1-5 BCCBA 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 BABCA 16-20 BCACA
21-23 CBD 24-27 DCAB 28-31 ABCA 32-35 CBCD 36-40. DFAEG
41-45 BABDB 46-50 CAACA 51-55 BCCDD
56.located 57.mountainous 58.stretches 59.a 60. hanging
61.their 62.to be used 63.above/over 64.that/which 65.Additionally
There is a popular/prevailing idea among students that copying vocabulary repetitively is the best way to memories the English words and expressions. But I have a different view on that. Not only is it ineffective in memorizing words and expressions, also students tend to be lost in the usages.
To better improve the efficiency of memorizing vocabulary, I think it is best to put those words and expressions into sentences. It will become easier to remember the words and their usages as the vocabulary builds up. Also, making up sentences using the words is kindly advised. In this way, words will be not forgotten easily.
In a sudden wave of bravery, Maya asked, “What’s it like being in a wheelchair?” Finishing her question, she lowered her head with her face burning. “Well, it’s not always easy, but I’ve been used to it.” Joan said simply, a gentle smile dancing around the corners of her mouth. “You’d be surprised at how fast I can go in this thing!” She added as she moved the wheelchair across the room, turning around, back and forth. What surprised Maya most was that she didn’t detect any pity or embarrassment from Joan’s face. It was then that a seed of power was planted deep inside her heart. During the afternoon, the three of them had a pleasant talk over lots of things until night fell.
Deeply impressed by Joan, Maya offered to sit beside Samir on the bus ride back home. She gathered her courage, turned to him and apologized, “I’m sorry for pretending not to have heard you this morning. The brace helps me walk up easily.” “Really?” Samir looked amazed, reached out and touched it gently, “That’s super cool!” His words were so sincere that Maya felt warm and moved. Not until the very moment did Maya realized that she could finally feel free to talk about the brace without embarrassment. Cold autumn as it was, it felt like a warm spring for Maya. A little green bud was bursting at the bottom of her heart—she and her brace were cool, beautiful and strong in her and others’ eyes.
Text 1
W: Can’t you knock on the door before you enter my office? (1)
M: Sorry! It’s just because I’m in such a hurry.
Text 2
W: I just sat down at my computer and realized that my phone was dead. Do you have a charger I can borrow?
M: Yes, Catherine. I always bring an extra charger to work.
W: I usually do too! But I forgot to bring mine before getting on the train this morning. (2)
Text 3
M: It’s going to take me forever to finish this maths homework, and I’m really not in the mood to do my science homework after that!
W: At least you completed your history yesterday. (3) If you do it a little faster, perhaps you’ll finish the science earlier than you thought.
Text 4
M: Have you seen Mr. Arnold? I’ve been searching everywhere for him.
W: From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., he has a meeting. He’ll be back in his office after the meeting.
M: Thanks. I’ll check there later. There’s only an hour left. (4)
Text 5
W: I’m sorry, Jack. I must decline your offer. Your company looks great, but I’d need a higher salary. (5) I hope you understand.
M: When I got your call, I thought you were ready to begin working. But I understand your concern.
Text 6
M: Mom, I bought a smart phone for you. Next month I will go to work in another country. (6) You can still connect with me on the Internet.
W: But I really don’t know how to use it. It’s hard for the old to learn new things. (7)
M: It’s OK. I’ll teach you how to have a video chat. (6) (7)
W: All right. I will try my best to follow you. It will save a lot of money on phone bills anyway.
Text 7
M: Hi, Sue. (9) (10) Where have you been?
W: Oh. Hi, Dan. (8) I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow. (8)
M: Tomorrow? Oh, no! I thought it wasn’t due till Monday. (8)
W: Don’t worry. It is indeed due on Monday. But I’m going away for the weekend and won’t be back till Monday night. (9)
M: Oh, where are you going?
W: California. We’re having a family party. (9) It’s my grandmother’s ninetieth birthday, (10) so all the cousins, aunts and uncles are going. She planned the whole thing herself.
M: Wow. That’s great. How many people will be there?
W: Around sixty. My family is big and spreads out, but we’re pretty close.
Text 8 (第13题为推断题)
M: It’s such a pleasure to meet everyone. Thanks to people like you, small businesses everywhere have many growth opportunities.
