny of her grandma.Jenny sighed and then she put the wallet into her purse.She turned around and walked in the direction from which she came.
Jenny’s heart beat quickly as she entered the store.She had long dreamed about this moment,but something didn’t feel right about it.As she approached a neat pile of Happy Hannah dolls,she pushed away her feelings.She grasped one Happy Hannah dolly.
As Jenny approached the register,the Happy Hannah Show theme song began playing.It was her mobile phone.It was her grandma.In one hand she held the Happy Hannah doll and in the other she held the phone on which her grandma was calling.Jenny’s heart was filled with love and appreciation as she thought of her sweet old grandma.She put the doll down and picked up the phone call.
“Hi Grandma? I’m going to be a little bit late tonight.I’ve got to drop something off...Yeah,it was good...OK...Alright...I love you too.” Jenny left the store and walked through the melting snow all the way to the other side of the town.She thought of her grandma as she rang the bell at 301 West Street.
The woman who answered the door had been crying recently and looked upset and anxious.________________________________________________________________________
The woman took the wallet smilingly.___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
The woman who answered the door had been crying recently and looked upset and anxious.“Are you Mrs Green?” Jenny asked politely,recognizing her from the ID card instantly.Mrs Green nodded in confusion and let her come in.“Madam,did you lose something?” Jenny continued and asked some necessary questions.“I lost my wallet with the money to buy gifts for some poor children,” The old lady blurted out at last,her eyes rounding in surprise and sparkling with hope.Overcome with guilt,Jenny felt her face burning and handed the wallet to her.Thank God,she would have disappointed those kids.
The woman took the wallet smilingly.She held it to her chest tightly and then hugged Jenny,tears streaming down her face.“You are the real angel.No one knows what the wallet means to the children,” She sobbed in gratitude.Jenny’s soft heart was touched because her grandma often called her angel.That night,she darted across the street,the creaking of snow echoing in the air.How eager she was to tell her grandma that today she got a present more meaningful than Hannah doll—She was a real angel!
Kilimandjaro was a popular place for soccer fans who went to watch Middlesbrough F.C.play over the weekend to eat after the game.Waka Waka Chicken was one of the restaurant’s signature dishes.
Everything seemed normal for the owner of the restaurant,Apollo,who always values the virtue of honesty,and his waiters.Customers were flocking in,and service was running smoothly that day.Apollo,to be honest,wasn’t even there.He was having a good time with his family,completely unaware of what was going on in his restaurant.He had no idea that something unexpected was about to happen and that he’d be getting a rather awkward phone call from the waiter.
At about 11:00 am,three guys walked in,clearly interested in sitting down and eating some food.There’s a good chance that they came from out of town and were fans of the away team.At the very least,the staff could detect a difference in their accents.It wasn’t long before they were attended to by a waiter who took their orders.After that,everything appeared to be going well...The three friends were glad they had chosen Kilimandjaro.Waka Waka Chicken with cheese was enjoyed by them.From their expression,the staff could tell these three guys were very satisfied with the food.
About one hour later,the three friends were prepared to pay for their meals.The total cost of the food was £35.They reached for their credit cards and handed them over as the waiter approached their table.However,they were shocked when the waiter informed them that they could only pay in cash.None of them carried cash with them.At this time,the waiter was asked to go to another table to take orders.Realizing the last train back home was to depart in an hour,the three friends had other ideas...
On returning,the waiter was surprised the three guys had gone without paying._________________________________________________________________________
Two weeks later,Apollo received an unexpected letter with £35 attached.______________
On returning,the waiter was surprised the three guys had gone without paying.The waiter had no choice but to contact Apollo.Apollo was completely confused when the waiter explained what had happened.He couldn’t understand how,in today’s world,a group of friends could walk into a restaurant,eat their meals,and then leave without paying.After a few days,there was still no sign that the three gentlemen would return to pay for their meal.With each passing day,the owner’s hope of them returning faded.
Two weeks later,Apollo received an unexpected letter with £35 attached.Obviously,they were sent by the three men.In the letter,all three were deeply sorry for leaving the restaurant without paying.They said they had intended to find an ATM machine to draw some cash but didn’t find one nearby.At that point,they had to leave,or they would be late for the train.After reading the letter,Apollo was absolutely stunned.It restored Apollo’s faith in humanity,who has come to believe there are honest people everywhere.
Tim Robinson,a former junior officer of the British Army,was on holiday in Bridport,Dorset,a town in England.While enjoying a walk down the beach,Tim slipped on a piece of seaweed lying in the sand and fell,breaking his leg.
Unfortunately,Tim did not bring his cell phone with him when he left for his walk.No one was in site,but as Tim lay helpless he remembered his military training and tried to think about what was around to help him.After struggling around on the beach,the pain became too much to handle.He stopped and thought about what to do.
With no phone and no one around,and with his leg hurting greatly,Tim had a decision to make.He could either continue this way in pain and hope that someone happened to see him,or he could try something else.It didn’t matter that his leg had made him partially immobile,Tim still had the ability to crawl(爬行),and so he did.
The choice was easy,but the crawl was tough.Tim told the Daily Mail,“After I crawled about a mile and a quarter away from the car park,I started flashing my torch in SOS and spinning it over my head to create a BuzzSaw signal which is a way of attracting helicopters in the armed forces.”
No one seemed to be around.At least,no one could read Tim’s signals for help.Once again,he had to either stay where he was and wait for help or get moving.In his mind he had no choice.There was no response to begin with,so he crawled for five minutes and covered about 50 meters before making the same signal three times.Most people couldn’t imagine crawling for any distance with a broken leg,but Tim wasn’t about to give up.
Tim finally got a response from the distance.
Tim’s condition was worse than Mrs Robinson thought._____________________________
Tim finally got a response from the distance.He was excited to see a torch flashing back.It was his wife shining the torch in response to his signal.Thankfully his wife knew something must have been wrong and went looking for her husband.She kept moving toward her husband,shining her light.All the while,Mrs Robinson called for help.As they got closer to each other she waited anxiously for help to arrive.She had no idea how hurt her husband actually was.
Tim’s condition was worse than Mrs Robinson thought.Tim’s broken leg hurt increasingly worse and was at risk of infection.He needed medical care immediately.Luckily,the ambulance finally showed up.After checking his leg,the medical workers couldn’t believe what he had put himself through.This man had crawled such a long distance after suffering such a wound.If it hadn’t been for his training in the army,he might not have made it.
(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第3节 语料素材 (含解析): 这是一份(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第3节 语料素材 (含解析),共12页。学案主要包含了人物描写,动作描写,情感描写,环境描写,结尾升华句等内容,欢迎下载使用。
(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第1节 宏观感知 (含解析): 这是一份(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第1节 宏观感知 (含解析),共3页。
(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第2节 技法指导 (含解析): 这是一份(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课时学案 第3部分 写作速成 第2章 读后续写 第2节 技法指导 (含解析),共12页。学案主要包含了梳理原文情节,把握文章主题,把握语言特征,分析人物特点,挖掘文本主线,把握文章主题等内容,欢迎下载使用。