W: Thank you, Paul. And thanks for coming to my office to explain your company. (11) Now you can begin.
M: OK. So, we all feel anxious to look our best. But clothing styles quickly change, and fashion isn’t cheap! Plus, the more we buy, the more we waste. How many of us have over five clothing items that we never wear?
W: Good, how will you fix this?
M: Through my service, Rental Trend.
W: How does it work?
M: It’s a website where users can rent out their clothes. Anyone who is interested in those clothes can offer a price and rent them. There will be many types of clothes. Whether it’s for a party, photo taking or vacation, we try our best to meet people’s need.
W: Interesting, Paul. Have you borrowed from any banks?
M: No. And because this company is only a year old, this is the first time I’ve come to sincerely invite you to put money into our website. (12) I’m sure you will see what a big difference you make. With your help, we can bring fair fashion nationwide.
Text 9 (第14题为总结题、第15题为推断题)
W: Sorry to bother you, sir, but we’re looking into a report concerning the house opposite being broken into last night. We are speaking to everyone who lives in the neighborhood to investigate(调查) what happened.
M: Goodness me, they’re friends of mine! Are they OK? Did they take anything?
W: Everyone is fine, sir. A watch and some pieces of jewelry are missing, which has been upsetting, but thankfully no one was hurt.
M: How awful, but I’m glad they are okay.
W: May I ask you a few questions, sir?
M: Of course.
W: Did you see anything unusual around eleven o’clock last night? Something out of the ordinary, loud noises perhaps, or activity that you wouldn’t normally see outside?
M: Now that you come to mention it, I did notice some flashing lights from the house opposite around that time. I remember thinking it was strange because they are an old couple and their lights are usually out by around ten o’clock.
W: Did you see anyone?
M: I did take a look as it happened. There was a white car parked outside their house. (16) Oh, I’m so stupid — I should have realized something was happening!
W: Is there anything else you can remember? Anything at all? Even if you don’t think it is important?
M: Wait a minute!
W: What is it?
M: I forgot to say I have an outside security camera! It must have recorded everything!
W: Excellent, sir! It may solve the case! Let’s take a look immediately!
Text 10 (第20题为推断题)
I’m glad so many of you have come for the gardening class. Welcome, all of you.
Each week, we will be growing and looking after our plants, (17) and I will show you all how to get the best out of them. You will all have your own small section of land where you can choose which plants to grow. This week, we want a bed of flowers to brighten up the place. (18) In the following weeks, you may wish to grow your own fruit and vegetables. I will be here to advise and encourage you. I am here every day, so it is easy to come and find me if you have any questions. All I ask in return is that you enjoy your time in the great outdoors. (19) Gardening is such a wonderful thing to do. It’s good exercise, and rewarding. Plus, when you garden in groups like this, it turns into a wonderful social event too.
Right then, let me show you to your areas. Follow me.
21. C 细节理解题 【解析】根据题干的Death Valley可将答案定位到第一条路线的介绍上。该部分指出“It may sound terrifying, but Beijing’s cyclists named this northern route “Death Valley” on account of the huge tomb it passes, not the number of on-road accidents it has seen(这听起来可能很可怕,但北京的自行车手们将这条北线命名为“死亡谷”,是因为它经过的巨大坟墓,而不是它发生的交通事故数量)”,可知这条路线是因为途径坟墓而得名。故选C。
22. B 细节理解题 【解析】通过比较每条路线介绍中的“Approximate distance(大概的距离)”的数据可得答案。故选B。
23. D 细节理解题 【解析】根据The Verse部分的“It’s a hike that is well worth the effort, as you are rewarded with amazing views of the Great Wall upon arrival(这是一次非常值得的徒步旅行,因为你到达长城时可以看到令人惊叹的景色)”,以及Tongzhou Grand Canal Forest Park部分的“ The Grand Canal is a true wonder in China, and one of the greatest civil engineering projects in history. The oldest parts of it date back to the 5th century BC.(大运河是中国真正的奇迹,也是历史上最伟大的土木工程之一。它最古老的部分可以追溯到公元前5世纪)”可知,两条路线都能观赏到历史遗迹。故选D。
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述自然主义者Enzo Suma创办了Archeoplastica博物馆,通过展览向学校和社区展示塑料垃圾的持久性和环境影响,呼吁人们清理海滩、清理海洋和回收塑料以解决这一问题。
24. D 细节理解题 【解析】根据题干的“concern”可将答案定位到第一段“Feeling concerned about that...”,而前文提到“Floating waste accumulates in this relatively enclosed part of the Mediterranean, unlike the open ocean, where the waste tends to be spread over a vast area(漂浮的废物聚集在地中海这个相对封闭的部分,不像开放的海洋,废物往往分布在一个广阔的区域)”,可知他担心的是不断恶化的漂浮垃圾的问题。故选D。
25. C 细节理解题 【解析】根据第三段对Archeoplastica博物馆的介绍,“It has a collection of about 500 unique pieces recovered from Italian shores and the Coke bottle is the first one of them. All collection demonstrates the unsettling life force of plastic waste in the environment. (它收集了大约500件从意大利海岸回收的独特物品,而可乐瓶是其中的第一个。所有的收集都显示了塑料垃圾在环境中令人不安的生命力)”,可知博物馆的展品其实就是这些能够长久存在的塑料垃圾,目的是为了唤起人们对此问题的关注,具有教育意义。故选C。
26. A 推理判断题 【解析】通读文章可知,Enzo Suma关心环境问题,提出了颇具创新意义的解决方案,并践行自己的想法,可知他是一个有创造力、奉献精神、和社会责任感的人。故选A。
27. B 推理判断题 【解析】最后一段Suma对这个博物馆的作用意义进行评价,并再一次提醒人们塑料垃圾持久性的问题后,提到“But if we are still throwing out plastics, none of those are going to be long-term solutions (但如果我们还在扔塑料,这些都不是长久之计)”,由此可知,他认为根本解决之道是停止扔垃圾。故选B。
【导语】本文是一篇书评,对The Door-to-Door Bookstore这本书进行了介绍和评价。
28. A 推理判断题 【解析】通读全文,可知本文主要介绍The Door-to-Door Bookstore,包括其作者,主要内容和对这本书的评价,属于书评。故选A。
29. B 主旨大意题 【解析】根据第一段所提到这本书“is an undoubtedly emotional, inspiring novel about friendships between generations developed through books(毫无疑问,这是一本情感丰富、鼓舞人心的小说,讲述的是通过书籍建立起来的忘年交友谊)”,以及第三段提到“Trouble happens when a pretty wise (and a little annoying) motherless 9-year-old girl tags along with him on his rounds”,可知,这本书讲述的是Carl和一个九岁女孩的友谊的故事。故选B。
30. C 细节理解题 【解析】根据第四段的“Carl, who is terrible with names, assigns a literary character to each customer — Mr. Darcy, Mrs. Longstocking, The Reader — to help him keep them straight(卡尔很不擅长记名字,他给每个顾客分配了一个文学角色——达西先生、长袜太太、朗读者——以帮助他记清他的客人)”,可知Carl是用经典作品里面的角色名字来帮助他记忆客人,即提到经典作品是在提供与这本书有关的进一步的细节信息。故选C。
31. A 细节理解题 【解析】根据第五段提到的Carl根据不同的读者读书的特点进行分类可知,“Readers will have fun finding themselves in these pages”指的是读这本书的人会找到与自己匹配的类型。故选A。
32. C 细节理解题 【解析】根据前文描述,作者在焦虑紧张时会做一些小事,而 “It’s sometimes the most relaxed time I feel all day(有时这是我一天中最放松的时候)”,可知“this”指的就是这种在做“无关紧要的”的小事中放松的过程(drawing comfort from some simple tasks)。故选C。
33. B 细节理解题 【解析】根据题干“prefer puttering to other distracting activities”可将答案定位到第三段“Compared with other distracting activities...many people enjoy puttering for the reason that it has the advantage of being useful for increasing their ‘perceived control’(与其他分散注意力的活动相比……许多人喜欢puttering,因为它有一个好处,有助于提高他们的‘感知控制’)”,即puttering这件事有助于提高人们的控制感( It helps them boost their perceived control),故选B。
34. C 推理判断题 【解析】根据题干的“the elderly”可将答案定位到提到“nursing home”的第四段。根据该段所描述的研究结果可知,“the residents who took charge of their room enjoyed better physical health(养老院里对自己的房间有一定自主控制权的老人们身体健康状况更好)”。故选C。
35. D 主旨大意题 【解析】通读文章可知,作者以自己在puttering(或者说doing small tasks)中获得放松为引子,引出了对the pleasure of puttering的原因的介绍,指出最明显的原因就是它能increase people’s perceived control,并提供研究证据。故选D。
36. D【解析】 根据上文“Conscious (有意识的) living is not just a trend. (有意识的生活不仅仅是一种时尚)”中“not just”可知,有意识的生活不仅仅是一种时尚,因此下文会更一进定义有意识的生活,D“It is a healthy choice that enables you to be happy. (它是一种健康的选择,能让你快乐)”提出有意识的生活还能带来快乐,与上文构成递进关系,句中代词it指代上文中“Conscious (有意识的) living”。故选D项。
37. F【解析】上文“Time is the most precious thing because there is no way to live a moment again. (时间是最宝贵的东西,因为没有办法让一个瞬间重来)”分析了时间宝贵的原因,F项“The way you spend your time determines the course of your life. (你如何利用时间,决定了你的人生轨迹)”承接上文,说明利用时间对人生的重意义,照应本段主题“Be conscious about your time. (要意识到你的时间)”,上下文语意连贯一致。故选F项。
38. A【解析】设空处是本段标题,根据下文“You cannot achieve them unless you understand your needs and intentions. It is easier said than done because most people fail to make an effort to know themselves. Spend time thinking over and knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know yourself better, you can create a plan to work towards becoming more patient, honest, and forgiving. (除非你了解自己的需求和意图,否则你无法实现这些目标。这说起来容易做起来难,因为大多数人都没有努力去了解自己。花点时间思考并了解自己的优点和缺点。一旦你更了解自己,你就可以制定一个计划,让自己变得更有耐心、诚实和宽容)”可知,本段主要讲要去了解自己,所以A项“Know yourself better. (更好地了解自己)”是最佳标题。故选A项。
39. E【解析】上文“Writing a gratitude journal is a good start for counting your blessings. (写感恩日记是一个计算你所拥有的幸福的良好开端)”提出用写日记的方式来学会感恩,E项“Pick it as a daily habit, and you will notice the difference. (把它作为一种日常习惯,你会发现其中的不同)”承接上文,建议让写感恩日记变成一种习惯,上下文语意连贯;句中it指代上文中“Writing a gratitude journal”。故选E项。
40. G【解析】根据小标题“Believe in yourself. (相信自己)”可知,本段主要讲相信自己,即建立自信,G项“The best way to build self-belief is by reflecting on your own thoughts. (建立自信的最好方法是反思自己的想法)”提出方法,上下语意连贯。故选G项。
41.考查名词。根据下文“They were hit by another car and into a tree”可知,车祸是意外事件,是突然发生的。所以车内的笑声也是突然变成了尖叫。故选B。
42.考查动词。根据上文“They were hit by another car”可知,另一辆汽车撞了他们的车,碰撞导致他们的车脱离正常路线,撞到了一棵树上。故选A。
44.考查动词短语。句意:它要爆炸了! A. speed up加速;B. run out用完,耗尽;C. wear out磨损,耗尽;D. blow up爆炸,爆发。根据下文“Get out!” Norwood immediately crawled out”可知,车辆冒烟,有爆炸的可能,所以车里的人赶紧从车里出来。故选D。
45.考查动词。句意:她和她的两个朋友一起逃命,她们也成功逃脱了。A. injure伤害;B. free脱身,使摆脱;C. care在乎,在意;D. control控制。根据上文“Norwood immediately crawled out”和该句中的“also”可知,不仅Norwood从车里出来了,她的两个朋友也成功的从车里出来了。即:她们使自己从车子里脱身。故选B。
46.考查名词。句意:她和她的两个朋友一起逃命,她们也成功逃脱了。A. liberty自由;B. rescue营救;C. life生活,生命;D. target目标,靶子。车子马上爆炸,她们从车里出来,是为了活命。所以,该处指她为自己的生命而奔跑。故选C。
47.考查名词。句意:诺伍德跑回去,发现西蒙斯卡在后座上。A. seat座位;B. window窗户;C. car汽车;D. handle把手。根据下文“She open the back door and pulled her friend out”可知,Simmons在后座上。所以Norwood打开后车门把她拽了出来。故选A。
48.考查动词。句意:“她一动不动,”诺伍德告诉Inside Edition。根据下文提到的“CPR (心肺复苏术)”可知,Simmons失去了意识,不动了。故选A。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她猛地打开后门,把她的朋友拉了出来。A. kicked踢;B. pushed推;C. threw猛推,使劲撞,扔;D. pressed按,压,挤。情况紧急,所以Norwood猛地打开了车门,把她的朋友拽了出来。throw open sth.意为“打开……”。其他选都不可以这么用。故选C。
50.考查名词。句意:她把西蒙斯拖到几英尺外安全的地方,把她放在地上。根据下文中的“on the lawn and looking down at her dying friend”可知,Norwood在草坪上给她的朋友做心肺复苏。由此可知,在安全的地方。故选A。
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我检查了她的脉搏,把头靠在她的胸口上。A. mouth嘴;B. head头;C. heart心;D. shoulder肩膀。根据上文中的“I checked her pulse”和“No sign of life”可知,她在探查她的朋友是否还有心跳。所以她要把头靠近朋友的胸口去倾听她的心跳。故选B。
55.考查形容词。句意:“我并不感到震惊,”西蒙斯说。“她总是支持我。”。根据下文Simmons对Norwood的评价“She always backs me up”可知,Norwood总是支持她。所以,当她遇到危险,Norwood救她就是非常自然,非常正常的事情了。所以,Simmons对Norwood的举动一点也不惊讶。故选D。
58. 考查动词时态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,此处应为谓语动词,结合句意可知,此处描述的是客观事实,stretch back意为“追溯到”,用一般现在时态,没有被动语态,主语the history是单数,谓语动词也用单数形式。故填stretches。
60.考查非谓语动词。此空是非谓语作定语修饰floors of the structure,, hang表示“悬浮(在空中)”时为不及物动词,与floors为主动关系,故填hanging。
62. 考查非谓语动词。固定搭配tend to do sth. 意为“通常做,倾向于做,往往会做”用动词不定式作宾语,又因tend与主语之间为被动关系,应用不定式的被动式。故填to be used。
63.考查介词。根据上文中的“Livestock stay on the ground floor”以及表示“对比”的连词while可知,此处应表示“在……上方”,用介词为above或者over。故填above/over。
64.考查关系代词。空格到句末部分为定语从句修饰snakes and insects,因定语从句缺少主语,故填which/that。
- 要点:看法5分;建议5分;
- 结构:分段1分;
- 表达:地道、自然、流畅3分;
- 卷面:工整、无涂改;字迹清楚漂亮1分。
要点 1: Joan对问题的解答(4 分)
要点 2:Maya听到回答后的反应(3 分)
要点 3:衔接过渡:午后的度过,开始返程(2 分)
第二段: 公众号:全元高考
要点 1:Joan道歉并解释腿支架的用途(3 分)
要点 2:Samir的反应(3 分)
要点 3: Joan的感受及领悟(3 分)
全文内容衔接、连贯自然。(2 分)
运用丰富的词汇、语法结构和高级句式。(4 分)
(四)书写卷面(1 分)
邕衡金卷·广西南宁市第三中学2024届高三第一次适应性考试(12月联考)英语: 这是一份邕衡金卷·广西南宁市第三中学2024届高三第一次适应性考试(12月联考)英语,文件包含英语10P12月联考试题pdf、2023年12月邕衡金卷英语试题答案详解pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。
邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中、柳州高中2024届第一次适应性考试 英语试卷及参考答案含听力: 这是一份邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中、柳州高中2024届第一次适应性考试 英语试卷及参考答案含听力,文件包含邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中柳州高中2024届第一次适应性考试英语答案pdf、邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中柳州高中2024届第一次适应性考试英语pdf、高三联考听力英语mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。
2024邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中、柳州高中高三上学期第一次适应性考试英语PDF版含解析(含听力): 这是一份2024邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中、柳州高中高三上学期第一次适应性考试英语PDF版含解析(含听力),文件包含邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中柳州高中2024届第一次适应性考试英语答案和解析pdf、邕衡金卷名校联盟南宁三中柳州高中2024届第一次适应性考试英语pdf、高三联考听力英语mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。